Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What if you were backwards?

I actually don't think anything would change. Voroll only knows Force Empathy and has since birth, doesn't know how to fight with a lightsaber and only has training with a blaster. He'd probably be a soldier for the Sith or something just as evil. But because I haven't developed him enough to actually know who he is (instead of predetermining who I want him to be) I don't know what his opposite would be.

Akodya Mune

An overly confident, flirty, promiscuous girl raised as a Sith but is questioning the ways of the dark side and slowly slipping into the light?


If Alida were backwards, she would be my Jedi, Chiara Xextos - her alter ego. Originally, the two were one of the same until I separated them here on Chaos and made Alida her own person.

Chiara, Jedi:

An individual who is concrete and kind. She's a truly warm and sweet girl who want's to believe that people have the best of intentions. However, this sometimes leaves her vulnerable to being deceived. Chiara values harmony, and cooperation, and is very sensitive to others feelings. Others value Chiara for her awareness and consideration. She also gifted with the unique ability to shine light on the good qualities hiding in those around her.

Alida, Dark Jedi:

Determined, cynical, and a realist with a strong moral compass. She has keen intellect and learns quickly from her mistakes, her primary weakness being youth and lack of experience in the galaxy at large. As a young child she followed her mother, and internalized her values. When she was taken in by her Father, she assimilated the values and traits of her him as well, tapping into dormant aspects of her personality that brought out her headstrong, willful, courageous, and hot-temperament - creating a more complex identity and galacticview. Although she is primarily driven by the future, when she is put under stress she can get wrapped up in her immediate problems. Alternatively, she transitions well from one environment to another, and rarely reflects back on how different she was living before. Her focus is on where she is going and seeing her personal goals through.

Amon Garrith

A kind Republic Army Lieutenant who cares about his men, doesn't worry about promotions, and cares about others. Absolutely sickening, I hope your happy with yourself. You nearly made me vomit.
In the case of Thurion and his brother Thyrian, their backstory is that Thyrian sacrificed himself while pushing Thurion out of a burning building. I could just as easily have been the opposite. So in that case, they would just switch places. That said, the two are not so different even as they are now.
Ane'irna would be a bloodthirsty, insane Sith covered in red tattoos, slaughtering innocents out of boredom and torturing her own soldiers on regular basis. You know, because evil!

Liara Dresh

I would be a purely political, pacifistic, tolerant, alien-loving Zeltron with the ditsiest social mind known to man and no mediclorians whatsoever. See? Now you're all greatful that i am what I am, aren't you? :p

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