Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Marcus Itera


  • Name: Marcus Itera
  • Alias: DG-43, Pappy
  • Species: Human, Vongformed
  • Homeworld: Coruscant
  • Faction: Independent
  • Rank: Mercenary
  • Force Sensitive: Force Dead
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Type I)


  • Marital Status: Widower
  • Sexual Conduct: Heterosexual
  • Languages: Galactic Basic (Fluent), Mando'a (Novice), Huttese (Some words)
  • Occupation: Classified
  • Residence: Classified

  • [+] The Spartan Way: Being the best of the best is what Marcus aspires to be. Although he may just be some infantry grunt who was meant to hold back the attackers as best as he can, he's one of the elite bunch. Trained for airborne operations, special forces tactics, and everything in between are his best weapons against his enemies.
  • [+] Cyborg: Technically classified as one of those now, Marcus boasts a wide assortment of internal implants that improve his strength, cardio-vascular system, endurance, reflexes, and amplify a number of other things that greatly boost his abilities in combat.

  • [-] Shell-Shocked Veteran: War is full of death, carnage, despair, sorrow, and loneliness. There's only so much war and fighting that a man can take before he starts to crack and look deep inside himself and discovers that he is no longer a man, but a killer and an animal. Marcus isn't to that stage just yet, but he tends to reflect over the sorrows and mistakes of his past more and more each day.
  • [-] Inappropriate Hunger: Due to the strain his cybernetics sometimes place on his body, Marcus is required to intake much more food and energy than the average human. Staples of his diet largely consist of foods high in protein and carbs.

Born of the former Republic capitol of Coruscant, Marcus grew up with a simple family and a happy childhood. As a kid, young Marcus had learned that his father, Samuel, had served in the Republic Army for a few years as a starfighter technician. Although it wasn't the most exciting or glorious jobs that an enlisted man could ask for, Samuel ended up becoming Marcus's hero at an early age. His mother was a stay-at-home mom who occasionally worked part-time to provide for her family. Samantha Foster was her name and bringing up respectful and polite children was her game.

Again, Marcus's early years were simple and pleasant. They were full of fun and the rare feelings of stress when financial situations got tough or he didn't do so well in high school. As the middle child of three, both Tabatha and Jacob Foster attended the same school as him. Tabatha was older than Marcus by two years and Jacob was younger by a single year, but both of them were simultaneously loving and annoying to the easy-going Marcus.

It was during his first year of high school that Marcus Foster began thinking about his future. Not many professions caught his eye and all of them lacked the excitement of adventure and the possibility of being a hero. It hit him hard one day when he found himself listening to a goofy, yet hilarious, story from his father from when he was stationed somewhere on Zeltros. He was going to join the Republic Military, more specifically the Marines since they were the toughest and did the duties of both the Army and Navy.

His parents and siblings were open and enthusiastic when it came to his career choice, but they immediately expressed their displeasure when he told them of his interest in doing a combat arms job. Infantry was what he intended on doing. Though he respected the technical and service personnel, he had no desire to be one of them and instead yearned for glory and the brotherhood that came with being a warrior. After a few years of relentless pressure from his parents, he still didn't budge from his decision and enlisted once he graduated. His family accepted it, but they were taken away with worry as soon as hostilities started back up with the Sith Empire.

Their worry had not been in vain. Whilst his family went about their lives in peace, his was the complete opposite as he was shipped off to stave off the Sith advances right after his training. It was there, on the front lines, where he learned that war wasn't all that he expected and survived his first encounters and skirmishes. The years went by like that, fighting wherever he was deployed and enjoying each and every moment of piece he could scrounge up. That is, until he took shore leave on Corellia and ended up meeting his partner for life. Julia Sanders was that smoking-hot, tough, smart, funny, and interesting girl that he met on one fateful night when attempting to seek residence for the night. Eventful things happened over the course of that week of leave and everything was going peachy.

And it did.

The two kept in touch over his months of deployment and after a year of seeing each other, the pair were happily married. Life seemed almost perfect with his marriage and the slowing down of the war. Peace was almost within reach and he almost had a life and dream that he could be proud of. Months later, the first and only child of the Fosters arrived. Jessica Foster was the cute and bubbly little girl that made each and every moment of his life worth living. Though many men said it, he lived it as the happiest man in the galaxy.

That feeling didn't last for long, especially when the One Sith sparked into existence. He was called off to fight once again and left his three year old daughter behind with his loving wife, deserting his simple and comfortable home on Coruscant in favor for a cot and a rifle. Miraculously, Marcus managed to survive many of the Republic's failed battles, but bore the scars of those close encounters and lucky moments. Those scars weren't always on the outside.

The grizzled veteran knew something was afoot when he was stationed back on Coruscant, only to shortly discover that the Sith were en route to the world with the intention of burning it to the ground. This was his home, where his daughter played and were his wife lived peacefully. The marine was placed about four blocks down from his home with his platoon, which had been ordered to help direct evacuation routes and get people to life boats. When the Sith struck, third platoon was ready for them.

Despite the efforts that the main Republic forces put up, they were eventually beaten back and the Jedi Temple was completely destroyed before the entire galaxy. Before long, the Sith were busy in eliminating any other pockets of resistance the Jedi and the Republic military put up. Their cruelty didn't end there. As per their notorious reputation for horrific acts of violence, many of the One Sith cut down civilians where they stood and wiped out the more rebellious ones.

It was when Marcus and the remnant of third platoon watched a pair of Sith Acolytes and their crimson sabers slice down innocent people and headed in the direction of the Foster household. Marcus, a corporal then, disobeyed his orders to hold his position and instead took off after the red-cloaked duo in a frenzy. He was too late. Screams were heard from inside his home and the signature hum of the blood-red sabers was terrifyingly present.

Marcus stormed into his home, stepping over the broken down door, and made his way for the living room where the two dark disciples held his family at blade-edge. They didn't have a reason whatsoever for killing his beloved wife and child, but merely followed their own chaotic pursuits of evil and the darkness begged of them. Upon seeing his horrified visage, the Acolytes swiftly ended the lives of his wife and daughter right before his eyes.

In a rage, Marcus managed to bring the first monster of a man down with an entire magazine from his slugthrower. Thirty bullets into a single man. There was no room for mercy. As for the second manifestation of evil, he had closed the gap between them and smashed right into Marcus with a shoulder smash. Still petrified by the quick death of his comrade, the Sith's moment of hesitation was a chance for the marine to wrench the saber from his hold before moving in to capture the acolyte in a choke-hold. After a dozen moments of frantic struggling, the soldier let the body drop from his arms and moved to weep over his family.

Marcus was th-

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  • Kills: None
  • Bounties Collected: None

  • To be updated.

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[member="Elani Zambrano"]

That's Beef McHugelarge to you, Lola.

[member="Erin Ecthelion"]

Sorry, not sorry.[/sarcasm]



Oh, also finished the bio section, so take a gander at it!

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