Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


The Mind Behind
Depending on your definition of balance:
Someone sneezes and everything tumbles.
All good people and all evil people die. Only the most neutral survive.

I wish I could survive without breathing.


The Mind Behind
You find one, but it's copyrighted. You use it and get sued despite the non-commercial purposes.

I wish my topics would get replies.

Atlas Kane

You get your replies, but every post is off topic.

I want to be Master of all Lightsaber Combat Forms.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
They do but, in the end, they are very negative responses.

I wish I could fully understand organics.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You gain an ability to read minds, but you can never fully control it.

I wish I knew why organics do what they do.

Atlas Kane

You enter a battle with someone as strong as you are and you two get locked in a duel for the rest of time.

I wish I was emperor of everything.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You become emperor but then yo become overworked with trying to run everything to the point of become lax in your work. Eventually leading to an uprising against you.

I wish I had a cuddle furry creature as a pet.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
You get it back but it is too worn and damaged for any real use.

I wish I understood intimate relations between organics.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
War occurs and, inevitably, leads to all of their destruction leaving nothing left in the galaxy.

I wish I could eat things without malfunctioning.

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