The Sith, a tradition of power, deceit, and moves that allow one to become powerful within the force. There are many within the tradition that believe that a Sith can be "Anyone." I am here, as a testament of strength. It is within the code itself. Those who seek to gain strength within the darkside, will become victorious. It is from their strife, pain, and willingness to destroy all around you, that will let you pass into the ranks of the Sith. However, there is one specific side of the Sith, I, as a Lord, do not agree with.

Women, females of many species, are more often, Physically, Emotionally, or Spiritually weaker than their male counterparts. A male human has a wealth of strength to pull from. Known for their ability to wield weapons that women, would find difficult to do. A Sith Sword is typically 2-6 kgs. Much more heavier than that of a Saber. Which is why I believe that women should not become Sith Lords. Nor earn the title of Darth. It is a title for the strongest of individuals. People who are able to perform well in all aspects of the force, and physical combat. While smaller species will likely have a more difficult time physically fighting, I feel they can make up for it in the force.

More over, the Sith as a religion, culture, and species, are ruled by Kings, and Lords. Titles only handed to males of their species. More often than not, many species have opted to allow "Women and children" to be the first to escape a planet, or be the ones who are supposed to be the ones who continue a species. When the truth it, both males and females are needed to continue a species. One cannot have immaculate conception unless under extremely rare circumstances. Ones in which require one to be extremely potent within the force, or a cloning. Where upon cloning is not a continuation of a species, but rather a replication of a single individual.

There are many female Sith within many galactic powers. However, to see them on the forefront of battle, attempting to go toe to toe with Sith Lords, is what makes me question their validity of mental capacities. If a female Sith individual wishes to continue the species, culture and religion of the Sith, then they should teach it to their children, fathered by a powerful Sith Lord. Not go into battle, and face odds that would be put against them. You are not advantageous against a male counterpart, when they very well may have the physical and spiritual advantage over a female of the same species. Should females be trained in the force? Yes. Should they continue the tradition of the Sith? Yes. Should they go into open conflict and risk the death of our people due to your personal vendettas, and because you want to "show the boy's whose boss?" No.

It makes idiocy of those who have come before you. You would bring down the tradition of our own, for your own personal views, or because you believe incorrectly of a faith that you have never had power in. While you may stand upon a pedestal, always expect someone to take it from you.

-Vora Kaar

OOC: This is an opinion of a lunatic Sith Lord. Not the writer. Chill.