Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eat, Drink & Be Merry

[member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Averin An'Arach"]

Kat Decoria. Kat Decoria. Kat Decoria. She repeated the name over and over in her head. Don't forget it and make a fool of yourself. You always make a fool of yourself.

"Interesting," she replied. Kira had never worked with any of the Antarian Rangers before, but she knew they were renowned for their skill, and that they were a vital part of the Order of Silver Jedi. "I look forward to working with you one day." It was as she was speaking that Kira first noticed Kat's robotic legs, but she decided against commenting on them.

"It can be hard being a Jedi sometimes. There are so many rules and traditions, so many things to learn. I was taken in as a child and I dedicated my whole life to the Force. But its given me shelter and a sense of purpose that I would never have had back where I was from. All my needs are taken care of so I can be in service to others."

"I'm sure working for the Rangers has its ups and downs as well. What sort of work do you do for them?" Kira asked.

While they were talking a man approached them and asked if they would like any punch. Kira turned it down politely, already having more than enough to drink of her Hoth Daquiri.

She felt as if she was being watched, and she turned to look over her shoulder to check. I'm sure it's nothing, she thought. Kira locked eyes for a moment with a man leaning against the bar, but she turned back to face Kat. He just happened to be looking in this direction, she rationalized to herself. She wondered if Kat had seen the man looking over at them, but she didn't want to ask. He was spying on you, the voice warned her. You're paranoid, she shot back, making a face as she focused on Kat's response.
Smiling at Yuroic, she happily returned his embrace and hugged him back. Through all the trials, tests and trauma Jairdain had been through, he had been the catalyst and rock that kept her together or helped put her back together. Laughing at his dancing comment, she didn't know how to dance really either. Not being able to see where the feet went didn't help in the matter.

"I've never been a dancer myself. It is good to know you're at least trying to be sociable, Yuroic."

Keeping her hold on his hand and returning the squeeze when it came, her smile remained. ​It wasn't a fake and social smile, but lit up even her eyes. When she said he had made another carving of the stars around Kashyyk, she wanted to give him another hug.

"How have you been adjusting since we were last together? With me not moving here, I'm sorry I haven't been around."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Roona Osmari

The corner of her mouth tugged up into a smirk as the Colonel had a healthy drink of champagne. With interest, her sea-green eyes turned to glance over her shoulder. For a brief moment, she watched as party-goers left the bar area with drinks in hand. And a curious brow perked at the group that seemed to be parked there long term. Glancing back to Valkren, she gave a nod.

“We will have to see,” Roona answered, allowing her smirk to give way to a calm smile.

She brought her flute of champagne up for one more sip, just for good measure. Her eyes traveled in the direction of the bar once more and then back to Valkren. Would they walk together? For a moment, she struggled with this seemingly simple task. Surely she could have just turned to walk before him, but would that have been awkward? Social situations could be puzzling for the soldier woman, and this was certainly no exception.

Finally making up her mind, she moved to stand next to the Colonel. And her hand gently tucked into the crook of his arm. Her eyes found his for a brief moment, but quickly darted away. Instead, she focused on their destination and silently hoped that she hadn’t made things awkward between them.

As they arrived, she let her hand slide gently away from his arm. Settling on a barstool, she smoothed out the skirt of her dress. Taking a peek to the side, she noticed a rather intoxicated young man and his companions. Returning her attention to Valkren, she leaned forward slightly.

“So, tell me…” She started, “What’s your drink? I’ll have the same.”

[member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Jerit Kolomor"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
She was left rather surprised by the reception she had received, and though she tried, her surprise was obvious given her reaction looking as though she were about to jump from her chair.

Recomposing herself, she tried putting on her best smile, which still held every bit of awkwardness it could. It were as though she weren't used to smiling. She looked at Asaraa's hand before taking it, giving her a nervous handshake.

She was screwing it all up. She knew she was. There was no way they didn't think that she was extremely awkward at this point. She wanted to leave, but she knew she couldn't. It'd be rude of her at this point, at least, not while they were attempting to introduce themselves to her. She looked between Jerit and Asaraa, her mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out at first. She was stuck in silence for a moment as if she were trying to find the words to speak, even though she was asked such a simple question. She closed her mouth, took in a deep breath, and then spoke, which was still that of nervousness.

"Raven... Raven Sorenova."

After she had finally gotten that out, she looked over to the glasses of juice that was handed to the three of them on a platter. She took one for herself, almost forgetting to say thank you, which only came in the form of a nervous smile. Without even thinking about it, or hearing what Jerit had said, she took a few swigs of the juice. Since she tended to drink things down pretty fast, the glass was 3/4 of the way empty by the time she had removed it from her lips. It was only after did she realize that the drink tasted rather strange. Was it alcohol? The bitter aftertaste could only have her assume so. Just for the sake of it, she drank the rest of it. She had had a few drinks in her years, and she didn't think herself to be so lightweight that just one glass would leave her inebriated.

But after some strange feelings pulsed through her, she could only assume otherwise.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Jerit Kolomor"]

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Doug's admittedly more feeble attempt at making small talk with somebody new would be interrupted by the sound of a familiarly feminine voice whispering into his ear. He had heard it before so he could quickly discern who it was... Tanaski. A new Padawan he had gotten acquainted with during the initial arrival onto Kashyyyk. Kinda strange, but didn't make for too bad of company.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face as he was still a bit startled by the sudden whispering and he looked to the side towards Tanaski. "Hm? What do you mean?" Doug said, his cheeks reddening slightly. "I have no issues with talking to women." He added on in a more flustered tone, shaking his head.

On that note, he had noticed that Tanaski was not alone... A woman that beared a resemblance to the pretty boy had been dragged over nearby. Despite the similarities in appearance, something about her was... Different looking. Doug didn't have to dwell on it very much as he quickly found out through dialogue that she was... Tana and Sky'ito's mother? He raised an eyebrow. She didn't even look that much older than either of them. "Oh, um, it's fine, ma'am." Doug quickly said politely towards Kurenai's apology about Tanaski's eccentric behavior with a small wave. She had then gone to talk with the woman that had briefly engaged Doug in conversation more. He supposed they actually knew each other.

Well, it was back to talking to a more familiar face for himself now he supposed. He then heard an unknown voice offering punch to the two, but he shooed him away. He wasn't going to take a drink from someone he didn't know... The unknown guy seemed to quickly move away back into the crowd before Doug could even react any further. Meh. He looked sketchy anyways.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Kurenai Yumi"] | [member="Averin An'Arach"]
Yuroic held her hand tightly as he smiled, glad to see her pleased with her present. He thought about how the move had gone, it seemed to be going well, the Order was settling in and connections with other factions were being made. His job in the Archives was quiet and far removed from the spotlight as it could be, which he considered a plus. Although, he did miss not seeing Jairdain daily and spending time with her as often as he wanted. "I feel the Order has got the fresh start that it needs. Just sad that you were unable to join us, I miss you greatly whenever we are apart."

He watched as a man moved around, targeting the Padawans and offering them drinks. Suspicion rose in him as he watched, there was something off. It was solidified when he noticed Jerit giggling and attempting to move. Seemed someone had finally reached their limit. Willingly or not, Yuroic turned back to Jairdain and gave a sad smile. "Seems one of the Padawans has had one too many. I better make sure they get to their dorms to sleep it off. Hopefully won't be long and then you can tell me all about your adventures!" Yuroic smiles before kissing her lightly on the lips.

Heading over to Jerit and his female companions, Yuroic leaned heavily on his stick. His legs started to ache more, normally he wasn't standing or walking as much as he was. However, he ignored the pain and continued on. Looking at Jerit, he shook his head with a slight smirk. He remembered being foolish and drinking plenty. It happened all too often when he lived on Nar Shaddaa.

"Jerit, I think it is time you headed to bed. Best to sleep it off my friend." Yuroic stated in a calm neutral tone.

[member="Jairdain"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Talking with Kira was a much easier task than Kat thought, she was sure that both of them feeling awkward in the setting helped make them feel calm with each other. Listening to Kira talk about her life being with the Jedi, it sounded very involved. She seemed dedicated to the Order, perhaps something that Kat needed to become if she wanted to help more within the Antarian Rangers. She was finding herself limited somewhat by her stubborness in only wanting to be a mechanic. But perhaps just being what the Rangers needed was more important.

"Do you have hobbies outside the Order? Like dancing or sparring?" Being Echani, their combat style is often seen as fluid like dancing when not holding a weapon and sparring is often an enjoyable past time for the species.

Kst did noticed that Kira turned to look at the man who glanced over at them and focused on Kat's legs. She did also notice Kira not feeling comfortable about it too. "Did you want to talk somewhere more private? I noticed him staring at us too." Kat suggested hoping to easy her new found friend.

[member="Kira Novak"]

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
As much as she wanted to believe Srina, apprentice of the Sith and now arm-in-arm with a Padawan of the Jedi, Stephanie felt there was far more to the girl than she could hope to discover.

Behind the smiles and the coy glances and the affirmed answers, there was something else. She had a pang in her gut. Was something wrong? Was Stephanie once again looking at someone at face-value and forgoing everything else they were and had buried away? Or did she, quite simply, accept them for who they were regardless.

”Go on,” she encouraged, walking and holding her arm.

So early on in her path in the Light, was Srina a test? Was she here to open hazel eyes to a wider reality and not one so black and white? Already the unification of Orders was something that had injected a new zest of life for everyone – there was a sense of being in the air, and of not being alone after such a bold and daunting move from Voss. Now, new trade routes were being formed and expeditions to seek new planets and worlds for expansion and support.

Yet here within the Silver Rest, two elegantly dressed apprentices from both sides of the spectrum walked and talked about their place in it all. Two apprentices who one day could…just could…be leading their very Orders to greatness side by side.

Srina turned the question back onto Stephanie, and she knew her answer would be far less layered. With a twist of her lip, she looked away in thought. She didn’t get to answer before an over-eager guest called for a drinking game. She turned and forced a little laugh – that would NOT be her cup of tea at all.

The social awkwardness she felt would be magnified to the dozen in situations like this around people who just…did.

”Spirits are high it seems,” she smirked. She looked back to Srina. ”I just want to be happy. I just want to help others, and give something back. To stand for something good and inspire those whom one day may look to me for guidance. I don’t want to fail.”

Her body shivered a little, a dark cloud sweeping across her mind, the after effect of Mirial when she had seen into the shadow of her soul.

”Please, if you want to go over, enjoy yourself,” she said, coming back to the here and now and indicating with her chin over to the cheers and laughter from one end of the make-shift bar.

What would Master [member="Valae Kitra"] think if she even went near that stuff!

[member="Srina Talon"]


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Raven. That was a nice name. Jerit complimented it. He couldn't think very straight now. He was seeing weird things like orbs of colors on the walls as if strobe lights were on in the hall. He was sure there were none. He giggled some more and saw the walls warping a bit. He looked over to Raven and she took a drink from the glass.

"Hey *giggles*... I like to call that FUN JUICE maaaan! Hahaha!" Jerit was now fully drunk complimented with some other symptoms. He was twirling in his seat and looking up at the sky. Now the bad part of being tipsy began, saying things that should stay in your head.

He looked over to [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] who was now moving towards him. He heard the Jedi say something about going home, but Jerit was all too focused on Yuroic's face. It was twisting and enlarging itself. It made the boy go into a complete laugh fest.

"Hey Hey! Just the man I wanted to see!" Jerit had his empty glass outstretched in his hand, aiming it towards Yuroic. The boy got out of his barstool and grabbed Yuroic on the shoulder and pulled him close.

"I need your help man. You can do that for an old friend right? See those Sii-iith! Over there? Why don't we just like, *burps* kill 'em? Come on!!" Jerit gripped his lightsaber but before he even moved an inch, he passed out onto the ground.

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Raven Sorenova"]
[member="Averin An'Arach"]
Asaraa curled her fingers around the girl’s hand, giving it a squeeze as she turned a friendly smile on the girl as she let her hand fall away. It was obvious to the Togruta that the girl was nervous, she looked as panicked as Asaraa had felt when she arrived at the room in the first place. She let her lips fall into something more natural, a wry almost playful grin as she settled her weight back onto one foot, gesturing out at the room.

[SIZE=11pt]“It’s a little intimidating isn’t it, all the people, all the conversations, you kinda feel like it’s too hard to get involved and walk up to someone. I’m really impressed that you did, I was just kinda drifting at the bar till Jerit came over to talk to me.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was amazing how nervous Asaraa felt even now, talking to Jerit had been fun, relaxing. But the sight of so many people around them brought all her insecurities crashing back in, if she had to she’d class herself closer to Raven than she would to her friend. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]That’s why that waiter walking around with the punch arrived at the perfect time, the Padawan gracing him with a grateful smile as she picked off her glass, red fingers curling around the glass as she peered into the liquid before taking a long sip. It wasn’t actually bad, a curious bitterness cutting through the sweet taste of the punch and something more. She took another sip, savoring the taste before Jerit’s warning came a little too late. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Oh...oh...that explains this then.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Glaring down at the glass the Togruta glanced around the room, trying to spot the waiter who had brought the punch around. He’d definitely pulled a fast one on them, though if she managed to catch up with him...That man approaching wasn't Jerit it was that friend of his. The young woman flashed him a smile as she tried to sort out her slightly hazy thoughts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"Yuroic right? Jerit mentioned you, before. The friend who always looks out for him." [/SIZE]

Turning to her new friend she flashed him a playful grin,

"Well, we'll try not to have too much fun without you."

Even as she spoke she saw her friend lunging out at Yuroic, muttering something about the Sith before he slid down to the floor in an ungraceful heap. Cautiously she reached out to poke the pile of Padawan with her toe as she pursed her lips.

"Well...that doesn't look good, I didn't realise he'd had so much."

[SIZE=11pt][member="Yuroic Xeraic"][/SIZE]
[member="Raven Sorenova"]
[member="Jerit Kolomor"]

Rick Kaloo

Valae Kitra said:
“I certainly understand,” She nodded, “And I do hope you enjoy yourself tonight.” With that, she offered the naval officer a polite nod to excuse herself.
"You too. I hope to deal with you again some other time. Bye!" he replied.

Rick promptly left the stage and walked back to the dining area, where meals had been set up and people were eating. He walked over to a table and grabbed a piece of bread from a pile of appetizers and took a bite out of it. He continued to examine the foods, but ignored the beer, wine, and other alcohol beverages, being strongly nonalcoholic. As Rick passed a plate of turkey legs on a table, he noticed a young man pass out on the floor, likely drunk from the bottle he was holding. As much as he hated alcoholics, he knew he would have to do something.

"Move, please. I'll relocate the man so that he doesn't get trampled." Rick said to the group of people around the drunk, including a man who the drunk was likely talking to before he fainted. Reaching down, he lifted up the man, straining due to his weight. Letting the man's legs drag along the floor, Rick took a few steps forward and then set him down on a chair, moving the man so that his body leaned into the table. Then he turned back and asked to the group of people he had left behind, "What happened here? Drunk?"

[member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Raven hadn't a clue what she was feeling, nor what she was seeing. Things beginning to warp, twist, and turn in her vision. As she watched Jerit fall to the floor, it seemed as though he had fell sideways, as though the floor was vertical instead of horizontal. She tilted her head to the side in confusion, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"I thiin... Smothng war... In the... Jus..." She spoke with all of the slur and lisp she never thought she'd hear coming from her own lips. Something was definitely in the drink that she had, and looking over to Asaara, whose red skin was now shifting in colors from a pink to a dark purple, and one eye being significantly bigger and more bulbous than the other, confirmed this. But yet, instead of a great deal of caution overcoming her, she only giggled for some moments before lazily pointing to the Togruta.

"Haa. Your skin is... Color... Doon thins..." She swayed slightly side to side before giggling more, which then grew into soft laughter.

She wondered what she had, and furthermore, she wondered where she could get more of it.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
[member="Jerit Kolomor"]
Yuroic looked around at the mess of Padawans that seemed to have fallen about. Both Jerit and a Padawan that he did not recognise had fallen over drunk. Yuroic shook his head as he moved towards where [member="Rick Kaloo"] had moved Jerit. Looking at the Mon Calamari, he offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry for his behaviour, seems someone has spiked their drinks. However, I will take this one back to his room so he can sleep the effects off and not cause a scene. Thank you for your kindness." Yuroic then hesitated slightly, having only one arm did not make the task of carrying the Padawan easy. Moving his crutch underneath his right armpit, he lifted Jerit over his left shoulder. Grunting slightly at the weight of the Padawan.

"Definitely going to have to stop drinking mate, getting heavy." Yuroic grumbled quietly as he held the Padawan securely. Looking over to [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] he nodded at [member="Raven Sorenova"] "Take her back to her quarters if you can please." Yuroic wandered why someone would spike the Padawans' drinks, especially since there was a bar supplying alcohol already. Was it to get those drunk who otherwise would not? If so, that is a fairly suspicious behaviour at a party.

Once Yuroic reached the room that Jerit slept in, he dropped the Padawan onto the bed with a huff of relief. "Right, hopefully that is you out for the night." Yuroic commented before making a note for Jerit to read when he woke up. Jerit, for when you want to stop drinking your life away and start training, locate me in the Archives. Yuroic. Also, Yuroic decided to leave a bottle of water for him to drink when he woke up. Yuroic knew all to well that a hangover can be brutal after heavy drinking.

Leaving Jerit to sleep it off, Yuroic returned to the party and scanned the room for any other Padawans potentially drunk. Not yet seeing any, he moved back to his beloved. Taking her hand, he pulled her in close for a hug. "Ugh, well seems that someone is getting the Padawans drunk. Great fun." He commented to her as he held her close.

[member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Jairdain"]
Before Grace had said anything else, someone had approached the with a tray of drinks, offering her something in a small glass. "Ooh, what's that?" Katrine asked immediately, though she was already taking the glass with the beverage, hoping for a tastier alcohol than the champagne in her other hand. She didn't get an answer though since the man moved on, serving others. She'd taken a sip from the drink, finding it stranger than the champagne, sweeter than whiskey but overall, she totally preferred this one over the champagne, dumping the glass on a passing tray without paying much attention to the tray itself.

"This is absolutely delicious," Katrine informed Grace as she took another sip. Totally very strong and totally sweet, even though she didn't have the faintest clue why any of those were. She's quickly gone through half of it, taking in the combo of the drink feeling. Possibly a little too fast when she heard a familiar voice, remembering Karna was joining her to the party. Kat grinned and blinked. "Karna, pretty boy, hi!" The blond responded, not even noticing when her voice became a little melodic. She giggled next, somehow foggily remembering something about dresses. "You like my dress?" Big grin on her face still, last words slightly stretching. "I like your suit. You should tell the wolf who picked it out for you she has excellent taste." Totally should, Kat decided just as she nodded.

It was slightly subtle. Katrine was hyper by nature, though it had died out slightly over the years of her solitude. She was also very talkative by default both because she had a lot to say and because she liked the sound of her voice but when the absinthe had began taking affect, she didn't notice the changed hitting her, though for a second, she could swear Karna had moved left and right. It made her giggle. "This drink is delicious. We should get you one." And she drank the rest of the content, her tongue sticking out. Taking the last two or three sips she would have normally taken slowly proved to be extra hard.

Oh, and someone was standing next to her. Katrine looked to her side, remembering suddenly she had a new friend with a pretty name. "This is Grace, Karna. Say hi." Yep, she wasn't rude to forget the person next to her. Maybe she did for a second 'cos her pretty boy walked in but she recovered quickly, Kat promised herself and giggled at her own thoughts.

[member="Karna Ramesha"] | [member="Lady Psyona"] | [member="Averin An'Arach"]
Akabane knew he would probably be in trouble for getting drunk, but the drink wasn't good enough. Thinking that way about a free drink is being ungrateful, he couldn't help it. He wasn't an alcoholic or anything, he just had a lot of tolerance for it so when he did drink he required a lot for a good time. Again, entering a drunken state while at this event wouldn't end well for him. Nevertheless, his feet moved him towards the bar without thinking anymore.

A crowd had been around the bar for awhile now, it was to be expected at a party. Akabane squeezed through the crowd and spoke with the bartender. "Give me something stronger than what's being served." his request was quick and simple. Hopefully he had something good for him. And there was no disappointment. His eyes lit up when the drink was done being prepared and placed in front of him. The bartender did a great job, Akabane grinned and thanked the man.

After grabbing a drink that's more his style, he started walking around. Akabane noticed many people dancing, he was envious. In his past he went to events like these often, though he was only a child then. Naturally, he became good at dancing. Not only was he good but he enjoyed it as well. He wanted to dance right now but he came alone. Asking a stranger to dance with him sounded painful. That's him assuming they would say no. Suddenly, Akabane remembered there was someone here that he did know.

The person who he was thinking of, [member="Srina Talon"], appeared to be talking to someone. He took a few steps toward her direction, setting his drink on the nearest table. As he got closer, Akabane tried really hard to remember her first name. Recalling a last name was much easier for him to do. That wasn't a good excuse, he felt ashamed of himself. Once he was only a few steps away, he froze in place like earlier. I can't do this. he turned around slowly and walked to the balcony, picking his drink up along the way.
Jairdain nodded when Yuroic went to deal with what were apparently high or drunk padawans, she moved out of the way of others and leaned against the wall. It was a few minutes later and he had returned to her. Taking her close into his arms, she leaned against him only slightly.

"This is the first opportunity I've had to attend and actually stay at a party. Never had a drink before in my life."

Shrugging slightly, it wasn't like she thought she was missing anything. Even at the formal ball she had attended, she had picked juice over something stronger.

Taking a breath and letting it out slowly, Jairdain wrapped her own arm around Yuroic. Their time separate felt like it had been so long and what time they did get was so short. With her new appointment within Commenor, she didn't see their time together getting to be more at all.

"I never told you about my new position personally, Yuroic. While I'm sure you heard of it. Lady Kay of Commenor wanted an advisor for her son, Bradshaw. So I accepted a position to do just that. Already held one between Commenor and the Silver's."

She spoke with a small sense of pride, but without any ego involved.

"I'm just sorry it keeps us apart."

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
[member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

"No, nothing really," she replied. "I like to stay active in my downtime, though. It helps... calm the mind." Too personal. "After a hard day," she added. That sounds better. Kira often went for runs or for extra lightsaber sparring sessions in her spare time. She found that staying active kept the worst of the intrusions at bay. It was when she allowed her mind time to drift that they were at their worst.

Kira took another quick glance over at the man at the bar. "Maybe he's just looking to meet someone just like we were?" Her introduction with Kat had gone well so far, and she was feeling emboldened by it. And the liquor. "Should we go over and introduce ourselves? He's here in the Temple with us, we're all friends here, right?" she asked, more to reassure herself than anything.
“A pleasure.” Grace commented, a hint of formality covering the in her voice. Part of her wondered what to talk about. After all, it wasn’t like they had much in common as far as she knew. Just the cult of force users that were growing up around the Confederacy. It wasn’t much to start a conversation with. Luckily for her, the other woman managed to find something to talk about. Although, the man repeating the sentiment only a moment later seemed a little stale. Was this normal? “Thanks. It’s one of my nicer ones.” Not technically wrong, as it was her only real dress, and therefore her nicest, but it was still simple compared to what some of the padawans were wearing. Without thinking, she accepted the punch as it was offered. Taking a small sip, she frowned. “Huh. Was not expecting that aftertaste.” Still, it wasn’t horrible, and she took another sip. Hmm.

She wasn’t sure what to think of it.

Her face began to flush moments later, as part of her did something that she almost missed: Burning out the hallucinogen. Part of her wondered if it was just her allergies: her body had always reacted poorly to strawberries, and so she’d learned to subconsciously start burning that out. But before it took hold, she had managed to burn out most of the drug from her system. Still, drinking it faster than whatever alcohol was in it should have been was enough to send Grace over the edge. She hadn’t been drunk in a while. This would be fun.

“So you’ve been watching us, mister?” There was a hint of a slur, and the woman smiled, a weird sort of half-grin, half-ustable worred look at the newcomer. “I take it you too know each other from somewhere?”

@​Karna Ramesha | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]​
Tanasuki could only smile a sly smile as he watched Douglas grow red as blood in the cheeks from his words "Oh dougy, can I call you dougy? anyways I was an assassin for a good deal of my early life before going full Jedi, learning to read people emotion and facial expression is something I am good at, or is it more the fact said woman is a powerful figure among the CIS world". His face turned from cheerful to quizzical as Douglas looked at his mother, probably wondering about her age, though saying 'oh, my mum may look 23, but she actually 870ish' did not seem like a good idea.

Hopefully they could avoid the subject, with the way Kurenai acted too it would perhaps make them keep clear of asking her age, anyone that talked to her would probably get the feeling that were conversing with a 50 year old woman, 'is anyone ask your age please say 38 please please please'. Unfortunately he could not really say that out load, but changing the subject may work, "Anyways mother, this here is [member="Douglas Starwind"], I met him when first arriving on world, he is also acquaintances with Sky as well, what a coincidence don't you think".

[member="Douglas Starwind"]
"It is nice to be here too, though truth be told I was never really on for fancy parties, but I will not pass up a chase to reconnect with family and relax, even a battle harden solider like me need to take rest everyone and then", it also served as a way to see how the order was going so far, maybe in another time she too could have been a Jedi, but the darkness was her ally, and trying to change now seemed like an impossible task with the current conflict and looming war.

She grabbed a drink form a passing waiter, taking a sip as Clarke continued, "Yes I am told both my children look like me, though sometimes I think Tanasuki looks a little TOO much like me", it was more sarcastic then actual worry, but it was often awkward for her to introduce the very looking individual as her son. She looked over to Tana as he conversed with Douglas, at the very least he acted like a child around his age and was glad she could provide him with a relatively normal childhood, despite the odd bumps and road blocks that may have arisen from their life style.

Her thoughts where interrupted by Tanas voice introducing the man who he called a friend more in depth, "Well I can agree that is rather a low chance, but anyways, it is nice to meet you Mr [member="Douglas Starwind"], I hope my son did not force you into being friends with him against your will... sorry I may not be the best at jokes but it is good to see Tanasuki expanding his list of known individuals". She offered the man a hand shake, a weak smile across her face, but showing genuine joy over the development.

[member="Aya Clarke"]

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