Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ra'a'mah Numare


Character info:

Name- Ra'a'mah Numare
Alias- Ra
Species- Zorren
Gender- Female
Age- Looks 30. Actual age 33
Homeworld- Unknown


Personality: Ra is not very outspoken and keeps her emotions close. The saying "poker face" fits her really well. She observes a given situation before reacting and goes about it methodically. She is a logical thinker and doesn't allow her emotions to rule her. If she gives you the chance to become close and become her friend, she is entirely different. All her anger that she's kept in check comes out and she will rant and rave, but not lash out...unless you are the cause of her anger. She is a bit of a lone wolf though, but not unwilling to open up, but it's like trying to open a can with a dull knife. Ra has never felt what it is to be truly loved and has no concept of this emotion. Small chatter is not an issue but is uncomfortable speaking about her personal emotions.

Strengths and weaknesses: (these can be reversed depending on which faction finds her first)


She makes informed decisions and doesn't have a short fuse. If she gives you her word on something, she won't break it. Ra is very honorable. Her knowledge is widespread, but not very deep in a number of areas. She can pick up inflections and languages very easily and sound like a native of anywhere. She will not harm children if there is any way to avoid it. When striking a bargain, she always wins.


Ra has Darkside tendencies but is not really evil. She is also very stubborn. It is very difficult for her to fully trust somebody. She's not stuck up or conceited though. She has a free spirit and appears carefree.


Ra is of average size for a human woman and stands about 5'8". She is slightly built and weighs around 140lbs. Her hair is straight and red. Quite often she wears it pulled back and braided. Her eyes are a golden brown that changes color with her mood.


She normally wears black pants and a shirt that is fairly form-fitting, but still easy to move around in. Her boots are brown and go to just below her knees. Ra also has a cloak that has been with her since she was a child and it looks as new as the day it was bought. It is an extremely dark purple that looks almost black.
When she is home relaxing, she wears loose-fitting clothes that are sheer and in many different colors and shades.

The History:


Ra's first solid memory is that of being stuffed into some sort of escape pod with a few women and children. A small pack containing a broken double-bladed lightsaber and her purple cloak went with her. She was about three when this happened. After that event, things are fuzzy in Ra's memory. She grew up in an orphanage on Coruscant. (That can be changed if it's not a homeworld)
The kids she grew up with were playmates, but she never really had any close friends and none of them treated her like she felt a sister should be. To her knowledge, she has no siblings and has no memory of her parents. Ra doesn't even know where she is from. Her only legacy-a broken lightsaber and cloak.
When she was 19, she left the orphanage (rather she was told to leave) and had to learn to take care of herself. She already knew how to cook, but not work outside of a house. Her education was just primary schooling and whatever little bits of knowledge she had picked up on her own. By the time she had reach 23, she had held many jobs and positions. However, she had never left Coruscant.
She's been a server, ship mechanic, taxi driver, and a few others. However, she can pick up languages and inflections, making her sound like she's could be a native of anywhere. Ra's been able to fit in the background and adapts easily.
Ra finally secured a position on a small freighter and provides transportation across the galaxy for those that can't afford their own ships. She also barters and haggles like a champ, when the deal isn't going the way she likes, she uses the Force to "persuade" the client to do what she wants. Ra has no idea she can use the Force, it just comes naturally to her.
At this time, she feels she is old enough to know better and young enough not to care. She enjoys the feeling of freedom traveling the galaxy has given her and has an air of being carefree. Ra has no strong ambitions to be "important" when she "grows" up.

Ra was taken in by the Dominion and helped found that government. With them, she continued to ply her trade of being a merchant. That was until she learned she could use the Force. While she continued to be a merchant, she would take lessons from the Sith and Jedi of the Dominion. She became a padawan to Master Dune and when he disappeared things drastically changed for her.

Going to speak to a friend, she was directed to go to Dagobah, and there she would learn of her true past. She had been raised on a small planet and had been a Sith. It hadn't been told to her that is what she was though. That was something she pieced together from conversations she had with people as an adult. Eventually, she returned from her pilgrimage and revealed what she was.

Right away, the position of Head of Intelligence was offered to her. Accepting this, Ra worked alongside Anya Malvern. Together with Anya's then-husband, ended up seeing the fall of the Dominion. Her future was in flux, but she ended up joining the ranks of the Sith Assassins and soon after that of the Sith Empire itself.

Within a short amount of time though, she became disillusioned with the Sith and due to her merchant past was approached by HK to join the Metal Lords. With them, she would be lead of their merchant fleet. One of the key rules they had thought was there could be no bargains made with sith. At this time, she still considered herself one and had to keep it secret from them. All things being told, she was business before being sith unless that business was being one.

Through all this time, she was also head of the intelligence for the Shrouded Republic. What she did with them was kept totally secret and only one other person knew what she did there. Eventually, she cut her ties with The Sith Empire, Assassins, and even Shrouded Republic. As fate would have it, the Metal Lords also ended up falling prey to a rebellion held by C-02 and they were forced to flee to the Free Worlds Coalition.

They had almost the same stance concerning the Sith and again Ra needed to keep her alignment hidden. Still a follower of the Code, she had essentially become a rogue Sith. Keeping up her façade, she played the role of a merchant with them. Finally, the day came when The Sith Empire attacked three key locations within the sphere of the Coalition. That went hand in hand with rebellions held on Hapes and Onderaan brought about the eventual failure of them being able to maintain their position.

With her future again in flux and nothing secure set up for herself, there was a change within Ra. Finally severing all ties with The Sith Empire, she started to gather people around her. This was just the start of something grand planned...

Around the time Ra had started forming the Dark Hand, she met a man that was part of the Silver Jedi. This meeting was fateful and he continued to bring further changes to her. Not only changes, but from him, she learned about love. The man was Josh Dragovalor. He was a Jedi Master for the Silvers and she was visiting them as a simple merchant. Things blossomed between them from that day on.

Factions: FWC, ML, TDH, SJC
Rank- Master
Force sensitive-Yes
Force powers- Core knowledge skills, Alchemy but excels at Manipulation, Telepathy, Essence Transfer, Drain Knowledge, Sinkhole, Lightening/shock, Force Barrier, Stealth, Art of the Small


Weapon: She has arm and boot knives and does really well in close-quarter combat. At the end of her hair is a spiked ball she can use as a weapon if needed. A double-bladed lightsaber, two short sabers.
Items: Universal Translator
Ship: A YT-1300

Finished RPs- Not in any special order.

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Ra has since learned she can use the Force and plays a balancing act between light and dark. Leans more to the light side of things though. She is Padawan to Dune Rhur. Also getting training from a dark side holocron.
Joined up with the Dominion and has been with them since they were founded. She gave a personal vow to Cedric Grayson that she would never abandon him or the Dominion until it died.
Assisted with the Battle of Irnfell, though her part was small and on Helska IV.
She's made a few friends outside of the Dominion and keeps in touch with them as well as an enemy she keeps running into.
After the events on Helska IV, she has a fear of battle droids.
Lives in Castle Bast on Vjun.

Items acquired-

DL-44 blaster
Dark side holocron

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