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Approved Location Liberty

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: Codify a settlement referenced in rp.
Image Credit: Here. Obviously the settlement only covers a small part of the island. Here.
Canon: N/A.
Permissions: ARGH gear available to Firemane per this thread. Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here. Blanket permission for anything made by Val here. Can use Firemane stuff because I own the company.
Links: Into Darkness, After Darkness, Tephrike, Elpsis, Phoebe, Mel, Partuz, Rhea, Mara Technician, Inferno Platoon, Shazora Jai Vahal, Dominion of Light, Disciples of the Vader, Republican Guard, Communion, The Long Road, Firemane, Unusual Negotiations (Journal of the Fire Princess), Partuz, Varisanthra Lycaeni, Nova Bank.

City Name
: Liberty.
Classification: Armed Island Settlement.
Location: Arkas.
Affiliation: Inhabited and governed by the Unchained, Tephrike, Church of the Unified Spirit.
Population: Sparse. The community is very new, but growing.
Demographics: Liberty is populated by exiles and former political prisoners from Tephrike. As a result, its inhabitants come from various walks of life and are racially mixed. Overall, most of the population is composed of aliens, though there is a notable human minority. Twi'leks, Mirialans, Zabrak, Mon Calamari, Nautolans, and Duros are common, though other alien species can also be found here. The town is open to all kinds of species. The political institutions are libertarian socialist. This obviously does not mean that xenophobic sentiments do not exist, but they are not welcome. The inhabitants are wary of outsiders, but this is the result of inexperience with the outside world, not speciesism. One peculiar aspect of the town's demographics is the significant number of Force-Users. This is particularly striking since the settlement is not large. The reason for this is the fact that a notable portion of the population used to be interned in a Dominion brainwashing camp that had been set up for Force-Sensitives, especially failed or rebellious Jedi. Many though not all residents are clones.

Most of the inhabitants are former citizens of the Dominion, but one can also find people from Vaderite or Republican Guard territory. There are former Jedi who were sent to the camps due to accusations of heresy, but also people who tried to escape the totalitarian theocracy and its drive to control every aspect of their lives. This diversity has been the cause of tension, though there is a bond due to their shared experience of suffering in the camps. In the end, they are all outcasts who have been rejected by their respective factions, and have now been thrust into a whole new world.

Wealth: Low. The inhabitants are exiles and mostly low class ones at that. Moreover, they have had to start from scratch on a world that is unfamiliar to them. People do not starve or stand in queues for bread and other essential goods, but there are few luxuries. However, the settlement has potential for economic growth. Worker-managed enterprises are quite common and encouraged by the charter. Indeed, such worker-managed businesses are the main players in the economy. They're forced to pay dividends back to their workers, who elect managers who in turn select the upper management. Workers who want to join a worker cooperative pay a membership fee, but there are caps on how much can be charged on initial capital investment. Generally a new member initially buys in, and then pays a stipend directly from their dividends at a fixed rate.

Nova Bank has provided some funding to help the community gets on its feet. It has also entered into trade relations with other communities on Arkas as well as certain Qadiri exodite groups. Medical technology is an import source of revenue for the community. This also applies to selling cloned limbs, organs and animals. Agriculture, although generally owned by its workers through supply and marketing cooperatives, receives subsidies, or cheap loans through credit unions to keep prices at a reasonable level.

Access to healthcare, housing, and clean drinking water are seen as public goods. The aim is to create a system of production that is oriented towards allowing people to live sustainably with the basic necessities of life. In terms of housing quality, houses can look a bit run-down here, but this is generally just external. Inside most houses function just fine. That said, there are definitely inequalities in regards to housing quality. Some people can afford better renovations, some people do not have easy access to running water, and some families only have one or two bedrooms. Overall, Liberty does alright on the housing front, especially considering the difficult circumstances. The Unchained have a universal healthcare service which is provided free of charge. But patients must still pay for medications to cover restocking costs. There is a focus on preventative care, and frequent checkups are encouraged to reduce the need for advanced care.

Stability: High. It is a rather insulated island with a settled community. People want to get along. The shared experience of war, terror and destruction has built a sense of brotherhood and unity. But this does not mean the settlement is a utopia without any social issues. For one, there is a divide between citizens of Liberty who were created through cloning, and those who came into being through natural reproduction. Tephriki clones call themselves Pureborn and refer to those who were born the normal way as Randoms. For their part, non-clones have a tendency of referring to the so called Pureborn as Tankborn or Tankies. Discrimination is not allowed, but friction still exists.

Moreover, many of the inhabitants are new to Arkas. Some have been able to adapt to their new circumstances better than others, leading to class disparities. Likewise, there is a bit of a divide between the former inmates of Serene Springs and those of the Liberation Education Centre. Both were liberated by Firemane, but a group of Serene Springs' prisoners rose in revolt against their oppressors. They already had an underground network in the camp, and its members occupy several key posts. This has led to jealousy.

However, overall Liberty is stable and democratic. Both the assembly and the Advocates are directly elected. This ensures a higher degree of openness and transparency and demands a greater amount of government accountability. However, it can also lead to gridlock. The institutions are new and thus rather reliant on charismatic authority. It is safe to assume that they will require reform as the colony grows and the Unchained expand, especially if they get serious about taking the fight to Tephrike's rulers. The community is young and wary of outside exploitation. Strict measures have been instituted to vet outsiders, and shuttles are liable to be searched and impounded. The workers' right to organise, the universal sapient right to healthcare, housing, food, clean drinking water, freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and gender and racial equality have been enshrined in the charter.

GRU, Firemane's intelligence service, maintains a low-key presence to keep an eye on possible 'agitators'. This is an euphemism for sabotage and 'active measures'. However, the Unchained are aware of this and have cracked down on Firemane stooges, as they know how toxic the influence of the autocratic, rapacious megacorp is. Phoebe uses a combination of respect, diligence, and personal example to lead the Unchained. While not the most charismatic orator, her word carries a lot of weight since she spearheaded the Serene Springs uprising. She focuses on diplomacy and external operations, including the acquisition of resources and raids on Tephrike.

Freedom & Oppression: Freedom is pretty high. The people who live here are the victims of an extremely oppressive, totalitarian government. Indeed, they are former concentration camp inmates. They want to get away from tyranny. Thus the society they have built is relatively open and democratic. It has both the strengths and the drawbacks of direct democracy. The charter guarantees basic sapient rights such as freedom of speech, assembly and conscience as well as right to self-defence. There is also a strong emphasis on military preparedness and self-reliance. As such national service is compulsory. Those unable to perform military for reasons of health or conscience must perform civilian alternate service, though this takes longer. This applies to both male and female citizens.

'Companion' is a common form of address between members of the Unchained. They also use it for outsiders who are considered well-disposed towards the group. It is supposed to convey their egalitarian spirit and rejection of oppressive hierarchies. Mothers and fathers are called maternals and paternals respectively. However, freedom must be tempered with loyalty to the community. Citizens are expected to do their part and strive for the betterment of the group. As a result, there is little tolerance for people who refuse to pull their weight despite being in a position to do so. The Unchained have a preference for restorative justice as restitution for minor crimes, but this does not apply to capital crimes such as murder and treason. The group encourages the foundation of communes and workers' cooperatives, where property is held in common by those who have a stake in it. They reject a command economy, but are also sceptical of free market capitalism due to the damage they have seen it cause. Contact with Firemane has only validated this perspective in their eyes.

Gun ownership is legal in Liberty for residents, but private citizens are limited to a pistol, must be registered and have it secured. Moreover, they are required to undergo a couple days of training a year, and mental health checks are mandatory. Foreigners will not be allowed to carry a weapon without a license issued by the local government. This has been a source of discord with Firemane. It is pertinent to note that the inhabitants are extremely hostile to both Jedi and Sith. Practicing or preaching the Jedi or Sith faith is prohibited. Thus it might not be safe for a Jedi to enter the settlement, even if said they despise the tyrannical practices of the Dominion. Liberty does not recognise Jedi as possessing any form of legal authority. They are not welcome, and their jurisdiction and mandate end at the border.

This a natural reaction to what they endured, as the Jedi Order they know is a totalitarian dictatorship. Indeed, it would not be inaccurate to call it the love child of Jorus C'baoth, Atris and the Jedi Covenant. There is also a very strong anti-Sith sentiment. In short, the Unchained treat both Jedi and Sith as enemies. The Unchained are setting up their own Force training programme, with some help from Vashyada and free Qadiri. Needless to say the ancient Jedi practice of taking infants and separating them from their families has been prohibited. There are some restrictions in place to ensure oversight over the creation or import of new droids, especially combat droids. However, memory wipes and other attacks on sapience are illegal. This has the effect off disincentivising businesses from preferring droid to organic labour, but also reflects the Unchained's sympathy for droid freedom.

The highest organ of government is the Majiles, a democratically elected general assembly. The delegates have an imperative and a recallable mandate. Moreover, the Unchained have two leaders, who bear the title of Advocate. This makes it a Diarchy. Both Advocates possess veto power over the other. The dual leaders handle defence or peacetime issues on a rotating basis. So one commands the ship for a while then comes back to administer the colony, then does diplomacy. Both Advocates are up for re-election every year. They are elected by the whole populace. The Advocates are responsible for ensuring the laws passed by the Majiles are carried out. The assembly also controls the purse strings.

Description: Liberty lies on a mountainous island called Freedom Reach, located on the planet of Arkas. The location was chosen by its inhabitants because its mountainous terrain and deep forests make it very defensible. The Unchained have fled tyranny on their homeworld, and want to be able to protect themselves. The island has less room to settle, but easy defence potential. The Partuz are in the southern area with the mountains, while the settlements are in the centre and the north. Space has been made to house the inhabitants, set up farms, defensive installations and so on. A series of roads connect the major areas of the settlement. The settlement is very new and its inhabitants are exiles and former prisoners who have had to start from scratch, so the buildings tend to be prefabricated and private ownership of vehicles such as speeders is low. The town has a grid layout, as the first buildings were prefabricated ones.

The settlement is very young and has the rustic look of a frontier outpost. Several buildings are still prefabs that are defined by utilitarian functionality. An increasing number are made of wood or bricks. The white houses with red roof tiles are rather striking though. There is still abundant vegetation. It is not uncommon for residents to have a small garden to grow fruit and vegetables. Moreover, solar panels have popped up on the roofs of various homes. If there is one thing Arkas has in abundance, it is sunlight and this means people are more independent, and can still have power if the central generators experience problems.

People have a roof over their heads instead of living in tents, but there are not many luxuries. The people are hardy and there is little room for idleness. The people of Liberty have known a life characterised by hardship, struggle and the kinship forged by both. Physical fitness and martial readiness are valued highly. As a result, sport often takes the form of competitions in athletic events. Climbing is particularly popular since the island is rather mountainous, but running and rowing competitions are also held.

There are two things visitors will probaly be struck by when they enter the settlement. Firstly, many of the inhabitants of Liberty are clones. Secondly, there is a high number of Force adepts. This is because many of the inhabitants are refugees from the Dominion of Light, a totalitarian Jedi theocracy that rules most of Tephrike. The Dominion took the ancient Jedi Order's religious beliefs to the ultimate extreme by criminalising sexuality. The miracle of life was only supposed to take place in a laboratory. Citizens had to report for mandatory sperm and egg harvesting. The most accomplished citizens were cloned so that their talents would not be lost. Obviously practical considerations meant that these laws could only rarely be enforced in remote or rural areas, but the Dominion was able to impose its rules in the cities it ruled. The clones of prestigious templates soon ended up forming an upper class of sorts.

After much debate, the community has decided to continue cloning, but without the forced aging, brainwashing and servitude that characterised it on Tephrike. Instead they promote a liberal clone culture, in which clones are treated as people instead of as duplicates of their templates. in short, clones should be given freedom and choice instead of being pressed into service. The decision is not without its critics, as some fear the creation of clone dynasties. Concerns about population growth also play a role. However, many of the Unchained see cloning as part of their culture. Cloning should be continued, but clones should be given freedom and choice instead of being forced into service. The Unchained are reasonable enough to not continually clone to the point where they overpopulate.

The Church of the Unified Spirit, a new religious movement that caters to clones and their templates, has an active presence in Liberty, and promotes an egalitarian clone culture. Pictures of martyrs can be seen in the streets of Liberty. Posters bear the slogan 'martyrs never die'. Festivals and remembrance ceremonies are communal affairs.

The significant presence of Force adepts and untrained Force-Sensitives is a result of the fact that a notable portion of the inhabitants are former internees of a Dominion brainwashing camp for 'heretical' Force-Users. Their degree of training and abilities vary, though the Unchained have started to set up a training programme. The Order of Fire, Firemane's Force-using branch, has assumed a supervisory role. Local Force adepts tend to spend some time working for the Order before returning home to share their skills with their people.

The Unchained are a new group and thus in the process of developing their own Force beliefs. But a grey Force philosophy predominates. They wrongly - yet understandably - associate the Light with the oppressive Dominion. The Dark Side, meanwhile, is largely identified with the atrocities perpetrated by the Sith. Many of the Unchained have also experienced the cruel sadism and oppressive rule of the Vaderites, which has affected their perception of things. As a result, Force adepts are cautioned against succumbing to the two extremes, Light and Dark. In the view of the Unchained, both have only brought them harm. One could broadly compare it to how the ancient Je'daii perceived the Force. This is not a conscious emulation though, as it is doubtful that many Tephriki have any knowledge of the Je'daii.

Fishing is a major enterprise on the island. The export of medical technology is another one. Tephrike was isolated for several centuries, and so its technology regressed, but it is close enough for its children to catch up fast. Moreover, they obviously have a lot of experience with cloning. They have entered partnerships with other groups to provide people in need with cloned limbs, organs and so on. However, they refuse to trade clones, as they do not see them as servitors. Kelp and seaweed are also farmed by the locals. Others have joined Firemane and send back part of their remuneration to support their people. The town is protected by a militia composed of all adult civilians. Every citizen is required to keep a weapon at home and participate in training and musters to keep their skills sharp.

The community's relationship with Firemane is poor. Firemane 'created' the Unchained as an inadvertent by-product of their campaign against the Dominion. They view them as useful, but also as a group to watch. This does not mean the locals are ungrateful, but they know they cannot expect outsiders, no matter how benign, to go through fire for them unless they have something to offer. Moreover, over the years it has become clear the megacorp's practices are exploitative. For this reason Liberty has been seeking alliances with other like-minded communities.

One interesting aspect of the island is the presence of Partuz, an intelligent species of giant spiders. They are native to Tygara, where they have been tamed by the Vashyada. Rather than being mere beasts, the Partuz are quite smart. This particularly applies to their queens, who direct the hives and are able to make alliances. The wood elves have moved into space and brough their spiders with them. A Vashyada trader accidentally released a queen and a pale pair of Vashyada on Arkas. It happens to be the island the Unchained built their settlement on.

This has led to an explosion of a wild Partuz population in the jungles. At first the Unchained saw the spiders as a threat and tried to eradicate them, but now their Force adepts have realised that these creatures can be reasoned with. Vashyada advisors have helped them commune with the queen and forge a partnership. In return for providing what amounts to food tribute to the queen she will allow some of her drones to be mounts and used in battle. As a result, visitors may run into natives riding on top of giant spiders. This can be awkward for arachnophobes. The Unchained know not to intrude into the queen spider's domain.

As is common for Arkas, the narcotic Najim plant grows on Freedom Reach. In the old days it was the cash crop of the slavers and pirates who used to control Arkas. When mulched up and dried, the resulting product can be smoked to create euphoric and addictive effect, though it is less dangerous than spice. The plant grows like weed natively. This means it has found its way into circulation among the planet's various communities. The Tephriki are from a planet where mushrooms are common, and even sold by a schismatic Jedi cult that believed they can them to commune with the Force. A few of the Unchained's Force adepts have incorporated Najim into their rituals.

New Horizon Facility: Liberty's cloning facility. It has been set up in the mountain to give it maximum protection. The doors are made out of Turadium and the cloning tanks have been located in the lowest levels. The facility has its own reactor, a small hangar and loading dock. Some of the internees of the Liberation Education Centre were geneticists or healers of the Dominion's Ministry of Health, which is responsible for cloning. Thus they were able to set up a working cloning facility, New Horizon promotes a liberal clone culture where clones are treated as individuals rather than servitors.

Templates are expected to treat them akin to younger siblings rather than duplicates. The facility can also create cloned limbs, organs and so on. These are traded on the market. Clones, however, are not for sale. Needless to say security is extensive. New Horizon is closely monitored by Firemane. Regulations, practical and ideological considerations prevent the facility from breeding clone legions. Firemane has provided some of the finding because the facility also sells cloned organs and limbs to people in need of replacements. New Horizon supplies a clinic near Freetown, which caters to offworld patients. The facility is run by the Fellowship of Generational Health and Resilience, which governs it via a board of scientists and clones with representation from the workforce.

Dawnlight Growth Centre: A communal creche where young clones are raised. The Unchained promote diversity by mixing different clone batches together and encourage each clone to make themselves unique, whether it is hair, clothing or attitudes. Templates are expected to be involved in the lives of their clones, but without forcing a certain way of life on them. A template who shows no interest in their clone is regarded as similar to a neglectful parent or elder sibling.

Hall of the People: The seat of government, which also houses the communications equipment. The Majiles meets here to pass laws and determine the future course of the Unchained. The Advocates convene the assembly and preside over its meetings. Each Advocate is given the power to veto their colleague. However, there is a division of labour between both Advocates, they serve a limited term and their decisions are scrutinised by the assembly. Foreign delegates may also address the assembly here.

Farms: Farming is less widespread than fishing, but still an enterprise on the island. Thus some inhabitants have farm plots. They tend to be run as agricultural cooperatives where farmers pool their resources. The farms lie outside the town walls, but the residents can bring their goods to the market and seek shelter in Liberty during emergencies.

Torch of Freedom School: A school with classes for all ages. Here the next generation is educated, learning the skills they will need to become responsible citizens and productive members of the community. Education beyond the basics is valued because otherwise the Unchained would not be able to keep the cloning facility running. Moreover, only an educated society can be a free society. Unsurprisingly, the history of Tephrike features quite prominently. The Unchained are wary of outsiders, but have hired some external teachers to educate their people in fields they are lacking in. Inhabitants also seek educational opportunities with Shazora's Qadiri. The education empathises the dangers of totalitaranism and bigotry.

Fishstad: Literally means 'fish city'. Stad is an old, somewhat archaic Tephriki term that means 'city', 'town' or 'fortress'. The name is a bit of an exaggeration. In any case, it refers to Liberty's fish market. The marketplace is characterised by small fish stalls, which also tend to sell street food. If a sea creature can be caught and sold for profit, it will probably be available for sale here. The fishers and fishmongers have their own union.

Emerald Slopes: The local name for the mountain ranges of the island. This area is good for watchposts, providing a god view of the island and surrounding area. The Partuz inhabit this area and have built their nests high up in the deep forest. The Unchained have learned that the giant spiders are smart and dangerous, but not mindless creatures.

Reach Port: A small natural harbour around which the settlement has been built. It provides a safe haven for fishing and patrol boats. Fishing is Liberty's main enterprise. Since it is an obvious entry point for attackers, defences have been set up. Moreover, the main method of travel is via water.

Sanctuary of the Unified Path: Located in the centre of Liberty, this modest building serves as a temple for the Church of the Unified Spirit, a clone religion. The temple is a very austere, simple circular building with a plain tiled dome. Inside an altar and some cult statues. The believers do not go overboard with statues or icons, they have simple areas for reflection and veneration. Services are held once every week, and the Sanctuary is also a place of almsgiving.

Refuge: The island of Freedom Reach is crowned by mountain slopes. These make good watchposts and elevated areas. A bunker called the Redoubt has been excavated for people to take shelter if need be.

Freedom Reach Saltworks: Located outside the town, but relevant for its economy. This mine helps satisfy local and galactic demand for salt, as it is a highly desired commodity. It is unlikely to be put out of business any time soon. To meet demand, operations have been expanded over the last few years. The mine is run as a cooperative, which means it is owned and controlled by its employees. The idea is that it creates value for its members and the community, rather than just maximising profits for shareholders. The unofficial motto of Amari Saltworks is 'the salt must flow'. This clearly shows their dedication.

Circle of Honour: An open air, gladiatorial arena where members of the community can hone their skills. Traditional K'thri and Terä Käsis martial arts and other forms of unarmed combat are practiced here. Weapons may also be used in some duels, though only nonlethally. Deathblows and maimings are not permitted. Mock combat aside, it is also a place for cultural dances and musical performances. Visitors may attend or participate in the duels if they abide by the rules of the circle.

Barracks of Freedom's Defenders: This is the headquarters of the militia as well as of more regular military units of the Unchained. It is not a large installation and has few amenities, but it serves its purpose. It is located close to the Refuge. Space has been set aside for tamed Partuz. They are given quite a bit of freedom of movement, so arachnophobes beware.

Open Door Clinic: Being a free person is great, but it is no cure for physical, mental or addictive conditions people might suffer from. The inhabitants of Liberty are former concentration camp inmates, so this applies to several of them. Thus the local government has established a clinic, which provides help free of charge.

Vortanes' Lounge: Named after Asyra Vortanes, one of Tephrike's Prime Ministers from the pre-Dark Age era. She is one of the few politicians most Tephriki see as a good leader, excluding the Sith and human supremacists since she was a Bothan. While her rule has been idealised, she was a unifying figure of prosperity and stability. Thus is it fitting to name a cantina after her, though the place is a lot less fancy than the term lounge might imply. Here locals and visitors can get together, enjoy a drink and some entertainment.

Monolith of Freedom: A humble memorial to remember the life of servitude the Unchained escaped and those who did not make it. In the eyes of the interventionists, it also reminds them of their duty to aid those who are still being oppressed on Tephrike. The memorial consists of large iron chains with a break in them. There is also a wall. The names of all those known to have perished in the Liberation Education Centre and Serene Springs have been engraved on it.

Foundry of the Machine Soul - a workshop for repairing and restoring droids who live there. Also serves as a recreation point. The Unchained have come to support freedom for droids who have achieved sapience due to contact with droid freedom fighters. The workshop also repairs cogitators, which is the Tephriki word for computers. The Tephriki marvel at how small modern computers are. They are used to huge computers that take up most of the room and use 5.25 floppies.

The Shrine of Balance: The name bears a strong resemblance to the Temple of Balance, one of the nine Je'daii Temples. One assumes it is a coincidence. In any case, this enclave is far smaller in scale than Akar Kesh. But the purpose is similar, as it teaches Force-Sensitive individuals how to master their powers by following the path of balance.

The institution is very young. This means the training methods are pretty improvised and work in progress. This also means the hierarchy is rather flat. A grey Force philosophy is quite prevalent. This is not surprising since most members were burnt by the extremes of light and dark. Those Force-Sensitive Unchained from the Dominion tend to train and work in groups, while those from the Vaderites or the Republican Guard tend to distrust groups and prefer to have a single, trusted teacher. Firemane has to sought exercise a degree of oversight. Phoebe is not thrilled about this, but has been persuaded to work with Shazora's people to get some more neutral teachers. Elpsis tends to teach courses when she happens to be there.

The Hangar: A landing field has been constructed here in an area that has been left fallow. There, small starships such as the Unchained's corvette may land, but more commonly smaller dropships and transports land on three parallel pads. This is the place for new arrivals to land per shuttle or air speeder. The Unchained's ship lands here when it has returned from successful missions. Its arrival is always a bit of a spectacle.

Liberty is not a metropolis or major military installation. However, its inhabitants are survivors of a devastating civil war and victims of a totalitarian regime. As a result, the settlement is protected. In the light of past experiences, military readiness and discipline are valued highly. The island is rather remote and its mountainous terrain gives it easy defence potential. The mountains make good watch posts and if the locals have to flee, the deep forest is difficult for attackers to penetrate. However, it is not a fortress. In the case of attack, the defenders would be able to hold off raiders, but not a determined attack by a large enemy. They could make such an opponent bleed, but not stop them without external aid. However, Firemane has a military base on the planet, and thus can send support when needed.

  • There is a garrison in form of a militia. The skill level of the soldiers varies from new recruits and part-time fighters to experienced, full-time veterans. It includes a contingent of Force adepts of varying skill and abilities.
  • The locals have tamed a number of Partuz. These giant spiders are intelligent and have tough carapaces that are resistant to blaster fire and modern slugthrowers. The defenders employ them as shock cavalry and ambushers. More Partuz live in the mountainous forests. Their presence as well as the terrain also make it rather difficult for attackers to land on the other side of the island to attack the settlement.
  • Defences have been set up in case of an attack. These include a Keraunos Missile Turret, a Ballista and two Javelin emplacements as well as a few stationary Rotary Cannon and sonic cannon emplacements.
  • Mobile Barricades can also be set up. The town has a redoubt and air raid shelters for the civilian population to hide inside in case of attack. There is a Darksky Area Shield. This uses an optical shield combined with a sensor mask to conceal the cloning facility and other key areas if need be.
  • It is located on an island, so control of the waterways is important. The local defence force has access to a few Wayfarer Patrol Boats, which roam the waves and act as patrol ships.
  • The New Horizon Faciltiy is the most well-guarded area on the island. Security measures specific to it include Force adepts, security cameras, heavy Turadium blast doors, biometric security and an auto-turret network. The retinal scanners are able to detect whether the retina they are scanning belongs to a living person.


For many years the planet Arkas was plagued by off-world slavers and pirates who enslaved and persecuted the local population. Major areas on the tropical island planet were controlled by corsair groups that vied for power and influence. The slaver utopia came to an end when Firemane and Eldorai troops descended on the planet. Operating in cooperation with Valiens Nantaris' Freespace Rangers and the Levantine Sanctum, they overthrow the corsairs. In the process they discovered that the corsairs had enslaved elves who were related to yet distinct from the Eldorai. These elves were Xioquo. This revelation ultimately led Firemane and the Eldorai Matriarchy to the lost elf world of Tygara. It would become a home for Eldorai fleeing the cataclysmic destruction of Kaeshana.

Firemane maintained a presence on Arkas, seeking to help the natives rebuild. To this end they founded Freetown, which would house the manumitted slaves, and founded a military base called Outpost Tropicana. The latter would protect the local communities against outside aggressors, and also provide natives with jobs. Later Firemane allowed Eldorai refugees from Kaeshana to found a rural town called New Solstace. Firemane's touch was a light one, as it preferred indirect forms of control to direct rule. The creation of Liberty is the result of Firemane's discovery of Tephrike. When the Scarlet Destiny embarked on its maiden voyage, it was supposed to be a peaceful expedition. It would go boldly where no Firemane had gone before, explore strange worlds, and seek out new life and new civilisations. The intention was to discover worlds that had been cut off from the rest of the Galaxy by the outbreak of the Gulag Virus, help them reconnect and find new commercial opportunities for Firemane.

Unfortunately, the first meaningful world they came across was Tephrike. This planet had experienced a profound social, political and economic collapse during the Four Hundred Year Darkness. Here, the Dark Age had never ended. The Dominion of Light, a totalitarian Jedi theocracy, vied for power with the Disciples of the Vader, a cult of human supremacist Sith who worshipped Darth Vader as a dark god, and the Republican Guard, a rebel movement inspired by the ancient Rebel Alliance that reviled Force-Users and sought to place power in the hands of the common people. After initial skirmishes with Firemane, the Dominion sought accommodation. Firemane dispatched a delegation to its capital to initiate negotiations. However, an extremist faction in the Dominion's regime regarded this as heresy. Firemane's delegation came under attack. Elpsis, one of its members and the adoptive daughter of Firemane's ruling couple, was captured by the Jedi Inquisition. She would be subjected to physical and torture in a Dominion black site called Serene Springs.

In response, Firemane declared war. It proceeded to enter an alliance of convenience with the Republican Guard. A short, but intense campaign followed. After heavy fighting, the allied forces were able to seize a major Dominion fortress. Meanwhile, Elpsis was able to overcome her brainwashing and defeat her captors with the aid of rebellious prisoners and a Firemane rescue force. The Dominion had been humbled, but was not beaten. Instead the Mad Grandmaster was assassinated by the Council and a junta of hardliners and pragmatists took power. Unwilling to get bogged down in a conflict far from home and with allies it distrusted, Firemane decided to be satisfied with measured gains. The Dominion had been given a bloody nose, so it withdrew its troops. Before the pullout took place, the corporation did its allies a favour by razing the headquarters of the Vaderites, killing their Dark Lord and several members of the Dark Council.

However, Firemane did not want to entirely abandon Tephrike. The prisoners who had been rescued were given the choice between being resettled on a safe world or returning to Tephrike to continue the fight. The majority of them chose to go with Firemane, though many vowed to return to continue fighting their oppressors. They called themselves the Unchained. Their paramount leader was a Nautolan female called Phoebe, one of the leaders of the prison uprising Elpsis had participated in. Firemane inadvertently created the Unchained when it assaulted Dominion prison camps in search of Elpsis. One was the Liberation Education Centre, a major administrative centre in the Dominion's concentration camp network; the other was Serene Springs, which was meant to hold Force-Users.

Turning them into cohesive group was not an easy process. Not only was there some tension between the members of two different camps, there was also friction within them. The camp administration had retained control by doing its best to divide the inmates, such as the political prisoners and the criminals. It had been common practice to promote one group and make use of stool pigeons. However, Phoebe and her group were the most organised. The Nautolan had to make compromises, bully and cajole, but by and large got what she wanted. Not all of the inmates joined the Unchained. Some accepted Firemane's job offer, others simply left to seek their fortune in the stars. But the majority did. She was soon elected as one of their joint leaders. The title of Advocate was bestowed on her. She is unofficially acknowledged as the more senior Advocate. Her present colleague is a Duros healer and geneticist called Zail. He has played a key role in getting the New Horizon Facility up and running.

For Firemane the Unchained were a double-edged sword. They were useful, and their rescue could be milked for propaganda, allowing the corporation to depict itself as the protector of the downtrodden. However, they were also a group that Firemane did not control and needed to watch. From Siobhan's perspective, Elpsis' attachment to them was both a blessing and a curse. She considered it likely that the Tephriki would try to exploit the girl's attachment to them, and doubted that Elpsis possessed the judgement to recognise this. At the same time, the Unchained considered her trustworthy and this was something she could use. Firemane was willing to support the Unchained, but expected something in return.

Thus they were allowed to settle on Arkas, a world Firemane is very influential on. They were given one of the many uninhabited islands on the tropical planet. Settling there was quite an adjustment for the refugees. For one, they had to start from scratch. Inevitably some adjusted better than others, leading to friction. There was also tension between clones and non-clones. Likewise, some of the former prisoners were former Vaderites or members of the Republican Guard.

After a heated debate, it was decided to continue cloning. However, clone rights mattered, so henceforth clones would not be brainwashed servitors. Liberty had to commit itself not to continually clone in order to prevent overpopulation, which was a concern for both Firemane and other communities on the planet. Phoebe, who was unofficially acknowledged as the more senior of the two Advocates, was an energetic, take-charge leader. Personally, she had her doubts about continuing cloning, having grown up outside Dominion territory and experienced discrimination by Jedi clones, but was ready to compromise. Emissaries had to be sent to established towns like Freetown and New Solstace. While Arkas was a haven for refugees, exiles and the like, this did not mean that the old-timers were automatically welcoming of newcomers, even though they had once been in the same situation.

To protect the settlement, the Unchained formed a militia. The hard core was composed of the members of the Serene Springs rebellion, which led to accusation of favouritism. The militia received training and equipment from Firemane. One hazard the young community faced was the explosion of a wild population of Parzut, for a Vashyada trader had accidentally released some of the giant spiders. At first the Unchained regarded these creatures as a threat. This was understandable, since they were giant spiders. Thus they tried to drive away or wipe out the spiders.

But this was very dangerous, as the creatures were very smart. Eventually the exiles realised that the creatures were intelligent and had a queen who could be reasoned with. Fortunately, Elpsis was able to negotiate with the queen spider with some coaching from Shikoba, a Vashyada druidess who was very familiar with the Partuz. Thus the Unchained were able to forge a pact with the queen spider. They would provide what amounted to food tribute and stay away from the spiders' habitat. In return, she would allow some of the drones to be used as mounts.

Liberty is far from an utopia, but has managed to get on its feet despite its manifold problems. Its nature as a melting pot and its form of government have endowed it with both strengths and weaknesses. Having been given a ship by Firemane, the Unchained have set off to explore and acquire additional resources to support their people. Serving as a mobile headquarters, it allows them to conduct field operations, including raids on Tephrike.

The Unchained have been able to build ties with the Heralds of Liberation, a Qadiri group composed of emancipated slaves. These Qadiri are led by Shazora Jai Vahal, Siobhan's chief diplomat, and have their own worldship. This has helped the Tephriki refugees get a leg up. When a group of Qadiri scouts associated with the movement were captured and enslaved by a First Order Remnant faction, their comrades launched a rescue operation in concert with Firemane.

Firemane's rescue force included two Unchained, who fought bravely during the operation. This provided an opening for talks between both groups. Like the Tephriki refugees, the Qadiri are new to space. They are more numerous and have more resources, but are less familiar with modern technology. They are a bit disconcerted by the fact that most Tephriki are clones, as cloning is new to them, but both groups have started to work together. In that regard, the Unchained's knowledge of advanced medical technology is a boon. Liberty's location as well as the fishing around it and the special services the locals have to offer should make it self-sufficient soon baring any disaster. This is desirable because relations with Firemane are now very poor. Recently, the city has begun negotiations with other settlements on Arkas to establish some kind of defence compact. Officially it is against pirates and raiders.

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