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Faction The Dedication of the Jadelight Beacon (SJC/JEDI)

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Seemed like the ideological distance would not be so easily crossed.

"I see -- you create because it is satisfying to you personally, and because you have friends who may need things built. Yes?"

Assuming there was an affirmative, she continued.

"You are a Jedi, correct? And many of your friends are Jedi -- so, that leads me to believe that you understand what being a Jedi means. Could you enlighten me on what the role of a Jedi is in the galaxy?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

THe jedi master didn't need to mve as she remained seated and in her stance. Her thoughts though were amused... she rather liked this one and her questions were much better then others....'How did you become a jedi.' or 'Why don't you use emotions like me to become powerful.' THe normal fair... Auteme was asking why and going for an understanding which was nice. "ANd you said you were not a master. This inquisitive nature is quite intriguing." She said it and bowed her head. "The simple answer would be servant of the light and of life but that is oversimplifying it... giving an answer that is below such an inquisitive mind." A grin finally. "We are shepherds of life, there to protect and guide in small ways. We may not rule or control the masses but we give them the chance to have their freewill. Protecting the fragile foundations of society which can bring peace. It doesn't put us above them but a jedi understands that they become the architects of their actions and we live with the consequences, whether glorious or tragic." She thought of how best to sum it up maybe but she shrugged. "I plant the seeds knowing that I will never see the trees, never feel the shade and know thaat if need be my life can be traded for others but it is for the light and for life."
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if they're watching anyways
"Ah. So, a Jedi is a shepherd -- charged with protection only. However, shepherds are far beyond the sheep, knowing far more about the world than their wards. I would argue how a shepherd is to sheep is closer to how a ruler is to people, and I would argue a Jedi should not place themselves in such a way, which I think you agree with, as you have said. Nonetheless, I think your metaphor is mostly accurate -- at the very least to your beliefs -- so I will use it.

"Tell me, what does a shepherd build?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"If I am seen as above it is usually not from my doing. I cannot control others thoughts." She said it and sat there but Auteme was much smarter and inquisitive.. with the right questions which made this interesting... the jedi master imagined that she could spend hours talking like this with her and it would not be boring in the least. "A shepard doesn't build much, they protect, they can lead, they care for in the general sense. People usually are not sheep who will just follow." Though she knew that some would just from experience and there were some people who just wanted to be told what to do.

"But they build a foundation, they keep their flock safe and the flock grows it produces wool which can be traded, it creates mutton and food which can feed others. The foundations are important to society and the people, connecting them, binding them together and as they grow it forms a society... a home, a village, a town. It might seem great to have everything handled but too easily could anyone in the jedi try and guide to closely... controlling all aspects. Jedi have done that in the past and in the short term after an attack it can help. THey might have the clear heads, the ability to see the bigger picture but long periods of time is not advisable."

The jedi master though looked at her sitting there... "But tell me about yourself, you have a mind more so then some jedi I have met who either proclaim they are jedi but rarely practice it or they flaunt that they follow their passions, their emotions and claim they are stronger for it but they slowly become ruled by it." She wanted to learn her perspective as well. Maybe she would have some insight to other things that had been discovered as the jedi master did other things then just build. "Though I did bring a few other things... one is in the lower level one of the lakes. Some Ashla's Root from Ahch-To."
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"Mm." She supposed questions about herself were inevitable, but she shook her head, wordlessly moving past it. "I'm sorry -- I didn't explain or outline our goal in this discussion. I was looking to, with your help, learn what purpose the creation of things serves in the duty of a Jedi. And should this purpose seem unsatisfactory, we would search for the means to change it. My questions are... tainted, I think, by my own assumptions and predispositions, but I hoped that by not giving answers I could help develop both our understandings.

"That being said -- I find your answer to be a bit contradictory. Is a Jedi's role solely in crisis, or not? Or both? I think our allegory of the shepherd is holding us back, so let's speak of the Jedi themselves."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

The jedi master listened to her and raised an eyebrow, so the conversation was meant to be one sided... It was certainly an approach that left less things interesting... and thaat she wanted to change and have another follow her way brought an internal snicker. "I see." There was a moment but she remained there breathing steadily as her mind reached out and went to stillness... calming to search in the force and find it. Slowly piling molecules on top of each other in her hand as it came up and she worked to alter the matter on a scale the Aing-Tii had taught her. "As I said I create because it can help people. Improved food production, water cleaning, energy production. The basics that are needed, medical equipment and supplies to help. It serves life allowing it to flourish and grow which will hopefully breed peace long after I have passed. This station is only one of several that have been made, the Kiyomi is a medical ship on the scale of the galaxies largest super star destroyers but for healing."
if they're watching anyways
"You never said you create because it can help people -- though, I believe you said something along those lines, specifying your creations were meant to help Jedi make the galaxy a better place." Auteme bowed her head slightly. "As I said, I didn't want to make any assumptions, but in this case I probably should've, so I will take your word for it now.

"Following that, could you explain to me how this," she gestured to their surroundings, the technological marvel she had come to see, "helps people in its current form?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"Agricultural for the most basic, the time dilation effects could be used to rapidly to the observer grow crops on worlds and hanlde the bad harvests. What could be several seasons worth of growth and harvesting could be done in a manner of hours or days. Medical testing for drug trials in the event of biological weapons that need a cure quickly to save lives. The technology is not perfect yet but we are working towards improving it daily." She had a look on her face though of interest as there was always something to use technology for with the force and aside from training and improving ones skills.. the benefits of the chamber like Resh had shown her were impressive and he had given the idea of making repair bays using it so you could have damaged vessels repaired quickly to forces but it would be a year of repairs and improving within.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"Something tested and refined, right now the technology is new. It is only able to be placed on stations or within facilities. Good but not ideal for taking it into the field if it is needed. Further years of testing and refining the technology can be used to improve each aspect of it. Much like has been done with the hypermembrane we developed to fashion jedi robes and make them able to repair themselves, self cleaning and weightless without losing protective qualities. " She looked at her and remained sitting before letting the small display in her hand finish and started to sip tea. "It is just like practicing a skill with the force or saber you have to constantly be working at it. Only then can you feel the benefits of it maybe."
if they're watching anyways
"I see. I think improving things, even when they are already effective, is commendable -- yet I find the need for perfection, in your definition, a touch perplexing. We as Jedi use the Force, or lightsaber skills, or whatever else, to aid and protect others. Many of us are padawans, those quite new to the role of a Jedi. Should padawans seek to spend more time training and preparing before they are brought into the field? Should we even allow them to do the work of a Jedi before they are Knights?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"Why not." She shrugged. "If a padawan is not ready for field work they shouldn't be allowed into the field. The one training them be it their master or leader of an academy has a criteria that is used for them. If one wants to let newly promoted padawans run around on missions by themselves and another doesn't it doesn't make one right or wrong." The jedi master stayed still and continued to drink some of the tea as she focused. "The jedi that are produced on Ahc-To for instance are not sent out until their can maintain emotional control and not be driven by their passions. Creating their own shadex and connecting with it is the best example. Others who oversee the columbarium for instance have their own standards being healers and protectors of thousands of generations of jedi remains."
if they're watching anyways
Auteme opened her mouth to speak, but then paused. A moment of reflection later she shook her head. "Sorry. I- you know what, I kinda failed. I... well, hearing about this made me kind of angry," she admitted. "This is- revolutionary. The applications are limitless. It should be something completely beyond our technological capabilities, and it's here, and from what I can tell, it works. The fact that I hadn't heard about this before- that's what made me angry. That this thing, this utterly impossible revolutionary technology, had been around for- well, I don't know how long. It's not like I've been especially kept up on research papers and the like lately, but the idea that this was... well, it floored me.

"I'm sorry. I started pestering you because I thought it was some moral failing, maybe, or some gap in knowledge for some reason, and I asked questions in bad faith, I think. That wasn't right.

"Still, I must know -- why isn't this technology all over the galaxy? What's stopping you from spreading it?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"I can't force it upon people but the technology is available. Sasori charges only what can be given at its marketplace storefronts in the galaxy." She said it but they had a great deal of technology that few touched except those who came. "While it would be helpful with the absence of Danger's bazaar which featured many technologies from around the galaxy there is not a lot that really gets it out there." They had other things as well. "The technology could be used by anyone and we outfit it on our shipss that are produced and stations. ALong with equipment, the survival packs use this dimensional technology to increase capacity and allowing a lot more to be carried. We recently got self replenishing rations that use energy harvesting technologies to draw raw matter in the air to make additional food and rations. Canteens that use moisture farming technologies. So we have been improving the food we can give and supplies as well as the production means. We supply Romi Jade Romi Jade and her enclave as well as those who need it happily they just need to ask."
if they're watching anyways
"Oh, you can't really force anything on anyone. But it being there doesn't really... do it for me. I mean, the Jedi are there but there are people who still support the Sith, despite everything. We're failing because our rhetoric, our publicity, it always feels either self-righteous or pretty non-existent. So with this -- I just think that you should be screaming from every rooftop, you know- 'I have something that can change your life for the better'. Because this is amazing. It's revolutionary -- it's literally beyond what should be possible within our science. It's something you should be putting wherever you can, and moreover, trying to make as cheap as possible, so as many people as possible can use it.

"The opportunities for this sort of technology are limitless, and it feels- well, not right, that everyone hasn't heard of this, hasn't used it yet."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

She was looking at her and nodded at that. "It does and there is a good amount of things that can do even more. We have been working with the Atrisian Commonwealth who have been developing and testing some of the other things. Like our Transportation Network chambers and we developed the Heart of the Jedi crystals for some of the more prominent jedi." She took a last sip of the tea she had fashioned and closed her hand around the cup disassembling it in her palm before she opened it and shrugged. "More wonders though as we have several stations like Jadelight that use the same network and systems... we'll have to add eventually improvements for things like the high plane of heaven, shangri-la and exis station."
if they're watching anyways
"No idea what any of those are, but I'm sure they're impressive, which is all the more reason you should be doing everything in your power to spread the word about what you have. I mean, if I had the means to manipulate space-time, create pocket dimensions and time dilations -- I'd probably rule the galaxy. If I was into that kind of thing." She shrugged.

"I don't really have much money, and only a little bit of power, but it seems to me that you have quite a lot more of both, and that you could be doing more to make the galaxy a better place, even without 'forcing' anything on anyone. So, I guess what I'm asking you is to... do it."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"Perhaps there is more I could do, I have spent years on Ahch-To training time to return and liven things up." She said it while rising up. "Though I believe the test is over and if you want we could return to the others. There was a couple of things I wanted to show Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser here aside from the massive mural of him we have outside Romi Jade Romi Jade window and office in the main hall." She said it and walked rolling her shoulders. "There is also the small Hapan deligation. Under Allana we set up and established their own force order to protect from darkside ifnluences and this is one of the rare times they ventured out of the mists."
if they're watching anyways
"Uh, hold on, that's not enough." Auteme straightened. "'Perhaps there's more you could do'- so do it. Know what -- you can tell me right now, how you're going to get the word out about what you have here, and how you're going to make sure that normal people get the benefits of this amazing technology that you've created."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Auteme Auteme

"I will talk with Sor-Jan Xantha Sor-Jan Xantha as he is much better at the public relations. The Commonwealth uses extensively much of the technology we have developed so it goes to the normal galaxy and several worlds where we have developed key locations. We sell to the people as needed and donate more. It is not an instant process getting something like this rolling and there is things that will be needed to get moved around. Designating some of the transport ships we have developed to carry supplies to other worlds that need them is easy but convincing them to accept it will require someone more diplomatic then me."

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