Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission [NJO + Jedi] The Dark Sanctum

The Dark Sanctum
Wizar II


During the Battle of Selvaris, Valery Noble Valery Noble encountered Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis within its treacherous jungles and learned about his future plans, after infiltrating his personal ship. While Selvaris itself could not be saved from the Maw's dark grasp, the collected data included more secretive plans from the Sith Lord about a dark ritual that would allow him to silently move forces of the Brotherhood behind Alliance defensive lines.

The first target of this ritual would be Wizar II, a border planet largely unknown to most of the Galaxy. Deep within one of its now dark, corrupted forests, Darth Ptolemis'
Dark Sanctum is being prepared to host the ritual. In response, Valery summoned any and all available Jedi to help stop the ritual and learn more about the Sith Lord's darker plans while they still have the element of surprise on their side.

What will the Jedi encounter within the Sanctum?


Dark Sanctum

Join Valery Noble Valery Noble in a Jedi strike team to pierce through to the core of the issue — The Dark Sanctum — and stop the ritual before it's too late. Within this dark structure, the Jedi are bound to run into the Sith Lord's followers, corrupted artifacts, and other twisted things beyond even the darkest imaginations. The only thing that offers relief to the mind is the knowledge that the Sith is completely unaware of this operation.

The Jedi will have to make it count.


Corrupted Forest

While the exact nature of Ptolemis' ritual is yet unknown, some of his followers have already set foot on Wizar II, and roam the forest to keep Alliance and Jedi away. To stop the threat of the Maw piercing further into Alliance territory, the forest must be cleansed as well. But be aware, as dark and vile creatures await those who venture inside.

Don't get caught by Maw patrols and purge the darkness from this forest.



Do you have other stories to tell? Other objectives you wish to pursue? Feel free to do so, or reach out to Valery Noble Valery Noble with specific ideas you'd like to bring into your writing!


Location: Wizar II
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani | Open

"Everybody ready? We have to act quick, and use the element of surprise in our favor." Valery said as she glanced around at the Jedi who gathered to help with this mission. After learning about Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis ' plans on Selvaris, she had immediately taken action and called on not only the New Jedi Order but any Jedi who were available to help take down this new threat.

The entire Galaxy was currently turning its eyes to Tython, where the biggest battle of her time was soon going to take place, but it was vital that the Jedi did not lose their focus on the rest of the Alliance territories. Any mistake there and the Brotherhood of the Maw could extend its reach even further. That's why she was standing within the forest now, together with her Padawan and any others who were able to assist. The darkness from up ahead was a constant, sickening pulse in the Force, but not one that would deter the Jedi Master from engaging with everything she could muster.

"If there are any questions or comments, this is the time for them," she said before looking away, and in the direction of the dark building. It was still too far away to see, and she knew it wasn't going to be unguarded either. But if they moved fast enough and remained decisive along the way, they would hopefully breach its perimeter soon, and put a stop to the ritual before anything could happen.

Hopefully, the Force was with them today.

Within the Dark Sanctum

While Kyrel Ren had focused much of his time to unravel Solipsis’s endgame. He never turned down an opportunity to do what he has always been good at, to be the Maw’s Wrath for the undead nightmare was known to guard highly sensitive missions to the Maw. Once more within the dark sanctum he had taken the role of glorified bodyguard. Working at the insistence of Darth Solipsis to protect the Dark Sanctum and to make sure the plans went smoothly. It didn’t help that Solipsis dangled the prospect of Jedi to hunt. Like Vader Kyrel had often became obsessed with hunting down Jedi, should any prove to be a threat he wandered to the ends of the galaxy to make sure he was on top of the kill.

He left Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis to his own devices, spending his time studying Jedi who escaped his grasp. The one known as Valery Noble Valery Noble was at the top of a kill list. As Wrath of the Maw it was his mission to deal with the top threats associated to the Maw, and if need be to destroy them. Next to the list we’re the various reports of the Maw’s push into the core, at first he thought Coruscant was the target, but with the visions of Tython he felt something ominous at work.

The Master of Ren retreated to a makeshift living quarters, embracing a quiet dark meditation. He was after all made aware that his only job was to guard the sanctum, and deal with anyone who would try and stop the Sith Lord. Even in his meditation there was no rest, often plagued by a great revelation that involved the Jedi homeworld, he questioned what was the Force trying to tell him. Would he at last gain the throne for himself he didn’t know. Flashes still appeared in his mind, snapping out of it as his belongings and his saber hovered inside the room just as it did with each session.

Unlike the darkness surrounding the compound and the forest his senses reached out. The Voxyn traits within his body let him know the blood of Force Sensitives. Gripping both his death mask and his saber. The death mask snapped with a hiss to his face, hooking his saber to his belt, first he wandered out of his quarters to the ritual site. With a growl that only echoed his ravenous hunger he spoke. “We have unexpected guests.”

Iris Arani Iris Arani

Allies - Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iris Arani Iris Arani
Enemies -@Kyrel Ren​
The world felt...wrong. It turned his stomach and every instinct he had was telling him to turn around and get off-world as soon as possible. Through decades of training though he'd become a master of his own mind and body and tamped those feelings down from a raging inferno to a pile of embers. It was good to keep a healthy dose of fear in your back pocket if only to remind himself that he was very much in danger of dying here today.

Maybe he shouldn't have worn so much white.

"No," Dhalinar said, reaching up and unclipping his cloak. It fell into the loamy mush, dark muck quickly seeping into the white fabric. Definitely shouldn't have worn this much white, he thought to himself. "I don't think there's much else to say about what we have to do here today."
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Be careful what you wish for.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Getting his gear, cinched up Vanagor let the others worry about any questions. Those were for the ones who were not prepared for the worst but simply hoped for the best. The big man did not care what was going to happen; if there was a fight then there was a fight, if they could get through this clean then all the better. Any questions he had would be addressed when they came up, it was as simple as that.

He wasn’t running this gig, Vanagor was asked to be there. This was not what he wanted to do, it seemed to be some sort of a detour to Tython. Admittedly the big man had thought that this was not necessary as he was flying in, but the massive Jedi Master could see the effect on the area. There was a serious concern about the area, even for the stoic boulder of a Jedi. While everyone seemed to be talking or questioning what needed to be done, Caltin just scanned the forest. They say that “you cannot see the forest for the trees”, but what he was looking at was something truly eery.

Whether he entered the Sanctum with the rest, or he entered the forest, the big man had a scowl on his face. He was not angry in the slightest, at least at those around him. No Caltin was not angry at his fellows, he was angry at whoever, at whatever was causing this.

If we don’t take care of this now, there will be nothing to take care of sooner than anyone thinks.

TAG ALLIES: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar
TAG FOES: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren


Location: Wizar II, Dark Sanctum
Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Qzekov stepped out of the fog covered forest toward the rest of the Jedi gathered. Luckily he was a Chiss with natural born night vision and the force or he wouldn't have been able to find his way out to them. He recognized Valery Noble Valery Noble and gave a friendly wave when he came closer. As he walked up she was prepping the others to go inside the evil Sanctum before them. She asked if they were ready and warned them to be quick and cautious.

"Ready, ma'am!" He replied, like a true soldier. "I'm almost sure they won't be surprised." He added, being realistic based on his past experience of how cunning their enemy was.

Hopefully they'd be surprised, but not likely. They had the force too, after all. Looking toward the sanctum, he felt a cold chill in the air and malignant will seemed to generate a sort of weight on him. It was almost enough to scare him, if he hadn't encountered the evil of the Sith before. But this wasn't the first time he'd been in the presence of such hate. He remembered why he was in this wicked place: there were Sith targets here that needed to be destroyed before their amalgamations gave them an advantage in the war.

Valery spoke again and he snapped out of his thoughts to listen to the second half of what she'd said.

His response was, "Nope. Seems pretty straightforward to me."

Already sensing a few malicious presences inside the Sanctum from where they stood Qzekov prepared himself mentally for what they were about to face. He called to the Force within him to guide him in the coming fight. He hoped none of his allies had to die today.
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Location: Wizar II
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Qzekov
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

There was a feeling in the air he was all too familiar with. Fear. He couldn't count how many times he felt that cloud of dread before battle, no matter how different his troops were from each other, whether they hid it or not, he could always sense it. Darien stood in the background, taking in the team that had been gathered, noticing a couple of padawans in their midst. He wondered if they truly knew what they had signed up for, if they had witnessed first-hand the cruelty of the Sith.

Darien had tried to convince himself that he had only come here to defend the galaxy from a potential threat, but he knew that was only half true. While it was his ultimate mission to fulfil his duty as a Jedi, he also had secretly hoped that he would finally find the Sith Lord who had murdered his master years ago, though he knew how dangerous that hatred could be if left unchecked to fester.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Master Valery's question,
"Nothing to report from me," he answered. "Master" he quickly added. He had spent so long commanding his own troops that it felt strange not being the one in charge. Need to remain focused now, he thought, moving towards the rest of the team. In charge or not, he still had people relying on him and he couldn't afford to let his personal grudge with the Sith get in the way of the task at hand. With that last thought, Darien readied himself for whatever may transpire.

This could be a long mission.
in the dark there is discovery



Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Ran Serys Ran Serys

Zym cleared his throat and plunged his fingers down onto the bone keys of a magnificent antique nalorgon. Sorrowful melodies played off forest acoustics in strange yet pleasing ways. A slave had been crushed to death while hauling it out here but the Sith acolyte deemed this new sonic landscape worth such trivial inconveniences.

"M-my lord?"

Notes faltered. Wordlessly Gnost turned and ignited his lightwhip, slashing the terrified servant in half with a neat diagonal cut. Blood red illumination quickly faded. Breathing deeply through his antiox mask, the Sith settled back down at the instrument with a flourish of his ebon cape. Even fouler things than Zym emerged from the dark woods. They were drawn by the power flowing through his music. Strengthened by it.

Perhaps others would be drawn as well? Gnost loved to perform for Jedi even if he found them harsh critics. Sith culture could be...challenging. Fine art was so subjective after all.
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Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Allies?: Valery Noble Valery Noble Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Iris Arani Iris Arani Qzekov
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

Anashja wasn't your average Jedi, and she wasn't entirely sure how she got here, but with her best friend and godmother of her children being in the Galactic Alliance, it was only natural she might have a little nose at some of their mission profiles. Fel'ann was no longer nursing, and whilst her chest still ached under her armour, she was desperate to get out and actually do something interesting. So here she was Lana Lana had pointed her in the direction of the new Jedi order and as someone who was technically a neutral and technically a Jedi, she hoped she wouldn't be turned away out of hand. She had heard enough about childrens cooperative holo-games though to know noone quickly turns away a willing healer.

As she dropped through the sky she activated her repulsors and came in for a gentle landing nearby the gathered group of Jedi. She turned to Valery Noble Valery Noble and gave a mandalorian salute followed by a Jedi greeting. "Hey, my name is Anashja, of clan Tal, I am Baar'ur... sorry, I'm a healer, I hope I can accompany you?" she looked around at the rest of the group, the dreamsight in her helmet picked up a couple of minor celebrity Jedi her and she introduced herself to the rest of the group.

If they tried to inspect her motives, or otherwise penetrate her with the force they would find themselves resisted strongly, a crystal prominently on her armoured chest as part of her Iron heart protected her. But her body language and demeanor were open and honest.

"I would like to offer my expertise with healing force and also my mobility to serve your mission? If i am not welcome, I will leave, no hard feelings?", ok, not entirley honest, she might sulk.


Issue #5 w/ Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Ran Serys Ran Serys Darth Howl Darth Howl

"Dark forest, creepy music in the air, shadows moving -- yeah, thanks a lot, Valery Noble." the Jedi Knight called Dagon Kaze murmured loud enough for both of his companions to hear him as they waded through an acrid quag. That mush under your feet? Rotten carcasses. Dead wildlife, cause - pretty much known.

The dark side.

Proof had been evident on the first corpse they had seen earlier.

"Keep your wits about you." he warned as his ethereal senses expanded across the area like a protective net of precognition. The remark had been targetted more so at his padawan than at Ran. She was, after all, molded to be an assassin for the Sith prior to her recent redemption.

"Lead us towards the source of the melody, I need to keep my focus up for any... immediate threats on the way." Dag said to the Mirialan.​


Wizar II
Corrupted Forest

Bernard fell against the base of a tree, sliding along the wet bark until he met the forest floor. He'd ditched the cape earlier, and between moss, grass, dirt, blood, and whatever wet, green residue had been left on the tree trunk that now coated the back of his tunic, he looked a mess. A pungent smell of decay struck him. He'd blocked it out, at least until this moment of respite. The stench rose from rotting carcasses that covered the forest floor.

Months of death mixed and swirled, preserved by the constant humidity of the fog, into a stinging, nauseating miasma. It wasn't clear where all this wildlife came from, but the pair of pale giants he'd encountered seemed to certainly appreciate their being here. He'd found them picking the muscle from some animal he didn't recognize, ingesting it raw.

Bernard suppressed a gag, keeping his mouth shut to save himself from gulping down any of the air. He searched around in the med-pouch on his belt, to find a clean rag he might pull over his nose and mouth, but found his supplies exhausted. He sighed, pulling the pouch's zipper closed.

A few paces from the tree, the dead cultist still lay face-down in the moss. Bernard couldn't see any other beings, alive or dead, for as far as the fog would let him see. He didn't feel anyone there, either, but his Force Senses wouldn't provide him with accurate information. Dark energies permeated the forest. Fear, pain, and hate flowed through it in waves same as the thick stench or the fog filled the air.

Bernard forced himself to stand again. Pain shot up his right leg, but he balanced himself against the tree.

Someone would come looking for the dead cultist, and he didn't want to be here when the search party arrived.

Especially if the search party consisted of the pale giants.
Be careful what you wish for.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Oh, it is turning into a little tea party, isn’t it?

Caltin was annoying at times like this. What? Do not act so confused if you are reading this story. He is one who believes in others and that the only true way to “lead” is by example, yet in group settings such as this the big man becomes the single most introverted anti-social as*

They get it, move on.

Anyway, the massive Jedi Master was focusing on the forest. There was an evil in there that had to be addressed and while he knew in his gut that an investigator of the legendary skills such as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze was out there, and more than capable of holding his own, everyone needs a little back-up every now and then. Especially since the stink of death was out there, not “death” in the way of cadavers strewn about the landscape but “dead” in the perception of one who had arisen from an eventuality afforded everyone.

It’s true that “There is no death, there is only the Force” but this is ridiculous.

Ren was out there, true, he could not sense the monster distinctly anymore, but he could “smell” the death out there. There was the uneasy feeling that the big man had recognized twice before, it was as distinct as the scowl on his face right now. The Master of Ren was like no other sith out there, he re-defined the word “deadly” not merely in his existence but in his motives and actions. Caltin did not personally know the Jedi Knight well though through his history and reputation he was more than worthy of respect by the greatest of Jedi, let alone the Walking Boulder of a man.

The one standing to his right ( Darien Kovahn Darien Kovahn ) seemed to be quiet yet efficient. Either he was often out of the Temple on assignment, or he was newly Knighted. Nonetheless, the Tactician clearly could sense something in the forest as well, but looked ready to go where he was needed the most, much like Vanagor and he could appreciate that. Hopefully, their paths would cross under better circumstances so that the big man could get a better feel for his routines.

The young Chiss, Qzekov. Caltin had read the dossier on him, headstrong but kind willed he displayed a disconcerting fury towards those who watched his home(planet) burn. While this was penetrable to many; it was troubling in the notion of what might happen should there be an event where calm was needed. Could he control himself? Would he be a liability? Only time will tell. One thing though was where at one point the massive Jedi Master was slow to trust, and in some resolves was still, he did not let it stop him from entrusting the young Jedi from being here. The big man would just have to keep a more watchful eye.

The Mandalorian portraying herself as a Jedi was a disgustingly adorable sideshow to the gathering. This was by no means an insult against the Togruta healer offering her services, nothing at all, just an addition to the menu that was unexpected. She had patently, with her introduction, shown that she knows of no one here, except maybe Noble. Which meant that she might still have a thing or two to learn about “us”. Turning to her, face to the neck(he was taller than everyone collected) he said plainly…

Word of advice, young one… if you believe you belong here… you belong here. Do not offer an “out” or that is all others will remember of you.

Blunt to be sure, but hopefully taken as constructively as it was intended.

TAG ALLIES: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Qzekov Darien Kovahn Darien Kovahn Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
TAG FOES: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis Darth Howl Darth Howl

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)





To the flap of a bat's wing, a chilling breeze meanders through the dark forests of Wizar II. The moving air enfolds thorny briars and damp willows, yet grows in strength regardless of the drag of nature. A foreboding feeling travels atop its invisible frills and streams. The waking wind appears to flow toward a particular center-point, a dark spot upon the planet's surface that seems to attract both air and attention.

The roaring draft twists and turns faster and faster until it reaches its howling apex; the skeletal entrance of The Dark Sanctum. The jaws of shadow inhale the hope and life of its forested surroundings, and exhale only echoes of occult mysteries locked within its bowels. Echoes that bring along imprints of halls of torment and pits of despair found deeper within, and if one listens just long enough to the call of the abyss, one may detect the faintest, most terrible notes of the blasphemous ritual that is about to commence within the sacrificial chamber of the Sanctum's sprawling dungeons.

A physical manifestation of the Sith Lord's hungering mind, the ominous corridors of The Dark Sanctum are plastered with blood, its shadowy rooms cursed by Sith sorcery, its innermost room adorned with sanguine candles, bubbling cauldrons and dozens upon dozens of cast-off slaves not even fit for the most menial and torturous tasks of the Maw.
Drudges drag these forsaken souls by their hair and broken limbs to the central chamber from all over the Sanctum's premises and are hung by their wrists upon crooked chains and dangling hooks. The preparations are underway, yet the flames of impatience begin to flare up within the corrupted mind of the Blasphemer Lord.


Illuminated by a pulsing pyre of embers at the center of the inner dome, Darth Ptolemis lords over the sacrificial preparations, fluttering shades of red and orange coating the walls with unease and silence. His dark, overlong robe concealing anything that is human about him, his mask a monument to the macabre, the Sith now waits solemnly, not yet noticing the whispers hiding within of the winds of the forest.
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Everyone was so eager to move on. Iris stayed quiet as she stood beside her master, watching the others. Listening only to half of what they said. They were all in agreement to go in. But some.. Her eyes narrowed a little, trying to get a read on the colors from Qzekov and Darien Kovahn Darien Kovahn . Were they going to be okay here? She didn't know them, and their colors.. Something was there she couldn't quite put a finger on.

Her gaze shifted though, towards their destination.

"I have a question. How do we help the people trapped there?" The dark colors of the Sith were bled with anguish and pain from those taken. Trapped. There were people there. People who needed help.

"They should be our first priority."

Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar | Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis


Objective: Take down the Sith
Location: Wizar II
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Iris Arani Iris Arani / Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis / Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor / Bernard Bernard / Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

"I've got nothing Master Valery, I think the task at hand is pretty explanatory" Silas said sternly, his back calmly leaned up against a rock as the group of Jedi got ready for the upcoming conflict. An opportunity for some close action was brought forward to him by Valery, who requested any available Jedi to join her on the mission. There was no way he was going to turn it down, no matter the result it was sure to provide some much needed lessons towards his training.

The padawan gave each one of his squad mates a look, not judgementally but curious to see who would be joining them on the sure to be perilous mission. Many new faces caught his eyes, but there was one familiar face he was expecting to see. Iris, Valery's padawan was present as expected. After knowing her better, he was looking forward to working with the paint loving padawan. She was sure to be a valuable asset when it came to things like this.

"I agree with Iris, if there is anyone trapped inside they should be made safe first. Then we put all of our main focus on the Sith that reside"
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Decay could come with peace, but in the Dark Forest around them it only came with corruption. The touch of the dark side of the force was tangible. Between the unnaturally gnarled trees, and the rotted carcasses of the planet's fauna, Dagon, Corin, and Ran marched. Then came the music. Its sounds were vile and sinister. Notes compacted and twisted in a rich cacophony of madness. Ran was no expert in the sonic traditions, but she assumed most would frown on the noise traveling across the wetlands.

"Aye. Understood." Ran accepted the Knight's order, quickly taking the lead. Her hand instinctually readied over the blaster on her thigh, and not the lightsaber hilt that hung from her waist. Her eyes glowed their usual chemical yellow, and her infrared vision picked up little, but her ears were hard to ignore. With the music still present, she led the Master and Padawan duo closer to its origin. For a brief moment the music stopped, and was interrupted by a not so far off hiss and snap, and then it returned as if little had happened.

She stopped and looked at the Knight. "What is our plan when we come upon the source, Dagon? What are the rules of engagement for Corin and I?" Ran asked. The goals of Valery's strike team were clear and direct, but the other Jedi's goal of cleansing the forest was more nebulous. Would they cleanse the forest of the Maw by brute force, or would they cleanse it of the dark side by communing with the force?


Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Darth Howl Darth Howl
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Location: Wizar II
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Qzekov Darien Kovahn Darien Kovahn Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Open

Valery looked at Anashja Tal Anashja Tal and nodded in agreement with Caltin, "You're most welcome here, and I have a feeling your skills as a healer will be very useful today," the Jedi Master said before she looked back at the rest of the group. In particular, her eyes shifted between Iris Arani Iris Arani and Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , who commented about the people they could feel trapped within the Sanctum up ahead.

"Our priority is stopping the ritual — that's how we help those people. If we fail to do so, not only will those people die, but many more will follow, and this entire world may be at risk," she said rather bluntly, but it was important that everybody knew the stakes and priorities beforehand. The chance they wouldn't be able to rescue everybody trapped in there was high, and that was something they'd individually all have to accept. But it couldn't distract them from completing the mission.

"But let's get moving. Another team of Jedi are clearing out the forest, so we move for the Sanctum. Don't bundle up, stay in formation and don't speak up unless it's necessary." She figured most of this was self-explanatory to them — each wrong step could alert their enemy and if they ran into too much trouble along the way, the chances of saving people inside the Sanctum would fade quickly.

Valery then took point and began to move through the section of the forest that would lead up to the Sanctum, and with each step taken, that darker feeling beating against their minds began to grow, looking for a way to get inside. This is ultimately why she had called on Jedi specifically — their minds were strong, and many had deeper training in shielding it against the Dark Side. This was a time when it would prove just how crucial it was.

Minutes of complete silence would pass by like this, with perhaps only the occasional whisper between Jedi, but the group could feel that they were getting closer to something. The Sanctum was still further away, but movement between the trees up ahead revealed a problem. Valery signaled for everybody to get low, and watched as a group of Maw warriors were making their way directly for the Jedi.

They walked in formation, their weapons drawn ready and even though they weren't Force-sensitive, it was clear they weren't ordinary troops. Was it some kind of patrol of the area? Or did they know the Jedi were out here?

We got a problem, Valery whispered.



Issue #1 w/ Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Ran Serys Ran Serys Darth Howl Darth Howl


It was all so new. It seemed the same could be said about a lot, if not most, of his latest excursions as a Jedi. It was... fun, Corin noted, to see all he was owed as a Padawan. Promised, that's how he best remembered it. It took time, too much time, but it was here at last. But here, now, that aura was off. It felt similar to that of the Sith on Teta, both the master and the student radiated a similar... badness. Offness, however one said it. He failed to find the word. Corin carried himself forwards nonetheless, safe beneath the care of Kaze, no matter the oddity of their earlier mission.

"Yeah." He tacked onto Ran's words with his own needless one. Corin was excited, one could hear it in his voice. Fear was removed, and instead all the fun of another adventure had taken hold. It must have been a mistake, the Maw was not there for children to find amusement in. It was a threat, a real threat, unlike all the others.

"Is there someone near?" He leaned forwards to look around Ran and towards Dagon.
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in the dark there is discovery


Music continued to echo around them. For Dagon it seemed to strike dramatic chords at each new grisly sight enhancing the terror of such unfamiliar woodland surroundings. Notes drifted into Ran's ears like whispers. They sounded too much like the pleading voices of her fellow subjects, the ones she could not save. In Corin's mind every refrain felt somehow familiar as if validating his own self-doubt.

"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated."

Zym's voice reverberated through it all. Still, he played on yet there could be no doubt the Sith was now aware of their presence. Despite each note's clarity they were drawn deep into the forest. The darkness was even stronger here. An elusive presence could be noticed on the edge of their senses. No rage. Only unfathomable despair.

"The shadows betray you," Gnost whispered, "Because they belong to me."

Branches and vibes writhed in time with the music. Around them the forest came to violent life. Strangling roots grasping out to choke and entangle. Dagon could sense others approaching now. Crimson eyes faintly visible through blackest night. Energy scythes flared illuminating the terrible visages of three nephilim.
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Location: Wizar II
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Qzekov Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Iris Arani Iris Arani Anashja Tal Anashja Tal
Enemies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis

The dark presence feeling closer, it seemed like they had almost reached their target until they came to a complete stop, with Valery signalling them all to get low. In the darkness, Darien could see multiple figures coming out of the trees. Getting closer, he could see that they were in formation and had their weapons drawn,
They could just be out on patrol he thought. Then his heart dropped. These weren't just regular Maw warriors. These were Cirihut Warriors, elite troops infamous for their savagery and barbarism, sent out against the strongest of foes which could mean only one thing. "They know we're here," Darien said as the leader of the band let out a war cry and signalled to charge.

Darien ignited his lightsaber, closing in on the warrior nearest to him. Armed with twin blaster pistols, the Cirihut rapidly fired at him. Deflecting the storm of blaster bolts, Darien quickly closed the distance between them, slicing off the Maw warrior's hands, then immediately decapitating him. He didn't have time to regain his composure when another warrior lunged at him with a vibrosword, savagely striking him with Darien barely able to deflect each blow, eventually getting knocked to the ground. The Maw warrior stabbed down at the Jedi, attempting to impale him, with Darien just managing to roll out of the way. Scrambling to his feet, Darien raised his saber against his opponent, regaining his form. He wouldn't let them take him by surprise again. He twirled his lightsaber, goading the marauder. The warrior charged, lashing out at him, though now Darien was able to block their attacks more easily now that he had required his footing. Continuing to deflect each savage blow against him, Darien finally found an opening and took it, carving a giant slash across the marauder's chest.

As he then readied himself for his next opponent, he reacted in shock as the Cirihut warrior continued to stand despite having a massive gash burned through his torso with a crazed smile across his face.
"GIVE ME MORE" the warrior growled.
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