Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eat, Drink & Be Merry

Having caught up on her duties with the CSA, Jairdain had been able to arrange to come to the party the Silver's were putting on. It would actually be the first social event she had been able to attend for a couple of years.

Unsure of what to actually wore, she decided to go with something formal. Even though she was blind, she knew by touch what color the fabric was. Picking something that was light blue in color. It would almost appear to shimmer slightly. The sleeves were long and loose, the top and skirt layered. The top later being shear enough to see through to the shimmer below that.

The fact she was even present at the party would come as a surprise and she hoped to have the opportunity to spend some time with her love.

Walking in through the door, she was approached to have a drink. Never having had a drink, she declined and went in search of Yuroic.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
[member="Kat Decoria"]

Kira was in the middle of a large sip of her Hoth Daiquiri when Kat approached her. She quickly swallowed it down, and fought to maintain a straight face amidst the cold and sour taste that made its way down her body.

She waited for the girl to speak but she began stammering. She's nervous too. Kira knew the feeling all too well. It made her relax a little, knowing that she wasn't the only one feeling awkward in these situations. The stranger had then suddenly turned away, without a word even escaping her mouth. I was probably making a face, I have the worst timing. Kira put the drink down on a small table to her side. She was glad when Kat turned back to face her again.

"I... I think it looks great." Kira was equally as unsure as Kat of what to say, but it felt like the right thing.

They stood awkwardly staring at each other for a few moments.

Kira held out a hand for Kat to shake. "I'm Kira, Kira Novak. I'm a Padawan of the Silver Order here. Nice to meet you...?" she waited a few moments to be given a name. "I don't think I've seen you around the Temple before, are you a Jedi aswell?"

Kira tried tapping into the Force to see if she could sense anything, but she wasn't having any luck. You drank too much, the voice told her.
Kurayami turned around leaning up against the bar, propping himself up on his elbows as he made another sweep of the room before him. It seemed that most people were now engaged in conversations or had made their way onto the dance floor after the speech from the Grandmaster. He had little worry of anything going wrong on this outing, so he needed to allow himself to relax more fully. If he could manage that then everything would be just fine. Most likely. He did feel the flare up of anger from another young man at the bar, from the direction somewhere over by the young Togruta female. Overall he didn't really enjoy large gatherings such as this, they simply highlighted the fact that he was seemingly out of place no matter what type of social situation he found himself thrust into.

Sighing he took another sip from the bottle of namana nectar as he considered why he had decided to come again. Perhaps just because it gave him something to do, somewhere to be other than training or buried in finance reports and paperwork from the company. Also it did manage to at least give him a chance to be around other people for a bit in a setting where he didn't have to worry about being attacked, which was a nice change he had to admit. Though he certainly didn't seem to be the only one with reservations about being here as he glanced over at the women who were conversing, one of whom seemed to have cybernetic legs. A slight frown played over his features when he noticed, but he didn't allow his gaze to linger long as he was sure it was not a feature that she wished to have on display. As he let his mind wander a small smile crept back onto his face.

[member="Kira Novak"] [member="Kat Decoria"]
Yuroic hid his smirk as he noticed Jerit gulping down his water. He could tell that the Padawan was grateful, it was hopefully not too obvious to his new friend what exchange had just happened. Yuroic was just about to turn to another person at the bar when he sensed [member="Jairdain"] 's presence. The surprise hit him and he had to check that he wasn't drunk or kidding himself. When assured she was here, he jumped out of his seat and went in search of her.

It didn't take long. Before approaching her, he spent a minute or so admiring her beauty as he always found himself doing. How she could still love him was beyond his imagination. He was sure there were others who wanted to be with her but he knew that they were now unbreakable. Yuroic approached and took her hand before giving her a deep kiss. It was amazing to have her surprise him, especially since she was better at these social events than he was.

"Thank you for coming! I am struggling here to be sociable. Thankfully no one has started dancing yet, I cannot dance for the life of me." He gave a chuckle as he squeezed her hand gently, having missed her greatly.

"Oh, I made another constellation for you. Kashyyyk's night sky is quite tricky with the trees but I perceived. Its in my room so I'll give it to you later my love."
Kat blushed a light pink when Kira commented on her dress, she found her nerves tingling and her stomach jumping around. Why was it so hard to just talk to people without feeling on edge? It seemed so much harder than fixing a leaking Hyperdrive while being shot at by an armada of star destroyers. However, she gave a smile back and a polite thank you. She had seen her sister at enough events back home to know how to behave a little formal.

Kat eagerly shook Kira's hand after the awkward silence fell upon them. "Kat..! Sorry! I'm Kat Decoria." She looked at the Jedi Padawan, she didn't seem different to Kat. It was curious as to how the Force worked. "Oh no, I'm part of the Antarian Rangers not a Jedi, thankfully. Be terrible at that. Way too formal for me."

Kat gave a chuckle as she pictured herself trying to be sensible and take orders from an elderly Jedi. Nope, never gunna happen, she thought. "How do you find being a Jedi Padawan though?" She asked with a smile, sipping her own drink slowly. She also felt the eyes of another linger on her, due to her Echani training but glad when he no longer focused on her legs. It was bad enough that they were on show, yet alone someone staring at them.

[member="Kira Novak"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
The white-haired woman didn’t pause in her leisurely walk when Padawan Swail suddenly commented on her hardships. She did not state it as a question, more accurately, a fact. Part of her wondered if the young woman had visions in the same way that she did. Srina often knew far more than she should because the Force saw fit to tilt her reality and shove things in her brain that didn’t belong. It happened frequently, and often, at the most inopportune of times. “I’m glad to hear you’ve been well…”

“And I thank you for your support…But I’m afraid the issues I face—I must face alone.”, Srina returned, breaking the news to the Padawan gently so that she wouldn’t feel as if the apprentice was shunning her assistance. It was for her benefit. Her people were dangerous. They’d been quiet as of late but that made her all the warier. Their silence was the calm before the storm. She could feel it. “My Master would never forgive me if my ghosts got one of his new allies killed.”

The dark-haired Hapan was sweet, guileless, and filled with an unassuming personality she wasn’t sure how to describe. Srina couldn’t imagine how she would have reacted to the gauntlet she had been through. There were Sith assassins in her past that would have taken no small amount of joy in peeling away the layers of her mind until there was nothing left. Srina’s jaw set tightly and her typically fair countenance seemed almost fierce before it abruptly fell back to neutrality. “You’re right. We are learning from the best. Who would have ever thought that Sith and Jedi could share the same breathing space let alone share in festivities together.”

Srina’s eyes slid over the extremely impressive spread of foodstuffs that lined long tables and could feel little pangs of hunger. She hadn’t eaten much before they’d arrived. There were little rosettes made of jogan fruit and she picked up one to try. It was surprisingly good, and before they kept moving, she puckishly had another. “Where have you been?”, Srina questioned the Padawan, curious, as to what places she had recently visited. “I know what you mean by safe…It’s nice to be in your comfort zone.”

For the pale-skinned warrior, her safe place consisted of one person. Anywhere he was, somehow, she always knew everything would be all right. Silver eyes turned to the girl when she mentioned making herself look like a fool. So far, in Srina’s opinion, she had held her own quite well. It couldn’t be easy trading in Jedi robes for a sleek black number. “There’s nothing wrong with trying to push yourself to be your best. You are far from being a fool and even further from being unintelligent. Everyone makes mistakes. Appreciate them for what they are—precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. They lend us wisdom that we didn’t have before. It prepares you for your next undertaking.”

Srina’s lips twitched, and an almost cheeky smile touched her wintry features. “Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.”

Clearly, she was teasing, but she let her body sway, just enough so that her hip lightly bumped the Padawan. Primrose lips remained set in a mischievous little lilt for a few moments but as usual, it faded and returned to demure. Her companion asked if they were staying long and the Echani shrugged her shoulders lightly. “I’m uncertain. It depends on my Masters wishes. Where he goes, I go. If we do remain I may take you up on that.”

Srina rose a singular finely arched eyebrow when the Hapan went one with imagined romanticized opinions of the other guests in the room. She reached out and looped her arm through Padawan Swail’s and linked them together—Keeping her close, as if they were the discussing something incredibly clandestine. “You make it seem as if no one has ever seen an Echani before. Many of us share a certain sameness. When you’ve seen one, you’ve seen us all.”

“But since you’ve been so kind as to point out we have an audience…I suppose now I’ll have to be on my best behavior.”, she returned to the, very fetching in her own right, girl on her arm. Padawan Swail’s enthusiasm seemed infectious and for a moment, her mercurial eyes seemed alight with humor, and it was in those moments she seemed more flesh and blood versus a pristine doll.

Silver eyes caught a glimpse of white in the crowd and she nodded her head toward [member="Kat Decoria"]. It hadn’t taken her more than a few seconds to find another of her race and she swayed a little whimsically as she informed Padawan Swail. “Do you see? There’s an Echani right over there. Complete with white-hair and silver eyes. There’s nothing mysterious and no reason for fascination.”

Of course, Srina knew that the Padawan’s claims would not be waved off so easily. There was a certain otherworldly feel to her kind that most humans picked up on. Most Echani, especially if they trained extensively in the military, as the apprentice had, were elegant and poised to a point that seemed inhuman. It became especially apparent in the heat of battle where the sinuous grace with which they fought could truly shine. “The only difference between you and I, little dove, is the capriciousness of a color scheme.”

[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
First came a little nervous laugh of agreement from the Padawan to the Echani, but then came a more natural one as Srina’s infectious confidence and observation came out. She spoke how it was, nothing tainted about her view or opinion. It was refreshing to hear, and it made sense. Stephanie nodded slowly at the comment about learning from mistakes. It was something she had been doing from the very start of her journey.

Srina’s comment about following her Master made sense, but it was a little disappointing to hear. Why? For pure selfish reasons of course, and Stephanie had to learn from this again to deal with it – not everyone could stay around on a whim; she was the apprentice of a Dark Lord and would follow where he went, as she would with her Master.

The two apprentices’, arm in arm, walked almost in unison as a sight of best friends catching up, or sisters engaged in gossip and scandal. At the indication of another - [member="Kat Decoria"] – across the way, hazel eyes sought her out, and she was right. Another Echani. She had never noticed their kind before, but from seeing the first glimpse of one in the audience hall between the Confederacy and Silver Jedi, this one had appeared to be angelic, like one of those rumoured from the moon of Iego.

Stephanie patted Srina’s hand on her arm.

”Will you stop? Just be you, I was only teasing. I just have never met an Echani before, and now I have one on my arm who is under the tutelage of a Sith. They say the Force works in mysterious ways, right?”

She sighed and thought about the question asked, feeling comfortable and content and relaxed.

”Where have I been. Well, it’s a long story so remind me to tell you one day, but it involves me being injected with a serum that nearly led to my death, but then fleeing the safety of the Republic to the frozen world of Midvinter, seeking refuge with the Silver Jedi on Voss before running away to Bakura and studying under the Je’daii, after I contemplated suicide, and then coming back with a new energy to Voss once more to find my calling as a defender of truth, hope and justice. That’s who you see before you now. Just me. Stephanie Swail.”

She tilted her head, seeing what she could read from Srina’s expression and smiled slowly as she imagined the thoughts in her head.

”Don’t say anything either,” she returned the playful hip bump, ”because you’re not the only one with a few shadows over their past, Srina, ok?”

A question came to mind, was it time to talk shop or not when this was meant to be “time off”?

”Can I ask you something? What do you want to be. What do you want to be. Or rather, who do you want to be?”

[member="Srina Talon"]
“Oh yeah, that’s right Cap’n. The Jedi have all kinds of codes… like no fraternizing or sneaking into each other’s rooms at night,” she said with a wink and a loving push. “Cover blown I guess.” Lola watched Averin move off as stealthy as a vornskr to spike the punch, turned on her heel and went to the ladies refresher. After a bio break, she lingered at the mirror touching up her lips with a shimmery cinnabar color. However she noticed in her clutch bag that she’d brought a small pouch of giggledust just in case.

Just in case, sounded like a good idea right about now.

The problem was that Lola had not tucked away her giggledust but a generous amount of glitterstim so as she packed that into her bamboo pipe, she took a couple of long, luxurious pulls from it, ignoring the stares from the occasional guest.

As she emerged from the fresher, one stumble only giving away her intoxicated state, she realized that something needed to be done to liven up this party.

“Drinking contest! Right here, right now!” she exclaimed loud enough for only the small radius of celebrants directly around her to hear.

[member="Averin An'Arach"]
As the Bartender slid a glass of water across the table, the glass making a soft squeal as it slid to a halt in front of [member="Jerit Kolomor"] Asaraa couldn’t help but look over at [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] with a smile on her face. She could see the man had a…focused look on his face as he padded over to another woman, a newcomer to the party. In the last hour or so she’d seen more people than she’d seen during her entire stay on Kashyyk all packed into the great hall.

Asaraa watched Jerit take what seemed like a grateful sip of the water before she elbowed him gently in the side, a shark-like grin on her face as she nodded her head in Yuroic’s direction.

“Seems he’s still looking out for you there, it kinda looks like you’ve managed to make yourself some good friends. Or well you know, some friends who don’t wanna see you passed out dead drunk in the middle of a party right in front of the Grandmaster and all these visitors, that might not be the best way to make a good impression on well...most people. I'm sure someone here would enjoy it though.”

The last statement was delivered with a laugh, the silvery sound slipping past the young woman’s lips as her blue eyes twinkled in amusement. Reaching out a hand she waved at the bartender, pointing at the glass of water in Jerit’s hand and holding up a finger as she downed the last of her drink.

“Well if you’re gonna be good for the rest of the night, then I guess that I should too. Pain shared and all that.”

If she was brutally honest Asaraa knew that she’d rather not risk ending up drunk herself as she took a sip of the cold water, her white teeth baring in a grimace before she nodded at her friend.

“It can be a little overwhelming, the whole Jedi putting your life on the line thing. So many Jedi seem so selfless and perfect, at least from the outside. It’s a hard target to live upto, and everyone has their own reason to help get them there. I guess since you’re back you figured out why you wanted to do, well all of this?”

She swept her arm out to encompass the entire room, the water in her glass coming dangerously close to splashing out with the expansive gesture.


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
When Jerit felt the elbow of Asaraa, he could not help but smile.

“Seems he’s still looking out for you there, it kinda looks like you’ve managed to make yourself some good friends. Or well you know, some friends who don’t wanna see you passed out dead drunk in the middle of a party right in front of the Grandmaster and all these visitors, that might not be the best way to make a good impression on well...most people. I'm sure someone here would enjoy it though.”

Jerit took another quaff of the water he had been given. He indeed had some really good friends who always looked out for him. Although, he did feel bad that he was drinking all the time in front of them. He did not want them to worry about his slight alcohol addiction. It just helps him forget about his past and his feelings. But then again he had to thank [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] for getting him that water. Asaraa was right and Jerit could agree with every ounce of his being that he did not want to pass out at a party like this. If he just stopped drinking...

"Indeed. I love my friends as if they are my family. They always look out for me and I try to return the favor."

He took another drink of his water and saw that Asaraa had done the same thing. Then she commented on the overwhelming duties of being a Jedi.

"I just wish that I could forget about everything before becoming a Jedi. To me that would be much easier to reach my goal and my wants in life. But hey, without my past I would not be the person I am today, which to some people might either be a good thing or a bad thing." He laughed some more. The alcohol was starting to deplete itself with all of the water he was drinking. With everything that is happening, Jerit is very happy he is talking to someone like Asaraa even though they had only just met tonight.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Kaloo.” Valae said with a wide smile as she listened to the Mon Cal speak. Her brows rose slightly upon hearing that he was the head of Ne-Cal. His connection to the Galactic Alliance was likely highly beneficial. “The Alliance Navy is lucky to have someone with your skills, Mr. Kaloo.”

For a moment, she recalled the events of Mirial. Had it not been for the assistance of the Alliance, many of the Silver Jedi personnel may not have made it back home. That connection did work to endear the GA to her even more, and she did hope that they would get to work in concert in the future. Her gaze softened as [member="Rick Kaloo"] mentioned that he was here to forget about the heavy situations, even if only for the night.

“I certainly understand,” She nodded, “And I do hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”

With that, she offered the naval officer a polite nod to excuse herself.

Her eyes scanned the room once more as she made her way back over to [member="Jake Daniels"]. There were a couple of new arrivals, including [member="Allyson Locke"] and [member="Kaili Talith"]. Valae squinted; the two were slightly familiar from a mission to Kiara. While she had not had the chance to meet them that day, she would certainly make an effort tonight. And of course, she could not ignore the situation unfolding at the bar. It seemed that [member="Jerit Kolomor"] was certainly enjoying himself… perhaps a bit too much.

As she arrived at Jake’s side, she linked arms with him once more.

“Well, it looks like some of our apprentices are having a good time,” She nodded towards the bar and added a chuckle. For the moment, it seemed quite harmless… but she would keep an eye on them. “I hope you are, too…” She said, looking up at her date. Valae knew that Jake was not overly fond of crowds and large gatherings like this.

Looking towards the dance floor, she flashed Jake a smile.

“You were going to ask me to dance, right?” Her smile grew.
And that was the next mistake; bringing a book that she was 3/4 of the way done with. Now with the time she had spent reading, and since she reads a little too fast, sometimes even for her own good, she was out of any excuse to not involve herself further. Of course, she could always just leave, as she would normally do. But then it'd only would have been a waste of effort to have brought herself here in the first place. Perhaps, maybe just take it a step further and try to somewhat include herself. Closing her now finished book, she looked up at the groups of people, thinking to herself whether or not she should make her presence known. She came here for a reason, even if that particular reason was vague even to herself.

With a despondent sigh, she pushed back her chair and stood up, again scanning through the groups of people to see of which she would attempt to introduce herself into. Perhaps the bar would be a good start.

After pushing her chair in, she made her way across the hall and over to the bar, taking in its rather expensive appearance. At least, what seemed expensive to her. She had been to a number of bars on her home planet, but none of them looked relatively as clean as this. It was a surprise to her that something of this sort could actually look so nice.
She spotted [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] and [member="Jerit Kolomor"] at the bar, sitting along with one another. She recognized them, only a little. Faces that she had only seen in passing. But she figured, if there were anywhere to start, it was small. She continued walking over, a sense of dread beginning to well up in her chest. What if her presence was unwelcome? What if she did something strange that would cause the two to grow in some disdain, or even just make a bad impression? It took a good amount of effort to simply get across the hall to the bar, and even more to not stop in her tracks along the way. But to her luck, or maybe even dismay, she had made it. She carefully took a seat beside Jerit, simply looking at him and Asaraa before turning her gaze away.

What was she to say? How would she introduce herself, or even start to? The two were already in a conversation of their own, and given the manners that she did know, she did not want to impede on that. She had to resist making any sort of notion of the struggle it was for her to converse with others. Strangers especially. She looked over at the two again, with a nervous smile and a small wave of her hand, she nearly stuttered.

"Uhm... Hi," she spoke softly, with some spark of hope that she would be noticed, even despite how soft she spoke, and how much she didn't want to be noticed. But she had already made the attempt.
“That’s the best thing about friends when they’re there to back you up if you need it,” the young woman looked down at Jerit’s glass, a significant pause filling the air before she grins at him, “Even when you don’t know you need it right?”

[SIZE=11pt]She fell silent while Jerit talked, her face falling as he revealed more about himself. Almost without thinking the young woman found her hand rising, reaching out for his shoulder for a moment her hand wavering in the air unsure what to do. Sucking in a deep breath Asaraa let her hand fall down onto his shoulder, a soft smile pulling at her lips as she gave his shoulder a squeeze. “Yeah, none of us would be here if it wasn’t for out past, although…yeah I have to admit, sometimes life would be a little easier if we could just forget things. But in the end,” she shrugged, taking a sip of water before looking around the room. “I don’t want to change, or forget. It’s all part of who I am and well…wouldn’t want to be anyone else, or be anywhere else either."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Asaraa fell silent, unsure of what else she could say to her new friend when a new voice broke the cocoon that had spun up around them, an almost hesitant voice, quiet and so soft she might have missed it if they hadn't stopped talking. The Padawan span around, letting her hand fall away from Jerrit's shoulder as she caught sight of the girl who had approached them, a friendly smile settling on her face.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] "Hey, welcome to Padawan's corner!" [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]She'd seen the girl around Rox...Rav ummm she knew the name she really did, it just well she couldn't remember. Ruefully the Togruta held out one red-skinned hand to the newcomer, a wry smile tugging at her lips, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]"I think I've seen you around but...I'm sorry, I can't remember your name, I'm Asaraa."[/SIZE]

[member="Jerit Kolomor"]
[member="Raven Sorenova"]
The pale woman was gladdened when Padawan Swail seemed to accept her thoughts and views on mistakes and errors. It was an odd philosophy to adopt from someone that seemed to strive for perfection in every sense of the word—but without it, Srina would be a driveling mess of self-doubt. Very few things, save for her close ties to Darth Metus, seemed to go her way. These failures existed regardless the fairly strict level of decorum she adhered to.

The platinum blonde haired woman remained arm in arm with her Jedi escort even as a faint feeling of disappointment seemed to rise from the woman. Srina couldn’t tell exactly what it was related to, but it didn’t seem necessary to dwell on it, since it didn’t seem to last. The apprentice instead pointed out another of her kind in the distance out of an effort to dispel any notions of gathering attention. Some considered Echani otherworldly, but Srina, being one, didn’t see it herself.

Her lips twitched when the Padawan pat her on the arm and bade her to be herself. The slender warrior laughed lightly with the notion that the Force worked in mysterious ways, the sound rare, like that of singing silver bells. “Oh, you can say that again. I still don’t understand it sometimes—No matter how hard I try.”

Srina remained silent as she was quickly informed of the recent events that befallen her fellow apprentice. If she felt anything about what was shaping up to be a potentially traumatic story her mirror-made eyes didn’t reflect it. Instead, she stored the information, unintentionally logging it as one would a personnel file. It appeared that her little defender of truth, hope, and justice was not as untouched as she had initially assumed. “I will say nothing.”, Srina agreed, the hip bump pulling a smile from her, though, it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Everyone had shadows in their past. She was right. Srina’s just didn’t seem to want to stay there.

Some of the Padawan’s words reminded her of a rainy night on Coruscant she would never forget. It reminded her of how close she had been to accepting death in a similar fashion. It was the very night that she had first crossed paths with Darth Metus. While they were close now, nearly inseparable, they’d endured a fairly rocky start. ‘If you’re planning on using that lightstick just do it. I can’t take this anymore—‘

The half-finished vision, memory, whatever it was, lingered at the base of her heart. Briefly, discretely, she glanced in the direction that she’d last seen her master and tried to swallow sudden remnants of a long-buried ache. “Just me. Stephanie Swail.”, the apprentice repeated after a moment, rolling the idea around in her head before she passed another smile to the Padawan. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s all there is to it.”

White-gold hair shimmered in the light as she nodded her head, granting Stephanie permission, to ask what she pleased. The nature of it surprised her. “What would be the easier question…”, she responded slowly, her head tilting, as she considered her answers carefully. “What I would like to be is strong, indomitable. Like our Masters.”

Who did she want to be? That was another issue entirely.

“I am the apprentice of a Sith Lord. Does that also make me Sith?”, Srina questioned aloud, truly curious, versus being enigmatic. She came from a military, from a world, where she had never before come into contact with labeled Force Users, light or dark. The Priestesses on Eshan had referred to her abilities as gifts from the goddess and had worked it seamlessly into her training. Since then she had seen the worst that the Sith had to offer. In Darth Metus, she believed that she was also seeing the best. The Jedi were a complete mystery to her. “I do not know the answer to that I’m afraid. Want…I do my best not to want. I am who I am. Who I must be.”

“What about you?”, the silver-clad Echani questioned, deliberately turning the topic of conversation away from herself, and back toward her much more interesting Padawan. “Who do you want to be?”

It was right about then that Srina heard a female voice announce loudly that a drinking contest was set to begin. Gray eyes widened just a fraction of an inch. She wasn’t entirely sure that her Master would be able to resist that particular challenge.

[member="Stephanie Swail"]


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Jerit was very proud of himself for revealing part of himself. He was scared at first, but Asaraa's response made him jovial nontheless. She really knew what to say and Jerit loved that. She was a good person and Jerit hoped they would run into each other more often either in the temple or on missions together hopefully. When Asaraa's hand fell on Jerit's shoulder, the boy shook a little. He hadn't really had any physical contact with anyone, not even so much as a hug since his break. He felt like he needed someone with him like a friend to help him through his life right now. But his only companion is alcohol.

After he came back and found everything different, Jerit still felt the dread even though he was trying to escape it in the first place. But just as Asaraa had said,
Asaraa Vaashe said:
“I don’t want to change, or forget. It’s all part of who I am and well…wouldn’t want to be anyone else, or be anywhere else either."

Just as Asaraa's hand left Jerit's shoulder, he turned around and saw a girl sitting next to him. He heard her say Hi very shyly. Jerit didn't want to leave her in such a state, especially at a gathering like this! He looked at her and kindly said, "Hi there! Name's Jerit. I think I have seen you before although I am not too sure. Anyhow, it's nice to meet you! What's your name?"

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Raven Sorenova"]
Averin chuckles when his wife emerges from the bathroom. It was obvious she was helping herself to some glitter dust, a habit he frowned on but didn't begrudge her, and now she was starting a scene. However, her declaration of a drinking contest did give him a wicked idea. Snagging a serving tray from a stack of dishes near the kitchen he returns to the punch and prepares a few dozen cups. Then he begins to make rounds about the room. It was a bustling party but it could stand to be a lot more fun and what made things more fun than the youth cutting loose?

While the pirate offered glasses of the spiked punch to everyone, his specific targets were anyone who looked young enough to be a padawan. Maybe it was cruel to give such people a glass of sugar water laced with a potent alcohol and mild hallucinogen when they were at a party with their masters. But it would also be fefing funny so he while he didn't insist anyone take a glass he very pointedly offered it to everyone slipping from group to group before anyone questioned why he wasn't wearing a server's uniform. Mostly he just popped in asked if anyone would like some punch and then darted away. Anyone who accepted would find their night vastly improved... but not the next morning.

[member="Kira Novak"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Raven Sorenova"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Anastasia Verd"] | [member="Douglas Starwind"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Lola An'Arach"]


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
After Jerit had introduced himself to another possible new friend, he sees a man on a tray with glasses filled with a mysterious drink. The man had said it was just punch so Jerit took a glass without any hesitation.

Better than water! The boy thought.

He put the glass to his mouth and drank it all. Jerit noticed it tasted vastly different from regular punch. The boy realized that the man did not serve him any regular punch! That waiter must have served him something spiked or more alcohol. That was not good. He turned to Asaraa and whispered in her ear. If she had taken a glass, he had to warn her about it.

"I think that man put something in my drink. It tastes weird. I think it may have been--"

Before Jerit could finish, he giggled for a second or two. He did not know why but one thing he knew was that he had to compose himself. If this server had put something in his drink, he was going to confront and ask. Whoever this guy was, he better tell Jerit what he put on that punch.

[member="Averin An'Arach"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Raven Sorenova"]
"It's been fifteen minutes." he said to himself while tapping his foot and growing impatient. Karna was in this situation because of Kat, he accepted her invite to go to the party but now he didn't know where she was. Fifteen minutes passed since they last talked. "Don't tell me she left already." no, she wouldn't forget a friend. That's what he told himself, clearly she left on her own. He shook his head and didn't want to believe it. A sigh came out and he stood up, walking towards the door of her ship. "I guess I'll go look. Just in case." Karna stepped out and walked to the Jedi Temple, ready to party in the outfit Kat chose for him.

Nostalgic. it had been centuries since he last touched Temple grounds, he stopped on the steps to really take it in. Back then his purpose for coming here would be for more important reasons, a party was out of the question. That was just him though, a very serious man who believed in doing his duty and nothing else. Looking back, he regretted being that way but he couldn't deny it allowed his survival. He continued going up the steps and entered the building.

Karna knew Kat was probably talking with others and having a good time, so he went straight to the party. There was also the chance she would be drinking. That was something he'd want to see, a drunk Kat. Though trouble might pursue. It would provide him with some amusement in the least. Many people were here, doing their own thing, like the crowd gathered at the bar. If he remembered correctly, Jedi weren't the only ones in the room. After looking around for a little bit he spotted Kat. She left me after all. A woman appeared to be talking with her, perhaps a friend that she didn't mention before. He made his way over to the two, putting on a smile. "Pardon my intrusion ladies. I noticed you both from across and I had to meet you. You both look stunning in your dresses." he said keeping the smile.

Acting as if he didn't know it was her may have been taking it too far, he thought so himself, but she did leave him. Karna expected to get slapped for being rude. He planned on complimenting her to make up for it or anything she requested, still he'd proceed for now.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Lady Psyona"]

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