Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onith Trill

*Says Dathomiri Witch* *Puts nothing but Nightsister Images*

This one knows the fate of Dathomir.
Absolutely intended to do so, Megadon. We've gotta be faithful to the source material and represent the mystique of the Dathomiri. Otherwise, what's the point in writing one?

And yes, you represent my idea perfectly, Taleen. It'll work! A single representative from each clan would be more than sufficient - or, if we have many clans, we could go via proportional representation (so if we had 6-8 from Singing Mountain, they might get 2 on the Council of Elders, while a clan with 1-3 might just have the one representative). It'd work effectively, I think, allowing co-operation but yet giving each clan and the players writing for them a good deal of independence :)
Oh! Thankss, Taleen! In my defense, I'm really too tired to be here >_< But yes, like I said, I can see Witches uniting against outsider threats. Canon records will show many events in their history where divided, they fell to the Empire and such and they certainly would have learned from it. Even of so many perished with the plague but the stories would remain as they always do.

But I would definitely get behind a council of clan mothers.

To be honest though, I don't see Witches ever truly getting into any kind of mass production. Yes, they create weapons and have a rich wild life to use for protection/selling/battling, such as the rancors and their brothers bull rancors. But droids, that definitely isn't something that would spread. But whatever industry they do get into, Koratas is certainly a good basis with its mining.

Heh, yes, that may often be the issue, @[member="Megadon"] . My character hasn't been one for paintings (and her writer sucks editing such things in) and the like but I try to maintain her far from what would be RL fashion, especially when at home. She has picked up some things from the Jedi and the galaxy but bikini, mini skirts, etc. is certainly not the fashion of Witches nor shall it ever be.
Teynara Jeralyr said:
Absolutely intended to do so, Megadon. We've gotta be faithful to the source material and represent the mystique of the Dathomiri. Otherwise, what's the point in writing one?

And yes, you represent my idea perfectly, Taleen. It'll work! A single representative from each clan would be more than sufficient - or, if we have many clans, we could go via proportional representation (so if we had 6-8 from Singing Mountain, they might get 2 on the Council of Elders, while a clan with 1-3 might just have the one representative). It'd work effectively, I think, allowing co-operation but yet giving each clan and the players writing for them a good deal of independence :)
It's all good ideas but first we need to form the list and see what clans are currently here. We currently won't be removing any canon clans and are open to new ones (ie. mergers are not foreign to the factions like the Bring Sun Clan has done in said canon). For those clans that we currently lack, we can always say there hasn't been any mention of them to the planet as a community as a whole, whether individual clans have had contact will really just be up to the storylines. But for now, we really should compile the list. I shall start it at the end of the post!

Taleen said:
*Says Dathomiri Witch* *Puts nothing but Nightsister Images*

This one knows the fate of Dathomir.
Those are nightsisters yes, but we too use our own markings. Examples of the Singing Mountain Clan:



The list! (copy paste and add yourself!)

Allyan Clans (Lighside)
-- Satara Hawk (Singing Mountain Clan)
Nightsisters (Darkside)
Well, Teferi has already done the nightsister ones and we've suggested the allyan ones (for females and males) to be added. He hasn't made them so if we decided on something else for the whole faction, we really should let him know before he starts doing them.

Onith Trill

Satara Hawk said:
Allyan Clans (Lighside)
-- Satara Hawk (Singing Mountain Clan)
Nightsisters (Darkside)
Also, are any of you Frenzied River? In my bio I/my clan killed almost all of them 7-8 years ago, so if we put them as an NPC clan, have them hate the Nightsisters and be fractured.
Yay, Teynara! :)

As far as I know, you're the only one from the Frenzied River right now, Taleen. But as the first, you can easily be its representative if you wish to keep to it even with its low numbers. You can always have people creating characters in the future who have either left Dathomir or have previously been exiled for this or that reason and have them return to their birth plan (or adoption. Singing Mountain Clan is big on adopting people into the clan, as long as its all done before a witness to make it official). You have plenty of options how you want to tackle your clan :)

Thanks, Teferi :D

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