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Character Felix Aquila

F E L I X ~ A Q U I L A
Scion of Ashes

  • O R I E N T A T I O N

    Full name:
    Felix Aquila​
    Age Appears:
    Late 20's
    5’11” // 1.83m
    174Ibs // 79kilos
    Dark Melange Orange
    Dusty Blonde
    Brushed Olive
    Force Sensitivity:


    R E L A T I O N S
    - Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

  • H I S T O R Y

    Felix's lineage was intrinsically tied to a vaudevillian family of water barons whom lorded over vast swathes of Ryloth's desert lands, House Aquila inherited through legacy vast fortunes of both material wealth, land, water and spiritual loneliness. Study of the Cutthroat politics of survival that had been part of his family and their clans' life for hundreds of years. The clan had close ties with the Hutts of the area, making deals with water in nearby planets such as Tatooine that created vast fortunes for themselves as they sought to curb the transaction of water by others in the region, either by trade or the utilization of less civilized means. The clan had many dealings with the likes of the Hutt cartels, generally considered favorable to them, that was until the aristocrat water barons birthed their third son. Naming him Felix.

    When Felix was born, it was evidenced that the boy would not be like other children. Born still due to complications at birth, Felix went a considerable amount of time without air or life, so much so that his parents despite affording him healthcare at the cost of millions of credits which veritably and inevitably restored his life after no short amount of time. Thought to inherit a vast series of Mental and Developmental illness due to the errors at his birth, Felix developed well showing little sign of his first battle on this earth. Considered a miracle child, his mother became manic in support of his exploits for fear of losing him again, he was afforded the best healthcare, education, food and tutors money could allow from across the Galaxy. So much so that it sparked the ire of those around him constantly.

    Felix found himself in a world populated with rivals, those seeking to outperform him at every turn, to be smarter, more athletic, more creative at every turning moment. Lording it over him when they succeeded while scorning him when they failed, all the while sewing the seeds of mistrust which would inevitably lead him to tragedy and glory. An incident involving a water transport found them short tens of millions in credits with the destruction of their goods. A hacker attacked their families bank accounts sealing them off which sparked the Hutts to retaliate at the obvious act of rebellion, taking one of the Aquila Sons and Daughters into custody, intending to ransom them back or wield them as political leverage to recover their funds. But the Family would resist.

    A proxy war between the Aquila and the Hutts would explode, though short lived as Huttese mercenaries and kill teams would devastate the house guards, rampaging through their mansion and grounds, swarming across the highly trained paramilitary of the noble exarchs until each and every one of them were captured. It was in these camps, Felix was discovered, liberated by a member of the Knights Obsidian who were crusading against the plague of slavery which expanded across the galaxy as a toxin. It would seem that the boy had some talent for power in the force, shown by the fact that the iris' in his eyes seemed to change colour often depending on his mood.

    Though the training under the Knights Obsidian was rigorous, he learned a lot about himself through his basic training, that the reason for his ability to alter the color of his eyes stemmed from his affinity to wield light. It seemed that not far from where he lived there were once a nomadic group of force users who were skilled in the art of manipulating the UV spectrum, Tracing them back to the moon of Dyspeth, which subsequently Felix would trace some of his heritage to. Capitalizing on these new skills, he would rise through the ranks admirably, in no small part thanks to the education he had received as he simultaneously staked claim on his parent's land ensuring its safety while his parents and family were still enchained by the hutts... All while maintaining a secret.

    ... It had been a long road to get this far, acting with such ire to provoke others to push him further and harder, forsaking friendships in place of rivalries. Sabotaging the puncture of his family's tankards... Manipulating the codes on their family bank accounts... Sending coded messaged to the Hutts and their kill teams which would reveal their defenses... Getting captured, and putting up just enough of a fight to be sent to a slave camp in place of a holding facility... The boy had seen each step subsequently in dreams, leading him down a road that would see him reclaim his family fortune. He'd seen it all... house Aquila was his, and no-one would ever take it away.


    Felix found himself flying too close to the sun, deals with the ascendancy, Billions of Credit deals to automate and upgrade their Droid Army made the Aquila family wealthy beyond belief. Their technology and renown even had them commissioned by the Silver Jedi to help rebuild and terramorph the planets that had been scarred by the Bryn. A world he had rebuilt from the ashes of Ryloth with his own hands and genius now held the opportunities of the Galaxy in them.

    But then the fall came, strange enemies that the CIS had made with its exploits into the dark and arcane as well as the enemies they had coveted in the outer reaches of the Galaxy eventually came to claim their pound of flesh. The cataclysm which echoed across space ruined worlds, Felix fought on the Capitol with everything he had as billions of people died in moments. When the evacuation became necessary, Felix didn't flee with the newly forming Ascendancy into their new space on Verun, he went home to Ryloth to inspect the devastation.

    The infrastructure of his house along the Hydian way had been torn apart, only his villa remaining unscathed. The employees of his business fled, the stations and hangars empty of everything that he had hoped to achieve. Felix knew this was the death of House Aquila, and that short of a Miracle, there was no recovering from a loss like this... His dreams of rebuilding worlds, of forests on Tattooine, perished before his eyes as he could conjure no future in which he saw them flare to life once again. And the man, once brimming with optimistic hope, fell into a tormented and broken despair.

    Felix kept a small circle of contacts over the next seven years, composing himself just enough to function, while visibly not taking as much care of himself as he would like as he spiraled. The compounding weight of his accumulated woes without a spark of hope or light crushed whatever pillars were left holding him up.

    Ony now, does Felix return to the face of the Galaxy, unsure of what may come... a blanc slate laying before him with a hell following the man in his wake.

  • A P P E A R A N C E

    Iris Color:

    Dark Melange Orange
    Hair Color:
    Light Brown/Dark Blonde
    Dusty Tan
    6'0" || 1.86cm
    194Ibs || 87kg
    Age Appears:
    Late 20s

    Felix was once a creature of fine taste and refinement. He has mid length dirty black hair which curls and twists due to the heat of the world he's from baking in a fiber memory which keeps his hair awry and unruly with any chance he gets, often prompting him to tie it back into the short slicked back ponytail for more formal events. Though one of the more striking features of Felix Aquila is the fact that the colour of his eyes due to his affinity with the force have a habit of changing colour with his moods, though they are seldom bright colors in recent days. Felix has a penchant for expensive and extravagant attire, wearing fine leathers, silks and satins depending on the weather of the planet that he's on, seldom wearing the same outfit twice, preferring to simply purchase another when the former has been worn and is simply donated to others.

    Though his attire varies greatly, he has some favor for wearing high collared breasted coats much like those worn in the military consisting of regal colours, usually black or blue with gold highlights or filigrees. Silk undershirts with notable intricate prints from famous designers that seek to hold him in high esteem amongst his peers. He tends to wear gloves in order to protect his hands in combat, usually studded or lined with ultrachrome in case he needs to defend himself, polished to a sheen so that he may also wield them as a channel for his force powers.

    At his side, he carries an elegant light saber which appears more like an ancient foil than a standard blade as would be used by the Jedi, the antique blade a relic from just after the age of the Jeda'ii, belonging to one of the former council members of the age having been acquired from a museum, his family held the weapon in their family for generations with the intention of passing it on to whomever would take over the family business. Finally, Felix often finishes off his attire with practical leggings, made to be able to handle the elements with a regal looking Armour-weave pants, appearing to be little more or less than semi-formal dress wear and all terrain boots. The combined attire creating a feel of aristocratic charm without the sacrifice of practicality.

  • S T R E N G T H S & W E A K N E S S E S

    S T R E N G T H S.

    + Visions of Grandeur: Felix is plagued with visions through the force though the method in which they act can be unruly, haunting him constantly as past and futuer intermingle. Should he begin to wield them, they begin to show him fleeting visions of key moments that would, if followed, see him to his intended destination. Though he has no ability to see the potential consequences of how they would come to pass in a sort of monkeys paw wish effect, which may often see him abandon them when he realizes the price of his destination may be too high. Although in a duel or in politics, there is ne'er a more potent ability.

    + Gifted Prismopath: While he wasn't born as such, the bloodline of the Disciples of Twilight runs thick in the blood of the Aquila bloodline, with it such skills as the ability to manipulate both light and shadows. Felix often rejects the more subtle and subterfugal nature of his powers in shadow control, often preferring to refract light in order to blind or burn others in dazzling displays.

    + Secret Keeper: As part of his Heritage Felix was trained to be able to withstand torture and probative tactics as well as tricks of the mind that would seek to invade and destabilize his mental composure. Making it exceedingly difficult to pry any information out of him that he does not intend to share.

    + Swordsmaster: While less of a warrior, Felix has been taught how to duel by some of the best the galaxy, has stood against Darths and Masters since his earliest days as a knight and threatened them with the blade. Hardened conquerors would admit Felix is dangerous in a one on one combat. Sadly however, this potency lacks to the point of almost falling apart in conflicts with more than one opponent attacking simultaneously.

    + Academic: Felix does have a higher level of education than most, schooled in politics, economics, business strategy, conflict as well as some galactic history. The boy has a working understanding of several talents that he would require to uphold his estate and family business as a Lord. Though he is far from an expert in many of these fields, he still requires more training. ​

    W E A K N E S S E S.

    - Sympathetic Visions: Felix feels everything he sees, coming face to face with an alternate future in which he dies will have him feel the pain and emotional turmoil of that false life. While, through experience he has hardened himself to this pain somwhat, pressuring him when he is relying on futuresight and making him deal with potential futures can break his concentration.

    - Psychologically Vulnerable: Felix has almost lost everything he ever cared about, through lack of ability or the loftiness of his goals eclipsing his ability to hold onto his empire. Felix had a world at his whim and an entire system in his pocket as the Scion of House Aquila, and now he has nothing. Exploiting his fall, is an easy way to get a rise from the man.

    - Bleeding Hearted: Finally, as ruthless and cut-throat as Felix may attempt to portray himself to his enemies thanks to his upbringing, despite everything he's been through. He still only plays the role of the anti-villain. A mask donned in order to convey strength in a world where those lacking said strength are easy prey for the likes of the Hutts. Simple distractions like innocents in danger will cause extreme conflicts within his psyche, one that would, unless in the most extreme of circumstances require him to rout his attention to the matter at hand. ​

  • M I S C E L L A N E O U S


  • A B I L I T I E S

    General Abilities:

    Royal Jack: Felix is a talented and well learned individual on a wide array of topics, something of a jack of all trades and seasoned know it all academically. Though, consequently a master of little. Felix has an answer or opinion on most matter whether they be big or small.

    Duelist: The Culture Felix has submerged himself in all his life is one of being challenged. Much like other nations with militarized nobility, Rylothian honor duels are commonplace where he hails from. Combined with House Aquilas woes, wars he's fought and his own conquests, Felix needed to be amongst the best if he intended to keep his wealth and status against the veritable legion his family have aggrieved in the past. Thankfully, after being trained by the knights obsidian, he's crossed blades with Warmasters and even the emination of Death itself Darth Mori and seen a path to victory.

    Richer than the Force: Money doesn't make you happy, but it opportunities can be bought. Although house Aquila has fallen, Felix still stands as one of the richest living people alive. The man wants for little, despite his current state of affairs.

    Force Abilities:

    (Unique) Felix has the uncanny ability to be able to foresee key events in the hopes of attaining a result he deeply desires. Felix is now able to activate this ability at will to visualize an alternate future where he attempts to accomplish his intended goal as a form of translucent light, allowing him to follow in its path to success as he sees them play out before him before the present takes its path. Far from perfect however, changes can result in him needing to reactivate this power multiple times as he searches for that 'perfect' future. In truth, a variant of the Darksight power, Felix has a connection to the futures he sees, thus feeling their pain, emotions and deaths if they occur.

    Light Manipulation: (Master) The Key ability of the Disciples of Twilight, Felix has the ability to manipulate and bend light and shadow with the force to bend light around objects in order to render them invisible, focus it into concentrated beams of cutting energy as powerful as plasma cutters, create blasts of blinding light and sound not unlike a flash grenade, as well as brighten or darken an area. With focus, he is capable of improvising with this ability for a host of other unique applications. Thanks to his learning of Tutaminis. He's learned enough with this talent he can create void zones that no light can touch and has channeled enough power with it to launch pillars of light strong enough to be seen in orbit, so long as there's little light pollution.

    Alter Powers :
    • Telekinesis: (Adept) Felix has at his fingertips the general grab bag of pulls, pushes and jumps like any other trained force user to an... acceptable standard.
    • Conjure Item: (Adept) With a deal made to a mysterious spiritual force, Felix is able to conjure items he's familiar with, or can see and have them appear in his hands or on his person. However they must be of a size and weight he can hold in one hand.

    Control Powers:
    • Force Speed: (High-Adept) With general combat styles involving a saber, Felix has a general understanding of enhancing his speed and reflexes with the force in order to fight or protect himself. Used with his fighting style his weapon can move fast enough to blur.
    • The Art of Movement: (Adept) Felix is trained in the traditional skill which allows him to maintain momentum through motion due to his training in the Knights Obsidian. Allowing him to move and run freely without tiring often or slowing.
    • Breath Control: (Adept) In the midst of survival training, the ability to moderate his breathing and vitals with the force was important. Capable of slowing his heart-rate and biorhythm to an extent that could save him in a pinch, he's far from mastered this skill, but Felix is adept enough to survive.
    • Tutaminis: (Low-Master) Felix is able to reflexively prevent lethal damage to his body from low powered blaster bolts or fire. With focus and preparation however he's capable of absorbing and storing large sums of solar energy.

    Sense Powers:
    • Force Sense: (Adept) Through meditation, Felix is trained to be able to reach out through the force to notice things big and small. Also giving him some ability over insight and instinct that expands his senses more than the average person.
    • Precognition: (Adept) Felix relies on an ability similar to Darksight in order to operate his precognition, however he is able to wield it in combat.

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