Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Limiting the amount of Factions you can join

I am not sure of the reasoning behind it honestly, aside to make it harder to get a new faction off the ground, which it is hard anyway.

The main problem is, aside from the NFU and FU strengths above I listed not being restricted by it, and making it harder to join in rp when its going on.

Is the next minor faction will be called the independents, or something else significantly less obvious, these guys will just join whatever major group it takes the mood to, when needed, then leave. Mercs might actually benefit, if done like this.

Could it be possible to still see a factions general discussion boards for RP planning?
Honestly, I foresee this concept limiting the amount of minor factions that get created that do absolutely nothing.

'cause most people would be focused on the 2 that they have. Most of you only focus on one MF and only a handful of minors anyways - per character.

I think ya'll are just A.D.D. and nosy, lol
Mm, my concern is for the neutral characters, too. You have those such as [member="Danger Arceneau"] that are merchants, and do business across countless factions. You have Ilias here, who as a representative of the Jedi Academy Network, has a focus on wherever Jedi are at. Such a rule would limit characters that don't fit the standard mould.

Multi-faction allies? Well, for one thing, it's a generally held belief that alliances need to be formed ICly, through threads. An alliance that can't be backed up by that proof is scoffed at and doesn't exist at all in the eyes of the many. It's not a rule that the formation of alliances needs to be conducted ICly, but thus far the community has taken care of this matter on its own.

Why not apply the same ally limitations to dominions as they exist for invasions? At the very least, I'm speaking of #5 in the 'Requesting Aid' ruleset. Generally, dominions take care of themselves with the 1/5 per writer rule, but I guess what I'm suggesting makes sense in my head, as always.


Well-Known Member
As a person who doesn't run a billion arts, I support this idea. It could foster greater loyalty on a writer level, and could be very healthy for the board. Like another person said, worst case scenario is there's a lot of backlash and the rule goes away.
Ilias Nytrau said:
You have those such as Danger Arceneau that are merchants, and do business across countless factions.
We have entire non-faction forums devoted to merchants, bounty hunters, and companies.

Perhaps increasing the exposure that those forums get and making them more accessible would alleviate some of your concerns regarding neutral characters.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Easy solution for merc work: Faction A needs/wants help with thing 1; Faction A makes post in RP Discussion saying "Hey mercs! Come help with thing 1!"

And if you work with that faction a lot? Sign on for a "long term contract" and just join the Major faction.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Yes. These types of problems can be solved by Staff giving merchants and mercs new tools in the allotted forums already given to them.

And to add a lil' more grease, we could move those forums under the Roleplay category so they're closer to the the top of the page (and not lost down there in the Factory/Codex)
I like it. The only place being a member of a major faction comes into play is in invasions and access to faction forums.

I've always felt that each character should put their stake in the ground for one major faction. I made a more compelling argument last time this came up, but my brain is frazzled from work. Maybe I'll go see if I can dig it up.


Well-Known Member
One MF per character, with a maximum of three Minor factions... I dig.

If it turns out horribly, y'all can always scrape it. I say give it a test run.
"1 major faction and 2 minor factions per character sounds like a sensible plan. Whether or not it becomes a rule, I'll be following that standard for all my characters from now on. Apologies to all the factions I'm about to leave."

~ Jon, at Work, on Lunch Break
Having already RP'd a mercenary in several invasion for several factions, I can state that a rule like this would likely not be very detrimental to mercenary characters.

I joined each MF I worked for individually a week or so before each invasion happened. 100% of the time Invasions are predictable and there's plenty of warning to get in on the action as a mercenary. I did this both with the Techno Union and the Primeval, having joined invasions for both factions in the same manner.
What if you're part of two major factions but have IC logic to back you up?

For example, Darth Vornskr is a high-ranking member in the One Sith and is an entity within the Primeval. He was the Sith ambassador to the Primeval and created the alliance between the two factions, and subsequently became more and more embroiled within the political machinations of the Primeval, even becoming a Warlord of one of their worlds to make sure that the Primeval works alongside the interests of the Sith Empire.

So if this became a thing I would have to forfeit my place in another faction that I've ICly built up for several months?

Darth Vornskr said:
What if you're part of two major factions but have IC logic to back you up?

For example, Darth Vornskr is a high-ranking member in the One Sith and is an entity within the Primeval. He was the Sith ambassador to the Primeval and created the alliance between the two factions, and subsequently became more and more embroiled within the political machinations of the Primeval, even becoming a Warlord of one of their worlds to make sure that the Primeval works alongside the interests of the Sith Empire.

So if this became a thing I would have to forfeit my place in another faction that I've ICly built up for several months?


Yes. There would be no exceptions to the physical limitation.
If we are looking at Writer accounts I would limit Major Factions, minor factions I think should be either a) higher allotment or b) allowed unlimited.

However I understand why this idea is being looked at and you know what. I approve.
To clarify. As long as they are not minor faction forums that's fine? I know we have members with companies, GUIDE , the OOC war planning forums for planning new ways to fleet.

We also have members who have created factions of their own as a place to plot out their tech crafting and such.

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