Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Emperor's Ball

Location: Courtyard, Blakeslee Falls Estate, Galidraan
Objective: Enjoy Primat’s company and guest-watching
Dress: Red and Black Gown
With: [member="Primat Ren"]

Varas chuckled at Primat’s comment, looking down at their fingers clasped together. The taste of his lips upon hers was still fresh.

“Who is really going to tell on us anyway? The Sith? They’re much more depraved than we are. Besides I don’t see anyone around who we know.”

Like her lover, the Knight of Ren had heard only stories, sordid and scandalous about the dealings of TSE. Yet here on Galidraan everything seemed as opulent as in Avalonia. Goosebumps peppered the skin of her arms and although she was slightly chilly, the brunette said, “The Gardens sound perfect.” No need to go inside yet. Not when she had Primat all to herself among a beautiful array of flowers and exotic plants.

As touted on the invitation, the Blakeslee Falls Estate Gardens were lush and secluded and soon the pair found themselves alone.

“Oh look, here’s a pitcher plant,” remarked Varas at a large green sprig in a tubular shape. “They’re carnivorous and trap their prey by drowning them in nectar.” With her delicate fingers she touched the exterior of the plant. “Feels waxy. Poor insects. What an awful way to die. I think…” The Knight of Ren gave Primat a wink as though asphyxiation by nectar had a lascivious ring to it.
Indeed, the Emperor had noticed his son Alvarex and the Mand'alor make their grand debut, arms linked, into the ballroom.

Again, he smiled. "Alvarex shaved his beard for buir, Glomkkoybudil. He's become quite smitten with her, and from what I've heard..." Eyes twinkled with mischief, "He's left her rather speechless on occasion." It was quite the matchmaking, both Yasha and Alvarex have slowly been establishing feelings for one another that had the potential to blossom into something far stronger than adoptive ties. Poor Ancius, he had never obtained the opportunity to court the young Mand'alor before his untimely demise. The Emperor glanced over into the crowd and found that poor Mircalla, dear sweet loving Mircalla, was glaring at the sight of Alvarex and Yasha with the burning fire of resentment in her eyes.

Then she caught the Emperor's glance, and a sharp narrowing of his eyes sent her gaze spiraling downward towards the floor before she turned away and walked away to another part of the estate. She knew better than to interfere with her husband's plans, and while he had done his best to comfort her after Ancius' death nothing seemed to shake off her grief for her deceased firstborn. He would strive to give her another son, he thought, something to replace the boy who died in Sundari.

But there was no time for such thoughts here, not when the Lady of Secrets was making her way towards her with Rear Admiral Yvarro on her arm. The Emperor inclined his head in greetings to the newcomers, "Ah, Lady Raaf. You and your paramour look ravishing this evening, my dear. I hope the both of you are enjoying the festivities."

[member="Salara Zambrano"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
Looks as though it was going to be another one of those nights it would seem. The Warmaster was on babysitting duty with his young cub and the Mand'alor was off to pursue personal desires. It almost made him laugh a little as these people were almost exactly like the stories he had heard. [member="Yasha Mantis"] and [member="Kaine Australis"] may not have been the definition of Mandalorain of legend, but they were defiantly like any other Mando he knew. Strong and Terrifying on the battlefield, yet in private sessions were always down for a dance and party. It was amusing to see, though he knew he could not show this enjoyment. He was here at the request of the Mand'alor and as duty to his oath.

After their departure, he saw the Queen [member="Lady Kay"] leave with [member="Jor Kvall"] to be her protector. It was fine by him, he was only there in case things went crazy to offer protective assistance. It was when a strange man, who the Queen called [member="Krest"] approached them that Jake took a glare in that direction. Like a Hawk he watched closely through the crowed. A pilot such as himself could see a target vehicle from 20,000 feet in the sky. So seeing that they were friend and not foe, he calmed himself.

Seeing as the area was better then he imagined he calmed himself to focus on the force and not fall to the greed of the Dark Side that Surrounded him. He was a tool of the Mand'alor, the Force was good nor bad and bent to the will of the Mandalorain People. With his mind focused again, he looked around the room, finding a young female First Order Navel Officer who seemed a little lonely for tonights' festivities. Walking up he offered his hand, "Would you like to dance Ma'am."

The women was cough off guard, and seemed to wave off the initial attempt. However, Jake was very polite in his efforts and was a good looking young man. The women nodded and too the Mandalorain's hand, where they made their way to the dance floor for a nice dance to the elegant music.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
My Queen? Those two words gave her a hint of who's side [member="Krest"] was on, unless of course it was a trick. Right now she wasn't quite sure. Most especially after the betrayal of [member="Mythos"] and others.

"I was informed that the tea was in the gardens. So let's begin there, shall we?"

There weren't many walking around outside yet. The party had just begun, so most were either just arriving or taking over the dance floor. It was too early in the evening for people to pair off and look for secluded areas. That probably gave her, Ferus and [member="Jor Kvall"] an advantage when it came to speaking frankly.

"What is it that you'd like to discuss? You're not going to be giving me any 'I told you so's are you? As you can imagine, I'll have plenty of that coming my way already."
Anden Fancelo

Courtyard, Blakeslee Falls Estate, Galidraan
Objective: Get up?
With: No one.
Interacting with: [member="Tamara Wren"]
The Lieutenant wrapped his fingers about the lapels of his long coat. Walking down the paths of the Garden, looking over the green sculptures. Deciding to stroll about to kill some time as he waited for someone he'd know to arrive at the ball. It was bound to happen, this was a popular event after all. Smiling a little as he took in the music from the orchestra, it reminded him of better days. Days that were rare, being a native of a colony that was once small.

As Fancelo drifted off to his moment of reprieve. He'd sigh lightly about to turn a corner, before a sudden fence of light brown and red accents was slammed against him. A rather hard fence as if made of beskar'gam.

Being pushed back from the force, Fancelo stumbled. Only to slip and fall onto his back. He let out a soft groan, his moment of reprieve was gone now. He'd blink lightly as he was looking up to the sky. As he was on the ground after all. He looked over and saw the reason why he's on the ground. He was somewhat right. But it wasn't a fence. It was a mandalorian, lovely.

As if mandalorians couldn't be an inconvenience to him anymore as they used to be. Especially at the Acerbitas. The Mandalorian apologized and asked about Fancelo's state.

"Ugh... Yeah I'm okay." He said, gathering himself as he rose up, shaking his head. "Floor took the wind out of me." He said, rolling his shoulders.

He prayed his coat wasn't ruined.
Rowena Ewesa
Post 3
Attire: Short Black Dress
[member="Karl Von Strauss"]

Rowena let Karl and the music dictate the rhythm and flow of her movements. Although the song had changed, the piece was no less magical and bouncy than the last, although it possessed a darker and more ominous tone that made Rowena feel as if she were dancing within the castle of a holobook villain.

"Oh how you flatter me so, Karl." The Elzeri replied with a soft giggle. "To be honest, I feel more comfortable dancing in an interceptor than I do in a ball room." She continued. As if to emphasize her point, Rowena felt a soft and uneven surface on the bottom of her heel, and with an open-mouthed expression of surprise, the tiny Elzeri realized that she had accidentally stepped on Karl's foot when her ankle twisted just enough to elicit a high-pitched cry of astonishment from her lips. Rowena nearly fell to the ground, but her low center of gravity and Karl's firm grip was more than enough for the Elzeri to recover her balance. Fortunately, the abrupt cry was quickly followed up with a veritable fit of giggling and a flood of crimson blush across Rowena's cheeks, indicating that the clumsy pilot was not in too much pain.

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Blakeslee Falls Estate
w/[member="Vilaz Munin"]
in vicinity [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Irella Vizsla"] [member="Tamara Wren"] [member="Koda Fett"]


As soon as the Mando'ade entering together were through the security check point in the courtyard, Vilaz slipped his buy'ce back on as did the Warlord's wife; a more or less kind and gentle face hidden behind the blood red T-visor that adorned the Mando doctor's silver-hued helmet. Corner or challenge Briika though, and the petite blonde was anything but how her sweet features appeared.

Anonymity had its positive value especially in a sea of friend-enemies depending on one's point of view. One never knew nowadays. It would also allow the Munin's to converse privately between themselves over their encrypted comlink as they mingled with the nobility and who's who of the galaxy or rather those affiliated with the dark side of business and politics. Any ways the couple's banter was for their pleasure and confidence, no one else's.

The bounty hunter was the first to peel away from the small group of exiles. It wasn't much of a surprise as the Fett clone never stopped working. Koda was always looking ahead to the next payday; a good vod he was, but predictable in that sense.

The next was the beloved child of the Alor of House Vizsla. One didn't need the Force to feel the tension between the father and daughter; more the latter towards the former. For what reason was unclear, though perhaps for Tamara it had to do with the date her buir had brought. That is, if one was to hazard a guess. Briika remembered how her own daughter was when she first brought Vilaz around. Though again, this just felt different.

The blonde woman with Ronan was an interesting development indeed, and intriguing too. The Baar'ur couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something about Irella that was lack for a better word -unsettling. Course, she had never met her before tonight so time would only tell what would shake out from it.

[ Ret'uryce mhi! Enjoy yourselves. ] Bree farewelled the couple as they moved off to do their own thing, then she slipped her hand around the crook of her riduur's arm.

[ You're too funny, Vil'ika... You actually thought they were married, really?! You know you are terrible at reading people in a romantic sense. Tactically you are brilliant, but on this kind of battlefield, nayc. They are just enjoying the benefits of the chase. ] she quipped with a loving chuckle.

[ Now, shall we partake in the refreshments or do you need to handle any business before pleasure? You behave yourself and I just might let you take me for a twirl later on the dance floor or perhaps in the gardens under the moonlight. ]
The Droid happened to remain still; his hand still firmly gripping the glass that had barely been drunken from at all, and it seemed that it would stay that way- Kole was the more along the lines of someone who sipped, not gulped. There was no real desire to get hammered, and so he could move through drinks casually, care-free and slowly. A smirk had begun to crease across his features after the Zeltron had given her answer, and so his thoughts -- of course -- fell solely on her once more. It had moved slow, all too predictable in it's movements. Suppose that the knew, in that moment, it was Lyn he had to focus on. Not the task he came here for, possibly allowing his associate to pull some strings, make something happen whilst Kole and Lyn could comfortably enjoy each other's company.

"I heard there was someone pretty in pink roaming." Kole mentioned in jest, leaning subtly to his left against something that happened to support his way. "Seen her?" He further mentioned with an eyebrow raised, the same feigned seriousness to his tone. She shoved him around, through the ringer, back in, back out. He could afford to be the one that made things a little difficult, even if he stopped concerning himself with something arbitrary.

[member="Lynnori Cruz"]

Ishana Pavanos


Blakeslee Falls Estate
Outdoor Dining Area
[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]

"Mhmmm I do enjoy being somewhat of an engima," Ishana gave her wife a smile the chuckle she elicted from her was what she lived for. The outdoor dining area inevitably revealed itself. If inside was as fancy as the outside, Force have mercy the sheer amount of opulence in this place did more than just scream rich. The Balmorran looked over at her wife a moment the younger woman seemed lost in a memory. A quiet smile tugged at the edge of her lips, the former cockpit jockey left Kaalia to those memories whatever they may be.

The older of the two blinked purposefully, "I thought you said you were peckish, sounds like you've been starved." Ishana said in jest as she got a look at the buffet, "and I lied habibi I have no idea where any of this comes from - oh hey look - placards. See here, oh we have stuff from all over the Empire. Oh heck, Avalonian Puffs. Man I haven't had these in forever, there's some of the Kaas Kabobs and oh the little Bastion Veggie Wraps." In moments like this Ishana missed not being in a suit or even her military uniform. Those things have pockets and you could squirrel away food for later, this from the woman who grew up where running around craters made by bombardments and running through the droid factory graveyard was a thing.

"I will serve whatever it is you wish habibi," Ishana said as she moved to grab a plate. Kaalia was probably the best that happened to her, to be quite honest. Otherwise, the brunette was sure she'd have just let herself die right there on Hoth. Bloody Alliance pilots she silently cursed and then pushed it away as she waited to hear just what it was her dearest desired from the buffet.


Well-Known Member
Sieze that want.

His words echoed in my mind as we walked through the garden. Easier said than done, but perhaps… I ought not to discount the steps I’d already begun to take towards it, and the ones I would further take.

A small but sudden gasp escaped my lips as suddenly I found myself whisked into a small, private alcove. The man, Jul, now pressed against my form, so intimately close that no secret nor motive could be hidden. My heart raced in my chest, mind spinning as my breath caught in my throat. Funny, isn’t it, how fear and arousal manifest in almost identical fashion?

He was close, so close as he spoke again, that exotic, intoxicating voice floating through the air. I felt my chin tilt upwards just a fraction, as if inviting him to kiss me. My own breaths were quick and shallow, my being seemed wholly trapped in this lingering place I didn’t want to leave.

In that moment I lingered with him, drawing in his strange, spice-filled bouquet. The gardens, the ball, the other sith, it all seemed to fall away in that moment, leaving the two of us as the last people in the galaxy.

However, it vanished as he once again pulled me away, continuing through the garden. At first, I enjoyed the hum of his deep baritone… until the notes whispered to me, those were my notes, the tune I’d been humming…

“Tell me, Jul,” I began, keeping my gaze forward as we walked, “do you dance?”

[member="Julian Imani"]​

Kyli DT-6767
Galidraan, Blakeslee Falls Estate
Interacting: [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Nearby: [member="Rexus Wenck"], [member="Darth Maliphant"], [member="Fiolette Yvarro"], [member="Lynnori Cruz"], [member="Nilia Saavilin"], [member="Vestille Thumahra"], [member="Ishana Pavanos"], [member="Kaalia Pavanos"]

Kyli sat beside the Rodian driver in the front of the Landspeeder leaving the two lads to rub elbows uncomfortably in the back. "That's it there, Blakeslee Estate." Gesturing to the great estate and its' epicentre that rises grandly from Galidraan's surface. Rexus gives the Driver command and they pull-up in their bland landspeeder outside the Estate prompting Kyli's left-hand to clasp the speeder's side and leap with a startling height from the vehicle onto the ashphalt road, her hobnailed boots crunch against the hard surface and the Death Trooper with her heightened sharpened hearing gives a satisfied 'hmph' at the noise before tucking a hand into left black cotton trouser pocket searching for the ear-plugs she'd brought along in the event the ball's noise proved overwhelming.

The augmentations they had been forced to live with had their benefits undeniably; they were stronger, faster and more resilient than any known and well documented Humanoid species in the Galaxy, Wookies and Trandos included. But there were significant draw-backs as she is ever reminded by the single black pouch connected to the belt that is wrapped around her hips containing vials of greenish-looking liquid; a cocktail of counter-mutagen stimulants that kept her hallucinations and the voices at bay. The Death Troopers are warriors who had been both blessed and cursed. Their blessing is unrivaled physical power and endurance, becoming unstoppable Gods of War that even the Knights of Ren rightfully feared. Their curse? To never again fully enjoy or even experience all the sensations and pleasure that life had to offer.

Alcohol could not inebriate them nor death sticks force an absence of lucidity. Kyli, Rexus and Twigg had been drinking spirits that would kill any other Human over the last three hours and their motor controls had not been impaired in the slightest, least of all Kyli who fulfilled the role of ALPHA's Sniper and Designated Marksman. Each one of the three Death Troopers were legends for one defining characteristic and for Kyli it was her unyielding precise aim which manifested as the terrifying ability to shoot hostile pilots and armour crewmen in the head through their canopies and hatches right when they felt safe. The Security Guards looked nervous as Twigg asked his question while Kyli silently relinquishes her weapons; raising her knee up and releasing the tiny belt that fastened a long dagger against her boot and a Blaster Pistol holstered beneath left-arm.

"Don't cut yourself with the knife, it's very sharp." Kyli couldn't help but add to Twigg's intimidation what the Death Troopers did to normal Humans in terms of size-dwarfing Twigg does to Kyli and Rexus standing a head taller than them both the swarthy giant was nearly eight feet tall out of his armour. His sinewy muscles easily visible through his uniform jacket and trousers. Even though their uniforms had to be custom tailored there was no tactfully concealing the sheer mass of Dergan Twigg. Kyli wore her deep brown hair in a simple ponytail she was no giddy socialite or politician and proudly displayed who she was; a soldier of the First Order.

Wearing a black cotton uniform jacket bearing medals upon breast and rank insignia on sleeves, collars and shoulderboards over white dress shirt with top of a charcoal tie hanging from collar barely visible and bloused trousers enthroned atop boots so shiny one could see their reflection within them, Kyli keeps hands sheathed in fine leather gloves not because of the sting of the Night's cool air that she couldn't feel but because for all her soliderly virtue she couldn't help but indulge even a little into fashion even if it was demure and understated. Following Rexus onto the Estate's grounds, Kyli's hazel eyes dart around the gorgeous garden and its' inhabitants. "Look at all this brass boys, do you reckon this place is visible from orbit or what? We might aswell scream 'This is Important, attack this!' to the Reformation." Kyli jokes to the other two while they ascend up the beautiful stone stairs towards the estate's Vestibule.

Listening to the plesant music notes that plucked through the estate Kyli gives an approving nod. "Atleast there is nice music." Pausing for a moment she shoots a dagger-like glare towards her incredibly large compatriot. "Twigg I swear to the gods if I catch you eating my food again I will dine upon your soul and bore-sight your blasters incorrectly." It is conveyed in a serious tone sounding like a threat although the other Death Troopers were more than familiar with Kyli's severe and dark sense of humour by this point, the small smirk that rises in the corner's of Kyli's mouth betray that it's a jest while she looks towards the man. "Seriously though, come and get some food in the outdoor dining? I'm starving and hate eating alone, plus I enjoy stealing your credits over Pazaak." Smirking at Rexus she adds something. "I've got the Cigars if you've got the drinks, meet Twigg and I in the outdoor dining area? Wouldn't want to offend the party bosses and politicians." Kyli felt out of her depth somewhat looking around; commissioned officers, bureaucrats and politicians mostly not a whole lot of grunts lurking about.
Location| Gardens, Blakeslee Falls Estate, Galidraan
Objective| Having a good Evening with Varas
Equipment| Red and Black Suit
With| [member="Varas Ren"]
Status| Excited

"I suppose you're right, Varas. Means that we can steal as many kisses as possible then," Primat said with a wink and a subtle grin on his face. He had been worrying so much about being caught by someone they both knew or just someone from the First Order in general, that he had not even taken any time to see if anyone from the First Order was here. So far, he had only seen [mention="Karl Von Strauss"], who was one of the admiral's at the Invasion of Skor II and who had played a song on the piano at the Carbonite Contessa, when Primat and Varas had shared their first dance. He didn't know the man overly well, just his name and the brief interaction between the two on Bespin, though the man had seemed like a rather kind fellow when they had met. He had also seen the Atrisian [member="Shoma Ike"], someone who he had heard rumor of just recently joined the First Order. Primat made a note of going to talk to the man later on in the evening, though not now. Mostly due to the fact that he didn't know where the man had disappeared off to.

Primat's gaze flickered to Varas, noticing her shiver due to the cool air. He had seen this 'maneuver' or 'technique' been performed plenty of times beforehand, and Marriskcal had told him plenty about doing this to appear like a gentleman. He wasn't sure how 'good' it would be to do this, though Primat could live with the embarrassment. Unbuttoning the buttons of his jacket, he slid the jacket off of his shoulders and arms before draping it around the shivering shoulder's of Varas. "How's that?"

But that would be a venture for later, he wanted to spend time with Varas now more than anything else. They had a whole evening to themselves now, where they would properly be able to show their affection for one another. Even if Primat didn't get to actually meet Shoma or Karl, he would still deem it a greatly successful night. Because he would be able to enjoy the company of Varas, someone who he loved...despite how nervous he would be to openly admit it to her. He was afraid of her rejecting him if he told her openly that he loved her, though if anything about what happened on the Carbonite Contessa was truth enough...then he need not worry about her rejecting him.

The Blakslee Falls Estate Gardens were a sight to behold. They were filled with all number and variety of exotic plants, ranging from beautiful looking yet dangerous carnivorous plants to poisonous flowers and to just, vibrant bushels of multi-colored flowers. It was something that reminded Primat of his mother's garden back on Tamora, which was filled with all sorts of flowers and exotic-looking plants that were native to Tamora. Primat followed Varas over to a pitcher plant, his glacier blue eyes looking over it curiously. It certainly looks like a pitcher, is that why it's exotic? He was a fool when it came to foreign exotic flowers, hell he didn't even know what a pitcher plant was. He had heard the name many times before in cheesy holo-movies like 'Attack of the Plants,' though he had no idea what they were until now. Primat stretched out his hand, his warm finger's sliding over the waxy surface of the pitcher plant. It felt alien and slimy to the touch, and waxy as if it were a glove pulled over a large hand. Primat didn't know how to properly describe it, save for calling it 'alien' in nature, which it him at least.

“Feels waxy. Poor insects. What an awful way to die. I think…”

Primat didn't think much of what Varas had said, other than finding it amusing. Though, his mind did soon mull it over and began to overthink what she had meant...and then he had noticed her wink at him. His glacier blue eyes looked wide eyed at her, surprised and confused. Surprise at what he was hearing, and confusion in the un-surety of if he had heard her correctly. Did she just say subtly that...she thought asphyxiation was hot? No,'re just overthinking things as usual. Right?
Alvarex inclined his head forward and replied to her majesty [member="Lady Kay"], "fret no your highness, I shall endeavor to have the Mand'alor back with you."

He then listened as Yasha spoke of Kay further, "then I am once more honored to have met you this evening, someone of great importance to Yasha's life." It would mean he would need to win her favor, yes. He supposed that all came with the courtship the Prince then leaned over to hear Yasha a bit clearer with regards to Adara. "Ah, then she will not be hard to find at all." The man gave a smile and then held out his arm once again and walked with Yasha quietly leaving the Queen to her own affairs. Once more he would be announced to court, Alvarex wanted to inform the Herald that it would not be necessary but before he could utter a word there it was. Prince Alavrex Zambrano. It was then he swore he felt the stinging look of Mircalla. Another of the Emperor's wives, although it was she who had lost her son on Sundari.

The Prince looked a moment, casting a glance at both Salara and [member="Invicta Zambrano"] who both gave a small nod of acknowledgment toward him. It was then his ears caught the playful joust from Yasha. "But my dear, we've just begun and I have so many surprises in store for you, the beard was just the first." There seemed to be a twinkle in the man's bright blue eyes. Now he could go seeking [member="Adara Raxis"] but he felt it best to leave that up to her, for now, the man heard what the brunette was inclined to. Tea and a dance, well it would not surprise him if his mothers had something imported for this event.

"Perhaps tea after a dance? Or should we-"

"Ah my apologies a poor choice of words on my part," Alvarex acknowledged. "Or tea before the dance? I am not quite certain what would be appropriate here, mhmm."

A casual look over his shoulder where the mustached-man of an older brother sat and made gestures. The feth does that even mean, Sarlow? Blasted wolf. He squinted a little to see what it was his brother was gest- oh. A waltz? Oh, he must have seen the set list beforehand. "We could dance if you're up for it. I have a feeling there may be a waltz coming up soon." And if they danced who knew just who they might bump into. It was there he was certain that his father would be, most especially if Adara was here.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"]

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

He was enjoying this.

The walk in the gardens, which were splendid. So much green. Plants of every variety, trees rising up to the sky and flowers covering here and there. Fireflies catching some of the leafs and making a pretty image. Then the presence next to him. Umai... he had almost tasted the touch of her lips and it would have been equally good. Better though, when capable of being savored.

When it was away from the crowd.


That was not during a gala where dozens of people were milling about sadly. "Mmhm, dance? Dance I do." A grin shot at her as Jul stopped them next to a particular formation of herbs. He knelt down.

Taking a sniff, touching the dirt.

"Dancing words, bargains, plans.... the lady la means dance of movement. Mmm. I do at that. Better to show, no?" He immediately rose up, cleaning off the dirt on his pants and extended his hand towards her. Apparently Julian meant it. If she took his hand they were apparently going to dance right there and then.


Well-Known Member
I noticed Julian's attention rift to the garden.

It was lovely; plants and trees and air and freshness and life. If I was totally honest, it was not something I'd expected to find at a Sith event. The propaganda was effective, that was certain. Were I not so wholly focused on the man at my side, I might have taken the time to enjoy this luxurious oasis myself.

He leaned down to pay special attention to a few of the plants. Intrigued, I knelt down beside him, being careful to keep my gown out of the dirt as best I could. Ugh, were I alone in such a garden I could have dispensed with it all together.

But before the thought could run away with me, the witch stood again, and I stood with him. At his answer, my eyebrows raised slightly in surprise. Right... here? I glanced around, you know what? Why not.

Reaching out one slender arm, I took his offered hand with a slight nod,

"Indeed," I replied, "better to show."

[member="Julian Imani"]​
Captain of the Naval Corp of Engineers
Location: Main Ballroom > Second floor of the Ballroom
Gear: Black Tailcoat Suit
With: [member="Rowena Ewesa"]

As Rowena recovered from her fall and began to giggle, Karl pulled her closer to his right side and began to walk off of the dance floor. He began his sentence with a small laugh of his own, "I think we should take that as a cue to stop dancing for a while." He was still smiling, as he walked her up the stairs to the second story of the main ballroom. "We can take this opportunity to drink something, have you ever had the delicacy, hot chocolate?" He looked around for a table and found one that was unoccupied and pulled out Rowena's chair so that she could sit, and once she sat down Karl pushed the chair in. He called over a waiter and asked for two cups of hot chocolate, he didn't like to drink at parties that he didn't know anyone at. Once he was done ordering he sat down at the table and asked Rowena, "The dancing was fun wasn't it?" He was enjoying the ball despite getting his foot stepped on by his illustrious date.

Fiolette Fortan


Blakeslee Falls Estate
Ballroom | Second Floor > First Floor
[member="Taeli Raaf"] | Mingling with [member="Darth Carnifex"]
In the Vicinity: [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Darth Maliphant"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"]
[member="Vestille Thumahra"] | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Invicta Zambrano"] | [member="Kaine Australis"]​

"Again, such a pleasure to meet you, General." Fiolette managed to say before Taeli looped her arm with the redhead's and there they went. It was as they walked away from that Fiolette got a look over at Yasha, her Warmaster of whom she has seen or met at least once before and of course sweet little Adara. And oh, they were walking toward the Warmaster and... the Emperor. Oh, well, that certainly made for the mingling. Although she wondered what her beloved meant when she mentioned - ah well, she was sure that Taeli would tell her later. The Rear Admiral put on her smile and looked over at the brunette a moment before turning her gaze forward as they approached the two Kaines.

The ballroom was starting to fill, as couples approached the dance floor.

The two women passed the Empresses who looked on from above, politicians, officers, and other dignitaries began to talk and their voices could be heard rising. The music still played over them but none of it seemed to clash. Emperor Carnifex's words seemed to boom as he welcomed both Taeli and Fiolette. Paramour. Now there was a word she hadn't heard in quite some time, the Rear Admiral gave a nod of respect toward the Emperor. Fiolette would let Taeli speak first before answering him. He towered over them both quite easily and admittedly she wondered if that uniform was available for the upper echelons of the military.

As they mingled with the Emperor and the Warmaster, the orchestra transitioned into the next musical piece.

A waltz.


Location: Courtyard, Blakeslee Falls Estate, Galidraan
Objective: Enjoy Primat’s company and guest-watching
Dress: Red and Black Gown
With: [member="Primat Ren"]
Nearby: [member="Umai"] [member="Julian Imani"]

Varas gratefully wrapped Primat’s jacket around her shoulders, feeling his immediate body heat, warming her collarbone. “Thank you. Much better.”

She could hear the soft, slow cadence of a waltz now from the area of the Ballroom, too far away to fully enjoy. Not that she wanted to be anywhere else.

Her lover and friend was now at a loss for words and the Knight realized why. In the moonlight, Primat could not see the blush deepen on her cheeks, which was good because here she was babbling on about asphyxiation when they were supposed to be presenting themselves as upstanding Ren.

She opened her mouth to say something else, probably a fumbling apology when she heard a rustle and voices nearby. There was a couple not too far away from them who appeared to be dancing. Varas covered her mouth to halt a nervous laugh, but it was too late. A bell-like giggle echoed through the Gardens, but not one of derision - more a mirthful sound as though an appreciative audience were nearby.

“I feel like we might be about to interrupt something, Brother,” she whispered to Primat. It felt even weird to call him Brother now, but they were at a Sith ball with two witches dancing, standing near a plant that asphyxiated its victims. What wasn’t weird about this night?

“Should we give them their privacy?”

There were plenty of places to scuttle off in the Gardens, but with it dark and her wearing heels, she was not sure wanted to play an impromptu game of hide and seek.

The fact that she was having an influence on the Gokin was something Mara was exceptionally glad about. After all what was the point in being the degenerate consort of a powerful Sith lord if you couldn't drag him into increasingly elaborate forms of self indulgence in a spiraling descent of total hedonism? She was all about that life. Mara was more than willing to test the boundaries of what a body could take and do, and so far, Mister Gokin had been game for pretty much every thing she could have contrived, no matter how wild. Tonight had been no exception.

"Lookie here," She said pointing with her hand that held a glass of bourbon. In her other hand was a solid gold pipe smouldering several rocks of Glitterstim. "All I am sayin', buddy, is if if someone is gonna poke you in the eye, the smart thing to do is grab a pair of scissors and cut their damn finger off first," Mara said, her words slurred. She knocked back her glass, slamming it on the expensive table between them, "At least, it worked for me in Kimberly garden."

Even though she was clearly hammered harder than anything, Mara still looked her best. While Mythos looked every bit like a classic soldier, Mara too went with something that was classic for her, with a new take. She wore a tight fitting, low cut nightclub dress that left hardly anything to the imagination. The fabric was custom tailored to her form, and was so tight fitting, it had to be sewed up at the last minute over her. Over the extravagantly expensive dress was a seamless array of golden diamonds, each shinning like a star with the light it caught. No more sequins for this extra gurl, now all her dresses were all lit. Their radiant, golden nature made Mara's blue vibrant skin glow all the more. Not a single hair or smudge of makeup was out of place on the debauched damsel.

As she stumbled out, it was hardly the first time the Aruzan had clambored out of a speeder dunk, so she had lots of practice. Considering how under the influence she was and that she was wearing impossible stilettos, Mara's dismount was pretty graceful. She grabbed Mythos' arm for support, her other hand still clutched her glitterstim pipe like a security blanket.

After the regal announcement of their arrival, Mara made a loud announcement of her own. It was her customary greeting from where she came, and she wasn't about to stop now. Mara represented not just herself, but a galaxy full of girls willing to get black out drunk every weekend. She was their voice in this place, a voice to the wealthy and powerful. She took a deep breath--or at least as deep as she dared in this tight dress without busting a seam and on behalf of each of those women shouted out with all her might.

"Sounds like a plan. Shall we?" Ferus held out an arm to [member="Lady Kay"] to take so he could escort her to the tea. That was a thing folks did at balls right? The Zabrak saw a couple of folks doing that on his way in so he figured it was a good idea. Leading the way the Sith began his search for the tea, though admittedly he didn't care if they found it or not. He cast a glance to [member="Jor Kvall"] as Kay spoke, smirking only slightly at the 'I told you so' reference.

"I assume he can be trusted given your openness. What I'd like to discuss isn't so callous as to rub in your defeat. As the leader and representative of Iridonia I should have been by your side in this battle, yet I withheld due to my ties with the Sith. And for that I apologize." He kept his gaze forward and his voice low, ever watchful of anyone who might be trying to listen in. A large party had its advantages for holding a conversation with blending into the background noise, but also had the disadvantage of earning many more watchful eyes if you weren't careful.

"What I'd like to discuss is the future of the Commenor Alliance."

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