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Approved Tech Kainate Combat Rifle Model Sixty-Two

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  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation: The Kainate
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: KCR-62 - Kainate Combat Rifle Model Sixty-Two
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can link to virtually any electronics, sensor suite, HUD, artificial intelligence, or targeting system
    • Frame may be coated or electroplated with various materials
    • Various settings and programming alterations
    • Various aesthetic modifications
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Optic and underbarrel rail interfaces may accommodate a number of attachments
    • Projectile launcher may be detached
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:

  • Classification: Particle Beam Blaster Rifle/Carbine | Portable Projectile Launcher
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Bolt Appearance: Candy Red │ N/A
  • Muzzle Velocity: 2.5 km/s │ 1.5-3 km/s
  • Ammunition Type:
  • Ammunition Capacity: Small - 50 Shots │ Average - 16 Missiles
  • Effective Range: Long Range - 850 m │ Long Range - 3 km
  • Rate of Fire: Average - Semi-Automatic │ Average - Semi-Automatic
  • Damage Output: Very High Very High
  • Recoil: Average High


  • Data and Information Security
  • Combat Electronics
  • Control Systems
    • Modular Direct Interface System - Neural Interface, Motion Interface, Mind-Machine Interface, Droid Interface, and Technopathic Link Compatibility
      • Secondary Blink / Voice Commands Functionality
    • Energy Modes
      • Particle Beam - Considered to be the standard energy module, this module fires an unstable particle bolt that deals damage via a veritable hammer blow of kinetic shock, accompanied by the searing release of thermal energy as the energized particles destabilize matter to produce extreme heat. In this, the discharged bolt has an explosive effect upon connecting with a shield or solid object, including the blade of a lightsaber.
      • Stun - Fires stun a stun bolt intended to leave a target unconscious by overloading their nervous system via charged electrical impulses.
      • Ion - Fires an ionized particle bolt that is effective against electronics and can feasibly overload energy shields in the manner of an electromagnetic pulse. It deals damage primarily via ionization energy and a hammer blow of kinetic energy. Thermal effects also exist, though these are considerably reduced in favor of pure ionization energy. This mode is often utilized when a target is needed alive, but might also be deployed to engage droids or drain shields before finishing the target off via particle beams.
  • Power and Discharge Systems
  • Utility and Safety Systems

  • Prismatic-Charged Particle Bolts: Rather than the standard plasma-based energy bolts used by more conventional blaster rifles found throughout the galaxy, the KCR-62 instead relies on particle energy in the form of tightly wound, but highly volatile, energy bolts that violently detonated on contact with any solid material. This particle energy was further magnified in energy output by a complex focusing array that utilized Prismatic Crystals to energize the particles to produce many times the output of standard energy sources like plasma.
  • Self-Targeting Projectiles: The KCR-62's signature feature was the modular underbarrel that could be outfitted with an underslung projectile launcher. The launcher utilized self-targeting projectiles, which were comprised of miniaturized missiles and torpedoes that contained advanced tracking technology and maneuverability boosters that could direct the projectiles towards any locked target. The tracking technology within these projectiles was so sophisticated that the missile could navigate around objects to reach their targets, such as pillars, doorways, barricades, and even down halls and through rooms.
  • Versatility: The KCR-62 was designed with extreme versatility in mind, with the majority of its features bent towards increased usability in various environments, haptic feedback systems, sensor systems, de-ionization, and even ambidextrous support. Its most sophisticated system was the dermatoglyphic operator verification interface, which ensured that only a specific individual could handle each weapon. Because the Kainate's military was predominately comprised of artificially created soldiers, each soldier carried in them a specific genetic sequence that allowed any of them to use the KCR-62 and any other weapon that carried the same interface.

  • Heavy Weapon: Reliable and sturdy, the KCR-62 was designed to withstand strenuous circumstances that could otherwise damage or break a weapon of lesser manufacturing. However, this, in turn, made the KCR-62 heavier than other hand-held blasters of comparable size and purpose. While not particularly requiring herculean strength to carry or wield effectively, it was nonetheless crucial for a soldier of the Kainate to be physically fit and skilled in the use of the weapon.
  • Vulnerable Explosive Secondary Ammunition: While the KCR-62's secondary ammunition was devastating against enemy infantry and enemy armor, it could easily be turned against them in the right circumstances. The exposed variable munitions in the launcher can be subjected to enemy fire, possibly detonating the explosive charges and killing the soldier carrying them. An enemy soldier could also target the extra satchels of secondary ammunition a Kainate soldier would carry with them.
  • Comparably Small Ammunition Cartridge: The KCR-62 only comes with ammunition cartridges that contained a maximum of fifty particle beam bolts, denoting a shift from a philosophy of rapid-fire and indiscriminate firepower to more deliberate and precise firepower. A soldier of the Kainate would carry extra ammunition cartridges on their person, but none larger than the standard fifty-count.

Arming the vast armies of the Kainate was left to the insidiously sharp minds of the researchers and technocrats who had flocked to Carnifex's banner following his departure from the Sith throne. Likewise, Carnifex's connections in the corporate world gave him access to cutting-edge developments before the rest of the galactic market even knew about them, especially those made by war profiteers and other morally deficient magnates.
This combination of internal research and external corporate contacts enabled the Kainate to create ingenious weapons, such as the KCR-62. The sixty-second iteration, the KCR-62 was the latest and most successful variant of the Kainate Combat Rifle researched and produced by the Kainate's weapon manufacturers.
Whereas the previous versions utilized underbarrel quarrel-bolt launchers, the KCR-62 revolutionized the use of personal variable projectile launchers. This underslung launcher was equipped with miniaturized versions of missiles and torpedoes used in larger personal launchers and starfighters, greatly multiplying the lethality of the common soldier at any given opportunity. Each missile was outfitted with advanced tracking technology that allowed the missile to track its target even around corners or behind cover, maneuvering while in flight to reach them.
For ammunition, the KCR-62 utilized particle energy to create particle beams that were less densely packed but much more energized than standard blaster bolts, creating an energy bolt that would explode upon contact with any solid object or energy field. Thusly, the KCR-62 was highly effective against armored opponents as well as lightsaber-wielding foes, since that any physical contact would result in the bolt exploding on impact. On full power, the KCR-62 fires a star-hot particle bolt capable of punching a 0.50 meter-wide hole in reinforced impervium (or duravlex) barricades. In terms of raw impact, a single bolt carries roughly 19 kilojoules of pure kinetic force, carrying enough energy to potentially impart devastating effects on targets via concussive waves of overpressure even in the event that penetration fails.
One of the drawbacks of the KCR-62 was its variable projectiles, as a soldier of the Kainate was expected to carry with them multiple detachable launchers on their person into battle. That meant that if one of these launchers was compromised and exploded, it would take out the soldier as well as anything in their vicinity. To mitigate this, the Kainate issues their launchers in blast-proof containers that could be opened as necessary, or designated a munition supplier to accompany soldiers on the battlefield to restock low ammunition.
Regardless of the potential hazards, the KCR-62 saw widespread production across the Kainate's entire armed forces and older models phased out.

  • Added Credit for Headers
  • Changed Production
  • Changed Damage Output
  • Added Image Source
  • Added Permissions
  • Edited Manufacturer
  • Edited Modularity
  • Edited Production
  • Edited Material
  • Added Bolt Appearance
  • Added Muzzle Velocity
  • Edited Ammunition Type
  • Edited Ammunition Capacity
  • Edited Effective Range
  • Edited Rate of Fire
  • Edited Damage Output
  • Edited Recoil
  • Edited Special Features
  • Edited Strengths
  • Edited Description
Last edited:
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

I just want to say, this app looks fantastic.

All I'm really going to need from you is to elaborate more on your strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention that any strengths that are listed as V.High or extreme require elaboration in the strengths field. There are also some things in your specializations field which should be reflected in strengths, things like the De-Ionizer, certainly its massive sums of versatility etc are strong enough to be considered strengths, and should be balanced out with an additional weakness or two.

Additionally, i would like to add on a personal note, that this is a very powerful app. With things like proton torpedoes and the like as possible ammunition types as well as the guidance system. If its reported or reviewed we may end up back here.
Felix Aquila Felix Aquila Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Just got one thing for you, here it says it's A Small Ammo Capacity, but 16, and 32 for Ordnance sounds pretty large, especially if it is proton torpedos. If you could please lower these to a more reasonable amount to fit with your rating.
Ammunition Capacity: Small
  • [50] Particle Energy Cartridge
  • [16] Self-Targeting Ordnance (Smaller Launcher)
  • [32] Self-Targeting Ordnance (Larger Launcher)
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

I still love this firearm! But I found three problems. Durasteel's and Duraplast's links are broken. And you can't use the Amaranth Crystals in this submission, the crystals's production scale is only limited. So please either change your rifle's production scale to limited or delete this from the equipment.


King of Pumpkins
Submission Name: Taral-type Sith Trooper Armor
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Make some edits and add some things

Submission Name: Kainate Combat Rifle Model Sixty-Two
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update and make modifications

Submission Name: Afflicter-class Star Destroyer
Link to Submission: Click
Reason for Factory Modification Request: Update and make modifications
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