Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Isle Is Full of Noises (Mandos & Allies)

So his turn was up and Teagan had presented himself. He wasn't expecting much from it other than a polite thank you or some other formality. So it was a bit of a surprise for him when she was so casual with him. Her and [member="Shia Kryze"] even joked a bit with the mention of the other woman having birthdays as well owed. He turned his attention to Shia in light of this and said earnestly, " Oh you have birthdays coming up too? I should get you a gift then too. When is it? Hopefully not too soon. Wait that doesn't matter. I will get you something nice I promise by your birthday." Way to go Teagan. You just promised a nice gift to one woman and was about to give a terrible one to the other and said all of this to their faces. He really needed to get through this so he could go find a corner to think about his life choices at.

After Teagan had presented his plasma torch to Yasha, he was expecting much of the same as he had earlier from her despite how casual she had been speaking with him. Who wanted a used, beaten up plasma torch for a birthday gift? Well who other than he did. As he awaited this response though she began to talk about her mother. Was she an engineer too? She turned her back to him and he began to shift on his feet nervously. This couldn't be a good sign. But after she turned around she spoke of her mother again and even asked him to stick around. It seemed his gift wasn't as terrible as he thought....

Yasha's sudden hug caught Teagan completely off guard. It was completely unexpected and he felt like she was about to break his spine. That though was not so much because she used so much force as his back problems picking the best time to show up. He hugged her back saying, " You're welcome." After he was released someone in the crowd had made a cheer to Dathomir and it soon was echoed by Yasha and everyone else. He followed suit but couldn't get behind it as much. For him the whole event consisted of him nearly crashing to his death into the planet then being carried off to the medical area while trying to sort out what the kark was going on. Fun times those. With the cheering done he said, " I will go find something to eat and drink now. Thank you for letting me be here and I will try not to cause any problems. Have fun!" With that he made sure to get out of their way by heading off towards the area with all the food and drinks. The one he still owed a gift too began to start up a song too which really adjusted the atmosphere around him. Today was turning out pretty good.

[member="Kaden Mantis"]
“Shereshoy, [member="Teagan Stoirm"]. Celebrate what you can, when you can. We never know if there’ll be another moment like this.” Yasha smiled and clipped her ‘new’ plasma torch to her belt, “Go enjoy the food… if @`Jin left any!”

Did her heart good to see Aryn Spar’s family wrapped up in the vode. There would be few moments for joy in the intervening months. The fate of Manda’yaim rested on too few shoulders, and too many whispers. [member="Vilaz Munin"] caught Yasha’s eye, he looked up toward her and Yasha hoped to have a private moment with her fellow Cuir Rekr. They hadn’t talked since she returned from the Netherworld, an adult grown in the fires of Hell. The Hell Wolf hadn’t talked to much of anyone. It was time. Akaan would have his glorious war.

“That is the most awkward engineer I’ve seen since Billy Joe, the one legged Mando clutz.” Yasha smirked and nudged Shia. “He’s going to do fine… as long as no one pitches the poor guy through the Warlock Gate. That would suck.”

As an ally of the Mandalorian Empire, it was decided to invite [member="Darth Carnifex"] to the festivities, yet Yasha had no idea of the company he brought. It was good Zambranos' had strong jaws. Ancius might need his by the end of this night.

How serendipitous then, that the first of the criminals entered the fighting pit, charging straight for [member="Kaden Mantis"] with the will of the damned. A man who killed his brother and brother’s family over a land deal, he would receive no grace here. Foremost of all was the idea in the man’s mind that he could defeat any warrior who came at him. A crafty fighter, he would give Kaden no quarter.

“Carnifex, Katlaydr… he didn’t come alone. Shall I stall him?” Ambrose whispered in Yasha’s ear, as [member="Shia Kryze"] started singing. The roars of the drinking song filled the arena, causing a right Mando’ade ruckus as people beat chairs and tables, drumming up enough rhythm to follow the simple song. In the moment’s energy, Yasha couldn’t help the grin on her face, the spirit of the crowd both celebrating and mourning the events of the past weeks. So it was, that by the time Kaine Zambrano and Ancius entered the arena and could see the private box, where Yasha, Ambrose and Shia were, Yasha had hopped onto the ledge, which was less than two inches wide, and with perfect balance, joined in with the song.

The six foot two Epicanthix beauty drank down a shot of something which may or may not have been some form of mechanical thinner (or tuber booze), beat her shoulders and roared.


Several members of the crowd followed suit, others singing, more shouting, and even more beginning to watch the ring with Kaden and [member="Tal Vizsla"] with an uproarious selection of cheers, jeers and shouts.

“OYA!” Swerving on the ball of one foot, Yasha canted her head to the side as she saw Kaine Zambrano and a youth in black and red. Her eyebrow quirked. What, did Kaine’s wives stand him up, he had to bring an acolyte? For once standing ‘taller’ than the behemoth, Yasha nodded, her cloak fluttering in the desert breeze. She turned once again on the ball of the same foot, a ballerina on a wire. Ambrose handed her a mug of ne’tra gal.

“Mando’ade!” Raising the mug, Yasha waited for the arena to grow a tiny bit less rowdy.

“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum!”` Following the daily remembrance, a litany of names. Those who died on Dathomir. Those who died in Utapau. Yasha missed none of the fallen. “Aay’han… Mando’ade… Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la… To those who Hold the Line! Oya! Oya! Oya!!”``

She raised her mug, pouring some of the ale down her throat. The Mandalorians lived inside the sensation of a bittersweet perfect moment, and the Hell Wolf was no different. Today they would remember those who could not celebrate… and then in particular Mandalorian fashion, celebrate for the lot of them.

Hopping down from her dangerously thin ledge, Yasha landed light on her feet for someone clad in gold and black beskar’gam. She held up her mug, as two mugs of ne’tra gal were rustled up for Kaine and Ancius.

Aay’han, Kaine.” Yasha held her mug aloft to toast the man and his unrecognizable son, who was barely taller than Yasha. “Ta paylmemb omk gai'”*

Clinking her mug on the Dark Lord’s, Yasha drank hers down. “Welcome to a Mando party. Prepare to get your shebs kicked.”

`"I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal."
`` "...not gone, merely marching away..."
*“To mourning… and joy."


Citrus Dreams
The gloved hand of the Mandalorian began to move upwards and of course with it came his wrist, protected by a heavily armed, red gauntlet. It was held across from his armored chest like the ordinary man would to take a quick glance at the watch he may wear. Though that of course wasn't the case right now, no. Fett's right hand moved upwards to interact with the vambrace, poking and pressing until blue holographic images projected themselves upwards. Clearly evident to any, especially a Mandalorian, that these were in fact bounties. The prices on their heads were high, but not high enough to draw the enigmatic hunter's keen eye. It didn't take long for him to lose interest in the current bounties of his usual employers, and as a result his arms shifted to cross over his sage green chest piece. The helmet that protected his head from social interactions casually moved about slowly, taking in the scene that he briefly departed.

Fett took in the scene around him, a wide variety of people from all over the galaxy; different races, genders, origins. It didn't matter who they were. For they all banded together as one to become a Mandalorian; they took on the culture, the warriors path and code. The Bounty Hunter acted as if he was an outsider, the one coming from odd origins that kept to himself and looked down upon those that he didn't deem worthy. Yet at the same time lived as a pseudo celebrity with his reputation as the infamous bounty hunter, rising through the ranks all to quickly to become the Akaan's Colonel. One thing he had never told anyone, and likely wouldn't, was that he felt proud to be here. Among a brave, skilled and disciplined people; it was where he knew he belonged. It was here he had obtained a certain bliss.

He placed his eyes upon the young Mantis as she addressed the Mandalorians, and for the briefest of moments his mind fell into a scale that weighed each thought and realization. Whether it was clear or not to the others that she desired the title of Mand'alor didn't matter. She didn't want it for greed, for power, but to better her people. For a man with a misguided moral compass it was the intent in which mattered most. For evil required intent, just as good did too. Yet he couldn't shake the thought of how young she was, and inexperienced in his eyes. Mand'alor the Hell Wolf was something he couldn't stand behind, not yet, perhaps not ever. Fett wondered if she would even be where she was without her familial ties; if it was simple nepotism that granted her the role as Katlaydr or Haran Rekr. Whilst he respected Viszla for rallying the clans in this Empire, Koda disagreed with his methods and instead had goals of his own that would be implemented if only such a power would be bestowed upon him. Bestowed upon a man who would call himself Mand'alor the Inexorable.

Though the line of thought was snapped once the chanting and rhythm took over. Brown eyes darted back and forth beneath a black t-shaped visor in an effort to realize what exactly was happening, yet it was then that a word, a name he was all too familiar with was uttered. Aay'han. He was many things: a soldier, a captain, a 'brother', a friend. Yet the last seemed to become less of a reality as time had passed on. It was strange to realize that you could only truly appreciate someone once they're gone, and by then you only want to let them know you were wrong, but by then it was all too late. There was a phrase Fett knew that he could speak for Aay'han and the rest of the once-famed Clawbird Team. Muttered beneath his breath for only himself and the dead to hear.

"Men like us don't start wars. We only die in them, as we always have. We expect no praise, no parades... nobody knows our names."
There was the sound of running foot steps coming from behind Kaden, and yell. There would be no time for [member="Tal Vizsla"] to respond to Kaden if the young warrior who survived hell wanted to win this fight. Most of the prisoners being forced to fight tonight were killers, murderers, plain and simple. It had been an act of mercy to allow them one chance to earn freedom. IF they failed they would be dead. It was a good motivator for most. This one was over eager however. Kaden took advantage of it.

He ducked and passed under the man's arms. This prisoner must have thought he could tackle Kaden to the ground, but he had come in too high. When he realized his mistake her spun around and took a swing at Kaden who moved out of the way of the man's fist. The last fight Yasha had seen Kaden in the young warrior had been tipsy as the vode had stopped watering down their tihaar. Kaden was completely sober in this fight, as he would be for all of them. His movements were much more crips, and precise.

Kaden was clearly toying with the killer. That was the point wasn't it, to put on a show for those watching? Kaden didn't care so much about the crowd. There was only one in the audience he was fighting for. [member="Yasha Mantis"] was the only one he aimed to impress. He wanted to see what was under her armor, exactly as she had promised if he won all his fights.

Kaden punched the man in the face as he charged once more. His fist collided with the man's nose, breaking it. The killer's eyes teared up, blurring his vision. It was only getting easier for the warrior who had killed many unspeakable creatures in the Netherworld, and one with a boot. Yasha's favorite story.

The man tried to charge at Kaden again. This time when Kaden stepped to the side he kicked at the back of the man's knee, just off to the side. He dislocated it and forced him on the ground. Kaden gripped the man by the hair and forced him to look up to Yasha. Kaden looked to her as well. The crowd roared.



Kaden saw him! What was he doing here. [member="Darth Carnifex"] had arrived and brought with him the image of a vague shadow. Yes, none of it had been real, but it had FELT real. Kaden had felt the emotions. Those had been real. [member="Gray Raxis"] had just brought them to a place of healing in regards to the matter too. [member="Yasha Mantis"] had just recently learned Kaden had not closed his eyes. He watched every bit of the things Yasha endured to save his life. She had wanted it to be her burden, but there was no burden that Kaden would ever make Yasha shoulder alone. Such was the nature of his promise, of their covenant. It was stronger than Hell itself.

His eyes looked at the two as they entered the box. It hadn't been real, but the truth, Kaine had manipulated the Mandalorian people by what he had done to Ra. Kaden would always see it that way. He had heard everything that day. Kaden would not allow him any more ground than he already had.

Yasha gave Kaden the nod to kill the prisoner.

Without taking his eyes off Kaine and the boy, Kaden snapped the man's neck in a display of raw strength before letting the lifeless body slump to the ground in a heap of flesh and bone.
They've really got to schedule these parties better. More accurately, Adora probably needed a lesson or two in time management. Sure, her tardiness wasn't entirely her fault, as far as she was concerned. The lab had been unusually busy this day, with plenty of samples to take, research to sift through. It was good work, of course, just long. There simply weren't enough hours in the day to sustain that sort of research, nor the attention span to last the several weeks it was taking. [member="Listralli Namadi"] didn't help, either, rambling on about prosthetic maintenance or some other nerd stuff. Adora stopped paying attention about halfway through. Between the day of work and Listralli's ramblings, Adora found herself tuckered out and ready for a nap but a few hours before the evening's festivities were to kick off.

Plenty of time for a nap, right?

Adora was paying for it now, the usually energetic flash of pink moving with a far more frustrated vigor than one would paint her with. Being so late, her nap turning into a light coma, was an embarrassment on her part. Completely unacceptable, entirely Listralli's fault. She cast a curious glance about the Colosseum, searching for a familiar face, just a teensy bit out of breath from the hurried jog over here. She'd find little luck, seeing a couple faces recognized from passing, but only a couple she'd actually conversed with before. It was the curse of both her work and health.

The group including Yasha among many others claimed her attention most, spurring the vibrant girl to meander over to them, only half paying attention to the festivities below. Such gruesome displays didn't always hold any real entertainment factor with the girl. Even with the fights, the place needed some livening up. Something festive, befitting a party. Like dancing. And Adora, doing her best to blend into the small group at Yasha's side, had a pretty good idea of how to introduce that.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Volkan Haran'jai"] | [member="Teagan Stoirm"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Quoron Viszla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Tal Vizsla"] | [member=''Jin'] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Amanda Kryze "]| [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Merrax didn’t boast of anything impressive, seated at one of many tables with her other Mandalorian brethren and listening to the chatter, while working diligently at the food on her plate. The atmosphere seemed relatively good humored, besides the stiff handful that sat brooding to themselves.

She took another stab at the slab of bantha steak in front of her, plucking up a juicy piece with her fork that was examined a short second before quickly being shoved in her mouth, washed down with a hearty gulp of ale.

Sharp blue eyes swept up to where Yasha Mantis stood, watching the procession of Mandalorians coming to present her with extravagant gifts of one kind or another, with a few exceptions of the humble variety. She didn’t know what kind of gift her uncle, [member="Joanes Quez"], had planned to give the Katlaydr. If she had to hazard a guess, it’d be something of the turkey variety.

A gift from Clan Vihan would not be produced, nor would they be represented. Not tonight, not ever again. By all accounts, the name would soon be as dead and forgotten as the charred surface of Mandalore. On her return, she’d rejoined the fold of her mother's clan, Quez. Cloaking herself with the same scathing dislike of the Force as her uncle, and forever putting the shame of Vihan to rest, right beside whatever ashes Monroe had let remain of them.

There would be other ways for her to show loyalty in due time, where she could turn her attention in places where actions spoke louder than any words of gifts. She would be patient until then, and drink more ale in the meantime.
"KADEN! Stop showboating for Yasha and treat those opponents with some damn respect. They chose honour, so show them some!"

Shia snapped at the top of her voice down into the fighting pit, her tone friendly but acerbic.

"And stop staring at the Dark Lord! He'll be here when you're done!"

She followed Yasha down more sedately, offering the Dark Lord of the Sith and his companion a polite nod, and trying really hard not to wretch at the aura of death that clung to the man. She was going to have to back off soon or something would snap in her.

Thankfully, some tihaar was passing, which is just what you need to dull the senses sufficiently. Unwise, but effective.

[member="Merrax Vihan"] [member="Adora Namadi"] [member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
The arena reminded him of the Grand Colosseum at Canthar, built long ago by his distant ancestor Magnus the Red during his reign as King. The smell of sweat and blood filled the towering gargantuan Sith's nostrils, and he breathed in deeply of the stench. It wasn't all that different from the odor that wafted across the battlefield, though the absence of powder and burning flesh was distinctly absent. Golden eyes surrounded by inky darkness peered down at the current contender, a man who watched the Dark Lord as keenly as a falcon watched a mouse scurrying about through the underbrush. Recognition was to be expected, but this one had fury burning in his eyes as they met his own.


The prisoner's neck was broken by the Mandalorian, a small line of bloody spittle dribbling down his chin before his body crumpled to the sandy floor. The Epicanthix tilted his head in acknowledgement, a grim smile spreading across his face as he turned his attention to the woman of the hour.

"Momi' bliidembr, Yasha Mantis. I was eager to reacquaint myself with you after our last meeting, and I have brought many gifts to accompany the festivities. Several ferocious exotic beasts collected from around the galaxy, casks of Talravani wine; the finest vintage, and relics taken from the Republic during the reign of the One Sith Empire." He beckoned his son forward, and placed both heavy hands on his shoulders as he gently pushed him forward. "And this, little Yasha, is perhaps my greatest gift. I offer the hand of my son, Ancius Zambrano, in marriage to you, wayward daughter of Panatha. You may do with him as you wish, should you accept."

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"]
The smell of blood, thaar, and sweat filled the mercenaries nostrils as he entered the arena. The colloseum has been one of the first buildings to be rebuilt, or so he had heard. Ceryc had to see for himself. He had not been there when the planet was devastated. The resol’nare has been nothing of consequence to a mercenary that no longer lived among his people, yet he was drawn back.

With quiet steps he found a place among the otherwise rambunctious crowd. They had been cheering on a young man who was fighting in the pit. Entertainment was war for his people. It was good to be home.

Ceryc Haat sat down where the meal was being served. A juicy nerf steak was on the menu, obviously imported because Mandalore couldn’t support much life at all outside the domes. His large hand grabbed a tankard of ale, and as the toast was offered he shouted in unison with the group. He had missed this.

He looked to his left. There was a face he thought was familiar to him. [member="Merrax Vihan"] looked like someone he should know, someone he may have worked with before. Ceryc was cursing under his breath because he shouldn’t have forgotten a face or figure like hers. Curiosity was eating at his mind, so he moved to the empty seat next to her and sat down.

”I couldn’t help but notice that you look familiar. You haven’t been working as a bounty hunter recently have you?”

The question was posed. Now to wait for an answer.
The couple agreed to take their gift to the young Mantis woman and arose from their seats, with an escort of Munin clansmen. They strode and made their way to Yasha's box, and the Akaan noticed someone else beating him to Famine.

It was an old associate and ally of his whom he made business in the past and still do.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
It would be the first time Vilaz would meet the Dark Lord of the Sith with his beloved wife. What would she say or think? Hopefully there wasn't an argument after this. That's the last thing he needed.

The Rekr approached those in Yasha's box, offered them all a respectful nod, and first spoke to Yasha.

"Happy birthday, Katlaydr, and may you celebrate many more in this life. As a gift from me to you, I present you this viper. It represents the insignia of my clan, and yes it is tamed. And again, happy birthday," the Munin said to his fellow wolf, then giving his attention to the Sith Lord.

"And welcome, Kaine. I hope your trip was well. I'm a bit surprised to see you here along with your..." and his words trailed off as his eyes went on Kaine's son. A son Vilaz was unfamiliar with, but no doubt the Epicanthix would answer his curiosities.

[member="Shia Kryze"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Briika Tor-Munin"]
So a Mandalorian...a Sith lord....and a Stormtrooper walk into a bar....

Karsan didn't have much in the way of a gift. In fact, he had nothing. He sat in the stands, an outcast even among his 'people'. He wasn't terribly sure where his place was in the galaxy, much less the people he had no idea he was part of by birth. Then again, his father was kind of a dick- even if he was aware he was actually his father. Karsan sat in the stands, foot propped up on the seat in front of him, chew in his mouth. He spit into a bottle, watching the arena come alive people. From what he could tell, some girl had done something metaphorically going to hell.

Or maybe she literally went. He'd heard crazier stuff in his lifetime.

But something tingled on the back of his neck.

Someone he hadn't seen in a long time was here. Someone who may or may not recognize him. Not that Karsan kept any secrets. He was a stormtrooper, a crook, a killer. A good one at that. But he hadn't been this nervous in a while.

Somebody who wasn't nice (even 'nice' by Mandalorians standards was low-balling it) was around. Someone bad. Someone evil. Manipulative. Cruel. The same feeling when that certain somebody who he used to work for came around.

That son of a queen was here.
An altruism to all fine Ladies was to be absolutely shameless at being fashionably late. This verd’goten celebration, no doubt swarming in debauchery, violence and the overabundances of gluttony and drunkenness, was no exception. Dressed in the grey and blue armour and flowing clothes of a Sabarene Echani, the assistant-come-governess-come-advisor left her formal robes on the Myrmadinas.

Pity she was too late to consult Yasha on the perfectly sensible thing of accepting a favourable marriage proposal, when one was given by an Emperor.

It was a relatively easy affair to allow the deaths of any possible other heirs, until one merely had to stay the course and wait… but that was the Atrisian Culture in her talking. More shocking still was the gentleman’s arm Baiko wrapped her hand around. She paused to speak of the colours and the sight of things, describing as much as she could as they walked.

Special dispensation for this evening had been given for the addition of [member="Gray Raxis"] to the event. “Alor Raxis, you cannot possibly have conquered that soldier with nothing but a sheet of flimsy and a flashlight.”

The woman laughed, shaking her head as she looked up to the box to see [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Shia Kryze"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], a legion of people. “Gray… in the box. Emperor Zambrano stands with what appears a familial relation, a young man, Vilaz Munin, Shia, Yasha, Adora and I believe one of your clansmen, the engineer… shall we go rescue the event, or shall I take you up on that option for a drink of curiously strong liquor?”
Why was Gray, a force using Mandalorian that some here would rather have executed than cured or exiled, here? He was here for [member="Yasha Mantis"] . He was here for [member="Kaden Mantis"] . He was here for [member="Shia Kryze"] . And he was here because he was Mandalorian. Today was about celebrating. Today was about Mandalorians being Mandalorians. So today was the perfect day for Gray to show his face in front of his people again and remind them that you could be both a force user and a Mandalorian so long as you followed the Resol'nare and the will of the Manda.

To make things better, Gray had the pleasure of escorting [member="Baiko no Kaho"] to the party as well. It was also necessary as well. He was blind and had to rely on the force to perceive around him, but the latest trend of becoming force dead made that difficult. There was plenty of people who force sight was worthless at seeing in the crowd and so to avoid running into someone by accident he needed a guiding hand. Baiko happened to be perfect at that while being a delight to speak with. The atrisian woman knew how to entertain that was for sure. And it was during some of that small talk while he was lead around like a lamb that something more serious came up. She mentioned those who were gathered around Yasha already, and it got a slight frown out of him. Even if she hadn't mentioned it, he could feel [member="Darth Carnifex"] presence. All she had done was put a name to the potent aura. He shifted to a smile after a second however and said, " As much as I would love to monopolize your company with some good liquor, I think it is best we go save your girl."

Following Baiko's lead, Gray found himself right where he needed to be with the crowd of people. As soon as he could sense he must be close enough to Yasha that she could hear him without any trouble, he said in a familial tone of voice, " Yasha! Come give me a hug." He gently released Baiko's hand from his arm and headed up towards where he hoped she was at. He was in the dark blue and gray armor with the Raxis wolf on it that all of his clansman wore, even young Teagan. He lacked a helmet but was otherwise fully armored. A gray scarf covered in Mandalorian symbols was wrapped around his eyes. He was not hiding or attempting to with his appearance. The only weapons on him was a pistol on his right hip and the hilt of Whisper's home next to it.

A genuine smile was on Gray's face as he held out his arms. He was ready and waiting for that sensation of arms wrapping around him. And as soon as he felt just that he wrapped his arms around Yasha. As he embraced her warmly, he said, " Congratulations on everything. And I mean everything." As soon as she let go he did as well. With that smile still on his face, he said to her, " I brought you a gift. Take a guess at what it is. Bet it is better than Teagan's." If his eyes weren't covered he would have given her a wink after he finished speaking. He knew some serious politics had to be at play right now as well, but it was just his way. It was the Mandalorian way. She deserved to feel like she had people who truly cared for her still and were not afraid to express it publicly. Gray was never scared to express how much he cared publicly, sometimes to uncomfortable degrees.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Adora Namadi"]
Sipping her ne’tra gal, Yasha punched Kaine on his shoulder in a jovial fashion, nodding to look downward at [member="Kaden Mantis"] in the ring. “My Kaden… it takes quite the man to stand beside me… doubly so when he survived the Netherworld to do it.”

[member="Darth Carnifex"] was not finished speaking. He gave extravagantly of his resources, and… Ancius Zambrano. There was a hesitance to the young man’s eyes, the resignation of a loyal son to his father’s will which pitched Yasha’s mind back to Sinner’s Rue. This wasn’t him… no, this wasn’t him, was it?

“Ali i'ay emremyodemb i'ayl ram’r zosyi od dui ropi sizis or om ijhadev xiord, al duod ui ruoss obi or hemi or Toslozome vemi, Kaine?”* Yasha’s face stung and her cheeks roared to a pink and flagrant flush. She froze in place, locked as a statue at Kaine’s ‘gift’. [member="Gray Raxis"] was right. The God-King was following through on a Panathan tradition of marrying for myriad reasons. Politics, security, familial ties, love… all were sufficient and all were respected in the culture to which Yasha was actually born. A man with eight wives, he would not blink at his son being some woman's second spouse. The gesture shook Yasha's composure, striking into her belly as her feet lost the ability to move.

“Akaan! I was searching for you. You should have been up here with me… you… know Kaine Zambrano, Vivi?” Yet, salvation came in two curious forms this night. [member="Vilaz Munin"] and his gifted pet snake. As Akaan presented his gift, the cogs in Yasha’s mind began to churn. Of course… of course Akaan knew Zambrano. How else did the Mandalorians first receive Sith aide after the cataclysm? The viper wove up Yasha’s arm, its’ reptilian skin slithering as its’ head came to rest in the crook of Yasha’s neck and shoulder. “She’s beautiful, you’ve outdone yourself, Akaan. If you have a minute I can steal you away for… business? Pardon me, Ancius, have you met Vi— Gray!”

Gray Raxis was readily becoming one of the bravest (and probably craziest) Mandalorians Yasha had ever met. She’d invited him to the party, never thinking the known Force User and Civil War pacifist would, in fact, show up.

“I have a viper on my left shoulder.” Yasha rushed in to hug Gray, easing up to avoid a nasty snakebite accident. Crushing her arms around Gray’s ribcage, the young Mandalorian leaned in to whisper.

“You have the best-worst timing in the universe.” The whisper complete, Yasha pulled back from the hug and helped lead Gray into the middle of the box full of Mandalorians, and Sith Lords. “Thank you, Gray… one’s, ah, verd’goten… is… guess? I don’t think you could pick a better gift than [member="Teagan Stoirm"]’s. He’s preemptively outdone you. Come, come meet everyone. Emperor Kaine Zambrano is on your right, and his son Ancius Zambrano. Vilaz Munin is to your left, with [member="Shia Kryze"], your clansman, [member="Adora Namadi"] who is a fantastic dancer and engineer and… Gray is the reason we have food and drink on the tables, everyone. Today is for celebrating, and nothing more... let the problems of tomorrow reside there.”

*“Are you insinuating that you value your son at the same level as an exotic beast, or that he shall age as fine as Talravani wine, Kaine?”
Kaden cracked the neck. The crowd roared, but he was not focussed in anything else but the dark lord. [member="Darth Carnifex"] has arrived and presented Yasha with gifts... and... a... him. His anger burned. Kaden didn’t like the look of this.

”Then I shall take my place beside you now, my Yasha!” he shouted to his riduur.

He hit the ignition on his jet pack and launched himself to the box where everyone else was gathered. His attention was on the boy. He looked... familiar. His boots hit the ground with a thud as the jet shut down. Yes, Kaden had left the arena, and Yasha could complain later that he forfeited the remainder of his fights. This was a more important issue. Every nightmare rushed back into Kaden’s mind. Yasha told him no more secrets between them, and that was exactly what he had in mind. No more secrets.

He approached the box, and took his place beside Yasha.

”I wasn’t aware we would have such an honored guest,” Kaden tried to honey his words.

[member="Gray Raxis"] and [member="Baiko no Kaho"] has just arrived as well. Gray called for a hug. The box was getting full, or the area near it. Kaden didn’t care. He looked to Yasha, then to Kaine.

”And what gifts has the Zambrano household chosen to honor my wife with this day...”

[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Shia Kryze"]
The box was getting crowded in a hurry. Why had Teagan decided to grab food and a drink from there instead of going down to the main area? He knew why. His back was still aching him after Dathomir and there was a lot of bodies circling the public tables. His main problem was that a lot of important sounding people began to find their way to [member="Yasha Mantis"] after he had left. He wanted to socialize but it would be impossible with this crowd. The only person he could possibly approach was the pink haired young woman that had shown up. After getting himself a plate of food, he walked over to [member="Adora Namadi"] and gave her a friendly smile. " Hi. I'm Teagan Stoirm from Clan Raxis. Pleasure to met you!"

Teagan kept smiling as he went to take a bite of his food. It was good. Things sounded like they were getting tense over around the women being celebrated so he took a peek. A man with a younger man had shown up and it seemed to put Yasha on edge. That couldn't be good news for the party. He looked back to Adora and said, " Who is that? Things got really tense ov-" He had to stop speaking. A sight out of the corner of his eye had brought him to a full stop and he nearly dropped his food. It was his Clan's Alor walking up with some woman on his arm. Then something even more surprising happened. Yasha and Alor Gray hugged each other. What was going on here?! He just looked dumbfounded for a bit before he finally said, " What is happening? This is bad. This is really bad."
Only just here and Adora was at a loss for who to approach, who to talk to. That was the awkward thing about only really knowing the woman of the hour and just a few others. They all had numerous people to converse with, while the latecomer was stuck on the fringe, only hearing snippets of conversation she could hardly jump in on. She got lucky, though, when she was approached by [member="Teagan Stoirm"], saving her from the effort of approaching someone herself. She was slow to respond at first, preoccupied by the food Teagan brought with him before realizing he'd addressed her. "Adora Namadi of Clan, well, Namadi." She offered a bright little grin. "The feeling's mutual."

Also taking an interest in the apparent commotion, Adora craned her neck, stood on her toes, considered finding a chair to stand on, all to get a better view of what Teagan was referring to. "I have no clue- oh! Oh." Her eyes widened a fraction, hands furiously grabbing her near ever-present datapad, punching in commands to confirm her theory. "That's the current Dark Lord of the Sith Empire. Huh. Wonder why he's here." While Teagan was apparently distracted, she snuck another glance at his plate, contemplating trying to swipe something, just for fun. "Wait, what's wrong?" Once again, she tried maneuvering to see around the crowd. It wasn't really working out.

[member="Merrax Vihan"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Volkan Haran'jai"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Quoron Viszla"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Tal Vizsla"] | [member=''Jin'] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Amanda Kryze "]| [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Ceryc Haat"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"]
Before her next bite was finished, a man had come to sit beside her. Merrax raised a brow at his forward behavior and set down her fork, swallowing softly. “Why? Do I look like a bounty hunter?” she asked in an incredulous tone and giving a coy smile, gesturing over her person and the lack of visible weapons. Was she armed? Darn tootin. Did his question make her feel twitchy? A bit. The permeating stench of blood didn’t help either, especially with the baser instincts of her genetic makeup.

All of that, and, well, she liked her anonymity. Now that she was back home, back with the clan? Doubly so.

Merrax pulled her copper braid over her shoulder and surveyed him with a glance, taking in the details of his face and general appearance before grabbing the napkin beside her plate to wipe her mouth with. Was there a familiarity to him? Sure. But who could say for certain where that came from? He did manage to peak her interest though. Might as well try to figure out who he was. “I’m Merra.” She offered casually, “Why don’t you grab something to eat?”

There was a stirring and quiet chattering, a palpable tension spreading throughout the room. Her attention was momentarily captured by the commotion, and Merrax tilted her head to try and get a look. "Wonder what's going on over there?"

[member="Ceryc Haat"], @Anyone nearby
Amanda kinda just meandered around the place getting some food making small talk then going to the food. She glanced to the fighters pit idly watching as she hummed a song her mother would sing to her as a child...

She glanced around hearing a bit of commotion in the pit, she stood straight up as she moved towards the gathering crowd and as she got closer she felt cold...she looked to the stands were yasha was and saw a few people in there...seemed to be the source of this noise apparently was the source of the noise...what the bloody heck was going on...she didn't like it one bit kinda put her on edge

something isn't right..
Even before this celebration, the two needed to talk. They had lost Ra when all positions of the Cuir Rekr and the Warmaster were filled, then they lost all but War and Famine at their raid of Utapau. One of their first of many raids against the Coalition and the Galaxy which ended in a success as they had gotten their Kyber Crystals and burned most of Pau City. It was their first and it wouldn't be their last against the Coalition. The Munin had some priceless information about the faction before leaving it many years ago. He could only hope his intel was right as some things may had changed throughout these times.

With the pleasantries out of the way with everyone in Yasha's box, the Akaan led the young Mantis in tow behind him so that they may talk in private.

Away from the arena with the yells and screams fading away slowly, the two came to a halt and the Munin gave her all his attention.

"I did not know you are married, Yasha. Congratulations, I know the feeling of being wed to your heart and soul," the Rekr said to the Mantis before continuing. "So what business you wish to discuss with me? Because I also have somethings to talk with you too."

[member="Yasha Mantis"]

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