Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction ULTIMATUM: AFTERMATH | Galactic Alliance

Wearing: Interceptor Gear

Armed With: Nathan's Saberstaff

Objective: 2

Nathan Bloodscrawl was busy at work, not drawing attention to himself as he off loaded supplies of Bacta and Rations from his Freighter, observing the other Jedi present. He spoke little, lost in thought on his activities on Lessu, where he had basically just gone around killing Mandalorians by sneaking up on them. He'd used tactics that would have been considered dishonorable not just by his own bosses, but by even The Mandalorians.

He did not care. He had the survival of his side, his assets to consider.

The Jedi Code encouraged mercy and compassion...things he was only barely capable of, and then more as a formality of the profession than sincerity in most cases. He had to actively force himself to remain in line with as much of its teachings as he could manage, because he knew, better than what few friends he actually had in this hellscape that was the modern galaxy, how close to the edge he was, how easy it would be for him to be a Mad Dog Killer Type (You remind me of an evil Mister Rogers!: 200 XP) like Laertia Io, his own daughter, if he was pushed hard enough.

That's what Bacta-Works really was, you see. Desperate Overcompensation.

But even he couldn't summon what little compassion he actually possessed where the Mandalorians were concerned. You either killed them first, and quickly, preferably at a distance, or when they can't fight back, or you could get dragged into a long, drawn out fight that had a very real chance of ending with you dead.

He preferred killing them while they slept, personally, if it came to actually having to fight or ambush one. Nice and tucked for the night--weapons put away. Let them moan about his Dishonor to their Oversoul before they blinked out.

Nathan removed a box of supplies containing Meals from one of his company's sub divisions. Nobody knew he was actually in charge of one of the most aggressive Mega-Corporations in the Galaxy. He planned on keeping it that way for as long as possible. They could do whatever they wanted after he had destroyed the Cult of The Brain Demon.

Nathan saw a somewhat open area that needed more supplies. He spotted someone, Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , suppressed his apprehension at sensing the aggression from her just under the surface, but his concerns quickly turned back to why he was here to begin with.

He didn't hate them. Not in the way you would understand hatred anyway, he just was not capable of feeling compassion or mercy where they were concerned. He thought of them the way you would think of an unpleasant but constant natural hazard. You always needed a plan to navigate one whenever you came across it.

He walked over, spotting others such as Jax Thio Jax Thio , Loomi Loomi Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , in the distance.

"Brought supplies." he said quietly to the Mandalorian he was not aware was one "Got some synthetic Bacta aboard if you want it."

She would have no idea that he was a deadly enemy of her people, regardless of what other Jedi told her of The Order. His ambushes of the Enclave Mandalorians were his tactic, and his secret to keep.

And his surprise to spring on the unwary...
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Sellia II, Jedi Praxeum
Tags: Braze Braze , Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni


"Aye, sir! Also, what happened to Ko?"

"Ko... suffered injuries." Loomi explained, her tone becoming a bit more somber. "But he's recovering."

Her heart broke for Ko Vuto Ko Vuto . His battle had been a fierce one, at least when it came to unfortunate circumstance. She didn't know how she'd come to terms with a crashing starfighter. To that end he was perhaps more skilled than all of them. It made sense, of course. He was the oldest.

That didn't mean she wouldn't still worry.

Braze's words were enough to give her a second wind. Hope. They were giving out hope. She'd plate up as much as she could, moving with grace and precision to make sure that not a single drop was lost, even as she pushed herself to move faster. Loomi knew what it was like, of course, to not know where your next meal came from. The Jedi Order had picked her up off the streets of Coruscant, where she had been doing things that most certainly would have been frowned upon to survive. To that end, she certainly could empathize with these people, even as her mind was flooded with their emotions.

The mention of salt did make Loomi tilt her head, a confused frown spreading across her face.

"I-It has the highest nutritional value," she defended. "Some of these people haven't eaten in days. M-maybe it isn't flattering, but its the right stuff to keep them going... This stuff is actually quite good. There's... far worse they could receive."

She spoke with intimacy, even as she didn't elaborate further. Braze would at the very least feel this through their ever-growing unique connection. Loomi had personal experience that she'd much rather not speak of.

The Godoan didn't like to dwell on the past.

Location: Selia II
Equipment: Lightsaber Pike, ME-C1s
Outfit: This
Tags: Open

The conflict on Ryloth had been brutal and plenty of Jedi, refugees and soldiers had suffered a lot. Kat knew it was her duty to head out to Selia II and attempt to offer any relief that she could to those in need. Bringing the medical droids that her company had constructed, she thought it would aid the healers in having the droids take care of those with minor injuries and allow them to focus on those with more severe needs to be taking care of. Kat had her hair tied into a tight bun, away from her face so she had no distractions while working with the patients.

"Right, assist the healers here, work on minor injuries and offer basic treatments to those in need of care. Also make sure each healer has enough supplies and that they can do their work effectively without having to run around." Kat instructed the droids, giving the assignments to each one and making sure that they were fully operational and stocked with the necessary equipment to perform their tasks. Once she was 100% confident in each droid, that was when she let the droids get on with their tasks while she began looking over the different patients on her list.

Breathing in deeply, Kat was feeling the memories and nerves of the previous time she fought against the Mandalorians and how much it had cost the galaxy. It was the Sith that finally ended that conflict, destroying the leadership and corrupting the Mandalorians precious beskar. It had been brutal and Kat really hoped such extreme measures did not face them again. Peaceful resolutions were sought after, in Kat's mind at least. Otherwise there was a risk the cycle of violence would never end with the Mandalorians.

Seilla II: Jedi Praxeum
There was a matter of debate about what the worse feeling was, the calm before the storm or the storm itself. Was it a greater pain to cling to the fleeting peace you have and watch it slip between your fingers like sand or was it worse to endure the trials of war and death, have it become the norm but have the hope of peace on the horizon and suffer for that better future? An angel falling from heaven or a demon rising from hell, whichever she'd end up being Myvette had no choice in the matter. Should rationality reach the breaking point and shatter into pieces, Myvette would be forced to play both roles, the fallen angel and the rising demon. There were still whispers from Ryloth, an echo left in the force, a wound in the ocean of life its waters polluted.

An empath like Myvette could barely handle the impact and the scars it left on the people affected. They flocked to this world as a safe haven hoping that the Jedi Praxeum of all places wouldn't tell the same lies of prosperity that Ryloth did and as blasphemous as it felt Myvette was hoping for the exact same thing.

As Myvette followed behind Jax Thio Jax Thio and watched as a refugee was zipped past her on a gurney by a pair of medical droids she cursed the force for granting her that enhanced vision of pain. She saw his deep wounds and terrible scarred flesh but even worse she saw the effect it had on his aura. She'd never seen such trauma in a spirit and it made her wonder what the senate or even the Mandalorians might think of war and death should they be forced to view the universe and suffer for that sight in the same way she did.

It was comforting that she wasn't alone here though. There was Jax of course but others around too. They passed Kat Decoria Kat Decoria on the way over here, she could sense Loomi Loomi off in the distance, and even Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl was here which was surprising given his dim and static aura. She guessed even someone as rigid as he could show empathy but Myvette could sense how strenuous it was for him. Whatever has happened in his life has taken a toll on his ability to feel compassion for others, troubling but she silently thanked him for stepping out of his comfort zone anyway. He was already a better Jedi than she could hope to be...

"Master...?" Myvette stepped toward the medic dropship and turned toward Jax, speaking telepathically. "I have to don't think we're going to war do you? I know the Mandalorians are...the Mandalorians...but we can trust the senate right?"
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"Some beings can't tolerate salt, while others find it almost addictive," Braze pointed out. "It's safer to let people add their own salt if they want it," he concluded, nodding for emphasis.

"Last I saw, Ko was being hauled through the ship—by what, I couldn't say. It happened so fast, he was just zipping down a corridor. I'm fairly certain it was Ko, though," he said, his expression turning thoughtful.

"As for food, I think desperation changes our preferences. If you're starving, you're not going to be picky," Braze mused. Then, his voice dipped into a more introspective tone, "But it raises an important question- one I've spent a lot of time thinking over: is life worth living if it's defined only by suffering?"

As he worked, he looked up occasionally to make sure that the line of refugees was moving, and that everyone was getting what they needed. His eyes met those of Loomi, and he offered her a warm but tired smile. Despite the situation, it was important to maintain a sense of camaraderie.


Objective: II
Loomi Loomi Braze Braze

When Ilo said "salt", she didn't really think about the implications of it. In her naive mind, she thought that people deserved tasty and well-seasoned food, even if it was free. However, the Nautolan experienced instant regret by expressing her judgement. Indeed, it was nutritious enough and it made her embarrassed to even point out such a thing.

She nodded, expressing no further comment about the matter. Instead, she started worrying about the Kel Dor.

"I better go check him out after he recovers. I'm sure he will in no time."

Ilo remained silent for a moment, far from answering Braze's difficult question instantly. While the Padawan served the families, she could see in the eyes of the kids one unwavering light. A brightness of hope. Some of the infants were even playing together after their meal, like they could enjoy even the darkest of the moments. They understood hope better than the adults.

"I've read this somewhere: 'Hope is like... Is like...' what was it? Oh, yeah. 'Hope is like sunlight. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you'll never make it through the night'." Aduni pointed the quote, feeling intelligent for a brief moment. "There will eventually be some darkness, you know, some suffering. The nights can be long. But then comes the sun."


As Chief Healer, overseeing medical relief efforts such as this was one of the most important aspects of Amani's job. The heat of Mandalorian encroachment was being felt across territories in and out of the Alliance. Ryloth was the latest, and most egregious casualty yet. War was no longer a dangerous likelihood, but an inescapable threat. And as in any war, it was the people caught in the middle who would need the most help. Amani turned her focus away from the distractions of conflict, and into the service of weary, huddled masses.

The mirialan found a moment to breathe, after having just helped the young girl Master Cthylla sent her way. She stepped out from the medical tent, meandering in the direction of her unmistakable Pylantian peer, "You the one that told her I was a doctor? Technically I'm not yet," Amani asked with a smirk, stretching an arm that was starting to bother her from overuse, "My thesis defense is in a month." She sighed both in stress and relief. The process had been rather quick, in comparison to your typical medical degree pursuits. A plus of having already served in the medical field for most of her life.

"Things running smoothly over here?"

Sellia II, Jedi Praxeum
Tag: Ryana mina Ryana mina Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Open

Minerva had handled out some rations to a surviving family of three when Nathan approached her. The aggression he sensed from her wasn't directed at the refugees nor the Jedi but rather toward the Enclave. The bond she once had for them been long dead since Kashyyyk and changed into hatred ever since. Noticing she looked over to him just as he explained what he just brought in. In response the warrior nodded with gratitude before turning her head to the opposite side she called out.

"Gakot assemble a team, we got some Bacta that need handling."

The Klatooinian lieutenant answered back.

"Got it Cap."

Immediately he began to pick members of their units for the job and soon a squad's worth of volunteers rallied over to Nathan and Minerva. She then said

"Lead the way we'll help with your shipment and get it to the Jedi healers. I'm Captain Minerva Fhirdiad by the way and what's your name?"

OOC: My character is not wearing her armor as emphasized in my first post in the thread. She’s wearing an Alliance military uniform.
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"Nathan." Nathan answered, expression grim and frozen into his face. "A pleasure."

The way his response was delivered seemed almost...preprogrammed. An answering machine could not have been more soulless in it's tone than his was.

"Please, follow me." he said.

His walk was unusually precise, almost like a metronome as he led them to his vessel.

"This stuff here..." he said, pointing to the crates of BWE Synth-Bacta in the cargo. "It's about ten percent slower than normal Bacta. That's what the salesman told me..."

Because he did not realize she was a Mandalorian, he had not gone to any trouble to hide the chart he had made depicting a full suit of Mandalorian Armor, still in the cargo hold. It almost seemed to serve the purpose of a flash card, because there were detailed notes scribbled in the margins with lines leading to certain sections of the Armor and how best to damage it, using certain weapons. Weak points were circled in red.

They were very detailed notes, with very accurate information. He had to have cleared out the Cargo Hold to fill it with Bacta crates and field Bacta tanks because there was a stand huddled on a corner upon which rested a picture of a Mandalorian helmet that had melting damage from the lightsaber that had burned through the visor to pierce the skull beneath that had once wore it. The helmet had been clearly painted completely black recently to at least get rid of any clan symbols that had been on it and little sticky notes were attached indicating the types of tests he had been conducting with blunt weapons and flame, clearly trying to figure out ways to superheat the armor rapidly...

"I also brought food, if the refugees need it..." Nathan said to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad not an ounce of warmth in his voice or eyes, despite not being rude or hostile. His stare was the stare of the glacier. His expression hadn't changed at all.


Culprit: pip
Tag: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Amani Serys Amani Serys Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla

As ryana was handing out the last of her rations she noticed a familiar face or should she say pip saw a familiar face. She sensed it off him "go ahead" she said as pip ran off towards Minerva. He made friends easier than she did it seemed she stood up and walked to get more rations and supplies to hand out to people. Ryana walked up to councilor amani and kassogytha "can I be of aid?" she asked the two councilors before her.

Pip caught up to Minerva and began chattering audibly for her to hear as he followed as soon as she stopped to look at him he offered her his only grape. Which ryana gave him for doing a good job with the kids up until now whether or not she'd recognize him was a different question as he showed her a brief vision of them on the edge of the frozen lake if she forgot pip stayed away from Nathan unsure of him. And unsure of what to think Ryana could sense his doubt but wouldn't come running in unless absolutely necessary for his aid.

Soon, they found themselves taking cover near an old barracks, a relic probably left behind by some bygone imperial conquest. The shutters had aged cracks, ideal for use as embrasures, and the stretch of the street leading to the door was devoid of any cover for a good 100 meters - the perfect setup for a kill zone.

"This cell is dug in deep," Lareina murmured into her comms.

"A head-on assault would be suicidal. These Mandos are ready for almost anything," Phantom whispered, just inches from her. "But not for us." He gestured to Shadow and pointed to a narrow alleyway running alongside the building. The other side of the alley ended in a solid, unwindowed wall. Understanding the plan, the Chiss Commando silently navigated the side streets. Once in position, she attached a pair of shaped Plasticene Thermite bombs to the wall. She retreated to a safe distance, signaling a countdown with her fingers as she gingerly gripped the detonator.

With a fiery eruption, a man-sized gap was torn in the building's side. Without hesitation, Umbra and Lareina stormed through the breach. Lareina's PDW was set to incapacitate, not kill. As they secured their immediate surroundings, the five Chiss Commandos funneled through the newly made entrance, readying themselves for the mission's next phase.


"You the one that told her I was a doctor?"

Blinking, Kass turned a few of her eyes toward Amani, even as she continued to distribute the supplies. "Oh, hello!" she greeted cheerfully. "I thought you were a doctor. Well, congratulations on getting your degree... soon!" She lowered her voice, sounding a bit sheepish. "How is the poor dear? I hope I handled it all right; I was as discreet as possible. I certainly don't want to offend anyone..." Amani might pick up on Kass' apparent overestimation of just how culturally taboo the discussion of bodily functions was among humans, or she might not. It was a bit hard to pick out such things in the broad well-meaning strokes of Kass' kindly and considerate demeanor.

"Things running smoothly over here?"

"As smoothly as they can run," she said with a sigh. "I was supposed to take a break an hour ago, but I don't want to stop yet. Not while I still have some juice left in the tank, and there are still so many people who need supplies. I'm the fastest person here, so I can get the most work done..."

Sellia II, Jedi Praxeum
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl Ryana mina Ryana mina Open

This guy is almost like a droid.

Minerva thought, reflecting on her new acquaintance's stoic expression. She and the other volunteers followed Nathan back to his ship. Once there Gakot and Sergeant Hian were bellowing instructions to the rest as they proceeded to handle the cargo. Minerva was going to help but she paused, noting the chart then the photo in the corner. She knew exactly what it all meant and instead of anger there was…resignation and respect.

Impressive work I must admit.

When Nathan spoke again she answered. "Every bit will help." She went over to one of his bacta crates and pushed it on a hover cart .

Upon coming out the ship she heard ranycon chattering behind her and turned to see Pip raised both eyebrows in mild surprise at seeing Pip offering a grape. Before she could even say something Minerva saw a vision, confirming what she had already guessed. Smiling, the warrior petted him on the head

"Hey Pip, good to see ya again, Ryana must be not far behind. Appreciate the grape but you can keep it. You’re free to tag along with me if you want I wouldn’t mind the company."

Giving Nathan a farewell nod she went forward with the hover-cart.

OOC: My character is not wearing her armor as emphasized in my first post in the thread. She’s wearing an Alliance military uniform.
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Sellia II, Jedi Praxeum
Tags: Braze Braze , Ilo Aduni Ilo Aduni


"But it raises an important question- one I've spent a lot of time thinking over: is life worth living if it's defined only by suffering?"

"P-please don't talk like that," Loomi asked, shuddering slightly.

That hit a little too close to her own mental state. Loomi could feel them already, the shadows from her nightmares. Clawed monsters slashing at her back to draw blood, towering figured brandishing batons, shouting cruel and insulting words. At any moment they could come back for her, dragging her away into the depths to never be seen again. Everything she found would be gone and the suffering of her past life would take control.

Why did she press on if such a fate seemed so inevitable? Needless to say, Loomi didn't really like to think about the implications of such a thing. Braze would feel the brunt of this, anxiety worse than he had ever felt from her before.

Ilo's words didn't really help. They seemed nice, but they lacked reassurance. It wasn't her fault, Loomi recognized. She couldn't read minds.

"I-I'd like to change the subject," the Godoan asked meekly, almost begging. "I-I don't feel very good..."



Objective: I
Tags: Open

With a loud thruster sound, Giran would come out of hyperspace to the Jungle Moon. Having gotten these coordinates sent to him by Jonyna. She said that there was some stuff going on involving the recent Mando and Republic Scirmish. Having heard about this a few times now Giran was more than intrigued. Arriving to the planet's surface he would do a quick fly-by, and see where most of the other people were. Landing his ship near some of the other ships, he would hop out, looking around a bit to this strange new environment.


Objective I - Selia II

"When death of another fails to break your soul, you have no soul left to break..."
- Master Caetos in a letter to his pupils.

TAG: Open

Marcion sensed it. It tore his heart. He could feel her fear, and felt her pain. It screamed at him in the force… Then there was silence…Followed by sorrow.


It had been barely four months since his former Padawan passed her trials and was appointed as a Knight in the Order. Four months since he held her tight, telling her how much he was proud of the woman she had become.

It didn't take long for the news to reach him: Ryloth had been attacked. A call was sent throughout the Order calling for volunteers to assist the Jedi Praxeum on Selia II with the growing refugee crisis. Initially, Master Caetos hadn't planned to go; his expertise and experience were better suited elsewhere. However, upon learning the exact circumstances of Asha's passing, he boarded the Alliance ship bound for Selia.

When the ramp thudded down onto the makeshift platform, the Master stood still watching the scene of chaos unfold before him. You would have thought that decades of war, and countless scenes of senseless depravity and violence would have prepared the Arkanian for what unfolded. Yet, the pain, sorrow, and hurt were deafening in the force. Taking a breath, he sought peace and comfort in the force and took a step out onto Selia II.

The usually quiet and peaceful Praxeum had transformed into a scene of chaos. Jedi and Alliance personnel running from one thing to another. Refugees piled out from transports and flooded the empty space. For every refugee there were alliance soldiers carrying bodies, and lining the dead creating a grid that grew larger and larger with every passing second. Marcion made his way over to the dead. As it usually is in war, it was the Alliance troops that were the bulk of the dead, yet there was a sizeable number of Jedi bodies placed separately. Marcion's gaze moved through the lifeless bodies, passing by a few he knew personally until his eyes locked onto the young woman who had been his padawan for over a decade.


Or what was left of her. Her leg was missing and what little skin that was exposed had turned into a horrifying mix of black and red, burnt from the flames. He crouched down, his hand brushing a loose strand of hair from her disfigured face. Too young… he muttered to himself. His gaze shifted from her face down to her lightsaber fastened to her belt. He prised it free and pocketed it into his coat. He did not cry, there was too much to do and too many here who looked up to him for the tears to start rolling.




Location: Jedi Paxeum
Equipment: Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , Marcion Caetos Marcion Caetos

Objective 1

Jax was observing many refugees entering the Praxeum, he could sense the fear and uncertainty that radiated from Twileaks. Many wondering how the Mandalorian Enclave could be aggressive to them after pledging to be their protectors. While the Mandalorians weren't Sith, they definitely came close conquering the Galaxy a few times in history and they left a sea of corpses behind. People complain about Jedi and Sith ripping the Galaxy apart but often forget that the Mandalorians had an Empire that stretched through all corners of the Galaxy.

"I trust a Hutt more than I trust a Senator," Jax telepathically communicated to Myvette in a blunt manner. "At least a Hutt tells you that they hate your guts. A politician can't even say 'good morning' without lying twice. If there's anything that war brings aside from death and destruction are profits and security for politicians. Anything terrible that happens during their term and they have a convenient scapegoat to pin to cover for their incompetency."

He was happy albeit a bit edge about having an ex-Jedi as the Chancellor. While a Jedi's mentality can wade through the bullchit that was the Senate but having all that power is tempting and can corrupt even a well-meaning person. "War is inevitable," Jax said. "You'll be tested and pushed to your limit but remember your training and you'll survive Myvette."

Jax sensed Nathan's faint aura and waved at him as well as an Arkanian who looked troubled. He frowned but bowed to him. "Greetings," Jax said. "I sense unease within you, are you all right?"

Objective 2: Order of Reaction, Ryloth | SIA


How long had it been since there's been a war? For Saul it was far too long, a rapidly expanding superpower like the Galactic Alliance was bound to attract some enemies. It was inevitable no matter how noble the Galactic Alliance like to think they are, at the end of the day either other factions will think that they're conquerors who needed to be repelled or in the Mandalorian's case, just another large Empire to be defeated for honor and glory. Saul sat silently in a land transport with two platoons of Ryloth freedom fighters shrouded in an overcoat hood covering his face. A spice stick was in the corner of his mouth as he took a huff. The Twileaks were nervous Though the battle was over, there were still reports of Mandalorian activity scattered all over the war-torn city.

The Galactic Alliance retreated so that they convene on whether or not they should go to war. If anything it was a necessity, whenever Mandalorians are fixated on an enemy, they'll never rest until they're dominated. If anything, it's amazing that the Mandalorians weren't driven to extinction with their war faring ways. Perhaps it would be best just to destroy glass their planet without mercy but then again, the Mandalorians were known to use hardship as a way to get stronger. "Persistent bastards," Saul muttered as he looked up at the empty skies and then at the war-torn dusty road ahead.

The only people that the Alliance left were SIA agents, the mission was to find a way to end the war before it begins. A broad objective which mean it'll fail miserably but it was worth trying. At least the Alliance can say that they've done all they can and all that. The land transports were about to enter a city that looks to be under siege. A male Twileak stood up and yelled something in his language before being shot in the head and collapsing on the floor smoke coming out from the hole inside of his head. Saul snorted sitting still and staring at the corpse while many of the freedom fighters began to pour out of the transport many of them getting shot by blaster fire. Idiot thought he was in a movie where the plucky rebels will defeat the Empire. Reality says otherwise.

Saul immediately took off his cloak, spat out his spice stick and cautiously approached the slaughter of seeing Twileaks getting gunned down by well positioned Mandalorians. Saul counted at least 5 on the rooftops each of them armed with sniper rifles. 8 of them were firing behind bombed out buildings raining havoc upon the Twileaks. Saul pulled out his Silenced Blaster Pistol and began to take cover behind a wall witnessing the one-sided skirmish. "They're organized," Saul muttered at Mandalorians. "They gotta have a leader somewhere perhaps it's deep in the city."

Even though Saul felt a little sorry for the resistance, they served as a distraction so he could make his approach. As blaster bolts whizzed by Saul he immediately made a run for it. More land transports filled with Twileaks arrived at the scene to fight. "Let's hope they don't run out of reinforcements," Saul said as he snuck deep into the city.

Trug Zigash Trug Zigash
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The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.


Objective II
Saul immediately took off his cloak, spat out his spice stick and cautiously approached the slaughter of seeing Twileaks getting gunned down by well positioned Mandalorians. Saul counted at least 5 on the rooftops each of them armed with sniper rifles. 8 of them were firing behind bombed out buildings raining havoc upon the Twileaks. Saul pulled out his Silenced Blaster Pistol and began to take cover behind a wall witnessing the one-sided skirmish. "They're organized," Saul muttered at Mandalorians. "They gotta have a leader somewhere perhaps it's deep in the city."
The Trio of shadows moved through the city like wolves, keeping an ear to whatever comms traffic was going through the city. Any inane chatter could be the mandos. Even if they were using personal channels, they'd still be broadcasting to each other. Their tech guru would pick that up and-

"I got it!" She called over their own personal comms. "Sitting Duck, bank right into that next alley. They've got tidal waves coming from right down the street in that watering hole."

One of the masked figures broke right, rushing through an alleyway that had seen better days. Right inside a bombed out café the Vulptex spotted a mando helmet poking out the top of a window. Setting their blaster to ion mode, the Vulptex aimed true, parkouring up the side of a wall to get a better shot and-

Hit the mando right in the dome. The mando panicked suddenly, and the snipers went silent for a moment as their spotter had gone silent, but the Vulptex wasn't done yet. A flip of the switch and the blaster was now set to stun. The Vulptex raised a hand, a blinding flash of light appearing inside the room, before Vulptex took her second shot, dropping the mando in one. An overcharged stun shot should've kept the mando down, but now the Vulptex needed to check. That was the hard part...

Tag: Trug Zigash Trug Zigash Saul Colsan Saul Colsan Stybla'rei'naodo Stybla'rei'naodo


Objective I - Selia II

"Why is it that suffering, sorrow, and pain have become life's only certainty, while joy, peace, and harmony, a luxury fewer seem to achieve?"

- Master Caetos in a recorded message to his former Master.

TAG: Jax Thio Jax Thio , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , OPEN

It was doing him no good crouching beside the disfigured corpse of his padawan. He stood, taking one last moment to whisper his farewells. He could hear his Master's rebuke replay in his mind, 'Don't let your emotions control you'. Turning his gaze away from her, he tried to gather himself and his emotions. It would draw attention to himself if he continued to allow his uncontrolled emotions to bleed out through the force. He shifted his focus back to the chaos that surrounded him.

Out of the corner of his eye, a man waved. "Greetings" the Jedi called out. Caetos nodded back in acknowledgment to the Jedi. The human looked a couple of years younger than himself, with his own padawan following close behind.

"I sense unease within you, are you all right?" the Jedi asked. It was then that Marcion would normally smile and brush away his emotions with a passing comment, but this time he didn't have the emotional energy to lie. "Some deaths hit harder than others," he replied as he took a step away from her lifeless corpse. "It's never easy losing a Padawan, my brother," he said as he walked towards the two Jedi, his hand gesturing behind him to Asha's body. After saying his farewells, he did not want to see her mangled body anymore.

"But please, don't mind me. I am not the only one who has lost someone, and there will be time to mourn for the dead." Sadly, there will be far too much time to dwell on what had happened on Ryloth.

"And I apologize. I forgot my manners. I'm Master Marcion Caetos."


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