Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop


8th Generation MC85 Star Cruiser circa 902 ABY for the Galactic Alliance
Image Source:
Canon Link:
Primary Source:

Market Status:
Non-Members [Closed-Market]
GA Members
Byblos Star Drives - MC87 Heavy Star Cruiser
Limited Production Scale

Heavy Star Cruiser


5,000 Meters

706.55 meters

461.61 meters
Extreme Armament Classification

Extreme Defense Classification
Hanger Space:
Average Hanger Space
Hanger Allocation:
28 [26 Starfighters] [2 Support Craft]
Maneuverability Rating:
Very Low Maneuverability Scale
Speed Rating:
Very Low Speed Scale
Military Grade Hyperdrive System (Class 1.5)

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

Hypermatter Annihilator Unit
Extreme Armament
Extreme Defense
Very Low Maneuverability
Very Low Speed
Intended for Broadside Combat

As the Galaxy continues to spiral into one war after another with the most recent engagements being the Alliance-Enclave War, the Mandalorian-Sith Skirmishes, the Sith Empire Campaigns leading up to 900 ABY to 902 ABY. The Galactic Alliance is surrounded on all sides by foreign powers looking to carve up its territories and has issued one mobilization after another in the hopes of containing the spread of darkness throughout the galaxy.

In response to this mobilization effort, the
BSD MC87 Heavy Star Cruiser was designed and produced by Byblos Star Drives
as part of the Galactic Alliance 8th Generation Modernization Initiative which is designed to slowly upgrade the arsenal of the Alliance Fleet with a wide range of new cruisers, battlecruisers, and frigate classes in order to maintain their hegemony on the galactic frontier.

Having witnessed the introduction of the Imperial Erebus-Class Sith Battlecruiser during the Blockade over Onderon, the Alliance Naval Engineering Core began constructing the MC87 in response as a powerful battlecruiser more than able to tussle with even the largest of Imperial Destroyers in a direct confrontation. Its large size and weapon strength make it suitable to patrol the galactic hyperspace lanes.

Coming in at around 5,000 Meters - the MC87 Heavy Star Cruiser is equipped with extreme layers of shielding and very heavy armored plating spread across its more vulnerable area and is filled to the brim with weaponry ranging from heavy turbolaser batteries to missile launchers. Although like all vessels introduced during the Modernization Program, their is enough hanger space for 26 starfighters and 2 support craft squadrons.
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Founded in the later stages of the Sith Empire occupation over Harnaidan and Muunilinst, the IMP500 has been one of the prominent stock exchange indexes currently in operation on the Galactic Market, acting as the primary trading hub for all worlds previously under the jurisdiction of the New Imperial Order and the surrounding populations.

Although since the fall of the Empire prior to 900 ABY, the Stock Exchange has been
partially integrated into the wider Trade Federation of Planets in order to regain some of the lost investments made into the New Imperial Order during their rebellion against the Darth Carnifex's Sith Empire.

Rumors are circulating from Muunilinst about a substantial amount of Imperial Beskar being stored in the treasure vaults of Director Rulonom Laborr, hidden deep within the Stock Exchange and guarded by advanced battle droids and security drones.

To verify the authenticity of the rumor, the Mandalorian Protectors apprehended a Rodian Defector who had ties with the Trade Federation. Engaging in intense negotiations for an hour, the Protectors managed to extract valuable information from the Rodian, who was desperate to secure their freedom from captivity.

Assembling a small strike team to
infiltrate the maximum security facility in order to free the beskar buried deep within.


Objective I: Liberation of Beskar
  • After touching down on the surface of Muunilinst, Break into the IMP500 Stock Exchange and engage with the myriad of Battle Droids protecting the facility and rescue the Imperial Beskar trapped within the vaults while avoiding the deadly traps within.
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8th Generation DP20 Frigate circa 902 ABY for the Galactic Alliance
Image Source:
Canon Link:
Primary Source:

Market Status:
Non-Members [Closed-Market]
GA Members
Byblos Star Drives - DP40 Heavy Gunship
Limited Production Scale

Heavy Support Gunship


200 Meters

98.55 meters

89.61 meters
High Armament Classification

High Defense Classification
Hanger Space:
Very Low Hanger Space
Hanger Allocation:
0 [0 Starfighters] [0 Support Craft]
Maneuverability Rating:
High Maneuverability Scale
Speed Rating:
High Speed Scale
Military Grade Hyperdrive System (Class 1.5)

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

Hypermatter Annihilator Unit
High Armament
High Defense
No Starfighter Support
Weak vs Capital Ships
Anti-Starfighter Duty

In response to the Galactic Alliance mobilization effort, the BSD - DP40 Heavy Gunship was designed and produced by Byblos Star Drives as part of the Galactic Alliance 8th Generation Modernization Initiative which is designed to slowly upgrade the arsenal of the Alliance Fleet with a wide range of new cruisers, battlecruisers, frigates, corvettes, and even starfighter classes in order to maintain their hegemony on the galactic frontier.

Having witnessed the introduction of the Imperial Erebus-Class Sith Battlecruiser during the Blockade over Onderon and and the challenges of the Caldera Crisis, the Alliance Naval Engineering Core began constructing the DP40 in response as an anti-starfighter gunship and overall support vessel for the Alliance Fleet. Its heavy amount of weaponry and defensives make it more than suitable to patrol the Galactic Trade Lanes.

Coming in at around 200 Meters - the DP40 Heavy Gunship is equipped with high layers of shielding and high level armor plating spread across its hull and is filled to the brim with weaponry ranging from ion batteries to missile launchers.
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175th Chandrila Naval Task Force
Battlegroup Kenobi
Bippina Class Dreadnought Battle Cruiser
ANS Whirlwind
BSD - MC87 Heavy Star Cruiser
ANS Liberty's Array
ANS Mentor's Plight
Triumph Class A-601 Main Battlecruiser
ANS Montorr
ANS Kellin
ANS Colls

ANS Sinbad
BSD - Hammerhead Class B Cruiser
ANS Lorix
ANS Almac
ANS Torin
ANS Dain
ANS Monsu
ANS Jagar
Declaration Class D-100 Starfighter Cruiser
ANS Blotus
ANS Mollo II
ANS Greylock II
ANS Furlow III
Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
ANS Selziro | ANS Guose
Madine Class Patrol Frigate
ANS Locket
ANS Monsoon
ANS Addle

ANS Fiery
BSD - DP40 Heavy Gunship
ANS Larus
ANS Pippin
ANS Dinas
ANS Picket
ANS George

The ANS Whirlwind sailed through the vastness of hyperspace, enveloped in an eerie silence. The only sounds that broke the stillness were the gentle clicks of fingers on monitors and the whispered conversations among the crew.

In this moment, everyone aboard knew that the outcome of this battle would shape the destiny of the Galactic Alliance for countless generations to come. There was no room for sentimental farewells or thoughts of self-preservation; only an unwavering determination to vanquish the Alliance's adversaries and secure the freedom of all its citizens from the clutches of oppression past or present.

Vice-Admiral Ideon understood that the Alliance was becoming bloated and increasingly run by self-interested lobbies and political ideologies in the senate despite the strong resolve of the Chancellor Auteme. Could he say that the Alliance was broken? Yes but this assault would break the last visages of the era of Peace, the Era of Pax Allianca would officially be over and maybe the Senate would wake up to this threat and meet it head on.

Such wishful thinking did not belay the concern etched on the elderly man's face, as the 175th Chandrila Naval Task Force exited from hyperspace into the System of Tython, sight of the Infamous Shatterpoint Event, a turning point in the endless struggle with the Brotherhood of the Maw, whose brave defenders allowed just enough of a
reprieve to cast down the Dark Avatars over Exegol later on. No longer was the crew sullied by inexperienced hands as they had been over Onderon, the Task Force was outfitted with the full might of the Alliance's 8th Generation Modernization Program.

Yet such an advantage would be fleeting as the enemy moved to slice through the Alliance Defenders, Ideon much preferred the bleak blackness of space than the death and destruction that would happen here today.
"Enter Defensive Formation Aurak 4 around the remnants of Ashla, bring up tactical screens and establish secure communication with our formation. Begin prepping all primary, secondary, tertiary batteries for a frontal assault and recycle all shield modules." The Captain's chair reverberated with the commanding voice of the Vice-Admiral, as the chain of command swiftly followed the assigned orders and the communication's officer tirelessly exchanged messages to the secondary flag officers throughout the fleet.

  • Alliance Task Force is holding Defensive Formation

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8th Generation Planetary Carrier circa 902 ABY for the Galactic Alliance
Image Source:
Canon Link:
No Canon Link
Primary Source:

Market Status:
Non-Members [Closed-Market]
GA Members
Byblos Star Drives - Corellian Planetary Light Carrier
Limited Production Scale

Light Planetary Carrier


200 Meters

98.55 meters

89.61 meters
Very Low Armament Classification
High Defense Classification
Hanger Space:
Extreme Hanger Space
Hanger Allocation:
4 [4 Starfighters] [0 Support Craft]
Single Craft Hanger:
No Single Craft Space
Maneuverability Rating:
Average Maneuverability Scale
Speed Rating:
Average Speed Scale
Military Grade Hyperdrive System (Class 1.5)

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

Hypermatter Annihilator Unit
Extreme Hanger Space
High Defensive Capabilities
Can Enter Atmospheres
Very Low Armament
Weak vs Frigates, Corvettes
Requires Escort Protection

In response to the Galactic Alliance mobilization effort, the BSD - Corellian Planetary Light Carrier was designed and produced by Byblos Star Drives as part of the Galactic Alliance 8th Generation Modernization Initiative which is designed to slowly upgrade the arsenal of the Alliance Fleet with a wide range of new cruisers, battlecruisers, frigates, corvettes, and even starfighter classes in order to maintain their hegemony on the galactic frontier.

The Alliance Naval Engineering Core would begin constructing a Light Planetary Carrier in response to increasing galactic tensions with nearby powers, with the Alliance High Command pushing for a vessel that could provide air support for ground forces and preform limited space combat missions against pirates and crime syndicates.

Coming in at around 200 Meters - the Corellian Planetary Light Carrier is equipped with very low armaments, high grade shielding and armor and can support up to 4 squadrons of starfighters within its bays.
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Aegeriid Bly 'Bass

First Secretary | Council Chief | General
Politician | Military Offical | Industrialist
Old: 66-84 years | 78 |
Personality Traits
Vile | Corrupt | Greedy | Intelligent | Power-Hungry
Education Traits
Military Education | Financial Education
Lifestyle Traits
Opulent | Gaudy | Gold Decor
Male (he/him)
Force Sensitive
Not Force Sensitive
Character Alignment
Neutral Evil
6'2" Inches Tall
178 Ibs
Template Credit

  • Test_1.png


    In the annals of recent Bothan history, Aegeriid Bly 'Bass emerged as a figure both feared and respected, known for his shrewd political acumen and insatiable appetite for power. Born into a prominent Bothan family on the sprawling world of Bothawui, Agerrid was groomed from a young age to navigate the treacherous waters of Bothan politics with finesse and cunning.

    From early on, it was evident that Bly 'Bass
    possessed a natural talent for manipulation and subterfuge, his silver tongue and magnetic charisma allowed him to effortlessly sway the opinions of his peers, earning him a reputation as a masterful orator and negotiator. However, beneath this charming facade lurked a darkness - an unquenchable thirst for power that knew no limitations.

    As he ascended the ranks of Bothan Society, Aegerrid cultivated a web of informants and spies, carefully orchestrating his rise to
    prominence through a series of calculated moves and backroom deals. His ruthlessness knew no bounds, and did not hesitate to eliminate any obstacles standing in the way of his ambitions. It was not long before he had established himself as a formidable force within Bothan politics, with his influence stretching across the Bothan Sector and beyond. He brokered alliances with some of the most powerful figures in the galaxy, leveraging such connections to amass a great fortune and solidify his grip on power.

    However, as Aegeriid grew more powerful, so too did his enemies. Whispers of corruption and deceit began to swirl around him, painting him as a tyrant who ruled through fear and
    intimidation. Once loyal allies grew wary of his increasingly despotic ways and dissent shimmered beneath the surface of Bothan Society.

    In an effort to consolidate his power, Aegerrid embarked on a campaign of repression and violence, silencing those who opposed him on the Bothan Council, although brandishing himself as a corrupt leader who had forsaken the values of honor and integrity that his people held dear.


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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Rhoncus urna neque viverra justo nec ultrices. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem integer vitae justo. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget magna fermentum. Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim lobortis. Pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt. Hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae.


  • DgaRWHE.png


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Ososii Bygehorii

Full Name
Ososii Bygehorii
Jedi Master
Current Homeworld
40 Years Old
Jedi Guardian
Jedi Master
Force Sensitive
Character Alignment
Neutral Good
1.9 Meters
100 Ibs


Born on the Verpine homeworld within the Roche asteroid field, Ososii displayed extraordinary Force sensitivity from a young age. Recognized by the New Jedi Order for their potential, Ososii was trained as a Jedi Knight and quickly rose through the ranks due to their exceptional combat skills and deep connection to the Force.

Studying under various masters at the temple, Ososii developed a combat style was a blend of traditional Jedi techniques and Verpine ingenuity, incorporating swift movements and strategic strikes with their lightsaber. Their proficiency in lightsaber combat was matched only by their ability to use the Force for both offensive and defensive purposes.

During the Second Great Hyperspace War, Ososii served as a Jedi Attaché to several military commanders during their fight against the Brotherhood of the Maw. Known for their calm and composed demeanor even in the heat of battle, he inspired confidence in the morale of the troops and earned the respect of allies and adversaries alike.

Becoming a Jedi Master during the Alliance Renaissance Era, Ososii took a padawan, guiding them in the ways of the Force and instilling within them the core principles of the New Jedi Order.


Jedi Master Ososii Bygehorii can be considered distant and reserved around the members of the New Jedi Order and other Jedi Factions such as the various enclaves. Having a strict devotion to the Light Side of the Force but understanding that such devotion can lead one blind to other possibilities on the battlefield.

He is against the formation of relationships while one is serving as a Jedi Knight because of the potential risk of passionate pursuits leading to the Dark Side of the Force despite the prevalence of relationships within the New Jedi Order. He can be considered quite studious when not training with a lightsaber, always wanting to know more about the galaxy around him.





+Fly Bird, Fly- | Being a member of the Verpine Species, Ososii can fly using his wings

+Jedi Guardian- | Ososii is well versed in combat against powerful foes, having taken the Jedi Guardian Pathway during his youngling days.

+Jedi Master Class- | Having obtained the rank of Master, Ososii is quite skilled in wielding a lightsaber and using the force for a wide variety of situations.



-Fragile Wings - | Having wings does come with weaknesses, such as the possibility of them being sliced off by a skilled opponent.

-Corruption from the Corporate Side | Although loyal to the core tenants of the New Jedi Order, Ososii has been in league with several corporations as their inside man within the ranks of the Order.





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The Jedi Master remained hidden behind the large black banners, their red glowing eyes peering out discreetly as the banners swayed in the scorching breeze. The bustling arena was filled with spectators eagerly awaiting the start of the Barahunde festival, a traditional Geonosian event featuring brutal gladiatorial fights, fierce battles with wild beasts, and public executions. The Jedi Master knew they had to gather crucial intelligence for the New Jedi Council before making their move.

The New Jedi Order never intended to interfere with the cultural traditions of the galaxy, but when the Archduke appointed Darth Carnifex, the Twice-Emperor of the Sith Empire and Slayer of Many Jedi, as the arena's current patron, the situation became extremely serious. Even though the Jedi Master knew he couldn't match Carnifex's power, a chance arose when (Arla Rodarch) decided to confront the Emperor and his followers on the Archduke's Balcony.

If the Mandalorian and the Jedi were to join forces against a mutual enemy, the playing field could be leveled, if only for a brief moment. Despite the Dark Lord appearing unperturbed by the Mandalorian's reckless approach, he went as far as imbuing a follower of the Kainite Branch (CI-6660) to fight on his behalf while the Archduke and Carnifex watched the spectacle unfold for his own entertainment as seasoned gladiators were present now to give the contestants a real challenge.

Flapping his delicate wings in flight as the Jedi Master flew towards the Balcony while staying within the shadows of the arena. Until finding a moment to strike against the Dark Lord and Butcher from afar.

"Death to the Ever-Living Tyrant" - A voice quiet but full of defiance

Using Telekinesis to hurl several large chunks of rock towards (Darth Carnifex)

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In the magnificent council chambers of Bothawui, the Bothans convene, their voices filled with passion and determination. Representatives from the mighty galactic superpowers assemble, eager to engage in discussions about the Bothans' position in the ever-changing galactic realm.

Dressed in opulent robes, the Bothan leaders carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of aligning with different factions, their words resonating through the chamber, captivating all who listen.

As fiery debates rage on, the tension in the galaxy reaches new heights. The future of Bothawui and the Bothan Sector teeters on the edge as the moment of choosing sides approaches.

Whichever Faction emerges victorious in winning the support of the Bothan Council will gain access to the notorious Bothan Spynet, a game-changing asset in the upcoming galactic conflicts.

This thread will be a diplomacy thread on Bothawui, with the OOC Intention - of convincing the Bothan Sector and its Figurehead to support a galactic faction in a future conflict and gaining access to a spy network.

  • You can come as your Faction's Representative and Plead your Case
  • Come as a Spectator of the Proceedings and even try to subtly manipulate the results

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Gonterra D'Asta

BirthplaceNez Peron
Age62 Years Old
FactionD'Asta Family
D'Asta Private Fleet
Force SensitiveNo
Weight150 lbs
Hair ColorWhite
Eye ColorBrown
Gonterra D'Asta is the current patriarch of the D'Asta Family, Governor of Nez Peron and nominal ruler of the D'Astan Sector

- D'Asta Private Fleet | Private Fleet under the control of Baron Gonterra D'Asta and his family.

If there were words to describe Gonterra in three words it would be powerful shipping magnate due to him having nominal control over the D'Astan Sector.

He is rather an elderly individual but still has enough intelligence to make important political decisions for the D'Astan Sector with his reach extending far beyond by making alliances through the corporate world and with planetary governments nearby.

Gonterra is a staunch imperial loyalist stretching back to the height of the New Imperial Order under its Emperor Rurik Fel, finding that democracy has lead the galaxy astray despite the formidable might of the Galactic Alliance.

His wish is for the restoration of a Galactic Empire and has even considered offering aid to the Dark Empire.

Gonterra D'Asta, the heir to Baron Ragez D'Asta II of the esteemed D'Asta Family, started his journey at the family's estate on Nez Paron, far from the bustling court life of Serenno.

With his father's blessing, he
delved into various studies to expand his understanding of the vast galaxy and master the art of business financing. Upon reaching the age of 20, he would leave Nez Paron in order to make his own fortune within the galaxy by joining a small freighter crew.

He stayed with the freighter crew for many years, gaining knowledge from the captain about how to avoid patrol frigates and custom enforcement vessels in order to
deliver your cargo on time.

His Father would eventually die from old age during the time of Darth Carnifex's Sith Empire, and the D'Astan Sector would align itself with the New Imperial Order with Gonterra as its head, using the knowledge gained from freighter management to expand the shipping empire across the frontiers of the new imperial government.

With the collapse of the New Imperial Order proceeding 900 ABY, Gonterra D'Asta would become the Governor of Nez Peron and nominal ruler of the D'Astan Sector.

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The Skakoan moved silently through the corridors of the Federal Assembly Building, appearing almost ethereal under the gentle glow of the overhead lights. Despite being physically present, his thoughts were elsewhere, exploring the intricate details of economic principles. He pondered the delicate equilibrium between resources and essential needs, examined how inflation impacted purchasing power, and followed the ripple effects of interstellar trade agreements throughout the galaxy. The complex dance of market forces, government policies, and consumer actions unfolded in his mind like a sophisticated economic performance.

Trade Federation of Planets successfully established significant dominance over the primary hyperspace routes by forming agreements with various governments or sharing valuable information with potential partners. Countless shipments, ranging from food supplies to weapons, marked with the Federation's emblem, were transported across the extensive distances connecting different systems and sectors, not limited to the Galactic Alliance's jurisdiction. These achievements were just a small part of a grand strategy to exert influence, supported by a dependable fleet and occasional vehicles.

Observing from the Federation's podium, the Skakoan's protective goggles peered intently at Senator Hydia, whose unconventional remarks would incite unwarranted animosity towards their vested interests within the Assembly. Boarding the Federation's Pod, which had retracted to grant him passage, the Minister gracefully stepped aside.

"The Senator from Duros is reminded that our conglomerate is involved in a fair partnership with the Galactic Alliance to guarantee the secure and unrestricted trade flow. This partnership extends not only to the Alliance's Co-Dependency Corporations but also to billions of individual merchants and guilds who provide essential goods and services to all citizens under your jurisdiction at an affordable price. This is especially crucial considering the current economic conditions in the galaxy, now rocked with the unprecedented rise of the Dark Empire." - The Skakoan explained with vivid detail, wanting to remind the Federal Assembly and the Senator that the Federation was a fair partner in all trade and commerce circulating throughout the Alliance.

"The Federation had full knowledge of the imminent danger posed by the Dark Empire, as we meticulously examined shipping records that revealed a significant transfer of former imperial assets and personnel to establish a new state. Additionally, there was observation that numerous influential Imperial Collaborators were cooperating with the Empire of the Lost, notably Marlon Sularen, the High Regent of the Final Dawn. The decision not to disclose these findings to the Federal Assembly was influenced by a combination of disinterest and animosity towards the Federation within the chamber, necessitating the suppression of this information." The Director explained, taking full accountability that the failure to disclose this information was due in part to the Federal Assembly's hostility.
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The Skakoan had no other option but to reveal to the public that the Trade Federation of Planets was well aware of the Dark Empire's emergence. This was mainly due to the escalating tensions within the Federal Assembly, which became evident when they threatened to take over the conglomerate based on a vague accusation of treason. Such aggressive actions would surely make every corporation in the galaxy think twice before engaging in any business with the Galactic Alliance. If they wanted to sabotage themselves during a war effort, it would matter little to the Directory who could shift production to more favorable regions such as the Sith Order and the Mandalorian Protectors who were less likely to interfere in the affairs of corporations and guilds.

"The Senator from Bestine should be reminded that the Trade Federation had previously resolved allegations of criminal behavior with the Galactic Alliance in the Alliance High Court System presided over by Judge Sssar Taszzn, where they were acquitted of any direct wrongdoing. We followed the judgement to the letter and have given extensive compensation to the Alliance" The Director said glancing at whose call for action would be met with a problem as the Aliance High Court System had already settled with the Trade Federation over the charges of treason and espionage.

made excellent points, but failed to grasp the overall streategy that the Federation was employing. Of course they could have withheld the information until being given proper concessions, but that would not benefit the Dark Empire's takeover which the Federation was encouraging through their impanted agents.

"Numerous individuals appeared surprised or dismayed by the absence of transparency from our end regarding crucial intelligence. Nevertheless, there was sufficient opportunity for you to inquire prior to the establishment of the Dark Empire, as a senate session convened to discuss the Onderon Invasion did not reference us significantly, nor was there any inquiry made regarding whether we had anticipated additional conflict from ex-imperialists of the New Imperial Order who were seen conspiring with remnants of the Maw. You are now seeking to bring the entire conglomerate under national ownership due to the Strategic Intelligence Agency's shortcomings in delivering a thorough threat briefing to the Federal Assembly." The Skakoan said in refernece to King

"As a result of the growing hostility and widespread demands for nationalization, we are left with no option but to submit a request for vacancy to the Office of the Chancellor in order to initiate the procedure of removing our corporation from the Galactic Alliance economy, ensuring that all trade with our freighters will be halted as needed." The Skakoan said, having the Minister withdraw the pod as the delegation left to act on such promises.
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"The galaxy is currently experiencing a period of unrest and conflict. With wars and battles erupting everywhere, it's crucial to safeguard your possessions and treasures. The Class Five Container Transport from Byblos Star Drives is the ultimate solution for transporting large quantities of cargo across different systems securely. Don't hesitate to invest in the best protection for your valuable goods!"
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.

  • Classification:
    • Combat Frigate
  • Length:
    • 300 Standard Meters in Length
  • Width:
    • 80 Standard Meters in Width
  • Height:
    • 100 Standard Meters in Height
  • Armament:
  • Defenses:
  • Hangar Space:
    • No Hanger Space
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 0 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 0 squadrons
  • Single Craft Hangar:
    • No Craft Hangar Available
  • Maneuverability Rating:
    • Average Maneuverability Classification
  • Speed Rating:
    • Extreme Speed Classification
  • Hyperdrive:
    • Class 1.0 Hyperdrive Model
  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation
    • Like all products of Byblos Star Drives, the Class Five Container Transport comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal freighters of the same classification currently in operation across the galaxy.
  • Extreme Speed
    • The Class Five Container Transport was built for speed in mind, to enable it to outrun pirates and criminal syndicates attemtping to seize its cargo. Although it is still slower than a corvette and starfighter due to its shear size.
  • Mass-Production Model
    • Like many products produced by Byblos Star Drives, the Class Five Container Transport is a mass production model meaning that parts and repair kits are easy enough to come by on the open-market. This gives it a cutting edge against the other personalized transport models of the same classification currently in use as each vessel lost in combat can be easily replaceable.
  • Not Suitable for Combat
    • The Class Five Container Transport was not constructed to engage in prolonged combat nor be utilized in space warfare. Although it does come equipped with a few turbolasers to protect itself with in the event of attack from pirates and other raiders along the hyperspace lanes. Its weak defenses will crumble underneath heavy assault.

The BSD Class Five Container Transport is an updated variation of the Class Four Container Transport used by the First Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War to haul large numbers of crates and containers across the galaxy. Its first reported purpose was to haul away the war chest of Count Dooku, Head of the State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems contained within his Serenno Palace during the early years of the Empire.

Although with the galactic governments fighting over ever-increasing resource shortages, Byblos Star Drives seized the opportunity to explore the freighter market and create a large container vessel for planetary governments, and private organizations such as the Trade Federation.

The Container Transport is a state-of-the art vessel capable of carrying up to 210 large containers, outfitted with simple weaponry and defenses to prevent pirate incursions and hostile takeovers at the shipping ports. Despite having a large profile, it is considerably fast for a vessel of its size more than able to outrunn battlecruisers and enemy raiders should they prey on the Galactic Trade Lanes within the Galactic Alliance.

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Communications and Sensor Systems

External Components
  • Hold Fire, for Maximum Effect >
    • The TF-88G represents the latest iteration of Low Altitude Assault Transport designs, boasting an impressive array of powerful weapon systems strategically positioned across its hull, which allows it to engage with and defeat anti-air emplacements.
  • Extensive Shielding Systems >
    • To ensure survival in combat against an opponent on the battlefield, the TF-88G is equipped with the cutting-edge XX4-LL33 Deflector Shield System Array. Developed by the InterGalactic Technology Union, this shield design represents the pinnacle of deflector shield technology, capable of withstanding substantial frontal damage while maintaining operational efficiency.
  • Large Cargo >
    • To facilitate a ground invasion, the TF-88G is equipped with extensive cargo space for weapons, soldiers, and emergency aid supplies in case they are required on besieged planets. It can accommodate two All Terrain Tactical Enforcers without sacrificing space for other supplies and vehicles.
  • Slower than Dirt >
    • Despite the various improvements implemented in the LAAT Design, the TF-88G's excessive weight prevents it from achieving the same level of speed while soaring through the atmosphere. Consequently, it is unable to efficiently and swiftly deploy vehicles and supplies, which are often crucial in today's contemporary battlefield scenarios.
  • Evasive Action? >
    • The TF-88G faces challenges not only with its speed, but also with the large and bulky frame which hinders its ability to take evasive action to avoid heavy enemy firepower on the ground due to its extremely slow turning rate.

The TF-88G Heavy Vehicle Transport is the next iteration of the Low Altitude Assault Transport Line that was utilized by the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars Era. Manufactured during the Galactic Chaos Era by Vehicle Manufacturer Nen-Cavron, a subsidiary of the InterGalactic Technology Union, which is in turn a subsidiary of the Trade Federation of Planets.

The primary objective of the TF-88G was to manufacture and export a colossal transport capable of delivering provisions amidst an invasion, while simultaneously safeguarding itself against ground-based anti-air cannon attacks. With its spacious cargo area and comprehensive weaponry, this state-of-the-art vehicle proves to be highly valuable, surpassing the expenses incurred in its construction.

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Communications and Sensor Systems

External Components
  • We've Captured a Command Post! >
    • The G40 Series is the latest iteration of the Armored Assault Tank, first produced for the Trade Federation before the beginning of the Clone Wars. Boasting a reinforced hull and an impressive array of powerful weapon systems modernized for today's engagements.
  • Intermediary Shielding Systems >
    • In order to secure its survival during confrontations with adversary walkers and tanks on the battleground, the G40 Series is furnished with a deflector shield system of moderate quality, along with additional sub-shielding mechanisms, to safeguard its comparatively delicate interior from hostile firepower.
  • Anti-Infantry >
    • Similar to its historical precursor, the G40 Series AAT has been specifically engineered to engage enemy infantry units on the battlefield. It is outfitted with a wide array of anti-infantry armaments strategically placed throughout its structure, enabling it to effectively navigate through enemy fortifications and defensive positions with the support of friendly ground forces.
  • Light Combatant >
    • Despite the numerous enhancements incorporated in the G40 Series, they do not meet the armament requirements anticipated in modern warfare. While other tanks boast an array of weaponry and multiple high-powered armaments, this AAT prioritizes cost-effectiveness over immediate destructive capability, making it more suitable for prolonged engagements.
  • Rocket Launchers >
    • The G40 Series shares a common vulnerability with its predecessor in terms of portable rocket launchers and artillery, as its relatively light armor is insufficient to withstand the impact of these powerful explosives.

The G40 Series Armored Assault Tank is the next iteration of the AAT Tank that was utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Trade Federation during the Clone Wars Era. Manufactured during the Galactic Chaos Era by Vehicle Manufacturer Nen-Cavron, a subsidiary of the InterGalactic Technology Union, which is in turn a subsidiary of the Trade Federation of Planets.

The main purpose behind their production was to develop an affordable assault tank for the
Trade Federation of Planets in order to safeguard their interests in a constantly evolving galactic frontier, all the while maintaining a powerful vehicle in reserve to bolster their ground-based wave-infantry strategies.

Despite the availability of numerous foundries, every new vehicle or starship manufactured by the Federation necessitates resources and maintenance facilities to ensure their repair. Consequently, the AAT Design had little overall changes and appears virtually identical to its ancient predecessor.

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Albrecht Feuergeir

Age60 Years Old
FactionThe Galactic Alliance
The Federal Assembly
The Bilbringi System
Force SensitiveNo
Weight166 lbs
Hair ColorWhite
Eye ColorGrey
Albrecht Feuergeir is the current Senator of Bilbringi, Ship-Master of Bilbringi Shipyards, Lord of Bilbringi VII, and nominal leader of the The Bilbringi System


- Bilbringi Shipyards | 69% Share of the Shipyard's Current Stock, Granted Special Administrator Status hence 'Ship-Master'

If there were words to describe Albrecht, the first thing that would come to mind is Average Senator due to his rather meek nature, and willing to follow the opinions of the Federal Assembly instead of forming his own.

Albrecht is what you would consider, a noble yet corrupt individual using his power and influence within the Senate Body for personal gain while also working to protect the average citizen from the ever-extending hand of the Alliance Government. He is charasmatic when he once to be, and can use skillful language to bring others to his side.

Deep down, there is a sense of honor and duty that drives him to make difficult decisions for the benefit of the people, even if it means resorting to questionable methods.


Senator Albrecht Feuergeir was born into a prestigious diplomatic family on the planet Bilbringi in the Mid Rim of the galaxy. From a young age, he displayed exceptional intellect and a natural talent for negotiation. Educated in the finest academies, Albrecht quickly established herself as a rising star in the political landscape of the Galactic Republic.

His career as a rising star senator was marked by a series of remarkable achievements. Known for his sharp wit and strategic thinking, he became a key player in the Senate, adept at navigating the intricate web of politics that characterized the galaxy while still keeping to his principles.

Despite his origins on Bilbringi, a world known for its shipbuilding and strategic importance, Albrecht Feuergeir always prioritized the welfare of all beings in the Alliance.

Albrecht soon earned a reputation for being a fierce advocate for justice and equality, championing the rights of marginalized species and planets. He was instrumental in brokering peace agreements between warring factions within the shipyard, often employing his keen diplomatic skills to defuse volatile situations.

However, Albrecht Feuergeir was not without her flaws. Rumors of corruption and backroom dealings occasionally surrounded him, hinting at a more complex and morally ambiguous side to her character. Some critics accused him of compromising his principles in the pursuit of power and influence.

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Glædwine Jendri


Thread Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod. Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus. Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.



Location: Senate Rotundra, Coruscant | Tag:

The Bilbringi Senatorial Election had just wrapped up when the Dark Empire launched their attack on the Galactic Alliance, preventing the newly elected senator from particpating in the emergency session called by the Chancellor to discuss the possibility of relocating the Alliance's capital to a safer system.

The intention behind this move was to ensure that the Senate could continue its operations without any interruptions.

Amongst the senators, the Sovereign System of Fondor emerged as the top preference, with even the Trade Federation surprisingly supporting the proposal. This was quite unusual considering their tendency to engage in filibustering tactics.

Moving through the hallways of the Senate Rotundra towards one of the many lounges, Feuergeir had lots of questions and things to catch up on wanting information from first-hand sources instead of relying on second-hand recordings of the session. His red cape flowing through the corridors, white beard brushed to perfection as he entered into the lounge.

"Greetings, I am Albrecht Feuergeir. I am the recently elected Senator of Bilbringi."

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Shatual Class Heavy Battleship MKII

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation
    • The Shatual Class is outfitted with a Hypermatter Annihilator System as a standard feature, enabling it to generate a significant amount of power to sustain its numerous systems and sub-systems. This capability allows the Shatual Class to have an extended operational duration compared to other battle cruisers of similar classification that are currently deployed throughout the galaxy.
  • Formidable Vessel
    • The Shatual Class is a highly formidable ship that can be compared to its Mandalorian Operators. It is equipped with a wide range of weapon emplacements and missile launchers, including Hypervelocity Cannons and Mass Driver Cannons, which enable it to effectively defend itself. These powerful cannons are capable of penetrating through standard shielding arrays. Moreover, the Shatual Class is equipped with advanced shield arrays that provide it with exceptional protection, allowing it to withstand damage that could potentially incapacitate other ships.
  • Extensive Hangers
    • The Shatual Class is outfitted with spacious hangars that can accommodate a maximum of 26 Starfighter Squadrons and 2 Support Craft Squadrons. This capability enables the Shatual Class to effectively engage carriers and other battleships in combat, as it is well-protected against enemy starfighter attacks from bombers and interceptors.
  • Very Low Maneuverability
    • To accommodate additional armaments and shielding arrays on the Battleship MKII, Byblos Star Drives made the decision to sacrifice maneuverability. Although this adjustment does not significantly impact the Battleship's combat effectiveness against similar vessels, it does increase the vulnerability to starfighters and smaller craft sneaking up from behind and targeting the engines with precision attacks.
  • Very Low Speed
    • The Shatual Class, despite its significant size, experiences a substantial reduction in acceleration, rendering it incapable of keeping pace with swifter spacecrafts like corvettes and smaller starfighter crafts that are presently deployed in the galactic frontier. Although this may not typically present a major issue, it does heighten the vulnerability of the Shatual Class to concentrated enemy fire, impeding its ability to effectively evade attacks.

The Shatual Class Heavy Battleship MKII represents the latest generation of Mandalorian Warships from Byblos Star Drives, featuring significant modernization upgrades and enhanced hull designs to adapt to the dynamic nature of modern warfare scenarios.

The Shatual Class was specifically crafted to venture beyond the confines of the Galactic Alliance Shipbuilding Market, aiming to establish a formidable presence in the Mandalorian Weapon Market. By doing so, it sought to rival the renowned MandalMotors and Kestri Hypernauntics. This strategic move was driven by the desire to safeguard the traditional homeworld of the Mandalorians from potential aggression by the Galactic Alliance should the Dark Empire Conflict spiral out of control.

The cutting-edge battleship is equipped with a wide range of weapons that are tailored to combat the most powerful adversaries in the galaxy, including the Imperial Holdouts from the Old New Imperial Order and the Formidable Armada of the Sith Order. Measuring approximately 5,000 meters in length and featuring robust shielding and heavy armor, the Shatual Class was created to dominate even the most resilient foes in individual confrontations.

One cannot overlook the significant drawbacks of this vessel, primarily its limited maneuverability and sluggish speed. These shortcomings render it susceptible to being outmaneuvered on the battlefield, especially by a skilled tactician.
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