Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Reign

    Private  Seeking Knowledge

    Location: Taris Orbit As Darth Reign guided the ship from atmosphere, he felt the ship shudder slightly. “Need to get this knifing thing fixed” he said to his copilot. Reign watched as the sky turned to stars. His companion, the man who had been his companion all his life, his brother and...
  2. Ninurta Slaabur'r

    Approved Melee Weapon  Dxun's Bane

    SPECIAL FEATURES Xenoboric micro-pores - When turned on, the axe head leaks droplets of xenoboric acid to enhance cutting power through flesh, minerals and metals. Ultrasonic Vibrogenerator - Vibrates the axe head at ultrasonic speeds and extends axe head's edge by 1 foot when active...
  3. Grigonju

    Private  Ruins on the Demon Moon

    ONDERON Iziz Gri had had enough of Coruscant. All that grubby urban planet seemed to bring him was bad luck. It was a curse that followed him over the years and no matter how far he ventured, its grasp never waned. It was especially so on the planet-sized city, so it seemed. A job could seem...
  4. Alistair Abbott

    Public  Hollow Stomachs and Hungry Beasts [Open to All]

    During a routine transport of passengers to Onderon, the 'Litany of Stars' suffers a critical failure as it slings past the orbit of Dxun. With the power disabled, the crew loses control of the ship and is pulled in by the gravity of the moon. Only a few escape pods are launched; those left...
  5. K

    Public  Jedi Secrets on Dxun

    The Ancient Planet of Dxun shared the same jungle atmosphere of his temporary homeworld Mancharakorkon. The thick and dense jungle covered for miles around with nothing but the sound of small animals to be heard. Karkosuchus had done limited research on the world before embarking on his quest...
  6. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Friends and Foes

    Kai was not in a good place. The mission on Asog, where he had hoped to redeem himself, had been a failure. His relationship with Iris Arani remained strained, and coming home to the Reef had proven less than comforting. Claudia was glad to see him, but he could tell just by looking at her that...
  7. SCAR

    Private  Ashes to Ashes

    Tor’r Tal’Verda | Death’s Hand SEARCH For the Crown Jungle Moon of Dxun, Onderon, Onderon System Two Weeks After Dathomir.. The hunt. The thrill, playing with fire and living on the edge as both predator and prey. This. This is the Way. They walked in the footsteps of their ancestors...
  8. Aurelion Nova

    Private  Return to Dxun

    Aurelion's Lightsaber || Aurelion's Sith Armor Aurelion gazed down at the jungle moon of Dxun from the pilot's seat of the vessel with a wide-eyed, mile-long stare. Almost gazing through the celestial body rather than truly at it as his throat constricted softly. Emotions that he couldn't...
  9. The Quartermaster

    Faction  Into the Jungle | The Enclave

    D X U N The pre-recorded holomessage winked on. "If you're listening to this, this means that you've volunteered for the mission. Good for you." "Dxun is the moon of Onderon, in the Silver Jedi Concord. It's unpopulated, probably because the whole moon is covered by jungles and inhabited by...
  10. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Yee-Haw!

    Finette Frai Dxun The ramp of The Pole Dancer lowered onto the jungle of Dxun, and a pair of glowing green eyes peered out of it with unbridled excitement. Dxun! At long last, enough time had cleared up to come visit this planet about which Scherezade had only heard about from others but had...
  11. G

    The Rescue of Connory Monroe (open)

    OOC/ In the style of my old Weekend Treasure Hunt threads, this is an open thread where I set up a scenario and let people go wild. Don't expect me to respond; just treat the scenario respectfully, write your own opposition, etc. Or backstab each other -- do as you will. Please tag your...
  12. Adara Raxis

    School's Out For Jungle (The Troublesomes)

    Aboard the Star Hunter In Transit to Dxun It was so much simpler on her datapad than with her friends all flopped around the antechamber to the Star Hunter’s Meditation Room. Go to Dxun, a… a training run. No. Not training run. These were not babies toddling in durasteel! Each one of...
  13. Prazutis

    Dxun [Canon Planet]

    * Intent: To add a Canon moon with special customizations. * Image Credit: * Main Image * Header * KYR'AM CLAN COMPOUND MADE BY ME ON SECOND LIFE * Abandon Ordo Clan outpost * Canon: Dxun * Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION * Planet Name: Dxun * Demonym: Dxunians * Region: Japrael...
  14. Dhakarta

    Red Leather Jacket

    Buying hides was all well and good, and had served her purposes thus far, but a live beast would be much easier to work with. Which was an interesting thing to say when one was discussing a vicious predator, but there you had it. So as much as she had gone out of her way to avoid this part of...
  15. Talus Morid

    The Wilds

    Dxun - Three Months Before the Galactic Alliance Falls A small clearing within the deepest depths of Dxun's jungles sat peacefully, a small campfire burning within it's center, a makeshift tent cobbled together from branches and broken brush that had recently been scattered around the jungle...
  16. Esis Nas

    Let Him Run Wild

    Jungles of Dxun. Dxun was a place of deadly beauty. The Demon Moon of Onderon, as many had come to know it, was ready to surprise its visitors with a lethal wander behind every tree, hiding underneath every bush. People had come to avoid it, the dangers had grown to big to justify the visit...
  17. Lief

    [Chapter Four] Harvester Of Sorrow

    The Tomb of Freedon Nadd Dxun The murky, tropical heat of Dxux clung to his skin in the form of a thin sheen of sweat. Mask was forsaken, left aboard The Haunter, though he remained moderately armoured. This was a moon of a great many beasts, each of which would sink their teeth into him if...
  18. Vilaz Munin

    Us Time

    Dxun A new age for the Mandalorians meant a new lifestyle for Vilaz, and having a new way of life also affected his family. While his relationship with his wife and children didn't changed at all, it did change how he spent his time and energy with them. Life for them wasn't like the way it was...
  19. NightSister

    The ancient ones

    Witches held no end of interest to Mara. Their history, their moral concepts, their spells, all worked perfectly to satisfy Mara and her brain's need for intellectual and physical challenges. Now the physical aspect of the challenges had gotten a bit out of hand when she'd heard that a...
  20. Neivon

    Learning to Understand

    Previous thread: Dxun Cloud Forest Region It was raining quite softly as Neivon followed this Sith up a mountain. He didn't know what to expect, but he was already given the impression that were wasn't a trap set out. This planet was not even...
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