Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Death Valley

Location: Approaching Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The sun seemed to take up half the sky.

The air was thick with the broiling heat, typical for this region of the planet. While it hadn’t penetrated Quintessa’s bodysuit owing to the integrated temperature regulation system, the tiny speedster found herself sweating in spite of it. Nevertheless, she was prepared to face far more than just the elements, in order to obtain the schematics which the intelligence leaks she had been given pinged to this location.

Schematics which might very well hold the key to an ancient superweapon.

A small clan of rogue Vaydralen had taken up residence within the settlement, scattered remnants from the Bryn'adûl Empire with little to their names but their weapons, armor, and collective strength. Where once they had marched as proud warriors near the vanguard of an army which at its height had conquered nearly all of Wild Space, now they were raiders, eking out an existence in the harsh wastes on passing repulsor trains, while skirmishing with rival gangs for territory. While they would be a threat, they were not one that Quintessa was overly concerned about.

Rather, it was the possibility of encountering a Jedi.

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The past few weeks had Jonyna in a bit of a frenzy. The Reaper had been tracking a signal, something from her era. An Imperial weapon of some sort. Now she was in Wild Space, landing on a planet that no one would probably know about outside of textbooks and fringe factions that wanted far away from the core.

To say she was a bit on edge as the ship landed was an understatement. This far out, she could run into anything. Anyone. She didn't want to turn this isn't a battle royal, but came prepared as always. Her four blades, and the force. Lucky for her, tracking down such a weapon was easy when it was transmitting a signal the way it was, but she knew she wouldn't be the only one there.

As she got closer to the signal, she kept her eyes and ears out, listening for any sign of trouble...
Location: Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

As the heat bore down on the sand, Quintessa made her approach into the settlement. A pair of guards patrolling the perimeter were quickly dispatched from a distance via one of her lightchakrams. Long before they could have realized the approaching threat, Passion decapitated both of the raiders in surgical, sequential fashion, sending their severed heads flying into the sand as their bodies collapsed to the ground. After calling the weapon back into her grasp, Quintessa made her past the gates and into the settlement, tapping into the dark side to sense any potential traps as she did. Finding none, the speedster continued ahead, but it was only then that something else—a slight disturbance in the roiling currents of the dark side—triggered her alarm.

She was not the only one approaching the settlement.

As if on cue, alarm klaxons sounded throughout the camp and suddenly, Quintessa registered a surge of activity as the Vaydralen grabbed weapons, loaded up vehicles, and took up defensive positions. Moving to a hiding spot within a nearby shipping crate, Quintessa hypersensitive ears perked up as she began to listen for clues.

Approaching repulsorlift engines. Huttese battle cries. Blaster and slugthrower fire in the distance. This was a rival clan of raiders, who for one reason or another, had initiated an assault on the settlement.

She had arrived in the middle of a gang war.


Jonyna could hear the gang war start up long before she got close. She kept to the rooftops, keeping her distance from whatever was going on below her. She wasn't interested in solving a turf war. Not her monkeys, not her zoo. At least, not right now. Bigger fish to fry...

Her ears perked up though. Bigger fish seemed to be heading her way. She could sense someone through the force approaching her....rapidly. Whomever it was, they were going fast. Faster than she could.

The Cathar bore her fangs, prepping for a fight. There was no way she'd be able to sneak up on this person, they'd sense her far too fast she figured. So it was a matter of getting to the superweapon first. Or at the very least, getting there quick enough to stop them from getting off with it. Given what she'd been told about it, there was no way they'd just lug off with it. It was too big.

She growled under her breath as she got close. The signal was getting louder, and she needed to get there first...

Quintessa Quintessa

Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Before long, Quintessa made her way out of the shipping crate, before sneaking into the building in the middle of the settlement, at which point a rush of cool air came over her as she entered the temperature controlled interior. The intelligence reports she had been given told her that the schematics to the weapon were inside, stored in the supercomputer complex. She needed only to download the relevant files to her OmniLink, then after that, delete them from the servers (or alternatively, destroy the server core manually) so that no one else could retrieve the schematics or make copies of them.

The existence of such powerful knowledge could only be tolerated so long as it served the Eclipsing Mission.

Utilizing her multi-slice tool, Quintessa bypassed each of the three security doors which led towards the computer complex. Naturally, she also took the precaution of re-locking them behind her. The download and then, destruction of the server core would take some time after all. It went without saying, she had a better chance of succeeding in her mission if any pursuers or potential rivals were forced to bypass the locks on their own.

Once she was inside the room, Quintesa plugged her multi-slice tool into the main computer terminal and linked it to her OmniLink. From there, the slicer droid brain did most of the work, leaving the tiny Asa'nyx to meditate. However, as she sat down and closed her eyes, it was only then that the speedster felt another presence approaching—one that was distinctly bathed in the Light. Lips twisting into a scowl, Quintessa made herself ready for their arrival, pulling out the hilts of Passion and Prejudice in the process.

Even with the locked security doors interposed between herself and the Light-corrupted presence, she knew that it wouldn’t be long before they arrived.


Jonyna didn't bother trying to unlock the doors. Unlike her opponent, she didn't have the knowledge of slicing or technology. However, she was damn good with a lightsaber. Security doors were no match for Lucy, and Jonyna cut through them like butter. Once she was through though...

There was her opponent. The door slammed forward off it's hinges, leaving only herself and her opponent face to face.
"I take it you're looking for the same thing I am..." She couldn't help but quip. She had her opponent up against a wall, at least for now...

Quintessa Quintessa

Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

“I knew the Jedi would seek to intervene here. It seems that your Order is always keen to stick its nose where it doesn't belong. Oh well.” Quintessa said as the Cathar came through the door, aftering having cut her way through it. With a brief glance, the tiny speedster took in her features—tall, muscular, and powerfully-built, with a few tattoos and stripes across her fur. As Quintessa was ignorant of the Cathar culture, their meaning eluded her. Nevertheless, of more concern were two swords and two lightsabers on her person. At a glance, they appeared to be nothing more than conventional melee weapons. However, the speedster registered the signature of at least one of them in the Force, cluing her into their potential strength.

“That said, I will give you two options, Jedi. Leave, or die.” The speedster hissed. On cue, the magenta and cyan blades of Passion and Prejudice sprang to life, at which point Quintessa settled into a low, catlike stance, her lightchakrams presented and held at the ready.


"Funny." Jonyna took a classic Form I stance, igniting Lucy. "I wasn't gonna give you that first choice."

Before the Speedster could make a move, Jonyna suddenly dropped her hand, drawing Liz with a slash that, rather than going for a direct attack, Jonyna let the blade launch a sonic boom at her opponent. She knew this sith was fast, but she'd yet to see her outrun sound. If she could keep the sith on the backfoot, she could deal with this quickly and be on her way. She didn't want to get tied up in a battle with someone much faster than she was...

Quintessa Quintessa
Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Funny." Jonyna took a classic Form I stance, igniting Lucy. "I wasn't gonna give you that first choice."

“I was hoping yo-” Quintessa began. However, before she could finish the sentence, her clairvoyance flared into activity, at which point the world slowed to a crawl within her perception, as if things were moving inside molasses. Immediately, the speedster perceived the strange, rippling wave of what appeared to be an exotic swell of energy rushing towards her from its origin point 23 meters away from her position, at a speed which generated a shock wave as it tore through the air.

Quintessa hoped that one day, she might become fast enough to generate such a phenomenon on her own.

Nevertheless, while that day had yet to arrive, the speedster was not out of options. Fortunately, she didn’t need to be capable of explicitly outrunning sound in order to dodge it. She only needed to be capable of getting out of its way, much like an individual could dive out of the way of a speeding vehicle or a thrown ball, in spite of the fact that both objects could easily move faster than an unaugmented human. As such, Quintessa immediately moved to do something similar. Planting her foot, the speedster launched herself to her own left in what might have appeared to be a dizzying flash of motion, executed with a speed that rivaled the velocity of the winds within a tornado. In doing so, she briefly and violently accelerated before throwing her body into a dive. Then, the speedster rolled and slid to a halt, shifting her inertia to cancel her momentum in the process. As she did, the swell of sonic energy smashed into the wall behind her original position, very nearly shaking the building’s foundation with the impact.

As soon as Quintesa was back on her feet, Passion, then Prejudice immediately after, came flying from her hands in a pair of quiet blurs from 25 meters away, both flying towards the Cathar on a trajectory which would see the two weapons nearly converge (though Passion would likely arrive first) upon reaching their intended target. Passion was aimed to strike the Jedi's upper chest from her right side, while Prejudice was intended to achieve the opposite—approaching from the Jedi’s left side and aimed to sever her legs.

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While Jonyna could never move as fast as the sith could, her eyes were sharp. She could track at least vaguely where the sith moved, and she planned to use that fact thusly. The crystal in her sword shined as she got up to 100 MPH, probably her top speed to deflect Passion, then flipping Lucy in her hand into a reverse grip, digging her foot claws into the ground, and blocking Prejudice. She needed to keep up the offensive. Only way to keep this sith on the backfoot, rather than allow her to retaliate. She just let go of her main weapon, so she would attack once more.

Both her feet ignited with flame, as she leapt into the air, blasting foward just as fast as Quintessa Quintessa had, in a gamble that would keep her on the offense. A double slash, aimed right the sith's chest. She didn't need to worry about whatever armor the sith was wearing if she could brute force it with her saber.
Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

They had brought someone who was capable of keeping up with her.

Upon coming to the realization, Quintessa cracked an impish smile. If anything, it felt good to be recognized for her work, even if such recognition came from the Jedi. It was one thing to be loved. Quite another to be feared.

All the while, the Cathar charged her in what would have appeared as a fiery flash of motion to the unenhanced human eye. However, for Quintessa, the Jedi’s features remained in full clarity, albeit bathed in flame. She came at her with a double slash, but the speedster had her defense ready just as quickly, her gauntlet vibroblades springing to life as the Cathar closed the distance. The weapons were brought up to intercept the two blades, but the sheer force imparted by the strike sent Quintessa flying a few meters back, throwing her to the ground in the process.

Grunting, the speedster swiftly scrambled back up onto her feet before calling her lightchakrams back. In doing so, Passion, then Prejudice thereafter, raced towards the Cathar from behind (and Quintessa thereafter), with the former lightchakram flying in high to strike her neck, while the latter swept in low to take out her legs. Based on their trajectory, should the weapons remain unimpeded in their course, they would fly directly back into Quintessa’s grasp.


Jonyna, while she couldn't see the chakram coming towards her, she could certainly feel them.

From under her coat, her tail whipped out, along with another saber hilt that seemed to be deactivated, though the deflection of the chakram said otherwise, the blade completely transparent and silent. Jonyna didn't waste any time, pointing Lucy up to the Sith. "Surrender."

Jonyna normally wouldn't feel bad just offing the sith, but given recent events...

She felt this more as a test of her abilities as a future Shadow.

tag: Quintessa Quintessa

Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Quintessa moved in a blur to collect her lightchakrams as they were deflected off of the Jedi’s translucent saber—her opponent’s third weapon, or so it seemed. Not to mention, she was suddenly cognizant of the fact the Cathar's tail was effectively a third hand, with all of the dexterity and strength of one. Accordingly, the speedster ran a wide berth around the Cathar as she retrieved her weapons, before kicking up small amounts of wind and dust in her wake as she slid to a halt at her opponent’s left flank less than a second after leaving her original position, with roughly 15 meters of distance separating the tiny Asa’nyx from the powerfully-built Cathar. As soon as she came to a stop, she heaved Passion back towards the Cathar with a sharp grunt, albeit with a subtle spin imparted on the throw. In that regard, Passion flew towards the Cathar on a direct beeline, seemingly on a course to strike her head. However, at the very last possible moment, the lightchakram dipped low and slightly to the left, taking it on a trajectory which threatened to sever the Jedi’s left leg at the calf should it connect.

For Quintessa, it was a simple, yet subtle feint which she had executed many times before.

“Nice trick, Jedi. Show me another one and I might consider it!”

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"Basic" | <Cathar>

A feint would've definitely worked had Jonyna not acted quickly. A quick shift to the right would allow her to dodge both a strike to her head and her leg, and now Jonyna had something to prove. This sith wasn't going to go down easy as she would've hoped, so now it was a fight. This sith, despite having speed on her side, seemed to be a melee fighter for the most part. That would be her downfall. Jonyna was right at home at close range, and fully equipped to keep the distance between them.

<Alright then. Let's dance Speed Queen.>

She couldn't risk getting too close, but the distance between them made for an interesting proposition. The wind stirred within the room, and all of a sudden the room filled with noise. The sound of drums seeming to come from every direction. The Cathar knew a sonic attack wouldn't be worth the effort. But a constant distraction? An overwhelming of the senses that wouldn't go away? That was a powerful tool. The Cathar could feel the rhythm in her bones, a song from back in her own time. She'd follow up with another sonic slash from Liz, trying to stun the sith with something she couldn't outrun.

tag: Quintessa Quintessa

Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The room filled with a rambunctious noise as Passion soared past its elusive target, the sound deafening Quintessa’s large, sensitive ears before her helmet’s sonic nullifiers activated to protect them. Nevertheless, an insistent, high-pitched ringing filled Quintessa’s ears, enough to stop her from following up her attack from moments before by throwing Prejudice towards the Cathar, as well. All the while, the speedster found her balance suddenly compromised, causing her to collapse onto a knee as the room began to spin within her perception. With her accelerated reflexes, she saw the Jedi’s next attack—an arcing wave of sound delivered from one of her katanas—fly towards her in slow motion, taking the form of a powerful shockwave tearing through the air. In her dazed, dizzy state, she could only watch as the air rippled, swelled, and surged in the sound wave’s wake.

Then, the wave struck.

Quintessa felt the air rush from her lungs as the sonic wave sent her tumbling backwards until she was almost up against the wall. Suddenly, a fresh wave of new sensations came over her, causing her to feel as if she were floating in zero-G as a stabs of pain flared in her chest.

<“S...shit”> The speedster slurred in ur-Kittât.
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Now she had the advantage. But she needed to strike quick. Flame burst from her feet once more, charging the Sith with her saber Lucy. Once she was moving, she channeled her flame into the blade itself, attempting to impale the blade into the sith's right shoulder, hoping to take an arm off.

All the while, the song kept playing. Sure it split Jonyna's focus, but it kept the sith on the backfoot. Clearly it had an effect, as the Cathar could see her reflexes slow and her hearing suffer. Had to two's position been switched, she'd probably be in the same position, her sensitive ears picking up every beat of the music. But she was the one dancing now. She was the one in control. She just hoped it would stay that way.

Tag: Quintessa Quintessa

Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


White-hot. Searing. Agonizing. The Jedi had charged her in a flash of fiery motion which had eluded Quintessa’s temporarily stunned senses. As soon as a measure of clarity returned to her awareness, Quintessa glanced down to find the burning, semi-cauterized stump of her right shoulder, the arm which had been there moments before inexplicably missing.

So that was the source of the pain.

Eyes widening in shock, disbelief, then rage, a sudden, ear splitting scream tore out of Quintessa’s lips. She had lost limbs and suffered wounds before. Nevertheless, losing one a second time was no less traumatizing or painful. And yet, unlike the first time, she found something within the pangs of biting, caustic agony.


Quintessa immediately reached out and seized it for however long it might last, her senses briefly regaining their potency as the world slowed to a crawl within her perception. With the same metaphorical gesture, the speedster reconnected to Passion, at which point the lightchakram circled around and raced back towards its wielder. In the process, the speedster mentally directed the weapon towards the Cathar Jedi from behind, setting it on a potentially lethal trajectory to take out her assailant’s left leg at the back of the knee, in an attempt to repay the favor.

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Now Jonyna was stuck with a choice. She could sense the weapon barreling towards her, it's profile rushing through the vibrations of the air as it moved, and she could take down the sith in one final strike, but...

One sith wasn't worth losing a leg.

In a move many other jedi would probably call fowl on, she deactivated her saber, spinning around and reactivating it to deflect the lightchakram. She knew the sith would retreat, so instead she focused on the original objective. Deflecting the chakram was only step one. Jonyna was clever. Not smart, she'd admit that. But Clever. She angled the way the circular blade would ping off her saber, forcing it to fly off in a certain direction.

Right at the weapon they were both fighting over.

Tag: Quintessa Quintessa
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Location: Computer Complex, Center Building, Abandoned Settlement - Smarteel
Time: Late Afternoon
Weather: Clear - 42 Degrees Standard
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The scalpel of creation.

Surges of pain exploded within the speedster’s awareness, tugging at the fraying threads of her consciousness and threatening to undo her clarity. And yet, the agonizing sensations simultaneously acted as fonts of power, supercharging her dark side powers and thereby, granting her renewed focus. While it went without saying that she wouldn’t be able to maintain it for longer than a few seconds, sustainability was not at the center of her focus.

Only victory.

Accordingly, the speedster didn’t sit idle as the Cathar deactivated her saber and spun around to deflect her lightchakram. By then, Quintessa had already set Passion to the attack, leaving her attention relatively free. However, the Jedi had turned her back to her and was now committed to destroying the superweapon’s schematics.

In turn, Quintessa was committed to destroying her.

Launching herself forward with the speed of a raging tornado, Quintessa closed the distance (less than a meter) separating her from the Cathar Jedi, before sliding in low so as to get under the guard of her opponent’s prehensile tail. Simultaneously, she leveraged her Force Speed to deliver a low slashing strike from her own left to right with Prejudice, intended to sever the Cathar's left foot at the ankle while she was committed to deflecting the lightchakram. While Quintessa could not run faster than the speed of sound, the speed of her melee attacks was right on the edge of transonic velocity and a slash delivered in such a manner was no exception.

In short, she intended to set her speed against that of the Jedi.


Sharp, burning pain, right in her ankle. The moment she felt it, her instincts took over. Her body acted on it's own, fire shooting her up, smashing her into the ceiling. It wasn't graceful, but it kept her leg from being sliced off.

She could feel it. The back half of her left foot was now lying on the floor, and cauterized wound burned with pain. The wind slowed, the music stopped. Jonyna needed to focus on the pain now. Slowly it numbed as she stuck to the ceiling, her claws holding her body weight up enough to allow her to reposition. This had been her moment. Finally, taking on a sith with some teeth, and coming out unscatched. Now she'd need a bacta bath on the reaper like always. A guttural focus came over here.

Finish the mission.

She launched herself once more at the old imperial machine. An infernal thorn in her side, the Empire lived on through technology like this. No longer. She'd hunt down every bit of it if she had to. Thinking quick, she decided to test a theory. Her opponent seemed to rely on small chakram, and yet...

Such small weapons would likely make for poor defense. Using her tail, she drew Alex, a blaster she had only recently upgraded. She aimed the weapon, and unloaded a barrage of fifteen blaster shots in rapid succession down on the supercomputer, firing wildly. The Sith would have to make a choice. Save the schematics, or try and keep up the offensive. Or at least, that's how Jonyna had it in her head...

Tag: Quintessa Quintessa


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