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Discussion Calling all Fallen or Exiled Jedi (Sith who used to be Jedi too)


As part of a story I'm cooking up, I'm compiling a comprehensive list of Jedi who have fallen or been exiled from a Jedi Order (New Jedi, Old Jedi, the late Silver Jedi, some obscure enclave, whatever). Whether you're writing a Dark Sider who used to be a Jedi at some point or have gone on your Jedi's villain arc, the only requirements to get added are that the character used to be a Jedi and has been exiled/fallen from the Light at some point. If you're back with the light now, you can still have your name included for past crimes if you wish!

Post below with the following if you want your name to be featured:

Fallen or Exiled?:
Reason for Falling/Exile:
(optional) List of crimes:
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Name: Kree Sikar
Reason for Exile: An excerpt from the Jedi Order's archives recovered from the remnants of the Temple following the New Jedi Order's establishment:

"Following a unanimous decision by the council, Padawan Kree Sikar is hereby exiled from the Jedi Order for the murder of Padawan Ryl Villis. When questioned why, Padawn Sikar stated his peer 'did not have the spine to survive the war' and claimed it was 'only just to free him of that fate.' Kree Sikar will be handed over to the authorities come morning."

List of crimes:

  • Murder
  • Extortion
  • Spice Trafficking
  • Sentient Trafficking
  • Treason against the Galactic Alliance
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Name: Dhuritok
Fallen or Exiled?: Soft Exiled - Crime brushed under the rug and "asked" to "Pursue life as a Wayseeker to find the Force"
Reason for Falling/Exile: Extensive research into and experimentation in Vong forming and Sith Alchemy in an attempt create a Jedi version
(optional) List of crimes:
  • Kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Theft of Jedi and Sith texts/artifacts from Ossus temple
  • Live experimentation
  • Treason (Against the Republic)
Name: Amena Kader
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Got disillusioned with the Jedi during the battle of Vjun. She believed the Jedi creed placed limits on achieving peace and order within the Galaxy, so she joined the New Imperial Order. From there, after the schism within the Empire, she followed Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan and his vision of order and ended up joining the Dark Empire as a means to achieve said order.
List of crimes:
  • Hunted Sith as a New Imperial Inquisitor
  • Hunted Jedi as a New Imperial Inquisitor
  • Murder
  • Theft of Jedi artifacts and intel
  • Extortion
  • More
Name: Ibaris Varanin a.k.a Consecrai
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: A compounding of various events, realisations, and certain acquisitions of knowledge, her fall was catalysed by the death of her - to that point - lifelong companion (a 'dog'), the death of her mum ( Spencer Varanin Spencer Varanin ) and the enduring emotional unavailability of her mother ( Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin ), in her mid-late twenties. Prior to this point, Ibaris had been a young Jedi Knight with the early Galactic Alliance in the One Sith era.
List of crimes:

Other Believable Acts for Character
  • Murder in general
  • Torture
  • Experimentation
  • Kidnapping of various creatures for experimentation/twisting via alchemy
  • and more!
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Name: Falentra (previously Nouqai Veil)
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Raised as a jedi, struggled to pass trial of spirit, essentially gave up. Then this happened - she tried to kill herself knowing the path she was going down, but was saved. Now unofficially adopted by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr by accepting apprenticeship under him. She split with her old jedi master Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry who would tell the NJO council she was dead, but that was soon discovered to be false.
List of crimes:
  • Being on the wrong side (treason against GA)
  • Alchemy and live experimentation creating sea monsters
  • Cyber hacking into systems and stealing data

OoC: can i know what type of story you are cooking up and why you need all these data?
Bernard is IC compiling different resources to build up a dossier on various Jedi who have fallen to the dark side or been exiled for various crimes. He'll be making an effort to bring retribution to them (not a big redemption enjoyer) as part of his own little villain arc.

I'll be posting up a full list at some point later this week, for any other characters who might want to hop in on the hunt. Obviously it's all voluntary, no one's forced to engage in this, but if it serves as a catalyst for some extra sparks and interactions between Jedi and Fallen Jedi? Excellent.

Falentra Falentra
Name: Kaleb Sunwalker
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Raised up to the status of Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order. Believed himself to be incorruptible to the dark side and a desire to learn more secrets of the Force. Convinced by Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin to dive deep into knowledge deemed to dangerous by the Jedi. Seeds of doubt causes him to break into the Bogan Collection and steal a Sith Holocron only to be lured by its whispers of power. He is pursued from Coruscant all the way to Tython where after a duel with a Jedi High Council member where after being defeated is captured, tortured and indoctrinated into the ranks of the Dark Empire’s Dark Side Elite.

List of crimes:

  • Treason against the New Jedi Order
  • Theft of the Stygian Codex from the Bogan Collection.
  • Attacking a Jedi High Council Member
  • Murder
Name: Kaigann Fossk ( Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis )
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Went too hard on the sauce and was tainted near the end of One Sith war. Was apart of the Galactic Republic and later the Ession Reformation. Saw tons of conflict and battles, Primeval, One Sith, etc etc, was disillusioned with the cycle of war. After his wife was killed and children kidnapped by Sith agents, Kaigann sought to forcibly bring a change and committed himself to the ways of the Sith for the power to do so.

List of crimes:
  • Murder
  • War Crimes
  • Mass Indoctrination
  • Mass Enslavement
  • Orchestrated the Galactic Chiss Genocide
  • Orchestrated the Croke Genocide on Crakull
  • Orchestrated the Shi'ido Genocide on Lao Mon
  • Systematic Population Control
  • Destruction of Csilla
  • Orchestrated the Sith Purge
  • Orchestrated the Second Great Hyperspace War
  • Destruction of the Jakku Jedi Enclave
  • Orchestrated the Sacking of Coruscant and Destruction the New Jedi Temple
  • Crimes against Nature (Came back from death. Tried to destroy the fabric of reality on Tython)
  • He Exists
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Name: Glade (Natoline Kerrigan, née Uos)
Fallen or Exiled?: Exiled
Reason for Falling/Exile: Getting the boot after joining the Army of Light crusading against Sith, then walking away from a loving home after a stupid decision.

List of crimes
  • Grand Theft
  • Sabotage
  • Armed Robbery
  • Computer Fraud
  • Cyberterrorism
  • Ransomware
  • Vandalism
  • Every Driving Offense Possible.
  • Corporate Espionage
  • Cyberextortion
  • Manslaughter
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Name: Kaigann Fossk ( Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis )
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Went too hard on the sauce and was tainted near the end of One Sith war. Was apart of the Galactic Republic and later the Ession Reformation. Saw tons of conflict and battles, Primeval, One Sith, etc etc, was disillusioned with the cycle of war. After his wife was killed and children kidnapped by Sith agents, Kaigann sought to forcibly bring a change and committed himself to the ways of the Sith for the power to do so.

List of crimes:
  • Murder
  • War Crimes
  • Mass Indoctrination
  • Mass Enslavement
  • Orchestrated the Galactic Chiss Genocide
  • Orchestrated the Croke Genocide on Crakull
  • Orchestrated the Shi'ido Genocide on Lao Mon
  • Systematic Population Control
  • Destruction of Csilla
  • Orchestrated the Sith Purge
  • Orchestrated the Second Great Hyperspace War
  • Destruction of the Jakku Jedi Enclave
  • Orchestrated the Sacking of Coruscant and Destruction the New Jedi Temple
  • Crimes against Nature (Came back from death. Tried to destroy the fabric of reality on Tython)
  • He Exists

He’s just misunderstood, that’s all.
Name: Raien Keth
Fallen or Exiled?: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Hana Kae stole his child. A misguided want to rebuild the Echani people's former warrior glory. An ancient Sith Sphere whispering in his ear.
List of crimes: (Direct or Indirect through his agents, other people's PCs or my own PCs working for him as he's incorporeal.)

  • Mass Murder
  • Mass Indoctrination.
  • Mass Slavery.
  • Galactic Terrorism including Cyberterrorism
  • Mass Manipulation.
  • Torture and Experimentation
  • Creation of Plagues
  • Volcanos used as weapons or other weapons of mass destruction.
  • General Mayhem
  • Many Assassinations
  • Multiple Conspiracies.
  • Abductions and Kidnapping
  • Desecration of the Dead, reusing them as weapons.
  • Twisting and scarring Jedi Landscapes
  • Entrapping the spirits of the dead.

Its always fun when someone comes knocking at his tomb door :D and says oi you! No! If you want him to come to you, i'll send an agent.
He’s just misunderstood, that’s all.

Name: Creaut (Real name: Rhis Fisto)
Fallen or Exiled: Fallen
Reason for Falling/Exile: Rhis has always been a radical Jedi since his training, doing whatever is necessary to eliminate any traces of the Dark Side. These beliefs made him attack Valery Noble Valery Noble and destroy a laboratory meant to “rehabilitate” Sithspawn. Ultimately, his own negative emotions corrupted him when fighting Sinestra Sinestra .
List of crimes:
  • Murder
  • Treason
  • Torture
  • Attacking a Jedi member
will you sink down to me?
ooh ooh, me me, include me!

Name: Damsy Callat Vi'dreya
Fallen or Exiled?: Self-exile
Reason for Falling/Exile: She gave into her dark side and killed one of her followers. Some time after she was able to calm herself down, she decided it was best to stop trying to be a Jedi against her Sith/spawn nature and went into exile offworld.
List of crimes:
Name: Simon Meinrad
Fallen or Exiled?: Self-Exiled
Reason for Falling/Exile: Simon became disillusioned with the New Jedi Order and the Jedi in general when they were unwilling to do whatever was necessary to destroy the Sith and eradicate corruption within the Senate. The last straw was when the New Jedi Order agreed to the wishes of the Senate to place them all under house arrest, thus making him leave the New Jedi Order and operate as a Vigilante before inducted by the Imperial Knights of the New Imperial Order.
List of crimes:
  • Vigilantism
  • Murder

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