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Viathae Qarmast

Viathae Qarmast of Clan Qarmast


Name - Viathae Qarmast-Ike (Through Nico)
Age - 27
Sex - Transsexual (No gender change involved.)
Height - 5'10
Weight - 147lb
Eyes - Green
Hair - Black
Skin - Caucasian
Homeworld - Wayland
Force Sensitive - Yes
Accent - Waylander Accent (New Zealander-like accent sorta like this (More deeper though than this holy crap))
Faction - Silver Jedi Order, New Mandalorians
Sexuality - Unsure, but leaning towards Lesbian.
Master(s): Cyde Lawerence†, Nico Ike
Strengths and Weaknesses
Unarmed Combat Master - Viathae is pretty well versed in her ability to fight if her weapon is disarmed from her. She is mastered at using her fists as well as her legs, knowing how to lock a person into a choke hold or against her thighs in combat.
Quick Learner - Viathae is very easy to train, and usually picks up on things quite quickly when introduced to. Though it does take her time to actually perfect these skills, it’s allot shorter than they usually take. Due to this, she learns pretty easily from people.
Survival Master - Since she lives on Wayland, she of course is mastered at surviving in the harsh environments, namely forests and plains. But she knows how to prepare and stay alive in hard core areas.
Force Sensitive - The fact that she was born with the force sensitive trait, makes her a special person in her clan, having high midi-chlorian count.
Pacifist - Viathae does not really like fighitng that much, and therefore, this makes this one of her weaknesses. She prefers to talk things out diplomatically, and is not really prone to fight often unlike other Mandalorians who follow their ways of warrior culture. Viathae will back down should she have to fight against her will, unless it's a trial she must face, or if she is attacked first. She will refuse to take the first move. This does not apply when she is in a Jedi trial or a trial as a Mandalorian, as she sees it as a test of fate, rather than innocent blood being spoiled.
Anti-Conservative - Viathae has a strong hatred for those who support the old Mandalorian traditions, as she is firmly against the idea of the Mandalorians being warrior-like and non-progressive, wanting to move forward and be proper members of society. Viathae sees the Mandalorian strength and war-like tendencies used for protecting their people and themselves, not radicalization and conquest.
Bad Memory - Viathae has this thing where sometimes, she will forget someone's name, and will forget certain things that happened in her life. Although not everthing, names come hard by, as she would need to hear the name a couple of times or be around the person for an extended period of time inorder to remember their name fully. She would usually forget someone in a month after seeing them, but this will only happen if she had met someone at least just only twice or three times. Anything beyond five times she will remember. This doesn't apply to family or important parts of her life that she can recall however.
Judgemental - There are MANY things she disagrees with the Jedi about, namely Love. The Jedi see Love as a path to the Dark Side, while she sees that Love is more or less a path to good, and “True Light”, which, to her, is the pinnacle of the Light Side. She often judges other people about their disliking towards Love is, and usually gets very argumentative about it.
The Mandalorian stands at around 5’10, tall for an average Mandalorian female. She is quite well built despite her being 157lb, having a fit looking body, athletically built for combat situations. This is due to the fact that she grew up as a warrior, and learned how to fire a blaster and such. Since she grew up in a clan that primarily focused on unarmed combat, her hands of course are built up to part to match with her strong toned muscles. Her fingers are slender enough to hold a blaster pistol or any sort of blaster, yet are always seemingly ready to punch someone in the face. Another distinguishing feature of the Mandalorian is her legs. Her thighs are quite thick, thick enough to squeeze a skull and hear it pop.
Unlike many Mandalorians, she does not don her own armour due to her banishment from her clan. She wears wrappings and whatever her family had left from their original home.
She has a marking on her back that symbolizes the clan symbol that she was apart of. It's mostly faded due to the fact that she tried hard to remove it from her face.
Early Life
Viathae Qarmast was born 829 Years after the Battle of Yavin in her homeworld of Wayland. Born to the Qarmast Clan, her last name originated from that clan due to her actually originating from there. Her father was a Bounty Hunter whom resettled in his clan to lay down roots. She was the only child in her family. Her mother was a soldier of the Mandalorian Military and of course, had much training. She was not native to the clan. Her clan specialized in unarmed combat.
Her clan was a conservative clan, following in the ways of the old Mandalorian traditions of combat and killing. Viathae trained within her clan to become a warrior from her father. Her father being a mastered bounty hunter had encouraged Viathae to become one herself growing up. Her father would eventually help her master out her hand to hand combat skills, and her blaster skills. She would eventually grow to be of age to go on her first mission as a bounty hunter, under her clan that was conducting a raid on a rival tribe that was nearby, that was weaker than they were. Taking up this opportunity, Viathae was eager to see her father go into action with her, and the two set off to help this raid be conducted. In her newly made Mandalorian Armour to fit her, she set off with her father and the raid group.
When the raid happened, Viathae stopped during the middle of it. She then felt the pain, and suffering of the people, and stopped firing at them. The strangest part, was she heard the screams of the children that made her feel sicken, and made her just stood there, watching as her clan started to slaughter and maim everyone. The men, the women, the children. Watching as the village was being looted, Viathae stood in disgust... not believing what she was just witnessing. Feeling sickened by the destruction she had seen, she discarded her Mandalorian armour, and left everything of her clan behind, going into self-exile away from her clan, to escape their sick and twisted ideals. The force inside of her was indeed puling her however. After running, she had encountered a vine snake in which attacked her, and with her blaster, tried to fire at it, but being too frightened by it, she missed, and eventually ran out of cartridges, and fell down. Closing her eyes thinking it's the end, she woke up, and felt a strange presence... a presence that she never felt before. Her eyes met with an old man whom had a stubble and short hair.
This old man would eventually come to reveal himself as a Jedi under the name of Cyde Lawrence, a Jedi Master from Yutan. He was exceptionally strong in the force, and mastered at atleast four forms. Telling him of what she had witness, and feared, Cyde noticed her exceptional presence in the force. She was at first shocked to learn that he was a Jedi, and that she was told that Jedi were the enemy of all Mandalorians. But Cyde had eased her, telling her that he is not an enemy of hers. The Jedi Master offered to take her as an apprentice, in which she was first skeptical of, considering he was a Jedi, but eventually accepted, and started to train under him. When she became 18 years old, her master felt that she was ready to become a Jedi. However, before he was able to take her back to Yutan, an urgent message came to him, and he had to depart to Yutan, therefore, leaving Viathae to fend for herself. But he did not left her empty handed, and left her a gift of a kyber crystal, in which, was a synthetic crystal that was there. Viathae proceeded to build her first lightsaber, and with the blue hue of the saber, that of a Jedi Guardian, thought that this was his gift to her, as his promise she would be a Jedi. However, Viathae was still curious on where her master went, and therefore, went on a search to find someone who might know of his whereabouts.
Meeting Nico
It was eventually that she would come across @[Nico Minuro Ike], a Silver Jedi that happened to be on Wayland. Though at first unknown of her intentions, she eventually grew oddly close to her, even feeling a connection between herself and Nico, strangely making love with eachother. This awkward connection was something her master kept telling her about when it comes to companionship. But she never would even know that it was some raw force power that she learned on her own or by her master. Her master herself taught her allot about companionship, for he taught her allot about the basis of love and principal, and how powerful of a weapon it was. Either or, this strange unknown knowledge had caused Viathae to clear her mind, and study even more vigorously in the force, and therefore, thinks the force has chose her to be alongside Nico.
The two would eventually travel to find some fabled tribe that was on Yutan, when they encountered smugglers trying to steal things from the Silver Sanctum Order. Clear that this was the mission all along, the two eventually confronted these smugglers, and managed to secure the supplies. Once this was done, Nico offered Viathae a passageway to Yutan and accepted this. With her shuttle, and the goods secure, the two begun to set course to Yutan. However, along the way, she still was rather puzzled on how she and Nico grew so close in such a small amount of time. Still rather... oddly reluctantly eager to know more, she had decided to grow even closer to Nico, by staying around her for the time being, and even sharing her quarters with her. At the same time, she wondered what else the force had instore for her, for not only this had happened, but the fact that this had caused her to remain calm while even fighting off those smugglers, fighting fluidly and lightly, as if nothing was weighing her down, even the heat of Wayland.
The Search for the Unknown Master
Upon travelling towards Yutan, the two had discovered the burning and the fact that the planet was not that alive anymore. Knowing of this, Viathae despratly tried to search for her master to but no avail. New information came that the other Jedi were transported to Voss, at least some did. She and Nico proceeded to head to Voss and begin to search for him there, and discovered in the records that he was recovering in the medical bay. Though, Viathae upon finding him, did not had the chance to speak with him. The force did not felt... right with him. He had little to no energies coming out of his body, and she feels that soon, he might become one with the force. Although, this did not got rid of her ray of hope. She looked up to Nico to help complete her training should this tragedy happen. Nico, being the true interest she is, accepted to her words, and accepted to becoming Viathae's master for the time being.
The Holocron Search
Vision of a Mandalorian Jedi had appeared into Viathae's mind, and suddenly, she was transported in the dream, to a remote location that looked very similar to a snow world she once heard about. A huge door, which inside, she saw a man whom apparently guided her towards a Holocron. The vision ended when she met a force ghost when she saw the Mandalorian Jedi, but ended when she woke up by the dream. She then told Nico about it, and thought out of all the snowy planets, Otro Plutonia, home of the Talz, might be the prime subject. As such, the two begun to set out for this holocron. Eventually, she had reached the planet, and entered the cave for her trials. She came across a Mandalorian by the name of Jar Fristia, and engaged her in a set of three challenges. With Nico, she had managed to complete them, and beat Fristia in a duel. After this, she had acquired the holocron of Tarre Viszla, the first Mandalorian to be initiated into the Jedi Order, and his Mark III armour. Viathae considered her trials of a Mandalorian to be complete, and felt confident to call herself a Qarmast once more, but with her new ideals of the way of the New Mandalorians of Satine Kyrze of the years old.
Under the Silver Order
Viathae has begun to really go along her usual rounds as a diplomatic figure within the Silver Order. She had been in discussions with Lady Kay about certain states of the galaxy as a whole, and had ambitions of her own even when she is a Jedi herself. During her life under the Silvers, she had begun to train and adapt, by making some friends and allies within the Silvers. She had worked closely together with them in some dominions, and was responsible for help defending the Silvers from invasion, and protecting civilians whom were refugees. Viathae's training had begun to progress, and she had became an even more stronger Jedi, increasing her skills further and further. Though, as a knight, she had acquired no apprentice, even though looked ideal to her. After the Silver Order left Voss, Viathae went to go with her master and lover, Nico once again to go and seek out her own path in the galaxy. She currently resides with her lover.
Marriage to Nico
Unlike other Mandalorians, Viathae didn't donned Mandalorain Armour due to her discarding it from her self-exile years, she wears her basic survival uniform which composes of mostly snakeskin and other basic leather components wrapped around her. With her acquiring Tarre Viszla's Mandalorian Mark III armour, she dons that as a primary battle outfit with an attached gauntlet that help fights against other force users whom would attempt to harm her. She also carries the basic utilities of the glove such as a miniature flamethrower and a grappling hook in addition to a heating system that is inside of the armour to help her survive cooler planets, and a cooling system that help keeps her cool on very hot planets. She usually puts her lightsaber on her belt that comes with the armour, although she usually hides it within her other sleeve when she is concealing it away for anti-Jedi worlds.
Her lightsaber is a design that she had personally forged herself using the materials she had gathered with her master to help build it, including a kyber crystal that her master bought along with. The lightsabers design looks quite reminiscence of the many ruins that are on Wayland and fits around a jungle ambiance. Her saber is slightly heavy to other people, but is light according to her strength. This is due to her Mandalorain muscle being able to hold it properly. The grip fits her hand perfectly and can hold it to her appropriate handle like it was intended to be built for. In addition, she carries a custom-built blaster pistol, which sounds like the classic WESTAR-34 Blaster Pistol
Force Abilities
Viathae already knows the basic form of lightsaber combat due to training with her old master, but she also knows the basics of form III and IV, preferring Form III more as it focuses on defense, but mixes it in with form IV to help her aggressive moves stay tune to the offense and defense so she can strike down opponents who don't have blasters. Her master has also taught her how to use some other basic Jedi force powers such as Force Push and Grab, but it seems also she has a unknown ability to form a connection with someone easily if the force finds it appropriate to do so. This connection power is widely unpredictable, and therefore, isn't really tapped into at all by Viathae. It's possible this only works on one person at a time, and only one person until they die, as it doesn't seem to work with other people other than Nico.
She's trans! That's pretty cool, don't see much of that around here. I thought about making Azu genderfluid. Anyways we should maybe rp? I'd be happy to train her if you need one of the more...exotic nature. As in not Mando or Jedi. Or they could just be friends, I have been wanting to expose Azula to the mandos, she could help with that!
[member="Azula Feanor"] I am so so so so SO sorry, I accidentally made her the WRONG Trans. She's NOT Transgender. She's Transsexual, which is a little different.

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