Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Spooktober: Zombie... Harvest Festival | EE Dominion of Thakwaa


Right. Valery Noble Valery Noble was there with him. That alone had him relax as he nodded to Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . "I figure if you wanted to scold me, I'd be in chains." He was under no disillusion that what he did was anything short of treason. He was a rebel, technically. A friend of the Empress, and likely that was the only reason he wasn't hunted by the Empire. There was a lot to explain, probably.

At least, he probably should explain it to Valery. What her response would be though was up in the air. Was it pride that wanted him to avoid disappointing her?

"We will indeed discuss this. Perhaps over dinner?" He turned his gaze between the two woman, smiling. "I think it's important you both know."

Location: En-route to the Valley
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine, Speedbike
Tags: Ghost "Frankie" Sterling Ghost "Frankie" Sterling /Open


The strangest part of all this is that Tovald wasn’t feeling the atmosphere at the house or the meadow. He felt bored and on edge, so he decided to leave and take a quick trip back to The Cyclone, he was worried about his cats, after all, he loved them to bits, and he had a very nasty feeling that there is more to this month than just parties and wanton revelry. A gut feeling so he made sure to greet all his furry companions and collect his equipment. He did sneak some remaining food from the buffet for them, special attention was on getting them some meat.

There is no point to change his clothing, well not really. But still, the pointy mask was pinching his cheeks a little. Thin faces still get chafed by face coverings. So, he decided to change back into his usual outfit. Grateful for his baldness as the Halloween costume would have tangled in his hair. He placed the costume back into the wardrobe alongside his formal wear, he smiled at a very fond memory when he attended the Masquerade Ball before closing the door, mostly to keep things in and to stop Vee from taking any more of his socks.

He quietly left on a speed bike, he made sure no one can get into the ship and everyone inside was safe. Tovald looked away from the Meadow towards another direction, towards a valley. He had no Force Ability, but he does have a gut feeling that he should head in this direction. Call it Hunter’s intuition.

All the while he was heading there, he kept his senses and his HUD on full alert. Knowing his off-on bad luck he’ll run into something. Hopefully not big Spiderlings wanting another round of "Let's eat the Ubese".
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The touch of the woman's hand burned; a Lightsider. The woman became a creature of the Dark side because of a rival of her late husband who trapped her and an ancient, dark side entity wanted Ingrid as her new host. The woman defeated the sister of the Sith god, but the Force Entity changed her. While the Empress was still able to remain a neutral Force User, she was also harmed by natural lights, and the Light Side was exponentially, so was the proximity of the Jedi. She never showed any signs of pain, not even now. But it was good to know who was surrounding her.

"Yes, in that case you would be in a prison." she said calmly; Ingrid didn't know if the girl knew anything about it, so she didn't say details.

Dinner; she had only consumed human food at official or public events, family gatherings, or when she was alone with Tubrok and the man was also eating. That is, not many times because at official events she tried to avoid this. She loved to eat, especially sweets and cakes, but she no longer needed them. So Ingrid only ate these for the sake of others, or if her beloved husband asked this, she always forgot to do so.

"Good for me. Show the way." she answered.



Location: in the Valley
Equipment: LWMMG, Combat knife, Teeth and claws, D16 pistol. Ultranaught BDU bottoms and boots. D16 pistol
Tags: Tovald Kahmen’’a Tovald Kahmen’’a

Frank hovered over his recent kill eating the meat of the creature raw due to his current state of undeadness made him hungry and sure he could cook it but why its not like he had to worry about anyone seeing his undead form. Then he heard the noise of a speeder bike nearby and smelled the sent of someone failure...thoughts he really never thought hed think about is how people smell now due to being a smart zombie. Frank reached out to Tovalds mind. "Oi if your looking for food I have some near me just done shoot me on sight....and take a bath for feth sake I still smell spiderlings on you."

It didn't cross the mans mind...or whats left of it that saying how someone smelled seemed strange as he tore another chunk out of the creatures body and bit into it wiping his hands on his pantleg before pulling a smoke free. after lighting it up he began moving the extra carcuss over to the side for Tovald tp claim hoping he doesn't shoot him on site.
Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Following the handshake, Valery would tilt her head lightly - she was somewhat concerned about the direction the conversation had gone into. There were mentions of treason, chains, and prison. So what she believed to be a simple party with costumes was already turning into a far more interesting night.

Kahlil hadn't told Valery about Panatha yet, so she was completely oblivious about the topic, and what happened there that caused this tension she felt. So the idea of learning more over dinner seemed like a good idea, even though she wasn't feeling all that hungry.

"I think that's a good idea." she finally said, her gaze shifting from Ingrid to Kahlil.

Her eyes showed only a faint sign of concern, something only those who knew her would pick up on. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about any of this yet, but she was about to find out.
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: Arriving in the meadow
Objective: Have fun and flirt
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Trinity politely smiled as she was handed her food, a large piece of rare nerf steak with a pile of onions, mushrooms and steak sauce, between two doorsteps of bread. She wrapped it up turned to Eleena

we’re hardly graceful eaters, anthropologist.

"Well there is that I suppose" she giggled then put on her best 'actually' voice and slid an imaginary set of glasses up her nose "studies have shown that the Twi'lek female is capable of being exceptionally demure and lady like, I have yet to see evidence myself" she grinned in a teasing manner.

. "I have multiple stomachs and they’re all empty.” She finished in a soft, yet also distinctly carnal tone

"Well, I suppose we better make sure we fill them all hadn't we" and as Eleena turned to order she gently ran her wand down Eleena's left Lekku.

The two of them crossed to the dessert stand. "I am having the biggest slice of spiced apple pie with lots of cream" she laughed, thinking maybe this was going to be a messy meal between the two of them. She ordered hers an waited for Eleena to order hers.

Once they had retrieved their food she looked around for a place to sit, not far from them was a bonfire and a semicircular grassy verge where the warmth from the flames was keeping the evening dew at bay. There were a few other people sat there eating or taking a break from the dancing.

"How about we go sit over there? We can eat our food in the firelight then go do some dancing maybe?" She looked at another pair, they looked like a couple leaning in to each other but their eyes were wide like saucers staring blindly into the flames. Trinity nudged Eleena and pointed at them "We might give the psychedelic fungus a miss though, wouldn't want you getting busted out of the army"


Location: Very close to the Valley
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine, Speedbike
Tags: Ghost "Frankie" Sterling Ghost "Frankie" Sterling /Open


The journey to the valley was not at all eventful, so far it had been easy. The valley loomed into view and the sky darkened noticeably. He wasn’t worried, weather can be fickle as it is already. The Speedbike was noisy and belched out Turbolift exhaust, it’s a restored model that still had age-related gremlins. No matter it does its job well enough. It was going so well his thoughts were quiet. Which kept his mind open to connection.

"Oi if your looking for food I have some near me just done shoot me on sight....and take a bath for feth sake I still smell spiderlings on you."

Suddenly a familiar voice chimed into his head, it both greeted and chastised him in equal measure, Tovald brought the Speedbike to a sudden screeching halt. He bathed recently so he can’t smell anything else than clean. The sudden voice unnerved him. But because it was inside rather than out, he couldn’t pinpoint the direction.

Luckily, his HUD picked up a presence nearby. So he quietly dismounted and headed towards Frank’s general direction. The HUD gave a signature reading but not exactly who it was it had picked up. It did but it needed a fine-tuning that he needed to do but he had been too busy to do so.


"Right, right." Kahlil turned his gaze around, idly looking over the party. Lead the way, huh? This was Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim 's party. How was he supposed to know where they could go to eat in private? He let out a sigh, glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble for a moment. At least she was up for it, even if she didn't know everything that was going on. Well. Bite the bullet. He laughed nervously, turning his eyes back to the Empress.

"I have no idea where we'd go, so I suppose I should have you lead the way, right?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It seemed to her Kahlil had not looked at the brochure about the place. Ingrid shook her head mildly.

"On the upstairs there are VIP rooms for dining.." she said.

Maybe the event was for everyone, but they also thought about the money-paying guests. She started up, making sure her two companions were following her. There were waiters upstairs, too, and one immediately approached the woman to see what the Empress wanted. And he asked for a room for dinner for three. And the local man escorted them to one of the larger rooms. There were luxurious conditions inside, although everything still suited the festival in looks and style. Inside was a table, surrounded by chairs, candles on the table. Cosy.

"Orders can be placed through the datapad on the table." he said, leaving the company alone.

Ingrid walked over to the table, then pointed to the chairs; she waited until the others sat down, she only did the same after that.

"I hope this place is right for dinner and conversation."


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery looked between Kahlil and Ingrid for a moment longer as they discussed the location of their dinner. She wasn't very familiar with the layout herself, nor did she have an idea as to what would be appropriate for the conversation. She was completely in the dark regarding even the basics of what happened, after all.

So she simply followed after the two and entered the VIP room that she was being guided into. It was a lot fancier than where she'd normally eat dinner, and decorated to fit with the theme of the event. The brunette would then sit down beside Kahlil and skimmed through the datapad. She didn't order anything yet, allowing the others to do so first.

"I think this is quite a lovely place for dinner and conversation,"
she said in response to Ingrid, but her gaze quickly shifted to Kahlil. He had seemed tense to her, so she wondered how he was holding up.

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development


retarC ellehciM

Location: Graveyard 999 (Happy Samhain)
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)


Rumors of the undead stalked the grasslands, haunting, eating, and murdering the locals; placing dark shivers upon collective skin cells that moaned and screamed in the essence of fear.

Body after body, pet after pet; child after child disappeared under a cold, blood moon; leaving nothing but a memory of half eaten corpses and sinew picked bones dotting a hidden graveyard where, by rumors of walking dead wights visited the rotting flesh corpses like a buffet; seeking to add more flies into their bloated bellies by sinking teeth and anger into the dead. The grasslands, now black from painted blood and dispersed corpses, became a hollowed ground to one disturbed Sith.

The concept, idea, of celebrating the dead via costume dress-up played well into her mind. She wasn't known to dress for any occasion, but she thought she done well tonight. Crouching on her legs, eyes scanning across the grave she felt her costume was best suited for the night. Itching slightly, she adjusted her corpse suit; thanking the dead soldier for giving her the joy of wearing him.

Happy Samhain!



Location: in the Valley
Equipment: LWMMG, Combat knife, Teeth and claws, D16 pistol. Ultranaught BDU bottoms and boots. D16 pistol
Tags: @Tovald Kahmen''a

Frank had his back turned to Tovald his marred sickly green colored back with scars from the spiderlings stiched up as he turned his head releasing his undead vissage to Tovald he spoke with his minds. "I know this is a lot for you to take in comrad but let me explain myself before you attempt to shoot me...If you talked to your brother he would probably of told you I died in the planet glassing heck my injureys after the whole spiderling thing were fatel after the amount of blood I lost, how did I look like this then? well the truth is Ive been undead for a very long time actually ever since the oblivion battle the versions of me that looked alive were clones that I was piloting with Hades corps thought before movement technology however even technology and magic has its limits and in short I got a few more years under my belt before I bite the dust so I figured why not live the last few years as me and not some clone..." Ty sniffs the air before sending another telepathic message. "I smell you have some to sell I could use the snack for later" he said with a smile before chuckling. "I'm just kidding comrad."

grabbing the dead carcuss of the one creature he was going to he was going to give Tovald he would toss the large creature with one hand lobbing it to land next to his bike. "hope that works if your hungry I got one for myself." he telepathically says before ripping off another chunk out of the thing and eating it in front of the Swordsman.


Kahlil had never been one for brochures.

Nor was he that hungry. He got a salad of some kind, something he could pick through. But the topic at hand wasn't something he felt particularly keen about eating through. The Jedi leaned back in his seat, eyes closed as he pondered the best way about bringing the subject up. Was there even a good way to? Seconds ticked by, and.. Nope. With a sigh he lowered his head. A bow towards Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim .

"I should have left as you said. The dark in that room was overwhelming, and I should of realized that I wouldn't be able to resist it. I'm sorry that I attacked you." He lifted his head, an odd coldness in his gaze as he looked to the Empress once again.

"But do not ever hold my family hostage again. Not only does my father not care, but that is not a tactic anyone should use."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid knew it was an unpleasant topic, but it really was something they had to talk about. She didn't want it to happen again. Not because she was angry with the man, but because she didn't want Kahlil to get on the dark side again. The woman's consciousness was clear throughout despite the many Dark Side energies, but she remembered Kahlil's golden eyes. True it happened only for a moment, but it happened.

She nodded at Valery's words as she sat down in her chair. Then she turned her attention to Kahlil.

"Yes, you should have listened to me. I just wanted to do what I promised you. We will practice so that you will be able to resist him. I was hoping I could surprise him with what I was capable of and keep him in check." she said.

She sighed wearily at the other. In that situation, perhaps even Ingrid believed she would be able to do that. It was a good lesson that she can still bluff well.

"I never wanted to hurt them, I respect dead souls too. But I had to do it to make him believe I would. He’s the kind who only understands when someone opposes him and shows strength. I’m sorry I could only use them in that situation." she said.


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery decided against ordering anything, which was odd considering they were to have some dinner. But as the conversation began, her appetite quickly faded. She was getting only small details as to what happened, but they seemed to concern the woman who just sat quietly and listened.

She had noticed the coldness in Kahlil's gaze, as he spoke to Ingrid. The mentions of hostages being used and the darkness of his family and Kahlil practicing to resist it.. she knew only a few things about his family. But it all seemed far more serious and dangerous than she had originally thought.

Unsure as to what to say exactly, Valery turned to the datapad and decided to order some wine. She wasn't particularly interested in it at the moment, but it felt awkward to just sit there too quietly. So while she waited for her wine to arrive, she'd listen quietly to the conversation between the two, hoping to learn more about what all was going on.

Sometimes, silence said more than a thousand words.

Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Enviroweave Boots, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Obj II

Tag: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo

There was a bit of a scramble, and the civilians seemed intent upon ignoring Felmorante as Grumpy Pants let a few more rounds loose before seeing Felmorante ease herself backwards against the steps up.

"Keep shooting! I got this." Fel informed him as the wheels hit the step and shifted into the frame. The small repulsor systems inside kicked on, just barely enough to get her hovering over the steps and up as she watched her guard aim and let loose a steady and precise bit of marksmanship.

There was another on the comm but that was quickly identified by the sudden wailing in the air as she covered her ears. She'd heard this one once before but at much further distance, from her starfighter.

With instructions received, she shouted to Grumpy Pants to head inside as he slammed the door behind them. He was ready to give instructions as his ward had different ideas. A quick back and forth had him storming upstairs while she centered herself in the force, moving furniture and heavy items to the door and windows.

His heavy steps upstairs had a few give a shrill squeal of fear before sense came over them at his directions. He barked and snapped orders, finally getting the top floor was cleared before he went back downstairs.

"Clear up there?" She bothered to ask.

"Like a final wipe. " He shot back, getting a hearty laugh from Fel.

"Everyone check entryways! Team effort here! Go check other spots-" He began to direct the civilians in the room, watching as they began to move with purpose.

<<"Top floor is clear Anashja!">> She informed the woman over the line, still pushing the furniture around as the sounds outside grew and fell with assistance she couldn't see.


"What you did was wrong. My father doesn't care what you do to the dead. My people? They do. All you did was open yourself to the Epicanthix's wrath." There was something to be said about arrogance, and just how close Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was to causing all out war with a people she wouldn't have otherwise. His gaze drifted to Valery Noble Valery Noble after a moment. Right. She didn't know everything that was going on. He awkwardly crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his seat.

"My father came to Panatha when the Empire did. I'm not as capable of resisting him as I thought, to explain."

Location: Very close to the Valley
Equipment: Rifle, Sword, Magnetic Thermal Detonators, Thermite Explosives, Heavy Blaster Pistol, Carbine, Speedbike
Tags: Ghost "Frankie" Sterling Ghost "Frankie" Sterling /Open


For a brief second, Tovald flashed back to the Bryn fight and the never-ending Spiderlings and, the fear washed over him again. He had blotted most of that out. Easier to function that way, although the fight happened, he knew it did but, he refused to let it bother him. Or interfere with his life. Funny Frank should mention his big brother, Diocletian hasn't been starting any verbal spats lately. Which was fine at first but began to be a concern.

<"Dio never mentioned Rand to me, no bragging and no gory details, he hasn't contacted me at all for a while now."> Tovald admitted looking slightly to the side, unnerved at the undead man in front of him. Not what late-night movies depict at all. But that being said, it was a relief to hear a familiar voice, even if it was rattling in his mind.

Tovald snapped out of this long enough to hear Frank talking about cats. At this, he scowled deeply, not liking where this is going but he did realise Frank was kidding. At least he hoped so. The Ubese looked at the dead creature nearby with revulsion, he held his hands up in a very polite decline of the offered food.

<"No, already eaten today, they had a buffet at the house."> Tovald countered, walking around the corpse. He was scolded when he ate a dead Desert Rat when he was a child. Diocletian made him do it. Their mum was not at all pleased, their dad was livid, they both got punished.

QEMD-15 Echo

Sirens wail, I might as well be dead.
Objective: 2
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

As Echo continued walking through the town, walking towards the two fighting off the infected, a Echo received a message over comms.

"I read you loud and clear 15, I am on approach, coming in hot from the west. Please forward your scan data on to my hud"

"Affirmative, uploading scan data." He replied over commlink. Then, he began to upload his data to Anashja. Her HUD would begin to show the data Echo had obtained from his preliminary scans.

"and remind me to send your commanders a fruit bouquet you beautiful Warbot."

"Affirmative, message noted." Echo said.

Echo continued to walk through the streets of the town, the sirens on his head still wailing. Multiple infected shambled through the streets. Each time an infected got close enough to him, he would crush it underneath his gigantic feet. Scans were showing that more infected had appeared, and their numbers seemed to be growing. Echo had no idea where they were coming from, though.

"warbot, got a lovely little grouping over here if you would be so kind"

Quickly, Echo rushed forward at tremendous speeds, headed for the target buildings. He moved far quicker than should have been possible for something of his size, but he still moved quickly through the streets for the area. Then, once he reached the grouping, he brought his hands together, and slammed down into the group. He used his massive hands and arms to crush and obliterate the grouping of infected, annihilating them quickly and brutally. Once all of the infected were destroyed, Echo stood back up.

"Targets destroyed." He announced.

Objective: Stay Calm
Attire: Gown || Mask
Location: In the forest
Tags: Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish
Taozi's body tensed as she heard faint sobbing approaching from the woods. Whoever was approaching was in anguish, and she could only hope they weren't hostile. What she hoped for and what she got would not match up, however, as the bird was snatched out of the sky. Instantly, she felt suffocated. As the creature squeezed the bird, so to did Taozi feel the bird's pain.

Then, the creature got closer, and the pain Taozi felt almost made her double over.

She covered her ears as it screamed, and she struggled to keep her aura of calmness in the Force going as her breathing grew labored. Her ability to feel the pain and emotions of other people and creatures was a new and undeveloped skill of hers, but by the Manda was the intensity of the gangly creature in front of her making her feel as though she could feel things on the level of her teacher. Everything ached, and her lungs felt like they were being squeezed.

"A-all right... Guh... I won't... I won't look at you... But let the little bird go?"

Taozi's breathing became more and more labored the tighter the creature squeezed the bird, and she clutched a hand to her chest as she leaned forward. Her eyes squeezed shut from the pain, and her shoulders shivered with the effort it took her to not fall over right then and there.

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