Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I think one is probably best, tbh. Makes inter-Faction interaction more entertaining.

Allyan Witch: "I think that we should carefully consider how we interact with these off-worlders."
Nightsister: "SCREW YOU, you tradition-addled Zealot!"
Allyan Witch: "So that's a 'no' vote, is it?"
Hehe, yes, Teynara that will definitely be half of the fun!

Don't worry, Brownyn, Taleen will keep you company! And it's a small planet, we're bound to run into each other a lot. :)

Okay, we've wrapped up the type of faction, the members for now and the basis for the story. Capital planet is obvious and we can technically take two more. Personally, I think it from the point of the story that wouldn't work for us now. As a group, we've been secluded for so long that we've kept to Dathomir. That's my two cents though. If any of you think there is a way and a reason to add another planet right now, suggest!
I regards to fleets. Who needs fleets!??

We control the skies! Space!

Not like we can force storm the crap out of the heavens, and use the Heart of Dathomir to blow ships out of the sky and make dathomir burn into a post apocalyptic dathomir....

/minor sarcasm :p
Allyan Clans (Light Side)
-- Satara Hawk (Singing Mountain Clan)
-- Ti'Cira Hawk (Singing Mountain Clan)
-- Alarah Dei (Singing Mountain Clan)

Nightsisters (Dark Side)
--Taleen (Frenzied River Clan)
-- Bronwyn Tyr (Dreaming River Clan)

Onith Trill

So who wishes to file the official 'paperwork' and become Faction Leader?

@[member="Bronwyn Tyr"]
We shall teach these Singing Mountain Witches the power they could have with Shadow Magic.

@[member="Curupira Hawk"]
What say you on the faction?
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Heh, Taleen. Thanks for the tag. But I know the IC reasons why this character isn't WoD at this age. I'm very loyal to what my characters want. *gestures to the proof 1A, Satara Hawk* Another proof and why this thread is up. She's my resident hardcore Witch :D
Fleets, @[member='Skye Mertaal'], are so not in my capacity. I'm as capable at fleets as both Ruu and Satara put together. Which is bare minimum, lol. So if anyone wants to do this, feel free to.

As far as running the faction, I wouldn't mind it being [member='TiCira D'Arr Hawk'][/b], but since she's on her break right now :p I can handle it.

Onith Trill

In regards to fleets, unless the Dathomiri get a shipyard going there's no way we can really standardize a fleet, and unless we can standardize a fleet we would basically have to make a factory submission for each individual ship.
That's right. Koratas, one of the four moon of Dathomir, is where I would put all of the industry. Mining there has its history, building a shipyard in the future would be a good idea. Not only would ships be made for the faction but it would also be a way of bringing an income to the Dathomir.

But I'm way ahead of myself of there, that's for the very distant future. Right now, what we would have is ships that have crashed, left abandoned on the planet. Those that would be still in some sort of flying condition that they would require minimal fixing. Give our men enough time with them and possibly droids (like the one Taleen has) with enough knowledge about them and they could learn how to fix it for us.
Satara Hawk said:
Fleets, @[member='Skye Mertaal'], are so not in my capacity. I'm as capable at fleets as both Ruu and Satara put together. Which is bare minimum, lol. So if anyone wants to do this, feel free to.

As far as running the faction, I wouldn't mind it being [member='TiCira D'Arr Hawk'][/b], but since she's on her break right now :p I can handle it.

Feel free to dear :)

Alarah Dei

Technically, Dathomir already has shipyards - they were built by the Empire (under the command of Warlord Zsinj) following the Battle of Endor, so they were present during the events of The Courtship of Princess Leia.
True, @[member="Alarah Dei"]. But those were made 800 years ago. (which is why I bring up Kotaras, since that's where they belong). But considering how much time has passed, considering the plague, not enough ships, I figure they'd have to re-discover the shipyard and get it back working (heh, roleplay material!).

Okay! Gonna go figure out about making a faction now!

Onith Trill

Alli Wren said:
*wants to join and is good with fleets*
You're in.

Alli Wren said:
I just need to make a new char... * goes to research*
All you need to know is that the Nightsisters are the most powerful witches and all men are slaves.

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