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Character Erich Kreutz



  • D E T A I L S

    Full name:
    Erich Kreutz​
    Leopold Holdt; Leo; Cipher-77; Nocturne​
    Uncertain, but reported to be Cademimu​
    Human, Cademiman​
    Hutt Republic​
    Force Sensitve:
    Slightly, but not enough to utilize the force. Manifests itself in heightened mental acuity, senses, and reflexes.​

  • B I O G R A P H Y


    ”You see, Mr. Kreutz - I don’t make decisions based off of things as subjective as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Rather, things simply ‘are’ or ‘are not’. And you, are ‘no longer’.” - Cipher-77.

    In another life, the man now known as ‘Erich Kreutz’ went by another name; Leopold Holdt - although he rarely ever went by that name in his line of work, instead utilizing the designation ‘Cipher-77’, or more commonly known by the moniker ‘Nocturne’. These names originated from the intelligence apparatus established within the Sith Empire, known simply as ‘Imperial Intelligence’, where he operated as a field agent of some renown and skill during the Great Galactic War between the Sith Empire and its allies, and the Galactic Alliance and her allies. Due to Imperial Intelligence’s modus operandi of restricting the access of sensitive information, Leo’s homeworld and family ties were redacted, and at this point have likely been purged since the civil war and eventual collapse of the Sith Empire as we know it. The most accepted theory as to his homeworld is that he was raised on Cademimu within a middle-income family.

    When he came of age, he enlisted within the Imperial military (although what many don’t know is he lied about his age, enlisting at the age of 16 instead of 18). Over the following years of training and conditioning, his mental aptitude and physical abilities drew the attention of recruiters within Imperial Intelligence. Believing that he was a prime candidate, given his young age, said recruiters believed he could be molded into a near-perfect operative for their uses despite the fact he had originally enlisted so young. At around 18, he was reassigned and retrained to become a Cipher - a special field agent within Imperial Intelligence. By the age of 19, near his 20th birthday, he was assigned to a handler and began operations with a team of agents that formed a cell, tasked with operating within neutral-aligned worlds to forward the Empire’s agenda. With the outbreak of the Great War between the Empire & Galactic Alliance, and given his record of success in his assignment at that time, Leo was reassigned to more covert & dangerous assignments to support the war effort.

    Most of his activities are classified, and were lost during the events surrounding the aftermath of the war, but dossiers within competing intelligence agencies link him with particularly damaging operations that directly contributed to the collapse of the first Galactic Alliance. In particular, assassinations of key political figures which were publically ruled as ‘tragic accidents’, data breaches and leaks from regional intelligence offices throughout the Core Worlds, and events that led to civil uprisings in worlds that now form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Not much else is known of his actions after the war, and in the years leading up to the civil war that resulted in the formation of the New Imperial Order. While some intelligence agencies believe him to be dead, the only fact that all agree on is there is simply no further information about his activities.

    What they don’t know is he was in fact very busy in securing his continued existence.


    What is not public knowledge is how he went about securing his future in a world that, for most within the Empire’s many branches of government, military, & intelligence, was completely turned upside down. The Empire had invested a large amount of time & resources in making Leo a precise & deadly weapon designed to survive in situations most are not able to. One could say that he was molded for this unique period in time. Instead of laying over and dying, or acting rashly as others around him did and being hunted down like scared gizkas, Leo set about enacting a plan that would be considered a master-stroke by the scant few even remotely aware of him within the intelligence community.

    During the developing chaos within the crumbling Sith Empire, Leo set about utilizing his skills in slicing encrypted security networks to access his files within Imperial Intelligence databases, downloading a set for himself and corrupting what files they had stored. He then set about creating a temporary identity for himself to book passage to his homeworld Cademimu. Upon arrival, rather than setting about reuniting with any family or former friends as some former operatives and veterans did, Leo acted as if his former self truly did die. To those who knew him from those olden days, he may as well have. Instead, Leo operated in the shadows, tracking those in the area he could utilize for his own survival. Eventually, his attention focused on a mid-level criminal of some influence within Cademimu, known as ‘Erich Kreutz’. Leopold studied him for some time, weeks growing into months as he familiarized himself with every shred of information there was to learn about his target. One thing that caught his attention was that few outside of Erich’s circle knew his face, and could identify him.

    With the same calloused ruthlessness drilled into him from a young age, Leopold set about eliminating Erich’s inner circle in incidents that, to the untrained eye, appeared to be accidents: heart attacks, speeder accidents, assassinations from rival gangs. Eventually, Leopold introduced himself to Erich as someone who could resolve these mysterious disappearances and events. The original Erich Kreutz had no idea that he sealed his fate when he met with Leopold in the privacy of one of his homes. Cipher-77 entered the home as Leopold Holdt. He emerged as Erich Kreutz. The real Erich’s body was never found, dumped ignominiously in one of the countless waste dumps across the planet-wide city. While the public would stand relieved at the dissolvement of a moderately sized criminal entity from their streets, only a fool would believe that “Erich Kreutz” Did so out of the goodness of his heart. This was but one phase of his overall plan.

    The Next Chapter

    After fully integrating his life into this new identity, “Erich” set about finalizing the last few details of his plan, such as undergoing cosmetic surgery to alter his appearance in the event the few who knew him from his past ever ran into him again; pursuing new contacts within the galactic underworld and abroad, and identifying the next step to finalize his transition into the next phase of his life. He migrated eventually to Nar Shaddaa, where he embedded himself within the organization of Lortho the Hutt. He started from the bottom, working as a hired gun within the Hutt’s organization, until his eventual penchant for a particular brand of ruthlessness separated himself from the pack as a man to be reckoned with. He slowly began making a name for himself within the Hutt’s retinue, and as his ascension to true station in the Hutt’s eyes hung in the balance, began utilizing sensitive intelligence he harvested from the Sith Empire’s archives to cement his position.

    At one point within his career, he came across information regarding a series of droid caches hidden throughout Empire space, ranging from advanced protocol droids, to high-end combat droids. He started slowly doling out this information to Lortho, which secured his advancement to the role of Vigo. Now, Erich stands as the Hutt’s right hand, doing what the crime lord is either unable or unwilling to do - whether it be helping a rival meet a particularly gruesome end, or entertaining dinner guests aboard one of Lortho’s pleasure yachts.

  • A P P E A R A N C E


    Erich is rather tall, standing at 6’-4” in height, with a lean but strong frame. His face still bears sharp, young features, but lines are beginning to show, along with strands of grey hair. Currently, he wears and neatly trimmed salt & pepper beard around his lips and chin.

    Many who meet him in person remark about his jovial cadence and charming smile. But his dull greyish-blue eyes have a very unsettling characteristic about them: at times, making one feel as if they were being analyzed by a predator, determining if they were a worthy prey.

  • S T R E N G T H S i & i W E A K N E S S E S

    +Survivor - Above all else, Erich is a survivor in the truest sense of the word. He will do anything to secure his position and his life. Anything.
    +Force Sensitive - While unable to manipulate the force, Erich does have very acute senses, and an intuition bordering on the uncanny.
    +Charismatic - Despite the unspeakable things he’s done in his life, Erich is able to be quite charming. When he wants to be.
    +Ex-Intelligence Operative - Erich knows how to get the job done, whether it is something messy, or something clean.

    -Psychopath - Erich is likely the clinical definition of a psychopath. His eyes have the same unsettling nature about them as a shark.
    -Lone Wolf - While Erich has the ability to work with others, he works best alone. In fact, he very much prefers it.

  • I T E M S

    • (1) DS-06 Nightjar Pistol
    • A collection of well tailored suits.
    • Thermo-underweave to wear with said suits, to provide a modicum of protection from blasters and energy based weapons.
    • A skin-tight body-suit laced with cortosis. Able to protect the user from indirect/glancing blaster bolts.
    • Gloves. For things.
    • (1) Vibrodagger

  • A B I L I T I E S
    • Erich is a very well trained assassin.
    • Erich can be quite gregarious and charming.
    • Erich can be quite stealthy
    • Erich is a very skilled slicer.

  • T H R E A D S

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    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description

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    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description

    - Thread Title, Completed/Ongoing - Description

Template by Pluperfect

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