Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vanir Eris


Name: Vanir Eris Kühn
Species: Lopar/Lupo

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 240lbs (108kg)
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Complexion: Fair

Force sensitive: Yes
Force alignment: Neutral
Rank: Adept

Business: Vanestris Labs
Storefront: Here

Faction: CIS
Position: Viceroy of Arbra
Division: None

  • For a more detailed overview of his personality, click here.

    One never can really tell what all he notices. He sits back and takes things in, but who can say what has been filed away for later.

    Outwardly he exudes calmness. He is the pillar in a storm, even when inside he feels anything but.

    Honey wins more than vinegar and he knows the value of charming who he needs to get what he wishes.

    No one can ever really be sure just how far he has made plans, nor how those plans can change as circumstances do.

    Plans take time and the devil is in the details. He doesn’t like loose ends and while he doesn’t reach paranoia levels, he does take the time.

    Temperature Frigid
    It takes a lot to actually make him mad, but when he does the permafrost that settles will burn as easily as fire.

    Ruthlessness Sheathed in Velvet
    Once his temper is sparked, he will set about making the one who earned it regret their poor choices all with smooth words and a smile on his face.

    Easily annoyed
    It's not hard to annoy him in the right circumstances. His biggest button is wasting his time. A silvertongue easily becomes a razor blade and stars help the fool he flays.

    Willing to learn
    Vanir isn’t a zealot who follows one particular mindset to the exclusion of all else. He likes to learn new things and will seek out anyone who may have skills he needs or wants.

    No One True Way
    Vanir doesn’t tend to fall to either extreme and as such does best with those of similar mindset. That said he can get along with anyone, as long as their personalities don’t clash too badly. He tends to swing in a way that can compliment another personality, but almost never to extremes.​
  • What he wears really depends on where he is at. He tries to blend into his surroundings, but on his own he dresses nicely, but not too nice. He chooses both comfort and functionality without looking like a slob.

    From the base of his neck, to just above his tail bone he has an intricate Tattoo that he usually keeps hidden by wearing a plain steel ring on his left thumb. This tattoo is proof of his lineage and marks him as a member of his clan.

  • Van is the youngest of fifteen brothers and one sister born to Hanz Kühn and Saratoli Kühn. His father had little to do with him from the moment he was born, his birth having been the end to his sixth and most beloved mate. As a result he was raised by his two eldest brothers Comori and Velias. His mother from the start had struggled to have any offspring at all and when she finally had conceived it had been difficult.

    He was seen, not especially intentionally so, as a child of ill fortune. He had been a weak thing, easily ill, fretful and hard to put to rest. As he grew he got over his sickliness, but trouble always seemed to dog him. He wasn't denied what any of his clansman and siblings had received in ways of education and training, but only his two elder brothers truly let him into their hearts.

    Their clan was an isolated and secretive one, their duties to find and keep safe the histories, artifacts and law of the Islimorian Lupine people. Their race was hunted on their home world and as such his clan had spirited away so that their clan wasn't lost as the lupine fought among themselves as often as they did the interlopers on their home world. This meant from time to time a woman was courted not of their blood to keep their clan healthy. Which was how Vanir's mother came to live among her mate's clan. Vanir had thought that aside from the tragic beginnings he had, he would one day fit in with the others.

    However his mother's blood proved true and he once again found himself the black sheep. His wolf was not like the others, piebald and lanky, a coat splattered with gold and black patches. Large rounded ears and a shorter though no less thick coat. Eris was a splendid beast, but unlike his sleek and pointed eared siblings he stuck out. This naturally brought him in conflict with his brothers closer to his age and he found himself in constant fights or harassment of some kind. Behavior his father didn't condone, but also didn't discipline.

    Hunting alone, studying alone and with adults frequently overlooking him was a lonesome thing for Van. He threw himself into his studies with a will, he got praise from his teachers, but no real praise from the man whom he hungered approval from. His father. His life would continue in this manner till he came of age and was recognized as a man. When he stood with his brothers, he finally laid eyes upon his sire, but by then he cared little for attachment to him. His only goal was to go out in the galaxy and do his duty to his clan, as all Kühn were tasked to do.

    He hungered for more than the world their clan called home. More than the forests and mountains he was born to. He got his wish. As he traveled he came across a man with abilities he had never seen. His own Sensitivities were awakened soon after and Phorian found in Van a pupil he could teach his secrets to. His training however was cut short as he reached Adept, Phorian had been an old man of failing health and met his end peacefully. Van mourned him, buried him and chose to return home to share his knowledge with his clan for as far as he knew no one within it had this sort of training.

    However his arrival home was not as expected, for a nightmare event opened like a maw and devoured all but a handful of his clansman. This event had tore across the galaxy swallowing people and unlike a lucky few, Vanir never got to see those lost returned. All of his brothers were lost along with his father, Comori and Velias' loss hit him harder than anything.

    All he could do was try to rally those left and go back out and do the only thing he could, his duty. He had grown from a clan of a couple hundred, to then lead a clan of thirty. A dubious position to be sure and one that did not sit easily with him, but as he was the only son left of his late father, those left had chosen to accept him. It was the way of their clan, even if he hadn't been groomed for it.

    There is the vain hope that another of his siblings survived and he wanders both to do his duty and maybe, just maybe find those he loved the most.

  • Parents-
    Mother: Saratoli 'Lyrica' Kühn (Deceased)​
    Step-Mother(s): Lailir, Ametha (Missing)​
    Father: Hanz Kühn (Missing)​

    Brother(s)- (Missing)
    In order of age.
    Comori, Velias, Anteir, Braedin​
    Peteras, Althain, Giramor, Andi​
    Zei, Tesir, Aldae, Morain, Wellas​
    Naeden, Ellias​

    Click For Clan Info

  • None

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