Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion MP Dominion of Ancora ~ Primal Alliance



Objective One: Meeting In the Stars

Ancora has agreed to meet with Protectors Leadership on the Ancoran Space ring to assess and discuss the potential of Andora joining the Protectors. The Ancoran Government has offered to show the shipyards to the Protectors. While the Alors of the Protectors are interested in the shipyards, what else can the Ancorans offer?

Objective Two: Northern Defense

The planet of Er'Kit has become a boon for the Protectors, as they prep for Imperial Incursions, the members of The Protectors have began the construction of fortifications on the planet, and the establishment of a Forward Operations Base to allow the Protectors to strike deep into Imperial Territory, and keep the supposed 'Dark Empire' on their toes.

Objective Three: There Be Dragons

Ancora is well known for it's Krayt Dragons, and The Protectors have been encouraged to hunt them, as many have become banes to local communities. Many within the Zanphi Mining Communities consider them pests, and have offered massive bounties for their removal within the mountain caves. Either claim your trophy, or find a new mount. Your call, Vod.

Objective Four: BYOO


Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko



Obj: 1
Royal Circlet
Her Majesty's Cloak
The Ornate Lady
Amos Amor

The woman watched out into the vastness of space as mandalorian vessels one by one dropped into view. It had been a long time since inviting the unknown to the front door, and yet the Ancoran Queen could not shake that dark presence. Along with the reports secured through allies in House Solus a dark threat looms at the edge and if those reports held true... well the reality was frightening say the least.

It was for this reason she entrusted the message to be passed along to The Protectors, a message that expressed hopes to rekindle ties with those of mandalorian culture. Her orange eyes darted up as the ancoran fleet began to crawl into view from above. The first to come into view was the Libita
escorted by a single Hammerhead Star destroyer and a hand full of support craft.

A door opened up off to her left side and a droid entered. Its feet clanked against metal floor as to came to stand closer to Sanya. "The Protectors delegation have been granted permissions to land. Will you be going to meet them or will you be sending a welcome party?" It asked ready to perform the necessary procedures for either option.

"It would be rude of me to not meet them myself Maria. I shall go in person, I don't imagine us sitting around a table. Rather, I think they'd prefer to see what it is Ancora has to offer." She stated turning to face the droid. "Lead the way Maria," The woman said as she began to follow. Exiting the room the woman's personal guard trailed behind keeping pace. If things timed perfectly, they would arrive the same time.

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Ancora, Objective 1
Tags: Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium , Open


"History is a mysterious thing. One often finds themselves gazing down a string of strange occurances, asking how it is that they arrived in such a place. A migration spurred on by a supernova? That is most certainly a strange occurance."

Zel stepped out of his vessel, followed by his droid monitor, Heath, who was filming presently. He needed everything he could get for his documentary of the entire galaxy after all. And what a contentious location it was. Positioned between two growing superpowers and with a bizarre history of it's own, it was hard for the young scribe to not be excited about the honor of recording their history for his project.

"The newly formed Mandalorian Protectors go now to make council with the Queen of Ancora, a world located in the bizarrely named Nico-Ni sector," he stated, vaguely in the direction of his spark droid companion. "The name seems straight out of an Atrisian holoflick, but the galaxy is full of weird places. Ancora sits on blades, lying between two beasts. On her opposing boarder, the rising Dark Empire lies in wait, fresh off a recent victory establishing a vassal deep beyond the boundaries of Galactic Alliance space. Now the reformed people of Mandalor seek to gain her favor and gain vital territory. With the blessing of my kin to document the proceedings, I have a rare opportunity to both speak to more experienced about the past and speculate about the coming future. It is always a unique honor to meet with those from before your time. As a collector of oral histories, I must also be aware of the ignorance of my youth. To that end, we all have much to learn about the history of the turbulant void that we call home."

"This is so exciting!" Heath buzzed. "Shall we go meet their monarch?"

"In due time," Zel assured. "Mand'alor the Liberator shall have the honor of speaking with their queen first. Another opportunity to take note of important intergalactic players. It is truly an honor to meet a Mand'alor in my lifetime. It was once unclear if one would ever arise again. I am certainly eager to meet such a leader in the flesh."

The galaxy was in motion. Zel couldn't help but shudder in anticipation. There was so much to observe and so little time. Surely there was no better time in history to be a scribe.


Betty Americus

Red, White and BRRT
Objective 3

"Well shit." Betty chuckled as she elbowed Jimmy Americus Jimmy Americus and took a few steps past the ship. "You better git yer truck, Jimmy. We got ourselves a few dragons to take down." Betty's truck wasn't too far from where they had settled their ship. "Reckon, we get one for Daisy and the others too, hell, we'll tame these beasts." Hands on either hip she proudly proclaimed, "for ol' Uncle Sam's sake, we oughta make sure they can handle havin' a few guns strapped on'em."

Of course, the Americus were just a small representation of the whole. Clan Americus had at least fifty smaller clans, such as Tejas, Florrieda, Calafi- wait, no it's Califarnia. Those folks were always all over the place but still had to love'em, they was still family. Even them weird Wershington folk, but all of it was the same they were all Americus. So of course it fell to Betty's clan which included the likes of Blaine, Jimmy, Andi and a few others to get on up to Ancora and wrangle themselves a few dragons. She secured her helmet and with a bit of a grin, "let's ride."

Blaine Americus Blaine Americus | Andi Americus Andi Americus | Open to Clan Americus

Blaine Americus

Sexual Tyrannosaurus

Nothing said 'yes, Ma'am' like a rotating blaster cannon. And no one did rotating blaster cannon like Blaine John Jacob Americus. He walked up with said cannon hanging from a shoulder like a sack of iradonian taters and spit a stream into the dirt. His eyes perpetually squinting from long days in the sun. His skin leather tan and his armor in the family colors, red white and by the manda blue.

"Betty, there ain't but two damn things I can't do," He said around a cheek full of tabacc straight from two-river ranch 'bout fifteen miles east, "Piss up a wall and lose, beggin yer pardon acourse."

He started heading straight for the back of the truck. and pulled his rotating cannon from his shoulder as he hopped into the back. His big smile evident as he looked out over the front of the truck.

"I hope they got differ'nt colors of them dragins." he said as he hooked up his massive gun to the truck, "I think I'd look damn good on a blue one. paint stars onnits hide. Yee hoo! lezgo!"

Betty Americus Betty Americus Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt
In the distance, a cloud of dirt was being kicked up in a small storm. The storm followed close behind a speeder bike that was speeding towards the area the rest of Clan Americus were preparing for the hunt. As the bike approached, it slowed down to a halt just as it pulled up next to the ship. The lone rider's face was covered by a helmet, mask, and some goggles. Once the bike stopped, the rider removed their goggles and mask, revealing that is was, in fact, Bryce Americus.

"Bout time y'all showed yer faces. Thought I was gonna hunt the dragons all by my lonesome. Not that I'm complainin'." Bryce shifted himself off his bike then walked towards the others. "Betty Americus, you are a delightful sight as always. Blaine, still packin' light, I see."



Objective Two - Northern Defense
- Er'Kit Forward Operations
Tags: Open

The boisterous slam of a hammer upon steel. The Bes'getsr Marev met the metal with power and force. Thunderous upon the beskar forge. While makeshift in its complexity, it would suit the needs of those who were here. The Protectors who would be stationed as a militia for the Er'kit people. Their people have vied for the aid of the Protectors with the Dark Empire at their doorstep. It was rightfully so that one would wish aid against a regime of a risen Sith Lord that sought to use a religion to gain power. All the better for the Protectors. We sought to have more influence of trade with the Mandalorians. Having a slice of the Hyperlanes in which to trade with potential allies.

Switching to a smaller hammer to get the more finer details of the piece I have been working on, the Beskar was fighting against me like any other material. Its truly stalwart composition making it difficult for all others to form and shape such things. Yet years of my work, forging with the blood of our culture proved no test for myself. The Beskad wasn't completed, but it was near enough for a Forgehand to finish shaping, sharpening, and forming of the furniture of the weapon. I passed it off to such of the Priest Clan. Their silent nod through the helmet they wore would let me know that the job was done.

I took my leave of the forge. Moving through the doorway. Shutting behind me to the hall. Awaiting outside was one of the first foundlings I had gathered from the Jedi Raid years ago. Her face being obscured years ago with our faith of always wearing a helmet. The voice soft and smooth, yet commanding. She would one day be a leader among our clan. If she proved well enough.

"Alysia, how goes the talks with the locals?"
"Well enough. We had a problem with Fang again, however he was dealt with."
"I know you two get along well, yet he should not have been at the negotiation table."
"I needed him there. Showing how angry we are towards the Empire, and Sith, to overtly show how terrifying they are, before I reel him in to show we can have restraint."
"Fear tactics can help, but not when we are attempting to be open minded with others not of our path."
"So save it for later."
"Yes. Now let us see to their civilians that will be aiding us."
"This way."

Fang Priest was a man who hated the Sith with a passion. If I knew any better, a Sith would attempt to use that anger to turn the man. Yet such hatred came from the death of his previous family. While his actions were heartfelt, they could come across as unnecessary. Having been here for a standard week now, he was on edge being so close to the Dark Empire's front line. I felt for the young man. Turning to the left, Alysia and I walked through the corridor leading out into the open structure being built. An old Podracer raceway was being reforged into a training ground for the locals. For them to learn how to fight against Imperial Troops, the return of the Maw, and even in some rare cases, Sith if need be. While we would not share our precious beskar with them, we can aid in their defenses in other capacities.

"How many civilians do we have to train at the current time?"
"Currently only a thousand have volunteered."
"Better than nothing."
"We need more."
"Their government is hesitant of lending us more people. Rightfully so. We are a warrior race, taking dominion of their planet, proclaiming to keep them safe, on word alone."
"Why wouldn't they trust us?"
"Mandalorians have not always been a peaceful bunch, and you cannot see past our biases."
"I will learn to do better."
"Everyone does."

The conversation took a pause as I looked out to Fang who was currently showing one of the Er'Kit people how to properly hold a rifle. An old style Mandalorian Ripper rifle. Showing how to aim down sights, to get it on target and fire. It exploded with force. The projectile zipping to the target. Hitting it way off right, but still hitting the target. The Civilian was ecstatic to do so. A sly smile escaped my lips, to be seen by no one but myself under this helmet.

"Go see to helping him. I will check up on the others."
"Let me know if you need anything else."
"Of course."

The woman walked off in the direction of the firing range. Yet I took a moment to look around me. Taking this all in. Building defenses against a greater army and force. With only one question in my mind.

Would this be enough?"

Betty Americus

Red, White and BRRT
"C'mon now Bryce, you know good as I, you start up like that and Blaine's gonna light up this world like the ol' Fourth," she said with a chuckle, "but damn good to see ya Bryce!" She shouted from the front seat of her truck. Shit, she thought, can't have herself a good hunt for dragins as Blaine called'em without some good music. Where the hell did I put that damn tape? Betty slapped the passenger seat of her truck and shoved bits of armor and ammo aside. Then to the truck's console in the middle, and fished out a tape that simply read: AMERICUS AWESOME MIX VOL 1. The song that blared from Betty's truck was somethin' fierce.

"Shit, you nab one of them draggins' you can slap an eagle on its ass!" Not that they really knew what Eagles were, some ancient kinda bird passed down from their ancestors. Big son-uva-guns if you asked her of course they were hopin' start a nest of'em soon enough. Once they got back to Nu Los Feenix anyway. "Blaine you fix'n to let Bryce talk to you that way!" She continued to shout over the roar of the truck's engines. Betty leaned back in and checked the controls of the truck, "fellas we got us a live one a few clicks ahead!"

Sure as shit, the dragin roared up, "let's get'im!"

"Jimmy, c'mon catch up in that rat road of yours!" Betty shouted and heard somethin' of garbled feedback, but she knew Jimmy was back there. "Where's that sister of yours?" Jimmy and Andi were twins, but Andi was always the princess of the clan. "Don't she know she's supposed to be bringin' the air support?"



Joinin' Objective Three To Get Them Draggins
"Well I'll be."

It was all that could be said over the radio as she flew over the scene, a bluster of an event already having begun to take place even before she'd arrived. It became apparent rather quickly that she would be fully in her right to use the excuse of being fashionably late if any of them were to raise a holler in her direction. Fortunately, and even a little unfortunate as well, she figured they were a mite to busy to worry about something as small as that.

"Hey now, y'all started early and my bird ain't that fast!" She called to her fellow Americus as she watched Betty and Blaine in Betty's truck rolling up towards the destination the locals had given them for their hunt for dragons. She'd personally never seen one, outside of a few educational books and a coloring book of one of the younger Americus, and it was something that made her thankful she'd opted to provide air support to the rest of the clan in this righteous shenanigan.

"Betty, y'know well as anyone ah'll bring the air support when ah say ah will!" She exclaimed, her accent sneaking out just a bit, into the radio as she pulled her custom Razor Crest just low enough for the rest of them to see her before pulling it around in a reckless maneuver to see just how far behind her blasted brother was. He was late but she had no doubt he'd make it in time for the real fun to begin. At least she didn't believe he'd sit back in Nu Los Feenix and sit out the glory.

"I see Blaine's doin' what he does best," she continued with an amused smirk tugging at her lips as she hauled the ST-70 back around with a roar so she could get a good look down at Bryce. "How ya been, Bryce? I see yer bike is still in one piece!"

That was a little something she knew as well as anyone: The Americus took care of their rides.

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Objective One: Meeting In the Stars
Tags: Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium

Ancora and Er'Kit provided them with a strategic advantage. The first was the shipyard, something they had been sorely lacking access too, not that it had hindered them too much in their advancement, but if the leaders of Ancora were willing to allow them access then it was a solid stepping stone for the coming wars. And war was coming. She could taste it. The Sith Order might be momentarily distracted by the Empire of the Lost but Kaine's hunger for the Mandalorian demise would not be kept busy for long.

The DE were quickly encroaching on their borders, so the establishment of a forward base on Er'kit was essential for mobilising defence should they attack, which she had no doubt that they would.

Heavy boots stepped with surpsing lightness as she descended the landing ramp onto the shipyards, Drego Ruus Drego Ruus at her side. With Ijaat missing and until they could establish a new government, it was up to her and the Warmaster to settle this deal.

She smiled up at the structure the surround them and let out a low whistle. "Maybe we should build a space ring around Mandalore." she mused, only half serious.
Objective Three: Here Be Draggins...Or However Ya Spell It
Jimmy had taken his time getting ready to join up with the rest of his family, that much is true but that was because he had to make sure that he had enough ammo for the slugthrower rifle and pistols he brought along. Hanging the rifle on the rack in the back window of his Model 57 speeder the young Americus hit the accelerator and sped off, leaving a nice rooster tail of dust in his wake.

He was there a bit later than he had planned, but never let it be said that Jimmy Americus was going to miss a Krayt Dragon hunt, no siree. As he approached the destination, he eased back on the gas, and started to gently apply the brakes, knowing that if he hit it all at once those damn things would throw him through the windscreen...again. That was a painful mistake to learn.

As the speeder came to a halt, Jimmy climbed out, adjusted his hat, and grabbed the slugthrower rifle from its place on the rack, slinging it over his shoulder. He smiled at the gathered family and nodded. He was ready to go as soon as everyone else was, but it would help if they at least knew he was here. "Well good too see all ya'll are still kickin around! Heard we are huntin us some krayt draggins today? Gotta say that sounds like a helluva good time? So who's leadin this here convoy of insanity? I'd make assumptions but, well that don't end so hot for anyone."

Betty Americus Betty Americus | Andi Americus Andi Americus | Blaine Americus Blaine Americus | Bryce Americus Bryce Americus

"At this point, we might need to. Or one around Concordia. Might make for something interesting to look at at night." He joked, or at least, half joked. Concordia was a bit of a sour subject for him, a constant reminder of what Kaine did to their people. He wouldn't mind changing how it looked in the night sky if it meant making it more a symbol of their own progress.

As Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium approached, Drego brought his arm up in a mandalorian salute.
"Your Highness, it is good to see your face, and not that of a delegate. I take it you'll be escorting us yourself? Don't mind our scribe, he's here to...document the proceedings." The Warmaster took a moment to look over to Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt to confirm. The vod was an odd duck, but not unwelcome. Drego was more the type of learn history through holonet recordings, or through living through it himself. Then again, it was nice to have someone writing all of this down for later. He liked that.


Bryce was checking over his pistols when Betty called out to him. He let out a chuckle as she mentioned Bryce's aptitude at all things boom. Each pistol, one in the chamber and even more in the mags. Enough to piss off a krayt dragon. Maybe. He wasn't anticipating getting a kill, but he was gonna give the dragons hell the Americus way.

A voice came over the radio. It was nearly drowned out by the sound of aircraft up above. "Hey there, Andi-bird. Good to see you still in the air." he spoke into the radio. "Glad to know we done got us an angel looking over." As he looked up at Andi in the ship, he'd hold a hand over his eyes, shielding them from the sun's light. Another bike had soon pulled up, carrying Jimmy Americus on it's back. "Mornin' Jimmy. Nice day for a hunt. Ain't a clue who's leadin' but we had best get movin' or else Betty and Andi gonna have all the fun. What say we race?" Bryce was putting his goggles and mask back in place as he saddled up on his speeder bike. "Last one there gon' wash both bikes."

As the last word left his mouth, Bryce would take off on his speeder bike. His HUD showed the locations of the krayt dragons along with the rest of the clan. He'd follow up behind Betty's truck, trying to not catch mud in his face as it ripped through the earth.


Betty Americus

Red, White and BRRT
Objective 3: Draggins
Betty chuckled when she heard Andi Americus Andi Americus and then Jimmy Americus Jimmy Americus and told them plainly, "if you two chuckle birds don't catch up we ain't fin to give you any of these 'ere draggins' so c'mon let's get to gettin'. I thought your bike was a Manda-blessed ride, Jimmy, or was you just pullin' a leg?" Releasing the comm she set it back on the dash and laughed. "C'mon Blaine! I think we got one up here!" She looked over at Blaine Americus Blaine Americus and shifted the truck, gettin' it into gear. "LEZ GO!"

"Bryce, get out on the flanks, you too Jimmy!" She radioed to'em both, "don't need either of you catchin' pies in the face, and remember Andi. Stun! Set that damn thing to stun! We ain't 'ere to haul leather, we're 'ere to get dem draggins!" Betty set the radio back down on the dash and flipped the truck's four LED tracking lights on and the bright head beams may as well have been the eyes of the Manda with how bright they were.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Sanya Val Lerium Sanya Val Lerium Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt

Mig walked towards the meeting room, coming from part of the ring that CST was already renting out for cruiser construction, though an arms freighter was currently in the berth for final weapons fitting. He was probably a bit late, but some issues didn't just fix themselves.... Most issues actually didn't. Still, he'd work his way to the meeting room, not really speaking up to avoid spilling the pain in the exhaust port day he was having. A nice simple meeting was what he needed right now. He would at least give a nod to everyone, just taking a seat and getting ready to see what was going on here.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko



Obj: 1
Royal Circlet
Her Majesty's Cloak
The Ornate Lady
Amos Amor
Tags: Mia Monroe Mia Monroe , Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt , Mig Gred Mig Gred

The doors hissed open as Sanya and a couple of her guard entered the large hanger space that was. Her orange eyes with slit pupils scanned over the shape of the craft they were coming out of. She recognized the hand that designed and imagined they'd be surprised. It made her chuckled too at the realization of why they needed such a large bay and the docks to ramp sealing. Personally she'd have used a shuttle, but Mandalorians had always been a quirky bunch. Like the partial conversation she heard which raised a slight humored chuckle.

As one greeted her, Sanya slightly nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Su cuy'gar aliit," the woman responded in the traditional greeting she had grown accustomed to by those of Clan Gred and Solus. "And yes, given this meeting is an important one for my people, as its leader I cannot place that weight onto them. I think it would be irresponsible. Though, alone I am not." The croa gave off a warm smile as the sound of the door she entered through but moments ago. "My liaison Mig Gred. Though given the Dreadnaught you arrived in... I'd say you know each other already."

"Rather than sitting in a meeting room with a nice view. We will be heading over to the area CST already makes use of. I figured that would be more beneficial for you to see what this station alone has to offer."


"Your Highness, it is good to see your face, and not that of a delegate. I take it you'll be escorting us yourself? Don't mind our scribe, he's here to...document the proceedings."

"I'm eager to proceed," Zel informed them, giving a respectful dip of his head. "It's vital that meetings of this callibur are recorded for the future. Carry on as though I'm not even here."

Heath was already recording. They were sure to get some good footage out of this. Something to help the Protectors keep track of their diplomatic meetings, something to get Zel a little closer to completion on his documentary... It was a win win. And on the topic of such things...

"Rather than sitting in a meeting room with a nice view. We will be heading over to the area CST already makes use of. I figured that would be more beneficial for you to see what this station alone has to offer."

A chance to see the ring proper? Now that was a golden opportunity. The queen was no doubt eager to show off the ring's capabilities and speak on its history. That had the scribe increadibly excited.

What a good time it was to be a historian.



Tempo was intimately familiar with Krayt Dragons. After all, he had made his home among their territories on Tatooine, in the uninhabited expanses beyond the cities, nestled within the rocky crags.

Perched atop a simple speeder bike just outside the gaping mouth of a large cavern, Tempo peered into the shadowy abyss. His stance was still and quiet, a stark contrast to the potential chaos within. To him, a dragon was quite a departure from the typical delivery package, but they didn't really need delivering, did they? Relocation seemed more appropriate. As far as Tempo was concerned, they could be rounded up and sent back to Tatooine.

He had set up a small recording device on his bike and keyed a few commands into the wrist interface embedded in his gauntlet. After dismounting, he maneuvered the bike away from the cave's entrance, positioning the video feed to capture the cavern's interior.

With soft-soled shoes, he slowly padded closer to the entrance, each step deliberate and cautious.

He paused, his long ears twitching as they flicked back. Tempo squinted his lust-red eyes into the distance, straining to pick up on the faintest sounds. Suddenly, the silence was broken by loud noises approaching quickly. His senses heightened, he stood alert, trying to discern whether the disturbance was caused by another bounty hunter, a native creature, or the Krayt Dragon itself. The ground beneath his feet vibrated subtly, a telltale sign that something large was moving towards him with considerable speed. Ready for whatever might emerge from the depths of the cavern or the surrounding landscape, Tempo gripped his blaster tightly, preparing for the imminent encounter.

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Location: Er'Kit Forward Operations

Objective: 2, with the help of The 1st Gargon Foward Recon, assist the Priest clan with training guerilla forces.

Forces: 1st Gargon Forward Recon Platoon "Rats of Gargon"

Tags: Tarre Priest Tarre Priest

After fighting on Empress Teta, where the famous 1st Gargon Foward Recon got recognition after being able to sneak past enemy lines of Thomas Barran Thomas Barran forces. Where they constantly marking targets for fire support. They were regarded for their ability to do their jobs and signal to command where forces needed a shelling. Namely, accurately calling for several airstrikes and artillery barrages accurately while eluding detection. In the end, the battle was lost but not because of the performance of the Rats. Guerrilla warfare was about remaining unfound and properly mapping enemy weaknesses while maintaining radio silence until only necessary. This will be important especially if they run into the beast forces of Barran again.

A beskarsmith rumored to be trained by Ordo , by the name of Tarre Priest was leading the militia with basic marksmanship. From the outside it seemed many of the civies were getting it. Hitting the target even if off to the right, still meant an arm or shoulder could fall off. If Tarre and his clan were this good at teaching. Perhaps the sniper was not needed after all for this assignment. From one A'lor to the other the mountain man approached the calm beskarsmith. "I recognize you from the Protector Moot before our Mand'alor disappeared. I was not able to say much, too busy getting what was coming to me outside." . I'dadr managed to chuckle before putting his hand out as a greeting to his comrade. "Me and my boys are here to help with training the militia. Where do you need me vod?" .

If the protectors were going to shore up their borders, then groups like this would be important if the planet had a chance of holding out until reinforcements arrived. The mandalorian was here to see this through.
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Objective 3: Draggins

Jimmy smiled at the sounds of his family's voices, though he laughed at Bryce referring to the rat rod as a bike again. Grantes she weren't much to look at, and she weren't much bigger than most speeder bikes, but at least his Model 57 had some nice wheels. He flipped the switch to bring the wheels back to the retracted state and let the repulsors take over. "Musta got yer eyes hit hard by the glare there Bryce. This aint't a kriffin' bike. Damn thing has wheels I can put down when I feel like burnin' rubber! What kinda speeder bike you know of got four wheels? Fine, fine. Lets go." He slammed his foot down and the roar of the engine filled the air as the speeder lurched forward at much higher than safe rates of speed as soon as Bryce had finished speaking. Jimmy's HUD showed the locations of the dragons and his clanmates, falling in beside Bryce just behind Betty's truck.

This continued for a short time until Betty commed him to to set out on the flank. "10-4, I'll swing out on the flank that ol Brycie don' want." Jimmy let up on the gas slightly, waiting to see if he was going to go to the right or left of Betty's truck.

Andi Americus Andi Americus | Blaine Americus Blaine Americus | Bryce Americus Bryce Americus | Betty Americus Betty Americus

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