Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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After Darkness (Firemane)

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

It felt like mere minutes but was likely a bit longer, and Tegaea was waiting at a hanger bay with her personal guard arrayed behind her. Also present were various doctors and specialists all waiting patiently along with her.
A special shuttle came in and landed. Immediately the specialists approached before the hatch had even opened.

Tegaea did not rush forward. It would not be helpful, not yet. Only when a medical capsule was being lowered did she approach. The rather battered and scorched figure of Tempest was there escorting the capsule.
Looking up tiredly, she gave Tegaea a now and a grimace. The redhead saw why. Elpsis was not in a good way.

“Is she conscious?” Tegaea asked softly. She kept pace with the capsule beside Tempest. It was painfully hard to tell.
“In and out. The medics are going to need some time with her. Let’s go to observation and I can run you down. There’s some stuff you need to know privately.”
Ominous, but understandable. Tegaea looked down at her daughter, seeking for a piece of her not bleeding or burnt or bruised. She settled on the girl’s shoulder. “I’m here, Elpsis, you’re safe now. I love you.”
Then she headed out with Tempest to observation. Only sterile droids and doctors could help Elpsis now.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

The corridors were strewn with corpses. The bodies were charred beyond recognition, skeletons trapped inside burnt armour. The throne room was devoid of life. The walls were scorched and smeared with blood. Before her eyes stood a throne. The statues of great Jedi Masters had been demolished. Not a single soul barred her entrance as the girl stepped towards the colossal throne. The throne was covered in ash. Upon it sat a skeleton. Part of the ceiling had caved in, revealing the sky above. It was red with fire. The enormous transparisteel window was broken. Outside fires raged, screams of terror, shouts and the sounds of battle could be heard. Buildings were consumed in the fiery conflagration. Heads had been put on spikes. Soldiers bearing the symbol of the Phoenix sacked the city. Again and again, they shouted one name. Elpsis Phoenix! Elpsis Phoenix! Elpsis Phoenix!
"What is this place?" the girl did not expect an answer.
Nonetheless, she got one. The voice was deep. "The Grandmaster's palace, it would seem. It has seen better days." Elpsis spun around to confront the face of the voice and found herself facing the Red Lady. She stood taller than any man Elpsis knew and wore red head to heel. The woman - if she could be called such - had a long mane the colour of deep burnished copper. It shone brightly in the darkness. Indeed, it gave the impression of being on fire. Even her eyes were red, but in stark contrast to this, her skin was smooth and pale, free from blemish. Her aura glowed with an intensity that matched her stare. "It has been some time, my child."
"You," Elpsis hissed. She had seen her in the flames. "I remember what happened. I remember everything. You came to after my fight with Matsu. You said great danger awaited me and that...that I would be turned against my family."
"Yes. My heart aches for what you endured."
"And when I needed were silent! I was tortured, starved, violated! begged you to help me! You, the Force! And I was left to suffer. Why? Why give me nothing but cryptic visions and warnings and leave me to suffer? Why?!" The temple trembled amidst her rage. The walls shook and more of the roof caved in. Fires manifested in the throne room. The Red Lady made no attempt to evade them. Instead she walked right through them.
"I do not interfere with free will, child."
"I went down there because I felt in the Force that our people would be in danger!" Elpsis jabbed an accusing finger at her.
"And so they were. It was your choice to go down. Thanks to our bravery, they survived. Tell me, if you could do it again, would you leave them to be killed or, worse, go through what you did?"
Elpsis was quiet for a moment. "No...but this does not make right what happened to me."
"No, it does not, child," the entity said sadly. "We did not control your actions anymore than we did the Dominion's. We see possible futures, divergent paths across the great web...but nothing more. There was one path where you fought to the death and perished. Or one where you never went to the surface, and, as a consequence the entire delegation was slaughtered. Do you know what Siobhan would have done? Search your feelings."
Realisation dawned upon her. "She would have razed the entire city," Elpsis muttered.
"The things we do for family." The landscape shifted, and Elpsis saw turbolaser fire rain down upon Nexus City, burning the city to ash. Men, women and children alike burnt in hellfire.
"Siobhan does not love me. Never has. Never will. I don't want her love."
"No, she does not. But you are family to her. Is there anything she would not do for her family? Anything you would not do?" the Red Lady asked rhetorically. "In another, your escape attempt succeeds. The camp is 'evacuated'. Rather than throwing off their yoke, the prisoners perish." She saw columns of prisoners being led on a death march. Those who collapsed were shot. Diona rebelled anyway - and sought death. "The Grand Inquisitor survives. In another, you fall under the Jedi's spell and fight Tempest." The images shifted anew. "But you broke your chains. Your fire could not be contained."
Elpsis could not take it anymore when she saw herself fight her lover. "Stop it!" she snapped. "I've had enough. I don't want to see anymore! I don't want to be here anymore. I want to be back with my family. Why take me here? This is not my future!"
"What do you want, Elpsis?"
"For you to stop with the cryptic bullchit? For me to be back with my family? To bring those who made me suffer to justice? To make them feel like what it is like to scared and in pain?"
"Then know this. To seek justice is a noble calling. To smite the wicked is necessary. It is hellfire that they have earned. But take heed that it does not lead you here. Take care that the abyss does not allow you. The fire inside you can be a blazing inferno, or an ember." Then the apparition faded away.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
It was difficult to see anyone being operated on, but especially so if that someone was your daughter. Scans and examination revealed a list of injuries and ills as long as her arm.
“It’s a wonder she survived,” Tegaea said softly. It would take weeks, maybe months, to heal the physical injuries, but the mental pains would surely take even longer.
Tempest just nodded mutely. After a moment she added. “She’s strong, she must have gone through hell. We just need to try and help her recover.” She frowned. “And there’s a turncoat Jedi who came in with Elpsis. She managed to tell me to keep her prisoner and not kill her. And others too to be kept as guests.”
“I see. We’ll wait to get to the bottom of things.”
Tegaea turned away from the examination. It would take a long time to even start to get Elpsis fixed up, and she had a lot of other matters to see to. For a start Leonina would soon be arriving from the surface with her contingent.

Time passed, since one could only have so many visions. A rather tired looking Doctor Osway Vik sought out Tegaea, Tempest and Leonina where the three were discussing matters with other officers. The first two excused themselves and headed for the Doctor’s office.
“It seems that grievous injury is a family trait, even across adoption,” the Twi’lek commented. She saw Tegaea’s look, shrugged. “She’s responding well. She’s currently in bacta, but you can see her. She may be conscious, so you can see her, but don’t expect too much of a reply. I estimate it will be 2-3 weeks before she’ll be back on her feet under her own power, even longer before she should even consider physical exertion or training. I suspect she will not be receptive to this advice though, so try to moderate her as much as you can. Trying to push herself too much could cause serious damage.”
“We will do what we can,” Tegaea promised.

Tegaea headed into the private room. Elpsis was hanging in the bacta tank, her ravaged body thankfully covered by bandages and frosted glass. Her breath mask contained a microphone and speaker so she might hear and reply.
Slowly she walked forward, placed a hand onto the glass. “Elpsis…can you hear me? Please wake up…please say something.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Elpsis floated in the bacta tank, looking deceptively peaceful. Her battle-scarred body was wrapped in bandages. Indeed, one might see more bandages than flesh if one were to look at her. Her body was marked with burns, particularly around her throat, one of her hands was missing a couple fingers. The leg wound inflicted upon her by being shot with a heavy slug had never fully healed. Especially since she had to extract the slug with the Force and then use fire to cauterise the hole. Her head was shorn of hair. Bones had been broken or fractured.

Still, she was alive. The body would heal in time. Alas, the mind did not recover so easily. So she was swam. For a while, Tegaea would be alone, with nay a sound to keep her company, save for Elpsis' slow, but steady breathing and the noise caused by the monitor. Then the girl's vacant eyes slowly fluttered open.

She looked around, seeming confused. "Has the Lifeweb claimed me? Has my fire joined her hearth?" Tegaea would probably have to strain her ears to hear her daughter a bit. It hurt Elpsis' throat if she raised her voice. "No...I still can't see," she concluded after a moment. She could always see in her dreams. "Mother?" her milky-white eyes settled on Tegaea at last.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Tegaea’s hand on the glass had wavered a moment, and she’d been about to draw back when she heard the faintest of whispers. Turning up her speaker she moved so she was only inches from the glass.
“Yes, Elpsis, it’s Tegaea, I’m here. You’re alive, you’re on the Destiny. The doctors have operated and you’re recovering, but it will take some time unfortunately.”
Those milky eyes were always unsettling, but it seemed Elpsis was now actually blind. She saw through the Force, Tegaea remembered, so perhaps she couldn’t reach the Force now, or perhaps she was briefly unable to due to her injuries.
“Tempest is here with me, Elpsis. One of us will stay here at all times if you need us,” she promised. She would work around it, even if she had to have meetings in the hospital’s conference room. She’d nearly lost her daughter, she wanted her to know she was here for her now.

Deeper questions and discussions could wait until Elpsis was a bit more recovered.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Elpsis was no stranger to dangerous foes. She had faced [member="Matsu Xiangu"], the Dread Lady and Witch-Necromancer who stood equal to Siobhan Kerrigan, twice. But during her fight with the Grand Inquisitor and her subsequent rampage through the camp, she had exerted herself greatly. Especially since she had gone into battle after several days of torture, malnutrition and poor medical care.

Her exertions had left her exhausted, drained and sick. The Force was there, but hard to reach. She struggled to see. Under normal circumstances, using her Force Sight was as deeply ingrained to her as using her normal eyes had been while she had been able to use them. But now it took a great effort. Everything was blurry and dark. When she was in the dreamlands, she could always see as if she had full use of her eyes.

"Mummy," she said weakly. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Safe," she repeated. What was safe? Was this real? "I'm safe," she looked around, as if searching for someone. "Tempest? There were people with me. Are they...alright?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
It hurt Tegaea to see her adoptive daughter so hurt and confused. However, she tried to keep a brave face and keep her tone measured.
“Yes, my love, you’re safe. Once you’ve recovered a bit we can take you out of the tank. For now, just hold on. I can get you some music if you’d like?” she added, unsure what she could do to help.

Tempest meanwhile stepped forward. “I’m here, Elpsis. The people who came with you are being taken care of. The former Jedi ‘Diona’ has not been harmed, but has been securely imprisoned. When you’re better we can learn more about them from you.”

The Destiny had large areas for guests and ‘guests’ alike.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Only if you've got your favourite pop rock album, mum." Elpsis tried to joke. Her heart was not really into it. Especially since she sounded so damn frail and could barely raise her voice. When she heard Tempest's voice, she smiled slightly. She strained her senses, and for a moment was able to perceive her aura. It made her head hurt, but she did not care.

"Keep her locked up. But don't hurt her," her voice was tired, but firm. She knew very well about the proclivities of certain Firemane members. What did she want with Diona? She did not know. Part of her wanted to make her suffer, the other part wanted her to be forced to face her sins. But no one other than her could judge her. She was drifting off, but fought to remain conscious. "Love you."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Tegaea smiled at the joke, weak as it was. “You might regret that after I put it on loop,” she said with a chuckle.

Tempest could feel, just for a second, a flash of the Force in the redhead. “I love you too,” she whispered. This lovey-dovey stuff was not her usual MO, but it was a moment of stress, and she did mean it. She knew Tegaea had heard her too, and didn’t care about that either. It was pretty clear the two had a ‘thing’ beyond the usual.

“I’ll leave you two together for a while. I’ve got some reports to see to and veterans to reward. After that I’ll meet with Elpsis’ renegades from below.”

Heading from the room, Tegaea and her bodyguard came in time to a large room where a very diverse selection of persons were assembled. There were people from all over the Firemane rainbow waiting. Each had distinguished themselves somehow in the battle and now expected recognition and a reward for it.

Tegaea knew most of them if not well then at least by face. Public acclamations would come later, for now this was a private session. One of her aides had a box with her with individual rewards. Some were medals, some were monetary rewards. Others still were more…esoteric or status rewards.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Make it a Nova Stars album," Elpsis said a bit groggily. She was a fan and even had some posters. She could no longer really look at them, but she kept them around nonetheless. Partly because it annoyed Siobhan.

Tegaea excused herself and departed. Elpsis smiled a bit tiredly at Tempest. "Hey," she said lamely. The drugs dulled the pain, but also affected her faculties. The spark in the Force was gone as she felt her energies dwindle. She fought, trying to reach out, but it was beyond her grasp. Frustration swelled up inside her and she pressed against the tank with her fingers, trying to find her. "Tempest?" her voice contained a hint of agitation.


Xalda remembered Tephrike. What she had seen was forever etched in her mind. The Herald had been exultant when the spirits guided her to victory and she triumphed over the Yedi warrior and took his ear, but now she felt far from glorious. She remembered Azyr's wroth - the rain, the lightning and the deafening roar of thunder. She remembered Firemane and Republican Guard soldiers being blown to bits by bombers or cut down by Dominion snipers. She remembered pools of blood.

She remembered the fear, the rage and the rush of adrenaline. She recalled herself fighting for her life while the Light seared her flesh and she clashed with Yedi blade on blade. Above all, she remembered scores of dead children. Some had looked so peaceful, as if they were sleeping. Many had been far less placid. She had pulled the trigger.

The Xioquo clenched her hands when the memory came to her. The Mother Earth had welcomed the young ones into her embrace. Their sorrows were at an end. She would not let their memory be forgotten. To this end had taken some of their dog tags with her. There had been no time to administer the complete rites, but once the ceremony was over, she would light a candle for them in remembrance. They could not be forgotten. They have to be avenged. They and any other children who were tormented and cruelly sacrificed by madmen.

She tried to compose herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the Qadiri soldier who had helped her bury the dead. The Cataphract met her gaze and gave her a curt nod. Until a few hours ago, the mere thought of kinship with a Qadiri would have been inconceivable. She pushed the thought aside, steadying herself.

It would not do to be anything other than composed when the Consort arrived. It would embarrass her people. Quite a crowd had assembled, awaiting reward from their lady. Some faces Xalda recognised from the battle, such as Colonel Varkathras, brave Saito and some Cataphracts. The Resistance members were missing, having departed on their own. Natalie she remembered from the trip to Tephrike alongside the Karishzar's First Apprentice.

One face she did not know stuck out. Her appearance struck Xalda as most bizarre. The woman was coloured red. On first sight, she resembled a skinned Qadiri who had been punished by some sort of cruel desert demon. However, Qadiri did not have these bizarre eyebrows or tentacles coming out of their cheeks. Xalda had decided to call her the Flayed One.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Tegaea grinned slightly at the band name. Tempest rolled her eyes.
Once the mother had left, Tempest came forward to the glass. “Hey, you. You look like you’ll be back on your feet in no time,” she said with forced joviality. One didn’t need the Force to tell she was exaggerating just a little.
Hearing the frustration, she put her hand on the glass. “Shh, shh, it’s OK, I’m here. Don’t strain too hard, it’ll come back when you’re better,” she said soothingly. She hoped this was the case anyway!

Meanwhile, in the briefing room, a collection of people were gathered. Tegaea walked out onto the stage. There was muted applause from those present. It had been a victory, though a costly one.
“Firemane has prevailed over the deceitful Dominion…for now. We lost friends, comrades, allies in this fight. I want you all to know, and everyone in the company, that if you need support or any form of assistance we can provide it. No request is too silly, and everything will be handled confidentially.”

“For her command of our victorious forces at Fort Purity, Colonel Varkathras will receive the Phoenix Cross, Second Class. Colonel, your efforts are appreciated by all.”
The Cathar came forward and was awarded the impressive looking medal.

The presentation would continue. Some would receive classes of the lesser Fire Star, the more important Phoenix Cross like Leonina, or even the most prestigious Galactic Cross.

At one stage Freya muttered, “Why are we going through with this schoolhouse routine? Just mail us the damn tin or something.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Under other circumstances, this might have been a moment for Elpsis to remind Tempest of her duty to impregnate her because she really wanted to have her magical babies. But she was not in the mood. "It's all dark and cold," she sounded distressed. "The drugs make sleepy. I don't want to sleep. When I close my eyes, sometimes I get dragged back there." Her heart rate intensified. "Tempest..this is real, isn't it? I'm not there anymore? You're really here?"


"That's fine. You don't have to get anything. You can be the Wookiee without a medal," Natalie interjected smugly when Freya grumbled.
The Sergeant glared at her. "Frak off."
"Both of you, cut it," Saito interjected harshly.
Freya was about to tell the Panathan that she was not her boss, but she did not get the chance. "What's a Wookiee?" Xalda asked earnestly.
"I'll tell you later," Natalie said before anyone could shut her down.

Xalda watched while the presentation took place. One by one, someone from the crowd was called forward to get an award conferred on them. Jazan Jai Khahal was summoned and approached the Consort with a confident swagger that seemed arrogant to Xalda. The Qadiri was granted the most prestigious medal of all, the Galactic Cross.

After the Flayed One had gotten a Phoenix, Third Class. It was Xalda's turn. The Xioquo fidgeted a bit when she heard the Consort call out her name. "What is appropiate? Should this one..I bow to her?" she asked.
"Just shut up and take the bloody tin," Freya growled irritably.
Xalda managed to approach the Blessed Consort and accept her Phoenix Cross without embarrassment for herself or her people. Then came brave Sergeant Saito. Her walk was more befitting of a soldier. She left the stage with a Phoenix Cross, First Class. She was followed by Natalie, who went home with a Phoenix. That mousy Tephriki clone, Varkasa Jai Nasal and Bakana Jai Aramal each gained a Firestar, First Class. The latter looked just a little disappointed. Xalda could not help feeling a bit smug about that. Freya grabbed her Phoenix and pocketed it almost dismissively before leaving the stage.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
As the last recipient came forward to collect their reward, Tegaea nodded.
“Each of you will receive bonuses commensurate to your rank and reward in your next pay check. A list of the fallen is being composed and messages sent to their family. If you wish to commend or shed guidance on any of your comrades’ fate, please contact your superior. Dismissed.”
Commendations for the fallen were a good way for the families to have their fallen son or daughter entered onto the rolls and get a bit more of a reward. And seeing how or where their family member fell might help them moving forward.


“This is real, Elpsis. You’re really here, it’s not a vision or a dream.” She sought for some way to help her lover, but there was little she could do. And then…she started to sing. Tempest was not much of a singer, and it certainly wasn’t the Nova Stars, but more of a rhythmic chant in her people’s language.
As she grew more confident, her tone grew louder so that her words were more audible through the speaker. Though Elpsis might not know what Tempest was singing about she might catch her name in the song.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

With Tegaea having concluded her speech, the crowd dispersed. "'bout time," Freya grunted and without further ado headed out. However, Xalda hung back. The Xioquo did not approach the Consort, but kept her eyes on awe. Her hand touched the 'tin', as Freya had called it. It seemed so strange to her, holding it in her hands. Her mistress had not rewarded her for her deeds, no matter how many times she put her life on the line. Janissaries did, after all, not merit reward.

"Hey, you alright?" she was pulled from her thoughts by brave Sergeant Saito. The Panathan's arm was in a sling, as she had broken her fight with the Jedi Vanguard Commander.
"Fine," Xalda said a bit self-consciously. "This one is fine. A bit overwhelmed," she admitted. Her red eyes met towards the Panathan. "The goddesses were dead...but many down there are with Mother Earth now."
"Yeah, it got...brutal. Poor bastards. May Nussyn ferry them to gods' halls," Saito affirmed.
"They must receive justice."
"This isn't the first time for you, isn't it?" Xalda said nothing, but nodded mutely. "You've been through this before. On the side, I'm guessing. Look, I'm not one for pep talks but if you need a helpful ear...," she trailed off.
"This one is fine. But appreciates your kindness. This one was honoured to fight at your side and is grateful...for all of this."
"You're a good soldier. Bit strange...but, hey, we're a big gang of misfits. Exiles, turncoats, sellswords. But together we're stronger than empires."
"Brought together by the Phoenix," she glanced to Tegaea. "Where is the Consort going now?"
"Director Alcori? To meet our 'guests', I imagine."
"This one should be there with her. If they play us false."
"She has a small army of guards. Ask her for permission." Saito ordered sternly.
"This one shall be discreet and obedient."
"And Xalda, I, not this one.
"This one...I shall remember." It sounded so foreign to her. She looked a bit embarrassed, then smiled slightly.
"No blemish on you when you slip. It reflects on those that could only make themselves feel great by putting you down."

Meanwhile, the unlikely duo of Nyssa - or the Flayed One, as Xalda had decided to call her - and Mara approached Tegaea. The Tephriki looked a bit skittish, though whether this was due to being in the company of a red-skinned demon or Tegaea's was another question. "Uh, excuse me, ma'am," she said politely. "I just wanted to ask if Elpsis is alright?"
"When can I see her?" Nyssa, by contrast, was a lot more direct.


"This is real. This is not a dream," Elpsis repeated the words. It sounded a bit like a mantra. Then Tempest sung. She could not understand the words, though she was certain she heard her name. But it was beautiful. Slowly she relaxed, trying to hum along with the words. "That was beautiful. What does it mean?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Tempest coughed slightly. It was probably a good thing Elpsis couldn’t see her blush.
“Oh, it’s just a tradition my people have about singing deeds and accomplishments. Oral history and all that,” she said quickly.
“I was just…you know…singing about us…” she sounded very, very embarrassed!


Tegaea was soon confronted by Nyssa and a little less forcefully by Mara. Tegaea glanced at both of them.
“Elpsis is recovering, but it’s a long road. We have to make sure she is not unduly rushed or overwhelmed. Talk to Doctor Vik, she will organise brief visiting windows for you both soon. She will be glad to hear both of you again though I’m sure.”

With that she started heading towards the ‘guest’ area of the ship. However, some sixth sense made her turn, and she saw Xalda following her.
“Can I help you, Xalda?” she asked politely, yet firmly. She liked Xio in general so long as they were not the stalkerish kind, or the evil enslaving type. Thankfully both groups were noticeably diminished.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Oh. It sounded lovely. I like it when you," Elpsis said a bit sleepily. "And sing for me. You should do it more often." She was drifting off, but still fighting to stay conscious. "I' to learn your language." Her first step to becoming a white Dahomian!

But space mum! Nyssa looked as close to sulky as she could. She was certain that the Dahomian had not had to ask the Twi'lek, even though Nyssa had saved her! Fortunately, Mara responded before the Pureblood could get a word in. "Thank you, ma'am. We are very happy to know that she's safe. We'll to the Doctor," she said politely.
"Yes, what she said," Nyssa added a bit grumpily.

On the way to the 'guest' quarter, Tegaea ran into a Xioquo zealot. Xalda was not a stalker. She did not even oggle Tegaea's assets. She found it to be very disrespectful. Once she had reprimanded a comrade for doing so. "This one...I...humbly request permission to act as the Blessed Consort's escort. The Karishzar values the Consort's safety highly," she said formally.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
“I can teach you,” Tempest said softly. “Then we can sing together of our victories.”
It seemed that Elpsis was drifting off so Tempest kept herself nearby in case Elpsis spoke more. She would then settle in to watch and guard her.


After a few seconds Tegaea nodded. Xalda was an asset, and even if her ‘consort’ label was strange to Tegaea’s ears she would defend her against any threat.
“Very well, we go to visit the allies my daughter collected from below. They should be friendly enough, but watch for any signs.”

They continued on until they reached a small sitting room. The two guards outside saluted and opened the door. Inside a further two guards stepped aside.
It was likely quite an awkward room. Between first time space farers, defected Jedi, Vong warriors and escaped convicts the atmosphere was tense.

“I am Director Alcori, leader of the Firemane Expeditionary Force. Some of you aided my daughter’s escape, some of you fought valiantly below. I ask you to introduce yourself.”
It was a formality as she knew them or at least of them. This was a way for her to judge and evaluate each based on how they introduced themselves.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Yes," Elpsis pressed her hand against the tank, having somehow found the spot Tempest was standing in front of. She opened her mouth again, apparently intent on saying something but then her eyes closed and she drifted off into a deep slumber.


Xalda smiled slightly. "As the Blessed Consort commands," she said obediently and walked alongside her. A strange crew awaited them when they stepped into the room. Xalda said nothing, but watched them. Her body was tired and her sword heavy, but if any of these Tephriki played them false, she would give her life to defend the Lady.

She could feel that many in the room were blessed by the spirits. But there was one being that stuck out. The alien woman wore army fatigues and carried herself as a soldier. She was of a species Xalda had never met. What struck the Xioquo was the sheer absence of the spirits' blessing.

When she stared upon the woman, she perceived an empty void. It was disconcerting to the Daughter of the Karishzar. The alien had been invited by the Consort, but Xalda kept her hand close to her weapon, just in case. She wondered what manner or demon or deity had cursed the alien to such a state.


They had not allowed her to bring her new rifle into the room. Freya Solveig called it a 'Boltgun'. The blonde-maned human had given it to her and grunted 'time for you to get a real gun'. Mezha had felt a bit indignant. Her slugthrower rifle was perfectly adequate. Supposedly this 'Boltgun' was excellent at killing Force-Users.

She had yet to test it. Instead she was in a guest room, together with a motley crew of people. To stand in the same room with a group of Cursed put her teeth on edge. She could not feel the unnatural power inside them, but she knew it was there. Just waiting. Still, she had come. Her watchful eyes studied them.

A Mirialan and a Nautolan female as well as a Zabrak male were part of the convict party. She wondered whether the Nautolan was from Republican Guard territory. Perhaps a fugitive. She carried herself with an aura of command. A bald, pale-skinned woman in dirty, bloody Jedi robes was standing at the window, staring into space.

Mezha had looked into the void and quickly turned away, feeling uncomfortable and a bit ill. She knew it was silly. The Dominion taught that it was the abode of demons and Sithspawn. Mezha knew this to be nonsense. Aeons ago, Yun-Yuuzhan had shaped the universe from his body. The sacrifice of the Cosmic Lord was not so easily undone by sorcery and trickery. Still, she could deny a feeling of discomfort when she looked at the endless nothingness.

Her keen ears picked up on footsteps outside. Then the door opened and a red-maned woman in a suit stepped in. She spoke Basic. Her words were understandable, but her accent sounded a bit strange to the Vong's ears. The human asked for introductions. Mezha figured she might as well get it on with. "Mezha Krazhmir," she said in a thick brogue. Like most Tephriki Vong, she spoke Basic, but it was heavily accented.

"Viper Company, Republican Guard. And I suppose one of the few people here who is free of the Force." It was a forced attempt at levity to mask her nervousness. "Fought at Purity with your Sergeant Solveig." Simple, to the point. She had done her duty and survived. Many good men and women had not. Some better than her. When she was off the ship, she would perform the necessary rites to honour them.

Maybe she had been the Judas goat. Either way, others stepped up now. "Phoebe," the Nautolan spoke. Her tone was confident. "Serene Springs. I led our people in revolt when your daughter fought the tyrant. We slew the oppressors together. We appreciate you evacuating us...and not leaving us to forces that would cage us again," she cast a significant glance towards Mezha.

"I'm with Phoebe," the Mirialan spoke. "Name's Mel. Serene Springs alumni. Got to graduate with honours for being a 'social parasite'," a hoarse laugh escaped her throat. There was no mirth to be found in it. "Met Elpsis in camp brainwashing. She, uh, saved my life." One hand trembled a bit before she clenched it.

"Harald. Formerly of the Jedi order. I was imprisoned at Serene Springs. I, uh, met Elpsis in the mines. She stood up to the false Jedi. She's very brave and noble," the Zabrak said.

Before Tegaea entered the room, Rhea had been staring into the void, as if mesmerised. Only the sound of boots on the ground and the red-maned woman's authoritative voice had pulled her away from the sight. People introduced themselves one by one. She was silent. Until a day ago, everyone in the room would have been her enemy.

A target the Grand Inquisitor would have dispatched her to eliminate. If she succeeded, he might praise her. He might not be...cruel later on. If she failed, he would tell her that it was a sign of a lack of purity on her part and...she could not think further. She took a breath. He was dead. She was free now.

She kept a watchful eye on the Vong. Looking at her was like staring into a void that housed a demon. She clenched her jaw. Phoebe spoke, using words that asserted some form of leadership. A prisoner called Harald praised her rescuer. Rhea had ample reason to be grateful to her, too...but there was something that to her.

Then she realised it was her turn. "How is Elpsis?" she blurted out. "I am..Rhea." Not the slave Rhea, not the failed Jedi Padawan Rhea. Just Rhea. Her own person. She felt a bit put on the spot. "I was a slave of the Jedi and the Grand Inquisitor. Elpsis set me free." There was a pause.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Once again she found herself in a throne room. But this time it was different, for it was intact. There was no ash, no pile of rubble, no signs of struggle. A large throne loomed before her. It was gilded and made from the skull of a Krayt Dragon. Perhaps the dragon she and Laira Darkhold had slain together on Terax. Those had been happier, more innocent times. Now they felt like they belonged to another life, another Elpsis.

The throne room was filled with people. Warriors, leaders and courtiers of a myriad races had assembled. All her lovers, both past and present, were there, looking upon her with pure adoration. "The Queen of Fire!" a herald declared and these words soon became a clarion call. Warriors raised their swords into the air and hailed her. One by one, those assembled prostrated themselves before her.

"Stop it. This...this isn't me. It's Siobhan," Elpsis yelled, but they did not seem to hear her.
"It could be you," a deep yet feminine voice spoke. Suddenly the Red Lady manifested next to her. She looked as ageless and immaculate as ever. A long mane of copper cascaded past her shoulders and the ruby on her choker shone brightly. "Siobhan's time is past. One day a braver, younger, more beautiful queen will come..."
"Is there a point to this charade? This is the future she wants to force on me. I don't want a throne. I don't want lackeys who worship me."
"Do you truly think you do not deserve any of this? You have battled monsters and abominations, giving no thought to yourself or any worldly reward. Time and again, you shed your own blood in defence of innocents. You fought [member="Matsu Xiangu"]. You freed the prisoners of Serene Springs. Without you, they would have perished."
"That's supposed makes me special? It doesn't. I did...what was needed."
"And you could do so much more...if only you took the reins and accepted your destiny."

Suddenly she was pulled away from the throne room. Instead she perceived a vision of imperial glory and righteous purgation. She saw herself as an untouchable fire goddess, leading legions into battle and raining down destruction upon the wicked. Slavers, Jedi and Sith alike fell before her might, consumed by a fire that never went out. Their screams were drowned out by the cheers of her noble followers. The oppressed were freed from their chains and cheered her. Her minions distributed food and medical supplies to those in need. They were hailed as heroes. She saw Tephrike rise again, united and free of oppression. All under the banner of the Phoenix.

Elpsis could not deny that it was...beautiful. "The Galaxy is harsh and cold. Corruption and evil flourishes," the Red Lady spoke. "Time and again, you have suffered. My heart breaks for how much you have endured. But you have withstood temptation. You can be the flaming sword that smites the wicked, and the prophetess who leads the enslaved to freedom and happiness."
The apparition of herself stared back at Elpsis. The girl could not help stare into those fathomless, milky-white eyes, as if mesmerised. The Elpsis who stood before her was strong, wild and fearless. She was the baleful flame. Beautiful. Untouchable. Terrible. Perfect.
"I could do so much good. I could restore true justice and protect the innocent," Elpsis admitted. The apparition's gaze was hypnotic.
"Yes. And no one will ever hurt you again," the Red Lady said quietly, her warm breath caressing Elpsis' ear. The vision shifted once more and she saw the oppressed lifting up the apparition of Elpsis, celebrating her as their saviour.
"The Lifeweb chose you, Elpsis," the entity continued. "When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power and beyond that impressive potential. Greater than in anyone I have ever guided. You can wield the power of a goddess."
When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power. The words resonated in Elpsis' mind. She tensed. Her eyes dug deeper into the apparition of herself. She forced herself to truly see, and pierce the veil. She looked past her beauty and saw callousness and haughtiness. There was little care in her heart for those who carried her. She looked at the oppressed she had freed and saw fear. She looked further and saw burning cities. She saw great monuments built upon the backs of the innocent. No one being could claim to be omnipotent. No one should be omnipotent. The Lifeweb stood above all.

She turned away, feeling a deep shame. "No," she said quietly. "I'm no queen. Certainly no goddess. I'm a child of the Lifeweb. I will burn anyone who hurts the innocent. I will punish the Jedi and Sith. But I won't wear a crown or force people into being my slaves. I will teach them to be strong so that they don't need to kneel to anyone. And you are not the Red Lady. Show yourself and let me out before I frakking make you!"
The apparition's expression turned contemptuous. Sheer malice radiated from her. Her visage was vile to behold. "So be it, girl. You had such potential...but I see it now. You are just a stupid girl with stupid dreams who's never learned. A pawn of those with more vision than you."
Shadowy tendrils, shaped from the void, manifested and started to reach Elpsis. She screamed in agony, feeling as if she was burning and being drained. Rage rose up inside her. A burning fury that was expressed in form of a massive wave of flame. She was a Phoenix and she could not be contained. The apparition cried out in anger and anguish.
The ground beneath them trembled before being torn asunder. Elpsis fell through the pit. She fell and fell. Darkness swallowed her. She was back in the camp. Back in Serene Springs.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
A rag-tag band, Tegaea thought as each answered. Each was prey to their own hangups and animosities like anyone, but here it was all concentrated to groups on a single world. It was, she imagined, how things had once been for everyone before the galaxy made interstellar travel so quick and easy.

“Thank you, Lieutenant Krazhmir. I do not feel the Force, though I am not dead to it as you evidently are. The ‘Jedi’ and ‘Sith’ have abused your world cruelly, as they have in the greater galaxy. Not all those with the Force are monsters, and not all those who are monsters use the Force.”
The unspoken words were ‘but most monsters are….’
“For your service, for which Sergeant Solveig has been unnaturally complementary, I offer you a decoration and a new weapon with which to continue your fight.”

To the prisoners she turned next. “I cannot imagine what any of you have gone through, and nothing I say will convey appropriately my mix of revulsion for your captors nor your bravery in resisting. For your assistance to my daughter in her time of need I offer you the chance to leave Tephrike and join us at Firemane – with your families if they can be found and extracted. Alternatively, I can give you supplies and put you back on any part of the planet below. You are welcome to stay in the guest quarters for a few days whilst you decide.”

Finally to Rhea. The Rattataki was an interesting sight. Even without the Force she could see she was anxious and unsettled.
“And you, Rhea, for breaking free of the foul servitude of that evil man and for your aid to my daughter I offer you a similar choice. You can join Firemane and learn the ways of the Force further with our instructors, serve with my daughter when she is recovered, and become what you should be rather than what the Jedi forced you to be. Alternatively I can give you a ship so you might come and go as you wish in the galaxy. Finally, I can return you to Tephrike to continue the battle with Jedi and Sith. The choice is yours.”

“Elpsis is recovering well. The torment she suffered was cruel, but she is strong, and she will be back to health soon. However, it is best we not crowd her, so for now she can take no further visitors.”

“Is there anything else any here would ask of me?” she asked, spreading her hands.

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