Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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romi jade

  1. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Pathrunning

    "This discipline demands more than strength—it requires adaptability, precision, and an unwavering focus. Master it, and you'll move like the wind, unseen and unstoppable. Moreover, the skills you develop here will form the bedrock of your acrobatic abilities, making other techniques easier to...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Null Sense

    "True mastery of the Force requires more than just sensing what is present; it demands the ability to perceive what is deliberately hidden. When you can transform emptiness into clarity, you can reveal the unseen and confront any concealed danger lurking in the shadows." ― Romi Jade OUT OF...
  3. Cortana Jade

    Character  Cortana Jade

    CORTANA JADE-INKARI Full Name Cortana Hope Jade Inkari Djo Alias(es) CJ Cort Duchess Princess Birthplace Dar'Benn, Lemmi VI Age Young Adult Title(s) Chume'da of the Hapes Consortium Grand Ducha of Lemmi Vi Rank(s) Jedi Padawan Affiliation(s) House of Jade/Clan Askani Jakku Jedi...
  4. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Directed Sensory Projection

    "Strength isn't about spreading yourself thin; it's about honing in on what matters most. When you focus your senses like a laser beam in one direction, you start seeing things others miss—details that can change everything." ― Romi Jade OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To codify and...
  5. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Mindflow Diversion Technique

    "True strength lies not in resisting the force probing your mind, but in embracing it, guiding it, and leading it astray. Mindflow Diversion is really just a dance of thoughts, a symphony of falsehoods, and a shield of illusion. Master this, and you will become an enigma to those who seek to...
  6. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  The Synaptic Amplifier

    The Synaptic Amplifier General Information Type Technology Model Unique Builder(s) Romi Jade Purpose Amplify the telepathic and cognitive abilities of Force users Detect and interact with individuals across the galaxy Truth Discernment "The Synaptic Amplifier is a...
  7. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Force Rupture Theorem

    The Force Rupture Theorem General Information Type Portal Location Various Affiliation The Force "Force Ruptures aren't just oddities—they show us how the multiverse is woven together. These rifts create new realities but always lead back to key moments in time. By studying...
  8. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Dawn of the Nameless: A Force Vision (JJE & TU)

    Takes place before Operation: Nightfall --- A collaboration between the The Unblessed & The Jakku Jedi Enclave Lore
  9. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Dark Echoes: The Jakku Enigma

    "The sands of Jakku hold secrets, and within these walls, our aim is to unlock them." ― Romi Jade OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document, and further expand upon Romi's discoveries, explorations, and codifications of the Force on the planet Jakku Image Credit: Here | Here | Here...
  10. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  Enclave's Guardian Mantle

    Enclave's Guardian Mantle Familial & Chronological Information Type Poncho Owners Jakku Jedi Enclave Category Jedi Apparel Color(s) Various Affiliation(s) Jakku Jedi Enclave Jedi Order "It's not just about protection; The mantle is our symbol, a canvas draped in the colors...
  11. Vizion Trozky

    Private  Prophecy of the Four: Revelations

    FATE'S BASTION THE APARTMENT OF VIZION TROZKY ☛ TEMPLE DISTRICT ☛ CORUSCANT Briana Sal-Soren Attention: Romi Jade While he had travelled all the way to Naboo at her behest for the Gala, he had not seen more of Briana than what he did at a distance, her partner having rightfully eaten up the...
  12. Lossa Aureus

    Private  The Lingering Light

    Following Shadows of Departure Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Location: Jakku Enclave, Green Room Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone <Bri. I got something you might want to hear. Nothings on fire, just. I could use some advice. ♡ Lo> Lossa's message encrypted and sent to Briana almost the same...
  13. Holly Starstorm

    News Breaking News! Romi Jade Evades Custody!

    LIVE: This is Holly Starstorm reporting live for HNN aboard the vessel that was supposed to transport Master Jedi Romi Jade to Pantora. Just hours ago the vessel was taken off course by an attack that appears to have been orchestrated from the inside. Two guards were found dead at the scene...
  14. Romi Jade

    Private  My Oath, My Vow... [Valery]

    fa-play fa-pause CORUSCANT JEDI TEMPLE, JEDI COUNCIL CHAMBERS Valery Noble The Jedi Council Chamber on Coruscant stood as a hallowed space, bathed in the gentle glow of holoprojectors that cast an ethereal light upon the polished stone walls. The air was filled with a soft static -- the...
  15. Romi Jade

    Ripples in the Sand: A Jakku Jedi Saga

    fa-play fa-pause The Jakku Jedi Enclave, a restored subterranean fortress standing defiant against the unforgiving dunes of Jakku, harbored secrets darker than the shadows within its walls. Jedi Master Romi, Headmistress of this enclave born from the ashes, walked its corridors with a...
  16. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Guardian Protocols

    The Guardian Protocols General Information Creator(s) Jedi High Council (High Republic Era) Romi Jade (rediscovered) Date created 229 BBY First employed Many Generations before the Nihil conflict Affiliation(s) The Jedi Order "In the hallowed whispers of our history, I...
  17. Romi Jade

    Public  Jade v Pantora: Testimony of Romi Jade

    Shadows of Redemption: Jade v. Pantora Coruscant In the heart of the Galactic Core, the high-profile trial of Romi Jade, a revered Jedi Master turned alleged perpetrator of war crimes, commences on the bustling planet of Coruscant. The legal stage is set for a dramatic and unprecedented...
  18. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  The Archive Nexus, Digital Jedi Archive

    The Archive Nexus General Information Constructed 900s ABY Type Jedi Archive Location Kiva System, Kiva Copy/back up server on Nar Shaddaa Culture Jedi Order Builder(s) Romi Jade Kassogtha Cthylla Monitored By Council of First Knowledge Chief Archivist Jedi Librarians...
  19. Romi Jade

    Public  Metropolitan Museum of Coruscant Presents | Echoes of the Jedi Exhibit

    Metropolitan Museum of Coruscant Presents: Echoes of the Jedi: Legacy Restored fa-play fa-pause There's a new experience at the Metropolitan Museum of Coruscant! Step into the mystified world of the Jedi Order with our captivating new exhibit, "Echoes of the Jedi: Legacy Restored."...
  20. Romi Jade

    And Consequence

    fa-play fa-pause The opulent living room, adorned with priceless artifacts from distant galaxies, served as the setting for the urgent discussion between the three figures present – Romi, Johannes, and their legal counsel, Livia Selene. The holographic projection of the Pantoran Assembly's...
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