Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Passing The Torch


But seriously, a thank you to Tefka Tefka for this opportunity. I've been around this board since near the beginning. I've made my share of mistakes, as we all have. However, I have a good template to follow and I hope that I can learn from the good and the bad and push us forward into a new era.

Never hesitate to come and discuss things with me if you are concerned about something going on. We are a community, and the staff are here to assist and make things a little bit fairer for everyone, but we're not omnipotent.

So here's to another 7 years and more!
I don't know what happened, but I wouldn't let it get you down too badly. We've all made mistakes, even in leadership positions. I'm kind of surprised to hear about the issue, though, but I wouldn't blame you and I don't think anyone else would either - it's not easy to handle something as loaded of an issue as that, and it's understandable that you might not have seen the best way to handle it if there even is a best way to do so. Hopefully you find something that gets you going again, you deserve it.

Thanks for the advice when I was new to change my super snarky personality to a little less stand-offish, and the motivational words way back when that I could do more than just be a prickly know-it-all sticking with a tiny group of friends. If it weren't for that I probably wouldn't have finished my first year here, and probably never would have came back from either of my super long breaks from the site. It just takes a few small words of kindness and inspiration to change the course of someone's life, even at some place as unimportant as a role-playing forum, and I think a lot of people may have had a similar experience.

Tefka Tefka
At the risk of sounding like a parrot, we're only Human - making mistakes is in our nature. What makes us greater than our primitive kin is that we're able to learn from our mistakes and work towards an eventuality where they're never repeated. But, after reading everyone's replies in this thread - it's something we've all come to understand in some fashion or another. So, there's no real point in hammering it any further, lol.

Thank you for everything, Tef. We may not have seen eye to eye on many things, but it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance all the same. You've created a wonderfully addicting outlet for all of us to get our Star Wars fix, with countless other franchises blended in to make things more interesting than space triangles and stormtroopers. That's not an easy feat, and I respect the hell out of you for sticking with it thus far. Whatever your next steps may be, I wish you nothing but the best. <3

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Occasional Roleplayer
I've been here, inconsistently, for 7 years. Every time I come back, one thing is constant: That this place is vibrant, friendly, and fun. I've made good memories here, improved my writing skills, and most importantly fueled my massive love for Star Wars. All thanks to you. I remember when I was 12 discovering this place, it was like a gold mine for a kid who wanted nothing more than to live in a galaxy far far away. Back then it was far from as organized and polished as it is now, but you know what? It was amazing fun. Its still amazing. And once again, it's thanks to you! We couldn't have come this far without the love you've given this place for 7 years of your life. We all understand that running an RP forum for so long is hard, and that not everything has been sunshine and roses, but you should be proud of what you've made.

I don't know the staff as well as some people do, but everywhere on this board I see them show that they're kind, fair, and know what they're doing. You must be very proud of them, and I think many would agree that you're leaving us in the best possible hands.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do next Tefka Tefka ! Thank you so much.

Aaralyn Rekali

Many years of creativity can be attributed to this site - I know for certain on my end and without Tefka Tefka it really wouldn't have been possible.

Thanks for that.
Well-Known Member
The passion you have for this place has always been apparent and has always given off an air of level-headedness to me over the last seven years that I've been here. It's unrealistic to think that such an appearance can always be maintained at all times. Mistakes happen, but owning up to them and moving forward having learned from the experience makes those mistakes into lessons. As long as we remember our lessons, we are better prepared for the future.

I'm not sure how you see your own life, but based on my tiny window into what little I know about you, Tefka Tefka , I choose to believe that your life is filled with lessons... not mistakes.

Godspeed, I hope to see you again!
Wow. Can't say I ever expected to see this day. Tefka Tefka , you have been such an integral part of this place - you created after all - but you've stuck through it through thick and thin. Take this break and enjoy it, man; no one deserves that as much as you. And please do so with your head held high, because Chaos is truly quite the accomplishment. You built this community and are the reason so many of us have made new friends from all around the world and even strengthened old connections that previously existed. Thank you for everything that you have done for the site and this entire community.

And I'm certain you've placed your faith in the right man to carry the task in Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris . And you have among the greatest staff teams I've seen in any of the sites I've ever been a part of.

Long story short, thank you for everything, Tef!
I didn't come to Chaos to write, at first.
I came as an admin of another website, looking for advice from you, Tefka Tefka , on the best course of action concerning a banned Chaos member who was terrorizing our forums. You were short and sweet, but serious and kind, and you shared your wisdom openly. I remember you touched briefly on the Chaos community here, and you spoke so proudly, so protectively. I admired that. It was because of your advice and your experiences that we were able to make a more informed choice on our forums, and you earned a LOT of respect from our admin team for the way you handled everything with us... and the way you loved this community.

You inspired me to write here, and like others have said, there isn't any place quite like it. Whatever you've done or didn't do, you'll always have my respect. This place you've created? It's full of talented, brilliant, beautiful souls. They're here because you gave them a place to congregate, and to my knowledge, it's been as safe a space as you can make on the internet.

You did good, dude. Be proud of that. <3 There's a lot of love for you here.
Tefka Tefka

Its a pity that in all the time that you have led, you lost the time to be able to write and be more than a spectator to the story. I think what has me sad the most is that in all this time I have never had the chance to make a story with you. I remember when I had first joined, I remember how hard this site was to follow, how everything was learning to grow into itself. Upon return I got to see a different chaos and never got embroiled in the things that have left so so many hearts soured against their peers.

Tef to me you have always had my respect. You gave me a place to write that frankly, has always been vastly different from all the places I have gone to write. Not a single star wars fansite is like what you created. Chaos has inspired a lot from me, because of what it is. You gave us a home. You gave us friend. You gave us enemies. Everything that stands right now, you gave to us and for that I adore you.

I don't care that you and others see some kind of failure. Failure is part of life. Though I don't know you, I would still like to. You offer us an ear if we need it, but I offer the same to you. I try to stay out of the rampant pettiness and frankly bizarre drama that crops up. I am not oblivious, I hear things and unfortunately I get an earful of peoples grievances, but never do I let that color my personal feelings over others.

You cannot know how much the people around me mean to me, even those who hate me, I still love them all. I hope that with this change you get some much needed rest. That with this change you are able to find a new kindle for your fires. You deserve to have a chance to just slip in and be a player, not the beacon to reach for in times of crisis.

Being a leader is a lonesome thing, even when you have others standing with you. More often than not people fail to give you the thanks for the great things and instead try to drown you with the litany of perceived and honest mistakes. Its easy to villainize the person above, so easy to ignore that you yourself may be the villain in the narrative you so gleefully try to coat another with. All of us want to be the shiny heroes instead of the less than stellar mortals that we are. I just wish that you weren't left with so much regret and heartache, I feel like you've always done what you thought best and whatever you didn't act on, who can say doing so would have been as wise a choice? Its easy to clamor for action, but sometimes inaction, though it still leaves a mess, does less harm than the action you could have taken.

Its so easy to think otherwise. Hate flows far too easily, its an easy path to take. So much pain and regret comes from taking that easy path and in all the time I have watched, listened or played, never have I seen a thing that came to pass that was ever easy. I adore all those who stand above us masses and take charge because too too often that m is silent.

So, maybe one of these days if you ever slip in to write, should you have the desire, I hope you think of me. Because at the end of the day even a simple uncomplicated story and person who just enjoys the company of a fellow writer can be a balm to long raw wounds. Whether one sees me as a friend or enemy, as long as the words flow, I am always happy to write.

Good luck Tef and I hope the path ahead for you brings you great joy and light.
You, sir, have been absolute class.​

I've told you not too long ago, I remember coming here and under what circumstance. What I didn't mention was the warm welcome me and many of us received upon arrival. Didn't really know you, just the face you held in times before here, didn't think too much of it but you were beyond amazing being welcoming, supporting, and helpful in bringing the Witch ranks onto Chaos despite much of the history Witches were seen as before Chaos in the larger community.​

It couldn't have been easy running a place like this but you've made it work, made it thrive this whole time. It's hard work, all of us here; so many different people, different personalities.

Wherever the yellow brick road takes you from here, hope it's a good one. I hope you find what it is you want / need / looking for.

Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris is awesome, knew that, know that. Seen him work great magic many times over; not just on Chaos. We've staffed together and written together. Nothing short of epic, I'm more than sure you leave Chaos in great hands <3

Finally, thanks for making Chaos. With all its quirks and broadness of people, stories, factions, etc. It's awesome! The community will be around! :)
Tefka Tefka

Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. All of this wouldn’t be possible without you. You’ve always been a valued friend and leader of this community, some of the advice I’ve received from you has helped me greatly and I’ve sought to pass it on to others too.

Thanks for everything. Its been a hell of a ride.
Tefka Tefka you have always been good to me and I appreciated your help and advice on all things, even that which was not Chaos related.

I appreciated being invited to come here. I have an idea of the amount of work that was and is done to make this place work. Chaos became somewhere I came because everyone else was here to being a place I like coming to.

Thank you for everything.

I know the staff, and Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris will be great. They already are.

Tef, I wish you well in all things, and look forward to you poking your head when the mood hits you.
Tefka Tefka

Without Chaos I wouldn't be on this path of freedom from abuse for both myself and my daughter. This site has not only helped me to relieve emotional stress through engaging stories, but it has also led to amazing new friendships and reunions with people from my fledgling days of roleplaying back in the last century.

We didn't get much of a chance to write together at all during all this time. I'm not sure if that would ever change, but the door is open.

Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris , you are the staff member that I've spoken with the most over the years. You'll do well being our overlord. I'm sure there'll be Twi'leks galore for you :p ;)

:( I’m so sad to see you leave. I know running a site is hard and sometimes you just need a break, but this place is pretty amazing.

I wish I had told the High-priestess snob to screw off earlier so I could have enjoyed this community right from the start. I missed out on a lot of cool history because she did everything she could to keep people away from here. I truly think this place is wonderful and I have enjoyed being able to get a solid hold into the community. I am so sad to see you leave :( I hope whatever you’re next project is inspires just as much greatness as this one did.

Tefka Tefka

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