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The Brotherhood of the Maw

Seize. Your. Destiny.

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The New Sith Order: Organization + Roster



There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?

The galaxy writhes in chaos and disorder, like a wounded beast it cries in agony waiting to be put out of it’s misery. The Sith have been brought low, too long have they sat in complacency, bloated with power. Complacency breeds Weakness. Weakness begets Defiance. And so their high tower crumbles..

The Dark Side of the Force is finite, a poison diluted between too many vessels, too many ‘false’ Sith who follow heretical teachings. It needs concentrated among the few in order to strengthen its potency. Kyber Dark was a welcomed sight, the first of many blows to the Sith number as they plunged into civil war. The Dark Side long choked by stagnation now began to shrug off the heretical filth that plagued it like a sickness.

The siren song of the Dark Side emerged from the depths of the Unknown Regions in the form of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW. A confederation of warlords, marauders, and Dark Side cultists led by the Dark Voice. Rage unleashed, darkness unfettered by bureaucracy and falsehoods. The MAW spread like a cancer on the edge of known space, conflicting with the Eternal Empire, the New Jedi Order, and the Galactic Alliance as it burned, maimed, and slaughtered everything in it’s wake. The Dark Clergy of Heathen Priests harness the power of the Dark Side of the Force and spread it’s influence in sermon across countless systems. They preach prophecy, damnation, and rebirth from a galaxy in need of cleansing.

The NEW SITH ORDER answers the call..

Founded by the Dark Voice, in reality a Sith Master known as Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis in 866ABY. The New Sith Order was created as an answer to the growing machinations of the New Jedi Order in the Brotherhood’s crusade and Darth Solipsis’s own efforts to perpetuate the Grand Plan to restore Sith dominance over the galaxy. Unlike most modern incarnations of the Sith in recent memory, the New Sith Order wages war through stealth, patience, and secrecy.

Operating loosely on the principles of the Banite Sith, the Ancient Sith, and begrudgingly aspects from the One Sith. The success of these New Sith would be their adaptability and devotion to the Grand Plan as well as their strict adherence to the Code of the Sith. Their presence is felt everywhere, they are shadows that blend into influential bodies with the goal of corruption from within. Taking control where possible and twisting those around them into pawns in order to further the Grand Plan.

Hell or high water, their goal is to either take control over the galactic governments existing in the status quo or weaken them for the Brotherhood’s eventual purge across the galaxy where it shall be remade in a glorious FINAL DAWN shaped by Sith Doctrine.

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Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.


Born on the Deep Core world of Epoch and headquartered on the Hidden Redoubt of Exegol, the New Sith Order operates in both Galactic Alliance and Brotherhood of Maw space respectively. Their operations range from deep cover to assassinations and everything in between. Reigning from the top is the mighty Dark Lord of the Sith who maintains power by right of might. He or she who rules does so only in accordance to their own power, if they grow weak or stagnant then it is expected that they are overthrown for another, stronger Sith Lord to rise in their place. The New Sith Order is ruled by two Dark Lords, a Sith Master and their Shadow Hand.

Below the Dark Lords is the Sith Lords of the New Sith Order, Masters of the Dark Side of the Force. They are Sith Masters who operate on the dynamic of Master and Apprentice set forth by Banite Sith. A Sith Master must take a Apprentice and only one, this Master will embody the Dark Side’s teachings for the Apprentice to crave. In this way, the Master teaches the Apprentice everything they know and eventually is slain by the student who ascends in their place. If the student cannot defeat the Master, they are replaced and discarded. This method keeps the order strong and it’s members continually growing in power less they be disposed of.

Acolytes are a rare breed within the New Sith Order, while Apprentices are chosen by their masters a Acolyte is yet to enter the dynamic set by the Lords of the Sith. Their presence is tolerated only as long as the Sith Lords deem so, if they cannot secure a suitable master they are eventually discarded of.

  • Membership: To become a member of the New Sith Order you must be chosen or found. Unlike the majority of Sith Orders, the New Sith Order is more exclusive in number and choice of candidates in which they accept in. Factors of being inducted in range from Force-potential to intelligence. At the end of the day, admittance is determined by a Sith Master who may or may not take them on as an Apprentice. The vast majority of members within are chosen and groomed from nothing to ensure they are free of other misguided Sith teachings that may hamper the order’s growth.

  • Climate: Dog eat dog. The single unifying aspect of the New Sith Order is the Grand Plan and the directives of the Dark Lord. While not to the extremes of the Rule of One or the Rule of Order, the environment of the New Sith Order is one of constantly being on edge. The only advancements one can achieve is by having the power to seize it, the order is expected to grow on the ambition of it’s members. Thus only be slaying the Master can the Apprentice rise, creating an environment of constant striving for power and hidden plays behind the scenes.

  • Reputation: The New Sith Order has no current reputation and strives to maintain secrecy of it’s existence from the galaxy at large.

  • Goals:
    • Ensuring the continued rise of the Brotherhood of the Maw and continually stoking the fires of crusade in their black hearts.
    • Creation of a galaxy wide Dark Side Magocracy under Sith rule.
    • Extermination or subversion of New Jedi Order and all other affiliated splinter Jedi.
    • Infiltration of the Galactic Alliance governmental body and increasing Sith influence throughout their territories.


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Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Dark Lord of the SithN/A Maestus Maestus
Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr [Secret]
Halketh Halketh
Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Maestus Maestus Sith Lord Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Open
AhrrisSith LordN/A Darth Howl Darth Howl
Darth Howl Darth Howl Sith Apprentice [Knight Level]AhrrisN/A
Darth VindictusSith LordN/AOpen
Astrea Astrea Sith ApprenticeOpenN/A
AkkarSith Apprentice [Knight Level]OpenN/A
CaligulaSith Apprentice [Knight Level]OpenN/A
Onasius Gruwel Onasius Gruwel Sith Apprentice [Knight Level]OpenN/A
Lord Letifer Lord Letifer Sith Apprentice [Knight Level]Open Menelik Menelik
Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Sith LordN/AOpen
Melydia Gold Melydia Gold Sith ApprenticeOpenN/A
Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze Sith LordN/AOpen
Kraujar Sars Kraujar Sars UnknownN/AOpen
Darth Interitus Darth Interitus Sith LordN/AOpen
Ana Malixar Ana Malixar Sith ApprenticeOpenN/A
Darth Vird Darth Vird Sith LordN/AOpen
Darth MalevaSith LordN/AN/A
Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus Sith LordN/A Darth Senthral Darth Senthral
Darth Senthral Darth Senthral Sith Apprentice Darth Tennacus Darth Tennacus N/A
Halketh Halketh Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Open
Darth Thonrin Darth Thonrin Sith LordN/AOpen
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Sith Lord/ Ally to NSO (Spiritual Guide to the NSO)N/AN/A
Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil Sith AcolyteOpenN/A
Menelik Menelik Sith Apprentice Lord Letifer Lord Letifer N/A
Darth MoriDark Lord of the SithN/A Darth Daiara Darth Daiara
Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio Sith LordN/AN/A


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Post below if you wish to be added into the New Sith Order.

Note: Early on Sith Lords may be submitted but all members after positions are filled must begin at acolyte level and move up for in-character development. Such is critical for story potential and dramatic moments throughout an Acolyte’s story into becoming a Sith Lord.

Character Name:
Force Rank:
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Words go here

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Dimitri Voltura

Character Name: Dimitri Voltura (Darth Hydrus)
Force Rank: Sith Lord
Link to Bio: X
Requested Position: Sith Lord
Admin Approval:

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