Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onith Trill

Reyven Samoth said:
It's called 'space', and people are already ruling there... >.>
They are now, but they won't be for long.

@[member="Satara Hawk"]

Are you planning on a Witch or Nightsister faction?
Both. Witches of Dathomir is a galaxy in small, the name as well as the location represents all the residents of Dathomir. While in character, a light witch will always look down a nightsister or any allyan witch that falls will be exiled from their clans, it's one big group that covets both. It's how canon was written.

We divide ourselves by clans and distinguish whether the clan is lightside or darkside. Darksiders essentially call themselves Nightsister because the leading darkside clan is the Nightsister Overclan that brings together all the darkside Witches and Jai. But really, we Witches focus on clan and whether good on evil. :)

Onith Trill

@[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]
Thanks, I couldn't think of any other character that personified the Nightsister image so well.

EDIT: I think I read that wrong. Do you mean for the Nightsisters and Witches to be different factions, or for Nightsisters and Witches to be combined into one faction with one or both being subfactions(like say the Jedi and the Republic)?
So might be best to separate into two clans but have one or two writers leading the Overclan, to bring all together.

EDIT: I we maintain the Overclan, Taleen, it's do-able. And there are plenty of planets in the Quelii Sector (where Dathomir is location) that could be taken as belonging to the Dathomiri, giving them a small but existent planetary power base close to home. I'd recommend Dathomir, Cathar and Vinsoth, primarily.
I would love to see this take off. It's a throwback to traditional portrayals of witches in older materials: mysterious, mythic, inclusive, dangerous, and legendary.
Teynara Jeralyr said:
So might be best to separate into two clans but have one or two writers leading the Overclan, to bring all together.

EDIT: I we maintain the Overclan, Taleen, it's do-able. And there are plenty of planets in the Quelii Sector (where Dathomir is location) that could be taken as belonging to the Dathomiri, giving them a small but existent planetary power base close to home. I'd recommend Dathomir, Cathar and Vinsoth, primarily.
We could also use the basis of ships crashing into the nearby worlds... And NEW witches forming out of them like Allya over the past 400 years! Going all backwater survivalist style!
Teynara Jeralyr said:
So firmly establishing that Dathomiri are smart enough to have hyperdrive-capable ships, but zero capability in working functional navicomputers...

There's a joke about women drivers in there somewhere.
No, just any ships really, doesnt have to be witches, but offworlders too. They used to have connections with the Jedi, Sith, etc.

Onith Trill

Teynara Jeralyr said:
So might be best to separate into two clans but have one or two writers leading the Overclan, to bring all together.

EDIT: I we maintain the Overclan, Taleen, it's do-able. And there are plenty of planets in the Quelii Sector (where Dathomir is location) that could be taken as belonging to the Dathomiri, giving them a small but existent planetary power base close to home. I'd recommend Dathomir, Cathar and Vinsoth, primarily.
That would probably be the best way. When I first heard it I thought she meant Nightsisters and Witches having different factions, which would bring about a myriad of problems, but this idea has a lot of potential.

Let's say ships start landing on Dathomir. Witches begin to comprehend 'space' again and wish to move around. They realize it would be better to consolidate into one clan in a world against the galaxy type thing, so they merge into one 'Overclan' as you put it. The Nightsisters realize that they don't have the numbers to handle a war with all of the clans at once, so they A) form a faux Witch clan to merge with the Overclan B)Infiltrate many clans and integrate into the Overclan that way or perhaps a combination of both. From then on the Nightsisters are integrated in with the normal Witches in secret.

Personally, I think it's best if the Witches cannot produce ships of their own(yet) but have discovered how to pilot ships the find by interrogating crashed ship's members.
You could almost see them as different branches: the Nightsisters being the aggressive Sisters determined to expand and establish the Dathomiri as a strong force, while the Allya and the Light-sided Sisters consolidate things at home, producing and training new daughters, maintaining the political peace on Dathomir itself, and actually doing the hard work of colonising the new planets they obtain.

Onith Trill

The reason why I have the Nightsisters as a secret integrated part of the Dathomir Witches is because I just don't see them becoming allies. The Nightsisters are naturally too aggressive, and the normal Witches are too intolerant of Shadow Magic.
Initially so, yes, but once the Sisters recognise the dangers posed by groups like the Sith seeking expansion, it's a matter of survival: band together and present a dangerous unified front, or be swept away one clan at a time as those outside forces first gain a foothold and then do away with the Witches entirely, claiming the planet for themselves.
If we recall courtship of leia, the Allyans tolerated the nightsisters as long as they stayed on their own clan territory and even has delegates come over to discuss males for trade....

So this can work. Just that the Allyans were quick to put the exiles nightsisters in their place if needed.
@[member="Taleen"] , I didn't really think of it that way. Major and Minor Factions is not something I have experience with but perhaps it could be done if there is enough writes on both ends. However, the facton itself would be Witches of Dathomir. That much is sure.

I'm just a tad bit confused now. There seem to be mention of two clans, one overclan... if I understood you right, from Satara's point, she would always unite with other Allyan Witches to protect their world from outsiders and darksiders, however Singing Mountain Clan would remain. She would never allow for it to perish or merge in anyway. As I assume most Witches would feel the same about their clans. Basically, think of them as small IC groups within the faction, existent as per canon, it's who they are.

And it would hardly be a problem for them to figure out the galaxy again. Individual Witches have gone out in the galaxy (both Satara and Ti'Cira have established stories with the Jedi and other grups) and there will probably be others and the knowledge can be easily brought back, even if it begins as tales of the outsiders.

Onith Trill

Satara Hawk said:
@[member="Taleen"] , I didn't really think of it that way. Major and Minor Factions is not something I have experience with but perhaps it could be done if there is enough writes on both ends. However, the facton itself would be Witches of Dathomir. That much is sure.

I'm just a tad bit confused now. There seem to be mention of two clans, one overclan... if I understood you right, from Satara's point, she would always unite with other Allyan Witches to protect their world from outsiders and darksiders, however Singing Mountain Clan would remain. She would never allow for it to perish or merge in anyway. As I assume most Witches would feel the same about their clans. Basically, think of them as small IC groups within the faction, existent as per canon, it's who they are.

And it would hardly be a problem for them to figure out the galaxy again. Individual Witches have gone out in the galaxy (both Satara and Ti'Cira have established stories with the Jedi and other grups) and there will probably be others and the knowledge can be easily brought back, even if it begins as tales of the outsiders.
The way I understand it, Tey is saying that once the Dathomiri realize the threat the Galaxy poses to all of them, they would band together to form one giant, planetary clan in order to protect themselves. The Dathomiri are too prideful to just let all of their clan names go, so they'd probably make a council of clan mothers and the clans would be subdivisions of the Overclan, almost like regiments in the military. They would have their own little politics and debates and such, but in the end they would all be serving to give the Dathomir protection from the more violent factions of the Galaxy.

As for the Witches establishing themselves in the Galaxy, I think they'd figure out how it worked pretty quickly, but I don't think they'd have the resources to mass produce ships, guns, droids, etc. I think most of their equipment would be scavenged until they could establish a shipyard/factory, like say the Quarians in Mass Effect.
Aye. The bulk of the tech they had in the books were savaged force pikes and the like.

With the song of communication, they could have been able to communicate to whatever poor souls have crashed or were stranded on the planet due to the high gravity.
Don't worry my little coughdrop, my statement was not one of judgment. It is, however, a quasi-warning - I've seen two Witches fo Dathomir factions spring up across boards during my time afloat on the interwebs, and one damning feature of both of them goes something like this:

Dathomir Witch:





Is somehow translated into this:





Notice the difference?

For me the Witches of Dathomir have always presented a fascinating idea: they are an isolated group of Force-using shamans whom are opened up the galaxy for the first time. They are almost the epitome of mysticism clashing with technological innovation, and the struggle between old and new, innovation vs reliability, tradition vs modernity, mysticism vs disciplined practice etc, the Witches are a perfect catalyst for all of these and more. Yet unfortunately, every iteration I've seen of them have just turned them into narcassistic strippers acting out the writers failed high-school Queen Bee political fantasies that utter a few words before throwing about their suspiciously-lax-about-providing-a-canon-source Force power. The culture of an isolated, primitive planet where the women run things with supernatural powers would not produce such vapid individuals!

If you get to go through with the faction idea, please, please, please, retain their shamanistic and mystical character. Do not be seduced (literally) by white-washing the whole idea behind the Witches and replacing it with more of what we've seen before.
Our faith rides with you.

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