Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] Before the Storm


New Cov
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Welcome everybody," Valery began while she looked around at those who gathered for this class. "As my message to the Order mentioned, we have quite a special lesson today. I've brought two friends who both have a lot of experience with the Mandalorians here to New Cov, and together we'll be explaining more about how to defend yourselves against them while we train." It was inevitable that the Mandalorians were going to expand now, and that meant the Jedi would do the same thing they did on Rodia, but on a larger scale.

They were going to oppose the Mandalorians, with or without the Alliance standing against the crusade.

Valery then turned to the others and dipped her head to request them to move forward, "One of my guests today is Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , a Mandalorian who distanced herself from the Enclave. She will obviously know a lot about their tactics, mindset and the gear they use. More similar to myself, Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire is a Jedi who has encountered Mandalorians in battle before. Hopefully, our experience will help you when the time comes to defend yourself." Whether they were Padawans, Knights or Masters, she knew it was going to be helpful.

Mandalorians were very different from Sith or common thugs with blasters, after all.

"I'll allow our guests to start of this class, and then we'll get to sparring. You can ask questions at any point, so don't be afraid to speak up."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Gear: Jedi Armor, Glove, Lightsaber (Lowered Power), Weighted Practice Knife.

I've seen war. Conflict with armored opponents compared to just your average interaction in the galaxy was wholly different. Fighting Bio-organic armored beings, Sith Cults, and Mawites was your average for what I had dealt with. Only had one interaction with a Mandalorian that went south. Combat experience was something I had. However, Mandalorians on a large scale like this are a different beast. Their armor that could be outfitted, and kitted up to hold many surprises, a host of weaponry meant to combat "Saber-jockeys" and even some would carry items that limited force usage. Many who would be here today, had likely never encountered a fully armed Mandalorian before.

I knew thats why I was here. Freshen up on combatives, while also learning about specific points, tips and tricks to fight heavily armored enemies. More over, Jedi typically wore lighter armor to allow free and uninhibited movement for lightsaber fighting. Less weight on the body, meant less you had to move in order to use the weapon of choice. Of course, if we were doing combatives, and physical training, then I was going to train in what I was going to use in combat.

Reaching down to the practice knife on the small of my back, I adjusted it a little more to have the sheath to be snug against the utility belt. Paying attention to the speakers who would be here today.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad



Location: New Cov Jedi Enclave
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The New Cov Jedi Enclave stood as a sanctuary of wisdom and growth, matching what she'd heard of it -- it was the air she got. Its pretty majestic architecture seamlessly intertwined with the flora that cradled it, a testament to the harmonious coexistence of ancient design and nature's wonder. Within these hallowed halls, Jedi of diverse origins were prompted to converge to learn more about Mandalorians and their skillset, and today marked that occasion.

The sun hit this place at just the right angle, casting a warm-glossy glow over a figure that emerged in the courtyard, she had a commanding presence that paired well with her air of effortless confidence; it was natural for her. It always beckoned more. Cortana Jade, a padawan on the cusp of maturity, moved with an easy grace, and carried herself with an innate confidence that was its own magnetic force. Clad in a fitted, and flexible full-body suit with slits cut into the midriff, her aura resonated with the cool, luminous hue of an Ilum lightsaber crystal. Her gait, a casual saunter that had the fluidity of a dances's and exuded self-assuredness; it painted a portrait of someone unburdened by doubt.

Her lineage, intertwined, added depth to her demeanor. It was a symbol of inspiration for her in some ways, but one of pressure too. Her mother's rapport with an instructor at the enclave today had opened the door for Cortana's presence here. Dispatched from the distant Jakku Enclave, she had come to partake in a master class on Mandalorian combat, an opportunity that kindled her curiosity.

Today's convergence held the promise of something exceptional – a lesson in Mandalorian combat techniques delivered by instructors who had squared off against these said to be tenacious warriors. It was a rare opportunity to glean insights from a culture steeped in martial prowess. As she navigated the path that led to the heart of the enclave, an electric energy pulsed through the air – it thrilled her senses, but her nonchalant expression wouldn't tell it.

Stepping through the threshold of the training hall, Cortana's senses quickly caught the reassuring presence of her aunt Val, well formally Master Valery Noble. Her features softened as their eyes met, a silent exchange that bridged the years of their family's bond. With a subtle smirk and nod, she signaled her acknowledgement and moved onward as to keep things flowing.

Within the hall, the air pulsated with fervor. Jedi had gathered. Amidst them stood Cortana, a presence both magnetic and mysterious, a star that burned with the intensity of her Scorpio spirit; her focus unswayed. She hung around the back until things kicked off, glancing around for other familiar face.

Chewing gimer-gum. Casually.



To say that Loomi wasn't ready was an understatement. She didn't really want to fight, not really, but she at least needed to be prepared for an encounter with a Mandalorian. She wanted to save lives, but perhaps in a less violent way. Even so, the Godoan was sure to find herself in situations just like Linuri. It was important that this happened.

She was scared though. That wasn't something that seemed likely to change.

"I'll allow our guests to start of this class, and then we'll get to sparring. You can ask questions at any point, so don't be afraid to speak up."

Sparring? Loomi definately wasn't ready for that. She sort of awkwardly glanced around, looking for a partner to spar with. Ultimately though she was far too nervous to ask anyone to spar, so she sorta just stood on her own and tucked her hands behind her.

Maybe she'd just stand here and listen.


New Cov
Tag: Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Kaleleon Kaleleon Loomi Loomi Valery Noble Valery Noble Open

Deck out in green and black Mandalorian armor Minerva stood beside Valery with arms across her chest. Through her T-visor she looked out to the assembly before her. Some of them the warrior recognized but most were strangers. Never in her whole life Minerva ever believed that she would do this but she lived by her decision on Kashyyyk and if need be die for it as well. Most likely the Enclave will see her as nothing more than a dar'manda but their opinions no longer mattered to her.

Still how bewildering it is to aid the Jedi against former brethren even with just through instruction. Minerva took a deep breath and softly released it. Once Master Noble was finished she cleared her throat, addressing the participants.

"What happened from Kestri to Rodia was only an hypocritical excuse; most of the Enclave really just want to fight and Jedi are among the greatest challenges in life in their eyes. In the coming battles don't waste your time trying to reason with their warriors unless you're doing so to distract or annoy them then go for it. As for the others within the ranks who don't share the bloodlust they are still committed to their vod and will stand by them even if the latter burns the galaxy all around them. Because outsiders, especially groups like your Order, are not worth going against their own kin."

Pausing briefly Minerva folded her arms together behind the back.

"What we will teach you all today is only the beginning. Each of you must be truly committed to what needs to be done to end the Enclave’s crusade.“
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Location: New Cov
Objective: Learn
Ditect Tag: Loomi Loomi
Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, quarterstaff, slingshot


I did not like the sound of mandalorians, the way they wrapped themselves in their technology like some kind of blanket was the antithesis to my way of life, but also the levels of violence I had heard word of scared me. Sure I could shift into a beast and potentially take one in hand to claw combat, but once they pepper me with their explosives, that route was gone to me.

Well, I suppose that is why I was here, both for myself, but also representing the wilders. I could take back what I learned here and add it to their collective knowledge in the hope that we too would be better prepared. I smiled internally at that thought, having a "we" was nice, I was enjoying living and learning with them, and my master, Vulpesen Vulpesen was a good teacher.

I looked at Jedi Master Valery Noble Valery Noble , I hadnt met her before, but everybody knew who she was. She stood and introduced the other instructors at her side that we would learn from. I had so many questions. As I watched and listened, i absent mindedly fiddled with the charm that Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic had given me. I knew she was away, busy doing other things, but I couldn't help but miss her and the way she always seemed to calm me when I felt anxious. A foe so dangerous that it had caused all these powerful Jedi to connvene to discuss it, who wouldn't be anxious? At least sparring was something I was good at and could allow me to ignore my worries.

There was another girl who as far as I could tell was about a similar age to me, I didn't recognise her species but she too looked awkward and a little nervous. I walked over to Loomi Loomi "Hey, I'm Gweneth, I dont think we've met before. I hope I'm not the only person who is a bit worried by all of this." I said this for self reassurance, but also to let the other girl know she wasnt alone.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Kaleleon Kaleleon Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Loomi Loomi Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
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| LOCATION: New Cov |
| TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire |

BB-610 stood beside the Sword of the Jedi, occasionally casting glances at the assortment of attendees that would make up today's 'class'. He spotted Loomi Loomi , giving her a quiet little wobble from afar, happy to see her, before turning his gaze back to the teachers Valery had welcomed. The astromech may not be a combatant on par with most Jedi, but he'd always jump at the opportunity to assist in whatever way he could. Today's case was especially important to him, as Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad had assisted him personally during the annihilation of Exegol. He held her at high esteem, and waited patiently for his friends to finish their introductions.

"What happened from Kestri to Rodia was only an hypocritical excuse; most of the Enclave really just want to fight and Jedi are among the greatest challenges in life in their eyes."

Rolling up alongside Minerva, BB-610 turned towards the class, his holoprojector blinking to life. Performing his duty as their visual aid, depictions of Enclave soldiers were displayed for all attendees to see; Jedi battling valiantly, with blood spilled and lightsabers clashed, clouds of dust amidst flickering footage. Many Jedi triumphed, many did not -- war was not to be taken lightly, and BB-610 knew this class was crucial for their success. Valery had told him as much.

"What we will teach you all today is only the beginning. Each of you must be truly committed to what needs to be done to end the Enclave’s crusade.“

The footage blipped to its end, with the astromech peering up at Minerva, Valery, and Julius, anticipating orders and prepared to display anything to help their class better understand.


"As for the others within the ranks who don't share the bloodlust they are still committed to their vod and will stand by them even if the latter burns the galaxy all around them. Because outsiders, especially groups like your Order, are not worth going against their own kin."

Cora stood among the gathering of students, hands clasped behind her back and lips tilting into a firm frown.

An insular people. She could understand that mindset – for a long time, Ukatis had sealed itself off from the greater galaxy. If it hadn't been to their detriment in the end, would her home still be in isolation today? Even now, Ukatians were wary of outsiders trampling on their culture and interrupting their way of life. Did the Mandalorians feel the same way?

Minerva's words were in warning, and Cora had every reason to trust the Mandalorian warrior who'd aided the Jedi during a pirate raid.

Shadows danced across blue eyes before the holofootage was cut. Cora glanced to one side of her, then the other. She recognized Loomi, Valery and Bee. The redhead engaging Loomi was new to her, as was the blonde chewing gum a few paces back. The young man directly to her left seemed the most prepared; garbed in armor, scarred, and…wait, he was familiar too. The Jedi who'd been on trial for fighting alongside the New Imperials.

Tilting her head to the side, she addressed him in a low tone that would not interrupt the proceedings;

"Have you ever fought a Mandalorian before?"

Kaleleon Kaleleon Valery Noble Valery Noble BB-610 BB-610 Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Loomi Loomi Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Mother Askani Mother Askani



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Mother Askani Mother Askani | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Loomi Loomi | Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari | BB-610 BB-610 | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

A training about how to deal with the Enclave. Jackson was not sure how beneficial it would be, but he was not about to write it off completely either. Most of him was curious to see the temple and enclave on New Cov. There was something about new locations, especially ones that seemed to have an exotic aesthetic to them, which Jackson loved. Perhaps he was an explorer at heart, or maybe he just found it hard to stay in any one place for too long. It was hard to say. He was used to being passed around until he finally landed with Romi, and even then there was a lot of traveling.

New Cov certainly did not disappoint as far as aesthetics went. Then again, most anything looked better than Jakku. Between Coruscant and Jakku, Jackson could not remember the last time he saw so much green nature. He knew it had to have been on Corellia, but his memories of the place were few and distant. Perhaps he needed to visit his cousin near Coronet Peak. JJ had a home there, rebuilt from the ground up after the Lesan Jedi Compound had been destroyed long ago.

It seemed the others had gathered early. Jax recognized the face of Valery Noble, whom he had met on Coruscant. The rest of the faces were unfamiliar to him, save for Cortana’s. The blonde daughter of Romi Jade was someone he knew better than anyone in the room. It came with the territory of having spent the past few years training with Romi Jade. This would not be their first time training together, but not like this, not for the purpose of an imminent Mandalorian conflict.

The idea of war did not sit well in Jackson’s stomach. He looked around the room at the others just to observe. Some of them seemed seasoned in this, like war was more normal to them than peace. As a Jedi that should not have been. It touched upon the conflict Jax felt within. He knew what he should be, but what he felt, and how his passions often guided his decisions, did not always line up. In this sense it seemed the same. Jedi were instruments of peace, and yet here they were preparing to fight a war for the Galactic Alliance.

He needed to learn and observe. Something inside him pulled at the importance of what would be taught. Maybe there was something of destiny involved, but like any good Corellian, Jackson did not place a lot of faith in determined outcomes designed by fate. He liked the idea of freedom.

“So war… huh,” he whispered to Cortana as he slinked in behind her. “You think your mom would send us to support the Alliance if that is where this is all headed?”
So, yet another train-and-spar intended to prepare them to fight foes which Jedi didn't typically face. First anti-FUs, now Mandos. Eloise had no experience with either, and no real prejudices against them apart from the resentment that naturally arises when teenagers are forced to learn about something in an educational context.

Her gaze wandered as she listened to the Mandalorian woman talk, and to her annoyance she noticed that everyone else had already paired up with a sparring partner. Eloise was alone, the extra person with no one to duel. I'd rather not be stuck with any of these people anyway, she thought bitterly, trying to pretend she didn't care.

Not that she knew much about the others. Loomi had a reputation for being a crybaby, so she'd rather not fight her, and Kaleleon... well, he was a Knight who had been demoted back to Padawan. But his knowledge, skills, and experience as a Jedi remained. In other words, he'd kick her ass. The rest were strangers to her, and she could judge them only based on appearances, which told her next to nothing about their battle prowess.

"I know Mandalorian armor is lightsaber-resistant, but what about the joints? Are those made out of phrik too?" she asked Minerva.
"I'll allow our guests to start of this class, and then we'll get to sparring. You can ask questions at any point, so don't be afraid to speak up."

Jonyna had plenty of experience fighting off low level mandos at this point. Between the ones she had ran into back in her original era, and now Hilal and Shai, she felt pretty confident in her ability to defend herself. But training was training, and she was never gonna turn down the ability to improve.

"What happened from Kestri to Rodia was only an hypocritical excuse; most of the Enclave really just want to fight and Jedi are among the greatest challenges in life in their eyes. In the coming battles don't waste your time trying to reason with their warriors unless you're doing so to distract or annoy them then go for it. As for the others within the ranks who don't share the bloodlust they are still committed to their vod and will stand by them even if the latter burns the galaxy all around them. Because outsiders, especially groups like your Order, are not worth going against their own kin."
Those words stung a little. Shai had seemed to not want to fight to begin with. Their battle had been one of finding common ground, and eventually finding a peaceful solution to the problem.

But if that's how the cards would fall, if the war was going to happen regardless, then she'd need to accept that. The Mandos, once again, were opposed to her stance. A stance of peace. A stance of justice.

"...what about the elements? Fire, water, air, earth. Beskar is just metal right? Metal should bend and warp to the extreme cold and heat if you swap it back and forth enough times, yeah? At least, that's how it's always worked when I fought them."


"Hey, I'm Gweneth, I dont think we've met before. I hope I'm not the only person who is a bit worried by all of this."

"Oh, uh, Loomi," she answered with a frown. "I-I'm a little nervous, yeah."

Loomi took a moment to feel the mood of the room around her. Shared anxieties, anticipation, curiosity... Judgement? Loomi took note of a nearby padawan, a girl she had never seen before. Her developing empathic abilities made her stand out like a sore thumb. It was a brief glance, followed by an air of thoughts that she couldn't read, but they certainly felt negative. It wasn't hatred, or disdain.

Just apathy. That made her heart sink a little more.

"S-sorry, I see a friend of mine I wanna talk to," Loomi said suddenly. "You can come if you want."

She'd set off to stand by Cora, strategically positioning herself out of the line of sight of Eloise.

"Hey, Cora," she greeted.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Gear: Jedi Armor, Glove, Lightsaber (Lowered Power), Weighted Practice Knife.

So much was happening without the Instructors actually doing much. While some questions were being asked, in which I earnestly wanted to pay attention to, My attention was stolen by a young woman. Asking me lowly in register if I had ever faced a Mandalorian before. Probably asking me that since I came here with the full intent to be focused on training with others in combatives as though we were facing Mandalorians. I had faced her lightly and was about to answer when a familiar face of Loomi showed up, saying hello to the woman.

Without even missing a beat, I knew she was feeling something. She wasn't in a good place mentally for some reason. I took a moment to look up from Loomi and the newly learned individual of Cora to look around at the eyes that were looking to me at some degree. Almost as some were looking to me to be a challenge, or to stay away from. It wasn't new news that I was demoted, nor that I had been in open warfare conflicts. I had been tested and lived. However, I let those thoughts slide away as I moved to keep my attention on the questions posed.

Answering one even.

"Beskar is not just any metal. Its highly resistant to Lightsabers, blasters, and even extreme heats. Fire would not be a good first choice. With any armor, you need to aim for the gaps. Worry less about the plate, and go for the armpits, groin, inner-elbow, and even the neckline. Those will be your literal, chinks in the armor. More often than not, the joints are much weaker. On occasion you might face one that has special weaves or the like to protect the joints. One of the harder spots to hit, but still viable in most cases, is the visor."

The answer was thrown out quickly. I already knew the answer from facing armored individuals in general, but Beskar was a different beast when it came to plates. It was highly resistant to most forms of small arms fire, and weaponry. Best case is to use the force upon them, or use weaponry that can get into the physical openings in the armor.

Looking to Cora directly after answering the question, I nodded my head silently then held up a single finger to indicate I had once, in fact, fought a mando.

Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Loomi Loomi Mother Askani Mother Askani Valery Noble Valery Noble Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Gweneth Zarari Gweneth Zarari Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan BB-610 BB-610 Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire
"Beskar is not just any metal. Its highly resistant to Lightsabers, blasters, and even extreme heats. Fire would not be a good first choice. With any armor, you need to aim for the gaps. Worry less about the plate, and go for the armpits, groin, inner-elbow, and even the neckline. Those will be your literal, chinks in the armor. More often than not, the joints are much weaker. On occasion you might face one that has special weaves or the like to protect the joints. One of the harder spots to hit, but still viable in most cases, is the visor."

"What about water? Air? I take it most mandos aren't wearing watertight armor. You get that into the circuitry and you can knock out a lot of systems."

At this point, Jonyna was simply brainstorming. Despite her lack of technical knowledge, tactical was her bread and butter. She was always a fighter, and a good fighter is a smart fighter. "Get that water in there," She turned to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble "Then freeze it. Doesn't matter what the metal is made of, if they're frozen, armor won't do jack."



Kahlil yawned as he stepped into the room, rubbing at the back of his neck, looking just tired. He'd left Valery to set up the lesson with the two they invited, but that meant he was on baby duty. And here on New Cov, that was certainly a draining experience. But that was fine. He was just here to help where needed and let the main two teachers of this run the show. They had the most experience after all.

"Get that water in there, then freeze it. Doesn't matter what the metal is made of, if they're frozen, armor won't do jack."

He blinked slowly, glancing down at Jonyna for a moment. What. He was being addressed? Though, that brought up a good point. "I wouldn't count on that. Mandalorian armor isn't just waterproof, but airtight. I'm sure they could survive the vacuum of space if they had to. Don't underestimate them. They're not stormtroopers." He shrugged before raising a hand. Freezing things with the Force wasn't something people could normally do.

"If you want to freeze something, freeze their jetpacks. Their tech. Whatever isn't sealed in their suit. Though, I don't think there's really many who can do that anyway."

Fighting the Mandalorians. Previously, Shan might have felt more nervous than he actually did coming into the area to see what he could learn about dealing with these threats. At least New Cov was a place that Shan felt comfortable at, even with previous events that had happened. Luckily, he doubted he'd have to tackle anyone off a cliff during this lesson, so he had nothing to worry about in that regard. The Mirialan just took in the sights of the people around, trying to see who he could recognise, at least with the Padawans. He managed to spot Loomi alongside Cora rather easily, and quietly made his way over to them, not wanting to interrupt the lesson whatsoever. A small frown on his face as he wanted to try and learn as much as he could. Last time he had tried to fight someone in a lesson, it had been Cora and that had came to a draw, instead of either one of them winning.

"Have I missed anything important?"

He asked the little bundle of Padawans that he was stood with, keeping the frown in the meanwhile. Normally, he'd have just arrived and stayed quiet, even if he had missed some vital info for the sparring portion of the class, but today was different. Shan wanted to actually fight, or at least he wanted to make an active offensive effort in a spar, as opposed to just defending himself like he normally did. The Mirialan knew he was still nowhere near ready for the War, and wouldn't be able to do well in the case of having to fight an actual Mandalorian, but that didn't mean he couldn't try to help get ready faster. He wanted to be able to protect people. Wanted to actually be strong enough to do something, instead of being as weak as he thought himself to be.

Loomi Loomi Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

Location: New Cov
Objective: Learn
Ditect Tag: Loomi Loomi Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Equipment: Gwen's attire, Echo stone, carved luck charm, quarterstaff, slingshot


The girl seemed even more nervous than I as she responded to me. "I'm glad I'm not the only one." Just knowing that was a comfort and the tip of my tail began to flick with slightly less urgency.

Abruptly the antennaed girl in front of me seemed to spot someone and made a bee line for her, inviting me to join her and her blonde friend. The other girl carried herself a bit different to the others, there was something familiar about her, as if I'd seen her face before, but I wasn't sure. Loomi greeted her as Cora so I also nodded politely as a greeting "Hi, I'm Gwen, I don't really know very many people here. Are you both padawans?." Cora looked a little older than Loomi so perhaps she was a Knight? I wasn't part of the Jedi ranking structure so wasn't exactly clear how promotion worked, but my understanding it was a mix of age and merit.

"Do you think us all sparring together will help fight the mandalorians, or are we all going to be expected to spar against her?" I asked them both and gestured with my eyes towards the armoured form of Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad . My tone was not disrespectful, more concerned. "If so, can I go last when she is worn out from fighting everyone else." I let out a little laugh.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Kaleleon Kaleleon Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Loomi Loomi Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
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While their Master had been specifically training them to fight and survive against Mandalorians, there was only so much knowledge Kahlil could impart. It was why he always encouraged them to branch out, to gather information and further knowledge from other sources, So when Katherine learned of the lesson at the New Cov Jedi Enclave, she jumped at the chance to attend.

The winged Padawan stood amongst her peers, keeping her wings folded tight behind her back. Her eyes scanned across those assembled, recognizing many familiar faces. Although, there were a couple that were new to her. Namely Mother Askani Mother Askani and Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan . The former of which had the redhead staring a bit.

Why does she look familiar?

It took her racking her brain some, but it finally clicked. Back when Katherine had dedicated a lot of her time to the Jedi Archive, she had eventually found herself reading about Valery. Becoming fascinated by the fact she had come from a completely different era. Suffice to say, Katherine had a lot of questions that she barraged the Jedi Master with.

Which did in turn lead to her asking about her initial years after waking up, and thus where Katherine found her answer. The young, blonde-haired woman who practically radiated confidence, was a spitting image of someone the Padawan had seen an image of, Romi Jade.

Katherine shook her head, no time for distractions, she needed to focus on the lesson. She turned to face the centre, where Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad was speaking. The Padawan was very intrigued to learn from a Mandalorian. She could listen and read all she liked about them, but it was nothing compared to some direct knowledge.

Although, she couldn’t help but feel a swirl of anxiety swirling in the pit of her stomach. If the reality of the upcoming conflict hadn’t already set in, this was certainly cementing it.

"Have I missed anything important?"

Not much, the lesson’s only just started.” She looked to her fellow Padawan, flashing a smile in greeting. Katherine listened to the questions being posed, before she raised her hand to ask her own.

What of the Enclave as a whole, do they employ the same kind of tactics that Mandalorians are historically known for?
Julius, for the beginning, had stood behind and mostly out of sight. A green outer robe traditional to Corellian Jedi covered him from head to toe almost like a poncho, wrapped tightly. He wanted to get the measure of his students before he spoke. When he did, it was quiet, bemused, and almost teasing. A respectful nod to Minerva as he began to speak, almost deferring like in the depth of how his head dipped. He respected the culture.

"Many visors are reinforced glass or plassteel, or solarium or such. While you can get through it with a lightsaber, often it's going to take multiple precise strikes on the same point each time. Not a bad idea, but not your best first line. However, you're on the right line of thinking. I like that."

As he addressed Kaleleon Kaleleon he stepped forward to stand even to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and Valery Noble Valery Noble before rolling his shoulders. The robe fell off, and he stood in gleaming green and bronze beskar'gam that his wife had gifted him years ago, decades ago as a matter of fact. Other than training to operate in it at her behest, Julius had mostly kept it on a rack in his room in Corellia, rarely even taking it to Soccorro with him. The battlemaster nodded t the crowd as he held his helmet in the crook of his arm. The breastplate of the armor bore a hand-painted green devil-face, and along one pauldron were the Mandalorian wedding vows written in his wife's own hand, but in Old Corellian. A rare bit of sentimentality to her that twinged at his heart. Obviously, by the fit and line suiting him like a well worn glove, it was crafted for him and him alone, and not a borrowed or secondhand suit.

"Mastercrafted suits like the one I wear will have the joints protected by lightsaber-resistant weaves, either just on the vulnerable parts or in whole of their makeup, and sometimes even gel barrier layers in the flightsuit to protect against kinetic damage. Most are void-proof, waterproof, and EMP hardened. Your best operations of attack are joints and gaps in plating, particularly the legs and hips if humanoid. Beskar is heavy, so if you can slow or injure their mobility limbs, you will wear them out quicker and even worsen said injuries just by that alone. Kinetic damage is a good bet too. Beskar is almost impossible to overheat, but not many Mandalorians spend the credits and time to protect fully against blunt force trauma. And yes, as Kahlil said... Their jetpacks are a vulnerability. Heat the fuel tank in the center or to the sides up and they'll be having a bad day..."

Meeting each person's gaze for a moment, he nodded at the end.

"I have fought the Mando'ade, both for and against them with my departed wife who was one, for more time than most of you have been alive. Tactics will only go so far. They are a multitudinous race that cares not for species or form. Their combat doctrine is varied and impossible to summarize succinctly because of this. They will focus on getting inside the reach of your lightsaber, and hammering you with blows to reduce your mobility and ability to counter at that distance. Flamethrower-based weaponry is a hallmark, which can be countered with shielding through tech or the Force. Often lightsaber-resistant binding and grappling hooks are incorporated into the gauntlets."

For a moment his voice dropped, and he looked down at the helmet, with the faded emerald green jaig eyes his wife and oldest son had painted on it one nameday as a surprise and honor to him.

"They are vicious and without mercy as we understand it. To truly succeed in fighting them, to truly stand a chance, you will have to harden your heart and mind. Do not kill needlessly, and do not rely on anger or hate. But offer them a truce or respite, and you will find a beskad at your throat. Guarantee it. Now, pair up and try a few passes at closer maneuvers within a meter or less of your opponent. Get comfortable fighting at that range in both offense and defense. If you have questions or the like, I am available."

Stepping back behind Valery, Julius adjusted the placement of one of his gauntlets, and watched the assemblage as they paired up


@ open
Braze was late. Not fashionably late, not Jedi-mind-trick-your-way-out-of-it late, but "I-got-lost-in-a-temple" late. Today was the day of an important Jedi meeting focusing on tactics for fighting Mandalorians—a topic you didn't want to miss. But alas, Braze had never been to New Cov before.

Braze was unequivocally, unambiguously late. The important Jedi meeting to discuss anti-Mandalorian tactics was not being held in a stuffy chamber within the temple like he had thought, but rather in an outdoor training area. The venue should've made it easier to find. It did not. For someone who could navigate star systems, the corridors of New Cov's temple, had him stumped.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity navigating stairwells and bypassing meditation gardens, he found the right spot. The meeting was in full swing, Braze paused at the edge of the training area, trying to compose himself. After a deep breath, he stepped onto the grassy field, hoping to slip quietly into the small crowd of Jedi.

He made it two steps before tripping over a stone tile lip that jutted up and out of place. He almost fell but was able to regain his balance with a minor bit of flailing as he moved his other foot forward. He huffed out a sigh and straightened his attire out once more-trying to listen to what Julius was saying.

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