Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Parts Pirates, One Part Zombies, Ninjas Optional - Galactic Alliance Dominion of Elrood

Location : Dinbar,Elrood
Objective : BYOO aka Restore Spaceport
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Zombies, zombies everywhere! The dilapidated, squalid spaceport of Dinbar had truly seen better days. Fortunately, Salacia was here to restore it and Firemane had tagged along to provide security by slaughtering the undead creatures that had been so naughty to infest this place. It was a good thing that many of the soldiers were experienced utilising heavy firepower to cleanse these foul undead.

Infested bodies littered the spaceport, piles of them were being ignited with fire to make sure they did not rise again, though the stench of their flesh being incinerated was most foul. Blaster and bolter fire echoed in the distance, explosions resonated across the streets, broken by occasional cries of pain. While Salacia workers and labour droids put up fences to keep trespassers out, Firemane patrols continued to advance in concentric circles, securing one street after the other. Their approach was precise, methodical and brutal. Every street had to be secured, every building purged.

Siobhan Kerrigan was half a galaxy away, but she trusted her officers to do their job. One of the many soldiers and private contractors on the spot was a certain Elpsis Kallikora, though strictly speaking she wasn't a regular employee. Surreptitiously the patrol had advanced, strange noises, screeches and calls, then zombies!

Boom. The Mark One Bolter roared and spat out buckshot as Elpsis spun around in the same moment as zombies charged from the shadows. There was a loud screech, a pale, rotting corpse got its face blown off at close distance. Brain matter spilt out onto the dirty street. From across, the streets more zombies emerged, swarming them.

"First Section, take front, Second the rear," Sergeant Freya Solveig bellowed out. "Short, controlled bursts. Don't let yourselves get bitten! Kallikora, light the bitches up!" Using rubble as cover, the Firemane soldiers formed two firing lines like soldiers of old. Soon the beasts were everywhere, Elpsis opened fire with buckshot, while Freya unleashed explosive rounds that tore through the creatures like a hot knife through butter. The sharp crack of the gun was firing was only matched by the percussive crump of the explosion a second later. Zombies fell to the ground, but many more came, even those lacking limbs still crawled across the ground.

Using her bolter as a club Elpsis bashed a zombie's skull when it lunged at her with its claws before a comrade gunned it down. Leaning the weapon on her shoulder, she stretched out her hand. Her body temperature increased drastically as heat spread across her body, then a scalding stream of flame leapt from her hand towards several beasts to ignite them. Angry screeches were heard as the beasties were literally boilt. Having a Force-based flamethrower was clearly nice!
Objective: B
Location: Incom Facility, Elrood
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Pirates/Insurgents

"Contact at 2 O'Clock" Harm reported as he hit the ground in the prone position. His sonic rifle was perfectly aligned between his shoulder and the insurgents currently at the fence line to the compound. "Activate defensive suite."

The three insurgents trying to bypass the fence were fried as electric current well in excess of even his armors ability to cope with flowed. Those three died almost instantly, but there were many, many more. Harm checked his HUD, he saw that two of his squad were in fortified positions waiting. Harm looked and saw a prepared position a few meters to his left. He fast crawled there and rolled into the position as the other insurgents probed the now electrified fence. The rest of Harmon's squad was keeping an eye on the rest of their fence line.

​ The insurgents finally got tired of probing the fence, and pulled back a mere moment before a fusillade of grenade fire hit the fence, taking it down in a glorious cascade of fire and sparks. Harm's people opened fire from positions almost forty-five degrees from where Harm was, instantly splitting their attention. Harm aimed his carbine, sighting in on the head of one of the insurgents still coming forward as others had stopped to return fire on the fortified positions. A caress of the trigger, and a bolt of sonic energy hit the man between the eyes. Subdermal bruising sprouted along the mans face as he collapsed to the ground. Harm saw that in his peripheral vision, he had already switched targets and fired again. The insurgents were stalled, but not completely stopped.

The battle for the defense of Incom had begun.
Location: Elrood
Objective: A - Eliminate pirates, capture commanding officer.
Allies: [member="Sylvia Nuru"], [member="Cuan Kunn"], [member="Nubica Felidae"]
Post: [04/20]

Marcus snorted over the comm at his "Red Devil." She was a little spunky and he quite liked that, but so were the flights of TIEs and archaic fighters headed his way. Several alarms blared as targeting systems zeroed in on his approach vector, an unknown number of proton torpedoes and warheads primed and ready to head his way. Miranda was a dear, as always, and enhanced the signal of the Harlequin's sensor jammer, playing in accordance with the metallic panels lining the vessel.

One by one the alarms fell silent as the Firespray drifted right into the dogfight. His wing(wo)man broke off to engage with bogeys zeroing in on her, Marcus just took it all in stride. Concussion missiles fueled up and Miranda took care to select careful targeting algorithms for them all.

"Fire away, at those two headhunters up ahead."

The AI nodded and launched a pair of concs, white trail billowing behind them as they zipped past dueling interceptors before smacking right into durasteel hull. Explosions rocked the air as both craft were blown from the sky, albeit one of them managed to eject just before impact.

There was no time to celebrate a pair of clean kills when laser fire stoked his left flank. Green bolts flashed past the cockpit, slamming into his deflector shields and grazing the outermost part of his hull. Hurriedly, he worked the piloting yolk and veered out of their firing range for a second, but they were on him once again.

"Uh," he mumbled, "I could use a little hand here, Devil."
Objective A
Location: Elrood
Post: 2/20
[member="Sylvia Nuru"][member="Cuan Kunn"] [member="Marcus Itera"]

Maintaining course and speed. The five Reapers burned hard into battle. The enemy took notice of them quickly. They wouldn't let their leg up on the other pirates to be disrupted. Rayl of course couldn't let his allies be so helplessly destroyed. He wouldn't get paid otherwise. The first enemy wave came level with them. Five of those X-Wing style craft made famous hundreds of years ago. They didn't know how outgunned they were. Rayl commed his team to engage. "Light em' up". Ion cannon fire burst toward the enemy craft. They returned laser fire in vain, either absorbed by the shielding or missing completely. The ion cannons did their job, disabling the enemies shielding and engines. They were sitting ducks, or lambs to the slaughter. However you want to put it. Without mercy Rayl opened fire with the heavy laser cannons. Obliterating the pilot and his ship to bits of scrap. The others suffered the same fate.

"Obika, Husfulk. Await my order to break off once we thin the enemy down. For now, we'll hunt like wolves". Rayl had second thoughts on that remark. If they were going to cut through like this they wouldn't be fighting the Nuggets for long. The Aces would come screaming in to save them. If they were good enough. Because it really doesn't matter the craft you fly, or the weapons options. But the pilot behind the controls that made it all so deadly.
Location: Somewhere Underground - Sewer maybe? When did I become a Sanitation worker?!
Objective: C - ZOMBIES! (Also- Not suck at being Space-Dad)
Allies: [member="Darius"] | [member="Kai Xanatos"] | [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]
Enemies: ZOMBIES! Athlete's Foot, that SMELL...
Post: 1/20

Julius was this time, following [member="Darius"] rather in secret. He hadn't disguised himself per se... The vanguard armor he had usually favored was let go in favor of the lighter, more agile GE-SL1 bodysuit. The protection was minimal compared to the Vanir-Tech suit, however... It was apt in the sewers he would face less threats, if he needed to fight, so protection was less of a concern. Constricting sewer tunnels and the like meant he also needed every ounce of agility he could get.. So to remain unseen, he had just slipped a simple tracker into the boy's boot under the insoles Julius had included for him on the last Lifeday celebration, along with a few other less dull gifts. So as the boy and his team - the fact Darius was forming and leading his own men and the way he was leading them still made his chest swell with a bit of pride- descended into the sewers, Julius kept track on the simple little wrist mounted display unit that came with the cheap tracker.

Nothing huge happened for a few moments, and the suddenly the tracker beacon went idle, then began to explode with movement. Sighing, Julius parked his beloved 'Red' and clicked the igniter lock with a dual toned double-beep from the control wand he tucked into a pouch. Checking the ammo of his MP1, he slid it into the murder holster on the small of his back, where the warden cloak hid it easily. Checking his lightsaber, he trotted off to the nearest sewer grate and pulled it up and off, not bothering to replace it, but leaving it nearby. The route would be open for a quick retreat, if need be, but the cover would be nearby to seal it off if need be as well. It was the little thoughtful things that kept you alive really. Too many people thought life was like a holovid where you could stampede around unarmed, knocking guards out and never picking up a weapon. Walking into a room and turning your back to a closet door without checking it first. Just sheer idiocy really, on the part of the vid scripts and those who took them at face value.

With a easy vaunt down, he slipped through the cover and down into the darkness, and had a few moments to realize this particular entrance wasn't down into a tunnel like he thought, with the ground just below. It opened up into a massive underground city cavern, or near enough, and was quite high up. As well, there was a rather large horde of things below him. There was just enough time for the Corellian born Jedi Knight to grab his saber and ignite the blue-fire blade with a snap-hiss that drew the attention of the oncoming group [member="Mediha"] had sensed. That shake of focus from the group alone was enough time for the budding Swordmaster to act. Arcing through bodies, the man became a veritable fury of motion and movement.

The combination of Ataru and Makashi often took some by surprise, but in group surroundings like this, it was devastating. Wild acrobatics threw of most people's common counters, and he let his mind go, following his instinct and the Will of the Force. He had developed that habit recently, instead of the laser focus he had been taught in the Jedi Order during his days in the Republic. Really, it sort of reminded him of how Jorus and Mara had taught him about Instinctive Astrogation, and how [member="Jorus Merrill"] had mentioned Obi-Wan Kenobi had utilized it. Rather than piloting, he just happened to move and be in just the right place at just the right time. And the execution of the precise, focused strikes of Makashi utilized the wild movement of Ataru to put him right where the Force guided him to. Following him was difficult for a short period of time, as he pushed the limits of his speed just enough to make him a literal blur of motion, the wide and waving bar of blue light the only constant, and even it moving at such speeds it left little contrails in the dark.

The final drone, mindless and mostly ineffective as they proved to be, was cut down the middle from the top of the skull to the groin, falling in two halves and Julius stepped forward, lightsaber humming faintly as he nodded to [member="Darius"]. Maybe he had upstaged his son just a bit in front of his men, which he wouldn't have done by choice, but it was a needed act. Nevermind that it had been caused by rushing in heedlessly when he had thought [member="Darius"] was in trouble, and he had just been complimenting himself on being exactly opposite of that by positioning a manhole cover just so. No, that was hardly the point here, was it? The point was he had gotten to show off the flashy tricks and spins he had loved so much back in his Temple days, that against actual opponents were just impractical really.

"Well now... Did you go and decide on a picnic and not invite your dear old da? I'm disappointed in you lad. Come now... I'm not that embarassing, surely?"

His right eyebrow quirked in a Dwayne Johnson/Rock like way and he smiled to [member="Mediha"]. Luckily he knew the woman by reputation, and knew no threat was present. And the fact he was grinning in that half-smirk that was his signature signal of good-humor should indicate he wasn't bothered by the presence of a crimson lightsaber blade, or a Nightsister. [member="Darius"] seemed to trust the woman - in his own way and for his own reasons to be sure. But that was enough for Julius, or so he told himself. The Corellian had helped to train the boy, helped to raise him from an even younger lad than he was now. Simply put, he had to trust [member="Darius"], it was just how he was made.

"Now lass, that's a lovely glowstick, but lets put that thing up and catch up on what we're doing here, hmmmm?"

Nubica Felidae

We are well and truly forked...

But before she could celebrate, she was aware of another pair of fighters heading her way.

Then the first blasts of green laser fire jolted her. Her X-wing was rocked by a stern hit; her aft shields were knocked partway down and she reinforced them with energy from her forward shields. The pair of fighters rained laser fire down on her.

She nosed the stick forward. The terrain below, a sprawling city, grew larger. She dropped into a debris-littered street, flying lower than the tops of the surrounding buildings, but her pursuers never lost sight of her and stayed tucked behind. Her snubfighter was hit by another pair of laser blasts and its aft section slewed slightly to port; she corrected with a deft application of etheric rudder.

Up ahead, the road forked left and right. She knew from seeing the area from above that the two forks turned toward one another farther on, rejoining after only a couple of kilometres.

She had a plan. And as soon as she saw the big blue building, she turned hard to port.
Location : Dinbar, Elrood
Objective : BYOO aka Restore Spaceport

It was said that death by fire was the purest death. Far as Elpsis was concerned, whoever had coined that phrase was talking out of his arse. There was nothing 'pure' about it. It was brutal, very messy and smelt a lot. Streams of flame swept across the battlefield towards charging zombies, roasting them as they were caught inside the inferno. Her empathy played up, beating her over the head like a massive club. Being an empath was both a gift and a curse, and in this case seemed more like the latter when there was death all around her. It was a small mercy that the zombies were mindless beasts and as such did not really feel anything beyond hunger for the flesh of the living.

Her flaming hands looked like they'd been scorched, though she felt no pain. As smouldering piles of bodies piled up, as the smell of burnt and charred flesh rose, she took a deep breath as she tried to centre herself. Buckshot or APEB rounds from Freya and the other Firemane soldiers cut down any beasts that came close. However, though at first it seemed zombie upon zombie would get mowed down in a futile death charge, the creatures then suddenly displayed intelligence by attempting to sneak around the Firemane patrol and outflank them! This was very naughty of them.

Abruptly, an image appeared in Elpsis' mind in a flash. She saw a burly, rotting undead pounce upon Freya wielding a massive sword. She saw the woman being struck down by the foul creature. The brief flash of precog was accompanied by a headache, but she quickly sprang into action and roughly grabbed the Sergeant by the shoulder, pulling her down when the beast leapt at her from behind. With a snap-hiss, her lightsabre sprung to life in a crimson beam. Pain surged through her shoulder, for the zombie's sword had missed Freya and instead rammed into her, but since she was pumped full of adrenaline she did really feel the blow that punctured her armour. Surging forward, she she drove her red coloured lightsabre into the forehead of the snarling creature, before slicing its head off.

No time for thanks. Face hidden behind the visor of her helmet, Freya gave Elpsis a look as she quickly got to her feet. While she was down, another beast leapt at her and tried to bite her arm, but found that her armour was more than a match for its teeth and claws. Bringing up her bolter one handed, she blasted the undead creature at point blank range, turning it into mush in an instant and smearing her visor with blood. In this situation she was glad that she'd loaded buckshot, since at this close range explosive bolts would've been no use! Pushing the body away she caught another one with a spray. Despite the danger she was in, this was what she loved most. Well, that and book club! But outside of that, the weight and recoil of the bolter, the havoc and chaos of battle was the most exciting part of her life.

However, there was a flash though and a blaster bolt impacted the wall near her, another glanced off her armour, but fortunately did not damage. "The zombies have guns!" One Firemane trooper shouted. Well, that was even naughtier. More and more beasties were charging towards them, throwing themselves at the Firemane patrol with reckless abandon. By now it was less a skirmish and more a full-scale assault.

"Pull back. In order," Freya barked out aloud. As strong as their firepower was, it was just a small patrol. "To the defensive ring." She hit the button of her comm, hailing Command. "Command, this is Razor Patrol 2. Massive zombie attack in Sector 353, requesting air support." Good thing Firemane had brought gunships. Wrecking a couple buildings in the process would suck and perhaps slow down Salacia's progress a bit, but on the plus side it would mean their workers were not at risk of becoming zombie food!

Falling into an orderly retreat, with little hint of fear or panic, the Firemane soldiers withdrew, fighting as they went. The zombies had numbers, felt neither pain nor fear, but the Firemane soldiers had discipline and firepower on their side. Then the beasts got smart and began lobbing in grenades! Well, that was naughty, too. With lightning reflexes Elpsis gripped a frag grenade with her telekinesis and sent it flying back. Good it was not an anti-forcer grenade! Boom. She experienced the satisfaction of seeing a few zombie bodies fly through the air and get blown up.

Her mind reeled under the overload. So much death, so many emotions swirling around, like a maelstorm. It was becoming almost unbearable. The headache was becoming awful and she was getting angrier with every moment. Stay calm, she could control this. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a Firemane soldier being pounced, a zombie tore his helmet off and then brutally sunk its teeth into the poor trooper's neck. She wanted to move to attack, but then a blaster bolt blaster bolt grazed her side she stumbled. More zombies charged at her and she let loose a blast of flame to ignite them. One zombie launched itself at her, bringing her down to the ground. As its claws enclosed itself around her helmet, she quite literally grabbed by the head and poured all her power into its skull until it combusted.

Getting to her feet with a groan and with her armour splattered with gore and zombie blood, she saw the slowly transforming Firemane soldier shake and spasming, clearly in agony. Time seemed to slow for her, his own pain bled over into her mind. For a moment it looked like she'd frozen, then she raised her blaster pistol and squeezed the trigger, putting him out of his misery. Yes, that was what she'd done. It had been necessary. Mum would agree. Would she?

The mental pain ceased. She was thrown out of her daze when Freya roughly grabbed her by the shoulder with enough force to hurt and shook her. "C'mon, kid." Brought back to the present, she bolted. The roar of engines and the passing of a shadow over the battlefield heralded the arrival of two Firemane gunships, raining down death upon the pursuing zombies.

"Razor 2, this is Aleph Flight, we're inbound. Be advised, we've loaded incendiaries." Sweeping over the Firemane soldiers through the air, the gunships swooped down to engage the charging mass of zombies that was seemingly pouring out of every street. Behind the defensive ring, the Firemane soldiers took cover, e-webs and shattercannons unloaded upon the undead quick enough to get close. Then the bomb dispensers were opened right above the massive horde and an inferno ensued.


Location: Elrood | Exact Location Unknown
Objective: D - Personal Business
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Enemies of the Galactic Alliance
Post: [ 04/20 ]

Lilin burst into a run. She had to get the relic back before it would get stolen. No matter what, she would succeed, she told herself. The item was a little bit too important and expensive to lose it like that.

"Why don't you send help? I'll never get it there on time if you don't do anything!" she said to the man though her holocomm, but the man remained silent for a moment. He either didn't know what to do or he was already doing something. Could have been either of them.

"Wait. I mean, don't wait -- keep on running. But I mean, I can send you a speeder over there. Maybe it'd make it easier," the man said after the moment of silence. "Well, whatever, in a few hundred metres, there'll be a speeder waitin' for ya!"

"Thank you, I guess."

That was fast.
Post 4 of 20
Objective: BYOO - The Year of Blood, Part 1
Location: Dinbar

The nice thing about lightsaber wounds was that the plasma blade did a good job of cauterizing things.

That was helpful, because the gash in his thigh was deep enough that it had probably severed the femoral artery. In which case, but for the smoking flesh where his body tissues had been seared, the boy probably would have bled out before he'd made it back to his speeder. As it was, he'd reached into his medpac to dose himself with a mix of anesthetics and stimulants so as to not pass out on the trip back to where he'd stashed the Equinox.

Now, ordinarily, it was a tricky thing deviating from the established flight paths -- such as landing in a public space like a civilian star port. However, it appeared that the Dinbar space port was having some sort of difficulties, and so he'd actually been instructed to find alternative parking for the Seinar Star Courier.

He'd picked an abandoned lumber mill on the outskirts of Dinbar, obscuring the Equinox from the air by sheltering it inside the dilapidated husk of a warehouse attached to what appeared to have been the mill. It was one of three locations where he'd anticipated he might find K'ythri as well, which narrowed her options to a vacant industrial park or an abandoned sports arena.

He'd have to check those. Right now, he wasn't worried about the Kushiban going anywhere. She'd be seeking an amphistaff anti-venom. Not a common medical remedy in this part of space. The Yuuzhan Vong were more apparent in the Primeval and Silver Sanctum areas of space, and this was the sector that was on the far side of the galaxy from there. Her best bet would be a major medical complex. More access to pharmaceuticals, more specialists, and high level of public visibility.

It helped that amphistaff bites could happen anywhere. Whereas Boo's injuries would be much harder to have to explain. A lightsaber wound meant an encounter with a Jedi or a Sith, and neither was something the boy cared to try and relate to law enforcement.

As the "Triple Z" swoop descended toward the lumber mill, the Pantoran reached over to tap the wrist link. Assuming, that is, he could figure out which wrist link was the actual wrist link. As the color drained from out of his skin, he began to see double. "ArThree, activate GH-7," the boy announced, speaking to the astromech pilot droid that controlled the remote operated Sith spacecraft.

He missed the landing, bouncing the bottom of the speeder across the ground as he tried to plane out and make for the ship. The loading ramp was lowering down to admit him. He hit the air brakes, but the nose of the swoop struck the ramp at an odd angle. Sliding up into the transport on it's side, the boy felt himself pitched like a rag doll into the interior of the ship.

He'd blacked out before he hit the deck.
Location : Dinbar, Elrood
Objective : BYOO aka Restore Spaceport

The incendiary bombs fell upon the massive wave of undead and a blazing inferno ensued. Blaster and bolter fire ceased as the creatures were consumed by the flames. Some of the soldiers cheered when they saw the zombies were being roasted. The smell of rotten, charred and burnt flesh hung in the air like a pall. Some bodies had been burnt so badly that they had been stripped of flesh down to the bone. Removing all those bodies would be a queen for the cleanup crew. Air power had decimated the creatures, but there might still be many lurking in the shadows. Having for now overcome her shock, Elpsis took a breath. Needless to say the Firemane officers did not waste time before barking out orders. "Secure the perimeter. Any zombie that just twitches, blow it up. Everyone work in pairs," Solveig barked out in her best sergeant voice.

Thus the Firemane soldiers quickly spread out and went about their grisly business. One could not be certain whether a still 'living' zombie might be hiding beneath the piles of smouldering bodies. Firemane soldiers marched across the area, ensuring zombies were truly dead by chopping their heads off with vibroblades or shooting them with buckshot.

The voices had calmned down, though her headache remained. Not wanting to look like she was not able to do her job, Elpsis followed the soldiers. Body upon body had been piled up, bulldozers were clearing them away after it had been verified that all the corpses in a pile were truly out of commission. Fires were spreading, but Firemane was working on putting them out.

The redhead tensed when suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a zombie twitch, trying to sneak back into the shadows. Horrifically burnt, it still clung to unlife. Hatred for the beast washed over her like rainfall and a flame arose inside her hand, blossoming until she tossed it at the beast. However, then suddenly there was a blood-curdling shriek and before she could react, a zombie had burst out of a pile of bodies and leapt at her! She spun around to face this beast as it launched itself at her, but it teeth sliced into her hand. In order to use her fire powers during the battle, she'd had to retract her gauntlets and thus her flesh was unprotected.

Pain surged through her body as she stumbled. Seized by a strong rage she fired her bolt pistol, ending the beast. It was only now that she realised she'd been bitten. Time seemed to slow as she stared at her bloodied hand. Agonising pain surged through her body, yet she seemed frozen in time. Her vision began to blur and things turned darker and darker, then suddenly a vibrosword wielded by Freya was brought down upon her hand, slicing it off...
...he was walking the trails just south of the Silver Temple...

...this was the area adjacent to the Master's Grotto. It was a tranquil place. Just beyond the doorway of the Jedi, and yet on a path so infrequently traveled that the boy had discovered he could spent the better part of a day just taking in the environment and not be crossed by any other sentient creature on Voss...

...he liked it there. So unlike the labyrinth of duracrete and glasteel, under Coruscant's great weight, as the many layers of the city formed an impenetrable prison from which the homeless, the destitute, the impoverished were guaranteed to never see the sun. Or the sky. Or any natural light. A life sheltered inside a flimsiplast box, clustered in shanty towns set up next to rivers of chit that fed into the sewage system...


...turning, the violet haired youth looked back toward the Silver Temple, only to find [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] standing there. A blue-bladed lightsaber aglow in his hands, as the barrel-chested giant advanced upon the Primeval boy with a righteous vengeance in his eyes...

...the boy took a step back, terrified by the sight of the righteous grand master. He'd started to turn and run, but found the way back to Voss-Ka blocked by Coci and [member="Théodred Heavenshield"], each with lightsaber in hand as they advanced upon the boy. As he came forward, Theo spoke and said...

"The way is shut."

...Heavenshield to the left of him. Heavenshield to the right. Come to deliver a justice long over due. As they raised their lightsabers to deliver the killing blow, the boy sank to his knees. Perhaps to pray. Perhaps in surrender. He looked out, one last glimpse of a sunset he could never have imagined as an orphan in Coruscant's deadly bowels, he found the view obscured...

...a Togruta. A Jedi. Her name had been [member="Asaak Tey"]. Her body starved. Tortured. Bloodied. Torn. He knew her. He'd known her...

...he'd killed her...

...she looked at him now, and a voice whispered to him as it had when the Lord of the Sith known only as [member="Disciple"] had spoken to him, on Bastion. It had been that day in fact, the same day as the execution. He could feel the fear. Fear as he'd never known, never felt any time since. A voice, like that of the grave...

"The games begin."
He woke screaming.

Post 5 of 20
Objective: BYOO - The Year of Blood, Part 1
Location: Dinbar

"Good, you're awake."

In order to control the rising cost of health care for assassins, or even Sith agents in general, Darth Scorpius had invested in medical droids. Not any state-of-the-art medical droids. Or even last year's model on sale this year. GH-7 was a relic of the Clone Wars, who had doubtless shown up in a garage heap somewhere in orbit of Coruscant. The Dark Lord had made the Pantoran scrub the rust off, and complained bitterly about the cost of replacement panels for those portions that were so corroded as to have disintegrated entirely in the intervening centuries. As a result, the droid -- nicknamed Granny -- had a patchwork look to her. Mismatched pieces and refurbished parts from various compatible models, cobbled together to make her functional. And little more beyond that.

The droid hovered over the young boy now, as the waking terror of the dream slowly faded back into reality. He woke to find himself laid out onto the cold, durasteel grating of the Equinox's small cargo bay. The loading ramp was open, with the white speeder mangled across the threshold into the makeshift garage. His clothes had been cut off of him, lying in tatters littered about his form, so to allow the medical droid access to treat his injuries. Propping himself up on his elbows, the boy brought his leg up and saw a thin, white line across the powder blue skin of his thigh.

Pulling himself up into a fetal position, the tween ran a hand through the mass of purple hair as he gave an exhausted sigh. Sometimes, he felt like being an assassin had been a simpler life. As it was, there was more to do than he had time for. He needed to figure out what had happened to K'ythri. He needed to find out if her target was still all right. He needed to fix the speeder...

He needed to get some clothes on!

Might as well start with that one. Pushing up from the floor, the boy got to his feet... only to come crashing back down a split-second later. He landed on his butt. Or, maybe it was his head. It felt like his butt, except Boo wasn't all that certain which way was up currently. Instead, he found himself flailing for something to hold onto as vertigo kicked in and the room hit the spin cycle.

"Gently!" the medical droid's Mrs. Doubtfire-like voice admonished. "Have you any idea how much blood you lost?"

"-tt-" Crawling on his hands and knees, the boy pulled himself within reach of the corridor which led from the hold to the living area of the Star Courier. Grabbing onto the doorframe, the boy started hauling himself up from the floor. "ArThree, shut the nurse down..."

"I beg your pardon!?"

"...then start running a check on local hospitals," the young monk said, ignoring the GH-7 as he began pulling himself toward the armory. His Sasori robes were shreds, but his Primeval light armor was still on board the ship. He could use that. "See if anyone's requested amphistaff anti-venom."

The medical droid cut him off at the pass. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but you're not going anywhere except the refresher and bed."


"Don't 'Granny' me," the droid snapped, repulsor grips grabbing the youth by the shoulders and spinning him toward the door to the ship's hygiene facilities. "Refresher. NOW."

Reinforcing the point, a sharp crack resonated as the floating droid hit him in the backside with a pulse that popped the boy up on his toes and sent his hair standing on end as he staggered forward.

Sith health care. An HMO would have been less torture.

No sooner had the youth activated the door to the ship's water closet than the amphistaff went flying across the floor -- shooting inside the moment the door lifted away. Coiling onto the floor of the refresher basin, the snake-like animal was literally wagging it's tail in anticipation of the sanistream.

Bloody biot thought she was a water moccasin.

When the boy wasn't fast enough coming inside, the amphistaff reared up, it's blunted snout tapping against controls as the serpentine alien became impatient. "All right, all right," the boy chimed in defeat, shutting the door and activating the sanistream. The fatigue hit him the second that the warm liquid began to massage over his slight frame.

All things being equal, if reincarnation really was a thing like the Primeval believed... he wanted his next life to be completely free of droids or snakes.
Location : Dinbar, Elrood
Objective : BYOO
Post : [4/20]
Allies : [member="Elpsis Kallikora"]

From the newly minted 'green zone' a fireball could be seen followed by the sound of several booms from the explosions. Fire and smoke licked the air, creating a cloud that slowly was rising up into the sky. The smell of smoke drifted their way, along with the faint hoots and hollers of the soldiers fighting on the ground below.

Little did they know that currently folks were getting their hands chopped off due to zombie bites! Perhaps the other writer has stock in a biotechnology company and gets paid per fake limb attachments. Either way, the smell of the pumping blood would do little to help their situation. More of the creatures that had been disturbed by the explosions in the crumbling sector were ambling out to check. Some were 'wounded' and moving slow....others were moving at a quick clip, advancing on the soldiers at hand.

Commander Rae Wyrick saw the scene. Not so much the scene...more the squirting blood, screaming and hungry zombies all coming at them. Elpsis would have to be medivac'd out and immediately. Others were taking charge in bandaging the wound while others were providing cover fire for their fallback.

"Fall back! Set up a perimeter, I want medical here on the double. Sinos, call in air support and ask for a bombing run. I don't care what the client wants right now, everyone is going to end up dead otherwise!"
BYOO - Scout Trade Bazaar for Healer and Medical Supplies
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Her mind was on the twins as she stepped through the bazaar, curiously busy despite the strife and turmoil taking place elsewhere. It was a good reminder to just how grand the galaxy and a simple planet really was. How far from point A to point B one had to go, how easy it was to become isolated. Avalore walked amidst common citizens, finding that her own curious attire of blue Healer's robes not to be particularly strange in this melting pot of culture and fashion.

There were peoples of all kinds gathered here and the din of the bazaar was astounding. Avalore passed by merchants calling out their wares, buyers haggling for deals, guards on high alert, children causing mischief. It reminded her of the merchant quarter of Chasin City on Commenor, only here it seemed that Basic wasn't the most common tongue.

She was looking for plants, herbs, spices, medicinal supplies of the more esoteric and naturally derived nature. Had to be here, somewhere, if by any guess this bazaar had just about anything you could possibly want.
[member="Avalore Eden"]


Vassara had set up her shop of scavenged medical supplies at a rented stall for the day. After an intense campaign with various elements of the underground and many exploration missions she was wearing down. Truth was she was getting older now, into her late twenties. No longer the young bright eyed explorer, but the aging rogue Jedi Master.

The smells of the market complimented its explosion of color. Spicy aroma wafted through the air and for a minute those blue eyes went into a glaze. She felt the wind on her face. Watched the multicultural crowd roaming and waddling their way through. Grom her Mercenary companion stood off to her side. A nattered steel canteen lifted to her lips and she let the warm stimcaf run across her tongue. A smooth silky variety from fondor, courtesy of the old Omega Starcorp warehouses...

That's when she felt it, a flowing swirl in the force. Their was a woman in the blue robe and she smiled, motioning her over with a wave of her black gloved hand....
Objective: BYOO - See to the development of the new A-wing
Location: Incom Corporation Local Office - City of Elroodeen, Elrood
Tags: [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Post: 2/20

He looked to Starchaser as the man entered the office, all business, front and back. Until now, he had dealt only with acquisitions, the fanboy and fangirlish lot they seemed to be when it came to Incom. To see a face outside of that was a welcome change, even if that face was associated more with being in fighters than seeing to their development. He wasn't sure how much the Commander knew of him, but of all people, the CEO understood what it was like to be anywhere but the cockpit.

"Well, aside from the trouble outside..." he didn't need to go over that - for Force sakes, it was everywhere - gesturing to what lay beyond these walls, " ever flown an A-Wing?" Rhetorical question, that. What fighter pilot worth his bones hadn't? He moved over to a holotable, that on the surface displayed the blueprints for the model, from which could be queued up a three-dimensional model. "What we're doing here, our intention, is an update on the original, a 'version two', if you will."

He began by hovering a finger along the outline of a side profile of the design on the blueprint.

"Lighter, sleeker than the original - making for a faster vessel," at which point, a three-dimensional model of each of the old and the new came to life above the table, with technical specifications delineated beneath each model, "the reduction of weight is achieved by reducing the warhead payload capacity - concussion missiles - by half."

A highlight ran across the aforementioned payload capacity under both models.

"The V2 is also slimmer without sacrificing the characteristic wedged nose, and shorter in length by zero-point-three metres."

He glanced sidelong at Starchaser.

"Any questions, so far?"
Objective: Burn the undead, C​
Location: Elrood Undercity​
Tags: Whoever is on the objective​
Posts: 1/20​
Solan's hands tightened around the blade in his hands, cutting into the creature as it shambled past him now headless. He really hated these things, both last time they had existed in the galaxy and now. Well there was the small problem for the undead creatures, his free hand drew out and let flames rip across the body of the next closest creature. His soldiers coming up beside him and dealing with the remaining few that were in the area. He had no idea really how these things had gone unnoticed for so long. But it was not important where they came from in the end. All that mattered was they were dealt with for good this time.​
"Sir." Therin came up beside him, the man had been on leave for the last few weeks to help out an old friend but now he stood beside Solan and was reporting on their progress both off world and on it. "The... creatures have been cleared out of the first two sectors, there are still several more to deal with along the way." His hands started to work and cross behind him, his eyes focusing on the burned body of the creature on the ground. "Disgusting sir, these things."​
Solan smiled alittle and raised a brow at the man. "You know, there was once an Imperial experiment that was created. It created an army of the dead much like this because of an outbreak on an Imperial star destroyer... thankfully the end result was a failure due to the actions of a few brave people." He glanced to the side as Therin looked at him in curiosity. "The point is Therin, a few people with the right purpose can achieve more than any number of soldiers could. There are times when we must be soldiers, and then there are times when doing what is right is more important."​
Location : Dinbar, Elrood
Objective : BYOO
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Bomb explosions, fires, shouts of the wounded, bolter and blaster fire! It had all turned into a blur for Elpsis as everything began to turn dark for her. Dimly she could see Freya yelling orders while gunning down zombies with her bolter. And zombies, lots of zombies! Screaming, driven by a primal fury and hungry for blood. She was saved from the headache from hell by falling unconscious.

A medic had wrapped a bandage over the stump of her hand and she was hauled onto a stretcher. A dropship had landed for the wounded and she was quickly carried onto it. By that time she had thankfully drifted into the dreamlands. Hearing the order of their commander, Firemane soldiers began falling back. Covering fire was provided by e-webs and shattercannons mowing down zombie upon zombie, but more were coming. Such was the hunger of the undead that they ascended over the piles of bodies of their brethren, letting loose blood-curdling screams. A ghastly sight when one considered that quite a few undead were on fire!

As if sensing that it contained easy prey, zombies began swarming towards the medevac dropship as it tried to take off. Charging towards the landing ramp they leapt at the fleeing soldiers. Desperately the pilot managed to force the landing ramp up just before they could jump in. One zombie was quite literally ripped in half when the ramp was brought up, his arm ending up on the other side just when the dropship took off.

Then there were loud thumps on the ground. Here and there, corpses were smashed as two behemoths of war marched into position to cover the retreat: Mag'ladroth walkers. The arm of one ended in a flamethrower, the other in a heavy bolter. The second brought forth a shattercannon and a massive chainsaw blade. Designed to take on Sithspawn and similar abominations, the machines could stomp and crush anything in their path, though they were very slow. They were armoured and shielded enough to withstand modern weapons.

Carnage ensued. Zombies death charging the two behemoths were stomped, sliced or blown into little bits or roasted. Rallying her squad of Firemane soldiers, Freya directed them to fall back while the walkers unleashed hell upon the beasts to cover their retreat. Some zombies were so brazen to jump upon the walkers. A few even did so from the rooftops or tried to form human ladders, but they were thrown off or gunned down. Some Firemane soldiers had gotten a ride out by climbing onto them. Then the roar of engines was heard and shadows passed across the ground, as Firemane gunships passed across the battlefield and swept past the retreating Firemane soldiers. Quickly activating their jet wings, the walkers took off from the ground into the air. Then bombs rained down upon the massive horde of undead.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

If Vassara was aging in her late twenties then Avalore was positively geriatric in her mid-thirties. She didn't feel it, though one wouldn't necessarily describe the Healer as bright eyed and bushy tailed, she had a renewed vibrancy about her that came with being a mother. Adopting the twins of Chevu and Gabriel had done nothing short of performed a miracle on the woman who had literally been at her wits end. They were almost all she thought about, especially while away from them, and so distracted was she at thinking how much Armaud would have enjoyed coming here that she nearly missed the wave of the woman at the stand across the way.

Did she know her? Avalore squinted through the crowd - didn't look familiar, oh but look what she had for sale. Medical supplies, ain't that a stroke of luck.

"I'm sorry," the Healer offered a strange glance as she wended her way through the throngs of shoppers, " I know you? Or are my Healer robes really so obvious?" A wane smile followed the remark.
[member="Avalore Eden"]


"Hmmmm." Vassara cocked her head regarding the older woman. She was a stark contrast. blue robes and gracefull. Vassara wore a back spacers jacket and pants with red trim. Her boots and gear were dirty and battered, covered in the dust of various worlds. Blue orbs pierced into the woman, fire behind them mixed with a dose of intrigue.

"You may, you may not. I keep a low profile due to the nature of my work."

Vassara paused, taking another sip of her stimcaf.

"And yet your profile is very noticeable. Blue robes, and a powerful force presence. I felt you before I spotted you."

At which point she held out her hand.

"Vassara Raxis, Captain of the Gypsy Caravan. Pleased to meet you."
Obj: A-Wing!
Location: Incom Officer, Elrood
[member="Kelly Perris"]

Galaxy was a giant cluster, was what it was. Hopefully the Alliance would be able to repair some of the damage. The Coalition had a good mind on them and were handling their sides of the galaxy, but well, the Alliance started right where a bunch of Imperials and One Sith were calling home, so… Well, there was that.

“A-Wing? I own one, refurbed it with Silk, a few special modifications to it. Experiment craft really.” Jal Shey, just to say he had a Force enhanced starfighter, really. “Cut my teeth on TIEs back… A while before.” Fel Imperium, or even older, time was funky. “The A-Wings are great though.” Fast as hell.

He was nodding as the merchant spoke. “Part of what I liked about them is the missile load out. Get in and blow the chit out of a ship and get out. Is reducing the count going to be that good in a trade off?” The size was one thing, but this… well, he was a little concerned.

Getting on the ass of a TIE Squint and shoving a missile up its exhaust port? Was so nice.

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