Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Isle Is Full of Noises (Mandos & Allies)

Shia stiffened visibly at [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s offer, but perhaps not because it was unexpected, but because of the firestorm it might touch off - and the fact that a junior son was somewhat insulting, really. Although at least they rated a son, rather than a grandchild.

Then engaged in a strategic retreat with [member="Vilaz Munin"] and she was left, not alone, but in a bizarre confluence of people. She nodded politely to [member="Gray Raxis"]. "A pleasure, we should talk later." and smiled and offered warriors handshakes to everyone she was introduced to, she was genuinely pleased to see them, but she was also using the time to think.

When she reached [member="Darth Carnifex"] and Ancius, she offered an ingenuine smile and forced herself to offer the same handshake. "Your Imperial Majesty, you honour us with your presence and gifts." She was pretty sure Yasha had said something cutting, but she had to be polite, and she wouldn't judge the son by the father. She offered a brief prayer to Kad Ha'rangir that this conflict would come out in their favour. She didn't believe in Kad Ha'rangir, mind you. But she did believe in the metaphysical concept he represented and saw war and conflict reflected in every level, even the social.

[member="Kaden Mantis"]
"Tuod lipoemr da xi riim.*"

The Dark Lord cast a curious eye on his son, who seemed to blush at the connotation that he was on the same level as the Emperor's other gifts. Soon the box would be packed to the brim with Mandalorians as they came to wish the young Yasha her best, or to glare and sneer at the towering monolith that was the almighty Lord of the Sith. There were few, so very few, that saw Kaine as an old ally and benefactor; chiefly [member="Vilaz Munin"].

He clasped Vilaz's hand, their interaction blatantly familiar. "I was invited by the Hell-Forged herself, Munin. It would have been an insult to reject such an invitation, and I would not deign to inflict such injury upon the Empire's closest allies."

Closest in proximity, perhaps, but nonetheless the Mandalorian Empire was considered an ally of the Sith Empire, and the Emperor would make it his mission to ensure that their relationship remained strong even without his puppet leading them. Yasha has proven amiable to keeping the bond strong, even after she had gleamed what the Dark Lord had done to manipulate her people from the Netherworld. She knew more than any of her advisors what would happen if they made the Sith an enemy once again.

Then [member="Shia Kryze"] came up to him, offering empty compliments for the sake of appearing cordial. The Emperor could see right through her ruse, prompting a snort of amusement to prelude his response, "The feeling is mutual."

[member="Yasha Mantis"]
“Wi rnaqi ah dliodemb iovu aduil or ityosr, Kaine. Yayl mijhd xliodu er da vsoep pi or o koybudil? Hi vess nlazi ueprish vedu yr, I vommad xi uisk lirnamrexsi hal uer nlavirr em xoddsi, xyd… vi vess rii uav viss ui obir… ui’ss uozi da nlazi ueprish da Kaden. Momkosaleomr oli pamabopayr omk Kaden er… nladivdezi.”*

Yasha again spoke to [member="Darth Carnifex"] in Epicant, as the box was readily filling. [member="Adora Namadi"] was there, and Yasha wanted nothing more than to give the girl a hug and dance until the night was gone. [member="Gray Raxis"] came to give Yasha a much needed hug, [member="Baiko no Kaho"] swooped him in and [member="Kaden Mantis"] jet packed up. “Give me a minute, Gray-Buir… just a minute. Kade, Gray… why don’t you ask Ancius more about himself, eh? Get to know him! Gray, it’s… I need a minute!”

Oh, Yasha would be slapping Kaden for that later. Taken out by [member="Vilaz Munin"], the young woman had to stop and wonder if the Buir had some form of fatherly danger sense where girls were involved. As it was, Yasha Mantis took the moment to breathe in the quiet of the hall. She pressed her palm to her hair and shook her head. “Nobody knew… Kaden and I did the rida-ri-rid-ridu-vow thing yesterday, Vilaz. We… haven’t even been married a full day. Thank you… this was kind of our… well it was already a party so why not celebrate that, too? What’s its’ name? The viper… it’s beautiful. ”

Hissing out a loose breath, Yasha leaned against the nearest wall and looked at the viper coiled around her arm and shoulder. “There’s this vine in hell… trap you with a vision of your lost love… it shimmers like this viper’s skin. I loved those vines…”

Pressing her fingers against her temple, Yasha peered over at Vilaz.

“The freak was that? Who offers marriage to a couple of kids who’ve never met!? Have one private conversation with the Dark Lord and suddenly we’re two steps to family… was he like this when you were Mand’alor? Sorry, I’m… did I imagine that? That happened, right? Never mind. You first. What is it you wanted to talk to me about? Not going to promise your son in marriage, were you? Kaine beat you to it.” The girl smirked, her white canines poking onto her lower lip.

“I told Kaine Zambrano I was going to challenge for Mand’alor and he dubbed me the Hell Forged and now he’s playing nice or I don’t know, but with the others dead, missing or deserting to drink in a cabin, I know in your eyes I’m the thirteen year old girl who sat on Ra’s throne and said I was going to be Mand’alor someday, like other kids say ‘I’m going to be a spacer’, and that was what, a week ago for you? Two weeks? But it’s been seven years for Kaden, Shia and I… and… never mind you were going to go first. That’s the first time someone’s shoved a man in my face and went ‘here, take him’. Is that strange or… normal? Sorry. Never mind. Battle is so much easier than…. what just happened there… Never mind. You first.”

*“We spoke of treating each other as equals, Kaine. Your next breath is to claim me as a daughter? He will prove himself with us, I cannot be held responsible for his prowess in battle, but… we will see how well he ages… he’ll have to prove himself to Kaden. Mandalorians are monogamous and Kaden is… protective.”
Despite her aging in the Netherworld and coming out as a woman, she was still a little girl in his eyes. A little girl full of ambition as did others at her age. He never battled in something major as she did at Utapau. Mandalorians, in his opinion, matured much faster than others that weren't a soldier of Mandalore.

But Yasha was different as it was supposed to be. She lost almost everything, yet she continued. Others would have lived their lives drinking endlessly from a bottle, consuming spices and drugs, or take their own life. Things were going fast...much faster than Vilaz had anticipated. A Kaine marrying one of his sons to Yasha was something he did not anticipate.

"She is yours, the Viper. Name her whatever you want it to be," the Akaan said to Katlaydr.

He breathed in and breathed out in a sigh, "It's obvious we live in desperate times, Yasha. When I took the mantle, disaster shortly followed. I did my best to rally the clans to help rebuild Mandalore, but most of them turned their backs on me and our planet. Kaine, however, gave me aid. Food, medical supplies, you name it."

"But during my reign, Kaine did came to me and offered one of his daughters to my adopted son, Lok. It was a political marriage to strengthen our ties. Lok had two choices, and he immediately married the daughter, but he didn't devote himself to her. The two aren't true lovers, and they can still do as they please with others. And now the Dark Lord is offering that to you, but it is your choice to do so; but if you do, that doesn't mean you have to devote your heart and soul to him. That you can do with Kaden."

"You are still young in my eyes, Yasha. No matter how much you've rapidly aged, you are still young. I know I am not your father or your aunt, but you still need to be guided. Especially if you are to challenge for the mantle of Mand'alor. I've been and seen it all. I may be...ruthless, but there's a reason why I am. If you are to win as Mand'alor, then you must listen to my advice. I won't force you to do anything, but I do hope you make right decisions."

[member="Yasha Mantis"]
Well no one was calling to "cure" him or have him executed so far. Gray called that a win. It seemed that his presence here had done [member="Yasha Mantis"] some good as well in calming her down. There was an exchange in a foreign tongue between her and [member="Darth Carnifex"] as [member="Kaden Mantis"] showed up to declare their marriage. He knew all about it since it was sort of his fault they even got to that point where they felt they could make the vows. It was something he was a little proud of even if [member="Baiko no Kaho"] wished he hadn't pushed the pair that far. Too late now not that he would change a thing.

As [member="Vilaz Munin"] came to take Yasha off for a private conversation, Gray gave her a smile and said, " I'll be nice, but no promises. When you get back I need to give you your gift." Then she was gone. What now? He didn't have to think about it long however before [member="Shia Kryze"] approached him. A quick word from her asking to speak later. That was interesting enough but then when they shook hands he felt something. If not for the scarf they might notice his eyebrow raise from the sensation. It was familiar. Something to ponder later. She moved on and he was alone yet again soon enough. Well not completely alone. He still knew Kaden, but had no idea where Baiko was at. The woman had a real talent for disappearing when she didn't want attention on her.

Turning towards where Gray had heard Kaden's voice come from, he says, " I'm surprised you still have so much energy after all that activity. Why don't we find some food and drink together?" He turned his attention towards Kaine and his son. His friendly smile weakened as he added, " You can join us if you want. It will be on married topics though so a single person like yourself might get bored." And with that his attention was back onto Kaden. His friendly smile returned to its fullness. This young man had a lot to learn and Gray enjoyed thinking about the learning curve it was going to be for him. Was this was it felt like when a father or uncle watched their own figure out life?
Kaden sighed. A direct question asked and left unaswered. Had it not been for what he was hearing, and the fact he spoke Epicant fluently, Kaden would not have known what was going on. [member="Darth Carnifex"] was offering his son to [member="Yasha Mantis"] as a husband. Yes, they were married, and Kaden knew that Baiko believed there would need to be arrangements like this. He simply did not expect one so soon. The idea put a rock in the pit of his stomach. He knew everything. Yasha had Kaden watching her interaction with Kaine through the security feed. Kaden knew the Sith had manipulated the Mandalorians through Ra.

He grinned. There was one way to level the playing field in his eyes.

"I op mad amsi' nladivdezi, xyd vor duili vuim Yoruo kervazilik dui dlydu. Ir duer i'ayl voi' ah dli'emb da qiin i'ayl blen am ayl niansi? Da i'ay duemq i'ay vom pomenysodi yr dulaybu Yoruo or i'ay kek dulaybu Ro? Bivoyri eh duod er i'ayl emdimd..."*

His eyes remained on Kaine and Anicus as Yasha gave he and Gray instructions. The fact Yasha would even consider this grated against the very fiber of who was as a Mandalorian. Kaden looked over to [member="Baiko no Kaho"]. When he was certain their eyes were locked he simply nodded. There was a message only Baiko would understand. She had shown them patience and favor knowing they had married despite her wishes, and now Kaden would show good faith. Kaden would understand what Baiko wanted him to. He was not going to get in the way... at least he wasn't going to kill the offered son.

Yasha left with Vilaz, and Kaden looked to Gray. This was a conversation he was not invited to. When was Yasha going to do what both of them knew needed to happen? When was she going to declare herself as Mand'alor and let any who would oppose her try. If she wanted him to get to know Anicus in the meantime then he would. As Yasha promised, he was not going to be easy to impress.

He looked to Gray.

"She told me if I won all my fights tonight that I would get more activity. How could I turn down the incentive?"

Kaden then looked to Anicus.

"Well, Anicus... what do you know about our people. Do you like to fight?"

Kaden looked at Baiko and Gray. He mouthed the words "HELP ME" in Mando'a.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Shia Kryze"]

*I am not only protective, but was there when Yasha discovered the truth. Is this your way of trying to keep your grip on our people? Do you think you can manipulate us through Yasha as you did through Ra? Because if that is your intent...
“Volruonil… to remind me of how all Mando’ade are shaped in war.” Yasha put her index finger on the Viper’s head and rubbed, watching its’ reptilian eyes peer up at her face. Was Volruonil going to bite her new master? A viper was a dangerous creature, yet not without cunning and intelligence. A diligent lesson indeed from the former Mand’alor [member="Vilaz Munin"].

Holding the snake the way she’d seen Vilaz do, Yasha let her fingers run along Volruonil's skin. He spoke of the cataclysm, of taking aid and a headstrong man doing his best for his people.

That was Vilaz Munin, wasn’t it? A man attempting to do his best for his people. Yasha’s eyes snapped up to Vilaz’s face as he mentioned the same thing [member="Gray Raxis"] mentioned, and [member="Baiko no Kaho"] mentioned… [member="Darth Carnifex"] would marry off any of his children if he could… and would. Ancius Zambrano was proof of the concept. [member="Lok Munin"] was proof of how such an alliance could work.

But there was a caution to Akaan Yasha hadn’t seen before, a viper-like edge of ruthless wisdom. With Ra gone, who could give Yasha the wisdom of someone who sat in the same position? The same throne? She required allies, who would set forth on her behalf. Even Ra hadn't done everything alone.

“I will take your advice… Vivi, I know how Ra came back to life. That’s why [member="Kaden Mantis"], [member="Shia Kryze"] and I went to the Netherworld, it’s why I had us take Dathomir and brought out [member="Ember Rekali"]. Rekali taught me, I know what happened… and…” Stroking the snake in her hand, Yasha let her eyes descend as she breathed. “… and I know it is for the good of all Mando’ade that the secret of Ra’s resurrection remain a mystery. You are right, I am young. I’d rather have waited. I’d rather Aryn hadn’t died, Malika was back and Daddy hadn’t abandoned us… but if I don’t take that throne and show the Galaxy that Mandalore is strong and united… there won’t be a Mandalore left… I was sent back in time to be here at this crux point. At this moment, purposefully. I need you, Vilaz. A Mand’alor needs her Warmaster. Help me.
Things were getting even more tense as Yasha and some guy he didn't know took off somewhere private. Lots of words were being exchanged that he couldn't hear. His alor and the Dark Lord of the Sith Empire both in the same place. This was very very bad. The worst kind of bad too. He turned to [member="Adora Namadi"] who seemed to be having a hard time seeing what was happening. He could see if she was wanted to get on his shoulders. No that was a bad idea. His back would give out for sure and they would both end up on the floor. But if she really wanted to see what was happening then he should help her out....

Teagan said to her, " Well my clan's Alor is here. He can sort of use the force and isn't suppose to be on Mandalore. Also he doesn't like Sith. Like he doesn't like Sith at all. I hope it doesn't get violent. Well more than any Mandalorian party is. It shouldn't though. I mean my alor is blind...but he can use the force. Oh I don't know! This is just going to be bad I know it." He was shifting on his feet nervously. Why did all of this have to happen? Why couldn't this just be the kind of normal party were people danced and ate and drank with a few who drank too much leading to hilarious trouble? No of course it couldn't be one of those when Teagan was here. He looked at Adora for a moment then added, " I can let you on my shoulders if you want to see what is happening."
“We have to tell her. Now… this changes everything.” Ambrose whispered in Baiko’s ear. He’d called her over within a second of Baiko reaching the box with [member="Gray Raxis"]. A transmission, passed along after being bought off someone else, transmitted by another… it was gruesome and damning.

It was @Malika Mantis’ death. Death at the flimsy hands of supposed Sith.

Baiko put her hand on Ambrose Vizsla’s shoulder and shook her head with the smallest of motions. “Easy, my friend. This is not the place to add napalm to glowing coals. Give this to me, I will handle it.”

“You say that so often, Baiko. Enough that I am beginning to wonder whose best interest you’re attending to.” Ambrose growled, the low sound snapping across the platform. Baiko caught the look in [member="Kaden Mantis"]’ eye, and heard the words of [member="Darth Carnifex"].

“Oh I will forever be obvious with my intentions. My loyalty lies at the feet of Yasha Mantis. Not Mandalore.” A son for Yasha… a Zambrano to bloody the water… Baiko scanned the boy, this Ancius Zambrano… a minor son for a major galactic player. How… disappointing.

“Stay your course. Tonight is a celebration, let tomorrow be its’ wake… pull the Yalilyr to protect Mand’alor the Hell Wolf and Akaan. Call [member="Beskadala Ordo"] and the Vevut Vod.”

“But Baiko, she’s not..”

“Do it. Put our stations on alert, lock down the space ports… prepare the Bral. Nobody leaves Mandalore tonight… Ambrose, let this be the last night Yasha has as a young newly married woman and not the leader of a galactic empire. Lock down the intel… and get me [member="Koda Fett"].”

“Fett, why?”

“Because of all the Mando’ade present, it is him I worry will discover the footage most!” Baiko seethed in her whispers, straightening up ever the Lady and walking back to put her hand on first Gray’s shoulder (as an indication that she was in his blind proximity), then Kaden’s.

“Emperor Zambrano, your gifts are exceedingly generous. The House of Nussyn’s daughter thanks you, and wishes to have you remain our guest over the next few days. Lodging is provided for you and Ancius… that we may discuss these intentions in the proper way and the proper place. Once Katlaydr returns, we shall toast our victories, mourn our dead, and delight in the company of our friends.” The Kiffar-Echani smiled carefully, hands spreading out then back to rest by her navel. Zambrano.

“Come, Emperor Zambrano, shall we not watch the fights? They may not be as entertaining as those of my people, but a Mandalorian with vigour is a wonder to behold.” Offering her grey gloved hand to the Dark Lord, Baiko’s eyes flickered to Gray for a moment. Blind Gray Raxis… whose utter lack of self-protection brought him to a party where half the people in it probably wanted him cured and thrown in a ditch.

Bravery… what vigorous bravery. Or stupidity, Baiko hadn’t figured out which, but she was excited to do so. Baiko caught [member="Adora Namadi"]’s eye, and seeing her with a Clansman of Raxis, detoured. “Adora, welcome! My apologies for not seeing you outright. Do tell me you plan on opening up the dance floor. We could use dancing tonight. Oh, have you met Teagan? I was hoping to introduce you, two engineers are always better at a party than one.”
The red headed mando popped off in typical female fashion. Ceryc smirked forgetting that the women of the galaxy were easier to impress than and Mandalorian female. They were warriors and familiarty certainly wasn’t a conversation starter, still she invited him to stay. He waved for a plate of food, and smiled when a piece of medium rare steak was set in front of him. The steam rose, and the chilled ale mug began to defrost.

”You simply look familiar, Merrax,” he said using the opportunity to look her over once more. She did seem familiar, even if they had met in passing once before.

Ceryc looked over to the commotion. He shrugged.

”I don’t know. The woman is [member="Yasha Mantis"], she has quite an unbelieveable story. It’s why we are here today. The celebration is for her. I would assume those are guests come to offer her gifts. I’m persoanlly her for the food, ale, and now, the company.”

He looked back to Merrax.

”I’m Ceryc. I’ve been gone for a while, so not sure I’m going to be a good help on current events, other than Mia is dead, and Ra... well... I haven’t seen him.”

[member="Merrax Quez"]

Nisha Decrilla

Many heads swivelled her way, words drifted to her audio receptors, were processed as insignificant and ignored. They were not relevant to her mission, neither were there faces, nor the loud cheers as the crowd watched the arena fights below. The fights had interested her for a few minutes when she'd arrived, but her analysis had shown them all as battles easily one and not worth further study.

She ascend the stairs, servo's in her legs hissing, though the noise was not audible above the crowd, and slipped into the corridors that led to the top box.

Kyra didn't so much as glance at [member="Vilaz Munin"] as she approached, eyes only for her target. Cold metal fingers rested lightly on her shoulder, to gain her attention, a step back and she dropped to one knee, scroll extended upwards. A message from [member="Sel Wyrick"].

You are to be a gift. That's what he had told her. You are to obey her.

[member="Yasha Mantis"]
[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]

<<You knew what I was when you picked me up,>> the snake murmured in Yasha's hands. The reference was an old one, a Mando story about a snake who convinced a warrior to carry it down a cold mountain. Then the snake, as was its immutable nature, bit the warrior and left him to die. Those had been the snake's parting words: You knew what I was when you picked me up. A reminder, if Yasha needed it, of just what Ember Rekali thought of her allies.
That certainly didn't sound ideal. A force sensitive Mandalorian, in general, was pretty much taboo these days. Adora would know, being one of those trusted with administering the 'cure' shortly after the Civil War's conclusion. Having one here, and with the presence of the Dark Lord, no doubt was certainly cause for concern. "I'm sure it'll be fine, maybe. I really don't know." Without thinking, she'd laid a hand on the other's arm as a sort of comforting gesture. Said hand was quickly withdrawn with a bit of an 'oh' upon realization. She'd given up on seeing what the commotion was about, having long since been condemned to the life of being short. She looked up at Teagan with wide eyes and a short laugh. "What? No, no, there's no way that'd work out - you'd hurt yourself."

Adora lit up at the sight of a familiar face, grin widening when addressed. "Baiko, there's nothing to apologize for. It's good to see you." Another short laugh escaped her. "Me? On the dance floor? There's no way I'm going out there alone." She cast a quick glance between the two of them, tempted to remind Baiko her research lied more in biology rather than all the mathematics and calculations that came with engineering. It was still a science - one she had loads of respect for and a vague understanding of, just not her specialty. Still, she turned her gaze back up to Teagan. "You're an engineer?"

[member="Teagan Stoirm"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"]
What a fool.

His hand was played too early, and now he endangered not only himself; but Yasha as well. "Yay kaap i'aylrish vedu izili' valk i'ay rnioq.*" He would have to speak with [member="Vilaz Munin"] later, he would understand the best method in keeping Kaden quiet.


Ancius said nothing to Kaden, his own look of derision as fierce as his father's. He too could speak and understand the native language of his people, and had heard every word the Mandalorian had spoken. It wouldn't be long now till the man's days were numbered, and he would no longer pose a threat to his father's interests and that of the Empire's. Luckily, both of them were spared an uncouth confrontation by the arrival of another, one whom spoke with greater tact than most of the Mandalorians in the immediate vicinity.

"It certainly couldn't be any worse than the current entertainment, lead the way my Lady. My son and I will see what passes for gladiatorial combat among the Mandalorians, if this one's performance is anything to gauge."

*You doom yourself with every word you speak.
[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"]
Tal stayed to watch Kaden's fight, short as it was. A huff of amusement and the hint of a smile tugged at his lip when the boy caught sight of the sith in Yasha's box and simply abandoned the pit. Not a distraction indeed. It had taken him thirty full seconds to drop everything and rush to her side. That had to be a new record. He had a great deal to learn about discipline if he was ever going to have a use beyond that of a rabid hound.

The irony of the thought, and the fact that it was he who was thinking it, was not lost as he turned and disappeared back into the hallways and catacombs of the lower levels.


It wasn't long after that he found his way to the hallway outside [member="Yasha Mantis"]' box, where she stood having a fervent, if quiet, discussion with [member="Vilaz Munin"]. He kept his distance, not wanting to appear as though he was eavesdropping, but made sure his presence would be noticed by the young woman, as well as the cloth-wrapped item he had brought as a tribute.
”And I will help you, Yasha. We will evolve in time as we always have in the past. We always survive because no one can destroy ideas,” the Akaan said to the young Mantis and placed his hand on one Yasha’s shoulders like a father to their child, even though she was taller than him. He had children of his own and he knew how to act around others. An adult Yasha was, but she was still that teenage girl that dreamed of becoming the Sole Ruler of the Mandalorians.

Did he had plans of his own for the Mandalorians? He did, but he wasn’t like any corrupt politician or deceitful bureaucratic. He always gave his thoughts straight up and honest. His methods, actions, and thinking may be radical but they worked...and more so in these times.

”There is a lot to talk about, Yasha. But for now you must enjoy the festivities and decide what you must do with Kaine’s son. Remember, political marriages are just for show but nothing more than that; however, it is your decision and I will respect what you decide. We must be vigilant at all times. Kaine has done many atrocities and crimes in the past, but he respects strength and values his allies. He wouldn’t dare to ruin the alliance between our people,” the Munin said to the Mantis child. He had looked up to many historical warriors of Mandalore, but during his reign he took an approach similar to the Mand’alor the Vindicated. Remain as allies with the Sith while being paid for their services, yet remain vigilant and cautious.

He did not pay attention to the snake as [member=“Kyra”] made an appearance and only acknowledged Yasha.

[member="Ember Rekali"] [member="Kyra"] [member="Yasha Mantis"]
“Thank you, Warmaster. You do not fully trust him either, do you, Vilaz? Our first priority must always be the survival of our people. Above all, even allies… although at the moment it is somewhat comforting to know the Sith are not about to crash upon us like a wave. We have enough people threatening to do that as it is.” Yasha had to look down on Vilaz for no other reason than his natural height. She continued to stroke and glance at the viper in her hands, shaking her head. His hand on her shoulder was taken as a comfort, it was amazing to know she was not alone.

“I want no husband but Kaden. The thought of another man touching me… makes me want to burn off my own skin.” There was a deep seeded reason for Yasha’s whisper there, hidden as it was. “I cannot condone Kaine’s evil, or his actions… but I can ensure that our people do not take the brunt of him. If politically marrying Ancius brings more time… You’re right, I need to think it over… figure it out without compromising our position… at least as long as Kaden doesn’t try to battle him to the death for the insinuation he’d even sit on our couch.”

Whistling out, Yasha tried for a smile. “We’ll make it through. We’ll figure this out and Mandalore will be strong again, I assure you.”

[member="Kyra"] walked over and bowed at Yasha’s feet. The Epicanthix skittered a foot back, staring down at the kneeling cyborg, up to [member="Vilaz Munin"], then back down. “Ooooohkaaaay… thank you…. person.”

[member="Sel Wyrick"] sent his regards… and gifted her this…. cyborg? “Um… stand up, Kyra… I see Dr. S wanted to say happy birthday… okay… awesome, thank you? Just… enjoy yourself tonight, alright? Watch a fight, um… stay close… oho I’m going to be going for a visit to Dr. S on this one…”

The snake talked.

THE SNAKE TALKED. Yasha yanked it away from her, staring into its’ reptilian face. “Ember… you turned down my offer to be an ally. Called me your enemy. If you’re not, find me better allies that don’t want Mandalore to become a sea of bloody ash. If you are… how am I supposed to help my people survive you? My offer is still open. I don’t want to be your enemy.” She whispered.

Clucking her tongue, Yasha looked at Kyra and handed her the talking viper. “Here, you get to hold the snake today… if it talks, record what it said. Sorry, Vivi… took seven years to learn from [member="Ember Rekali"], and I did learn… I learned more than I care to admit. Let’s get back to the party before someone hot blooded starts a war.”

Yasha caught [member="Tal Vizsla"]’s eye, and blinked. She then smiled and nodded her friend over. “Tal, you left the fighting pits! Come, join us. How are you, my friend?”

Nodding over to the somewhat crowded box, Yasha squared her shoulders and walked proudly out to the crowd. She slid her hand along [member="Kaden Mantis"]’ shoulder and arm, taking his hand and gently pulling him back.

“Thank you, everyone. It’s not often one gets to talk to Mandalore’s new Warmaster in private. Congratulations, Vilaz Munin. You are worthy of your position.” Hopefully that would get the party back on track. “Gray, I’m sorry for interrupting you. What is it you wanted to talk about?”
The tension in the box had grown immensely since the birthday girl had left off with [member="Vilaz Munin"] to have some chat. Gray didn't know what was said between [member="Darth Carnifex"] and [member="Kaden Mantis"] in that foreign tongue, but it was the obvious source of it all. The young man was openly wishing death on the Lord of the Sith and the only reason blood wasn't flowing Gray had to guess was due to the alliance. Thankfully [member="Baiko no Kaho"] had stepped in to smooth things over. She was doing her best to be hospitable to Kaine. Gray caught her glance at him through his force sight, but got no indication she needed anything from him yet. Well nothing other than trying to reign Kaden in a bit. Clearly she had chosen the easier of the two tasks.

Turning his attention to Kaden, Gray said in a low voice so only he could hear, " Pick your battlefield. I don't like this either but now isn't the time to be risking conflict. Trust your wife. She is smarter than both of us." He clapped Kaden on the shoulder, somehow not missing due to his blindness, with a big smile on his face. " Why don't you go grab a blind man a drink? And get one for yourself. Something strong enough to knock us both to our asses." Hopefully the young man took the hint and disengaged. A tactical retreat was a life saver if done right in both battle and politics. He liked battles over politics. At least in the field you could see your death coming.

It seemed that [member="Yasha Mantis"] was finished with her business as Gray heard her voice as she suddenly spoke. He turned towards the direction he could hear her from. Seemed he could finally give her her gift. A warm smile was directed towards her. " Like I said, you will like it better than Teagan's I promise." He walked over towards her and hoped he didn't run into her. That force dead nature of her's was frustrating for this sort of thing. He eventually stopped and drew the pistol from his right hip. He held it out towards her with the barrel pointed his way. It was a bryar pistol that clearly had seen a lot of love and use. " This pistol is very special to me. It belonged to my father who gave it to me when I was old enough to learn to shoot. It was his first pistol and it was also my first too. We both learned and honed our shooting with it. I want you to have it." His grin got an affectionate nature to it as he added after the briefest pause, " It is also my way of asking you to be my daughter. If you will have me as your dad that is." And with that he could only wait for her response.

[member="Tal Vizsla"] [member="Adora Namadi"] [member="Kyra"] [member="Ceryc Haat"]
No sooner had Kaden spoken than, [member="Darth Carnifex"] retorted. It drew a smile to Kaden’s lips and only confirmed what he believed since he’d watched the conversation between he and Yasha over the security feed. Kaine Zambrano was no friend of the Mando’ade. Kaden was not about to start a battle. He simply ensured the Dark Lord knew, and the son, that Kaden knew the truth. There was no overplay of his hand because Kaden did not make his knowledge public.

Kaine threatneed him. Kaden would act accordingly. Ambrose would be instructed on what to do should anything happen to the young man. The security feeds in Kaden’s possession would be released. It was a card Kaine nor anyone else needed to know about. The young Mandalorian knew one thing. Any harm to him by the hand or the Sith would only serve to kill the alliance. Any harm to anyone close to Yasha would see the alliance cave. It was a truth Kaden was counting on.

He wanted to say more, but [member="Gray Raxis"] placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered for him alone. ”I am not going to start a war today, Gray’buir, but I will not allow him to stick his claws into my wife. Mandalore belongs to her, not him.” His voice rose as he answered Gray’s question. ”I will not be getting drunk tonight. I have more fights to win for, ner, Yashika.”

Yasha returned with Vilaz. Warmaster? She was making her move. With Vilaz behind her as Warmaster it would make it more difficult for anyone to dispute her claim. He took his place beside Yasha. It was a public statement he hoped considering, but it was a reassuring reminder that he was hers and she was his.

He looked off as Gray conversed with Yasha. There was a pistol presented and an offer. Kaden knew exactly what would happen. He gave them time and distance. Kaden was not needed for this moment. He grabbed a gobblet and went to the balcony and called out to the crowd.

”[member="Vilaz Munin"], Warmaster! OYA!!”

[member="Tal Vizsla"] [member="Baiko no Kaho"] [member="Adora Namadi"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Merrax Quez"]
Quoron had wrapped the Kal-Buir in red cloth and wanted to make sure that [member="Yasha Mantis"] would have it in her possession soon. He saw a commotion happening at her box but felt the blade in his hands being drawn to the person it was made for. As he made his way toward the box he could hear something about the Sith Emperor and felt his presence before he could see him. He saw a Mandolorian who he remembered as [member="Kaden Mantis"] to deliver the weapon. Quoron approached knelt down and said, "Sir I have made this weapon for Yasha to commemorate this momentous occasion and I hope that this token will be acceptable. I have no great pets or powerful legions to give but I do have my forge and from now until the day I die it will be at your disposal." With that he handed the wrapped up blade to Kayden and afterward stood up and steeped back.

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