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Dominion Spooktober: Zombie... Harvest Festival | EE Dominion of Thakwaa

Objective 2: Zombie Problems

Location: In house with Felmorante
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, ENCL-36 blaster
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo

Anashja watched the gigantic droid made short work of the shambling creatures. The sickening noises turned her stomach, she fought hard to remind herself that these creatures were no longer sentients.

"Thank you," she communicated over to the droid as he finished his work and she said a prayer in Mando'a for their souls.

It was one last leap to the house that Felmorante was hiding in, and with a quick lull in the number of contacts, she jumped across using her repulsors. The girl sent a message to her saying the roof was clear, so she took one last look into the distance, her HUD filling up with further creatures detected by the droid, and then with a sweeping motion, cut a circle in the roof beneath her.

Wood, pipes and slates tumbled down into what looked like a woman's bedroom below. Anashja hopped down in herself and looked around to ensure the room was clear, doors and corners, that's where they get you.

"Fel!" She called out as she moved further in and headed downstairs. She saw the soldier first "Sergeant Pants." she flipped a casual salute to the man, the humour in her voice showed she suspected his name wasn't really Grumpy Pants.

Next she saw the young woman in front of her, "Felmorante, it is lovely to see you, despite the circumstances. How have you been since your stay on the Tal'din? Any changes?"

"So here is the situation, we are kind of surrounded by zombies. We can't tell their source. There is an Imperial droid out there providing support."

Thinking for a moment she wondered whether Felmorante could help her find the source. Anashja was trained but did not quite have the power for a wide force search. If they combined both of their force sensitivities, she might be able to boost her own power enough to find the problem.

"If this is a problem in the force, we may be able to solve it together"

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid looked at the woman for a moment, who still hadn't spoken. After that, she watched Kahlil again.

"I know it was wrong and I don’t even feel good because I had to do it that way. But don't be naive. The people of Panatha will never know what happened there. If so, they won't believe it either. If they found out, they would have to accept that someone is almost as strong or just as strong as their gods. And that will never happen." she said.

Religious people were simple and easy to control in this regard.

"Rather, I deserved their anger by exiling forever the two children who consider themselves their gods, from the planet." she sighed tiredly. "Children… your father and Lord Prazutis."

For a moment, something sparkled in her eyes, she looked much older than she should have been. Yes, Ingrid had not only aged five years since they knew each other with Kahlil, but much more.

"Don’t feel bad about him influencing you. We were expecting this and he is Lord Carnifex… There are few in the galaxy who can resist him. In time, you will succeed. Do you agree, Miss Noble?"


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The wine Valery had ordered would quietly be set in front of the woman while she listened to the conversation between Ingrid and Kahlil. Slowly, she raised the glass up to her lips and took a sip. She felt the combination of sweet and bitter against her tongue and sighed softly as she looked back up.

Hearing about Panatha and the involvement of Kahlil's family now finally began to help Valery understand - there had been an encounter of some kind. She knew about his father and how dangerous he was, but not that he had been out to deal with him.

"I..." she paused a moment, a frown on her face "I agree." she then finally said in response to Ingrid's question.

"You can't run from family and while it might be hard to resist him now, I know that you have it within you." she offered a bit of a weak smile to Kahlil. Ever since their first meeting, the two had become closer and closer, so the idea of him falling to his father's influence worried her a great deal. If he were to fall completely, she'd lose the only person she felt close to.


"I've been running for years. Seeing him then was just.. Too much." Him and Prazius, really. Too much darkness, all in one place. If he thought about it, anyone would have likely succumbed to that level of darkness, short of a properly trained Jedi. Kahlil really needed to continue his training in that regard. Though, he glanced to Valery Noble Valery Noble , watching her for a moment. This was a heavy topic, yeah. One he wanted her to know, at least. But it didn't need to linger. He smiled a bit before nodding towards Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim .

"Better topics, though. For dinner. How have you been?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She nodded gratefully to Valery as she helped her make Kahlil feel better. Dinner; she had to eat something, order something, but was not hungry, in any form. So she prefers to jump to dessert right away. She loved sweets anyway. So she asked for a large portion of chocolate pudding and an ice cream cup made of three different chocolates, and ordered red wine to drink.

"You said a better topic would be on the table." she looked up as she sent her order.

Ingrid wasn’t the kind of person who likes to talk about her problems. What should she say? That Adrian's absence and death still hurt the same way? That the black hole in her soul does not heal? That a little over three hundred years in the Netherworld was not enough to heal the shattered and destroyed Force-bond? No, she didn't tell anyone about either. She had to deal with this on her own, alone.

"Rather, you will be the one who tells a story. Where and when did you first meet?" she asked the couple.


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery looked up from the data-pad after she finished ordering a simple meal. The question lingered for a moment, her eyes shifting to Kahlil before she decided to answer. Their meeting had been under strange circumstances, so she felt it was best for her to explain it. Of course, he'd be able to chime in as well.

"Well.." she paused, trying to figure out how to begin.

"We met on New Cov, a dangerous jungle planet and the location of my old Enclave was deep within its jungles, hidden. I was technically born a long time ago, but ended up trapped in stasis. After I woke up and recovered, I began to research what I missed during my time away and part of that was to go back to the place I used to call my home."

"It was difficult to find it all in ruins; and to really realize that everybody I once knew were long-gone. But having Kahlil there with me helped a great deal. We spent a few days on the planet and that's how we got to know each other a little better."

She looked at Kahlil with a warm smile.

"While we didn't meet under the best circumstances, I'm still glad things happened the way they did."


Ah yeah. The dangerous predators. Kahlil chuckled softly as he listened to Valery Noble Valery Noble spin the tale of their meeting. To him, he remembered it vividly. Grant it, that was because of the scars on his forearm from where one of those predators bit him. Another near death experience. "She saved my life, there. Unsurprising though. I'm nothing if not in need of saving these days." He cracked a grin, though it softened as he caught Valery's smile.

That was more distracting than he'd likely ever admit.

Though his gaze did drift back to Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim after a moment, concern briefly in his gaze. No news on her front just meant nothing good had happened. "So, what's the theme of your costume anyway?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid listened intently to the couple's story. Especially Valery's. It was a really interesting story, soon she herself will experience the same. Everyone will die around her, but Ingrid remains just as young. Who knows how long. True, she will not sleep, she’ll have to watch through the deaths of everyone she loves or is close to her. Thanks to Onrai…

"You were both lucky. I can’t even imagine how hard it can be for you, Miss Noble." this was not entirely true, but it was the appropriate sentence.

That she had to save Kahlil, too, just smiled. She didn't want to say that they were similar with the man in this, that they often didn't even care about themselves, just to keep others safe. So it was no wonder if they were injured or they needed rescue.

"If the question is not very indiscreet. How long did you sleep?" she asked.

She then turned to Kahlil with a questioning look after the costume question.

"This? Some kind of demon of the not really scary kind. Lord Tubrok chose it. He says I’m pretty scary when I'm working, so I need to be sexy at an event like this. And this is a hypocrisy on his part, he loves when I wear a uniform." she smiled for a moment.



Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development



Location: Graveyard 999
Equipment: Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)


The smell of flesh rotting around me began to twist and weave my mind in ways webbed like spiders hoping that special light would catch dinner for the night. The night was cold, and rank from a smell I couldn't finger with precision. At first thought, it was my costume. Stitched flesh never lasts long.

Sadly, by a remorse of admission, the smell was me. My meat suit began to slowly melt, liquify and attract hungry insects of all shapes, sizes, and annoyance. Worse yet, the undead monsters shambling about below smelled me. One by by one, like a collection of grave escaped convicts, they turned toward me; my costume leading them like that invisible finger of come hither.

Picking at the flesh suit, at times smelling and eating the flecks of dead skin, I waited for those broken beasts to trip toward me. Since that Last Battle against the Bryn, something changed inside me. That Mando hit me hard. I barely survived from my fall; feasting on creeper crawlers, squirmers, and itty bitty curious furry minds. But I also discovered the taste of flesh, dead or living, was rather invigorating.

.....and so as the living undead, which I found funny of a title, strolled toward me in a single-file buffet line; I stripped my clothes off, removed certain bionic additions and transformed into my cat form for the first time in forever. I didn't need a mirror or a friend to describe my appearance, the simple view of the undead pausing their march was enough: and I fed off the those dead till my belly bloated like an unwanted pregnancy.


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery looked at Ingrid and offered the woman a smile, "It was hard but I've adjusted well now. Largely thanks to the help I got from people like Kahlil here." she smirked and then thought about the question. A finger came up to tap against her lips and she let out an audible 'hrm' before responding.

"About 4000 years - I'm from around the days of the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Old Republic," she explained.

The woman then smirked at the costume question,
"I like the costume - it looks good on you." she said before looking down at her own. "This Vampire dress I got is lovely too, albeit a tad cold. The fake teeth are a bit annoying, though." she chuckled and looked at Kahlil for a moment, that same smirk still on her face.


It was almost a spit take. Almost. Kahlil couldn't help but stifle a laugh at Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim 's description of her costume. It caught him off guard, though perhaps he should of expected it after that one time on the beach. Four thousands years, though. He'd forgotten just how long it'd been for Valery Noble Valery Noble . At least she was still smiling. "Too cold, huh? Remind me to warm you up later."

The realization of what he said settled in a little late. He blinked, then cleared his throat as he sipped at his drink. "I'll uh, get you a coat before we leave."
Location: Meadow
Attire: XxX
Direct Interaction: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

A giggle echoed out from Eleena’s lips at her girlfriend’s play at scientific objectivity, a powerful, distinct crimson-pink blush once more coming over her alabaster skin as she dumped a large slice of layered chocolate chip cookie cake on her plate.

“The swoops doesn’t control itself ya’ know~” She said, mock wiping sweat from her forehead as she did, before nodding and following her girlfriend to the bonfire. The Twi’lek gave the blank-eyed couple a confused glance as she approached, opting to sit as far away from them as possible, without depriving herself of the bonfire’s warmth.

“Dancing~” Eleena purred softly as she lowered herself into the grass, getting lost in Trinity’s deep brown eyes as she did. “I like the sound of that.”

Eleena felt her mind wander as silence fell between the two women, perhaps because the food was so good. Her girlfriend’s mention of her parents had left an impression on her mind, if not because Eleena found that she envied her, but also because the Twi’lek felt guilty, for having held back for so long.

If Trinity trusted her enough to tell her who she was and where she was from, why couldn’t she do the same?

“Trinity...I think…” Eleena paused, then swallowed. “I want to tell you something.” She said softly.

“Something I’ve been...holding back.”
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development


Location: Arriving in the meadow
Objective: Have fun and flirt
Tags: Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

Trinity tucked in to her food as they sat, this was wonderful, the firelight, the indulgent food and a beautiful woman to share it with. She inhaled gently as she smelled spices and, other assorted herbs, wafting through the air, the scientist in her wondered what unusual strains she might currently be inhaling.

“Dancing~” Eleena purred softly as she lowered herself into the grass, getting lost in Trinity’s deep brown eyes as she did. “I like the sound of that.”
"I bet there are some fun dances going on, some worlds have entire cultural dances based on warding off evil spirits. I visited one where there was a whole lot of nudity involved," she quickly raised her eyes to look around, "looks like everyone is still dressed here, probably best, as the nudity was followed by some pretty unpleasant rituals." Was she talking work? she supposed kind of, oh well, she could be herself with Eleena and it made her feel happy.

She looked at Eleena, expecting to see her tearing into her food with all the grace that Twi'leks were known for, and yes she was eating, but those brilliant blue eyes were on her. "you are looking thoughtful tonight," smiled Trinity as she wiped some gravy off of her cheek with a napkin.

“Trinity...I think…” Eleena paused, then swallowed. “I want to tell you something.” She said softly.

“Something I’ve been...holding back.”

Trinity had looked back down to her food for a moment before Eleena spoke, so just hearing her, she was about to make some joke abbout her secretly being some Cerean male with eleven children, but catching the serious note in Eleena's voice she looked and saw the sincerity in her eyes. Trin's heart quickened, this could be nothing, or it could be very bad, no-one ever started a sentence like that when they had good news.

"Ok," she said after a moment, "you can tell me anything" there was a little shake in her voice as she feared the worst, but she held her nerve as she trusted that Eleena wasn't out to hurt her.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Nearly four thousand years?" she asked back. "It was a very popular period… you are not the first person I know from that age."

As far as Kahlil knew and she knew a common person, she was one of the former Pillars of the Sith Empire, Darth Xanesh. And the Eternal Empire also found someone from this age who, moreover, looked like the young Darth Tacitus. Last but not least, the last man who gave a marriage proposal to Ingrid, he was also born sometime at that time, the Shaper.

It didn't escape Ingrid's attention to how Kahlil reacted to her words. Yes, the young man didn't know her that much. The woman's closest friends would have just grinned, anyone else would have been even more surprised. Vampires; Ingrid thought of her lover, Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano and she smiled to herself for a moment, he was a vampire, yes.

"Thanks! Your dress is also wonderful and lovely. Love it!" she said with a very little flirtation in her voice. It wasn’t just an empty compliment, she really liked it.

What made her more amused was that Kahlil seemed embarrassed by the flirting. And Ingrid didn’t start flirting with Valery just because of Kahlil, for her, pairs of friends were always taboo. She never tried to seduce anyone from her friends.

"And the werewolf costume? Where did the idea come from?" she inquired.


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery's head slooowly turned to Kahlil at his comment and attempted recovery. He could instantly spot the smirk forming on her face, which remained as she leaned over and gently nudged him. "Such a gentleman," she said with a chuckle. Valery loved teasing, and Kahlil knew this - so this was to be expected.

Her eyes then shifted to Ingrid, to who she offered another warm smile in return for the genuine compliments.
"Thank you! I really appreciate it," she said as she tucked some loose strands of her long hair behind her ear.

The change in the topic had lifted the brunette's spirit quite a bit, so the smile remained as she looked at Kahlil again while he'd answer Ingrid's question.


Damn that was good wine. Some sort of vintage. .. Probably.

He'd avoid looking towards Valery Noble Valery Noble , instead pondering the age old question of just when this wine might of been made. Knowing full well the teasing grin the woman likely had after his blunder. Though, it seemed like Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim herself might do the same if he didn't change the subject. Oh, that would be a problem. "Right! Werewolf. That's what it's called. I'm not sure, exactly. As a boy I was always fascinated by things that could change and get stronger. I tended to be frail, so I guess it's lingered."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid smiled for a moment at Kahlil's response. Most children dream of having a secret form that they can transform into and then be stronger. The woman had never had such dreams, but she knew many who did. She really understood them; and many are like that as adults. Some of them will be Sith, others successful businessmen.

"Have you ever thought about making this happen? To become a shape-shifter?" she asked seriously.

She looked at the woman for a moment, then back at the man.

"I know now everyone is thinking about the evil Sithspawn. Not all evil is created by Force Alchemy, bioengineering, or sorcery. However, it may help you find yourself and who you are." she offered honestly.

She took a sip of her wine, then looked up.

"Last but not least, it would help you hide from your family until you are strong enough to face them. And you can say no, I don’t want you to feel like it’s mandatory. But we can even do it with a relic. And before anyone worries, it wouldn’t be a dark side relic. Neutral." she said.


Vampires and Werewolves

Objective: Harvest Festival
Valery: Appearance
Costume: dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Valery's head tilted slightly at what Ingrid was proposing, but she offered no initial response. She simply met the woman's gaze before turning her eyes to Kahlil as well. He had been dealing with his family all his life, so any method he believed to be necessary, she was sure he'd take.

"Would a relic truly keep him hidden from his father?"
she then asked.

"Hiding your true self from another Force-user is difficult as is, but they are bound by blood and to some extent, through the Force. Wouldn't it be risky?"
she asked sincerely. She feared his father would still be able to find him, and she doubt he'd appreciate the more clear attempt to stay off the radar completely.

Her eyes then turned back to Kahlil, waiting to see what his thoughts were on it.


"I've a Taozin Amulet to hide me. It works fairly well, but.. Changing my face, who I am, it won't hide me from my father." He chuckled a little, though there was a somberness to his tone. Kahlil's eyes closed for a moment as he sipped his wine. No, don't let it linger on that. "Asides, I think I look pretty damn good as I do now, right?" Kahlil cracked a grin, looking between Valery Noble Valery Noble and Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . He could be smug, sometimes.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Harvest Festival
Location: Harvest Festival's Mansion, Thakwaa
Equipment: Costume / Costume || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open
[ Nightmare ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I learned the basics from the best and had a lot of time to learn more. If it were dangerous, I wouldn't offer it." she told Valery honestly.

Ingrid shook her head disapprovingly. She didn't want to force it all. If no then no. It was the man’s decision and the woman respected it. But she still had a comment to make.

"Do you really think I am such an amateur that I couldn't change your Force Signature too? And my previous offer is still valid, too, to take that shard out of you so he can’t find, or recognise you." she said seriously.

But after that, she really didn’t force the subject, it was Kahlil’s decision. However, since the unpleasant topic was already discussed and finished she didn’t really have any more topics. And she saw that the couple rather wanted to be alone.

"I will have to go slowly, the children are waiting for my call." she said, especially Eyjolf, because he was old enough for that.



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