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Approved Tech Sasori Shadex

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Mech was a blanket term for any type of unit the purpose of which was to serve as the backbone of a military ground strike. While the name "mech" itself implies a mechanical origin, the so-called mech-class could in fact refer to anything from trained animals to top-notch machines. The ermegence of mech units coincided wit the development of stronger anti-infantry measures, such as heavy weapons.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Mechs were either wheel vehicles, tanks, modified domesticated animals or robotic walkers that tried to imitate animals,

  • onstruct: Designed by the user (and given a unique droid sub) the constructs house a shard that is connected to the jedi themselves. Allowing the two to work together and form a bond.
  • Vanguard Vehicle Cannon
  • Shield Plate: Designed for the front leg plates to extend and provide cover for teams.
  • Force Affinity: Designed with force infused materials that imbue to the jedi wearing them a standard slew of protections and capabilities. The ability to better resist the darksides influence, ease the access to learned skills that have been practiced and feeling generally more energized and lively.
    • Force resistance: Not pure resistance to the force but its influences specifically the darkside.
    • Force Enlightenment: A general enhancement of the specific jedi's talents in the lightside of the force. They don't know everything but using their own abilities is easier, sharper focus.
    • Revitalize: A more robust feeling mentally and physically aids in calming the mind and body to focus.
  • Massive
  • Superior Protection: Designed using the Synthmesh, wintrium that as it ages continues to grow stronger.
  • Force Affinity: Infused and crafted with the force, the synthmesh and inth metal used all add force abilities to the shard within the walker.
  • Laminanium: Designed like a Quellian ship the hull of the orbital platforms has a thin layer of the material to improve repairs and over time depending on the amount of damage it is able to patch itself up.
  • Requires Connection to the Force: For the synthweave effects to function within it the material needs to be able to feel the force energies around it. Vong tech, yalisimiri, voidstone, dampening fields are all counter to what the material can handle.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
  • Force Nullification: Composed of solidified energy from a pocket dimension. Within a force nullification field it becomes heavy. The molecular structure is super dense but able to skirt and not adhere to physics like gravity normally. Without the force to preform this it becomes almost impossibly heavy to lift.
  • Force Construct: Designed as an extension of the jedi's will and strength. The construct is bonded to them and requires their force skills to use. Nullification fields, void stone, vong tech or anything that disrupts the use of the force can cause it to deactivate.
  • Kyber crystals: Using the design of the finalizer and enhancing the power of the weapons with crystals gives the ships a secondary effect as the crystals used for weapons can be explosive if cracked.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Gravity: The advanced thrusters of the vehicle require gravity to function at full efficiency. Without it there can't counter gravity to get speed or thrust for the high speed movement.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a protective layer to patch the vehicle in the event of damage. The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
    • Note: Only the layer can repair not the full plate armor itself the plating can be damaged still but the underlayer of Laminanium can reform and remain.
  • Lightside beacon; The robes radiate the lightside of the force.
  • Forward Facing: Designed with the weapons being forward facing and with minimal area of movement.
  • Lightside: Designed with the jedi and lightside in mind, the shards bodies can't be inhabited by darksider shards ot darksiders.\
  • Sleg: A powerful energy enhancer, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the operation of the droid. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode from the heat.
Designed and constructed by Sasori based off of the ancient Shadex constructs. Much has been changed of them though, their size being one of it as the jedi's research into the constructs didn't give a lot of information. The glass and crystal key used to control the giants that slept in the earth of their planet was.... hard to properly replicate to try and study them. Retrieving one would also require large diplomatic relations and talks to try and get one.

So Sasori took what information they managed to find and worked with Iron knights. Shard trained jedi within droid bodies. The shards are encased in the chests of the bodies that use humanoid or beastial designs to fit the jedi constructing it. THey form a bond with the shard to understand it and get a more improved bond. THe construction methods can vary around the shards internal casing itself. Sensors that can be upgraded.

THe shards themselves as companions to the jedi are skilled and able to adapt to their bodies. THe mechanical aspects of it fit with most of it. THey can be protectors or crew to their ships, attendants or in the rare cases training partners to try and make the jedi stronger. THe connection able to grow between the two of them and with the power the jedi infuses into the construction more then one at a time is not recommended as it can be a strain.

The shadex have with effort and study become much easier to design and amnage... developing them with a sense of engineering as they developed them. The improvements came from the engineers and students making different ypes of them... like guardians and golems that could be empowered with the force. The Shadex were a pale imitation of the original which were massive in size but they could function like advanced droids and with engineering feats they functioned like a biot droid bonding to the jedi creating it within the Jadeite.

That bond allowed it to become more animated and able to move depending on how they crafted it and could determine the size but it requires the jedi to pour their energies into it to create it first. THey used the base model to create Eternities body for the high marshal and the iron mongers... with more of them being able to be around Ahch-To and the jedi temple protecting it or accompanying Jadeite padawans on their own missions.
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