Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop


9th Generation Destroyer for the Galactic Alliance
Image Source:
Canon Link:
No Canon Link
Primary Source:

Market Status:
Non-Members [Closed-Market]
GA Members
CD710 Medium Destroyer
Limited Production Scale

Medium Destroyer


1,500 Meters

96 meters

46.61 meters
Very High Armament Classification

Very High Defense Classification
Hanger Space:
Average Hanger Space
Hanger Allocation:
8 [8 Starfighters] [0 Support Craft]
Maneuverability Rating:
Low Maneuverability Scale
Speed Rating:
Low Speed Scale
Military Grade Hyperdrive System (Class 1.5)

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

Hypermatter Annihilator Unit
Very High Armament
Very High Defense
Low Maneuverability
Low Speed
Average Hanger for a Destroyer Class

The Galactic Alliance 9th Generation Modernization Initiative saw the creation of the CD710 Medium Destroyer by Byblos Star Drives. This initiative was undertaken due to the failure of the 8th generation in stopping the Dark Empire's advancement on Tython.

Unlike its predecessor, the 9th Generation focused on the establishment of rapid response fleets, while also ensuring the defense of crucial Fortress Worlds such as Fondor and Coruscant. Byblos Star Drives embarked on the development of various new cruiser, battlecruiser, and destroyer classes to uphold the Galactic Alliance's dominance across the galaxy.

Coming in at around 1,500 meters in length - the CD710 Medium Destroyer comes equipped with more advanced targeting systems, upgraded propulsion systems, heavier armor plating and a wide range of new defensive and offensive weaponry to defend itself against larger vessels being produced by the Dark Empire.

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As the Neimoidian Queen settled into the luxurious viewing box, she felt a sense of anticipation and excitement building within her.

The rumbling of the engines and the cheers of the crowd below filled the air with excitement, and she couldn't help but smile as she prepared to witness one of the most thrilling events in the galaxy - a pod race on Gholondreine-β.

She had always been fascinated with the plebian sport, finding it quite exhilarating. The speed, the skill, the risk - it all combined to create a spectacle that would captivate the audience similiar to a pocket full of credits, and today was no exception.

The track stretched out before her, twisting and turning through the terrain and she could feel the tension mounting as the racers revealed themselves and revved their engines.

As they got to the starting line, Bummy's heart began to race in time with the engines. She watched with bated breath as they were almost ready to take off. Adjusting her reading glasses and making sure that her wig didn't fall off from the intense rush of wind.

"You simply must come see, this Drabnald." She said to the attendent nearby, glancing over to the Neimoidian attendant and the Neimoidian Royal Guard who stood nearby to protect her.

"It always surprises me, what the galaxy's lower classes can do." She said, not finding any harm in her words.

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Graug landers erupted into balls of fire and raining shrapnel as made a pass with his squadron. The Mandalorian pilots struck true, better than even many Jedi Vulcanus had seen, but the swarm was endless. Fighters and gunships had been stripped from the star destroyers and replaced by rows of transport vessels. Between the ships numbered more than one-hundred transports and thousands of hungering Graug.

Despite their skill, it was only a delay to the inevitable.

Within minutes of entering atmosphere, Vulcanus' lander touched down in a puff of wasteland dust. The loading door popped free of its maglocks and the Black Flame stepped onto the scorching sands - directly into a firestorm of Mandalorian blaster bolts. Graug warriors surged forward across the few meters of flat plain that lay outside Sundari - a wave of oozing fangs and bloodied claws. Just at the boundary of the capital city the Mandalorian defenders had prepared themselves with small entrenchments and an E-web cannon that laid fire upon his hordes.

Clouds of blood erupted at the front of the encroaching tide as Graug bodies were turned to fine pulp by blaster fire. Some warriors armed with weapons dove for cover behind rocks and bodies to return fire - even more continued to charge like beasts starved. Vulcanus sneered, his eyes finding Rook's fighters again as they continued to rain fire on landers that had not yet touched down.

Unacceptable" were the beast's only words before digging his own claws into an armor panel on the side of his lander. Metal whined as he ripped a plate almost larger than he was from the ship and braced it in front of him as he marched towards the entrenched line.

The makeshift shield rumbled and pushed back against Vulcanus, who dug his boots deep into the surface and forced himself forward in long strides. The Sith's bones shook and shuttered as he pressed forward, the metal sheet slowly becoming red hot around his claws. As soon as he felt himself bear the E-web, the beastial lord threw his body weight behind the slab of metal and knocked the barrel away. The three Mandalorians manning it reacted quickly.

The first stood and activated a wrist mounted flamer. The cloud of fire exploded forward before stopping just in front of Vulcanus. The pyromantic lord laughed as he caught the flames with The Force and willed them backwards. For a brief second Vulcanus smelled the mandalorian's fear as he watched the flames of his own weapon jump back inside the barrel.

Then there was nothing as the fuel tank ignited, turning the attacker into a bucket of red paint running down the entrenchment walls. The second warrior gripped a beskade close and swung it for Vulcanus haphazardly - his wrist was caught in air and snapped with a simple pull. His scream was cut short as the beast gripped his helmet and drove it into the small brick wall being used as entrenched cover. Dust and rubble exploded into the air as the third was grabbed by the skull in mid-retreat, his life ending in a wet peel as his still-full helmet was tossed into the surging horde.

With that done, Vulcanus set his claws on the E-web and trained his eyes ons fighters. The weapon shook and shuddered as he used Tutaminis to drain its battery, feeding the energy into his right palm as he raised it into the path of the fighters.

Infusing it with his own power, Vulcanus unleashed a volley of black orbs encircled in the red energy of a E-web bolt. The aim was not perfect and far from guided - but the energy powerful enough to damage a fighter.

The Sith Lord would leave the E-web pack completely drained after firing several orbs off into the air. Vulcanus lowered a smoking hand to his side as his hordes began diving into the Mandalorian defenses...
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"The Sturr Class Interdictor Cruiser, crafted by Byblos Star Drives, is a tailor-made solution to regulate the galactic hyperspace lanes encircling Mandalorian Space. Specifically designed for the Mandalorian Protectors, its primary function is to secure and control the hyperspace routes within their territory, ensuring that independent merchants and freighters comply with their regulations."
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.

Mandalorian Protectors


  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation
    • Like all products of Byblos Star Drives, the Sturr-Class comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal.
  • High Manueverability
    • The Sturr-Class, with a length of 1,000 meters, exhibits exceptional maneuverability on the battlefield, enabling it to evade the intense firepower directed at it by larger battlecruisers but is still vulnerable to faster starfighters and bombers.
  • Gravity-Well Generators
    • Since the Sturr-Class is an Interdictor, it comes equipped with four G7-X gravity well projectors which is designed to mimick a planet's gravitional pull by using an interdiction field. It has the capability to obstruct and potentially halt starships from accessing hyperspace due to the fact that the majority of spacecraft are unable to navigate through a planet's gravitational field.
  • The hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer (HIMS)
    • The Sturr-Class demonstrates its effectiveness primarily on starships lacking a HIMS System, which was specifically created to neutralize interdiction fields.
  • Not Suitable for Combat
    • Although the Sturr-Class possesses more than 20 Quad-Laser Cannons, it was not specifically engineered for extended confrontations with hostile fleets. In the presence of a formidable cruiser, the Sturr-Class is susceptible to sustaining significant damage.

The Sturr-Class Interdictor Cruiser is an updated variation of the interdictor-Class Star Destroyer used by the First Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War in order to pull ships from hyperspace.

The Mandalorian Protectors commissioned The Class from Byblos Star Drives with the specific goal of blocking access to the crucial hyperspace lanes in their area of control, as well as initiating the taxation of merchants and traders traveling through the Mandalorian Region.

The initial prototype, known as the First Model, underwent rigorous engineering and testing procedures under the supervision of the Galactic Alliance. Once its effectiveness was confirmed, it proceeded to the manufacturing phase.

The Sturr-Class vessel boasts a formidable arsenal of 20 quad laser-cannons, strategically positioned to safeguard against pirate attacks and other rogue elements attempting to bypass the Mandalorian patrols.

Furthermore, this vessel is outfitted with four gravity well projectors as a standard feature, effectively preventing unauthorized ships from entering hyperspace.
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The luminous beams of hyperspace gradually faded, signaling the arrival of the Bulwark Mark V Battle Cruiser "The Attaton'' near the orbital boundary of Vortex.

The Command Staff of the bridge patiently stationed themselves along the bridge, hands clasped behind backs as they awaited the signal from their Alor to begin the offensive to claim the sith holocrons for the Trade Federation of Planets and eliminate any adversaries who dared to challenge them in a direct confrontation.

A simple command with the Alor's outstretched hand towards the Senior Flag Officer would bring up the viewing screen, showcasing distance between the boundary and the planet surface, and even the projections of different starships within the several generalized vincity.

He noted the presence of three vessels so far, large enough to appear on the primary scanners such as the Monitor-class corvette Toxmalb and the Thrawn-class interdiction cruiser Shackler, and even the New Jedi Order's ancient Arquitens-class light cruiser.

"Alor, we await your command." The Deputy Commander, casting a quick glance over their beskar lined helmet, positioned themselves to receive the orders from their superior in the midst of the battle. Sarrogg, being well-versed in strategic decision-making, was not one to hastily exploit any advantage, preferring to let others put their lives at stake instead. Gripping the ornate throne's edge, they displayed a firm resolve.

"Lower our anti-scanner countermeasures, let them know that Clan Ha'rangir has come." The Alor's cybernetic voice acknowledged the challenge of facing seasoned Jedi warriors, even with his mostly invincible beskar armor. The presence of unknown adversaries further complicated the situation, posing a tactical disadvantage.

"Prime all hangers for immediate deployment, and get our pilots to their starfighters." An additional directive issued to the commanding officer, of equal significance to the initial order as the starfighters would disable the batteries of the adversary's naval vessels and establish a clear breach for unopposed boarding operations.

"As you command, Alor." The Deputy Commander said, issuing such an order throughout the cruiser as the pilots were rushed to the large hanger bays spread throughout, as engines roared and fuel was loaded into several squadrons of Fang-Class Starfighters as they advanced from their containment like a roaring tide of a planetary ocean.

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"Enhance the safeguarding of the galactic hyperspace lanes with the remarkable Nopetopus-Class Interdiction Station. Meticulously designed by the renowned Shipwright Byblos Star Drives, this station is the ultimate solution to ensure the safety and integrity of the hyperspace routes. Specifically tailored for the Mandalorian Protectors, its sole purpose is to effectively secure and uphold the smooth flow of traffic in and out of their territory."
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.

Mandalorian Protectors

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Gravity Well Projector (4)
  • Power Generation
    • Like all products of Byblos Star Drives, the Nopetopus-Class comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal.
  • Formidable Station
    • The Nopetopus-Class was specifically engineered to serve as both an interdiction station and a defense station, boasting a significant array of weaponry positioned throughout its hull and possessing ample shielding to endure multiple enemy fleet bombardments without being breached.
  • Gravity-Well Projector
    • The Nopetopus-Class, comes equipped with four G7-X gravity well projectors which is designed to mimick a planet's gravitional pull by using an interdiction field. It has the capability to obstruct and potentially halt starships from accessing hyperspace due to the fact that the majority of spacecraft are unable to navigate through a planet's gravitational field.
  • The hyperwave inertial momentum sustainer (HIMS)
    • The Nopetopus-Class demonstrates its effectiveness primarily on starships lacking a HIMS System, which was specifically created to neutralize interdiction fields.
  • Stationary
    • The Nopetopus-Class Interdiction Station was specifically engineered to operate as a stationary facility, devoid of any capacity for mobility or propulsion due to the absence of essential starship components.
  • Weaponry or Interdiction Field
    • Although the Nopetopus-Class is equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System; however, due to the significant power needed to create a sufficient interdiction field, the vessel is unable to utilize its primary weapons during combat against a fleet. A strategic commander must decide between activating the gravity well projectors or maintaining active weaponry.

The Nopetopus-Class Interdiction Station is a dual-role military station, with its primary goal being to defend the hyperspace routes around Mandalorian Space from incursion while also simultaneously serving as an interdiction station in a secondary capacity.

The Mandalorian Protectors commissioned the Nopetopus-Class from Byblos Star Drives with the specific goal of blocking access to crucial hyperspace lanes in their area of control, while also protecting them from pirate and enemy incursions from such factions as the Dark Empire and even the Galactic Alliance should relations take a turn for the worst.

The Model RTT-40 prototype underwent thorough engineering and testing procedures overseen by the Galactic Alliance's Naval Engineering Core and the Engineers of Byblos Star Drives before being approved for production in a limited quantity.

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In the emerald embrace of the towering Wroshyr trees that stretch into the skies of Kashyyyk, a peaceful way of life enjoyed by the Wookiees is violently disturbed by the unannounced arrival of Clan Ha'rangir. This once-ally of the Mandalorian Enclave nows emerges as a foreboding presence that casts a deep shadow over the vibrant ecosystem of the forested planet.

As fear and uncertainty grip the Wookiee community, a sinister callboration takes form as the Trandoshan Mercenaries slink through the dense undergrowth, their cold-blooded eyes fixed on capturing innocent Wookiees to be sold into the curel and vast reaches of the galactic slave trade market.

Admist the rising tensions and the ominious convergence of the
Mandalorian-Trandoshan Alliance, the noble Wookiees look towards their revered King and trusted chieftains for their unwavering support in these dire times.

With the prospects of conflict looming like a storm on horizon, the people of Kashyyyk must rally together. In the face of impending peril, the heart of the Wookiee community beats with a fierce resolve and a quiet determination to stand steadfast against the encroaching darkness that seeks to engulf their beloved homeland.


T A G S |

As the Shatual Class Heavy Battleship Mark III 'Kur Ha'rangir' emerged from hyperspace above the Wookiee Homeworld of Kashyyyk, the blinding light of hyperspace gradually faded away. Accompanying the immense battle cruiser was a fleet of HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class Reugeot 905 freighters, Trandoshan Dropships and GS-100 Salvage Ships from the nearby planet of Trandosha, operated by Clan Ha'ssack.

With the Silver Jedi Concord no longer safeguarding it, the world was left vulnerable and ripe for a grand endeavor. The Trandoshans seized the opportunity to launch a massive raid, with the intention of capturing an entire city's worth of wookiees, intending to sell them on the bustling Galactic Black Markets.

The massive hanger bays of the Battleship, which emitted a low hum as they began to unlock one by one, presented a formidable sight against the backdrop of the endless expanse of space. Within these colossal bays, a myriad of TF-88G Heavy Vehicle Transports, their metallic hulls gleaming under the artificial lighting, and Trandoshan Dropships, with their sleek yet menacing design, were prepared for deployment.

Alongside them, the agile Fang-Class Starfighters, their engines humming with contained power, were ready to swoop down in a synchronized dance of precision.

As they moved down to the surface of Kashyyyk, the planet's lush greenery contrasting sharply with the cold metal of the ships, they seemed to form a symphony of war descending upon the peaceful landscape.

Their descent breached the atmosphere of Kashyyyk with a resounding boom, a visible ripple in the sky marking their passage.

The City of Kachirho, nestled amidst the towering Wroshyr trees that stretched towards the heavens like ancient sentinels, lay unsuspecting of the impending storm about to descend upon it. It was here, in this very city, that the echoes of history reverberated, where the ghosts of battles long past lingered in the air.

Kachirho once bore witness to the infamous clash between the armies of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a conflict that had shaped the destiny of worlds far and wide.

The streets, once filled with the bustling life and vibrant culture of the Wookiee inhabitants, now stood deserted, shadows cast by the approaching armada lengthening ominously.

As the heavy transports and dropships descended upon the city, kicking up clouds of dust and debris in their wake, the Starfighters streaked across the sky like shooting stars heralding destruction.

The once serene cityscape was now a canvas for the chaos of war, the clash of metal and the roar of engines drowning out any semblance of peace that may have lingered.

The inhabitants of Kachirho, caught in the crossfire of galactic conflict once more, could only watch in fear and awe as the fate of their city hung in the balance.

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Star Wars Eclipse Could Show The Rise Of The Trade Federation
<<094839 GST>> Incoming transmission…
<<094841 GST>> Retrieving contents…
<<094842 GST>> Encryption dectected.
<<094842 GST>> Unencrypt? [Y/N]
<<094843 GST>> Processing…
<<094845 GST>> Sucess.

To the Trade Federation Directorate,

With the galaxy currently engulfed in turmoil due to the conflicts and disputes among powerful factions like the Sith Order, Galactic Alliance, and Dark Empire, the stability of our once impervious trade routes is threatened. This disruption is resulting in a gradual decline in the flow of essential goods and resources crucial for the prosperity of our interstellar trading empire.

Furthermore, the looming dangers of piracy and smuggling exacerbate our challenges by not only compromising the integrity of our trade networks but also endangering the safety of our vital shipments. It is indispensable to acknowledge that as a member of the Federation, it is incumbent upon us to assert and maintain our strength and influence amid the diverse factions that populate the galaxy.

Equally significant is the necessity to uphold a robust standing army capable of defending us against any overt acts of aggression that may undermine the peace and stability we endeavor to preserve.

It is essential that we fortify our defenses and readiness to counter any threats that may arise, ensuring the protection of our interests and territories within the vast expanse of the galaxy. As we navigate these turbulent times, safeguarding our trade routes and maintaining a strong military presence become pivotal aspects of securing the future prosperity and security of our interstellar domain.

Goals for the Trade Federation moving into 902 ABY:

  1. Strengthen Trade Routes:
  • We need to work towards establishing secure and efficient trade routes that can withstand disruptions and protect our shipments.
  • Investing in advanced technology and security measures will be crucial in ensuring the safety and reliability of our trade networks.
  1. Expand Market Presence:
  • We should aim to expand our market presence by exploring new opportunities for trade and establishing partnerships with emerging markets.
  • Diversifying our portfolio of goods and services will enable us to adapt to changing market trends and maximize profitability.
  1. Promote Diplomacy and Cooperation:
  • Engaging in diplomatic initiatives with other factions and governments will be essential in resolving conflicts and fostering cooperation for mutual benefit.
  • Building strong relationships with key players in the galaxy can help us mitigate risks and navigate the complex political landscape.
  1. Expansion of the Trade Defense Force + Trade Federation Droid Army
Star Wars | Who Exactly Were The Trade Federation? — CultureSlate

  1. Investing in research and development to create cutting-edge weapons and defense systems
  2. Constructing new bases and fortifications on key planets to strengthen our presence in strategic locations
  3. Developing cyber warfare capabilities to defend against digital threats and attacks
  4. Enhancing our intelligence capabilities to gather critical information and stay ahead of potential threats
  5. Increasing the number of specialized units such as special forces, naval fleets, and fighter squadrons
  6. Modernizing our existing fleet of starships and vehicles to maintain a technological edge over our adversaries
  7. Implementing comprehensive logistical and supply chains to ensure our forces have the resources they need at all times
  8. Continuously evaluating and adapting our military strategies and tactics to respond effectively to evolving threats and challenges.

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// Legion Commander // 307th Red Riders //
Armor / Hand Of God / Rifle / Pistol / Saber(s) / Grenade //

// Fortress Carnifex // Flanking // Surrounding City Sector
// Allies : NIO /
// Enemy : TSE /

Eight Standard Hours Before..
Sith-Imperial Space, In Transit.....

The halls of the Inceptus they had found themselves stationed on was rife with troopers on the move, the low thunder of boots echoed down the long metallic halls of the assault ship. Orders faintly buzzed from the helmets of the troopers, orders that had come from her very lips in preparation. Lyra stormed down the corridors toward the main hangar, a handful of staff on her heels as they exchanged quiet words. The fresh coat on the tenebrae hid the charred marks from Dubrillion, she had lost four helmets now and her luck was running thin.

Her eyes swept down to the new helm in hand, the green lens reflected the florescents.
Not this time, she swore silently as a hot gust escaped her and she scoffed. Her thoughts lingered on the soft faces of the twins, of her boys. Her eyes fell shut and she shook her head, the hiss of the blast doors that opened before her served as a warning. The cut of the steel pulled her from her reveries. The final preparations were set and when she stepped into the hangar bay she tucked the piece of armor under her arm. They passed the fuel lines and crews who raced to finish the final flight checks. Those who weaved between them, the commanders and noncoms who inspected the first teams to drop-gathered as she waved them down. The 307th was spilling out in the steel bays, faint shouts mingled with the machinery as ships fired up, the heat of the repulsors filling the space.

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Sith-Imperial K1-Series War Bonds

  • Manufacturer:
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status:
    • Closed-Market | Limited Purchases to Non-Sith Order Sponsors |
    • Open-Market | Avaliable to all Sith Order Members and their Sub-Organizations |
  • Model:
    • Sith-Imperial K1-Series War Bond
  • Modularity:
    • No-Modularity Permitted
  • Production:
    • Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • No Material | War-Bond is Digitalized |
  • Digital currency - the bonds are issued electronically and can be stored on holodiscs or datachips for safekeeping. While physical credit chips were considered as they were under the Original War Bond, it was decided that such resources could better be utlized for the military-industrial complex.
  1. Provide a way for regulary citizenry of the Sith Order to contribute to the current war effort.
  2. Finance large military campaigns and operations across the galaxy in response to emerging threats.
  3. Offers a safe investment option for the citizenry during times of galactic economic uncertainty
  1. Diverts resources away from the civilian economy of the Sith order, affecting areas of education and infrastructure.
  2. Lower Rate on Investment (around 2-3 per cent), considerably less than average stock market performances.
  3. The Bonds will only be paid out if the Sith Order is in a good fianncial position in 5-15 years when the bonds are fully matured.

The Sith Order has embarked on an extensive expansion endeavor since its foundations, although a venture that has undeniably incurred exhorbitant costs. Specifically, a substantial portion, approximately one-third, of the organziations fiancial might is being allocated to sustain the burgeoning military-industrial complex and funding various foreign undertakings across the vast expanse of the galaxy.

These strategic acquesitions, while crucial for asserting dominance and control, unfortunately, did not yield significant profits, and consequently, have placed immense strain on the financial stability of the Sith Order. To mitigate the financial ramifications of these amibitous endeavors, the Sith Banking Clan has been compelled to authorize the issuance of supplementary credits to finance and bolster the success of these operations.

The Sith-Imperial K1-Series War Bonds are meant to stem the tide of hyperinflation and complete economic collapse. These bonds are also targetted at non-Sith Empire investors and offer more compeitive returns on investment, though still below market averages.
They are designed to provide a modest injection of foreign capital into the Sith-Imperial economy

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Board Hapan Battle Dragon
// FOCUS //
Armor, Rifle, The Albatross

Eyes watching the back of the liaison, Adrial couldn’t help but not trust the woman. He’d seen missions with attaches where men had been lost and the mission flipped on its head. So far the cheerful almost carefree demeanor of liaison Locke gave her a certain charm. Perhaps disarming for most, for the Thyrisian she was still an unknown.

Raising the cup filled with the magical ichor known as protein, Adrial drank of it. He let the sweet taste of vanilla, consume his sense of taste before cascading down to his gut. The soldier didn’t stop till the bottle was empty before tossing it off to the side. Taking out a vial filled to the brim with white powder, Adrial made a line of it before snorting it off the back of his wrist. The powder stung on its way up, a smear of white left across the Thyrisian’s dark skin before he leaped in behind Allyson, only to see she’d already cleared the hall.

Bloodshot eyes looked down on the agent, before looking back to Sledge who gave the all-clear symbol. “Hmmm seems you’re better than I thought. But that’s just the first two. “You know your objectives men! Move out!”

Finally dawning his helmet, and shouldering his rifle, Adrial pushed forward at the head of the group. From around one of the corners a pirate popped their head out firing a red dart of energy down the hall that smacked into Adrial’s chest. The behemoth of a man looking down to the scorch mark left, before leveling his glasteel visor on the target. “Bad move.”

Charging the pirate Adrial grabbed the side of their head, before pulling and slamming their head into the edge of a wall. The insurgents head squished like a rotten jugga fruit. Bits of crimson and flecks of pink coated Adrial's arms from the hands to his forearms. A streak of red across his helmet. Letting the corpse slide to the floor, Adrial checked his map not even attempting to clean himself of the gore. “Keep down this hall!”

Opening a private coms between himself and Allyson. “So why did the Empire deem you as the one to be sent with us? You one of those NIO spooks?”

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Location: Imperial Capital Complex
Opposition: NIO |

Post #1

"Adjust those intake levels and keep watch. If they go above 950 then we'll have a forced shut down to cool." She stuffed the legionnaire helmet under her arm as she exited the large plaza-turned-headquarters. The mechanic she spoke to still held a look of surprised disgust, his eyes turning away from the red smear on the work floor to the doctor's back as she left. Though he was of higher rank the mechanic nodded at her order, not feeling up to giving a reprimand after what he'd seen.

Cara fell into a chair left inside the repurposed break room. Supply boxes lined the walls, their contents ranging from liquid bacta to ammunition to rations. Holo displays of the battle beamed from the main table casting the room in tints of turquoise and scarlet. She appreciated the confines of the small quarters as one by one she pulled away the gauntlet's bloodied fingers. The heavy glove was then tossed onto the table. The holos glitched then finally warped around the foreign object and Cara watched with distracted interest.

Resting on the edge of the table was her helmet. Standard edition, efficient, and not empty. Aidee, a blue ID10 seeker droid, made his roost inside the dome. He peeked over its edge, cameras giving varied quick whirs as he watched his master contemplate. Cara rose from the chair to tread around the display, her metal knuckles scraping along the edges of the table as she did. Unused to the doctor wearing such a blank expression Aidee warbled a small question. Was she feeling regret? The trooper came into the complex by subtle means, his cloaking device hiding him from eyes both organic and artificial. Hearing the electric synapses of his device the doctor tracked then skewered it with her arm. Was she sad she had to do that?

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"The Invictus III Space Defense Platform, crafted by the esteemed Shipwright and manufacturer Byblos Star Drives, is the premier choice for safeguarding your homeworld against an invasion by a foreign power, and even the vagabonds that inhabit the hyperspace lanes. This station can guarantee the protection your assets, no matter the cirumstances!"
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation:
    • Like all products of Byblos Star Drives, the Invictus III comes equipped with a Hypermatter Annihilator System, allowing it to create an enormous amount of power for its various systems and sub-systems which means it can operate for far longer than normal.
  • Formidable Station:
    • The Invictus III was engineered to serve as the most formidable defense station in the galaxy, boasting a side array of weaponry positioned throughout its armored hull and is equipped with ample shielding to endure multiple enemy fleet bombardments without suffering serious damage.
  • Stationary:
    • The Invictus III was engineered to operate as a stationary facility, devoid of any capacity for mobility or propulsion due to the absence of essential starship components.
  • Extreme Firepower:
    • Despite the impressive engineering of the Invictus III, it remains vulnerable to more powerful weaponry wielded by super star destroyers, superdreadnoughts, or a squadron of battlecruisers. The station's defenses can easily be breached by any of these formidable vessels.

The Invictus III Space Defense Platform was designed and developed by Byblos Star Drives as an entry point into the orbital defense market, a sector that has low compeition in comparasion to professional starships and capital ship construction.

Its purpose is to act as a formidable bastion against an enemy invasion fleet exiting from hyperspace, with it often serving as the first fortification in any prolonged naval engagement.

Equipped with a vast and diverse arsenal, the Invictus III is a force to be reckoned with, from its formidable missile luanchers to its awe-inspiring capital ship turrets, the platform can surely strike fear into the heart of any adversary arrayed against it.

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Name: Sossi Tabb II
Aliases: The Galactic Loan Shark
Faction: Independent

Species: Muun
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 120 lbs.
Skin: Pale
Eye Color: Grey
Force Sensitive: No

San Hill - Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones


  1. High intelligence and analytical skills:
    1. Sossi is known for their exceptional mathematical abilities and analytical mindset, which allows them to make sound financial decisions and assess investment opportunities effectively.
  2. Efficient problem-solving skills:
    1. Sossi is adept at quickly identifying and addressing financial challenges, finding creative solutions to complex problems, and adapting to changing market conditions.
  3. Strategic thinking:
    1. Sossi possess strategic thinking skills that help them develop long-term financial plans, identify risks, and capitalize on opportunities for their clients.

  1. Lack of empathy:
    1. Sossi may struggle with interpersonal skills and have difficulty connecting with clients on a personal level, which can hinder their ability to build strong relationships and maintain client satisfaction.
  2. Overconfidence:
    1. Sossi can sometimes be overly confident in their abilities and assumptions, leading to poor decision-making and increased risk-taking that could negatively impact their clients' financial outcomes.
  3. Limited flexibility:
    1. Due to their highly structured and analytical nature, Sossi may struggle to adapt to unforeseen circumstances or changes in the market, which can limit their ability to respond quickly and effectively to emerging challenges.

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"The Seredda Automated Shipyards MK II, designed by the renowned starship manufacturer Byblos Star Drives, stands as the ultimate selection for the efficient production of starships, ranging from colossal star destroyers to the tiniest starfighters in your fleet. Equipped with cutting-edge internal security systems and an array of advanced point defense batteries, it ensures unparalleled safety and protection."
- Mac Tarot, Sales Representative.


  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems

  • Power Generation:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards are outfitted with a Hypermatter Annihilator System and a Modified Siphon Generator, enabling the facility to produce a significant quantity of power necessary for the construction of starships. Additionally, it has the capability to ensure a consistent flow of power for the different systems and sub-systems, thus maintaining operational efficiency.
  • Starship Construction:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were meticulously crafted to ensure utmost efficiency in the fabrication and upkeep of a wide array of starships, spanning from colossal star destroyers to diminutive starfighters. This enables factions to effortlessly expand their naval fleet and conduct neccessary maintenance, all without the need to rely on external ship manufacturers.
  • No Offensive Power:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were specifically created as civilian stations to facilitate efficient mass production. In accordance with universal regulations, these shipyards do not possess any weapons for offensive purposes and must not be employed for such activities.
  • High Maintenance:
    • The Seredda Automated Shipyards were meticulously crafted with a plethora of cutting-edge systems encompassing security and manufacturing. The seamless operation of a single shipyard necessitates the dedicated efforts of an entire team of engineers and technicians to ensure even minimum output. However, as is frequently observed with excessively intricate facilities, these shipyards tend to experience frequent breakdowns.

The Seredda Automated Shipyards Mark II were conceptualized and brought to life by Henry McMill, an engineer employed by Byblos Star Drives with the intention of entering the mobile shipyard market, which is less competitive compared to the professional starships and capital ship construction dockyards of Kuat and Bilbringi. The primary objective behind the design was to create a cost-effective mobile shipyard for the general market, while also incorporating sufficient defensive mechanisms to instill confidence in the Trade Federation of Planets, the parent company of Byblos.

Production of the first batch commenced in 890 ABY under the supervision of Director Rulonom Laborr. However, the initial production line was halted after it became apparent that the expenses associated with manufacturing such mobile shipyards far surpassed the estimated budget projections for the project.

The project advanced into mass-production after undergoing a round of redesign and negotiations within the internal operations of the Federation. This progression involved a reduction in size from 4,000 meters to 3,000 meters, aiming to cut down on expenses. Additionally, a diverse range of cutting-edge technologies were integrated into the project to attract potential buyers and investors.

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The Trade Federation Embargo Zone - 900 ABY


To His Majesty, Emperor

The Trade Federation of Planets has been actively monitoring the increasing impact the Empire of the Lost is having on the stability of the Galactic Trade Lanes within its designated area of operation. This destabilization has reverberated as a direct consequence of the Empire's aggressive and sporadic expansion strategies coupled with their unfriendly actions towards the Sith Order, a crucial trade ally prevalent in that specific celestial quadrant.

The aggressive stance of the Empire jeopardizes the fluidity of trade routes, creating significant challenges for our freighters and merchant fleets navigating through the contested territories, as they run the risk of potential assaults from both the formidable Sith Order's Armada and the Kainite Forces entrenched within the Holy Worlds seeking retaliation following the recent altercation on Felucia.

Acknowledging the Empire's inherent right as a sovereign entity to engage in warfare, we, as a neutral entity, face a dilemma in safeguarding our reputation amidst escalating hostilities.

Consequently, we have taken the decision to reclassify the Empire of the Lost as a Class C Economy and, proactively designate your entire spatial sphere as 'A No Trade Zone' until a resolution is achieved between the Empire and the Sith Order, thereby mitigating the risks associated with trading in conflict-ridden zones and upholding our commitment to maintaining peace and stability within the Galactic Trade Lanes.


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Chris Glenn - STAR WARS The Clone Wars / Environments & Vehicles

/:/ Scipio /:/
A Profitable Meeting /:/
/:/ Tag: /:/

A slender eyebrow perked up arched in curiosity as the InterStellar Stock Exchange appeared on the compact desk screen for him to peruse. The InterGalactic Banking Clan had experienced a remarkable resurgence following the downfall of the New Imperial Order, with regulations and security measures easing as the remaining Imperial Warlords battled for control over the remnants of the once powerful imperial war apparatus.

Amidst the chaos, a new player emerged from the shadows in the form of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan, filled with turncoats left over from the Sith Empire who had forsaken the fundamental principles of the authentic banking clan.

Even with their successful loan programs and generous discounts, rumors have reached the Deputy Director about the Dark Empire's plans to dominate and establish their own economic power structure by invading the Planets of Muunilinst, Entralla and Scipio.

The Banking Clan found themselves in a precarious situation due to this unprofitable plan, forcing them to look for external clients in order to withstand the imminent threats.

"T-4, you may send the client in." The rather nasily voice of the Deputy Director said into the intercom system, allowing the client to enter inside.

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The Imperial Brothers

B E S C A N E |:| I M P E R I A L |:| A U T H O R I T Y


U L E S S - T Y A R
Lord High Admiral of Bescane


:: Name
:: Uless-Tyar Ireikkav
:: Aliases :: The Brothers, The Monstrous Admiral
:: Homeworld :: Bescane

:: Faction :: Bescane Imperial Authority
:: Branch
:: Government
:: Occupation :: Imperial Warlord
:: Rank :: Lord High Admiral


:: Species
:: Mutant Human
:: Age :: 57
:: Force Sensitivity :: None

:: Height :: 6'1
:: Weight :: 220 LBS
:: Build :: Slightly Overweight

:: Eyes :: Grey
:: Hair :: Grey and Blonde
:: Skin Tone :: Pale
:: Notable Features :: Two-Heads, Stiched Body


Sexuality :: Heterosexual
:: Relationship Status :: Single
:: Personality :: Wrathful, Avarious, Diligent, Insane


:: Strengths ::

  1. Strong Leadership Skills: Uless-Tyar is able to command and lead troops effectively in battle, inspiring some semblance of loyalty and respect among their subordinates.
  2. Strategic Thinker: Uless-Tyar excels at planning and executing military campaigns, having the benefit of two military minds to consider all angles and potential outcomes to achieve victory.
  3. Charismatic and Persuasive: Despite being a Mutant Monster, Uless-Tyar is able to rally support for their cause, gaining followers and allies through their demeanor.
:: Weaknesses ::

  1. Ruthlessness: The Imperial Warlord often resorts to extreme measures to maintain their power and control over the Fortress World, often sacrificing the well-being of others for their own benefit.
  2. Arrogance: Having two heads leads to overconfidence in one's ability, fully believing themselves to be invincible and underestimating their enemies.

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|:| Project Iron Misery |:|

|:| Imperial Grade Dual 200GT MTL Anti-Starfighter Emplacement |:|

  • Classification: Point-Defense Cannon
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Damage Output: Very High
  • Recoil: Very High
  • Long Range
  • Very High Rate of Fire
  • Very High Damage Output
  • Large Ammunition Capacity
  • Very Large
  • Very Heavy
  • Anti-Starfighter Only
  • High Maintenance due to Special Features

The Imperial Grade Dual 200GT MTL Anti-Starfighter Emplacement represents the latest advancement in point-defense systems created by the InterGalactic Technology Union for Project Iron Misery.

A contingency plan enacted by the Trade Federation of Planets following the collapse of the New Imperial Order and the emergence of various imeprial successor states such as the Empire of the Lost, The Dark Empire, and the Imperial Military Protectorate.

Serving as a pinnacle of Old Imperial Research, this system was specifically engineered to neutralize hostile starfighter swarms and penetrate the protective screens shielding enemy fleets during combat engagements.

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