Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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School's Out For Jungle (The Troublesomes)

Achani Raxis

Achani smirked at Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II remarks towards Tuuli. She couldn't help but hide back a chuckle. Sometimes a kid like that needed to be taken down a notch or two. Nothing against him, but high and mighty wasn't the best. And with Adara Raxis Adara Raxis acting like a lovesick girl and letting him take all her thunder.

Huh, was she actually trying to defend Adara? Weird.

Nonetheless, her eyes peered over to Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus as the shuttle landed. Hm, where to start? Achani didn't care much for Jedi, and especially hated the Sith, but overall she was pretty ambivalent about it all. "How many camps are in the area?" She asked, taking a look at the AI. A few, with a couple prime.

"Might could hit here and then here. Steal some junk, too. Lightsabers run a nice credit in the markets," she muttered. "Although, we could always stink bomb them." She shrugged as she stepped off the landing pad and into the forest. A deep breath of air - nothing like it.

“…. aaannd what could possibly go wrong with splitting up on a planet controlled by killer Jedi? Nothing? Noooot a thing?” Amma gave the eye roll of eye rolling eye-rolly doom, before shrugging on her terentatek leather jacket. Hair a hopeless poof of tight curls, Amma gave up trying to tie it back and hopped down the hangar door to branch off with Stabs and Achani.

Girl time would make all ills better. So would the cans of paint in the bag she slung over her shoulder and cross-body. Amma watched Achani for a while, seeing the glint in Achani’s eyes at Adara’s mention of death. Walking past Achani, Amma punched her in the shoulder.

“Oy, focus. We have petty banditry to do. C’mo-did… did Adara the Sparkly Happy-Face Chick send for more ships?” Above them, the clouds shifted in their tropical puffery (no good for Amma’s hair), as ships descended.

“Ah………… guys? Running might be…. might be good.” Amma backed up a few steps as one hundred and twenty people disembarked. “Wait… are those…. unarmed shuttles with… aaaand the cragamaloids got it. Okay, we’re… let’s totes steal junk. I could make cool stuff with junk. If they have a scrap pile, I can smithy it into something useful… oooooooooo stink bomb gets my vote.” Amma smirked as she went off toward the Jedi encampment, looking back to Fred for a moment to see what the boys were up to.

Hopefully having fun too.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Fred Gred Fred Gred Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Taru Cadera Taru Cadera
Tabitha kicked herself off the wall, spinning her knife in her hand a couple times before putting it back in it's sheath at her side, and shoving yet another stick of gum in her mouth as Achani Raxis started to leave.

"Thoundth goo'."

Stabby walked beside Achani and Amma Dib Amma Dib off the ship, and looked casually over to watch the ships land. She raised a brow at Amma, wondering what the other girl was nervous for. The Troubles had a Star Destroyer! The little shuttles the enemy brought were like gnats! Oooooh those cragama-whatsits were neat.

A weird hum came from Tabitha as they got closer to the Jedi encampment as she started planning her path of destruction. What would she do if they didn't have mechanical doors? What could she stick this gum into to make it Not Happy Machinery? Surely they'd have a few building up by now, right? A thoughtful frown pulled her lips down as she rubbed her jaw.

Maybe she chewed too much gum.
Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Amma Dib Amma Dib James Cerensp Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Adara Raxis Adara Raxis R Reyn Australis Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Achani Raxis

Fred looked at Taru, sighing.

"Vod, I'm a walking technical encyclopedia, especially old Mando'ade tech, and we're going to an abandoned base, not an active one. Let's just get in gear and go!" He didn't even wait for an answer before getting up and heading for the ram, IA-9 in hot pursuit. She whistled and whirled, attempting to get Jai to slow down some. Then, hearing something descend. Shuttles? 2000 Star Commuter Shuttle? And then he heard footsteps after the crafts landed. He looked back to see Cragmaloids leaving the ship too. Then noticed Amma look at him, which got him to blush. Thankfully he was wearing a helme... wait? Why was he blushing? Either way, he had an idea. He looked at Rhae and Taru, nodding to them.

"Me and Eya'll catch up guys. Wanna handle something real quick." The V-2 just let out a confused tone before Fred walked up to the Cragmaloid. "Mind if I sneak and find out a little more about the other uninvited guests?" If he was allowed to, Fred and his little droid would sneak through the brush, and approach slowly as to come up behind the shuttles. He was gonna have a little fun.

Ivan Stadd

Location : Dxun
Objective : Capture Brigh Solus Skirae
Tags : Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles | Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae | Taru Cadera Taru Cadera | Amma Dib Amma Dib | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Adara Raxis Adara Raxis | R Reyn Australis | Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus | Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Achani Raxis | Fred Gred Fred Gred

As the scouts moved throughout the Jungle they heard the sounds of what they initially thought were beasts but instead were Cragmaloids. Using their thermal scopes the Scouts soon determined that atleast a 100 of them were marching towards the area in which James Cerensp and his men had landed. Quickly one of the Scouts soon relayed a message to James Cerensp. "Sir we have detected enemy hostiles atleast 100 of them all heading towards our positions." Then after sending the message the Scout instructed his other scouts to seek cover in order to continue their mission.

Meanwhile at the Staging area where James and his men prepared to move out and located Brigh , James received a message from his Scout informing him of the Cargmaloids headed towards them. James then understood that the enemy had found out of their arrival and decided that it would be best to force the Cargmaloids to fall back. Soon James had assembled all of his Supercommandos (20 in total) and began slowly approaching the enemy as James and his men activated their cloaking devices and moved into the jungle intending to attack the enemy force before they could find him first.

As James men marched through the Jungle , James Relayed a message to Josiah Miller who was on board the Enforcer in which along with 2 additional Subjugator-Class Star Destroyers were positioned in a nearby system in neutral space. "Operative Miller our cover has been blown , i need you to prepare the Subjugators and rienforce us when i give the command." James said. "Roger that , i shall order all officers and ship personel to head for their battlestations and await further orders" Josiah Replied. Despite their loss of cover James knew that it wouldn't be hard to capture Brigh and that the Craigmaloids would be easy to deal with.

As the Craigmaloids entered in view , James Cerensp motioned his Cloaked Supercommandos to take cover behind the trees. Soon the Supercommandos would take out weapons of all sorts , Portable Rotary Blaster Cannons , Grenades , Sniper Rifle , Kortosis Blades and simple Blaster Rifles. Soon they entered in range of their weapons the Supercommandos and James Cerensp would uncloak and strike at the Craigmaloids hopefully taking down a few Craigmaloids and clearing the path for the Capture of Brigh.
Not in the least unsettled by Fred's remark, Taru silently chided himself for not guessing before hand that the a Clan Gred Mandalorian would also be an engineering genius. They all were...

He then began to follow Fred out of the shuttle, where seeing him stop and ask the cragmaloid, which definitely had not been there before, about sneaking off ship to deal with something, Taru decided to find out what was happening.

Having taken off his helmet to reconfigure its HUD earlier, Taru grabbed it and placed it on his head. Saying the password silently by the movements of his mouth, the helmet let loose the rest of the armor. As he walked down the ramp and past the cragmaloid who was engaged in conversation with Fred, each step saw a stream of armored nanites build up the shape of his armor, covering his body in a flexible and armored multi-layered armor.

At the bottom of the ramp he slowed to a stop, his armor having flawlessly enveloped him. Turning on the jetpack, he jumped into the air and angled his body towards the direction of the front of the cragmaloid lines.

Lets see what we've got here.

Landing at their head, he walked forwards and turned on his annunciator program, which would act like a loudspeaker. In fluent Galactic Basic, he said into the annunciator "Whoever just parked those shuttles had better step out to where my friends can see you, cause I dont know what your deal is but you could have given us the courtesy of announcing yourselves. You can either come out to where we can see you, and we can talk like civilized people, or you can stay in the trees and have us hunt you out. It's your choice really."

That was a lot to say in one go, thank Manda'yaim that was over.

Taru hadn't thought that he could have been this diplomatic, and laughed at the subtle thought of a career change which would and could never happen. He loved warfare too much, it was an instinctual part of him.

Composing himself, he ordered his armor to focus armor on the front and sides, watching in satisfaction as the layers literally swam through and over each other until meeting the required parameters.

And now to wait... oh, and Tuuli is definitely going to kill me, he thought to himself.


Adara Raxis Adara Raxis | R Reyn Australis | Achani Raxis | Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles | Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae | Amma Dib Amma Dib | Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus | Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II | Fred Gred Fred Gred | James Cerensp | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
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Rhaegar Dib II

Heir of the Dragons
Everyone was ready to roll out, the different groups congregating and departing. Rhae may not have been thrilled with Tuuli, but you couldn't deny the impression the Miles family liked to make. As the Prince of Flowers and Adara's group left he smirked before catching that look between Amma and Freddie. Oh hell na. No oil slick, grub stained, clan Gred kid is going to be making eyes at his sister. Nope nope nope. They didn't make a manual for what he was gonna do if he seriously thought he was going to get anywhere near Amma. Yup. Somebody was going to have an 'accident', no doubt.

And then things began to get interesting.

The fat elephants began marching out with Freddie heading over to talk to them. Taru followed suit with that awesome armor flowing down in nanite glory. Then a pair of starfighters soared from the hangar. Rhae watched with slack jawed attention, all previous thoughts forgotten. Snapping back to the moment, he headed back up the ramp quickly checking the internal comms and catching up on the uninvited guests who had just appeared. Or were they the uninvited guests? Or were they merely unintended guests and the shuttles were unplanned guests? Were any of them guests or were they all guests?

Again, je shook himself back to the moment as he sent a message to the Pirate Princess as he slipped up a ladder and climbed unobtrusively into a cockpit.

"Hey Tuulip, this is Rhaegar. I'm borrowing one of your fighters, sic by the way. Thanks!"

Cutting the frequency the Starfighter in front headed out the hangar following the others. Without hesitation Rhae placed his hands on the controls and let out a stuttering sigh. This was gonna be fun. Then he moved the fighter forward in repulsors until clearing the destroyer. With a smirk he pushed the throttle forward and was driven back into the seat as the Starfighter accelerated. It wasn't exceedingly fast but neither was it slow. Shifting the joystick he put the ship into several barrel rolls with laughter that rang out.

Leveling out he pulled back on the stick gaining altitude as he circled around. Systems brought up the basic shuttles on radar, brackets outlining the intruding shuttles. He vaguely remembered that Freddie and Taru were headed toward one of the enemy ships and touched the targeting systems marking one of the five as a friendly … even though blowing that one away would get rid of Amma's potential oil stained mechanical engineer suitor.

But he resisted.

Arming weapons systems he hovered his finger off the trigger for a few moments before squeezing and firing the pulsar cannons missing the first shuttle with a smirk before twitching the stick over in order to attempt to strafe the other four shuttles with the cannons before switching to the ordinance.

James Cerensp R Reyn Australis Fred Gred Fred Gred Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae

Ivan Stadd

Location : Dxun
Objective Capture Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae
Tags R Reyn Australis Fred Gred Fred Gred Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus

Whoever just parked those shuttles had better step out to where my friends can see you, cause I dont know what your deal is but you could have given us the courtesy of announcing yourselves. You can either come out to where we can see you, and we can talk like civilized people, or you can stay in the trees and have us hunt you out. It's your choice really.

As Fighters circled above , James and his men , the Operative realized that he needed complete back up support and that his men were outnumbered , yet James wasn't known to run away from a fight. The Operative had one purpose to enforce the will of his masters and to crush those who stood in his way. With 3 Subjugators nearby , James was still certain that the Operation would go as proceeded. As his men aimed their blasters towards the enemy , James Cerensp signaled them to not attack , ordering more troops to reinforce James and his men leaving only 20 Men to defend the Shuttles. Fully confident that he would succeed James responded to the ultimatum posed by the Mandalorians

"Who i am is not of your concern we are here for one person , Brigh Solus Skirae. My superiors have unfinished business with her mother and she must pay the price for the crimes that her mother has committed. If you truly wish to keep this civilized i suggest you and your men stand down and allow us to proceed with our Operation or we will be forced to open fire. The Choice is yours"

To ensure that he meant buisness , James decided that the Mandalorians should learn who they were messing with. Soon James then contacted his Subordinate , Josiah Miller. "Operative Miller , deploy your fleet at Dxun and await further orders. If the Mandalorians attack return fire , if they comply with us things will hopefully go well but for now we must show them that we are not a force to be messed with." James said
"Roger that James , making the Jump to Hyperspace now" Josiah Miller replied.

Soon a group of 3 Subjugator-Class Star Destroyers (Classified as Heavy Cruisers to avoid Confusion) jumped out of Hyperspace in the Ondoron System with the Fleet moving forth to approach the enemy Star Destroyer. Weapons were ready , Shields were raised and Fighters were readied , as Josiah Miller entered the bridge , the Operative could see a Siege Star Destroyer not so far away as it remain in orbit of Dxun preparing to engage the enemy vessel and destroy iif the Mandalorians tried to attack the Sibjugators First. Everything was set and soon the DIB would emerge victorius in it's struggle against tMandalorians.
Location: Dxun
Objective: Patrol
Weapons: Two short shoto lightsabers, one double-bladed lightsaber, DL-44 blaster

This was not something normal for Ra, but somehow she had drawn the short straw and ended up on patrol duty for the Silver Jedi. Due to some previous misadventures and the intervention of a true friend, she had guards with her. That wasn't the only thing different about today. Today, that friend had decided to join her.

Dxun was a dangerous place and that was probably why Vulps had decided to come with her. She knew his opinion of the Silver Jedi, but yet here they were walking together. While it might be a temperate planet, the almost constant rains and dangerous animals kept most people away. A world that was not friendly to metal things at all.

Still, she wore the armor that made her appear to be a droid. Short trips weren't an issue for any normal droid and she felt confident nobody would think much about it. At the moment, she had the faceplate up and was looking around to see if there was anything funny going on.

"This weather...I'm just glad I'm not really wearing metal. That would get rusty really quickly. Nobody expects an attack droid!"

Trying to lighten the mood a little as they approached the Sith tomb here, communication came through her helmet. Holding a hand up, she looked to Vulps and then up at the sky.

"We got trouble. A fleet of ships...many ships just appeared in orbit. Something is going on. We're almost done with our tour and then we look into the situation above."

Not in exactly a hurry, she did speed her walk up and then slowed down. Motioning to Vulps and his men, she stopped totally. Pointing in front of them, she could make out a group of people.

"Do you think those ships have anything to do with this?"

There were two hidden lightsaber hilts on her arms and it would take just a heartbeat to draw them. Ra did not do that though. Instead, she walked out openly and moved closer to the group in front of them. What she could see were several Anubians, which could be bad news and several young people.

She didn't go alone though. Vulps was with her, his men and at least one other person. The only reason why there were so many was because a patrol was so very rare for Ra. No chances were going to taken and her safety was ensured.

Vulpesen Vulpesen Skorvek Skorvek Drauchir Drauchir Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean
Zaiden glanced up from his work. People.. someone was... What was he sensing. He couldn't discern what the problem was. But the Force spoke of his need to be present. It was a tug at the back of his mind. Like when someone repeated a reminder in their head for something over and over.

Rising from his place at the desk. Extending a hand, he held out a hand and a drawer on his wardrobe opened. Out flew a lightsaber, directly to his palm. Clipping this to his waist, he checked his cufflinks then straightened his vest.

Sliding arms into his blazer, the man looked quite dapper in his three piece suit.

Stepping around the desk, he focused his mind. Finding a destination with aid of the Force, he took a breath and then a step forward...

A loud bang pushed air from a space previously without body, now possessing one. Zaiden Greyson Folded Space and was now present on the ground. It was a rare power, one he had to learn from Pikiran.

Glancing about, he took in those present. Including a Droid that held the aura of a person. He nodded to everyone, "Zaiden Greyson. Don't know why we are here. But you have my assistance."

Riamah Riamah
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What turned into hopefully a relaxing time with the kids turned into a all out small war someone wanted Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae and was willing to go completely overboard to do it which no doubt that would provoke a response given who owns this planet, Didn't matter though as he in his current armor with all possible speed darted towards Adara Raxis Adara Raxis 's location even wearing his gam his speed was incredible allowing him to reach the group in a quick amount of time when he arrived to the group and kept with them as a shield he had a few ideas and a few choke points to maybe explore but he'd go where she goes to keep him safe as apparently someone wanted to target them he had a few ideas where to go for defensible positions. He moved over to Adara and Brigh before he spoke.

Perhaps itd be a wise idea to get into the tomb its more defensible for a myriad of reasons.

The tomb was perfect for multiple reasons it was a sith tomb after all which took most of the reason why it was good to head to after he sent a quick message about the situation to Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae it was only fair the mother finds out what was going on.

R Reyn Australis Fred Gred Fred Gred Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Riamah Riamah Vulpesen Vulpesen Drauchir Drauchir Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean
Location: Accompanying Riamah
Objective: Protect
Equipment: Varos Cloak, Personal Lightsaber, 2 extra Lightsabers, 10 daggers, Fennec Pistol, Kits Yelp Bracers, Three totems of Familiars(kath hound, Kreehawk, Acklay), Shadow Fox Amulet
A VSF VIP, as well as a royal member of the Torrevaso family who controlled the planet of Veradune both stood on the surface of Dxun. Riamah Riamah wasn't the only person who required a guard and given the nature of the pair and the unfamiliar territory, Vulpesen had been unable to gather himself a quiet escort. As it was, two large transport shuttles had joined him to the planet, leaving him not only with his personal squad of guards, but another platoon of Vitae forces that stood on standby should something strange and terrible. A sudden fleet of ships certainly counted as strange and was well on its way to being terrible.

Casting his golden eyes to the skyward threat, Vulpesen let out a small growl and called out to the captain of his forces who wandered behind himself and their mutual charge. "Harlow, mobilize the platoon, now!" Reaching into his cloak, the Valde produced a golden fox shaped mask which was soon fitted over his face. Once prepared for what was to come, he finally addressed Riamah. "I'm not sure what exactly is going on. But I've got a bad feeling about this."

R Reyn Australis Fred Gred Fred Gred Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Riamah Riamah Skorvek Skorvek Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae

1 Squad Veran Guard (Protecting Vulpesen and Riamah)
Captain Corren Harlow: Wolf
Lieutenant Relovan Vixos: Coyote
Sergeant Corranthus Garlan: Wild Dog
Sergeant Zerrek Terris: Shepherd
Corporal Illoris Carrow: Wild Dog
Private Karrosil Garlan: Husky
Private Harroyar Kurnasiv: Wolf
Private Olurok Aryos: Jackal
Private Vereo Groleon: Shepherd
4 Squads VSF Troops (Deploying from Stand By)
Wolf (x2 per Squad)​
Coyote (x1 per squad)​
Wild Dog (x2 per squad)​
Shepherd (x3 per squad)​
Jackal (x2 per squad)​
Husky (x1 per squad)​
Well! A great many soldiers coming to attack a gaggle of teenagers strolling through jungles was quite the unexpected predicament. James Cerensp 's notice sounded over the shared comms of all the Troublesomes, as Fred, Taru, Reyn (secretly) and RhaeRhae gallantly met the opposing force. Adara stopped moving toward the Sith tomb ruins and scoffed, through the comms.

“Whomever heard of a child being punished for their parents’ crimes? My goody gooses, how ghastly of them!” Having heard the DIA’s proclamation on the shared comm, Adara stamped her indecently miffed foot on the soft ground with a slight ruffling of grass. “And on the day we… we… we decided to rebel via…. sightseeing!”

Holo-cam firmly clutched in hand, Adara stopped taking snapshots of the Dxun landscape and several selfies of Brigh, Tuuli and Brigh, and Tuuli and her, and a bit more of Tuuli when he wasn’t looking, oh and that tree over there which looked particularly like… wait…


“They want BRIGH!?” The holo-cam lolled on its’ wrist strap, bashing lightly against Adara’s chersilk and armourweave dress.

“It is indeed of ruddy concern! Do you really think landing a hundred plus soldiers on a Silver Jedi controlled planet and telling an underaged teenaged girl to get on your shuttle is going to make the rest of us do anything other than yell Stranger Danger, and tell you to skiff off?!” Emboldened by the fact that as of yet they didn’t seem like they were about to be killed completely to ash (and besides, the sudden appearances of people who didn’t immediately excise Adara’s head from her neck were most welcome indeed), “Did you think you could intimidate us? Well, I do say, you cannot intimidate us any more than our parents, and by Nussyn, you will NOT be taking my bestie best friend cousin with you, I don’t care who you think you intimidate! So there!”

Mayhaps Adara ought not to have then blown raspberries before taking Brigh and Tuuli’s hands. The Militibus ex Infernis fanned out around the trio, ready to defend with growling intensity.

And then…. Uncle Sloobieboo arrived.

“Oh featherless gooses, but Uncle Sloobie, we’d run away and everything and… ooohhhh…. fine!” The danger around them buzzed in Adara’s head, wild machinations threading around the Dark Force Child as she rushed to the Tomb of Freedon Naas. Sure, it had been previously excavated, but one did not take the best sort of holo-cam pictures of trees and bushes in a public park. Even though the artifacts inside were long gone by now, the energy about the place still filled the Dark child with enough energy to run past her natural pitiful endurance.

“Doors! The doors, Brigh! Tuuli, we can… ooooh yes, this is a lovely place to make a stand, don’t you think?” Blue eyes flashed black and red, pale skin nigh white as fine parchment. As Adara touched the doors of the structure, her fingers trembled.

Energy…. this was far more than a simple teenaged selfie-spot.

“Briiiigh? Remember that yell your mother taught us? Think it might come in handy?” How thrilling! Their little rebellious jaunt became a grand adventure!

Also somewhere, Adara felt RhaeRhae get annoyed… oh, did Fredgred finally give Amma the wink of potential awkward dates? Eeee she was missing everything!

“Actually Stabby, I think you brought just the right amount of gum.” Adara flicked to Stabitha’s line, with a nigh joyful smile.

Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles Tabitha Solus Tabitha Solus Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Skorvek Skorvek Vulpesen Vulpesen R Reyn Australis Riamah Riamah Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Fred Gred Fred Gred Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean James Cerensp
In a rare moment of not being out scouting the galaxy, Drauchir found himself upon the planet Dxun with Ra and what seemed like several dozen guards. It was only meant to be a small Patrol mission, which was half the reason Drauchir had agreed to tag along. But by the time you added the small group of people that were there to guard Ra, plus their retinues, it had become quite the group. It was more people than Drauchir cared to spend much time around. Especially for a task that had been as mundane as this.

However, things rather quickly started to becoming far less routine with a report of a fleet in orbit, followed very quickly by the discovery of a small force of Nubians near a Sith Tomb. He reached back and unsheathed the RuneBlade known as Raka. Gripping it with one hand as he moved up next to Ra.
"Finally, something I can do... They definitely don't look like they should be there...."

Riamah Riamah
It seemed like it was gonna be a fun trip! With the Sith ruins brigh could exore and expand her knowledge upon what she had

But nooooooo

Some kriffing ferfek had to come announcing their gonna take her for what her mother did to their buddy's...ordinarily brigh would laugh and see this as a challenge. However the man showed up with a fething fleet just to take her

Brigh honestly felt quite humbled, any fear she had slowly began to dissipate as her friends and family began to show up, brigh looked up to uncle sloob and offered a small grin before being pulled along by adara towards the tomb

The dark side energies oozed from this place, at first it made brigh shiver and back off,but she recalled her mothers words during a lesson

-both sides of the force are a tool, to utilize both is to have a advantage. When using the dark side do not focus on anger or you will dip to far, instead focus on strong good emotions-

She touched the doors, eyes taking a golden hue as she gasped and felt its power as she smirked and looked to adara

not just the yell...I think I can do a bit more now!

Should they attack brigh would meet them like he mother would the enemy, claws out and roaring


Stardust was within a meeting, nothing to important just discussing current figures from her grain shipment company. However soon her communicator went off and she excused herself as she left the room and listened

WHAT?!?!?! hold the line until I get there

The anger in her voice was apparent, seething with rage as she left without twlling

Adara Raxis Adara Raxis
James Cerensp
Skorvek Skorvek
Aedan sat on a Dire-class patrol ship over Ankus in a meeting with the Herd Elders there offering to move them to a planet elsewhere for their protection or to set up regular patrols in the area when a warning tone went off indicating that the 2 Units of Cragmaloids who had been stationed about Tuuli's ship had been dispatched to deal with something. Narrowing his eyes he stood and excused himself leaving the Dire-class there to provide security with the rest of the small force Aedan went to the modified hangar and climbed into his customized Devatator MK 2 heavy fighter and strapped in launching himself calmly. He came about on the correct heading before he halted the fighter and started to focus reaching out with the force using his rage at the fool who dared to attack his son he drew on it to enhance his strength in the force before finally with a mental tearing motion he ripped open a wormhole in space his eyes opening as he launched himself into the wormhole.

After travel that felt like hours to him but was merely minutes a wormhole opened up over Dxun and his fighter soared out of it spinning once to guide himself back towards the planet Aedan lifted his hand and waved it at the wormhole quickly sealing it. After it was sealed he pushed his throttle forward and rocketed down into atmosphere making his way towards the largest gathering of force users near the tomb. He knew his son would be there but that wasn't why he was going there one force presence in particular drew his attention it was familiar Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean chuckling as he recognized it Aedan brought the fighter in for a flaring landing quickly dropping speed until he brought the fighter down to land in the woods near the tomb. He quickly turned it off activating the various security measures that if included self destruct if it was not started in a precise order. He hopped out and close the cockpit sealing it before he turned and started forward calmly his footfalls calm as he regarded the Anubian soldiers around him. Finally his eyes came to rest on the soldiers of the SJO and he let one of his eyebrows arch over his mismatched eyes before turning the odd mixture of violet and gold gaze onto Zaiden and speaking calmly. "Your people seem awfully ready to attack soldiers guarding children these days."

Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Skorvek Skorvek Vulpesen Vulpesen Drauchir Drauchir Riamah Riamah Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
And just like that. The tranquil repair process that should have occured through the evening was interrupted.

Ultimately it was the actions of James Cerensp that caused the mass alarm to be set off. Adara Raxis Adara Raxis and her friends. They could have slipped under the rader. Between Sorcery, guile and the low amount of numbers. They stood a reasonable chance of slipping in under the Jedi radar. Causing their bit of mischief and making their way out with minimal difficulty. But the arrival of such heavy forces to capture a single child. That changed things.

Alarms lit up the jungle night. Communication lines went crazy as forces began to scramble. Jedi Shadows donned their hoods and slipped into the night. Rangers checked their weapons and vanished into the jungle. Blending into their surroundings just as well as their supernaturally capable comrades. Vanishing into the wildnerness to start their patrols to root out the intruders who attacked one of the worlds under their protection.

And Onderon did not sit idle. Already the proud system was gathering its own forces. Ready to strike out against the Agent who dared intrude upon their system. Their own heavy cruisers leaving orbit to engage the DiB's own armada. Outnumbering the strike team two to one. Unless it was the DiB had an exceptional commander, they would find themselves outmatched by the militarised system.

As for Adara, Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles and Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae An interesting sight would be seen by them as they opened the Tomb of Freedom Naad. Standing before them, a short distance down the entrance. Stood a figure. Tall, muscular, clad in simple robes and sitting a way down the corridor. Back against the wall with a serene smile on his face. "Ah. You must be part of the group the Good Agent is after." Aaran Tafo said cheerfully, standing up and brushing stray dust off his knees. He looked to them, smiling a gentle, serene look. "Now. Since you are tresspassing. I'll have to ask that you remain where you are. Rangers are on the way to help secure this position. Just hold tight here with me. And we can make sure that not a hair is harmed on the little one's head. Sound good to everyone?"
Tuuli sighed as he heard Rhaegar 2's statement and shrugged looking around he noticed out of the corner of his eye Dara taking pictures of them all and trying to sneak extra ones of him he smiled gently. He moved over and hugged her gently kissing her cheek before he sensed it a large group approaching them they had the feel of those force sensitive but without any of the darkness that his small group had. He turned to look towards him before he stumbled into Adara his eyes wide as he felt the tear in space the seemingly oppressive feeling of his father's force presence started to surround him as he gasped out a breath and mumbled hearing Skorvek Skorvek "Yeah inside seems like a good idea." He started to stumble towards the entrance trying to get used to the presence of his father being here in such anger he noticed one of the light side oriented group reaching for a weapon and turned to face him going to speak even as he heard the collected voice of his father. This instigated him into scurrying into the temple with Adara Raxis Adara Raxis , Skorvek Skorvek and Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae more quickly leaning against the wall as he finally became accustomed to the feeling of the anger swirling in the force around him. He sent a message to the commander of the Red Fang that mission objective had changed to defending landing site.

Tuuli narrowed his eyes at the man before him tapping Adara's waist and guiding her behind him as his hand rested over the lightsaber at his waist and he looked at the man tilting his head with a calm curious smile. "Oh why is it you think we are in danger or that you will be able to stop us when we choose to leave? After all I am sure you feel the presence outside the one radiating anger? Maybe you have heard of the man who that belongs to but he is merely here to make sure his son and friends are safe. He may not take to kindly to the SJO who are known for rather unfortunate war circumstances trying to take a group of young teens captive. I am sure no on would now that I think about it." Tuuli tilted his head appearing to think his mismatched violet and ice blue eyes gleaming as he looked at the man curiously. Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Back at landing site.

While it seems the enemy was firing at them they were clearly out of range as they had yet to advance into the woods and were instead setting up defensive positions in the clearing they had landed in. Hearing that order the commanders voice rang out clearly as he stomped around indicating locations with his arms as he lifted an arm taking a blaster bolt on the heavy duty armor he wore staring at the enemy he snorted as he laughed. "THAT TICKLED! Set up defenses you useless pachyderms is this how you repay the man who saved our herds. Move you lumbering lumps." He moved through the clearing as the large contingent of Cragmaloids set up defenses around their landing site watching the Hunter take back to the skies in an attempt to oppose the enemy forces at the time being. Left behind was a shield generator which a unit of techs had up and running in short order a dome like shield springing to life around their defensive positions farther reinforcing their dug in position.

Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Fred Gred Fred Gred Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Vulpesen Vulpesen Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean Riamah Riamah Taru Cadera Taru Cadera R Reyn Australis James Cerensp
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Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Vulpesen Vulpesen Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Riamah Riamah R Reyn Australis James Cerensp Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles

Fred was honestly amazed at the fact that he hadn't be spotted yet, and he and Eya had their target. He looked at one of the shuttles and pulled out his Trayc'kad, holding it one handed in his left hand. There were still some people standing around the shuttles. Twenty.... Ha! He'd lived through way worse than that! He smiled, knowing he could get around them. He grabbed a pretty large rock, and chucked it to the other side of the clear. The cybernetic arm made the job all The more easy. He watched and waited, sighing.

"Please work.”
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Rhaegar Dib II Rhaegar Dib II Adara Raxis Adara Raxis Brigh Solus Skirae Brigh Solus Skirae Vulpesen Vulpesen Zaiden Dean Zaiden Dean Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Riamah Riamah R Reyn Australis James Cerensp Tuuli Miles Tuuli Miles

Mig sat aboard the Enigma, twiddling his thumbs while the others Riamah, Vulpesen, and the others did a patrol. All he was today was a transport operator. A transport with a pair of turbolasers and Varactyl Dual Heavy Turbolasers, but a transport. It was then that he got word though. Destroyers had entered the system. He looked at his droid, shaking his head.

"Osik..." He then turned on the comms, and chatter came in. "Poodoo, Osik and Echuta! They want Brigh! Ra! We got a problem. Destroyers jumped in, and someones looking for... a friend of mine. A teen at that." He sighed, looked at the small bridge crew and C1 droid. This definitely wasn't good. He gave them a nod, pointing up. "Thing they might need a little surprise though. Lifting off now. If you need a quick out, just say the word." The corvette then lifted off, gunning it for orbit. He wasn't going to give these guys any chance to explain. They'd trespassed into another group's territory, so he didn't think anyone would care. It was time for a fight!

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