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Dominion Violence on Voss-EOTL Dominion of Voss and Folende

Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
“Voss may be unremarkable in terms of its natural resources, but what it lacks there is more than made up for by the skills of its inhabitants. The Voss commandos are known for their consummate ferocity and aptitude and their mystics are said to have nearly flawless visionary abilities, both of which our Empire needs dearly. The Tionese Liberation Front, an assortment of disgruntled rebels opposed to our rule and backed up by mercenaries and pirates, have currently occupied the planet and its surrounding space. Wipe them out and free the native Voss from their oppression for the glory and security of the Empire!”

-Moff Aculia Voland


Objective I: The Ambush and Blockade

[Fleeters and Pilots]


The Tionese Liberation Front have managed to successfully ambush the initial strike force sent to secure the space above Voss with a large amount of cruisers, frigates, and corvettes in a devastating and suspiciously well-coordinated surprise attack, cutting off our ground forces from orbital fire support, reinforcement, and resupply. This cannot be allowed to stand. Engage them and punch a corridor through their lines so that our forces on the ground are not completely cut off. Be careful of further potential traps or ambushes-we suspect that a captured Voss mystic may be being coerced into aiding them.

Objective 2: The Siege of Voss-Ka
[Army Commanders and Players].

The primary settlement and capital on the planet is Voss-Ka, a beautiful and well-defended mountaintop city currently occupied by the Tionese Liberation Front. Reports suggest that they are well dug in, have erected significant defensive fortifications along with shield generators, and have stockpiled enough supplies to hold out for years if necessary. A prolonged siege is not an option-we must storm the city and take it through vicious urban combat. Root the enemies of the Empire out and make them pay for their defiance against the order and prosperity it brings.

Objective 3: Hostage Rescue at the Shrine of Healing
[Special Forces and Players]

The Tionese Liberation Front, being the terrorists that they are, have kidnapped and are holding the local Voss mystics hostage in one of the chief temples of the Voss known as the Shrine of Healing. It is rumored that they have stationed elements of their best ground forces to secure them and every moment that they remain in TLF hands is a moment that could jeopardize our entire operation on the planet thanks to their ability to see the future. Get in, secure the hostages, and get out so that they may serve us instead of their occupiers.
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Aurelian Sigismund
Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, Moff of Vandemar, Exarch of Zakuul, Imperator of the Eternal Legion
The Griffin of Zakuul



{ T H E M E }

Task Force Valkorion had put the troops down which were in support of the Empire of the Lost, being interrupted mid-deployment by the arriving fleet of the Tionese Liberation Front (TLF). The majority of sentient units committed to the operation had already been located to the bridgehead which was secured and established into a solid base of operations, now waiting for the supplies to drop. Which they would not. The TLF made sure of that. And Aurelian looked at the sparse supplies his troops had, decent on food but abysmal on ammo and explosives, lacking what would be needed for a campaign. So in union with the parameters and goals set by the Lost ones, he was more than supportive of a quick and vicious onslaught.

It was an unexpected decision to send support to the Empire, especially militarily. Both his lieutenants were surprised and for sure the New Imperials would be, who were more than obviously holding back any outright hostility to the other imperial remnant. Not that the Imperator cared too much. The Empire had fallen and aside from isolated opportunities, so had its people. There was more in the Galaxy than a single realm and entity and he would make use of them if they were aligning somewhat with his visions and ideals. The Empire of the Lost was one of them.

But there was an ulterior motive the Hegemon followed. The Voss Mystics were indeed exceptional visionaries with a unique connection to the Unifying Force and its tides. So did his Scions. If he could establish a connection, a favour, a foundation for mutual respect or more, it would be a great victory for him and his plans.

Aurelian Sigismund was marshalling his forces. One Legion of his Guard was present, two Centuries of the Eternal Legion as well as a Spear Host of his Horizon Guard. With short consideration, he divided his troops into two commands. One, the majority, was to support the assault on Voss-Ka, including all but one of his Centuries. He would personally lead that Century to the Shrine of Healing and attempt to free the hostages.

The soldiers of Vandemar and Zakuul were currently securing the perimeter and checking on their supplies and personal equipment, managing and dividing what they could so that an equal amount was given to those involved. Magazines were shared, so were rations. It was a quite positive sight in the given situation of invasion, but it was not purely born from true friendship and sociability. The clones of Vandemar were extremely pragmatic, they saw it as their best chance for the coming battle to bolster their own to equal standards.

Now it was a question of how much and who the Lost ones had managed to land as well to launch both operations. Even though Aurelian would not wait forever to do so against the Shrine, time was of the essence and hesitation was not a doctrine available.

Tags: Open


Location: Velran’s ship surface of the planet Voss
Objective: 4 - BYOO - Find the Force Crystal
Outfit: Slave Outfit
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


The trip to Voss was not long, all things considered in the galaxy. But for Ikris, dealing with her Master’s unpredictability, the landing of the ship was a blessing. All through the descent the comm was filled with statements of fighting on Voss. Something called the Tionese Liberation Front had started some multi pronged attack on what was supposed to be a planet that got very little outside attention. What was supposed to be a simple land and search mission now had new dangers. And it did not make Ikris feel secure in the least.

The moment they entered the atmosphere of the planet, Ikris could feel the presence of the Force. She closed her eyes and waited for the call of the powerful artifact that Velran wanted. If Ikris was not a born and bred slave, she would have questioned what Velran was planning to do with a Force Crystal. But her purpose was not to question it was only to do. She took in long deep breaths as she allowed the Force to whisper to her. Feeling a large Force presence Ikris’ lips formed a knowing smirk.

”I believe that I have discovered the direction we need to travel Master,” Ikris said, opening her eyes. ”There is a forest off to the…East…The Force is pulling me strongly in that direction. But be warned Master. This is a dark place we go. I will point the direction, but if you want to succeed, I should not be in the lead.”


Objective 3: Hostage Rescue at the Shrine of Healing

Colton's shuttle touched town and area approximately 3 kilometers south of the Shine of Healing, the small clearing the ship landed in without any damage was a testament of the pilot's skill As Colton disembarked the pilot said "Good luck Cipher 7, I'll be back in same in 6 hours for extraction of you and the hostage, for the Empire."

"See you soon Lieutenant, for the Empire." Cipher 7 replied as he made hos way down the ramp and stated heading toward the temple.


At long last, Velran arrived at Voss it was just as pathetic as it was when he last saw it. Devoid of anything interesting or pleasant to say the least. As Ikris began to scan the area, Velran began to prepare his walker for the long trek onto the planet. "This poor little planet," Velran said taking out the hydrospanner and working on the leg. "These inbred miscreants don't understand the true value that it has buried beneath. But It's not a place for a genius such as myself to teach these unwashed masses about what they're missing out."

Ikiris said that she sensed the artifact pulling her east, well that's a start at least. "I must tell you Ikiris," Velran said while he was inside of the ship working on the walker. "That I am most definitely NOT insane! You are just some person who may or may not kill me! But I should know better because I've spent so long ruling New Alderaan."

A silence was heard before Velran growled. "YOU WILL TAKE THE LEAD!" Velran shouted. "I'M NOT LETTING YOU BACKSTAB ME SO EASILY!"

Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad

Objective II
Post 1

There were few things in life that were as compelling and enjoyable as a fine glass of wine, the touch of a beloved partner, or the moment when a child is born, but as Colonel Owlen Carver pulled himself from the seat of his command speeder and took stock of the line of C22 Tatthels, he felt for the briefest moment that he'd found something equally excellent.

Of course, having perused the crews only to find that clones were primarily occupying them took a bit of the wind out of his sails. Clones were... sub-par in his eyes, especially these new ones that had been provided to the Lost. Supposedly they'd once come from some great warrior chieftain of the past, but Owlen found some fault with why that was particularly important - clearly the fact that there had been a hundred million of them printed over the centuries was evidence enough that it was time for new stock, wasn't it?

The Imperial officer shrugged as much to himself as anyone watching, and flicked a hint of muck from the edge of his boots. A brief survey of the field revealed the presence of the enemy stronghold upon its mountainous space, perhaps two kilometers off if the rangefinder had been calibrated correctly.

It looked as though a few allied forces were present here and there - various regiments and squadrons going about the business of getting ready for a quite egregious scuffle. Owlen's eyes lingered on one of the forces, the ones belonging to the... he paused looking for a symbol to jog his memory.

A minute of hard staring brought the answer to the forefront of his mind - the Hegemony. He'd heard that they'd been in the work of war for a long while, but he knew little about them. Perhaps he'd have to make their acquaintance after the fighting today, or else do a bit of research behind the scenes.

In the interest of coordination, he'd at least send a runner to Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund to ensure they had a comm channel between them. Owlen would be playing the role of fire support after all with the artillery regiment, and having someone a little closer to the fray to call the shots would be much more useful than having to rely on his own eyes from afar.


Objective III: Hostage Rescue


The Shrine of Healing came into view quickly from the Knights’ shuttle. Galen’s eyes were piercing as he stared through the viewport, reviewing the mission details repeatedly in his head. Rescuing hostages wasn’t exactly his idea of an Imperial Knight’s duties, but if the Empire deemed his presence here among the special forces teams, then who was he to question his orders?

Perhaps these mystics were more dangerous than he thought, working alongside the Liberation Front instead of cowering as mere hostages like the Intel suggested. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time the Empire underestimated its foes, but Galen would never suggest this openly.

Instead, he rolled his thumb idly over the emitter switch on his pearlescent lightsaber. Its white blade hadn’t tasted flesh in many cycles, but that would end today. These abducting insurgents would learn a most valuable lesson: Never cross the Empire, and never challenge a Knight.

Nearing the LZ now, sir,” the shuttle pilot chimed into the cabin. Galen nodded, knowing the man couldn’t see him.

Good. Let’s show them the will of the Empire.


Tags: Open
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The Old Paths, Voss-Ka, Voss

Objective II

A new planet, another conquest, and a new chance for glory, that was how Nimian views the Voss conflict. His troops were fresh and ready for the fight, they would need to be, for the 219th Battalion had been chosen as one of the first Imperial units to reach the surface. Being a group focused on fast mobile firepower, it made sense to have them on point. Shuttles began to offload the troopers group by group, as Nimian watched from his command tent. Already there were sounds of heavy guns firing into the air, a sound that he very much enjoyed. Soon the Tionese Liberation Front would be crushed by men and heavy guns!

"What a sight to behold. Our forces have finally been called up to the front! If only it wasn't on such a dismal backwater as Voss. Never the less, it shall be a perfect place to show our skill and test the mettle of our forces."

The commander had quite the habit of pontificating to anyone within earshot. Some found this an eccentricity of a military mind, others the sort of performative strut of an undisciplined peacock. Whether brilliant strategist or power drunk fool, the Lieutenant Colonel had much work to do before the assault could commence. Chief among this mountain of work was establishing communications with the other commanders on the ground. It would be in his best interest to have a good network between himself and other similar level commanders. To that end, he began a walk to the communications section of his battalion.

"Troopers! Have a message sent to all friendly units on our band. The 219th infantry battalion has made landfall and will being moving on the shield generators within the hour!"

That was the plan anyway, they were a nuisance that needed to be dealt with. With the planetary shields intact, there would be no big-gunned fire support for the forces on the ground. That put Nim and his forces at a disadvantage versus the opposition. Sieges were a test of patience for any commander, but this siege would prove to be particularly thorny. He had to give the opposing forces credit, they planned the defense impeccably however, Nim had already planned around their shield.

With any luck, they'd be able to get a unit of fast moving forces into the shield's protective dome, and use thermal detonators to destroy the generators. This would require both precision and firepower, as well as co-ordination with the rest of the allied forces. If the other units couldn't be contacted though, he'd have to rely on his own resources, limited as they were.

Owlen Carver Owlen Carver Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund
Tags: OPEN
Location: Entering the Voss System
Objective: 1 - Ambush and Blockade; ENS Requiem
Equipment: In Bio
Theme: HERE


Coming to the other side of the galaxy had me begin to familiarize myself with the new situation of regional politics and peoples as a necessity for both my duties to the Empire alongside the expansion of my business. The Voss proved to be tiresome to learn about. To me, it was a miracle such a society was not whiped out in all these years with their isolationism and defensive standing towards the outside. Considering the history of this side of the galaxy as well, that miracle was certainly true given the presence of Sith, Imperials, the Jedi-run state that came about in the previous ages, and the scourge that was the Bryn'adul. At least one of those powers would have been able to threaten the status quo of Voss to a degree, yet somehow the Voss remain the same as they have in history from what sources showed me. I could find some respect in the resiliance. If only that resiliance was put towards a culture worth a damn.

The ships alloted to my usage as both a Moff and an Admiral from the Imperials here were still things to get used to with their design. Them being staffed by Naval soldiers of the Iron Legion made it easier to command through shared worldview and understanding. The technology was still the only hurtle. I was aware of the possibility of other, more regular fleets, would be present in the stuggle as well. However, from how things appeared, it looked as if my fleet would be the tip of the spear while the regulars would converge in on us. Losses were expected, however the Requiem and the more core ships of this fleet were likely to be those that return from this mission. The plan was simple for my ships; destroy them faster than they can fight back.

My fleet was entering the system from Desevro, allowing for flanking maneuvers from the regulars to be possible. The jump from hyperspace had us just on the fringe of the system. Rather than jumping in front of the planet, this entering point would have us in a position not to be immediately surrounded by these lowlife rebels. I sat on the bridge in my chiar. My eyes read the visual reports being displayed from the holo-table in front of me. From how things looked, there seemed to be little ships outside of the main contingent around the planet of Voss itself. There were few places for the enemy to hide in this system, making scanning far easier without too many celestial bodies in the way. Any outliers to the main contingent appeared to be recon squadrons rather than any large fleets. If any threat was to come from these rebels, it would be from other ships entering the system from worlds not controlled by the Empire.

Call for general quarters across the fleet.", I coldly commanded to the comms section of the bridge. Immediately the internal feed showed signs of all the soldiers aboard the Requiem alone rushing to their battle stations to be ready for battle. Alerts then sounded off throughout the halls of each ship in the fleet, particularly on aboard the Requiem.
"This is the Supreme Commander. We have now entered the Voss System that is occupied by enemy forces. We are to expect regular backup soon. However, you must trust in your training and your fellow Iron Legion soldiers to pull through this fight more than the hope of reinforcements. This is what your training was for! Let us show these rebel pieces of filth what the Iron Legion and the Empire of the Lost does to futile resistance forces!"

I was sure the usage of my fleet's High Nelvaani, the language of the Eternal Empire, would aid us in the enemy having little clue what we are doing in case they tapped into our communications network. Such a tongue was seldom spoken outside of the Eternal Empire's former domain. It was safe to say that the enemy would not have skilled enough translators, if any, present. The fleet was in a standard attack formation with the gunships positioned along the flanks as a defensive measure, corvettes making up the bulk of the outer edge of the formation, and the larger vessels were positioned inside the wedge to be shielded by the line of corvettes and to be able to provide support to the whole fleet structure.
"Comms! Order a steady advance towards the enemy. Have the line hold fire until either the enemy charges its vessels or until I give the mark to open fire."
Sending message to the fleet!", the Comms Officer replied.
"Additionally, send word to our hangar and the carrier ships in our fleet. Have all strike-craft crews ready for launch as soon as possible. When the reports show a closer distance between us and the enemy vessels, have all launch for defensive measures against whatever strike-craft they throw at us."
"Sending message to ready strike-craft!"
My fleet slowly pressed forward to see if the enemy would be drawn from orbit. Pirates, outlaws, and standard common rabbles that make up such resistance forces usually were prone to having some glory hounds and not the most disciplined soldiery. That will be the downfall here if it could be helped.

Then, just as anticipated, a few vessels of the resistance foce plowed ahead to face us. The glory hounds were found. Their more cautious friends began bring up the rear of this charge for support. A sadistic grin grew on my face beneath my respirator-mask with the prospect of punishing these rebels. I then pressed the comm button by my terminal on the bridge and made the following order in High Nelvanni.

"Requiem to all ships in the battlefleet; halt your advance and take up defensive formation. Requiem to corvettes; begin alternating vollies of turbolasers and mass-drivers. Requiem to gunships, prepare defensive vollies of missiles for any ambitious ships charging closer to the line. Requiem to carriers; begin launching strike-craft for defensive measures now."
A chorus of "Yes, Supreme Commander." returned on the comms from the Commanders of the other ships. The battle has begun in earnest.
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Location: Voss System
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <<Imperial Basic>>
Call Sign: Miracle
Objective: I: The Ambush and Blockade
Tags: Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen Garrdar Spirways Garrdar Spirways

With Spector squadron being attached to the Battlegroup Scourge—an ex-Eternal Imperial fleet formation—Bella had taken on an informal duty as the liaison between the squadron and the fleet due to her fluency in High Nelvaanian and her familiarity with the doctrines, rank structure, and operating procedures of the Eternal Navy. In doing so, Bella found herself caught in the middle of a somewhat uncomfortable bridge between her previous service with the Eternal Navy and her present service with the Imperial Navy. It didn’t help that she still wasn’t entirely fluent in Imperial Basic—the language of the Empire of the Lost. Nevertheless, Bella committed herself to the task without complaint or lassitude.

After all, the lives of the Imperials who had been caught in the Liberation Front’s ambush depended on it.

“Spector 1, we have orders to form a holding pattern at these coordinates—at the distant tip of the wedge formation. Transmitting them to you now, sir.” Bella said.

“Thank you, Miracle.” Commander Ichirr answered with a mixture of hisses and clicks. “So it seemsss, that we will be the first screen againssst incoming ordnance and fightersss.” The Harch squadron commander continued. “A mossst curious strategy thisss Baroness is playing at.” He added.

“I’ll request a report in ca-”

“No! That shall not be necessary, Miracle. All signs move into the holding pattern. Do not keep our Baroness waiting.” Ichirr cut in.

With that, Bella accelerated her interceptor past the fleet at blistering speed before slowing down upon reaching the tip of the formation. Her position gave her an almost unobstructed view of the Imperial fleet as Liberation Front vessels converged on them in a deadly lightshow of lasers, plasma, and burning engines. If Battlegroup Scourge hadn’t arrived as soon as they did, the Liberation Front might have very well succeeded in routing the main fleet.

Now with their arrival, it was time to break the ambush and retake control of Voss’s skies.

Craft: Miracle One
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Location: Voss, following the Force
Objective: 4 - BYOO - Find the Force Crystal
Outfit: Slave Outfit
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


”Of course, Master,” Ikris answered as she started off in the direction that the Force was telling her to walk. ”You know that I never suggested that you were insane right? I have very little knowledge of you, and genius works in many ways that a normal being feels is strange. That being said, you do seem to think everyone is out to get you. What is it you think I am going to be able to do to you if I walk at your back? Or at your side? I am unarmed and quite vulnerable to attack. People say I have abilities, like a Sith or a Jedi, but I have no experience with them. No knowledge of how to harness them, much less put them to use.”

Not far from the area that Velran’s ship landed the two started into a dense forest. Ikris could feel the vibrations of heavy Force presence, but somehow the call of something powerful pierced through the other stuff and drove her in a singular direction. ”You say this planet is beneath you. That is because of the Gormak? They can’t be the only inhabitants though right? What about the rest of the people? And the power that lies in the planet itself. This place is unlike any I have ever been on.”



Location: Voss System
Objective: 1 - Ambush and Blockade
Outfit: Pilot’s Jumpsuit and Helmet
Tags: Bella Bella | Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen


Garrdar listened patiently for orders. Ever since the new Empire had taken control of Jomark Garrdar had been moving from squadron to squadron both he and the Navy searching for the right fit. This would be his first mission with the Spectors, the Eternal Empire’s Iron Legion and the squad’s liaison “Miracle”. Though he understood that it would take time for the former Eternal’s to learn Imperial Basic, and old habits died hard, Garrdar found it a bit unnerving to have chatter on his own command frequency that he did not understand in the slightest. He’d make a mental note to take a crash course in High Nelvaani. The Iron Legion were not the only former Eternals within the new Empire’s power structure. Being left on the outside isn’t something that Garrdar accepted easily.

Finally “Miracle” came over the comm and gave the orders in a language that the squad understood. Spector 1 received the orders and seemed to disagree with them. Or at the very least thought he had a better idea. Or maybe the Harch just preferred caution and didn’t like to be at the front leading the way. Garrdar did not share Spector 1’s opinion in that regard and was quite glad when the order came to rush forward and take the lead of the battle group. Sure it meant getting shot at, and the possibility of tripping any traps that the TLF had in store for defenders of the Voss. That possibility didn’t scare Garrdar at all.

When Garrdar heard Spector 1 finally agree to follow the given orders, a smirk formed on Garrdar’s lips and his grip tightened on the controls of his TIE/IE. As soon as “Miracle” started in motion, Garrdar followed, hitting the accelerator. His stock fighter couldn’t keep up with Miracle One, but he arrived in short order and was ready and waiting for the opportunity to engage. ”Spector 8 locked and loaded. Ready to show these rebels what happens when you cross the Empire.”

"Are you questioning me?!" Velran growled when Ikris said that she had no idea who she was. "How dare you! You would think after that little loyalty test that you would NEVER question me!"

Ikiris says that she's a nubile, submissive, servant but she was displaying signs of betrayal. "But to your question," Velran continued. "This place is brimming with power but the Gromacks are too stupid to realize it! Same as the inhabitants of this planet. They're all on high alert while the fake Empire tries to take over it."

Velran climbed into his walker and placed his goggles over his eyes. "But by Empire's fleet breaks through the Voss people's pathetic defense, we'll be long gone with treasures!"

He frowned. "LEAD THE WAY!" Velran said. "Or I blow you up right now!"

Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad


Location: Nightmare Lands, Voss
Objective: 4 - BYOO - Find the Force Crystal
Outfit: Slave Outfit
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


”I will follow orders as always, Master,” Ikris responded with a sigh. She still wasn’t happy about it, but she always did what she was told. Even when it made little sense. ”I apologize for voicing my opinions, which do not matter. Your will is the only thing that I should consider. Forgive me for being a bad slave.”

The slave was happy to get more information regarding their locale. If she was going to be in the lead at least she could somewhat be prepared for what was coming. She knew that her Master didn’t like the Gormak. If some of those locals got in there way, Ikris knew that the best course of action would be to get out of Velran’s way and allow him to get his frustrations out on the poor beings. Other possibilities could require other actions. It was best to be prepared, so she was glad that her Master shared his expertise.

”I will take point, Master,” Ikris relented and moved forward into the forest. They traveled for almost an hour without any resistance. Then Ikris heard something in the distance. She didn’t know what it was, but they were then confronted by several Gormak warriors. They growled in whatever language they spoke and Ikris backpedaled towards Velran. ”What should we do Master?” Ikris questioned hoping that Master would tell her to run.


Aurelian Sigismund
Hegemon of Zakuul and Vandemar, Moff of Vandemar, Exarch of Zakuul, Imperator of the Eternal Legion
The Griffin of Zakuul





"Colonel Carver, Lieutenant Colonel Totan, this is Wyvern-Actual,
Praetor Sunfell of the Horizon Guard. Imperator Sigismund put me in command of his forces assaulting Voss-Ka." Her voice echoed over the coms. She was walking next to a Talos MBT as they moved out from the initially established warcamp and towards the northern approach. Ranks of brownish-khaki camouflaged Guardsmen were walking along, organised in their platoons and companies as they marched into battle. Behind Sunfell were the four members of her Spear Host in their black and white armour, waiting for their commander.

"We are committing our Guard Legion to the assault from the North, I would suggest that your artillery, Colonel Carver, coordinates with ours to lay a covering fire for our troops to assault the positions directly. Our troops will advance as an armored spearhead to directly pierce the outer defences. While your mobile battalion, Lieutenant Colonel, will sweep in from the flank after we pin them down. We will be committing a small fifth brigade to a cave network in the Southwest, company-sized, to infiltrate the city and secure one of the bridges. Are we in agreement? Any proposals?"

The plan originated in Aurelians mind, he knew Voss-Ka from Vaylins assault on the city so many years ago and thats also when he got the intel about the cave network. He hoped with the EotL committing less to the ground offensive that they would accept the input and lead of his soldiers. They were well equipped and trained, with plenty of MBTs and IFVs to launch an assault while more mobile units and infantry did the actual work.

It was vital to capture a bridge across the chasm or otherwise they would only be able to capture half a city. Only if someone was so bold to send an entire force scaling the cliff-side, you could assault the other side. The risk was deemed not worth it by Aurelian and so he deployed his forces as intended under the command of the Praetor of the Horizon Guard.


Aurelian and his Legionaries were not exactly what you would consider a subtle or covert force of special operatives. They were a hammer, destroying everything in their path and that is what Aurelian was making sure everyone could see and know. But handled and commanded correctly, they turned into a razor. Cutting into the smallest weakness and causing tremendous damage, winning by hitting where it does most damage, striking where victory and triumph lay.

The Century strong unit started marching directly from the warcamp, covering the distance towards the Shrine of Healing quite quickly in their tremendous pace. Taking a rocky path through the mountains, the gold-clad soldiers moved with their commander and gene-father at their head, taking them Northwest at first and then directly North towards the hilltops overseeing the Shrine itself.

Aurelian considered to risk the frontal assault and punch through faster than they would have chance to consider killing the captives, but he had decided for a more clandestine approach and enter the Shrine through a side entrance on one of the higher levels, leaving it to an infiltration and then quick strike to cut off the enemy head while freeing the hostages. He knew the Empire sent other operatives but he kept his coms quiet and would coordinate on site or not at all. Even if he did not reach them first, his unit would make sure to secure them.

They moved quickly through the mountains and the massive Shrine on their left grew ever bigger and bigger. Aurelian led his warriors steadily onward, remaining covered as good as possible and relying on their speed to get where they wanted to get.



Equipment: TXP SBG-01x Bodyglove, IL-99B 'Doppelganger' Stealth Projector, VOID | ASE-X | | Imperial Monitor Probe Droid,Stun grenade x4, BH 'Specter' Slicer Vibroknife X 2,REC-RCB/01 Enforcement Baton, REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol; Feverwasp Pattern,SE-61x Particle Beam Carbine, Vibroknife x3

Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund @ Galen Dooku Galen Dooku


Cipher 7 made his way through the jungle and mountainous terrain, moving quickly and quietly like the shadow he rained to be, he had been monitoring imperial comm traffic the lack of other imperial forces in the area was making him slightly nervous, as he crested a hill and he saw the temple of healing half a kilometer away, he took his micro binoculars and scanned the area taking of the defense the number of defenders, their weapons, and gear, as well covert points of entry and exit, As he continued to scan the area he caught sight of the legionnaires approaching. just great, this was supposed a covert mission, one of precision and finesse one that required a Scalpel, not a kriffing sledgehammer. he thought to himself as he began to plan the infiltration of the shone of healing, once inside he would have a better idea of the location of the hostage and the quietest and subtlest way to get them to safety.


"Oh no you don't!" Velran said his thin nose huffing with indignant rage towards Ikris. "You sighed at me?! Well that's clearly an act of betrayal eh?! You think I'm so nutjob that needs to be taken out! Well guess what?!"

Velran pushed Ikiris towards the patrolling Gormak Warriors while they bickered amongst each other like the pathetic animals that they were. "What are you waiting for Ikiris?!" Velran yelled. "Prove that you're loyal to me! Attack the Gormaks NOW!"

The Gormaks turned around raising their weapons at Velran and Ikris. "Who dares intrude this sacred place?!" One of the warriors yelled.

Velran forced a large smile. "IT WAS HER!" He pointed at Ikris.

Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad



Objective III: Hostage Rescue


The Imperial shuttle touched down with grace a short distance from the Shrine’s perimeter, far enough from prying eyes or forward scouts to notice without incurring the Knight too long of a march to their destination. Galen stepped off the craft and landed with a thud as his boots met the rocky woodland terrain. His red armor would do little for camouflage, but hiding wasn’t really the goal here; Anyone who knew the Empire would know the red gleam of Knight armor.

If that alone wasn’t enough to deter them, then the pale blade of his lightsaber would.

<“This is Dooku,”> the Knight said through open comms to the Imperial forces descending upon the Shrine.

<“I’m in position, beginning approach now.”>

The cathartic sounds of Imperial boots marching in unison was almost enough to send chills down his spine. Galen had longed for this, for the hand of judgment to hold insurgents accountable.

It was the duty of the Empire to correct them.


Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund | Colton Renfro Colton Renfro

Location: Nightmare Lands, Voss
Objective: 4 - BYOO - Find the Force Crystal
Outfit: Slave Outfit
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


Kilran’s paranoia driven rage bubbled to the top again in response to Ikris’ sigh. Despite her genuine words that her thoughts didn’t matter. Ikris steeled her emotions and stared unfeeling into the eyes of her Master. ”The only way I would take you out is if you ordered it yourself, Master.” The last time she stated she could not kill him, Kilran responded by giving her a blaster and issuing an order. One she could not refuse. She now knew the depths of Kilran’s convictions and would not make the mistake twice.

”Attack? With wh…” Ikris stopped herself from the second question, formed her hands into fists and gave a nod to Kilran before she glared at the enemy and stomped forward as the Gormak questioned who was the cause of the intrusion. When Kilran pointed the finger at Ikris her eyes popped in surprise, but she was undeterred, stalking forward to fulfill her Master’s orders.

”That’s right I dare,” Ikris tried to seem confident as she made a straight line towards the questioning warrior. ”What are you going to do about it?” The Gormak simply laughed, pointed his blaster at Ikris and fired. Luckily for Ikris the weapon was set to stun and the result was merely her losing consciousness and falling to the ground.

“What about you?” the warrior questioned Velran. “You gonna pick her up and leave? Or do we have a problem?”

Objective III: Hostage Rescue

Equipment: TXP SBG-01x Bodyglove, IL-99B 'Doppelganger' Stealth Projector, VOID | ASE-X | | Imperial Monitor Probe Droid,Stun grenade x4, BH 'Specter' Slicer Vibroknife X 2,REC-RCB/01 Enforcement Baton, REC-DC/04 Particle Blaster Pistol; Feverwasp Pattern,SE-61x Particle Beam Carbine, Vibroknife x3 Advanced Stealth unit

Tags: @ Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund , Galen Dooku Galen Dooku

<C> Cipher 7 copy, in position on the southwest corner, beginning approach now, all forces be advised, the perimeter is patrolled by standard enemy infantry, possible special operation teams inside. <C> He said over the coms as activated his Advanced Stealth unit and pulled two of his standard Vibroknives ready to quickly and quietly dispatch any enemy troop that he needed to and began his cautious approach to shine, and his chosen infiltration point.


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