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Approved Location New Solstace

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Intent: Expand on Arkas and the Eldorai Diaspora.
Image Credit: Here. Here.
Canon: N/A.
Permissions: ARGH gear available to Firemane per this thread. Blanket permission for anything made by Val here. Can use Firemane stuff because I own the company.
Links: Eldorai Exodus, Casus Belli, Denouement, First Contact, Avast and Belay, Shadow Knights, Ashiranism, Order of Fire.

City Name: New Solstace.
Classification: Island Town.
Location: Arkas, near the location of the former Amari Base.
Affiliation: Firemane, Free Eldorai.
Population: Medium.
Demographics: New Solstace is dominated by Eldorai, as the town was built for them. The town has become a bit of a trading centre on Arkas, so there are also also various common alien species. However, they are a minority in New Solstace. Eldorai have a well-justified reputation for xenophobia and arrogance. New Solstace's inhabitants are not free of these traits, but they are far less pronounced than in many other Eldorai towns.

The calamities of the past twenty years have done a good job giving them a lesson in realism. Moreover, New Solstace does not exist in an isolated vacuum. While it is an Eldorai town, it engages in trade with non-Eldorai settlements on Arkas and has to cooperate with them against larger threats. As a result, the Eldorai cannot pretend to be the superior mistress race. In addition, New Solstace has a growing minority from the Eldorai's 'cousin races', especially Qadiri. There are also a few Kar'zun. These tend to be stone people who were trapped on Kaeshana along with the Eldorai Forsaken during the Exodus. There is a small population of misc. aliens. Many of these are traders and tourists or Firemane representatives.

Wealth: Medium. The community was founded by low class exiles. They had to start from scratch and acclimate themselves to a wholly new environment. People did not live in deprivation or starve, but there were few luxuries. However, over the years the community has gotten on its feet, and indeed become a local centre of trade. Foreign investment, economic development and trade deals with other communities on the planet have helped jumpstart the local economy. The economy is based on the Najim trade, tourism, fishing, mining, shipping, forestry and specialist crafting of Asuran wares. Kelp and seaweed are also harvested. The planet has lots of silver, so that is another item for them to export. However, growth has also led to class disparities, which has led to the rise of a labour movement demanding a more equitable distribution of wealth. Presently the economy is expected to grow further over the coming years. The local government has been able to utilise its revenue to fund social programmes to help the less fortunate.

Stability: Medium. Agitators both revolutionary and reactionary seek to influence the population. Examples are the Shadow Knights and the reactionary Order of the Bright Star. The local government is somewhat oligarchic, but not dictatorial or tyrannical. While corruption is an issue, the government is generally accountable to its people and responsive to their needs. But people can express their opinions freely in speech or writing. This also provides the system with a safety valve, as it gives activists and those disgruntled with the status quo, excluding the most extreme, a legitimate way of expressing their grievances instead of being driven to violence.

GRU, Firemane's intelligence service, maintains a low-key presence to keep an eye on supposed 'extremists', which is code for trying to make sure the community does not get too independent. Traditionally the Eldorai are an insulated people, but necessity has forced New Solstace to cooperate with other communities on the planet. Moreover, the settlement has been set up by people who wanted to get away from the Matriarchy, which means they are less inclined to follow its traditions. As a result, the town is safe for foreign travellers to visit. Indeed, peaceful trade with other communities on Arkas is encouraged. On the whole, it is a stable community and the increasing affluence of the town has undermined the credibility of reactionary agitators. Not the least because said reactionaries and conservatives abandoned the Eldorai Forsaken on Kaeshana. While wary of provoking the megacorp to bring down the hammer, New Solstace has been begun to quietly crack down on Firemane stooges and agents.

Freedom & Oppression: Freedom is overall good, but there is tension. The settlement is inhabited by exiles who wanted to get away from the Eldorai Matriarchy and its autocratic form of government, but are also not keen on the collectivist Shadow Knights. As a result, society is relatively open and democratic. Council elections still have some issues, as can be expected from a people with no democratic or liberal tradition, but are held regularly. Independent observers see them as mostly free and fair. The city charter guarantees basic sapient rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of association, right to assemble, right of self-defence, right to property and so on. There is also a free press. New Solstace is protected by a militia recruited from the people. Equal rights for men and women have been enshrined in the charter. However, women still tend to occupy most of the top jobs and get paid more for doing the same work as men.

Description: New Solstace is an Eldorai settlement located on an island that once housed Amari Base, a pirate enclave. It lies in an area of mangroves. There used to be dense marshes, but the new residents have drained them to make room for a large resort. The city looks quite advanced by local standards, but also uses stone, wood and greenery for construction. Towers of stone rise into the sky. Prefabs may still see use as homes for the less well-off. A government building lies in the centre. There is a small spaceport within the walls, while the main landing areas are outside. There is plenty of vegetation and space has been set aside for green areas.

The inhabitants are mainly Eldorai refugees who fled from Kaeshana after it was annexed by the First Order. These are Forsaken; Eldorai who were left behind on Kaeshana during the Great Exodus. As a result, they are a tough, hardy people and differ strongly from the Eldorai Matriarchy in customs and beliefs, though in some ways they are probably more alike than they would care to admit. The town is religiously diverse, which has been the cause of strife, though most of the Ashirans tend to be quite liberal. Many businesses have been founded in New Solstace, with a focus on tourism, mining, trade and forestry.

Firemane lets the Eldorai govern themselves, but has a small presence in form of 'advisors', soldiers and technical personnel. Its relationship with Forsaken groups and Eldorai in general has been quite variable. Firemane prefers indirect rule to running things directly. The town is governed by an elected elected council, with an inner committee acting as the executive. They liaise with Firemane representatives, but recent events have caused relations to be very strained, and there is a good deal of resentment towards the overbearing, despotic megacorp.

Elections to the council are held every three years, but the councillors can be reelected a certain number of times in a row. Citizens can address petitions to the council. If a motion gets a certain number of votes, the council is obligated to debate it. The bureaucrats who handle the day-to-day business that comes with running a town tend to stay in office longer than the elected officials. The individuals in power tend to be Forsaken leaders who acquired renown and influence during the Long Night. This is what the Forsaken call their struggle to survive on post-apocalyptic Kaeshana. This has allowed certain families or circles to entrench themselves in positions of influence, even if they do not hold formal executive power. However, their supremacy has recently been challenged by a class of new Eldorai figures who have risen to prominence on Arkas.

New Solstace started as a small refugee settlement with prefabricated buildings, but has grown over the years. It has received an influx of Eldorai who do not want to follow the Matriarchy, but are also not hardline revolutionaries. Tourism has become an important sector, and Firemane has built a fancy resort. Not all of the Eldorai are happy about the foreign tourists, but several elves now work in the tourism industry. Arkas has great beaches, and beautiful oceans.This makes it a good place for sun bathing, diving and so on. The council has worked with Firemane to attract foreign investors, which has made New Solstace less insular.

New Solstace maintains a militia that is responsible for keeping order and protecting the town. Every eligible, able-bodied citizen is expected to spend some time in the force and participate in regular drills to stay sharp. In times of emergency, the local militia can be placed under the control of the General Officer Commanding Arkas, the most senior Firemane officer on the planet. This is a general policy for local defence forces. The Shadow Knights, a nomadic faction of Eldorai dissidents and exiles, maintain a discreet presence in the town. Their people tend to be recruiters and smugglers. GRU has turned some of them into double agents.

New Solstace maintains a school to educate Force-users who are part of the community. There are limits to what they can learn there, but healers and Force-users with an affinity for the elements are highly valued. The latter are particularly useful given the frequent storms on Arkas. They may be called upon to lend their skills to other communities on the planet. Some Eldorai Force-Users also create basic Force imbued items for sale. New Solstace trades with other communities on Arkas, such as Freetown, a settlement created for freedmen after the defeat of the corsairs.


New Solstace Docks: The main method of travel is by ship over the water. The docks are a key area for travel as well for fishing and trading with other inhabitants on Arkas, such as Freetown. Moreover, fishing is an important enterprise. Natives also offer boat tours for tourists. Because the docks are an obvious entry point, they are guarded. Nonetheless, the Shadow Knights have set up clandestine operations here, both to smuggle and also influence those who come and go. To this end they have appropriated a warehouse, using a front company. Ever since a failed takeover attempt, the cell has been on a tight leash by the Court of Shadows. Their efforts are focused on smuggling and recruitment. There is also a place for merchant near the docks, allowing locals and visitors to trade. A ferry service links New Solstace with Freetown. Allseason Shipping and Logistics is located here. As the name implies, it is a shipping line whose services include freight delivery, logistics, and cargo cruise. Moreover, it offers customised supply solutions for refrigerated, specialised and dry cargo.

Obelisk of Remembrance: A memorial located in the town square. It is dedicated to the Eldorai who perished during the destruction of Kaeshana and those who fought for the freedom of the Forsaken during the Long Night. It is a tall granite obelisk. At the foot of the structure are two stone figures. One lies at the base of the statue, having perished during the Long Night, while the other sits, mourning her dead comrade and holding a rifle, as if ready to fight those who wish her people ill. The Obelisk has an honour guard and people often lay wreaths before it.

Shrine of the Great Deliverer: A place of religious worship dedicated to Illyria, the Eldorai Goddess of Death and the Underworld. According to Ashiran mythology, Illyria grew haughty and rebelled against the Great Goddess Ashira. To punish her for her sins, she was cast down into hell. The fact that the Ashiran faith is so closely tied to the Monarchy has motivated many rebels and dissidents to adopt Illyria as an icon. In their eyes, she is a liberator and the first rebel.

The Illyrians who live in New Solstace consider themselves to be distinct from the Emissaries of Illyria, the main Illyrian sect in the Shadow Knight movement. They claim to follow the true teachings of Aedema Cytani, the founder of the Illyrian heresy. Aedama was one of the eight Cytani claimants who were defeated by the 'usurper' Callidora I. Forced to renounce her royal title and confined to a monastery, she experienced a spiritual crisis and came to believe that Ashira did not work through the Star Queen and that the true power was in Illyria, goddess of death and the underworld.

The heresy became popular among the smallfolk. It is doubtful that Aedema was much of a revolutionary, but her beliefs soon became associated with social radicalism. Finally Aedema was captured. She was burnt at the stake, but her elemental powers allowed her to overcome the fires, so she had to be shot by firing squad. The shrine has artwork depicting her story. The believers maintain that Aedema was rewarded by Illyria in the afterlife, becoming one of her heralds. There are plenty of images showing Void Stalkers, Illyrian demons, devouring the forces of reaction, slavery and imperialism.

Holy Temple of the Eternal Mother: A somewhat fancy name for a building dedicated to the worship of the Great Goddess. Coexistence with the Illyrians is awkward, but most Forsaken Ashirans tend to be liberal. Many of them are Arrynists, who are considered heretics by the orthodox Church of Ashira. Some of the priestesses create and sell minor Force Imbued items, such as enchanted jewellry. This helps fund the temple. Recently a small shrine was created to accommodate Qadiri who worship Kashara.

Littoral Shrine of Tythe: Dedicated to Tythe, the Eldorai Goddess of the Oceans and Water. Arkas is a planet of oceans, islands and scattered landmasses, so worshipping Tythe is quite important. It stands in stark contrast to Kaeshana, where all land is almost entirely concentrated into a single massive continent. The Eldorai did not like venturing into the oceans of their homeworld, as the climate was stormy and it was populated by sea monsters. However, conditions are different on Arkas, where sea travel is a necessity. The shrine is located close to the shore. A number of priestesses are skilled Water Shapers and alter environment specialists whose abilities focus on the water and the air.

School of the Four Powers: An enclave where Force-users are taught how to control their abilities. Attendance is mandatory. Eldorai possess a higher than average Force affinity than humans. As a result, being taught control and responsible use is quite important. The teachers tend to have some form of military training and are often veterans. Firemane lets the Eldorai train their people themselves, bu has forced them to accept monitoring from the Order of Fire. This has understandably led to discontent, not the least because Firemane tries to poach the best students to mould them and use them for its own ends. Eldorai reject the dualist beliefs of Jedi and Sith. To them the Force is Sciia, which is also their word for soul. It is an inner flame the gifted can tap into, not an omnipresent energy field with a will of its own. There are ongoing efforts to organise a kind of exchange programme with other settlements on the planet. There are allegations that Shadow Knight infiltrators have managed to infiltrate the school, though this may just be a pretext for Firemane or royalist meddling.

Tvaren Forestry Company: One of the major employers in New Solstace. The forestry tends to the forests. It cuts some trees, but in a sustainable fashion. Also harvests materials and rare plants from there. It makes a profit by planting, cultivating, caring for, preparing, harvesting or cutting trees or timber.

Bright Mountain Mining & Prospecting: A mining company that has established a presence in the city. They have been given a concession to exploit a silver mine in the mountains. The fact that the manager is married to the cousin of a councillor had nothing to do with this obviously. They also use search for and assess new mineral and ore deposits. Firemane has also invested in it, which has been the cause of discontent.

Zarru & Aldaer's Emporium: A big trading market like an enclosed bazaar. It consists of multiple stalls or shops. A variety of mundane and exotic wares from Arkas can be purchased here, as merchants from other settlements on the planet can here to offer their goods. Haggling is not just encouraged, but expected.

Seven Stars Tourism & Exploration: a tourism business located in the town. It serves as a travel agency, helps tourists find accommodations and organises tours on land and sea. It provides travel guides and prides itself on introducing foreigners to Asuran culture. Its guided adventure travel focusing on scuba and snorkeling are particularly popular.

New Solstace Magistracy: Houses the communications equipment and is the seat of government. The building has a domed structure. It is located in the centre of the town. The council that governs the community convenes here. Firemane has a representative who is there ostensibly to help in case of attack (call in support) but is mainly there as an open
GRU spy. People know who she is and she knows that they know.

First Light Orphanage: Set up to accommodate the many Forsaken children without a parent or legal guardian, as well as homeless children. Eldorai culture encourages adoption, as the elves make no real distinction between biological and adopted children. However, most of the locals believe that Eldorai children should be raised by their fellow Eldorai. Thus they do not respond well when rich foreigners, particularly celebrities, show up and say they want to take a child home.

House of Healers: Located close to the School of the Four Powers. It is a full medical centre set up to help those in need. Though the name might imply otherwise, not every medical practitioner here is a Force-user, though the most senior are. It was originally set up to provide medical care for Eldorai who had been injured during the Battle of Kaeshana or had medical conditions from the Long Night, but became a permanent fixture. People from other communities on Arkas are sometimes sent here for treatment.

Eagles' Nest Spaceport: A small spaceport located within the walls. It can accommodate anything up to 100m and below. It is mainly there for cargo and transport. Landing fields are located outside for space reasons.

Barracks: Self-explanatory really. This is the headquarters of the militia and defence forces of New Solstace. There are not a lot of amenities, but all the essential facilities are there. Soldiers can be accommodated, train and drill here. The hard core is composed of former insurgents and survivalists. The people of New Solstace remember the calamities that befell Kaeshana, so they want to be prepared.

Spring Aegis Resort: The marshes have been drained and turned into a resort, which is run by Firemane. The resort has extensive entertainment and recreational facilities. It contains full-service accommodations and amenities. This includes an upscale spa. There are also facilities for business conferences. Firemane executives like to entertain guests here. Their arrogance and entitlement does not make them popular though.

Tythe's Garden: One of the restaurants of the resort. What sets it apart from the rest is the fact that it is located underwater. This allows guests to see the fish and coral. A short tunnel connects it to the resort. Guests have an excellent view of the coral reef and the creatures that inhabit it. It may be a bit awkward for people who have a problem with their food swimming past them. But the shrimp are excellent.

Varna's Reef: Named after Daena Varna, a priestess of Tythe. Daena was one of the Forsaken who had to struggle to survive in post-apocalyptic Kaeshana. She was popular among the Forsaken and critical of the Matriarchy's decision to prioritise the best and brightest. She was a personal friend of Lyarra Farona, having saved the Forsaken leader drowning in one of the tidal floods that hit Kaeshana's shores after the cataclysm. Daena perished during the Battle of Kaeshana, as she was one of the Eldorai who were crucified by the First Order in Santaissa's ruins. The beautiful reef has an incredibly diverse marine life and is very popular. It has been placed under protection to safeguard it against pollution and other threats.

High. New Solstace is not a metropolis or major military installation. However, its inhabitants are survivors of most of Kaeshana's recent calamities. They had to endure an asteroid collision, an impact winter, internecine strife, slaver incursions and foreign invasion. As a result, the settlement is protected. It is also located on an island. In the light of past experiences, military readiness and discipline are valued highly. However, it is not a fortress. In the case of attack, the defenders would be able to hold off raiders, but not a determined attack by a large enemy. However, Firemane has a military base on the planet, and thus can send support when needed.

  • There is a garrison in form of a volunteer militia, which can be supplemented by a mustering of all eligible, able-bodied citizens. The skill level of the soldiers varies from green recruits to experienced veterans. However, the hard core is composed of military professionals, many of whom used to be Dark Eldorai insurgents. This also includes a contingent of Force adepts, many of whom specialise in elemental Force abilities.
  • Defences have been set up in case of an attack. These include a couple Keraunos Missile Turrets, Ballista and Javelin emplacements as well as a few stationary Rotary Cannon and sonic cannon emplacements. Mobile Barricades can also be set up.
  • The town has some bunkers and air raid shelters for the civilian population to hide inside in case of attack. Moreover, there is an Aspis Energy Shield to protect against aerial and orbital bombardment.
  • It is located on an island, so control of the waterways is important. The local defence force have to a trio of Wayfarer Patrol Boats, which roam the waves and act as patrol ships. One Triton Class Surface Corvette tends to patrol the ocean.
  • The town is located on an island, which bolsters its security.
For many years the planet Arkas was plagued by off-world slavers and pirates who enslaved and persecuted the local population. Major areas on the tropical island planet were controlled by corsair groups that vied for power and influence. One of them were the Outcasts, the second largest group on the planet. Amari Base, their headquarters, was located in an area of dense marshes and mangroves. It controlled the largest slaving operation on the planet and, of course, a Najim field.

The slaver utopia came to an end when Firemane and Eldorai troops descended on the planet. Operating in cooperation with Valiens Nantaris' Freespace Rangers and the Levantine Sanctum, they overthrow the corsairs. An Eldorai task force led by Seraph Kaida Taldir took Amari Base. In the process they discovered that the corsairs had enslaved elves who were related to yet distinct from the Eldorai. These elves were Xioquo. This revelation ultimately led Firemane and the Eldorai Matriarchy to the lost elf world of Tygara. It would become a home for Eldorai fleeing the cataclysmic destruction of Kaeshana.

Firemane maintained a presence on Arkas, seeking to help the natives rebuild. To this end they founded Freetown, which would house the manumitted slaves. Meanwhile, Amari Base was largely forgotten, though Firemane set up a small outpost to prevent corsairs from returning. Things changed with the Battle of Kaeshana. At the conclusion of the battle, the First Order assumed control over the devastated Eldorai homeworld.

However, Firemane had been able to evacuate Eldorai refugees who had sought refuge in what had once been the Citadel of Dusk in the far west of the planet. These Eldorai called themselves the Forsaken; elves who had been left behind during the Great Exodus. Having been forced to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and defend themselves against raiders, they were naturally very bitter towards Firemane and the Eldorai Matriarchy. At the same time, the galactic megacorp had helped them escape foreign invaders.

Some of these Forsaken wanted to fight to liberate their people who had been left behind on Kaeshana. Others wanted to seek out a new home in the stars. Many of these joined the Shadow Knights. However, a good number expressed a desire for terra firma. They wanted a world to settle on, but not be beholden to the Eldorai Matriarchy. Settling the Forsaken on Tygara was ruled out, as their presence was bound to cause tension between them and the Eldorai royalists. So after negotiations with Forsaken leaders, Firemane decided to set up a town for them that would be located near the abandoned Amari Base.

However, the offer did not come without strings attached. The Forsaken were a tough, hardy people, so they would help defend Arkas against incursions. They would provide goods and services, as Firemane was not a charity. Moreover, they would not agitate or conspire against the Eldorai Matriarchy. This was quite pertinent since several of them were political or religious dissidents. Eldorai radicals considered too extreme would be excluded from the settlement. Firemane considered Arkas its bailiwick and did not want to house potentially dangerous insurgents. These conditions drew criticism from certain quarters of the Forsaken, leading to unrest. However, a group of Forsaken took the deal. More than a few of them had clashed with the Shadow Knights on Kaeshans and thus did not want to join their migrant fleet. For its part, Firemane's Board of Control recognised the potential for a public relations success.

It worked in the Eldorai exiles' favour that relations between Firemane and the Eldorai Matriarchy had soured, for an Eldorai noblewoman caused Tarissa Cadalthor had tried to seize power to purge Tygara of foreigners and nonbelievers. To this end her agents had incited riots and her allies in the Council of Nobles tried to pin the blame for the unsuccessful Battle of Kaeshana on Firemane. After her treasonous dealings were uncovered, Siobhan personally executed Tarissa in front of the Council. This made her more amenable to forces she knew the Eldorai reactionaries who had backed Tarissa or agreed with her views disliked, such as Kar'zun, Tygaran natives and those among the Forsaken who were not rebels without pause.

A militia was formed to protect the town. Every able-bodied inhabitant was expected to participate in drills, keep a weapon at home and be trained in its use. This gave the town a pool of reservists to draw upon. Firemane provided surplus gear to equip the militia. Naturally, issues soon arose. The Forsaken were used to hardship, but taking so many people and putting them into one settlement was bound to cause friction. The survivors of Kaeshana's cataclysmic desolation had been divided into gangs and warlord groups that vied over scarce resources. As a result, there was tension. Sectarian strife between religious sects was also an issue. Furthermore, the climate of Arkas differed radically from that of Kaeshana. Inevitably, there was friction between the haves and the have nots.

Forsaken who had wielded power as gang leaders or minor warlords on Kaeshana were eager to perpetuate and expand their influence. The first election was plagued by fraud and voter intimidation. Moreover, Eldorai extremists agitated, sowing discord and preaching insurrection. Some Dark Eldorai radicals tried to use the town as a base to operate against the Eldorai Matriarchy. This led to attempts to infiltrate the militia and steal weapons. Firemane and loyalist forces responded with a harsh crackdown. Naesala Faethyra, Archon of the Shadow Knights, disavowed a radical cell that tried to take over, but it soured relations. Several agitators were exiled from Arkas; a few were executed. Reforms were implemented to prevent exploitation.

The Najim plant, native to Arkas, had been the cash crop of the corsairs. The large Najim field was soon exploited by the settlers. Firemane tried to stamp out Najim harvesting. But eventually the megacorp decided that it would be more cost-effective to tolerate and regulate the practice. Fishing, logging and salt mining also became important economic ventures. Guidelines had to be implemented to protect the environment and thus ensure sustainable development of the island's natural resources.

Lyarra Farona emerged as a senior leader of the community. She had been a militia commander and minor warlord on Kaeshana during the Long Night. She possessed the right combination of drive, energy and leadership ability to take the helm, though detractors accused her of favouritism. Even when not a formal member of the council, her word had a lot of weight. Moreover, she was on poor terms with the Shadow Knights, having clashed with them on Kaeshana and refused to be absorbed into their group.

This was a point in her favour, as Firemane did not want an Eldorai group it viewed with suspicion to gain a foothold in its territory. Lyarra had also proved herself during the troubles that characterised the early history of New Solstace. As a result, Siobhan judged her to be someone she could work with. With the blessing of the Lady of Fire, Lyarra began to put the town on a solid footing, initiating a programme to develop its infrastructure and provide education. Many of the Forsaken were of low birth. They were also disproportionately young. This made education a priority.

A special school was founded to provide basic training to Force-users. This was quite pertinent because Eldorai possess a higher than average Force affinity than humans. Given the island location, Force-users with an affinity for the elements of air and water were particularly valued. They proved useful when the town was threatened by a storm, using their powers to protect their people from devastation. Some of the local Force-Users would end up being recruited by the Order of Fire. They sent back part of their earnings to support their families.

Disputes over fishing and underwater mining rights led to tensions with other communities on Arkas. But although the community struggled, it was able to get on its feet. The town was not rich, but its inhabitants had a far better life than in the wastes of Kaeshana. Kraal raids and pirate attacks helped isolate extremist groups as it became clear that the people of New Solstace needed to stand together. After having endured so many calamities, many of the inhabitants simply wanted to get on with their lives instead of dedicate themselves to dubious revolutionary projects. The local militia provided a body of soldiers who could support the planetary defence forces.

The Serenade Incident caused some disturbances in New Solstace. Serenade was a mixed species settlement Solstace had trade relations with. A good number of its inhabitants were fellow Eldorai refugees. However, one day Firemane lost contact with the town. This happened during a tropical storm, making it very difficult to acquire reliable data. A joint Firemane and Angelii task force was dispatched to investigate what happened.

It turned out that Serenade had been taken over by a horde of intelligent zombies controlled by a hive mind. The zombies were able to turn the defences of the settlement against the living and think tactically. The soldiers soon had to fight for their lives and risked being outflanked. Moreover, the hive mind assaulted key members of the task force with mental assaults and almost succeeded in trapping them in illusory utopias. Ultimately, the troopers retreated after knocking out Serenade's AA guns, enabling bombers to contain the outbreak by levelling the town.

The incident caused a brief scare in New Solstace, as the authorities feared the virus might have spread. Fortunately, it had been quarantined, though there were protesters who considered the decision to sacrifice survivors who might have still been hiding in Serenade callous. Shortly thereafter, New Solstace's local Shadow Knight cell attempted to take over. The coup was very ill-advised and suppressed by the authorities, who clamped down on suspected agitators. The Archon, the elected leader of the Shadow Knights, disavowed the local cell as having gone rogue, though Firemane remained sceptical. Moreover, Firemane took advantage of the turmoil created by the failed revolution to discredit, blackmail and even assassinate certain politicians who were opposed to the megacorp. A media outlet deemed too critical of Firemane was hounded for being 'extremist', using doctored evidence.

Over the years, New Solstace expanded. The local governmetn was able to attract foreign investors, working with Firemane. Marshes were drained to make room for a resort. The tourism industry soon became a major job creator. This led to economic growth. The town is no egalitarian paradise, but it has gotten on its feet and attracted migrants. However, revelations about Firemane engaging in wholesale exploitation of many Asuran workers in company towns has brought tensions to Firemane to boiling point. There have been attacks on people associated with Firemane, and protesters have demanded the government stand up to the corpo-state. At the same time it is under pressure to crack down on anti-corporate agitators. Time will tell wheher New Solstace will be able to accomplish this. Recently, the city has begun negotiations with other settlements on Arkas to establish some kind of defence compact. Officially it is against pirates and raiders.
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