Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Shadows of the Underworld - The Beginning

Wearing: Outfit

The bartender droid had stirred to pretty much what could be described as the perfect serving temperature. They must have had a very precise programming to fit at a place like this, where the owner clearly settled with nothing but high standards. The sip of the perfectly chilled, simple but yet so delicious drink passed her tastebuds and caressed her throat on its way south. Merely a trace of its high alcohol by volume content were displayed upon her face. You didn't drink either her or her emerald sister Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae under the table in the first place. Sometimes, Star seemed to be karking immune to the stuff, and Tan even had her fair share of spice abuse. Once upon a time. No more. No. More. For Aloy and Tayl.

Tan took another sip of the transparent drink, the ice block clinking in the glass. Suddenly, she felt awkwardly observed and froze with the drink in front of her. A pair of large orbs was curiously watching her from a distance. It was almost like she felt the gaze burning into her back. She clenched her free fist, before slowly and casually turning her head in the direction she thought it came from.

She saw the monstrous herglic and the woman again and studied them for a moment, before turning back without the answer that she was looking for. While turning back, she instead found a male patron ogle at her from two seats away. The would have noticed that her gaze turned from her neutral hazel one into a more and more piercing yellowish one, a trait that even made Aloy back away sometimes. If she did, it was no wonder that this stanger was awfully quick to tend to his own drink. Shaking her head somewhat, Tan took another sip of the vodka before it dawned on her. She thought of her encounter with a considerably younger herglic back in the days. Could this establishment, this invite, have attracted him if he was still alive and in the business as a bounty hunter? It was definitely possible, she thought and glanced over at the couple once again. It could also explain why the feeling of being observed came from that direction.

Tan elegantly rose from the chair, taking the drink with her, and skillfully cruised through the crowds towards the two. The closer she got, the more certain she were that it really was him; Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark .

''Well, stars... Is it fish on the menu tonight then, considering I didn't get any the last time...?'' she uttered coldly, with an alluring yet brooding tone to it, coming up behind the unexpectedly well suited herglic. He got to have connections with a good tailor.

''Ghorua... I suppose you're still in business? You're not here to relive our... interesting times on Corellia, are you?'' she continued, toning down on the brooding part of her voice, also much because of he had a lady friend with him. A space pirate of sorts? Not just because of the eye patch.

''Tan'yill. Once one of Ghorua's... acquisitions. Which the noble heart then arranged a jailbreak for... of course, because of a substantial reward. Pleasure to meet you...?'' Tan explained having turned to the woman ( Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull ) and extended a hand for her, waiting for her name.

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Location: Dohlban | New Club 'Revena'
Ship: Gray Queen's Throne
Wearing: Outfit
Tags: Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz IK-0N Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Vex Drenko Vex Drenko Athena D-13 Athena D-13 Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla

The gauntlet trick was shown, and she couldn't help but give a low whistle at the trick.

"That's a nasty surprise." Sasmay took a measured look to both hands at the show, far more keen on keeping them in sight now.

"That would be great for the rep, huh? Just might." She cackled before he addressed the droid.

"Ah. Makes sense." She gave a nod to the droid in question before commenting further. "Can't say I'm rightly surprised by that. Got a suit and a couple pistols from Jaeger. Top notch so them making a droid that good doesn't surprise least on paper. Seeing it though."

Her whole body shivered at the thought replaying. His attention drifted as she composed herself, taking a swig of her drink before he asked about her own business. She visibly waffled on what to say before jumping in head first.

"Bit of everything really. Corsair for the Eternals. Work with the Krakens, occasionally run around the lawless belt hunting down other pirates mucking with everyday Joe's. Best work is nailing slavers to the wall honestly." She spoke bluntly, if not a bit brazen given the local.

Her attention switched quickly however when a Rutian drew close enough to cut in. Nearly wondering aloud what she'd done in the galaxy to get the graces of a Lethan and a Rutian in the same day. And to curse her existance for the very same thing.

The introduction made her chuckle at the sharks expense, giving him a grin as she prattle on about their previous encounter before extending her hand.

"Sasmay Cull. To know a beauty like you was freed by such a noble soul such as our friend here, the pleasure is mine." She smiled before posing a question to Ghorua.

"I guess you only go after the pretty ones, huh? I should be safe then, or should I keep an eye on her?" She joked with a final gulp of her whiskey.

Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ



One of the most interesting things to do, in Aktur's humble opinion, was to observe others.

It could be equal parts interesting and revealing, perhaps even surprising in some instances. By watching another, one could gain a number of insights, all without even engaging with said another. Mannerisms, social tics or anxieties, micro-expressions, and even scents of varying responses associated with certain sentients under particular stimuli. The subconscious twitch of a lekku from a Twi'lek, an extension of claws from a Wookiee's fingers, the shimmering shudder of a Bothan's fur, or the bunching of jaw muscles of a human... there was a literal plethora to discover.

And so it was that Aktur did just that.

From across the club, seated at one end of the bar, the sentient associated with Crimson Dawn relaxed in observation. He was dressed in a finely-made business suit, all dark with contrasting accessories that were tasteful, while he nursed a whiskey in a chilled glass within one hand. His long hair was neat, swept back, and the beard he kept was trimmed. And he cast his dark eyes over those present.

The most observed was the host, Mr. Kreutz. The humanoid had been brought to Aktur's attention by one of his associates, someone of interest to potential networking efforts, and something of a 'go-getter' as it were. That kind of proactive approach could be appreciated, and it stood to reason that idle contacts weren't worth the air wasted on conversation, so Erich Kreutz was a person of interest to Crimson Dawn... unless the meeting and first impression soon to take place proved otherwise.

And yet, little has raised concern or given reason not to pursue further introduction. So far.

Around the humanoid host were the usual cacophony of noise, in sentient form, as others conversed and went through proceedings to make contact. There was a range of individuals, some that Aktur knew from reputation alone amid certain circles, and others still that he had little notion of beyond appearance before him. Some individuals were able to be characterized by that alone, while some remained mysteries to be solved in due time. Of those present, several were of growing interest to speak with; but, again, it would all happen at the appropriate time, once Aktur was finished with his observations.

I will speak with the Neimoidian. And the Imperial. Also the droid that exhibits shape-changing technology. Some others, also...

As the Crimson Dawn head raised his whiskey glass and took another sip, it was all the sentient could do not to smirk, as he noticed the two droids communicating with one another. Surely a conversation filled with queries and prepared analytical responses dredged up by whatever programming had been installed - though, perhaps, they were artificially intelligent?

The presence of dark side users was also evident, as Aktur felt presences pass over his own awareness, and there was a hunger within him that stirred. Still, it was under control, as Aktur had taken precautions to ensure his more... primal instincts... didn't disrupt what could become a fortuitous endeavor. And those particular morsels from hours past had proven enough to keep the want at bay. However, the draw of the ones with the luck - or the Force, as younger species called it - was like a deep thumping within the recesses of Aktur's very being; not too dissimilar to a slowly approaching drum, or a liquid that had started to boil.

Control can be maintained, no fear of that.

Thankfully a full feeding and self-control applied in that instance was enough to remain civil and retain full faculties. And so it was that Aktur Seii, head of Crimson Dawn, remained seated at the bar with his slowly disappearing whiskey, and a stare aimed at the host for the evening...

Will you approach, Mr. Kreutz? I wonder. Let us see how observant you are.


Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz | IK-0N | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Vex Drenko Vex Drenko | Athena D-13 Athena D-13 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

Please note: A retcon has occurred, where Aktur is now part of Crimson Dawn. Sorry for the confusion.

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Chapter 3: Shadows of the Underworld


"That all depends on who it is that wants my precious time...I am not accustomed to the area of Imperial business - or in sharing my wine with a man whose name I do not know."

Judging from the Neimoidians Response , Sularen knew that he had some doubt about him , especially given that how Imperials usually tended to seek to control everything within their territory which was something the Sularen had done in his capacity as Grand Overseer of the Final Dawn , although with all the hidden cards Sularen still had he remained somewhat confident that he could still be able to strike a deal with the man especially given that he already had an advantage in knowing who Drenko was , what his goal was and his background compared to Drenko himself who had little clue on who Sularen was. All Sularen needed to do was prove to the man that he was worth his time and perhaps he might be leaving this very club with a seat on the Gilded Tower’s High Table which would give the Grand Overseer a foothold within the Underworld itself. A foothold which would benefit the Final Dawn and Sularen’s plans in the Long-Term .

Where are my manners?” Sularen said in a friendly tone. “The name’s Marlon Sularen , don’t know if you’ve heard of me before but as you might know by now i certainly know about you Mr. Drenko. The Incumbent Lord-Executor of the now-exiled Drenko Hive and the Founder of the Gilded Tower , not to mention involved in a failed plot to restore the Trade Federation as it was before the Clone Wars , something in which has already been accomplished by Gat Tambor with his own version of the Trade Federation.” Sularen then paused as a Servant Droid passed by as the Grand Overseer took a glass of wine before addressing the Neimodian once more. “Do you mind if I take a seat? I hope that wouldn't bother you too much” Sularen said politely before sitting down in the booth right in front of the Neimodian.

You see Mr.Drenko we are not as different as you may think. We’re both visionaries who had a great vision for our homeworlds only for our plans to get thwarted and getting exiled by short-sighted people who did not share our vision for the future. Nevertheless I've taken a great interest in the Gilded Tower in recent times, especially in the idea of establishing an organization to act as the center of the Criminal Underworld which is perhaps why you even came here. To seek additional allies and partners to expand your organization's reach across the Underworld and perhaps even regain prominence after your exile from Cato Neimoidia. This is where I come in. Like I've said earlier, I've taken a great interest in your organization and as of now I seek to establish a partnership between us

As you may know I know alot about you Mr.Drenko and I believe it is fair that I reveal a few secrets of my own to you. The main reason for why i have extensive knowledge about yourself and your organization the Gilded Tower along with its goals and ambitions within the Underworld is because of a Vast Intelligence Network that i’ve established which largely operates throughout designated areas of interest such as the Core Worlds , Outer Rim and just recently , the former territories of the Confederacy of Independent System and the Ashlan Crusade. I’ve used this Network to advance the agenda of my own organization , the Shadow Association in the region ,using as a means to keep a close eye on potentially hostile organizations that can harm my operations in the area but also on organizations such as your Gilded Tower that could become potential allies/partners in the near-future.

But before I go any further. Considering what i’ve already said so far. You may think I am just your average Imperial Officer but I promise you , I can and will surpass whatever expectations you have in mind. So are you still interested in hearing what I have to offer Mr.Drenko?

TAGS: Vex Drenko Vex Drenko - Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz - Athena D-13 Athena D-13 - IK-0N - Maestus Maestus - Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae - Aktur Seii Aktur Seii - Cass Gemini Cass Gemini - Turranis vulcun Turranis vulcun

Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull was the kind of criminal that Ghorua liked.

He didn't genuinely like many. The masterminds and crimelords, moving product and people like dejarik pieces, he could tolerate, even admire their strength, but he couldn't respect someone who thought of the galaxy like a game, and all it's residents merely pieces. Similarly, he had no tolerance for slavers or spice barons, who traded in ruined lives.

No, he liked people that found common society just a bit too constraining, and blazed their own trail, affecting some positive change in their wake. The thief that shared their wealth. A graffiti artist injecting life into the duracrete.

A pirate, hunting slavers.

"Sounds like a blast." Ghorua grinned, sharp teeth shining, letting his position known on the matter. "If you ever want to bust up some slave-traders. I'd be happy to help hunt 'em down."

He didn't mention that the host of the party likely dipped his fingers into every profitable business, including the slave trade. That was a problem for the future, however.

A problem from the past had just resurfaced.

Ghorua saw Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla approaching, and silently cursed under his breath, unsure of what the following interaction might look like. Their 'enemies-to-begrudging-allies' act left a lot of questions as to where they stood now, and the Shark was on edge.

At least, until she spoke. Then he relaxed. Begrudging allies, it is. "Better order something else. The fish is getting a little old." He grinned impishly.

"Blue," Ghorua rumbled, tipping his head her direction. "I'm coming out of retirement, Never could sit still."

Then, when the women started talking, and Sasmay turned her attention to the Shark, all he could do was roll his eyes dramatically. "You're both going to give me grey hairs," he sighed, crossing his massive arms over his chest, and ignoring the simple fact that Herglics were genetically bald.

"Still kicking hornet's nests, Tan'yill?"
She had a miwchevious twinkle on her eye tonight. Perhaps it was the fresh air of a new planet. Or was it the energy buzzing all around the room?

Were one to stand back and watch, a chess game was unfolding. Slowly, in some aspects. Others played an aggressive opening, going for a swift victory. Others were slow playing it. Not necessarily going for the grand prize, not right off the bat. No, they were patient, calculating, methodical. The question was...Is everyone showing their hand? Only time would tell.

When @ericasked if she came here often, a coy smirked flashed across her lips.

Not often, no. It's up in the air if this is a one and done kind of night. Hopefully, the evening is fortuitous.

It was right about then that Cass Gemini Cass Gemini strolled up. As the new lady made small talk with Erich, Maestus posted a smile upon her face and analyzed the other woman.

Cass demeanor, the way she came up amd introduced herself not just to Erich, but Maestus as well, suggested confidence. Something about Cass gave Maestus the impression she could be hot tempered but not brash. Maestus struggled with containing her own rage at times. So to see one with it well heeled was intriguing.

Maestus extended a hand to Cass Gemini Cass Gemini .

Maestus, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What's this about a slug?


The Gilded Tower

Marlon Sularen. The man's face may as well have been any other in the crowd, but that name struck out from the corners of Vex's mind. The Neimoidian was no expert on the constant struggle Imperials found themselves in, but he was not completely ignorant of galactic affairs. He had heard this name, read articles about his life and exploits - though admittedly little had stayed with the stingy alien. He only recalled bits and pieces of the information he once knew, most notably was the fact that this man had many hats during his time. He reportedly had affiliation with The One Sith, only to later crusade against them with the New Imperial Order - whom themselves were allied with The Galactic Alliance, who shared a mutual disdain with Marlon.

The full extent of the man's exploits were simply long gone from the Neimoidians mind, much of it was terribly uninteresting for the greedy alien at the time - for better or worse. He wished he remembered more, but for him the important part had stuck. This man, if he was who he said, wore too many faces to be trusted. The charade of hats he played was indicative of his conniving nature and that much was only proven as he continued to speak.

He had done his research. Whether he was truly Marlon or not was inconsequential at this moment. If anything, it could be verified easily later. The concern at the moment was that this was no chance meeting, and it was obvious this man had come prepared. His involvement in the conspiracy on Neimoidia, his exile or even the fact he had once longed to reforge the Trade Federation were not secret - but that did not mean it would be easy to come by. In the grand scheme of the galaxy, the events of his life had yet to become worthy of even accidental recognition. Knowing of the Gilded Tower was the most concerning of all. His efforts had barely begun and only recently had he put out his feelers into the galaxy to search for allies.

Only more proof that he had an interesting problem on his hands.

How could I deny a moment to a man who is such an admiring fan of my life" Vex answered Marlon's request with a polite gesture to sit, to which the B2s would respond by parting from the Imperial's path to allow him access to the booth. Vex was silent as Marlon continued to speak, residing to sip his wine quietly and study the man's rugged features. On and on he went, speaking of things that he had no right of knowing...but then in a surprising twist...he revealed how he knew.

The chances of this man being Marlon were high now, even if not one-hundred percent certain. The knowledge he held made it obvious that he either had an extensive network, or had gotten one of his Hive members to talk. It was possible that this was a ruse or ploy to get him to open up or feel fear and turn tail. Was his talk of networks and spies an exaggerated truth or a full out lie? Perhaps it was the full truth. In any case, there was an important decision to be made. How would he play this deal?

I must say, Mr. Sularen...I am very impressed." Vex admitted with a respectful bow of his head before grabbing the maroon decanter of Blossom Wine and helping himself to another cup "Your knowledge is extensive - it is rare that I meet aliens who come so prepared to a meeting. Your information, however, is not perfect - as good as it may be."

Vex did not betray his genuine surprise at the preparedness of his adversary, to do so would be poor a move. Instead, he would offer grace while underplaying and undermining the achievement ever so slightly. It was pivotal in these opening moments that he reestablish even ground for the negotiations, seeing as gaining absolute advantage was not yet in the cards.

I have long since abandoned childish dreams of restoring some great past like The Trade Federation - but if that is what Gat Tambor wants, then I am sure he is happy squandering his talents. But as for my grand vision of this Gilded Tower, the truth could not be more understated. Galaxy's have a center. Candies have a center.

The Gilded Tower will be the beating heart of a living beast. The pipeline through which all respectable Underworld business will flow - bringing the lifeblood of currency from one end of the galaxy to the other, unhindered by the reach of galactic laws and stock market crashes. Enemies to none. Friends to none.

Trade, profit and stability will be our only allies - and the all powerful hand of commerce will be so incredibly tied to our existence that without us cartels would drown in a sea of inefficiency and the wallets of the black market would starve!"

Vex's voice gradually grew louder until he was practically preaching at Sularen with the passion of a Corellian priest, "symbiosis, Mr. Sularn, symbiosis and reliance! The Underworld cannot be tamed by trivia knowledge and a closet full of different army's uniforms! What I aim to build shall not be another two-bit gang playing on board beyond their comprehension!"

Vex allowed his voice to lower in the same gradual pace it had risen, leaning into the table and locking eyes with Sularen. It was theatrics, the lot of it, meant only to unbalance and reset. If he had overplayed his hand than so be it, that would be preferable to entering into a negotiation at which he felt completely at disadvantage.

Your record of loyalties concerns me greatly, and I doubt if you have come to me with the mindset required of my organization. Your network is no doubt impressive and your feats as a military commander are not in dispute, but if you wish me to hear your offer - to sit at this table and negotiate with you as your equal - then there is one thing I must know you have no illusions of." The Neimoidian's accent grew thicker as his tone became more serious, "what I want to build requires knowing the distinction between being in control and being necessary...

...your armies controlled planets. A government controls a system. A person controls their actions. After this decanter of wine, I may even still be in control of my bladder...

But the sun of a planet? Your beating heart? The atoms in your skin and the electricity in your brain? You have no control over them. They simply are. No matter how hard you struggle, you need them. Go ahead, cut out your heart right can be replaced, but it will never be the same. Whenever you feel the ticking of its motors or the artificial pump of blood you will be reminded of the days when there was no maintenance, no second thought as to what was in your chest.

A planet's population can relocate. A brain uploaded. A heart replaced - but doing so would forever upset the balance. So upsetting that no one in their right mind would replace it on a whim. That, spymaster, is the difference between my vision and the cartel fools piling into this room. We will be the heart that their business relies on.

Your resources have already impressed me. Your directness has intrigued me and I would hear more...but before I go any further, you must ask yourself - do you want to be in control...

The Neimoidian paused for a moment as if searching for the right words, but he was only thinking of what he said and if it would be enough to even the playing field of this discussion - or if he'd overplayed and this man would simply storm off. The next few seconds would tell,

..."or do you want to be irreplaceable."


Cass was pleased to see that Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz was doing well and he had a little spring in his step that the event was going well, what was his scheme she wondered.

She spotted Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae walking over, the elaborately dressed pirate hadn't been seen much about the coalition. "I haven't seen you since we fought the Bryn'adul attack, and when I say fought, I mean we ran off with thousands of credits of loot while hundreds of them swarmed an outpost." And she laughed.

Taking the had of Maestus Maestus she held it and kissed the top of it as a greeting, the colour of her skin was fantastic and she could feel the force running through the woman. "It is especially pleasant to make your aquantance Maestus, I hope we can get to know each other better." She grinned with a flirtatious smile. "The slug was one Paranoda the hutt, it turns out I am much more skilled at piracy than diplomacy. Well, the sort of diplomacy I am willing to engage in with a hutt anyway."

Turning back to Erich. "That station I was trying to get the hutt to invest in is actually doing well now, maintenance is taking more out of my cut than I would like, but I usually prefer to avoid exposing people to vacuum, unless they upset me of course."


Turranis sat there patiently as he watched everyone patient even for a Saint mentally marking down ticks, mannerisms. Noticing how they respond and interact with eachother the affection if any or lack there of sure he wasn't interacting but centuries of life gave him the skills to read living beings even without the force. As he sat at the table looking over all those who where of interest to him gauge what they wanted.

As a server droid walked up he looked at it "give me a cup of your strongest" he said looking at it then looking back handing some credits to the droid. The droid walked back giving him his cup he began sipping and watched silenty.
Master of the Hyperspace Seas

Looking over to the side, the captain say that Mr. Kreutz waved him over. No point in being a stranger at the gathering.

Extending out a hand of his own, the pirate embraced the fellow crime lord. He was one of the very few people that Pyrrah actually got along with in this business. Those people were getting rarer and rarer each day.

“Things could be better Mr. Kreutz, but that’s just the nature of our business, is it not?”

A short laugh exited the man’s mouth. Things were not doing to good right now on his end. But rumor of collapse within Confederate space might be his opportunity to gain a lot of treasures.

Turing towards the two woman, the captain offered a slight simple bow in their direction.

“Ah yes, that was a close encounter with the Bryn’adul. Nasty creatures those things are.”

He continued to listen on to their conversation, even though he had no part of it. That Hutt Paranoda was one he had heard of before, but never had the chance to meet with. Might be worth doing now.

“So, Mr. Kreutz, my assumption is that your business is plentiful as well?”


TAG: Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Maestus Maestus Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Aktur Seii Aktur Seii IK-0N Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Vex Drenko Vex Drenko Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Athena D-13 Athena D-13 Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Turranis vulcun Turranis vulcun



One of the most interesting things to do, in Aktur's humble opinion, was to observe others.

It could be equal parts interesting and revealing, perhaps even surprising in some instances. By watching another, one could gain a number of insights, all without even engaging with said another. Mannerisms, social tics or anxieties, micro-expressions, and even scents of varying responses associated with certain sentients under particular stimuli. The subconscious twitch of a lekku from a Twi'lek, an extension of claws from a Wookiee's fingers, the shimmering shudder of a Bothan's fur, or the bunching of jaw muscles of a human... there was a literal plethora to discover.

And so it was that Aktur did just that.

From across the club, seated at one end of the bar, the sentient associated with Crimson Dawn relaxed in observation. He was dressed in a finely-made business suit, all dark with contrasting accessories that were tasteful, while he nursed a whiskey in a chilled glass within one hand. His long hair was neat, swept back, and the beard he kept was trimmed. And he cast his dark eyes over those present.

The most observed was the host, Mr. Kreutz. The humanoid had been brought to Aktur's attention by one of his associates, someone of interest to potential networking efforts, and something of a 'go-getter' as it were. That kind of proactive approach could be appreciated, and it stood to reason that idle contacts weren't worth the air wasted on conversation, so Erich Kreutz was a person of interest to Crimson Dawn... unless the meeting and first impression soon to take place proved otherwise.

And yet, little has raised concern or given reason not to pursue further introduction. So far.

Around the humanoid host were the usual cacophony of noise, in sentient form, as others conversed and went through proceedings to make contact. There was a range of individuals, some that Aktur knew from reputation alone amid certain circles, and others still that he had little notion of beyond appearance before him. Some individuals were able to be characterized by that alone, while some remained mysteries to be solved in due time. Of those present, several were of growing interest to speak with; but, again, it would all happen at the appropriate time, once Aktur was finished with his observations.

I will speak with the Neimoidian. And the Imperial. Also the droid that exhibits shape-changing technology. Some others, also...

As the Crimson Dawn head raised his whiskey glass and took another sip, it was all the sentient could do not to smirk, as he noticed the two droids communicating with one another. Surely a conversation filled with queries and prepared analytical responses dredged up by whatever programming had been installed - though, perhaps, they were artificially intelligent?

The presence of dark side users was also evident, as Aktur felt presences pass over his own awareness, and there was a hunger within him that stirred. Still, it was under control, as Aktur had taken precautions to ensure his more... primal instincts... didn't disrupt what could become a fortuitous endeavor. And those particular morsels from hours past had proven enough to keep the want at bay. However, the draw of the ones with the luck - or the Force, as younger species called it - was like a deep thumping within the recesses of Aktur's very being; not too dissimilar to a slowly approaching drum, or a liquid that had started to boil.

Control can be maintained, no fear of that.

Thankfully a full feeding and self-control applied in that instance was enough to remain civil and retain full faculties. And so it was that Aktur Seii, head of Crimson Dawn, remained seated at the bar with his slowly disappearing whiskey, and a stare aimed at the host for the evening...

Will you approach, Mr. Kreutz? I wonder. Let us see how observant you are.


Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz | IK-0N | Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Vex Drenko Vex Drenko | Athena D-13 Athena D-13 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

Please note: A retcon has occurred, where Aktur is now part of Crimson Dawn. Sorry for the confusion.

As Pyrrah approached the group, Erich's attention was captured by what appeared to be a human male sitting at the bar, staring at him. To a normal person, the stare may well have been a bit unsettling, for it carried the slight impression of a predator sizing up his prey. But Erich wasn't a normal person, and he often did the same thing to those who had either attracted his interest or his ire. Erich's instincts told him that the former was more accurate as Aktur stared at him, yet Erich's senses were on high alert all the same. It would be clear to the observer that Erich was not a man easily rattled, for he stared the man straight into the eye with his own greyish-blue eyes. He held the gaze for a few moments, tipped his glass to the man, but otherwise returned his attention back to those gathered around him with a very casual air.

The meaning would be clear for a man as observant Aktur - 'This is my party, you come to me.' Yet, it was not disrespectful, but merely establishing the terms of 'engagement' Erich had decided upon. It was without any real disruption that the Crime Lord returned his attention to the discussion between the ladies and himself while his friend made his way to the group.

She had a miwchevious twinkle on her eye tonight. Perhaps it was the fresh air of a new planet. Or was it the energy buzzing all around the room?

Were one to stand back and watch, a chess game was unfolding. Slowly, in some aspects. Others played an aggressive opening, going for a swift victory. Others were slow playing it. Not necessarily going for the grand prize, not right off the bat. No, they were patient, calculating, methodical. The question was...Is everyone showing their hand? Only time would tell.

When @ericasked if she came here often, a coy smirked flashed across her lips.

Not often, no. It's up in the air if this is a one and done kind of night. Hopefully, the evening is fortuitous.

It was right about then that Cass Gemini Cass Gemini strolled up. As the new lady made small talk with Erich, Maestus posted a smile upon her face and analyzed the other woman.

Cass demeanor, the way she came up amd introduced herself not just to Erich, but Maestus as well, suggested confidence. Something about Cass gave Maestus the impression she could be hot tempered but not brash. Maestus struggled with containing her own rage at times. So to see one with it well heeled was intriguing.

Maestus extended a hand to Cass Gemini Cass Gemini .

Maestus, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What's this about a slug?


Cass was pleased to see that Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz was doing well and he had a little spring in his step that the event was going well, what was his scheme she wondered.

She spotted Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae walking over, the elaborately dressed pirate hadn't been seen much about the coalition. "I haven't seen you since we fought the Bryn'adul attack, and when I say fought, I mean we ran off with thousands of credits of loot while hundreds of them swarmed an outpost." And she laughed.

Taking the had of Maestus Maestus she held it and kissed the top of it as a greeting, the colour of her skin was fantastic and she could feel the force running through the woman. "It is especially pleasant to make your aquantance Maestus, I hope we can get to know each other better." She grinned with a flirtatious smile. "The slug was one Paranoda the hutt, it turns out I am much more skilled at piracy than diplomacy. Well, the sort of diplomacy I am willing to engage in with a hutt anyway."

Turning back to Erich. "That station I was trying to get the hutt to invest in is actually doing well now, maintenance is taking more out of my cut than I would like, but I usually prefer to avoid exposing people to vacuum, unless they upset me of course."



Looking over to the side, the captain say that Mr. Kreutz waved him over. No point in being a stranger at the gathering.

Extending out a hand of his own, the pirate embraced the fellow crime lord. He was one of the very few people that Pyrrah actually got along with in this business. Those people were getting rarer and rarer each day.

“Things could be better Mr. Kreutz, but that’s just the nature of our business, is it not?”

A short laugh exited the man’s mouth. Things were not doing to good right now on his end. But rumor of collapse within Confederate space might be his opportunity to gain a lot of treasures.

Turing towards the two woman, the captain offered a slight simple bow in their direction.

“Ah yes, that was a close encounter with the Bryn’adul. Nasty creatures those things are.”

He continued to listen on to their conversation, even though he had no part of it. That Hutt Paranoda was one he had heard of before, but never had the chance to meet with. Might be worth doing now.

“So, Mr. Kreutz, my assumption is that your business is plentiful as well?”

Maestus's demeanor was all the more alluring as she addressed Cass, and Cass's body language was equally so. The baser thoughts of Erich's sex explored a rather licentious train of thought regarding the two women, but it translated into a rather sedate by comparison smile. When Pyrrah closed the gap, and Erich made his introduction and greeting as mentioned earlier to his friend, Erich gave a good natured but also mildly sympathetic smile. He knew well what his friend meant regarding business, and the tumultuous times impacting them all. Yet, promise was on the horizon, and that was the purpose of this event.


Erich waved over a serving droid, who offered Pyrrah a drink to help ease the man into some form of levity, if only for a night. After both Cass and Pyrrah exchanged words after their greeting, Erich listened to Cass's update regarding the space station she had previously solicited support from both Paranoda and he. He was glad to hear it had panned out, but curious if she had implemented measures to address the concerns he had raised. Yet, the galaxy was far different now than it was then. The Hutt Republic had all but dissolved due to infighting and corruption, the Silver Jedi Concord had become far more insular, and the Galactic Alliance was laser-focused on the Second Great Hyperspace War, along with rising tensions with the NIO. It was honestly unsurprising to see that her idea had gained traction, and Erich mentally chided himself for not rising to the opportunity - not that he really had a chance, considering how Paranoda treated her.
"I'm glad to hear that, Ms. Gemini. Perhaps after I make my announcement tonight, we can explore further how we can collaborate. I'd be very interested in potentially readdressing that subject."

He then turned his attention back to Pyrrah, who inquired as to Erich's side of the business. That was a complicated question to be quite honest, but not one he was unprepared for. "Men like us need to be adaptable to survive, as you well know." He began: "The Hutt Republic was a failed experiment, but I was fortunate enough to have made arrangements to secure my continued existence. That is actually part of the subject matter of the announcement I intend to make. I suppose now is as good a time as any."

It was at that time that Erich gave the group a nod, and excused himself back to a small upraised area of the room, meant to serve as a stage for performers. A Gran DJ was positioned on the stage, using his collection of equipment to flavor the music that had thus far entertained the guests within the upper level. All it took was a glance from Erich, and his arrival onto the stage to cause the music to fade into the background. A droid presented the human with a micro-receiver, which he placed onto his ear. As he spoke, his voice bled through the speakers of the upper level at a suitable volume to be heard, but without being overwhelming.

"I'm sorry to interrupt everyone's conversation, but I thought it about time to address you all as your host for tonight." His mildly accented galactic basic was clear, if not slightly inviting as he spoke to the assembled guests. He waited for all of their attention to focus on him before he continued, with a few serving droids aiding the attempt with their programming inducing them to also draw their attention to Erich. After a few moments, Erich smiled broadly and continued: "I would first like to thank you all for coming and accepting my invitation. I think we all could use this gathering for a much needed respite from our usual means of doing business."

"For those who do not know me personally, my name is Erich Kreutz. I am a... businessman, as many of you are."
From the tone of his voice, to the mild inflection over the word 'businessman', it drew a few scattered laughs from the crowd assembled. That said, Erich continued on: "I have extended this invitation to all of you because, in some form or fashion, we all are linked by one common interest - credits. I have invited you all here to extend the opportunity for us all to expand our networks to make that pursuit all the more efficient, and to make you all aware, to a limited degree, what I have developed to potentially make that easier for every person in this room. Naturally, it's up to you if you wish to avail yourself of it."

Erich's voice adopted a cheerful cant, and he soon directed his own attention to the holo-screen built into the wall.


A single, cryptic image appeared on the display, with the word 'EIDOLON' emblazoned underneath it.

"As some of you already know, I was formerly employed within the Hutt Republic as a Vigo to several notable members. While I have maintained my connections with each member in turn, their experiment to form a unified government within Hutt Space failed. And it was in that failure, that I came to see something quite... insightful that I think all of us can benefit from."

"Unifying men and women like us under one single organization would be foolish. We all have our own unique goals, objectives, and niche's we fill. But that doesn't mean we can't lay the framework for cooperation where it makes sense."

Erich's eyes met each person assembled in turn, from the massive houk, to the droids sitting at the table to the side. "Yes, this is a networking event, and please; use this opportunity to the full to further your ends. But this party is much more than that. This party is meant to make you all aware of my own venture coming to fruition. In short, I have made moves to build a web of contacts throughout the underworld to setup a Galactic Black Market, that pools the influence of several regional players, along with a dedicated syndicate of support staff, operatives, and specialists. You all have been invited to involve yourself however little or much you wish to be, but know this - fortune favors the bold."

As he stated the last bit about fortune, the droid servants each handed every guest a platinum-gilded, black hued card that held an iridescent quality. To the unobservant, that was all it was. But if held up to the lights of the club, which were emitted a special UV ray, the symbol displayed on the holo-projector would appear, along with the word 'EIDOLON'.

"Eidolon is at your service." At that, Erich removed the micro-receiver from his ear, collected his drink, and returned to the group he had momentarily left.


Last edited:

Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ



Aktur remained as he was, when Erich Kreutz met his stare, there being no outward indication of change in demeanor. Eyes locked, dark brown - almost black - to blue-grey, and for a moment both sentients regarded one another. Friend, foe, it was hard to say... yet, one thing was for certain, there was something missing behind those eyes, something that Aktur had seen in many humanoid eyes over many years. But not Erich's. The other man had good observation, at least, as Erich proved he was able to canvas a room while being engaged with others. A survivor, if ever there was one, a sentient who didn't allow that small tingle at the back of his neck to go unanswered. And when the host of the gathering tipped his glass toward Aktur, before returning to his conversation, the head of Crimson Dawn smiled and nodded once in response.

I see you. And I also see you are pleasant, but not a sentient-pleaser. A very important distinction to have, Mr. Kreutz.

So it would be that the first impressions were promising. A good business partner needed to be able to draw the line between accommodating and pandering, to understand that some rules, some expectations, that no matter how trivial or insignificant they might seem to others needed to remain unbent and unbroken. That in order to maintain a personable, yet authoritative, stance amid your peers was more than grandstanding or displaying ruthlessness or bending over backwards to placate... and unfortunately a lot of those who delved into the underworld seemed incapable of understanding that.

Those individuals didn't last long.

It was important to find one's method of leadership. Weakness was a death sentence, no self-respecting criminal would allow it let alone in a boss, so it often came down to a combination of traits. And while Aktur had been seated at the bar, he had witnessed a good number of them from the gathered crowd. For himself, the crime lord of Crimson Dawn considered himself a ruthless but fair leader, and so long as his people did right by the organization, they had no reason to fear lesser displays other bosses might react with. He had lost count the number of emotional outbursts, or self-destructive tantrums, or descents into deep paranoia he had witnessed over the generations... so to see some sentients present that appeared more methodical and cool headed was a welcome departure from past experiences.

However, during Aktur's quiet thoughts, it wasn't long after that Erich spoke over the sound systems and announced the purpose of the meeting. A small display was presented, where the introduction of a black market - Eidolon - was announced, followed by a brief and vague explanation of what to expect or see involved. Largely it was window dressing, truth be told, with just enough information provided to pique interest or not. As a droid passed by, and handed a black card to Aktur, the crime lord glanced down at it for a moment. He moved the seemingly blank item, caught a reflection and the light overhead displayed the word for the market.


Without a second thought, Aktur placed the card into the whiskey glass - which remained untouched and full, to those observant enough to notice - and set both discarded items onto the bar. The crime lord did not need a visual reminder, nor did he need a potential tracking device or incriminating piece of evidence on his person; besides, should things go well, Aktur had no doubt that both he and Erich Kreutz would be in contact beyond the scope of Eidolon and the services it rendered. And so, Aktur moved through the crowd, a dark shape amid the flashes of light and moving people, before approaching the host of the evening from his left side.

"Mr. Kreutz," The crime lord said in a low voice, as he smiled at the other sentient. Aktur passed behind Erich, circling him, before coming to a stop on his left. "I am Nebula, Mr. Nebula if you prefer, but it makes little difference to me. I felt it time to cut in on the conversation, to which I hope your other guests can excuse the interruption--" Aktur glanced to those Erich had been speaking with prior to the announcement, the Twi'lek, and two humanoids. "--but as you can imagine, it's always difficult to get face time with the host at these kinds of gatherings."

Aktur nodded to the others, extending his greeting and name to them.

"You seem like a man who gets right to it, Mr. Kreutz, your announcement showed as much. So I will do the same. What does your black market hope to offer that many others haven't, many times before? And while you provide a pleasant facade for Eidolon, what's in it for my organization, beyond services I might already have that wouldn't cost me extra to utilize? I am assuming there is a cost to membership, after all..."

Wearing: Outfit

Tan'yill flashed the one-eyed woman a smile when she gave her a compliment as they shaked hands and greeted each other. The human woman was sweet as cake, or was she oily and treacherous like a politician? Tan would need more time to decide for certain, but she liked the womans style and approach. Very much so. Still, this club was filled with criminals and the like attracted by the message sent out by mr Kreutz. Few of the ones present would hesitate to stab you in the back for little to no reason.

''Hmm.'' Tan uttered as she observed the woman for a short moment. ''It's nice to see that this little meeting not only caught the attention from savages of the other gender. Pleasure to meet you, Sasmay. And cheers!'' she said and raised the glass toward Sasmay's own for a toast. ''Certain bounty hunters taller than ten feet excluded, of course.'' she added and tilted her head glancing at Ghorua.

That wide toothy grin had something terrifying yet cute to it. Not to mention the tuxedo he wore. The herglic was a pure brute, but still had brains, humor and manners like somewhat of a gentleman.

''Well, if I did, would you haunt me like a bad rash again? That would bug me so much...'' Tan said, looking up at the massive alien before taking another sip of the vodka. It was slightly amusing pulling the big ones leg some more, and he probably recognised some of her sass from their earlier encounters. Blue. With the exception of Aloy's sweet and everyday use of that name, it was quite a long time since Tan had been called that. She gave the clear liquid in the glass a sniff, before she spoke again. ''No. Not like old times. Not if you doesn't count hunting and killing members of the Death Watch. Even though the purpose of my days lately have been the pursuit of a chilled glass of wine and a... good time with my wife, and teaching Tayl how to beat the hell out of someone in the fighting ring.'' she explained more seriously, and revealed that she was now a married woman. A keen eye would have spotted the wedding ring upon her finger and her slightly more loving tone to her mood and voice.

As their host revealed himself on the stage, the guests present at the meeting, including Tan, went silent and listened with care of what he had to say and offer. A thought. A decent idea. A generous offer. A vision. Someone enough cunning that he could hide any catch that would probably bee included in the package. Yet, Tan'yill accepted the card as a droid servant offered three of them their little group. She studied it for a moment before putting it inside her coat.

''To me, it sounds like kicking a hornet's nest!'' she uttered and stiffled a laugh, taking another sip of the drink.



TAG: Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Maestus Maestus Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Aktur Seii Aktur Seii IK-0N Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Vex Drenko Vex Drenko Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Athena D-13 Athena D-13 Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Turranis vulcun Turranis vulcun

After making his announcement, the same guest who had made eye contact with Erich a few moments prior appeared to get the hint he had previously dropped - namely that he would need to approach Erich rather than the other way around. As he approached, Erich met his eyes again and gave him a firm nod, otherwise not reacting when Aktur swung around and planted himself at Erich’s left side. He introduced himself as a ‘Mr. Nebula’, which did not ring any particular bell of recognition to the Crime Lord. It would have been a pseudonym of some sort, which would not be altogether uncommon given the secrecy many within the underworld still liked to maintain. Erich was not immune to that tendency, but each person needed to make their own decision regarding the balance to be struck between secrecy to preserve a level of freedom, but recognition to gain respect and coordination. Either extreme could result in overexposure and apprehension, or irrelevance entirely. It remained to be seen exactly where within the spectrum this ‘Mr. Nebula’ fell within.

At Nebula’s request to interrupt the conversation, Erich nodded graciously at those around him before turning his attention to his guest and nodding over to the side, so as to afford the two men a measure of privacy, and to avoid disturbing whatever supplementary conversation would potentially continue in his absence. Erich was a keen believer in exhibiting a measure of respect when dealing with others, particularly upon first meeting. The area Erich led Nebula to was a small corner of the room that had thus far remained unoccupied, and would give them both a small measure of privacy so as to carry the discussion into territories not exactly confidential, but at least uninterrupted. Then, Nebula got to the purpose of his requested audience.

"You seem like a man who gets right to it, Mr. Kreutz, your announcement showed as much. So I will do the same. What does your black market hope to offer that many others haven't, many times before? And while you provide a pleasant facade for Eidolon, what's in it for my organization, beyond services I might already have that wouldn't cost me extra to utilize? I am assuming there is a cost to membership, after all..."

’Ah, yes...’ Erich thought to himself. He expected such questions, particularly from those who had perhaps been operating within the underworld for quite some time. Thankfully, Erich was prepared.

”A very good question, Mr. Nebula. I see that you are a business-minded man like myself, so allow me to answer in a business mindset.” He smirked slightly, taking a small sip of his drink before placing it on a small standing table nearby.

”I’m unsure exactly how large your... operation is, or what its overall scope is. But, I’m sure you are aware that most areas of the galactic underworld are fragmented across multiple players who ebb and flow in both size and influence. In many cases, these regions of space have more localized and stratified ‘black markets’ controlled by these regional players. The thinking thus far has been that such rigid division and stratification is to the benefit of said player; ‘cornering off the market’, ‘this is my territory’, all of the typical tropes we’ve seen to varying degrees of rigidity and protectiveness. But my assertion is that such a ‘business model’ is doomed to result in failure more often than not.” He let his opening words sink in, gauging Nebula’s reaction before continuing. ”Consider this - most organizations have their own ‘niche’ that they fill and do very well at, despite attempts to diversify and ‘do it all.’ The Pykes have historically been into drugs and slavery; the Exchange into racketeering, blackmail, extortion; the Black Sun into more aggressive territorial expansion, arms dealing, etc. The times in which these and other players have attempted expansion and diversification to survive, it inevitably sparks inordinate levels of hostility and competition that only serve to weaken and destabilize the underworld. Both parties might see the conflict as a benefit to them should they arise on top, but instead we see a sharp contraction of their overall profile, and a steady rebuilding process to hopefully return to their former stature.”

Erich smiled at Nebula, interrupting himself momentarily: ”Now, don’t get me wrong; conflict is often times necessary when dealing with unreasonable or uncooperative former colleagues, but i’m sure you know better than most that not all problems can be resolved with a sledgehammer. Sometimes, a scalpel will do. Or even a tactfully chosen word. Or perhaps even a carefully planned and executed hint of the power or influence one can bring to bear, only to be brought up when proving it is needed. Everyone is different, and I do not intend to legislate or police that. Eidolon is meant to eliminate needless division, needless conflict, and to help in filling the gaps of entities who ‘think’ they can perform in ways they really aren’t built to perform in.”

“To use an example from earlier, the Pykes may be good at producing, refining, and running spice, and bringing it to market in their regional territories. But what happens if they want to expand their spice operations in Black Sun Space, who may not be as heavily into spice, but who specialize in arms procurement, etc? Regional markets differ based on cultural differences, major galactic powers shifting in influence, cataclysmic events - not all organizations can retool themselves to keep abreast of these shifts and adjust themselves accordingly. Eidolon will be the entity that can smooth all of those things over and more.”

Erich smoothed the front of his jacket and pulled out a small container holding a neatly arrayed pack of cigarettes. He offered one to Nebula, and took one himself - thumbing the butt of the cigarette into his mouth. After returning the pack into the folds of his jacket, he produced a very ornate platinum-plated lighter, and flicked the flame alive to ignite the end of his own cigarette; and Nebula’s as well if he had accepted one in turn. After taking a few puffs, he continued: ”Eidolon will be much more than a simple facilitator of course, even though that will be my planned speciality. We will have our hands in other arenas, in areas we plan to claim as our own ‘area of influence’. But in summary, we aim to unify the underworld. To strengthen it, while the rest of the galaxy is intent on burning everything else down. Now regarding the cost...” He gave Nebula a slight wink: ”It would be a percentage based arrangement, depending on the commodities or items or specific services Eidolon would be performing. Black market resale and logistics would be different than, say, assisting in brokering deals between otherwise rival criminal enterprises. Or in assisting with joint operations that would be seen as beneficial to Eidolon specifically.”

At that, Erich leaned against the wall of their corner, clearly at a stopping point in his secondary explanation of Eidolon’s vision, and waiting to see if Nebula had any additional questions.


As Cass Gemini Cass Gemini kissed her hand, she inhaled sharply at the unexpected contact. Not unwelcomed, just unexpected. She offered the other woman a devilish wink and saucy smile.

Cass, my dear, I've a feeling we will become fast friends, indeed.

When Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz stepped away, she followed him with her eyes. He intrigued her already, and she had not heard his spiel yet. Soon, she imagined. No sense squandering the night.

And there it was.

As Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz delivered his speech and presentation, Maestus gave her host her undivided attention. She was genuinely curious to see if there was anything he could offer. Or anything anyone here could offer her that she could not get or do herself.

She mused silently as Erich spoke. And then as often happens, she found her eyes and mind wandering. Being idle was not her forte. She was always itching to do. To move. To progress. Standing still was anathema to her. No one ever got anywhere by standing in one place.

She was not rude, though, and did not speak while the host spoke. That did not mean her mind was silent or inactive. Oh no. She was already planning her next move. She simply must wait for the time to be right

As Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz concluded his presentation, Maestus turned back to Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , wide eyed with possibilities.

Very interesting proposition, what do you think?
Teaching at the Medjai Order Temple on Verun
Aliza was, undeniably, late. It happened that way, when you receive a message while being half a galaxy away, or so it had seemed as she'd attempted to disentangle herself from a regrettable failure of a mission to answer the mysterious and intriguing invitation. However, once she walked into the club, on the tail end of the host's announcement, she forced herself to take a deep breath and look around for any familiar faces, of course, she was here in her spacer persona, with clothing that where more suited to the bridge of a fast freighter, than the glorious garments adorning the guests. Humiliation... Once again, she had the wrong outfit for the occasion, how, frustrating. And yet, there was potential here, people who might require her services... Putting on a gentle expression, the young woman looked around for someone interesting she could talk to. The Sith of course drew her eyes, though mingling with them would likely make it only to clear what she was herself.

No, that wouldn't do, the shark and his companion perhaps? She had to admit that such a being was a novelty to her, deciding that was an aspect she'd be willing to indulge for the moment, she started to drift over towards Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark as well as Cass Gemini Cass Gemini . Aliza's presence was obviously suppressed, her force presence would seem that of a normal mundane's as that was one of the few skills she excelled at and practiced regularly. For those who bothered reaching out to contacts to ask after her, it would be apparent that Aliza seemed to be a small, though dependable fish in certain circles. She had skills but no apparent ambitions beyond credits and having interesting work. The woman also had a reputation for keeping her mouth shut during jobs as well as after the fact, hence her dependability...

Upon reaching her goal, Aliza accepted a drink from one of the passing droids, sipping at it slightly and examining the rest of the room's occupants thoughtfully while awaiting a chance to introduce herself to all the new faces. Jobs and Contacts, that was her purpose here, which were not obtained without patience. As such she was silent until addressed, though manner, as well as positioning and shifts in posture should make it apparent that the good captain was paying attention to her surrounds. (Force Suppression - False Aura: Mundane.)

Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ



For the moment Aktur was comfortable with revealing little about himself or Crimson Dawn. He wanted a more comprehensive understanding of details, before he introduced himself fully, though the irony of the paradigm between the pair was not lost on him. Yet, the onus was on Erich Kreutz to appeal to interested parties, to present more information and particulars, as opposed to the other way around. Aktur, for instance, wasn't seeking out Eidolon, it was being pitched to him, so the owner was in the position of temporary disadvantage, in the sense Erich had to reveal more first.

Playing coy wouldn't net results, after all.

Much to Aktur's pleasure, the host of the event seemed quite willing to share more. The short walk to one side, away from others, was of little consequence though the crime lord did just so. When Erich began to speak, he expressed some uncertainty at the scope or reach of Aktur's organization, to which the latter responded - "Large enough. For now." - and then proceeded to listen, attention on the humanoid that delved into a deep explanation. The topic of segmented underworld groups was raised, it was always a pressing concern in a largely distrustful atmosphere, and there had been little lately to show Aktur that any of that had changed.

I believe I see where this is going...

Erich provided examples of organizations that had made marks on their particular portions of the underworld, and there was little denying that conflicts in scope and goals between them caused the instability mentioned. It was natural, when an entity saw a finite piece of something to claim, they tore through any other entity to take it. One of the few constants in the galaxy, no matter the species or organization or Government... greed was a currency one could count on, and even use, and it seemed that Erich wanted to position himself to leverage that. His further explanation surmised as much.

"You want to be the middleman," Aktur said with a smile, as he inclined his head to stare at Erich. "An interesting proposition. Perhaps idealistic, even. You clearly understand the underlying psychology of criminal organizations, and the need to expand to warrant justification in growth and progress for wealth and influence... but at the same time, you want Eidolon to become a central, mutually neutral service, to help foster more positive relations between groups--"

Aktur raised his eyebrows.

"--and you want to charge those same underworld figures to use that service, at the cost of their own expansion - and credits - into the commodities you provide? You certainly aim high, Mr. Kreutz, I'll give you that. Optimism tempered by experience can lead to very promising results, I admit, however it seems to me that you have the business proposal all wrong."

The head of Crimson Dawn leaned forward, his voice lowered.

"You plan to elevate your organization above everyone else by taking a majority of the market, providing multi-regional services of this underworld economy, while also having them pay you for the privilege, and expanding your influence across all territories by attempting to become integral to every organization's operations that involve interorganization commerce?" Aktur chuckled as he reached out and thumped Erich's shoulder softly with his fist, more a playful action than threatening. "Oh, Erich you sneaky devil... if you weren't so clever and selling sand to Jawas, I'd be tempted to kill you myself. But, I digress, it seems as though you still have the interest of the Jawas, so."

Aktur smiled broadly, however his dark eyes didn't show that same expression.

"Purely out of interest for the experiment - and to be poised to take advantage when you need help - I'll take part. This is going to be fun, Erich. Shall we return to the others, then?"

Location: Club Ravena, Dolhban
Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Aktur Seii Aktur Seii Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Maestus Maestus Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Donna was not accustomed to arriving "fashionably late", but circumstances had arisen... ensued... and were overcome. The Family could not be expected to wait on trivial matters such as "incorrect documentation" and "Port Authority Investigators". Not when a word, whispered into the proper ear, could move mountains... Or in this case, open doors.

Her ship would remain where it was, waiting for her to return. The doors would remain locked, and whatever amount was necessary to clear up the misunderstanding, she would see that it was done. Tonight, she had much bigger plans.

Club Ravena was considered a haven amongst those in The Underworld, and she arrived as was her custom - quietly, with little fanfare. An elegant black dress hugged luscious curves, and black knee-high boots strode determinedly into the beautiful & spacious venue. Long black hair, dark as The Void, hung to the small of her back, and the numerous tattoos she wore were displayed in detail. A tiny purple stone hung above her bosom - glittering with a violet hue, it's own internal fire sparkling like a star. A clutch purse was draped over one shoulder, which held only the bare necessities for the evening.

She had received quite the invitation, and sought to join the accumulated ranks of entrepreneurs for a night of socialization. She was most interested in whatever business ventures might come out of such a meeting... if, of course, she wasn't too late.

Shouldering her way through the crowd, passing a large Were-shark engaged in conversation with a woman who radiated power ( Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark & Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull ). She gave them both a look as she passed, and would give them an easy smile and a nod if they noticed her. She approached the bar, sliding into a seat and placing her clutch purse on the glass. When one of the waitstaff noticed her, she would order a drink (Brandy & starfruit juice on the rocks), then gather her things and move through the club toward the secure area she'd been informed to approach. The pass-key, concealed in her clutch, would be presented when asked, and she would enter the club proper to attend the "Networking Event".

She would easily be seen entering the room, carrying herself with an air of confidence and power.


Sorry for the delay everyone. Thank you very much for your patience.

TAG: Aktur Seii Aktur Seii Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud



For the moment Aktur was comfortable with revealing little about himself or Crimson Dawn. He wanted a more comprehensive understanding of details, before he introduced himself fully, though the irony of the paradigm between the pair was not lost on him. Yet, the onus was on Erich Kreutz to appeal to interested parties, to present more information and particulars, as opposed to the other way around. Aktur, for instance, wasn't seeking out Eidolon, it was being pitched to him, so the owner was in the position of temporary disadvantage, in the sense Erich had to reveal more first.

Playing coy wouldn't net results, after all.

Much to Aktur's pleasure, the host of the event seemed quite willing to share more. The short walk to one side, away from others, was of little consequence though the crime lord did just so. When Erich began to speak, he expressed some uncertainty at the scope or reach of Aktur's organization, to which the latter responded - "Large enough. For now." - and then proceeded to listen, attention on the humanoid that delved into a deep explanation. The topic of segmented underworld groups was raised, it was always a pressing concern in a largely distrustful atmosphere, and there had been little lately to show Aktur that any of that had changed.

I believe I see where this is going...

Erich provided examples of organizations that had made marks on their particular portions of the underworld, and there was little denying that conflicts in scope and goals between them caused the instability mentioned. It was natural, when an entity saw a finite piece of something to claim, they tore through any other entity to take it. One of the few constants in the galaxy, no matter the species or organization or Government... greed was a currency one could count on, and even use, and it seemed that Erich wanted to position himself to leverage that. His further explanation surmised as much.

"You want to be the middleman," Aktur said with a smile, as he inclined his head to stare at Erich. "An interesting proposition. Perhaps idealistic, even. You clearly understand the underlying psychology of criminal organizations, and the need to expand to warrant justification in growth and progress for wealth and influence... but at the same time, you want Eidolon to become a central, mutually neutral service, to help foster more positive relations between groups--"

Aktur raised his eyebrows.

"--and you want to charge those same underworld figures to use that service, at the cost of their own expansion - and credits - into the commodities you provide? You certainly aim high, Mr. Kreutz, I'll give you that. Optimism tempered by experience can lead to very promising results, I admit, however it seems to me that you have the business proposal all wrong."

The head of Crimson Dawn leaned forward, his voice lowered.

"You plan to elevate your organization above everyone else by taking a majority of the market, providing multi-regional services of this underworld economy, while also having them pay you for the privilege, and expanding your influence across all territories by attempting to become integral to every organization's operations that involve interorganization commerce?" Aktur chuckled as he reached out and thumped Erich's shoulder softly with his fist, more a playful action than threatening. "Oh, Erich you sneaky devil... if you weren't so clever and selling sand to Jawas, I'd be tempted to kill you myself. But, I digress, it seems as though you still have the interest of the Jawas, so."

Aktur smiled broadly, however his dark eyes didn't show that same expression.

"Purely out of interest for the experiment - and to be poised to take advantage when you need help - I'll take part. This is going to be fun, Erich. Shall we return to the others, then?"

It was a skill to compliment while also insulting another person, and it seemed Mr. Nebula was very skilled indeed. Erich had spent many years ingratiating himself with self-important pretenders, and he found himself less willing to indulge such figures as he once did.

But - He also knew the position he was in. Although the flavor in which Nebula described his enterprise was not very palatable, for the most part he understood what Erich was trying to do. If he believed himself to be in a position to 'take advantage' or otherwise 'rescue' Erich from a foolhardy proposition, Erich was loathe to miss the opportunity to also position himself to benefit from this man's arrogance.

'What was the expression? The bigger they are, the harder they fall?' He mused to himself. After mulling over the man's ill-chosen words, Erich paused to consider his response. High level criminal activity was not dissimilar to politics after all. Tact was a man's best friend, and Erich was known for his discretion in such matters. Finally, he responded:

"You seem to enjoy being reductive, Mr. Nebula." Erich smiled, with the feral expression carrying over to his eyes: "Rather than selling sand to Jawas, I'm helping said 'Jawas' acquire more sand than they could on their own. Only the shortsighted would view my enterprise as exploitative. The truly discerning are the ones I am after." Erich consumed the rest of his drink, then took a hefty pull of his cigarette - the smoke roiling from his nostrils and his mouth in a small cloud. He then continued, in his usually casual, borderline pleasant tone: "As we continue our professional relationship, I would be remiss if I did not offer you a word of advice about me, Mr. Nebula."

"I'm not so easily killed."

Erich met Nebula's eyes and held them there for several long moments. They carried a predatory glint within them, bespeaking a man who had done many... things to survive this long. Erich broke any tension that may have arisen with a lighthearted chuckle, and patted his guest on the shoulder before returning to the festivities.

Location: Club Ravena, Dolhban
Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz Aktur Seii Aktur Seii Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae Maestus Maestus Tan'yill Vizsla Tan'yill Vizsla Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Donna was not accustomed to arriving "fashionably late", but circumstances had arisen... ensued... and were overcome. The Family could not be expected to wait on trivial matters such as "incorrect documentation" and "Port Authority Investigators". Not when a word, whispered into the proper ear, could move mountains... Or in this case, open doors.

Her ship would remain where it was, waiting for her to return. The doors would remain locked, and whatever amount was necessary to clear up the misunderstanding, she would see that it was done. Tonight, she had much bigger plans.

Club Ravena was considered a haven amongst those in The Underworld, and she arrived as was her custom - quietly, with little fanfare. An elegant black dress hugged luscious curves, and black knee-high boots strode determinedly into the beautiful & spacious venue. Long black hair, dark as The Void, hung to the small of her back, and the numerous tattoos she wore were displayed in detail. A tiny purple stone hung above her bosom - glittering with a violet hue, it's own internal fire sparkling like a star. A clutch purse was draped over one shoulder, which held only the bare necessities for the evening.

She had received quite the invitation, and sought to join the accumulated ranks of entrepreneurs for a night of socialization. She was most interested in whatever business ventures might come out of such a meeting... if, of course, she wasn't too late.

Shouldering her way through the crowd, passing a large Were-shark engaged in conversation with a woman who radiated power ( Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark & Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull ). She gave them both a look as she passed, and would give them an easy smile and a nod if they noticed her. She approached the bar, sliding into a seat and placing her clutch purse on the glass. When one of the waitstaff noticed her, she would order a drink (Brandy & starfruit juice on the rocks), then gather her things and move through the club toward the secure area she'd been informed to approach. The pass-key, concealed in her clutch, would be presented when asked, and she would enter the club proper to attend the "Networking Event".

She would easily be seen entering the room, carrying herself with an air of confidence and power.

Erich's attention was soon captured by a singularly... intruiging woman who had entered the reception room, fashionably late of course. It was altogether likely she had missed his grandiose announcement, and also had likely missed the significance of who he was. Not that he considered himself exceedingly special of course. In fact, Erich preferred the dynamic of people not knowing exactly who he was, or what he was capable of. The crime boss approached the woman with the subtle grace only the debonair possessed, giving her a passing glance before directing his attention to the bartender. He didn't even have to speak his order, as the droid almost instantly produced a drink to the man's already established palate. He grasped his new drink and brought the glass up to his lips with a slow, fluid motion - allowing its amber-hued contents to slip into his mouth and down his throat.

It was only after savoring the initial sip of his drink that he turned his attention back to the woman, wherein he then said:
"Having a good time, madame'?"


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Erich Kreutz Erich Kreutz

The Donna found that she was, indeed, fashionably late - an unfortunate turn of events. The Port Authority be damned. It didn't take long, however, until she was approached...

The older man was handsome in a roguish way; dressed in the classic colors of a villain at his own party. He'd passed her by, which she'd only glimpsed out of her periphery... but then, returned suddenly: his question catching her nearly by surprise. Deep violet eyes, seemingly her natural color, were bright and penetratingly clear; she made eye contact with the man who'd approached her and flashed him a brilliant smile.

"I'm afraid I've only just arrived... It seems I arrived late. Problems with the Port Authority you see; but, this is a fascinating venue."

A quick look up & down told her enough. This man carried himself similarly - a predator at rest; one who fed from a kill caught in ambush. She hadn't received much information as-to who she would be speaking to or what, precisely, this meeting would be regarding, but she was clever enough to know one of her kind at a glance.

"Please, call me Ivory..." She said with a charming glint in her eye. "And you are?"

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