Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
That works but the wish you waste it on is not all that great.

I wish I had an extra pair of arms.
Granted, here is your light (opposite of heavy) sword, its basically an envelope opener with a dull tip.
I wish Star Wars lives on forever, so that humanity in the next millions of generations to come shall enjoy it.
You do, but then realise that you have opened one right across the street from a competitor, who takes all your business, leaving you bankrupt on the first day.

I wish pizza wouldn't get so cold so quickly.


Multipurpose Advanced Infiltrator
That T.V. show, brilliant as it is, suffers the same fate as Firefly.

I wish I did not have to worry about rusting.
Granted, as a result members of Jedi Order dissolve from their single minded viewpoints and instead come together as a group of individuals with different ideals and theories. Much time passes and the Jedi or at least their descendants have basically populated the entire galaxy with Force users. The Force is no longer seen as a religious voodoo or philosophy, but strictly scientific study that guides the Force affinity populations of the galaxy to experiment with the Force which results in dangerous side effects that sooner or later wipe out most life.

I wish the opposite of all corrupted wishes to come true.
Granted he finds the most clever corruption possible and punishes you in the process .... severly

I wish I had a sith master who could teach me what I wanted to know :)
Granted, you learn it, but you are also turned into this...forever.

I wish someone posted the source of where these lyrics came from "I wish I was a baller, wish that I was just a little bit taller...."

( @[member="Barak"] you have to say what the clever corrupted wish is)


Your wish comes true but sadly you were given the wrong link (It's Skee Lo - I Wish)

I wish all of my Factory subs would get approved instantly.
Granted, your subs are all approved sadly they are shipped off to Subway (EAT FRESH!) and are devoured by hungry customers.
I wish I didnt have to wonder what your link/vid is about, because I wont watch it.


@[member="Donatos"] You gain the knowledge about what the video is, but it is so awesome that all your thoughts are focused on that thing

@[member="Barak"] The Rancor eats too much and then has to throw up on you. Afterwards he accidentaly stomps on you and crushes you.

I wish this verpine looked sexy.

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