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Faction The Dedication of the Jadelight Beacon (SJC/JEDI)



The Dedication of the Jadelight Beacon
- A launch event -
A sound of hope, and promise of peace...
for Wild Space


"Jedi delegation...and other envoys" she nodded after finding her mark on the upper platform -- her sabbatical was long, and necessary. "Welcome." Coyly, she motioned with the lurched movement of her head.

"Being a Jedi has never been about power, or skill with the Force, or even the weapon we carry. It's about connection. Being part of something bigger. I-we- are far stronger together than we are alone. There is a virtue to collaboration that enriches us, and for more than a millennia, our order has upheld the vow to protect civilization as we know it; together. "

A beat.

"Without a doubt, our role in conflict has been slanted time and time again over the course of our long history. Almost as far as 1000 BBY have we, Jedi, been the culprit of genocidal acts, war crimes, and countless other acts that have cost us greatly with the souls of those who inhabit the Galaxy. I will never try to downplay all that follows us, but all of these events belong to history. It's no good using hard words among friends about the past, and reproaching one another for what can't be recalled. It is the future, not the past, that demands our serious and anxious thought; It's about driving forward to be on the right side of history this time, with the hope that our new dedication will show our commitment to our sacred mission."

"We're maneuvering through an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of the Galaxy has been chaotic, and for many that have been displaced or suffer grief, this doesn't just seem like the end but only the beginning of a reckoning. This is why a symbol is needed now more than ever, a sound of hope."

Her gaze broke and bounded from one end of the crowd to the next.

"Only a collective voice could bring about a promise of peace, and several organizations across the Galaxy came together to use our strengths to shore up each other's weaknesses. This station, like the one our predecessors manned, will be a symbol of the Jedi in Wild Space. A place where we will celebrate our union, and help each other to make it grow. It will send out a signal, for anyone in this sector to hear, at any time. The beacon...the sound…of hope."

"To the members of the Synergism Star Compact: House Arenais, NAKAIOMA, Sasori Research, The Hapes Consortium, The Rimward Trade League, The Spacers Guild, The Commonwealth of Worlds, The Levantine Sanctum, The Silver Jedi Concord, & the many Jedi representatives from Enclaves across the galaxy, thank you for making the pledge to aid cultural progress and restoration. We've made a significant amount of progress over the course of this project. The simplest gesture, with care and vision, can fill a Galaxy with hope."

"And to the victims (x -x) whenever you feel alone…whenever darkness closes in…hear this signal and know that the Force is with you. This is our promise. This is our covenant. For light and life…and may you always continue to benefit from this partnership."

A beat.

"I hereby declare this station operational..."

She unclipped her saber hilt, and in the same motion threw her arm into the air.


With her scarlet blade in the air above her, "I dedicate this beacon of light to those who should ever seek it, should it always remain a symbol of hope for the fullness of time."
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The Jedi Master Coren Starchaser was one of those Jedi who had been around the galaxy for a long time. The history of him decorated among the stars, but lately he was taking the advisory role, helping to direct the Jedi in the galaxy through ways not of the Councils. Finding the history, the secrets of the light side, and sharing that among the Jedi. He knew that the Jedi were needed around the Rim, and that was where he was spending most of his time and energy.

Uncovering that of the High Republic, of the fall of the Jedi at the hands of the Empire, and the lessons provided to the Skywalker family. Legends and lore, he was seeking those out, keeping the history of the Jedi alive and accessible to those that could be trusted with it. Funneling away the information to be protected by the Selab. But today? Today he was meeting with others of his Order, friends, family, and those yet to be met. Romi Jade was here, working as she was, the leader of the Jakku Enclave.

And today was the beginning of the Jadelight Beacon, no doubt a call back to an ancient beacon that lived out on the Rim. Watching from among the gathered, he nodded and threw in his own signature, a calming feeling, into the Force for the Jedi gathered. Up towards the front of the group, in his Master of the Temple robes, navy with gold, marking him as living at the Kattada temple, with a sash of the Wayseeker, denoting him for who he really was, the Master raised his own saber.

The aqua blade hissed out, joining Romi’s to light up the darkness around them.
Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Jade-Light Beacon

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Romi Jade Romi Jade Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

This gathering of Jedi was a great many things. It was a beacon of hope for the galaxy, it was a message to the Jedi out there that they were not and would never truly be “alone”. It was a message to those in need of assistance, no matter the kind, that it was never far away. The station was a message to those who would mean the galaxy harm that the light would always shine. It was a symbol that no matter the differences, the ideologies, the grudges, the Jedi, the galaxy could stand together as one.

Master Jade was very eloquent and poignant in her speech. Bringing to light the various houses and Enclaves, not to mention those victimized in the galaxy. It gave the big guy pause as he had thought back to the days of one Jedi Order that spread. He inwardly wondered if that way of thinking helped bring the downfall, maybe it did, maybe it did not. That was the past and now this was the attempt to unite that he was waiting for someone to make.

Her blade in the air, Starchaser’s blade in the air… and now right hand over his back, Eloah lifted into his hand.


His blade into the air. Caltin did not have the same connection to the Force as anyone did here, so he could not really enhance his aura, he could however shimmer in the light himself.


Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The jedi master listened to the small speech from Romi Jade Romi Jade and remained quiet... largely with her face neutral as she remained there. Modest looking robes of emerald greens and white.. her long hair tied in complicated braids that were woven together into a longer one. Kyber bells strewn between them that jingled when she moved and radiated the lightside of the force. There was a lot there on the beacon that she had added and included both per request and because it was one of the better stations to test out the new technologies that they had developed. A surprise here or there... the massive mural of Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser loomed for all to see and while the man was adaquate... the artist had made sure he was enviable for all to see.

There was trade and entertainment, food stalls that could be used by other companies and the latest in their technological advances that would be able to see. She looked at the other jedi raising their blade and took part her saber coming to her hand and the hilt gleamed with pure white metal that looked more like a massive jewel. THe inth metal had been changed and augmented... the solarite crystal within it being a pure beacon of the lightside and it reacted to the solari crystal at the core of the station that sought out and could cleanse darkside objects and crystals that had been bled, darksiders she had seen were uncomfortable within its radius.

The snap-hiss of the blade came as the silver beam of light appeared and hummed withj the force and an intensity few could match.. the inner workings of the blade were more complicated but the blade looked much the same just a silver blade with a gleaming white core that channeled the force energies of the jedi master through it but she felt something akin to excitement. There was a thrill here for many of the other jedi who were around.
Through their long-lasting contacts the Heavenshields had learnt of the ambitious endeavour to construct this vast station to the benefit of all Jedi, regardless of under which banner they march. Standing amongst those attending this grand event - old friends, colleagues, and battle compatriots - Thurion found himself looking back on his own history, and where he now found himself in life. It could be argued that he had peaked early, gaining the role of Grand Master relatively early in his career. He'd given his youth to the Silver Jedi Order, as did his wife and children, however he would not let his position become detrimental to his growing family. He knew his time was limited, and did his very best to serve those that had chosen him to lead them.

Stepping down did not end his life as a Jedi however. Even now, having donned the crown of Midvinter, his connection to the Force had only deepened. Balance was everything to he who burdened himself with such duties and responsibilities, for without his daily introspection and meditation he would have likely succumbed to the weight of said burdens long ago. He would never stop being a Jedi, for above all else he considered it a way of life; how one comports themselves, and how one acts in every situation. All world leaders, he felt, could benefit from Jedi teachings instilling that crucial humility and sense of duty.

Romi Jade was one of Joza's, adopted into the Perl family. She was dutiful, courageous, and a wholly good person. A powerful Jedi, never straying from her intended path, and who had advocated cooperation amongst all Jedi for many years. To one who had outlived so many, finding such wisdom in one so young was always an absolute pleasure, for he knew the Jedi as a whole had a bright future.

More and more lightsabers lit up just as Master Jade's had, and his was no different. The rune-inscriped hilt found the palm of his hand, as he held it aloft the azure blade took shape, blending its hue with those of his colleagues.

"May this station serve generations to come, for the betterment of all."

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if they're watching anyways

A symbol.

An enormous station, dedicated to being a beacon of hope, a light in the dark. It was always inspiring -- always, in that she immediately thought of the countless other beacons that had come and gone. She was filled with hope, as always, but a growing part of her wondered about the state of the galaxy. She, and many other Jedi, certainly could be symbols. Was this any bigger? More permanent?

The fact that she had no saber to raise alongside the others only furthered this disconnect. It was hardly the first time that she'd wondered about her ideals fading, but here those thoughts were pushed aside. There was work to be done. Symbols could do a great many things, but it was people who changed the galaxy.

She had need of only a few.

Once the display had concluded she approached, signaling gently to catch Romi's attention.

"Master Jade, a moment, if you'd be so kind." They hadn't spoken since their brief run-in on Korriban. Now it seemed there was much to discuss.
She sauntered down the decline, clipping her hilt simultaneously -- the speeches were always the hard part.

Though as often, the anxiety settles when it's all said and done...and many times she'd think how the kark did she make it here. She came a long way from the rough and rambunctious teen she was--well not exactly; she was still very much so dysfunctional, her ability to contain it just got a bit better.

V, if only you could see this -- stray thoughts.

It was more of an intangible embrace at the base of the platform: gestures of respect, polite recognition, and acknowledgment. They paid obeisance to the work and she humbly accepted with the thought that this was a positive step for all of them; together.

On cue, she hit a pivot at the sound of her name. Her head whipped around, and the source was closer than she assumed.

A positive expression broke through, "Sure, let's walk and chat." Joining in on the pace, she motioned with her head in the opposite direction.

"What's up? How can I help?"

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways

"Ah, well," she glanced around at the station's tall halls as they began to walk, "I think you've done quite a lot of helping lately. Fitting that they dedicated it to you."

She smiled. Her earlier reservations seemed unfounded. This place was an impressive sight, and no one could discredit the work Master Jade had put in to get this all working. Getting so many others to cooperate was as impressive as building an eighty-kilometer station in Wild Space.

"I, ah- haven't seen you since Korriban," she began. "Honestly, for me, it all became a bit hazy once we'd neared Solipsis..." Her gaze focused on Romi, slightly probing for reactions. "Apparently Cedric was more familiar with him than I'd realized."
A long breath erupted from her chest, part of it was diffident laughter. "Thanks. I-I just try to do the right thing...whatever that is"

Heh -- "I'm just glad we all could take part in the moment honestly." She kept the pace, and at the mention of Korriban, her head shot around swivel-like.

"Korriban, yeah..." The events of Korriban still surfaced and never really left; they lingered just at the back of her brain. It's distracting in all honesty. She nodded, "Same...every now and then it resurfaces for me. Like replaying...but just beneath the academy. I just feel like there's something going on that i'm missing."

She's had a few run in with him at this point, but...

She slowed and cut across their path. She propped herself up against a balustrade.

"Cedric and I have been friends since we were kids. I practically lived with him and his family when we were like younglings maybe?" She glanced off as if trying to recall. "It's been a long time since then but I thought I knew him and most of his then living family but I guess I didn't. The fact they he and that snake are related...there's something i'm missing."

A beat.

"How has it been on your end?"

Auteme Auteme
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if they're watching anyways
"On my end?" So she did know. Auteme glanced around, trying to ensure their conversation was relatively private, even in the station's open halls.

"It was a shock," she admitted. "When I first met him, I was convinced I had an ally, and now- now I feel like I was the one who put him there, gave him so much influence, and now it's coming back to bite us." She didn't regret it -- gambling on trust had paid off many times for her before. But it still hurt, knowing the betrayal, the deception.

She wondered if she'd be able to hurt Solipsis.

"Have you been keeping up with Alliance politics? I can give you a refresher on what Solipsis is doing."
"On my end?"

The sudden corkscrew of her face and neck, perhaps Romi didn't really know.

"Wait--" Her fingers sprawled at the raise of her hand, "So-well I was more so asking thinking you'd give me a run down on how it was affecting you personally, hoping to see how you've been doing since then but..."

So there was more to this.

"But-so this runs waay deeper than I thought. So what... you've met Solipsis outside of his dark persona?" She posed the question for clarity really.


"Honestly, no. Ever since the whole ordeal with Quill, I've tried to just butt out. But, a refresher would be nice...seems like something went down. What happened?"

Auteme Auteme
if they're watching anyways
"I- you-" Oops. Auteme was confused, then embarrassed. A mistake, and now it was time to be honest.

"Yes," she said. "I- I wasn't sure if you, you know, you knew. You- yeah. Yes, I met him." She supposed it was better to stumble here than among enemies. Still, she lowered her voice, her senses expanding into her surroundings in hopes of keeping a touch more secrecy.

"I realized it at Korriban, when Cedric muttered a name. Kaigann. And when I looked at Solipsis he- well, he looked like Kaigann Fossk, who is currently the Senator of Epoch, and is spearheading a political movement against the New Jedi Order. It's... stressful. And it's getting more dangerous.

"This is something I want kept secret -- I don't want to cause a panic, nor do I think it's enough to simply reveal Solipsis. So, in an effort to capture him, I was hoping to bring in a few skilled Jedi to the Senate Building, both as examples of what we are at our best, and as a force capable of capturing Solipsis when the time comes. The first person I thought of was you."
"I-I know. Sorry if I was confusing." Miscommunication.

"Kaigann, so that's the name..." her eyes rolled through a cycle like clockwork, "I didn't catch it then doesn't sound super familiar." At least from the memories she could recall, and scratching the surface, it didn't sound like one she'd heard before.

"And every encounter I've had with him prior to Korriban, his appearance was concealed. I really only knew the persona, but chit, that's a lot."

And in hearing this, a part of her felt some sort of guilt. Had she struck him down in the beginning could all of this have been avoided? She considered the Maw unhinged more than anything, she never suspected Solipsis and his marauders would drum up the momentum they did. So he's been playing a game of Dejarik this whole time...betting on their overconfidence.

She nodded in agreement. She took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I hear you," Contorting her body, she twisted her way around and rest her elbows and back again the durasteel bar - "Who and what exactly do you have in mind? More specifically, how do you see this playing out?"

Auteme Auteme
Tiland had no lightsaber to point skyward with the others, nor any tricks to show. Just his trust vor’cha stick and a cup of tea as he ambled around the massive station.

It was certainly massive. Certainly worthy of being called a beacon of hope. It very likely dwarfed the original Starlight Beacon, which Tiland remembered. He had never visited, having been still confined to Anzat at the time, but he had watched the opening ceremony. Even though it infuriated his uncle, it had filled him with a sense of wonder, and the Jedi had fascinated him, despite his uncle’s lectures, stories, and brutal training to try and break that.

Many he saw, he knew. Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser he knew of course, and Romi Jade Romi Jade , and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor from some of his lessons. Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield anf Matsu Ike Matsu Ike from very long ago. Matsu, he suspected it had been since the Galactic Republic when they last crossed paths. This had brought many of them out of their many responsibilities and roles. It was quite impressive, and had likely already done more to bring them all together than any of the previous conclaves ones recent years.

“Good to see you all again,” Tiland said to the others who had lit up their lightsabers. “Master Heavenshield, Master Vanagor, Master Ike, it has been far too many decades since we last crossed paths, I believe.” He have a wave to Romi before speaking softly to the others. “I’m afraid I don’t recognize the youngling with Master Jade though.”
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The jedi master had returned her saber to her hip and walked a little around the main area of the station.. it went off to the different areas of the reconstructed temple yes but there was also shops... this wasn't just built for jedi though they were the main thing.. it was made for trade and unity... where people fo the galaxy could gather... which meant shops, entertainment, attractions. She was looking at a few of the other jedi who were around them and bowed her head hearing Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun whom she hadn't seen in a long time... rarely venturing to many of the other jedi temples... she had preferred Ahch-To and a number of other worlds that had been rarely settled to explore. "It has been awhile and is good to see you well."
Be careful what you wish for.



Location: Jadelight Beacon

"ELOAH" (Primary - Long Handle)

"ELOHAI" (Secondary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in landing bay, Dilorian and Bike both in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Tag: Romi Jade Romi Jade Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Auteme Auteme Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

It was an unfortunate existence for him, but one that Caltin Vanagor had made peace with long ago. He was a Jedi that was most comfortable with a lightsaber in his hand facing down those who would sooner see him drawn and quartered than have a conversation. He was accepting of the fact that gatherings like this were not his forte' and frankly made him a bit uncomfortable and shy. The thing is, this only inspired him to attend more of these because the thought of gatherings like these inspired why he was a Jedi. He remembered the time where the Jedi Order was all but destroyed when it was to be rebuilt by "The Chosen One". To see such diversity reminded him of the Order of old. Even if it is true that the Jedi of today are nothing like the Jedi of old, it was a good feeling and sight to experience anyway.

Master Starchaser. It's good to see you, one day I will have to tell you of the Jedi of the same name that I once knew.

It was true, Caltin knew a namesake, it was why he, often unfairly, compared the two, though never meant to be in any sort of Malice. The Coren he knew had the potential to reach the levels of the Starchaser legend of now. So maybe it was good that they met, this "Coren" had realized that potential, and the big guy was able to see his vision fulfilled. The vision that he had might very well have been as it is right now, that Coren, and this Coren. Offering a bow...

Stop trying to blow minds and tell my story.

Always a pleasure, your Highness, Master Heavenshield. Hopefully, all is well on MidVinter and you are living the life you deserve to have.

Heavenshield may be the one that the Massive Jedi Master respected the most of those gathered. This was not a negative reflection on anyone else at all, but MidVinter's crowned king was able to do what the Caltin only hoped he could. No, not become royalty, but to settle down and be able to put down the lightsaber, picking it up only by his own terms. No, Caltin didn't shy away from his life, he considered the life of the Jedi much like that of a soldier, they existed for a day that they would be needed only for educational purposes, not peacekeeping. Heavenshield appears to have realized that dream. Offering a bow and a handshake.

An amazing thing you have done here, Master Jade. The universe may be endless, but this station is proof that what we strive for may never be out of reach.

Was sh...

Don't make "Hottie McHotsuff" jokes right now. Not the time or place for it.

Heh, you just did it for me, oh well, anyway. The big guy saw this for exactly what the Jedi Beauty had seen in it. This was going to be a beacon not just for Jedi, to remind them that they are not alone, but for the galaxy. Even if it were to fall tomorrow, it showed the galaxy of what they could reach for, what they all could strive for and that was the "win" that they all needed to have right now. Well done. Offering a bow.

And you as well, Auteme, right? You have a way about you that many Masters, be it among the galaxy, even in this very room could learn a lot from. I've had the privilege of seeing this first hand and hope that this is not the last time we meet.

Not really the most eloquent thing to say, but he tried. The big guy had only met the Jedi Knight Auteme twice, the first time was when the NJO confronted StarChaser and the Silver Council en masse. The next time was another meeting between the two. There was only a snippet to see, but he could see why she was so highly regarded among her people. Offering a bow.

Master Ike, it's a pleasure once again. I did not believe that I could replace "Conservator" or "Vanguard", but the work you and your people do amaze me to this day. You are to the Jedi what the Jedi are to the galaxy.

It was true, the big guy's two original lightsabers had gained almost the reputation he had in his own time, they were "obsolete" in many senses nowadays but still just as dangerous. Not just lightsabers though, the work her Enclave is doing is creating a "fighting chance" that any Jedi should never hope that they need but should be grateful that they have. Offering a bow.

Masrer Kortun, probably one of the handfull of Jedi older than me, but still managing to look better. Nice to see you.

When he was awoken from his ice-induced hibernation, Caltin had felt that there was little about the galaxy, other than the changes, that he could learn when it came to the Force. When he had heard of Tiland and his teachings, the big guy had remembered back to his early days as a Knight and the "wanderer" who taught a more "holistic" approach in a manner of speaking in the ways of the Force. When he saw that the man was the same, he jumped at the chance to learn from him. Offering a bow.

Going back to the drink in his hand (relax, it's non-alcoholic) he was finished blowing smoke up everyone's...

Shut up, I spoke the truth.

if they're watching anyways
"People worthy of trust -- you know, the kind of Jedi who have proven themselves beyond the shadow of a doubt to be good. And, you know, given everything- not of the New Jedi Order." Her Order had lost a great deal of public trust, due to the actions of a few. It meant she had to take greater risks with people she did not know as well. "I'd been planning to invite a delegation from the Silver Jedi, on the day I plan to reveal him. If you were willing to be part of that, as someone who knew- because the fewer who know the better. It'll make the shock more convincing, and their testimony more effective.

"I know it's a bit... questionable, to deceive people like this, but I think it's the best course of action. The fewer people who know, the less I have to worry about." She paused a moment, a shade of shame crossing her face. "If I hadn't thought you knew, I probably would've lied to you."

Ironic, that her scheme to help regain public trust involved such a scathing deception.
“Here here!”

A can of beer hoisted into the air alongside the row of sabers. As the dedication wound down, Yula drained what remained of the drink. Romi Jade Romi Jade was family, and she’d come to Jakku for a brief visit with her adoptive sister. Only she’d forgotten about the ceremony, wandering into the room in a meandering search for the kitchen and Romi’s hair brush.

Fortunately, she had remembered pants.

Similar to a few of the delegates who’d actually been invited, Yula bore no lightsaber. The one she had wielded on Krayiss II, against her own cousin no less, had been destroyed along with her left eye. Which wasn’t the worst thing- Yula had always felt the furthest thing you could be from the Jedi while still working with them. Some things just didn’t fit, and the events spanning the past year had been one big symbolic punch to the face.

“Good speech, Romi.” She raised the can in a salute to the blonde with a smile before she’d engaged with Auteme Auteme , another familiar face from their siege against the Bryn’adul.

Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun and Matsu Ike Matsu Ike were two Jedi she’d known by name, yet had never come across in her travels. The other three middle-aged men she was more familiar with, which sounded bad when you put it into words.

“Child Support, Big Guy, Mr. King.” She raised the empty can again, this time in greeting to Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , and Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , respectively. “Good to see you all again.”

Yula was in a room with actual living legends, every last one of them. She never even considered aspiring to reach their level; it was unattainable, and frankly, her path was elsewhere.
"Well of course I'm up for it." She shrugged at the thought, "Being at leisure bores me, and really anything that gives me that proverbial bad feeling makes me excited--I'm in."

Using her forearms as leverage, she popped herself back up and into form "Until then, we should continue being mindful and keeping each other updated. He's been playing a smart game, betting on us underestimating him since the beginning. Now that he's put himself at the head of this new Sith faction, and ingrained himself in Alliance politics...he'll start making bolder plays." She paused for a sec.

"Another thing...Taeli Raaf. If she's in cahoots with the snake man, which I wholly believe, then we've got a much larger infestation than we think. She's excellent at hiding and scheming, and usually it's right in your face. That's all her realm."

She thought about it...

"A while back, I sent you an engraved attuned crystal? Do you still have it?"

Auteme Auteme

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