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Approved Location Seito Palace



  • Military Base Name: Seito Estate
  • Classification: A Military Palace
  • Location: Atrisia
  • Affiliation: Ike Family
  • Population: A large population, being one of the oldest locations that have been populated since before the unification wars. Seito has been built and expanded within having the village within the inner ring and going out nearly fifty kilometers from the plateau to the outer wall. With mountain passes and valley's where they are kept around and alive.
    • 1,500,000 villagers/extended clan
    • 750,000 soldiers
    • 100,000 siblings
    • 50,000 yovshin
    • 25,000 Refugees
  • Demographics: [ Please describe the general assortment of inhabitants. Specific species percentages are welcome but not required. Any uncommon species or custom species should be linked. If no population exists put N/A. ]
  • Accessibility: Originally one of the hardest locations to reach, Seito Palace was constructed to be a fortress with its own fresh water source, food growing capabilities and stores. With advancing technologies and flying ships able to land it's primary protection of height and distance has been reduced as ships can land on its star pads.
  • Description: Ancient and built before the unification wars with the wealth of Bei Xi. The Seito palace is one fo the oldest still functioning structures on Atrisia and serves as a means to protect the bulk of wealth and family wihtin House Ike. Built in three massive walls and rings that have shaped the mountains around a plateau and jutting structure that could overlook everything around them. From the clouds the family had what was considered the ultimate defensive structures when there were no starships and instead thousands of petty warlords seeking riches.
Unaga's Tomb: Ancient and built within the mountain. It was what brought the clan here to discover the site of their fortress. The tomb itself is massive and ancient with alcoves where members of the clan have been interred with their ashes.

Nightshade Valley: WIthin the area betwen the first and second walls, the valley is where stone was cut and taken away to make the walls. Deeper down within it veins of crystal, gemstones and aurodium that have been being mined by the villagers.
Outer Wall: Strong and the first line of defense with its massive size being used to deter in the past and now with cannons and sensors where it has areas enemies can approach from. THe single main entrance of the gate is what allows them to focus and prevent most armies from getting through easily.
Inner Wall: Larger and carved itno the rocks and stone, to hold plenty of soldiers within... while above on the walkways it allows soldiers and transports to move around on top of it. THe turrets, height and sensors continue to work on favor as the narrow pathways leading to it make approaching armies have to file in and fall down into the abyss below them.
Mountain Plateau: The final wall in many cases, towering up high and into the center with the area around it dug out deeply to have galleries, tunnels, rooms and armories of the mines. Thick and massive they are still used as active mines with more tunnels being made deeper and deeper.
The Ascent: THe final ascent to the palace itself is narrow and has different alcoves for soldiers to ride. Having to go up the stairs the approaching enemy has the disadvantage while going through the pathways.
Yura Village: Within the second and final wall and situated in a valley. The village serves for originally the slaves and miners but it has been worked on and improved as slavery was outlawed to have freed men and women. They serve with the clan and work the mines around the palace and within the walls.
Crimson Fields: Beautiful and where most unions between clan members and other houses have been or honor djuels fought. THe fields are large and there are cherry blossom trees around it scattered witht he flowers.

  • Outer Wall: Built the furthest out, the outer walls of the palace are tall being built into and along the mountains. Filling in gaps and creating a crude ring that goes around it. Able to march an army across the top where they could patrol it. Massive and dangerous for its time. THe wall has been fixed and set up to have spaced out Suo Defensive Cannons towers along the out of it providing cover fire while Suo Defensive Cannonsturret's and Suo Defensive Cannons's cover areas where the mountain rods can lead up. Security camera's are used along with sensors across the wall and entrance towards the interior ring. A Gentoku train has been set up with its own line to get through the mountains that is defended with Autoturrets and Suo Defensive Cannons. Military soldiers from the royal guards patrol and hold much of the mountain passes.
  • Pathways: Narrow, patrolled and having a sheer cliff on one side while the mountain is near the other. A heavy army would have to move slowly through it while across the distance arches would be able to pick them off and other soldiers able to drop rocks. Remodels of it have added Tanglefoot field's to trip up those who are hostile and Autoturret's. Security camera's along the pathway and at points across the mountains provide a means to see as much of it as they can.
  • Middle Wall: Larger and taller, the massive wall is made for several walkers to move abreast. With thicker walls and the colossi yovshin statue that has been built. With sniper slots, additional Suo Defensive Cannons towers, Suo Defensive Cannons's and Suo Defensive Cannons's along the ring of a wall through the mountains. Protecting them with Biometrics and Security camera's that check the people and ensure others can't get inside. With improvements Orchid Platforms have been installed for defensive purposes. Environmental Stations have been set up to saturate the mountains and control the weather turning some areas into harsh sub-zero regions while others are made ideal for passing through. Narrowing
  • Pathways: Once inside the first two walls, through the defensive pathways between the mountains themselves curve into a more narrow pass. With auto turrets on either side, more tanglefoot traps fields and Security camera's that are designed to continue to thin out the numbers being brought before it. Sasori Ur-Didact weapon emplacements haave been set up to target and narrow the approach to attack
  • Plateau: The third wall technically, towering up from the ground as a plateau where scaling it is not impossible but it is not easy either. Security camera's, Biometrics cover the structure and the massive maw of the dragon's claw a series of four Plasma Bridge's with three of them going from the pathways and the final one into the maw. It is narrow to keep others from passing into the maw itself and able to be deactivated as needed. Able to hold and allow twenty walkers to move abreast through it. Lined with Suo Defensive Cannons's and Weapons detection systems. Disruptor security beams that an auto target and go after anyone who the biometrics don't register as friendly. Anticoncussion fields built into it to increase structural strength but also for sieges keep the impact from collapsing tunnels. The final thing is a Door-field that is built into the tunnels themselves and the military windows for snipers to shoot from as well as the large clearance all around them.
  • City: Built atop the plateau itself as a ring or the closest thing it goes into the central mountain itself and it filled with the family, the main star port of Seito along with the barracks for what had been their personal guards. The different entrances to the mines, Geothermal taps, Duel Purpose Generators designed to work, water and waste disposala nd purification centers, recycling, manufacturing. The city itself is made to be somewhat self contained as it is built several layer high with its own set of walls scaling up and up. The sheer cliff itself still goes up for most with smaller pathways that lead up and hook around through it while the rest goes up into the cloud.
  • Pathway: The final stairs and paths with the strongest soldiers that the clan had for them. If everything else was breached this was the place where their yovshin and elites could funnel and have the ultimate advantage.
  • Inner Walls: Built from Kazue stone and designed as an enhanced security measure to continue to fortify the palace. Heavy Suo Defensive Cannons for powerful anti air defenses along with shield generators. Power plants that power and give energy to the walls and areas of the mountain such as the city have hardened locations to protect the Sasori Iso-Didact generators.
  • Seito Palace: THe final location, massive and buitl into the clouds with the ability to look outwards acros the entire mountain range. The domain of the Ike Clan and oldest palace/fortress on atrisia. It bolsters Suo Defensive Cannons, Biometrics. Autoturrets, Security camera's, blast doors, Door-fields and Tanglefoot fields with Weapons detection systems and Disruptor security beams. The estate is there the array to provide the ultimate defense to them. A WorldArmor 4 defensive sectional planetary shield that is able to cover the area of the mountain range where they are located in a massive circle. WIth the generator in the ground and projector coming from the central location it can protect itself from orbital bombardment and debris.
Ancient and built atop the highest mountains. THe ancient palace for the warlords of house Ike. THeir clan's secondary fortress when they had thrust into the continent and battled against several fo the smaller ones before the unification wars. It was planned and considered soemthing that would be made to match the splendor of the White Pearl Bei Xi.

At least that was the plan, there are few palaces, fortresses or location on Atrisia that can boast more black marble and after the battle of the five lords. Where her father was slain delivering a death strike to another one of the lords. It was Unaga thirteenth of her name who wanted to build it on the site where they had all battled. Her brother convinced her to take the high ground.

Which proved to be the Dragon's Spine, a range that stretched up and up into the clouds overlooking the valley and mountain range around them. Able to see what would be Jar'kai in the distance and across to Xianlong in the south. Even on a clear day with a proper spyglass the shimmering golden waters of the sea would allow them to see the white marble of Bei Xi.

The task was a massive one, with nearly a decade being required to clear the way, make enough room in the paths and roads that they would be able to start carving and working the stone of the Dragon's Spine. The story goes that a thousand stone masons and a million slaves taken from those they had conquered were used in the construction.

Hauling away stone and marble a that was as black as night and had a greasy look to it. The higher up they went past trees and planets the stone became slick with precipitation and ice. SNow going even higher nearly two hundred feet deep with pathways being carved itno the ice to keep the sides from falling in on them. Once they had managed to get the main pathway cleared the real work had to begin.

THe initial construction of the first houses and walls of it were rumored to take nearly a generation, house Ike was considered fair but they were also dangerous fighters. Fierce and protective of their territory they had cut a swath through the petty warlords and wannabe rulers to forge their own small region compared to some of the others but it all worked.

The outer most layer and wall was being carved itno the mountains with chiseled stone worked to create a wall that was uniform in its height but not its size. In some places it dipped lower and lower and lower into ravines sealing them up. Along blackened and twisted rivers, around the mountain and in some parts through it to create the gates of the Scion.

The gates themselves are formidable, with a strong defense against assault, narrow passes where a smaller force of soldiers from the clan could hold off and narrow the odds in their favor. With alcoves for archers to sneak around and take shots. Area that are connected and too narrow for horses, to steep for a mule to go through easily and laiden with traps.

Then it passes to three way forts, defendable and with each one having a wall that is higher then the other. The mountains around it carved and across the range it was taken away to make more traps and jagged sections. More traps, beacon towers and early warning areas for scouts to set themselves up. Kiyoma Ike the great grand daughter of Unaga saw the completion of the first wall.

Her interest in it though was different, Kiyoma had plans to assault the valley and area around Xianlong where they could take precious resources. the ice and snow melted as they needed it and provided water. Streams and rivers were full of fish and creatures grazed on the mountains or with cattle. The massive palace was still going to be many other sections.

The second wall though was designed to be higher then the first if that was seen as possible with its entire lengths made thick enough for six riders to race side by side and that is what happens still to this day. To remember the time then the completion was finally there. Thousands of workers dying no doubt and being buried in the ravines they left as a means to have some defenses.

Other things, caves and sections of the mountains that would serve as a natural defense were set up to be used but not pose a problem to them. Kiyoma's campaign in the lower valley's brought their people back here. The second set of gates are massive with the statue of a warrior on either side of them. Natural passage going through and the mountain is hollowed to allow armies to move around.

The work that continued to go into it, to make the areas between the gates populated where it could be with roads that while narrow and able to filter an attacking force also gave places for defenders and armies to attack and pick off attackers. Farmers and the small folk under the direction of the house work the mountains in terraced farm areas along the sides of the mountains.

Still the first and second walls of the fortress were dangerous and massive expanding outwards towards what would become the first village for their small folk within the area between the third and second wall. The village was simple enough looking to be built up until there was no more room for the village in the stone area of the mountain. A small valley taking the way.

A tomb being carved out fo the mountain for UNaga... one or them or all of them and the Ike family. It was set on the side of a mountain and the crypts really work to hold many of them. Small alcoves with statues and carved figurines that they had set up. The tomb itself is a whole other story though but the valley is important as the mountain is massive and goes deep.

The third and final gate of it is now as much a gate as it is a final plateau with a mountain on it. Massive and seemingly flat after having been worked on. It towers over the mountains and over looks the mountains themselves. It can be seen as the second highest point fo the Dragon's spine and is riddled with tunnels, areas to peer out and attack, deep chasms around it on all but one side.

The chasm itself is massive and man made, spending decades and more mining it for ore, until it was deep and wide. ABle to narrow the entrances to the main chasm. The dragons claw is a three pronged bridge that goes to the dragons maw. A door that can allow fifty abreast to pass through it while an AT-AT could easily walk in. The huge section of cave was made larger.

It was then made with carved tunnels mining rich veins of aurodium that are still able to be mined with new tunnels for family, for galleries of armor, precious riches on top of everything that they have been doing. Rich Murals of the history of the family on Atrisia from the discover of the White Pearl to the temples that flew off with them and reunification.

The pathways up to the top of the plateau it comes upon a ring fort. Massive and its own city with a kilometer high sheer cliff still climbing up into the sky above the clouds. MOuntain passes that go up and have chokepoints, defenses and traps for those who don't know how to get through. Cave systems that lead to secret garden's rooms of legends within.

Finally reaching the top it is a massive and beautiful palace in the clouds. There are buildings on small mountain tops with bridges, These lead out to shrines and watch towers with spyglasses to oversee the mountains themselves. Massive beacons that can burn brightly like the dawn to alert anyone if something is coming. The Ike clans massive fortress against their enemies was something of a marvel.

However it still took two hundred years to properly construct and make ready for habitation. A marvel of engineering tubes that take water from geothermal taps that they have reached. Go through the walls bringing warmth and heat up from the planet itself. Making even in winter the castle warm and comfortable, in the summer it can be closed to allow the palace to cool off.

THe buildings that scale up towards the main parts of the palace, turning into a maze within that finally ends at the final barriers before getting into the main families house. Gilded stone doors able to be opened with the force before it leads into the palace entrance chamber. The chamber beyond holding the pearl seat of House Ike. Legends say when the emperor saw the structure he wept at the beauty but this is impossible to confirm or deny.

With construction complete and the family moving in, not a year later the unification wars started. Rumors of the Jade Empress bringing her armies across the mountains, through the passes and descending from the north on the few cities. She didn't have House Ike yet, the White Pearl was designed and out of her notice for the moment but there was always a chance for more.

THe first meeting after Bei Xi bent the knee and the Kuramagi fortress was taken. The Seito palace hosted the new emperor when he was youn ger and he came to see it. Marveling at the power and naming Matsudaria as a chamberlain to his new empire. What they would do was build a grand city and to protect him the clan insisted on using the fortress itself to rule from.

The centuries after the unification war were good for the emperor and his empire. While his mother had bound everything and taken it or cponquered his job was to ensure it was knit together. With one fo the larger armies in the region and loyal vassals he was doing just that until it passed to his daughter and then to her son and so on down the line.

Eventually the empire though was without and heir and so the last of the Jade Empress who in an honor duel had been stabbed slowly bled out she named Lua Bi the first of the Lotus Emperors. A new dynasty but his first act was to go from Seito to his own palace in Jar'kai the new capital city. Where he could be away from the Influence of the past and forge Kital Phard into a new path.

The centuries and years were kind to the old palace. It might have taken centuries to build but the advances in technology, the improvements in health and life for the people meant that it was able to expand with its villagers gaininign education, employment and mines flourishing as more and more sections were carved out in the mountains within the walls of it. Valley's canyons, rivers and its own lake.

The gulag plague was the most devastating thing to happen to the estate and even that only served to harden their resolve. WHile the family expanded and really took to having it be a life. The army was replenished and events such as the darkness while Atrisia went, the netherworld and wars brought their attention. THeir family was involved but on the outskirts in many cases

Seito itself has been slowly rebuilt and built upo in places with modern defenses and while it isn't considered a military installation on the planet. It does have from the families wealth a military grade sectional shield for planetary defense. A large collection of anti-air/vehicle/infantry turrets, sensors and areas for them. The latest clan head of House Ike ruling from Bei Xi uses it as a summer palace.

The years have continued to be kind to the palace... massive overhauls to the weapons and defenses as well as expansion of its soldiers and housing for refugees who work with the family. Everything has been set in place and screen processes to get invited and access to the palace is strict with few unauthorized and vetted able to get housing.

THe Jishi era has seen vast improvements to the schooling around the village and the palace, the farming and manifacturing of equipment that is shipped up to the Anshin with one fo the few private ports that are designed to be used. They worked to incorporate new AI's and improvements of Atrisia such as the trade and currency AI for maximizing profits and trade deals with offworlders and growing their coffers.

WIth the assembly AI the large sections of the palace could be in constant use and protected with minimal input as the AI assisted the fighters. New and improved power reactors, living modules and medical centers that can be used. Advanced storage and equipment for the soldiers that are stationed there as well as new and improved clothing.

Weather stations to control and manipulate the mountains to turn sections of them into frozen sub-zero areas for defensive means and others temperate to raise animals and crops. The Commonwealths vast scale of improvements have turned the ancient palace into one of the most top of the line used by the royal family.
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Submission Name: Bei Xi (White Pearl)
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Submission Name: Seito Palace
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