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Invasion [SJO vs TSE] Operation Silversaber: Silver Jedi Invasion of the Mirial Hex



[SIZE=11pt]After a one-two punch to the Silver Jedi by the Galactic Empire and the First Order, it was only a matter of time before the Sith Empire would come poking around as they smelled blood in the water. Many believed they were real masterminds behind the Imperials' operations, designed to wear down the Silver Jedi as they built up their own strength.

Attempting to avoid a similar fate of the now-defunct Dominion, the beleaguered Silver Jedi and their allies had finally decided to go on the offensive in a desperate gambit to save the Outer Rim from the forces of chaos. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While quietly mustering their forces for the offensive, Arisa and other planners had hinted at the Kol Huro system - a collection of factory worlds responsible a for good deal of production behind the Sith war machine - as being the first target of their campaign to mask the real objective. A necessary sleight for the sake of OPSEC, to ensure mission success. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was only during the mission briefing about a day ahead of the operation that the truth was revealed by Arisa to a live audience of commanders within the SCIF of her flagship.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"The primary objective of Operation Silver Saber is the liberation of Mirial," she explained as she manipulated a holo-projection of a star map to bring up a rendering of the Outer Rim world. "While securing Mirial, we hope to rattle the Sith Empire with a surprise blow and establish a foothold in SE space for further incursions."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"Some background on Mirial. Over the past two decades, this war-torn planet has passed through multiple hands, from the Primeval to the Dominion, and now the Sith Empire. It was during a [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]nearly successful genocidal campaign[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] by Primeval that the people of Mirial suffered a devastating collapse that they still haven't recovered from to this day. Exact numbers for the current population are unknown, but it's estimated that only a few million Mirialians remain."

"During the Sith Empire's [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]campaign against the Dominion[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], their activity on Mirial was fairly minimal in comparison to Kraysis, so it's believed that the regime [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]previously established[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] with the help of the Dominion remains largely intact. There is now a burgeoning Separatist movement, who absolutely detest the Sith Empire as a foreign occupier, and the ruling [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Zambranos[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], in particular. It was a Zambrano who orchestrated the genocidal attacks that nearly destroyed their civilization, and those events are still fresh on many people's minds. The Sith also won themselves no favors with the scorched earth tactics against Dominion following its collapse. The Mirialians and the Dominion Remnant have already been on the receiving end of the worst punishment that the Sith could dish out, so they don't have much of anything to lose siding with us reclaiming their homes."

Manipulating the holo-feed again, she zoomed out from Mirial for a display of the border regions between the Sith Empire and Silver Space. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"So Operation Silver Saber. Phase 1 will begin with Silver and allied forces trickling into the Corva Sector between the Corporate Sector (formerly Dominion Space) and the Esstran Sector (Stygian Caldera/Classic Sith Space) through minor [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]hyperlanes[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. The Corva Sector will serve as the staging area for the operation."

As she spoke, the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ingress route[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] from Silver Space to the Corva Sector was highlighted, designed to minimize the chances of detection by any monitoring grid the Sith may or may not have in place. As Mirial and that region was a recent acquisition without any discernable development on the SE's part, she figured they wouldn't have much going on in that backwater region.

"During Phase 2, an advance flotilla of [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pantera stealth frigates[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (Salvatore, Nighting Gale, Corvus, Kakashi)[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] will proceed to the Mirial system, which should take roughly 8 hours via [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Dimensional Drive[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]." Traveling by dimensional drive with their stealth suite and GAMs active, the Pantera would be able to skirt past any monitors without much trouble, such detection systems geared for detecting objects traveling through hyperspace.

"Once they make it into the system, then Phase 3 will begin at 0330 local [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]time[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], focusing on capturing Mirial’s capital and largest population center while most residents are asleep. The advance force will initiate contact with air strikes (of non-lethal [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Tearstunners[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]EWAR missiles[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]) to jam local comms and soften targets for our ground parties. An airborne assault will immediately follow, where our ground teams will link up with Mirialian Separatists and Dominion Remnant on the ground to eliminate Sith Loyalists and seize control of the capital. Secondary objectives will be rounding up opposition leaders and establishing safe zones for evacuees. The bulk of our forces at this stage will be comprised of mostly j[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]edi[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] strike teams, light infantry, and air cavalry, with CAS provided by starfighters and gunships." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The display zoomed shifted to an overhead map highlighting several important [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]capture[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] points like the local garrison, government center, [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]spaceport[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], etc.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]"Following contact, our main battlegroups will [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]microjump[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] in to interdict the inevitable Sith reinforcements and establish air dominance. A shield carrier will be dropped over the capital to protect our ground forces from bombardment, and additional units will be deployed to secondary and tertiary population centers across Mirial."

"Assuming that everything goes off with a hitch, then we may be able to lockdown Mirial before the Sith can scramble any reinforcements. Worst case scenario, we may find ourselves in a pitched [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]battled, but this time around, we'll still enjoy[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] the benefit of being on offense and fighting on our terms."

The briefing done, Arisa cut off the holoprojector, then looked around the room, taking in all the faces of the commanders. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]No[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] matter how well they planned or fought, she wouldn’t be seeing many of them again.

“That concludes the general mission briefing. Intelligence packets are being disseminated to your individual units for further details. Now I'll leave you all to carry out more specialized briefing. May the Force be with you all. Dismissed.” [/SIZE]

Mirial System, 0257 Local Time (Capital Timezone)

[SIZE=11pt]By now, the quartet of Pantera had broken passed through the borders of Sith space, and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]were deep into Mirial[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] system, only a few minutes away from reaching the Mirial’s orbit, crews unsure what they would be facing on the other side of their journey. For the past several hours during transit, ground teams had been given additional briefings and assignments for when they hit the surface. Most geared up to eliminate opposition forces in tandem with friendly locals, while some others were prepared to dispense aid and assist carrying out evacuations needed as needed. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Whatever their assignments, they were expected to hit [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ground[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] running as soon as the frigates were in position for attack. Speed was key here, to first wipe what was initially expected to be fairly light resistance in advance of the real battle to come against Sith reinforcements. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Out in open space, allied battlegroups were on standby, waiting to pounce into [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mirial[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] system at a moment’s notice. From their positions in the Corva sector, it would only take them a few minutes of travel by hyperspace to join the fray.

SJO Staff:
[/SIZE] [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]

[SIZE=11pt]TJE Staff: [member="[/COLOR][/SIZE]Darth Caecus"] | [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Jacob Crawford"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] |[member="Darth Caecus"]


Location: Mirial System - Stealth Frigate
Objective: Prepare to Liberate Mirial
Allies: SJO, RA
Opposition: Sith


Images flooded her mind – joking around with her brothers, running wild through the streets of the capital, leaving Mirial behind. Liuna opened her eyes slowly. It had been years since she had been back, but the memories were still present in her mind. There hadn’t been a day that passed where she hadn’t thought of home at least once. It was a bittersweet return, and she wasn’t sure if she would have any family reunions to look forward to. One brother had been killed by the Sith – the other went missing around the same time, and there hadn’t been word from him since. Still, there was a small part of Liuna that hoped he had survived, but as the days passed, such hope grew dim. And of course, there was Mother… if she was still alive.

And now, she was seated aboard a Stealth Frigate bound for her home-world. Liuna was alive with nerves and anticipation. Her knees bounced slightly, it was clear that she was a bit jittery. This had been a long time coming, all of her training would now be put to good use. With any luck, she would see Mirial liberated from the Sith. Dark eyes traveled from side to side, taking in the faces of her fellow rebels. There were some she knew – like [member="Cardinam"] and [member="Lara Fairfax"], and others that she had yet to speak with. The light lavender hair of [member="Eri'anya Forr"] caught her attention briefly before moving on. There was even another Mirialan here. Her eyes lingered on the face of [member="Kaiza Pawaro"], and she offered the slightest smile.

Turning her gaze back down to her lap, she ran her hands across the top of her armor clad legs. It was old armor, and quite simple… but it would work. In fact, the group was outfitted much the same. They did lack a unified look, but the rag-tag bunch had a certain charm. It was an encouraging sight. While they did not have access to the best of the best when it came to weaponry, she knew that they would still put up a fight.

It was the rebel way, after all.

Space - Incursion Transport
Allies: SJO
Enemies: TSE

Jorg sat quietly at the end of a small docking bay, his helmet in front of him and his weapons already arrayed on the crate besides it. He frowned slightly, glancing up at the other soldiers of Nova as they went about quickly gearing up.

It felt like forever since he'd taken part in an actual invasion, though of course it wasn't actually that long ago. Perhaps it was because at the time he'd still worked for the 5th, or perhaps it was because he hadn't met Joza yet. He smiled slightly as he remembered the Zeltron, the odd change that she'd brought to his life with only the smallest of encouragements. The Soldier shifted, looking down at his blaster and slowly scooping it from the crate before sliding a new powerpack into the weapon.

"Ten Minutes, Sir."

A voice cropped up behind him, his second Lieutenant. Jorg turned and gave him a sharp nod, sliding his blaster into the thigh holster on his armor and securing the strap over it. He stretched for a moment, sliding his gauntlet so it gripped his fingers a bit more tightly. He made a fist, unfurling it after a moment and glancing back down at the weapons that still remained.

He had never been to Mirial, and he supposed these circumstances weren't exactly the best to visit it.

A quick glance around the room mapped the two dozen Nova Defense Force Soldiers that were with him. The company wasn't an old one, and the small private army he'd assembled were all good men, but he couldn't commit the entire force to this attack. Instead he'd asked the Silver Jedi Command for a more pin-point task. Luckily they'd given it to him, securing a small Compound within the southern forests. Supposedly it was a former rebel encampment that had been wiped out some time ago, it's strategic position making it valuable as an operating base in the sector.

Jorg didn't question it, just got ready to do his job. "Secure everything in five, get ready for the drop."

He hadn't been in a drop pod in nearly half a decade, but that didn't worry him.

Jorg felt like he had some luck left.

Darth Odium

Location: Mirial System - Capital
Objective: Protect Mirial from foreign dictators
Allies: Sith
Opposition: SJO and their flashy ways

Odium sat on the front stoop of a large housing complex as he watched people prepare to end their days. He sometimes wanted to just kill them all and end the misery that had been thrust upon them by other forces in the galaxy. That was one of the main reasons he thought thhat the galaxy needed to die, it was home to such horrible people. It was a kindness to kill it all, a mercy. The other Sith he kept company with disagreed. Maybe he just needed to let go of his old ideas and embrace the new ideals of the younger generation.

He stood slowly and looked skyward as a vague sensation of danger pricked at his awareness. He quickly sent messages to Command to check for dangers before ushering some children inside the complex. He began walking briskly toward the city defense offices to check in and report. His saberstaff in hand he broke into a jog as a warning light flashed on his comlink. He was certain now. An attack would come.

[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Liuna Ondizi"]​

Location | Mirial's Capital
Objective | Maintain peace
Company | None

Vexen traveled by himself amongst the streets of Mirial's capital city, his cape billowing behind him in the gentle dry breeze. A strict curfew had been put in place, keeping the native population indoors as the planet was still covered in festering feral zombies that had made use of the chaos on the war-torn planet. However, there were still scattered incidents in which someone attempted to sneak out and were summarily ravaged by said zombies. Many patrols of TSE soldiers stationed on Mirial had worked tirelessly night and day to keep the feral zombie population in check, corraling, executing or sending them out for research and study to prevent their spread. Since the Sith Empire had taken control over the planet, they had been working diligently to rebuild and treat its citizens well as part of their empire.

Vexen would pause in the dimly lit streets as his head scanned left and right across the rather bare streets. The silent night would soon become not so silent as panicked screams and shouts were heard, in which Vexen approached with haste. Upon arrival at the scene, it appeared a young pair of Mirialin youth had decided to be mischievous and break the curfew to sneak out to see each other; unfortunately, they had come across a small pack of feral zombies in which they were being pursued by. The zombies ignored Vexen and the essence of Dark that he exuded, but the civilian youth, however, was the sole focus of the pack's attention. Vexen would begin to run forward, stomping and lumbering in his cumbersome armor as he reached to his belt and grabbed his lightsaber. He would approach the rear of the pack before igniting his saber, hacking and slashing with large vicious swings as the crimson saber sliced through decayed flesh.

By the time Vexen had cut his way through the pack, the Mirialin teens were on the ground huddled and clutching each other, unaware that they had narrowly escaped their own demise. The smoking bodies cut to pieces would begin to exude the scent of rotting flesh as Vexen towered over the two teenagers, his shadow cast over them in an ominous manner, his crimson saber at his side. The Anzati would kneel down, saber switched off as he rested his forearm on a knee and spoke in a vocoded voice, " Young ones...The curfew is not to impose our authority on you...It is to keep you safe...Stay inside next time... " The teenagers would look up at the armored figure and then at each other before looking back up at him. Vexen would stand up as he offered out both his hands, to which both the teenagers took one and were pulled up to their feet. " I will return you to your homes. "

Vexen would escort the youth back to their parents who had been distraught and in grief prior to their arrival. They would thank Vexen before returning to their homes and locking up as he departed. He raised his right hand up to his waist, turning his palm to face the sky as a hologram of a TSA Captain appeared, to which the small holographic figure turned to face Vexen and saluted. " Captain Varkos...What is the status of patrols around the capital? " The Captain would lower his hand from his helmet as he spoke, " All patrols are green, minor interaction with some feral zombies, but nothing out of the usual sir. " " Double the patrols and ensure that the citizens abide the curfew. We take care of our citizens Captain. If I hear of any civilian casualties in the morning, I will hold you and your men accountable. " " Of course sir! " The hologram would flicker off as Vexen's fingers curled into a fist, terminating the transmission as he turned to resume his usual route to ensure there was no trouble.
Location: Mirial System - Stealth Frigate
Objective: Establish mobile medical team
Allies: SJO, RA
Opposition: Sith

The Beorni had discovered a most unusual find during their layover in the Corporate Sector.

It was an herbal teasan. It was quite interesting. Mellow, with tones of apple... yet, with a peppery zest. A spicy root mixed with some mellow herbs, cinnamon, and vanilla. It was really quite soothing. He might try it brewed as a milk chai next time.

"We've just entered the Mirial System."

Glancing up, the bear bowed his head in acknowledgement of the report from the Antarian Ranger. Raising his tea, the Beorni consular held the dainty, fragile looking cup between his large, menacing paws -- the claws of either hand adapted to getting traction on arctic sea ice.

It seemed a visual metaphor.

In but a short time yet, he would be leading a medical team to the surface to establish a mobile surgical hospital to support the front line of the conflict. Like the tea cup, caught between the vicious claws of the fools rushing headstrong into battle -- on either side.

As a Beorni, there was nothing he despised more than war. Yet, here he was. Because his friends were eager for a fight.

Kiriko wasn't about to fight their war for them, but neither was he going to sit by idly and let them die.

...oh, what was a bear to do?
Location: Mirial, Landing Craft
Objective: Waiting for Landing
Allies: SJ, [member="Arisa Yune"]
Enemies: Sith

Dusaro had been part of the original mock planning of the 'attack' on the Kol Huro. Though he had not known that the true plan was to attack Mirial, that reveal was as much of a surprise to him as it had been to everyone else. He could appreciate the reason behind keeping that a secret, surprise was a wonderful tool after all and with sith, one always had to be wary of spies. He did find it a bit of a shame that all the explosives he had worked on gathering for the invasion of the more heavily defended planets would not be needed, but Dusaro was rather sure he could find plenty of uses for them even on this main attack.

The inside of the landing craft was as cramped and poorly lit as they always seemed to have a habit of doing. With both a large load of cargo and people it was a even fighter fit then normal. Dusaro looked at his watch. It was going to be soon. 'Time to go over the plans then.' He thought to himself, looking to the troops who had been exchanging short chatter. Most of them were Regulars with a few scouts, snipers, medics and even mortar squads scattered around. There were also some PLX-1 troopers mixed in for some direct heavy weapon fire support, just in case. "Alright ladies and pansies, listen up. We will first drop in here." He said, motioning to a section of housing on the outskirts of the city on the south side.

"There is a group of Rebels who are collected in this general area. When we land we will secure the area and begin a aggressive assault through the suburbs, clearing out all enemy troop opposition. The Rebels will come out on our call and aid us as we push and reinforce the weakest area. After the section of suburbs is secured we will leave two platoons behind to keep an eye on the area while the rest of our forces advance to link up with the rest of our forces and take over the capital. Mortar squads sit tight and keep up with us, we will work out exact deployments when they come back to retake the city. Keep our PLEX carriers safe, never know when we might run into heavy armor."

After that, Dusaro went over who was landing where, which lanes and roads to secure, ect. A lot of that would depend on where the enemy would be, which was almost never where your information said they were. But kinks like that were nothing to sweat over, just something to adapt with and overcome. The only part Dusaro really expected to go 'to plan' was them linking up with the Rebels planetside. 'Well, can only hope.' Dusaro thought with a wry look and shrug, holding onto a hand rail as he waited for the ship to land.

3 Flash Bang, 3 Smoke, 3 Thermal Dets, 4 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine

Jet Pack, Light combat Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor

Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
Location - Mirial System - Stealth Frigate
Objective - Awaiting orders and briefing
Allies: Silver Jedi, [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Enemies: Sith... and maybe some Justicar scum.

As a Mandalorian, it was something she must do. Even if it's against the ideal of defensive pacifism, and Duchess Satine Kryze's spirit is probably looking at her with mass disappointment, it cannot be helped. She must help her friends. Even if it costs her life, she is still a Mandalorian by blood. The cravings of battle must be contained and better controlled. It was all apart of the training and the path of becoming a Jedi Master. With her Jetpack, her Mandalorian armour, equipment to help fight off against force users, her trusty blaster and lightsaber, Viathae was decked out and ready for battle. With her Mandalorian helmet in her arm, she approached Arisa Yune and looked out. She heard about these people... quite a beautiful race. It's a shame that they're under occupation of such vile creatures such as the Sith.

According to stories, many Mirialans seemed to be in some sort of distress or occupation. But the one thing she liked about them, is how many Jedi and warriors came out of it. Many of them seemed to be quite well versed in the art of combat. Therefore, Viathae isn't particularly worried about that, but more of worthy of the intentions of what the Sith are doing on this world. She wasn't looking at this at a good vs evil perspective, but a conflict of interests. Was this move by the Silver Jedi a move of justice, or a move of interest? After all, at the end of the day, peacekeeper or not, it's all about the credit, and who gets the credit first.

Though Viathae dislikes this philosophy, it was something she had to accept, for the sake of the galaxy, and the promise she made to Kay. She breathed softly and looked out. "I don't like the looks of this. The Sith could be in high morale, considering the fact we took a beating from the Galactic Empire and their allies. Hopefully, your plan works Master Yune." she said to her.​

Location: Mirial System - The Omen
Objective: Begin descend into the capital
Allies: The Sith Empire & Allies
Enemies: The Silver Jedi & Allies
Equipment: Battle Armour Lightsaber

There it came again.

That nagging feeling the Greta had been feeling for the last few days had not ceased, simply ascending into a crescendo as the days past into the present. It was a feeling she was well familiar with. Dread. Woe. Suffering and the ilk. It seemed that wherever she went, these seemed to follow in her wake in equal measure. Suffering always seemed to follow her from a young age, before the woman was even Sith. Before she was Sith, all she had anguish and lament for her fate. As a Sith, Greta had in turn learnt to channel her hatred and anger within her into something else entirely, propelling herself into the depths of the dark side. The Sith code resounded deeply with her, and she always challenged herself against her betters. Perhaps, that was why others within the Sith Empire had given her the title or nickname of Harbinger of Woe. The visions the force had given her were troubling but they did not disturb her. The only sign that betrayed any emotion was the slight grin that tugged at the edges of her mouth.

Impending disaster would soon befall the planet of Mirial and there was nothing the Sith Knight could do but wait. Seated in deep meditation in her personal chambers in the Omen just outside the planet's orbit, she finally opened her eyes, amber orbs ablaze with burning determination and eager excitement. War would come soon enough, and Greta thrived in the heat of battle. The type of enemy mattered little. The thrill of battle simply sending her spirits soaring. A curt order was sent to the ship's bridge with a mere click of a button.

"Captain, begin the descent to the capital. We'd best get prepared for what's to come."
Sympathy for the Devil


Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order, [member="Arisa Yune"] and whomever tags along with her to fight
Objective: Maintain Order
Location: Capital of Mirial
Equipment: Armor of Aneshe, Lightsaber


This world reeked of it, festering in the filth and the rotting flesh of its own people - a people so desperate for order, for protection, that the structure of the Empire was a welcome change of pace from the bygone days of the Primeval. No longer did their benevolent rulers seek them out to slaughter them wholesale, to raise their corpses like a cheap party trick and besiege their own cities. No, the days of the demented cults that had controlled the region and much of the Tingle Arm as a result of the Primeval were all but extinct - hunted, like the ysalamir by the vornskr, by the Sith. And still, despite the time that passed and the effort put into rebuilding this troubled world, Mirial continued to feel the pains of the past with a constant reminder of that not-so-distant history in the form of feral undead that sought out the living to feed on their flesh. It was fortunate, then, that the beasts did not confront those that were consumed by the dark side of the force. Tirelessly the Sith Empire hunted these beasts of carrion, and yet still they met resistance from small, radical, cells within the Mirialan populace.

And who were these rebellious fools that dared to bite the hand that fed them?

Remnants from the time of Zambrano the Hutt, a foul creature that mocked the name of the Panathan king by keeping the moniker, that had remained largely untouched by The Dominion during their rule of the sector believed themselves to be the liberators of their people. Liberation by death, perhaps, but they always seemed to appear whenever a group of acolytes tasked with hunting the feral undead found themselves just beyond the eye of the capital building. They were hardly a source of major contention on the world, of course, as they numbered in a group so small that the Imperial intelligence reports estimated they were less than one hundred strong. But one hundred strong was still enough to attract the patrol of an enforcer of the Dark Lord of the Sith's will, although the presence of this enforcer was meant only to attract these vagabonds to a single location. The arrival of this enforcer, and their alleged importance to the Dark Lord of the Sith, was leaked to the populace for days prior to their arrival - all to heighten the focus that would be placed on this singular Sith Lord.

Glossy black eyes gazed over the city street, devoid of activity because of the imposed curfew, with an expression lacking any semblance of enjoyment. Clothed from the neck down in her armor of phrik, a singular lightsaber hanging in the open at her hip for all the world to see, this Sith had been trudging through the streets of the capital with an expression so serious she might have spoiled blue milk had it crossed her gaze. Before the blare of alarm - the call for curfew - had rang out through the city streets there had been gossip spreading throughout the crowds that thronged the sides of the streets of her status - that she was intimately familiar with the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Carnifex - and the word had spread like wildfire that she was the enforcer that was to be tasked with maintaining the peace on this oft chaotic world. These words, rumors really, had been orchestrated by the Sith to use her as a living target for any rebel cells to strike out at together and expose themselves to Sith Intelligence.

There were other Sith and members of the Empire on Mirial, but the frequency of terrorism by these cults had died down immensely since her arrival - and it was expected that the goal to draw the attention of these so-called rebels was to quickly culminate in a success. The presence of others was not something she could so easily rely on in such a crowded city, a city full of refugees from areas especially devastated by the undead, because of the density of so many in one area. She could feel the prickling sense of unease, that harm was heading her way, but she disregarded it as she continued her trek through the capital in wait for what this den of traitors had in store for her. Short, small too, the woman offered little in the way of intimidation to those who misunderstood what forms power could take.

'And so the little lamb waits patiently for the hungry wolves to descend on her.'

She doubted, however, that these crazed supporters of a Primeval resurgence would play the part of those so-called wolves.
Location: Mirial | The Capital.
Objective: Scribble.
Allies: The Sith Empire & Mirial.
Enemies: The Silver Jedi & Allies

Empires were built on paper, ink and aching writer's hand.

That was what Lord Tai Fa often said in response to calls for slaughter, genocide and other ‘Sith’-nonsense. He wasn’t a good Sith in that regard. Didn’t much care about tradition and supposed style when it came to administering a nation. No, all that the Thirriken cared about where results and for the most part it were regulation, ruling and reason that would build an empire high and allow it to remain there.

The Mighty Three R’s.

He still needed to figure a way out to add laws to it, but maintain the beautiful consonance.

The Thirriken scribbled and lo, now the army had an additional six months of funding for their shoes, belts, pants, all those little pesky things that one could not reasonably be without. Five minutes passed and the Lord Inquisitor scribbled more.


Now the curfew was drawn back just a few hours as their efforts to reduce the undead threat proved effective.

See? The power of the quill could not be underestimated.

He sat within the government complex of Mirial’s capital. Restored in the last month, the government itself hastily assembled after the last one collapsed because of the… Woyunokut.

The undead were a pain in their collective backsides. A plague send by the Force to test him and his, truly. Oh, they didn’t attack darksiders with sufficient strength in the Force, this much was certainly true. But it didn’t prevent them from massacring their civilian contractors, preying on the Sith Apprentices assigned to patrols and the like. Didn’t prevent them from generally causing mayhem whenever a breach in security occurred.

The last government had collapsed because of them. It certainly was one of the few reasons the Mirialans had asked for their assistance.

He scribbled.

Now the Mirialans were allowed entry into the Expeditionary Forces.

S-sir?” The soft scratch of quill on flimsiplast froze. Then the Thirriken looked up and noticed a small mouse on his table. Paws used as support while it was standing. The Sith Lord tilted his head a fraction, before nodding.

I was not expecting you for another hour, Tiba.”

The Nezumi nodded once and Tai knew that something was amiss. Tiba was one of the more serious Nezumi under his employ, but even they always made a joke or otherwise tried to cheer him up when they caught him during his administrative functions.

His wing was already painful from the scribbling.

There is a big problem, sir.”

Tai simply waited, leaning in intently to listen.

We have discovered several cult elements, Taishi, they are… preparing for something. Today. I mean.”

The Thirriken leaned back. The Cult of the Dead had not been a surprise, but their hold on some Mirialans was. They called themselves rebels, separatists, attempting to break the fragile order the Empire was creating. For freedom, they said, but there was more at play here.

W-what do we do, Taishi?

Tai sighed. “I will need more information, Tiba. Mirial is our staging ground for the campaign against the Sith Worlds and their Magisters. Our fleets are here and frankly, we have invested too much into rebuilding the world to let some insane cultists take the place over again.”

Yessir!” The Nezumi already sprinted away, not waiting for anything else. Not even a by your leave.

He stretched.

The ache in his wing had receded slightly.

Time to scribble some more.

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Location: Mirial System - Stealth Frigate
Allies: SJO, [member="Cardinam"] | [member="Lara Fairfax"] | [member="Eri'anya Forr"] |
Enemies: SE

No matter how many times Kaiza tried to let go, it was impossible to silence the maelstrom of emotions that came with the task of liberating her dear homeworld. Now she understood why attachments were frowned upon by the Jedi of old – and yet there was nothing that could be done about her emotional state. Just a cold, barren rock to most, Mirial was still Kaiza’s home – her family and farm have undoubtedly been waiting for the young woman. She had often dreamed about coming back after finishing her training, but never would have imagined the circumstances of her return to be like this. Guilt for leaving her loved ones poked at her conscience, dark foreboding of discovering all relatives dead and farms burned nagged at the back of her mind.

It was all so different from defending innocents on other worlds. There were no personal stakes for the young Padawan when she fought to protect alien planets. Now, selfishness proposed abandoning the mission, running away from the Jedi and people who needed her help and going home instead to ensure her family’s safety. Although everyone in Kaiza’s household knew how to handle weapons after experiencing Primeval, Kaiza’s loved ones were no soldiers – she was no soldier either for that matter, not even a Jedi yet, as indicated by the tight Padawan braid tucked behind her left ear. Vibrant green eyes nervously darted from one corner to another and her body language positively gave away the Padawan’s fidgety state.

The phrik armour’s weight was starting to feel uncomfortably familiar now. Worn almost every day, its shiny plates have seen many battles and death, witnessing the yellow skinned Padawan’s transition from a naïve pacifist into a reluctant warrior who fought a desperate battle to defend the innocents whenever she could. The same went for the silver cylinder safely attached to the young woman’s utility belt. It would undoubtedly see plenty of use in the coming days – and given the Silver Jedi Order’s cause was just, she wouldn’t hesitate to battle cruelty and evil.

She returned the faint smile offered by [member="Liuna Ondizi"]. Knowing other Mirialans rushed to liberate Mirial gave a sense of unity – having Kaiza know she wasn’t alone in this, silencing the urge to flee and find those closest to her heart.

“I’m from Little Mirial,” she suddenly blurted out the name of her village, established not long after the Primeval’s purges, “Where are you from?”

Perhaps said place no longer existed, erased from maps and history by the cruel regime – yet Kaiza wanted to remember the joyful time she had spent there, find comfort in memories. Maybe Fate would show itself a merciful master and grant her a chance to see the village with her own eyes again, but for now, memories were the only thing she had left.
Location: Mirial System- The Capital​
Objective: Arrive at the capital​
Kyrel had never traveled to a Sith world before... As a Ren the only thing he had come close to learning of the Sith was that of the records in the Bastion of Ren on Virgillia, or on Mustafar during his encounter with Darth Thaxsis the ancient Sith Lord that ruled over the planet, and from the Archives of Vader's Castle which he now had called home for many months, and he wasn't afraid to admit that he felt a little uneasy being amongst the Sith, even though he even displayed qualities that were very Sith like in nature. His place was amongst the Knights of Ren, A Servant of the Supreme Leader and his loyal enforcer to crush all those that dare to oppose him. Despite his wariness for the Sith, he had to admit they had one thing in common and that was the destruction of the Light, for despite the ideological differences, the Dark Side had brought the two Force Sects together in destroying the Jedi, from the War with the Galactic Alliance to the recent battles with the Silver Jedi Order, Kyrel was sure of one thing and that was the darkness eclipsing the light, and finally having the dark side reign supreme across the Galaxy once more.
The ship, A Furious class Corvette emerged from Hyperspace and made its way down to the planet surface. Unlike other Sith Worlds, Mirial was not one that was well known to him, he, of course, learned that it was surrounded by zombies, how or why he still didn't know. The craft traveled through the atmosphere before seeing the capital in sight, grabbing the yoke and making sure the craft was able to stay on its course through to the spaceport before finally activating the landing cycle. Kyrel Ren was not the only one to arrive in the world, he was accompanied by [member="Samka Derith"] and [member="Amit Nykoan"] as emissaries from the Supreme Leader.
Stepping out slowly, clad in the armor of Lord Vader, the dark figure made himself known walking down the landing platform unaware of what their purpose was. He knew or at least heard that Mirial was a staging ground for Sith Forces in the area, whether they were here to observe remained to be seen. He had secretly hoped the Sith would strike at the Jedi for he himself enjoyed seeing the temple burned on Ossus but craved for more. He wanted to have more Jedi fall at his feet and even right now he wasn't clear on why they were here. In time he was confident the purpose would become clear, and as he started to make his way out to the streets he stopped for a moment. Feeling a disturbance he said aloud the mechanical baritone making a hint of the surprise that went through him as he said. "I sense something.... I wonder." He stopped for a moment to think but then shrugged it off not having an idea of what would come this day.
Location: Chorlian Sector
Objective: To Explore Strange New Worlds
Allies: Silver Jedi and Allies
Enemies: [member="Adriago Duilius"], Sith Empire and Allies
Equipment: In Signature

Command Deck // ANS Hereafter
Malachor System // Chorlian Sector
Galactic Alliance Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

Sequestered in his ready room, a middle aged man in uniform sat cross legged floating several meters off the deck floor.

Deep in trance, the Vice Admiral used the ruined surface of the planet outside his viewport as a focus, and contemplated the nature of failure. Malachor V, it was said, had been the sight of a catastrophic battle thousands of years ago in one of the ancient Jedi crusades. Few could remember now who had won or lost the day, but in the end it did not matter. Even if Zark's forefathers had prevailed, it was still a failure. A failure to keep the peace, and safeguard the innocent. A failure to do good.

His task force was farther east on the galactic plane than any Defense Fleet peacekeeping expedition of this size had ranged in recent memory. Given the current climate back on the homeward front, it had taken all of his influence to assemble even this many souls for a long range force reconnaissance operation of this nature. Still weary from over a year of bitter war, the prevailing sentiment in Federation space was one of recovery and defense.

To the soldier in him, it felt more like complacency.

His rivals within High Command likely saw it as a fortunate sort of exile, and that suited Zark just fine. If grim politics barred the west from their vigil, he would take his men on patrol to even darker corners of the verse, and so they had taken the Daragon Trail out of Empress Teta as far as it would take them and beyond. Already the Jed Knight had seen much on his odyssey to the far east. Malachor was just another stop along the trail, although from the unrest among his command staff concerning the extent to which they had exceeded their mission parameters was beginning to have an effect on morale.

As if in cosmic response to the passing thought, Zark sensed the cacophony of conflicting emotion that heralded the arrival of his executive officer's troubled mind.

"Come," he said the same instant the door chimed. Extending his legs down until his feet touched the deck, the gray knight did not turn but continued, "At ease, Commander Bashir."

"Permission to speak, Admiral?" his polar Mon Calamari second in command said at once, a presence once contorted in indecision now aligning into a sense of resolve.

"Granted," Zark nodded, and turned to look his friend in the eye.

"When were you going to tell me this was another one of your Jedi vision quests?" Bashir could barely conceal the exasperation in his voice, "Its talking to you again, isn't it? Calling you out here."

Wordlessly, he nodded at the Mon Cal. Commandir Bashir was a good officer, and he owed him at least as much as the truth.

"Well great, sir. Just great," it was becoming increasingly evident in the commander's tone that he did not think it was, "Do you even know where you're going?"

"I know exactly where I am going," Zark replied too quickly, and although he tried to maintain his resolve Bashir did not need the Force to see the self doubt in his friend's eyes.

"Well then," he said after a long moment, "What are we waiting for, sir?"

The Vice Admiral back toward the viewport to gaze at Malachor V's horizon and the void beyond. Opening his mind back up to the Force as completely as he was able after years of little practice, the words slipped out almost before he realized he was speaking.

"A guiding star."

Task Force Hereafter - 5th Expeditionary

"Into the unknown."

6540 meters

Name: ANS Hereafter Class: Citadel-class Star Carrier Shield/Hull: 1800/1800
Armament: High Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 5 CF10 Crossfire Squadrons, 4 D-Wing Squadrons, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Crusader Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Gladiator Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser Shield/Hull: 1000/1000
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Mercy Class: Valor-class Carrier Shield/Hull: 980/980
Armament: Very Low Defence: Average Speed: High Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hangar: 3 Sprite X-Wing Squadrons, 2 D-Wing Squadrons, 2 A-Wing Squadrons.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Absolution Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser Shield/Hull: 700/700
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Ascendant Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser Shield/Hull: 700/700
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Sluissi Dream Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer Shield/Hull: 120/120
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Rivers of Arbra Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer Shield/Hull: 120/120
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.

Name: ANS Remember Eriadu Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer Shield/Hull: 120/120
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Orbiting Malachor V.
Location: Mirial Capital - The Slums.
Objective: Collect Data
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: The Silver Jedi

Woyunokut were a problem, dead animated by the darkside, ravenous in their hunger and seemingly unstoppable. Of course cut off enough limbs and anything is stoppable but for Calina her mission was to find something far more effective. Aside from force light and force null fields nothing seemed to be working. While the woyunokut were not a direct problem for the Sith they were a huge problem for the citizens, chomping their way through them like a buffet, especially when youngsters were foolish enough to break curfew.

Calina had upped and moved her group of thugs from Kaas to Mirial on a whim, an urge to do something beneficial. Let others flex their muscles and power in the force while she worked contently on the smaller problems that might well tear them down. They'd constructed a lab on the outskirts of the slums, one large room open plan with no windows. Along one wall three woyunokut were strapped, gnashing their teeth and straining to get at the cages opposite her. Her lab rats looked on silently some watched the undead, others watched the blonde pony tail swish back and forth as she paced along in front of the undead.

Saba, her chief thug sat on a chair by the door, eyes fixed on her boss. The rest had been tasked with quietly aqcuring people who were at least half willing to contribute to science "What you thinking?" Saba rumbled. Calina turned and stopped pacing, giving her a look. "Its not like you'll understand any of it, so why do you ask?"

Saba shrugged. "Bored."

Calina rolled her eyes and moved to the cages. The residents shifted back from the front as one but she was interested in the soul occupant of the on furthest from the door. The teenager was beginning to show signs of turning, hanging his head low, his eyes becoming sunken and a twitch at the odd noise, his mind was elsewhere focused on some faraway place. Calina tapped once, sharply on the bars of the cage and his eyes swung up wide and terrified. "Please." he whispered.

"I'm sorry, the vaccination doesn't appear to be working. Come closer." He shuffled awkwardly towards her. "It's slowed the process down significantly, however. We've gone from a maximum of threes hours between living and undead, to twenty-four" she spoke aloud, a recording device resting on the centre of a long white bench that separated undead from soon to be dead blinked a red light. "Not good enough, though." She extracted a vile of blood from his arm and stepped back. "Here's something for you to do, Saba. Take this one outside and dispose of it."

"You want me to minze it like the lazt one?" Barabel's facial expressions were hard to read, but Calina did not need to look at her face to know her disgust, she took a droplet of blood, setting on a glass slide and pressing another on top, before looking up at the Woyunokut opposite her. "No, they prefer untainted meat and they've been fed enough to last them until tomorrow." She was overdue a fresh supply, so the need to keep them fed was important to her experiments.

Saba approached the cage and hesitated. "If thiz thing cutz me, will i become..." she nodded towards the undead.

Calina smirked. "Probably. I've not idea how it reacts with barabel DNA." She slid the slide under the microscope. "I'd be more certain if you let me take a sample of yours." The hiss made her look up, Saba had puffed herself up to her fullest height, and yet Calina merely blinked at her.

"I am not one of your experimentz!" she snarled. Calina snorted and straightened up taking a step towards her.

"Take him outside and dispose of him, or you may very well become one of them." Saba deflated, and stomped back to the cage, making a big scene about dragging the teenager out, crashing and banging like a petulant child. "Don't come back unless I call Saba, I've no patience for your interruptions today." Calina called, already bent over the microscope, her expression bored. She chuckled softly as the door slammed behind Saba.
Location: The capital's spaceport, Mirial
Objective: Ensure citizens' safety
Allies: TSE and its allies | [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Darth Carnifex"]
Enemies: SJO and its allies | [member="Jairdain"]
Gear: Mirari, Cruentis Cor, Valkyries founders' armor

The mark the Primeval had left on Mirial was a grave one. Undead beings, if they could still be called that, had wreaked havoc and brought the still-living to their knees, but for too long nothing had been done. Properly, at least. The Dominion had been unable to restore the planet to its former glory, but although it would be a process that would span many years the Sith Empire now stood on its surface not only as their rulers, but also the ones who would see to rebuilding the people's home.

It was an effort not to be taken lightly. There was much to be done, but Darth Avacyn had seen to sending out the Valkyries to ensure the safety of the Mirialan people to aid in the Empire's efforts. Although for the one who had followed her command had only that single objective, a certain subset of people within the Valkyries had a secondary goal as well. Eventually the planet's economy would have to start back up again and for that reason Aria Vale and Vaylin had decided to head towards Mirial's surface as representatives of Kova Apparel. It would be a mutually beneficial venture; help get the planet back on its feet while opening up a wider market to, in time, bring in more profits. It was not what she herself kept herself busy with, however. There had to be someone in charge of the Valkyries' primary operation, a task the woman had taken upon herself.

"We have landed. Boarding ramp is lowering."

As the metal ramp made contact with the floor of the hangar the redhead immediately disembarked, a number of others spilling out behind her. She was clad in her Valkyries founders' armor and her lightsabers hung from her hips, making no effort to hide them. They were symbols of security, powerful tools to keep the innocent from being slaughtered by the undead. "I will direct the forces to start sweeping the perimiters. If time permits I will join you in your meeting with Darth Carnifex." As Avacyn spoke she turned to Aria and Vaylin, but it did not take long before she felt a disturbance, a warning sent out to her by the Force. "There is something going on. We should keep our eyes peeled."
[member="Calina Ovmar"]

Location: Mirial Capital - The Slums.
Objective: Deliver meat
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: The Silver Jedi

Some people delivered pizza to your doorstep. Others delivered zombies - still undead or dead for real. Either way, presently Enyo was a glorified delivery service. It worked out well. She was almost definitely more heavily armed and armoured than the average pizza delivery service, wearing her usual phrik armour.

She had played a small but notable role in summoning the aforementioned zombies - by helping murder a bunch of cultists so that the Plant Lady could use their life force to raise the dead. However, it seemed that the Sith Empire wanted to keep quiet about its role awakening them. They were presently trying to convince the Mirialans that they cared about their citizens. This was probably an uphill battle...given the type of person who was Dark Lord, but this one digresses.

Thus the outbreak was blamed on Primeval terrorists or similar individuals. Given their past actions, this was not out of character for the insane zealots. Enyo did not really care. She got paid to shoot things. The payment was put to productive use. Such as wrecking Archangel, stealing their toys and buying [member="Amara Zarides"] some socks. From a cost-benefit perspective, it worked out well. If you disregarded your conscience, as Enyo tended to do - unless it involved her siblings.

Thus Calina would get a knock on the door. Security was tight at the lab and there were Hazmats units. She'd gone through a decontamination unit. The door opened and a heavily armoured cyborg stepped into the large room.

"I've brought you fresh meat," she said blandly as her eyes fell upon the blonde. If Enyo had been less extremely uptight, this post might have contained an internal monologue about how cute the Sith scientist looked while she performed ethically problematic experiments. Or some very lame flirtation. However, Enyo was not her mirror. Besides, she'd been forcibly turned asexual. Instead she was all business. She approved of the professional setup.

The hybrid carried a metal cage that contained an aggressive looking undead that was busy snarling, gashing its teeth and struggling in vain to escape its prison. Initially the zombie had not reacted to Enyo as a threat, but this had changed once it realised that the cruel robot was not about to lead it to delicious meat. So she'd crushed its legs. It had manifested some weak Force attacks before being forcibly persuaded to come along.

Two HRD minions were similarly equipped. When it came to their choice in meat or individuals to pass on their condition to, zombies did not discriminate much: Resistance fighters, soccer moms, unlucky Sith apprentices and so on and so forth. In that regard they were very democratic.
Location: Mirial Capital, the streets
Objective: Evacuate citizens
Allies: [member="Jartris Entumaa"], [member="Liuna Ondizi"]

The low hiss of a gas mask drawled over dispersed bodies of fire and derelict buildings, filtering out harsh and painful screams in the near distance. The alchemist named Aurelius traversed the war-zone in search of trapped citizens and to rid the capital of the undead threat disrupting the pursuit of the Sith war machine. The feral zombies piqued a particular fascination for Aurelius, who intended to collect samples of the husks for his experiments. A khaki hood sat above the eerie gas mask concealing his features, above a robe worn over a protective combat suit and huge patent gloves. The alchemist placed his boot over the debris and watched intently for any movements.

"Well hello there, Sorcie." A fellow Sith appeared, a Mirialan himself as Aurelius could see. He spoke through the guttural respirator and greeted the man from a distance, tipping his head slightly as though he were wearing a hat. The displayed an apocalyptic ambiance, a picture of oblivion settled in silence, marred only by the crackling of flames and feint screams from the distance. Beside Aurelius stood a hover cart carrying dead husks collected by the Sith, to return to their laboratories for testing. A muted gargle groaned slowly from the smoke rising above the road ahead and the chemical warrior strode forward, passing by the fellow Sith sorcerer and moving into the debris.

A lone husk lurched forward, trailing feet through the dusts and approaching the Sith slowly. Aurelius quickly unhooked a large steel syringe from the array of tools on his belt and shifted his feet in preparation for the zombie to pass him by. He fiercely gripped the walking corpse by the arm and planted the thick needle into the neck, injecting a paralyzing serum to restraint the beast from moving. The alchemist whistled a tune while he gripped the bloody arms and dragged the zombie onto the cart. Once he flopped it over, he twirled the syringe in his fingers in the handle and whistled onward, slowly pushing the cart on the lookout for more zombies.

"After you!" Aurelius chortled to Jartris. Noises stirred the small block of flats as they passed and Aurelius quickly hooked the syringe back onto his belt, darting to attention and smashing down the already unhinged door with his boot. Another zombie growled before an adjoining room and the pitch cry of a child sounded above the lurching drones. Shooting a hand forward, the alchemist transmuted the flesh of the beast, causing it to corrode and disintegrate, until the beast sizzled and dispersed into a charred pile of remains. Aurelius poked his mask face into the next room to catch the gaze of a screaming child, whom he directly strode towards and scooped up into his arms.

"Shh, I've got you, darlin." He cooed through the frightening sound of the gas mask, gently patting the head of the young girl while carrying her outside. Before the eyes of Aurelius and Jartris, the sight of a star ship moved into the atmosphere and prepared to land.
Allies: The Sith
Enemies: The Light
Objective: Drop the Iron Curtain

Aboard the Praetorian Fist, Mirialan Airspace.​

Constantly updating scans fed into the tactical topography of the planetary surface, and chatter across the airwaves alerted Sith Command to fluctuations in the plan. Alkor stared out into the abyss of space as reports of undead and restoration efforts across the planetary surface overlapped one another and devolved into nonsense. It was all important to the master plan, yet to the Jen'jidai, none of it mattered.

He saw beyond the current scope of their work, to the outstretched hand of darkness as it grasped out at the vast reaches of the galaxy. He sensed the resistance that lay there, on the cusp of its hungering fingertips, and he scowled. "Our victory over Mirial is close at hand," one of the Kissai reminded Alkor as he walked past. "You should lend your strength to the effort, Jakkar Nekesti."

They had dubbed him thus in High Sith, in honor of his sacrifices and station. The King of Hatred. A rival to any Lord of the Sith. That was their intention. It was a play to concentrate their power and solidify his presence as part of the Empire.

"Even as we claim victories in its name, the darkness blinds us," Alkor reminded the Priest. "Chaos is a fickle master."

"The Darkness tests our resolve and endurance with countless challenges," the other rebuked him. "Weakness is not something to be tolerated, but cut out." The red skinned man followed the Dark Jedi's gaze toward the stars and furrowed his brow. "What is it that you see?"

"It's what I don't see that concerns me," he muttered after several awkward seconds. Alkor turned to the comm's officer. "I need a channel opened to the other capital ships in the system," he explained. "Bring defensive shields to full power and devote any available fighters to reconnaissance."

"We have a wing aboard the Praetorian Fist," the officer suggested as he made ready to relay the message. "Those can be scrambled with the most haste. It will take nearly ten minutes to issue the order you've given me, under our current circumstances. Are you certain that it's necessary? I'm not picking up anything that suggests an attack."

"No," Alkor said, "that is what makes it seem so strange to me. I sense no hostility, yet the impending feeling of danger burns my fingertips. It screams at me to be alert, though I see nothing to prepare for."

"You want to scramble three full wings on a gut instinct?" the officer raised an eyebrow.

"We were charged with oversight of the Mirial campaign," Alkor snapped. "That includes defense of the planet in the event of an attack. Though there may be nothing to worry about, a screen of fighters flying a recon route is acceptable as a precautionary method. I want this Warfleet ready to defend our claim to this world, and I want it within the next ten minutes."


Alkor glanced down at the planet. "Let's show them," he muttered to himself, "what an eclipse looks like."
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Mirial System - Stealth Frigate
Objective: Awaiting Deployment
Allies: SJO, RA, [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]
Opposition: Sith
Equipment (see signature)

it was quiet, well aside from the two natives that had started to speak with one another, Sukai wondered what emotions were going through their head, the feelings of one’s home. Living the life of a nomad it was hard to connect with the feeling, the place where you where raised with family scumming to an evil that would destroy them no questions asked, their families either dead or in prison. Sukai knew that the Sith were not all destroy and enslave every planet they took over, though all their invasions did relive large amounts of civilian casualties, she was quite certain they would not hesitate to use human shields to prevent an attack or other unspeakable act to win, it was the Sith way to fight dishonorably.

The young apprentice sat away from the others, dressed in her typical black suit and accompanying mask, it seemed that upon joining the Silver Jedi it was getting used more and more often. She was not sure if that was a good or bad thing, seeing as it was only something she wore when expecting a fight, which was most defiantly going to come about with this invasion. This operation would be her first real deployment, her first battle, though Sukai had fought, beaten and killed many opponents in the past, this would be a full battle, where her actions affected more the just her.

'Remember what Haha taught you, follow orders, don't act rash and keep emotions in check', the last thing the Jedi needed was one other their own turning on then from sadistic intention and blood lust, though that reminded her on more thing, 'only use your inherited powers if absolutely necessary'. In all honesty Sukai did not know if she was ready for this, but her skill with a blade was not to pass up, and one only became better with experience.... yes experience, best teacher may be, hardest also it is, though what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

Sukai breathed in and out, calming herself, checking the array of equipment on her, from her two light sabres, blaster pistol and other nick knacks, she was as ready as she could be on the short notice, not it was just time to wait.

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