Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Council disbanded?!

^ Dis guys got it. Well. [member="Darth Voracitos"] does.

Make an OOC think tank, see which would be the best group, make some kick ass storylines about how the Sith finally unite under one Dark Lord, agree on who will be the Dark lord and him he/she kick everyone else's asses until they're on top with the notion OOC that x would win.

Would make some really awesome RP if the Dark Lords was willing to agree that if the public wants one of them to be -the- dark lord, the others would step down willingly OOC.
Most Sith concepts I've seen could be compiled under one banner, with the concepts stating they are subfactions.

Most leadership problems could be done away with by holding OOC elections.

But again, everyone thinks they have the right answer, or the best idea. The Sith, in my mind, are having a very long "mid-life crisis" before the inevitable reality check and then they'll realize the common sense approach:

All of you want the same thing, you're all just trying to achieve it by yourselves.
Its not about who or what is the dark lord. Its not a mid life crisis. I agree an election might help [member="Tefka"] but it comes down to one fact.

The fact is, it was not a wise move to completely sack the Sith Empire. This is not a shot at you [member="Darth Vornskr"], and its really not your fault either. It was everyone's fault when we bailed on the faction under the weight losing to the pubs. The problem is on large sites like this, once you sack a faction like TSE they have a lot of difficulty starting back up. And to my experience they usually don't ever again. Major factions get a constant stream of new members and have a solid footing, and one central major faction to answer to. The Sith have none of this, its mostly Master level characters who are now competing to be the next Sith faction with their minor niche groups running around. Yet even if they do go major, they will suffer under the weight of the larger pubs, mandos, and other faction who will try and put them down as soon as they go major.

Its now a numbers game sadly. Who can get the most members, and keep them active and able to hold back the larger factions. And hopefully push them back to get a hold on the galaxy.
I think that everyone just sensed the power vacuum, and it was inevitable that the most ambitious RPers would attempt to found their own successor system. However.

I don't think there was anything intrinsically wrong with the Sith Empire's structure. It just collapsed because of a culture problem. When Mikhail Shorn successfully overthrew Tyrin Ardik and then just gave the title of Sith Emperor away (which was classic Shorn), TSE shifted from its ideals. It was no longer ruled by the strongest. After that, collapse was almost inevitable.

To sum up, I have a dream that everyone will just reform the Sith Empire, because when it worked, it worked. All of the other Sith factions just don't feel right.
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
Smart words.

Starting the map game now a year behind the others will be tough.

BUT, there are more than enough Sith on this site, even when the official SE died there were still lots around. It’s just by their nature Sith don’t like to share IC or OOC.

I’ve never seen a site which has done a Sith Empire with stability. IC power games would be fine, but OOCly there are always problems too. Goes with the territory.

In my view there’s a few things that can be done to mitigate this.
  • NPC Dark Lord/Emperor like the One Sith have done. I make fun of it, but it is a smart move.
  • OOC elections for IC and OOC leadership. Yes, for both. We’ve all seen what happens when a faction leader bails, and OOC voting would likely produce different and better results.
  • Larger amount of faction staff. The Sith are the biggest single group on here if you include all of them, so give them 5 faction admins, majority voting, rotate them out bi-monthly (if they don’t get re-elected).
  • Get some OOC unity. I know, ‘don’t take away my freedoms!’ etc. But OOCly you have a goal, so make it happen. If it’s to be, it’s up to you.

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Darth Vornskr said:
The One Sith sort of has it's own council-esque group under the Dark Lord, the Voices, but it's less of a council and more of a first among One Sith sort of deal. I.E basically those with enough experience to be the leaders underneath the Dark Lord.
What you meant to say was that it's exclusive to those who created and ran the group to begin with, which is find, but it has nothing to do with an actual Council at all.
Christian Slade said:
What you meant to say was that it's exclusive to those who created and ran the group to begin with, which is find, but it has nothing to do with an actual Council at all.
Not at all, only two people in the Voices are people who were with the faction to begin with. The other two, including me, joined a month/month and a half after the One Sith started, and the final spot is still vacant.
So weak they trusted a complete stranger who wouldn't speak and instead give off an absurd amount of emotions to cover his thoughts. Lolnope, dis guys OK, lets tell him, even though we no nothing about him or why he's here, that dis be the SC's home planet.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
Tamara said:
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
Smart words.

Starting the map game now a year behind the others will be tough.

BUT, there are more than enough Sith on this site, even when the official SE died there were still lots around. It’s just by their nature Sith don’t like to share IC or OOC.

I’ve never seen a site which has done a Sith Empire with stability. IC power games would be fine, but OOCly there are always problems too. Goes with the territory.

In my view there’s a few things that can be done to mitigate this.
  • NPC Dark Lord/Emperor like the One Sith have done. I make fun of it, but it is a smart move.
  • OOC elections for IC and OOC leadership. Yes, for both. We’ve all seen what happens when a faction leader bails, and OOC voting would likely produce different and better results.
  • Larger amount of faction staff. The Sith are the biggest single group on here if you include all of them, so give them 5 faction admins, majority voting, rotate them out bi-monthly (if they don’t get re-elected).
  • Get some OOC unity. I know, ‘don’t take away my freedoms!’ etc. But OOCly you have a goal, so make it happen. If it’s to be, it’s up to you.
This is probably the most constructive response that I've seen, though I still disagree that an NPC Dark Lord is necessary.

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