Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public New Beginnings (ATTN: Crime Lords)

He was a shadow, quiet, shrouded in darkness, peering out at the world from behind the red glare of his visor slit. Whatever this gathering was for, he imagined it presented an opportunity that Damien would no doubt capitalize on. The complexities of criminal politics were not so much beyond his understanding as they were beyond his caring. If it meant more jobs, more creds, more to focus on, then by all means he welcomed it. Redmond could only hope they were not intending to try their hand at outplaying his employer. Or maybe he did, that kind of underground warfare would be enticing to him, to say the least.

As Damien Cross Damien Cross took his seat, Redmond took his place, standing behind the mobster and to the side, hands folded behind his back, a flick of the wrist away from a vibroknife and a blaster. But he wouldn't need them, blood wasn't going to be shed here unless he'd read the room wrong. They all held themselves with a great deal of self-assuredness, and given where they were, he doubted it was unfounded. A brawl here would be mutually assured destruction.

Some were enigmas, faces he'd never seen before and might never see again, others, like the Mandalorian, had reputations that preceded them. Hutts, bots, pirates, and Mandalorians, usually this many different ideologies so tightly packed together meant violence was soon to follow, but their differences were lesser than the number of credits they stood to make together, and that made all the difference.

Redmond's mind buzzed, unable to rest, to each face he thought of a manner in which to dispatch them, even Damien. It was a force of habit, or perhaps something more like an instinct, but in a blink he already had formulated his opening, and the moves to follow. A knife here, a shot there, a detonator over there, his mind ran through the calculus of violence like a shark through the sea. But he was silent, unmoving, eyes continuing to flick to and from behind the glasteel.

In the end, they were all just meat, he was just meat, and they were all one day going to die. Again and again Redmond's mind looped, begging to know why that was all he could see, and silence was his answer.

Damien Cross Damien Cross Redmond Geller Redmond Geller

The sudden arrival caused The Donna's head to turn, regarding the newcomer and his shadow enter the room. From beneath her wide-brimmed black hat, her violet eyes regarded the pair impassively. She immediately recognized the expression & demeanor of the man who led the way; an Arkanian, clearly - and one whom seemed to exude both power & grace. He was dressed in shades of white & black - similar colors to The Family's own, and he carried himself with a similar air of regal authority she, herself carried. The man seemed young... younger than those assembled, certainly; but age meant nothing to the Elite of the Criminal Underworld. Wisdom & Honor were gifts provided by experience... not Age.

The man behind him, clearly a Bodyguard, carried himself with a similar silent readiness which The Donna's own personal Enforcer, Gabriel Lynch, had perfected over his tenure as both a CSF Detective and now one of the deadliest & most capable members of her Organization. She immediately recognized his capabilities, recognizing the way he stood, saying nothing, as-if he were simply an ornament or decoration... But this man would surely be a weapon, awaiting a sign to begin dispensing death to everyone present. Inwardly, Ivory couldn't help but smile. The immediate impression from the both of them told her they were as-welcome at this table as the rest of them.

“I apologize for my tardiness.” He started dryly. “Would someone be so kind as to catch me up?”

"Of course." Ivory answered, shifting forward to flick her cigarra into a waiting ashtray. "We were merely discussing how best to manipulate the Silver Jedi Coalition into relinquishing its hold on Nar Shaddaa for the good of us all. I believe we're all of the same mind that Open Conflict is the least desirable outcome... Negotiation, or covert action, would be far more preferable."

She tilted her head backward, revealing a beautiful face which appeared to have been carved from marble - ruby lips, a sly smile, and penetrating violet eyes which appeared to look deeply beyond whatever surface they glimpsed. She regarded the Arkanian with subtle amusement, introducing herself:

"Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family. And you are...?"

Her associate & enforcer, Argos of the East, was seated a few seats away - but she did not offer an introduction.


Renaldo had not felt like there was very much for him to say at the moment. The human replica droid simply sat there and listened to the others in the room discuss their ideas. Naturally they were a little displeased with needing to work with the Hutts. Given that MONaRCH had functionally overthrown their hutt master and is currently keeping them in suspended animation, from that he’d grown to dislike the species as a whole.

The droid also took note of what Argos said about War not being profitable. In his own digital mind Renaldo found that they didn’t really agree with that statement. A war fought by them very likely wouldn’t be profitable. But war gave way to economic opportunity for many unscrupulous profiteers. Maybe if they got someone to fight on their behalf that they could supply by selling equipment too. Then there would be some serious profit, he believed. Though instigating such a conflict would probably not work as much in their favor as a more subtle approach.

Hearing that some of the other groups gathered and represented at the table sounded like they had some rather impressive clandestine operators to work with. It made Rendaldo, and would by extension make Monarch rather envious. Being droids and AI they had a rather heavily slicer based network at the center of which lay Monarch and their ever blossoming networked consciousness.

It was on that thought that a newcomer had arrived. A pale near-human organ that Renaldo could soon identify as an Arkanian with their own bodyguard as well. After they asked to be filled in, Ivory did just that. All the while Renaldo went over ideas in their digital mind before speaking.

“Gorba and Zavvo, Nar Shaddaa, and by extension Nal Hutta are historically the centerpieces of Hutt history, culture and civilization. Perhaps there’s possibly a different angle we could take this. Even if just to supplement any less legal conspiracy against the SJC. Why not add in a measure of cultural pressure and send out a message of Hutt sovereignty and self determination.” Renaldo understood the irony in the idea of wanting respect for self determination when they’ve historically stripped other species and cultures of that same thing. “It can add on to some public pressure, especially if the two of you can bring other Hutts into the fold.” The idea of publicly spinning this conspiracy into an independence movement has some merit. He would wait and see what the others in the room had to say to such an idea.
"O h o h o h o h o."

Gorba's laughter filled the room, as deep and rumbling as an approaching storm.

So much talk. So many ideas. Splendid.

His eye kept sliding past the main talkers to those behind them, to Koda Fett Koda Fett , to Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene , to Redmond Geller Redmond Geller . The hitters. The enforcers. They could talk all they wanted, but Gorba suspected the truly dangerous ones in the room were the ones who had yet to say much of anything at all.

"La." <Yes.> He pointed at Argos of the East. "La." <Yes.> His finger moved to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . "La. La. La." <Yes. Yes. Yes.> Cass Gemini Cass Gemini , then MONaRCH (whose idea he liked most of all).

"Hees Cross," <He is Cross,> said the Hutt with an overlarge smile, speaking for the Prince. "Add doo gooddé ideas. Choy bal uba think, nechaska cross? hutt nreedom movement. Pirates raiding convoys. Takka-tak wars. Moneee bribes. Hostile corporate buys. Beet gooddé, tagwa? Beet kava jee-jee take bata hutt doma toma." <They all have good ideas. What do you think, Prince Cross? A Hutt freedom movement. Pirates raiding convoys. Information wars. Money bribes. Hostile corporate buys. This is good, yes? This is how we take back Hutt Space.>

Damien Cross Damien Cross
Master of the Hyperspace Seas

“You know, Jedi are easier to kill then most think.”

Striding into the room the pirate looked around at the crowd. A few faces were familiar to him, with others not. But that didn’t matter. From what he had been told, they were all here for a similar purpose as the Kraken Coalition. Criminal syndicates working together to achieve something mutually profitable.

“My apologies. Pyrrah Tae, head of the Exchange.”

Continuing into the room, the man plucked a glass of wine off of a Twi’lek server’s tray. Bringing it to his lips the pirate took a small sip of the fine liquid. Setting suspense for a conversation was always fun.

“From what I’ve heard from all of you fine folk, the Silver Jedi seem to be a common problem among us crime lords. The way that I see it, we are not the only ones that think this.”

Turning and facing the two Hutts, the man continued his speech.

“Sources within my operations have told me that the Silver Jedi have proven to be problematic for the Denon criminals of Darkwire. Why just strike at Nar Shaddaa, keeping the Silvers nearby, when we could continue to combine our efforts and take out all of the Jedi territory?”

The pirate stopped and allowed a few seconds for his words to sink in.

“The Exchange operates out of Corva Yag and the Outer Rim. Liberating Nar Shaddaa would only increase business with my operations and yours. I see this as mutually beneficial.”

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt | Zavvo the Hutt | Argos of the East | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Koda Fett Koda Fett | MONaRCH | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene | Damien Cross Damien Cross | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller
"Ivory Stroud, Donna of The Family. And you are...?"

“As our mutual friend so eloquently put it, I am Cross. Damien.” Two words came to mind as he looked upon the woman that spoke before him. Dangerous and prepared. The way she had so readily moved to inform him of the situation - so swiftly made contact with a newcomer.

Damien was sure to take note.

What do you think, Prince Cross? A Hutt freedom movement. Pirates raiding convoys. Information wars. Money bribes. Hostile corporate buys. This is good, yes? This is how we take back Hutt Space.

“This is good.” The Prince acquiesced with a nod of his head. “The best way to get people to do what you want is to make them think it was their idea.” His hueless eyes scanned the assorted criminals at the table, scrutinizing every face. “Surely we have slicers among our number. Infobrokers, datarunners, the like. Let us use that to our advantage. Spread our own truth like wildfire until it is undeniable fact. After all, there is no objectivity anymore. There is merely what people know and what they think they know.” He concluded his short address of the consortium’s future members and settled back into his seat. Then he turned back to the Donna to continue their introduction.

“Miss Stroud, forgive me if I am mistaken, but I believe both our enterprises to be based on Coruscant. How is it we haven’t met yet?” He left his question there, a playful tone in his inflection, though it was a fabricated one. Damien was only probing for now, gathering a measure of those that may very well be his long-term business partners.

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt | Redmond Geller Redmond Geller | Koda Fett Koda Fett | Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Argos of the East | MONaRCH | Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae | Zavvo the Hutt | Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene
“Miss Stroud, forgive me if I am mistaken, but I believe both our enterprises to be based on Coruscant. How is it we haven’t met yet?”
The Donna grinned beneath her wide-brimmed hat, reaching forward to flick some ash from her cigarra into the ashtray. She cocked her head slightly, peeking at Damien Cross Damien Cross - violet eyes bright with amusement (and a hint of pride).

"The Family prefers to keep its nature hidden, Prince Cross. It pleases me to hear my attempts at secrecy have been successful. If you surf the Holo-web through an unsecure line, place a call, or watch broadcast entertainment, it is likely you're watching transmissions beamed through our relay in orbit." She took a pull from her cigarra, smoke wreathing her face in a haze of mystery as she exhaled. "I assume you've heard of The Star Lounge, in the Uscru District?"

It was highly likely he had. Most citizens would be at least passingly familiar with the high-class Restaurant & Venue; it's Star Singer, Neesa Loroka, was quite popular across the Planet and even elsewhere in the Galaxy.

The location was, secretly, a haven for The Family's operations... but this fact was a well-kept secret even within the Underworld. That was, until this moment.

"Next time you're planet-side, please consider visiting as my personal guest... I will treat you to the finest meal & the finest music on Coruscant."

Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae

The Donna was somewhat familiar with The Exchange - by reputation, certainly. She regarded the newcomer with a similar look of curiousity. He seemed an eccentric at first glance... and his words, once spoken, nearly cemented her suspicion that the man was as mad as each of them.
“Sources within my operations have told me that the Silver Jedi have proven to be problematic for the Denon criminals of Darkwire. Why just strike at Nar Shaddaa, keeping the Silvers nearby, when we could continue to combine our efforts and take out all of the Jedi territory?”
"I have direct knowledge of the conflict on Denon, and of Darkwire operations... Presently, I believe we've managed to curtail much of the SJC & Galactic Alliance's involvement between The CAD and Darkwire. That being said, as I am directly involved, I'd like to keep the Jedi - and the Alliance - in the dark as much as possible regarding those operations."

A slight downward curve broke her otherwise charismatic & "friendly" demeanor at the man's mention of all-out war with the Jedi. She shook her head, directing her gaze toward Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt , then to her Enforcer, Argos of the East - seeking out her associate's facial expression.

"Even with all our powers combined and the greatest mercenary forces in the Galaxy, I would hesitate to engage the Jedi in direct combat of any sort. Not only for their combat prowess, but their Espionage & Intelligence Services are, quite literally, the greatest threat to Organizations such as ours."

She shook her head, considering the idea foolhardy, at best... and suicidal at worst. She was, in fact, speaking from experience.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Koda Fett Koda Fett Redmond Geller Redmond Geller MONaRCH Zavvo the Hutt Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene
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Location: The Wheel
Tags: Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt Argos of the East Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Zavvo the Hutt Koda Fett Koda Fett MONaRCH Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene

If she was totally honest, this whole scenario made no sense, why all the obsession with territory and the fighting Silver Jedi Concord?

"its strange hearing criminals talk about wanting to go up against the Jedi, no doubt it could be fun, some of my best fights have been against other force wielders.

We would need to be very careful, as you say, about their espionage and intelligence services, as the lovely Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Has suggested, information is an extremely poweful weapon.

Myself, i see this as another arguement for remaining stateless, i can sail in as i like, trade on my name and reputation, and yet i have no ties for them to track down and exploit. Oh well"

She sat down and signalled to the barman swiping her datapad to pay for drinks with a stolen chain code. A waiter walked over to Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud With an expensive looking blue drink and a small plate of canapes. "compliments of one Ignatious Clementine of Alderaan, enjoy." Cass looked across the table at the women and winked with a glint in her eye. She was an information broker, she didn't need those looks to be the most valuable person in the room. A little cash in her pocket and she could have the inventories of half the cargo haulers in the system no doubt.

She looked over her shoulder at Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene , "you going to weigh in here or going for strong and silent, you have just as much right to speak for the Krakens as I do" she slid a chair out next to hair and slapped it, beckoning him to take the seat at the table the pirate lord deserved.


Location: The Wheel Space Station
Equipment: Captain Isidor Justeene's Blaster Rifle, Isidor's Sword, Standard Blastersx2
Blood Lightning
Tags: Zavvo the Hutt | Koda Fett Koda Fett | MONaRCH | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Argos of the East | Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt
Engaging: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Isidor had, for the most part, remained silent. He listens before putting his credit bits into the pot. He had to consider everything said as he doesn't want to be too far off the mark. It reminds him of the founding of the Coalition, where everyone after a few circling and countering agreed on their code and operations. This was a completely different kettle of fish.

The Coalition had reached a fairly solid consensus. He was not very keen on the idea of territories and boundaries. Sure it may be useful at first but eventually, they will get into disputes over who owns what and who is encroaching on which region. There were close calls on Uba IV when clans began to fight over a ravine in the south. Luckily no fights broke out. A 30-year war did happen in 567 ABY over a barn, a tree and a beast of burden. All that Chaos over such a trivial thing was laughable if it wasn't a cautionary tale told by generations after.

He sat at the table next to Cass as a Pirate Lord should, and had taken a bottle of the blue stuff for himself. The drink is free, or at least since he gave the bartender several credit notes beforehand. This is to keep the meeting turning and not to cause a ruckus. He had given up eying Ivory with suspicion once he knew it wasn't anything to worry about.

<"Being tied to a state means you have no freedom and are bound to the "state" which the Coalition rejects. There is another issue the more carved up space a dispute over who owns which sun, which moon and what planet beaks out. It often ends badly 99% of the time."> Isidor states, getting straight to the point without any sugarcoating it.

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Argos of the East

"Stateless.", Argos seemed to scoff.​
"We're not all roaming pirate fleets, Spacer."​
He adjusted in his seat, frowning in the direction of the Coalition members. Crossing his legs, he leaned back and let the ash at the tip of cigarello grow longer - tenuously dangling at the end as it held on by some miracle.​
"Stateless means you got less to lose - but it means you got a whole helluva lot less to gain too. Roots give us a place to bed down at night, give us a place to peddle free - sure we can do that at far worse margins while the Jedi look down on us, but its just a matter of time before they get a second to breath and decide we're on the chopping block."​
Finally, he ashed the cigarello, and moved to draw from it again.​
"Reality is, we want to be rich, influential, free without looking over our shoulder? Gotta have a castle. Doesn't gotta be 'ours', but it does gotta be ours. Get it?"​
Moving forward - he motioned back to the idea of outright war;​
"We ain't the IGBC man, we can't form a corpo army on the back of our creds. Put some pressure on 'em, promise them a friendly government - and we might have a chance at a bloodless sovreignty. After that, they're alot less likely to deploy military against us if we don't exactly hold to what we agreed to. I say we double down, walk away with the bag - let the Jedi take a hit, and find some allies to make sure they don't wanna collect on the debt."​

Azar Kortun

A simple, yet elegant cane rattled along the durasteel of the floor of the Wheel. Azar had missed the ancient, hulking station. It was so very full of delectable pleasures of all sorts. He was dressed plainly, traditionally, in black robes embroidered with the emblem of the Purple Lotus, with his hair tied back in a braid, and his tendrils discreetly against his face.

No need to make threats. Well, yet, anyway. He smoothed down his hair and gave a cold gaze to the guard by the door, who stepped aside. Azar strode into the room, stopping at the table to study the participants.

Hutts gave him indigestion, he overlooked those, but there were a few... intriguing possibilities for a later time, should a contract be placed on them, or if he grew bored with his usual fare.

"Salutations, Crime,Lords" Azar said, his voice low and sultry as his eyes drifted across the assembled parties. He paused for a moment, acknowledging the ones in the room. He pulled a small card, shiny black with a purple lotus and a collection of numbers on it, and set it on the table, sliding it into the center. "We have no loyalty to a cause outside our own, but we offer contracts."

A pause, heart-beat long if he had a heart, "I'm sure you are all intelligent enough to make the necessary deductions."
We would need to be very careful, as you say, about their espionage and intelligence services, as the lovely Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Has suggested, information is an extremely poweful weapon.
The Donna reached up, using the tip of her finger to tip her hat in Cass Gemini Cass Gemini 's direction - listening, as the woman continued.

When she'd finished speaking on the merits of remaining stateless, Cass returned to her a seat and Ivory turned her attention to the rest of the group... surprised, a few minutes later, by the approach of a waiter bearing a tray of Canapes & a beautiful shimmering glass of blue liquid:
"compliments of one Ignatious Clementine of Alderaan, enjoy."

The Donna's eyes lit up, a sweet bubbling laugh rising from her lips as she accepted the gift graciously. "Thank you..." She replied, turning her head to regard the woman who'd clearly had a hand in its delivery. Most Impressive, she thought. The plate of Hors d'oeuvres was elegantly simple: small round discs of freshly-baked bread topped with cheese and slivers of shaved meat. She set the plate in front of her, lifted one of the small bite-size treats to her ruby lips, and took a bite - rinsing it down with a sip of the delightully sweet (and strong) cocktail. She smiled, flashing a wink in Cass' direction.

As she snacked, she listened as her Enforcer spoke - summing up what she considered to be the truth, as well. She had nothing to add, letting the man's rougher exterior and stern approach lay as it fell.

Azar Kortun

A new arrival entered the chamber; approaching quietly, and upon reaching the encircled company, offering greetings and a card.
"We have no loyalty to a cause outside our own, but we offer contracts."

The Donna set her glass down, reaching toward the center of the table and using a black-gloved finger to slide the card closer... lifting it to give it a glimpse, then returning her penetrating violet gaze toward the man who'd just joined them.

"Contacts, in our line of work, are worth almost as much as good information. Welcome."

Argos of the East

Argos resisted the urge to tell the newcomer to 'read the room', and where he could put his contract - but Ivory offered the man diplomacy and a nice smile. Coming from a woman like her, probably meant alot more than a worn up smile or threat from Argos - afterall, without knowing his connections, there wasn't much reason to fear him like there was to fear someone like Koda Fett Koda Fett .​
So instead of making a scene and insulting someone at a meeting of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy - Argos simply drowned his words in a bit of drink, a touch of teeth to bite his tongue, and a glance to the nonexistent information on his datapad before him.​

Azar Kortun

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Argos of the East

Azar tilted his head in acknowledgment. "Honeyed words, are always a delight, be they either sweet or poison at the core." But he could feel the gaze of her companion and his lips twitched, with a smile.

"Speak freely, my young friend, let not your thoughts and feelings be chained by those who would control you. Power is expressed, not contained, and you do not strike me as one fraught with weakness."

A lie? A truth? Azar let himself smile thinly. Truth and lies were false distinctions. Truth and reality were what they made them.

Argos of the East

Argos offered his a furrow of his brow - gently setting the glass of whiskey down, and leaning on one of his arms.​
"Nobody chains me, Spacer.", he said with a bit of venom.​
"Situation is simple - You're standing in a room of the most influential crime lords of our era. We're talking about the fate of planets, of organizations, of millions of lives and millions of creds; and the most you had to offer was a fucking advertisement?"​
He spit on the ground next to him and leaned back once more.​
"This isn't the holonet, you didn't buy a commercial slot, and until we get a plan situated - your 'contracts' are worth dirt. Less than dirt. I don't even know who you are, and knowing who is who is my business.", he finished with a frown.​
"Take a seat, listen up, and figure it out after."​

Azar Kortun

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Argos of the East

Azar smiled slowly as the man began to speak, but it grew wider until a full grin spread across his face, while the tendrils protruding from his cheeks twitched in amusement.

He took a chair, spun it around, and straddled it, pointing one finger at the man. "You've got fire. I was worried this meeting was far too polite so far for crime lords wanting to destroy Jedi."

Azar rested his hands on the table and clasped his fingers. "I have had many names over the centuries, but you may call me Azar Kortun. I am the master of the Guild of the Purple Lotus, a traditional Anzati guild."

He gave a pointed look towards Argos. "I thought the face tendrils would be enough of a clue for those who move in the underworld. And if knowing who people are is your business, mine is ensuring only those I permit know of me. All contracts are bound by the traditional Code of Honor. No word will ever be spoken about the contract or any alleged kills. Chancellors, emperors, Jedi, Sith, Mand'alors, children, scientists. Just as long as it is... interesting."
Once again, Gorba’s booming laughter filled the room. The slug began to move slowly toward the door, speaking loudly in Huttese as he did.

<This room is small and cramped. Tempers are running hot. We have made enough of an agreement for today. Let’s go our separate ways until later.. before we start shooting each other.>

As the Hutt moved past Azar, one big eye focused on the Anzati.

<I’ll be in touch.>

The first Consortium meeting, as far as Gorba was concerned, was adjourned.

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