Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Long Road

The Outcast had become a bit more noisy lately, not that the thrum of its overcharged engines and the occasional problem with its boosted hyperdrive didn’t already cause noises. The redhead dozed on and off in the cockpit, trying to catch up on sleep now that her life had been made a little more chaotic by the inclusion of the toddler she had rescued off the Dona Carlotta before its destruction. When it was all said and done, the child had nowhere else to go, and the Solemn Purpose didn’t have an adoption agency for him to be dropped off with, and so Laira had taken it upon herself, and her two companions, to ensure his safety until a family could be found for little Faljin.

For the moment, Saeza was taking care of the human child in Laira’s room, and also still recovering from her own ordeal. The young Jedi Knight had suffered on the Dona Carlotta beyond measure, but had survived through the force of her will and bought the rest of her friends time to escape. A thick scar where she had cut herself open to forcibly remove an alien creature gestating within her chest cavity had yet to be removed. Luckily she had survived the vacuum of space for a moment allowing her to be rescued at the last moment. Needless to say, Laira was a bit perturbed that Master B’rahk had promoted only Saeza, though she did have a great deal of pride in her friend.

As the redhead’s eyes closed and her breathing slowed, drifting off to sleep at last boots against the decking awoke her. A hand squeezed her shoulder, and she let out a whimper as breath tickled her ear. “It’s almost your watch.” The death trooper said quietly.

Uhhh.” She replied with a whine, twisting in her chair away from him. “Can you cover for me. Puhleeeease. I just need a nap, like an uninterrupted, eight hour nap.

Maybe.” Leo remarked with a slight grin. “I’ve got some messages from a RESINT informant. Mentions of a few old FO stormtroopers kicking around on the outer rim.” He held out the datapad for Laira to take.

Uhhh, but I don’t wanna.

His lips pressed against her cheek, “You gotta, or you watch Faljin in twenty.

Laira patted the blue eyed man’s cheek with her hand, taking the datapad. “I’ll come help you in a bit anyway.” She skimmed the messages and reports. “Well, this will be awkward.


Mentions a Firemane Outpost flutters around near that sector.

So? We don’t have to tell them. It’s not like they own the planet. If they did, this wouldn’t be our problem.

Laira scrolled through a little more. “We could use the backup. Saeza’s not fully recovered, you and I are still a little banged up. Last time we walked into something, we almost died. Hell, Saeza actually died.” She chewed on her lip. “We’ll head to the Firemane Outpost Station, let them know what’s up, and offer to help.” Her hands twisted the controls of the freighter, reorienting it towards the system, changing the IFF tracker to Rebel Outcast once more, making the jump to Hyperspace.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

The 'Forge', as the Firemane outpost station was nicknamed, was a far cry from the likes of the Arx Aeternae. Indeed, it was small enough to fit into the ginormous command station, while still leaving the latter with tons of free space. Despite being far less populated, it was more cramped. The on-board population of soldiers, trainees, support personnel and officers had to make do with little space. Moreover, it lacked most of the amenities.

Still, Elpsis liked it. Out here, she was far from an overbearing's mother shadow. Out here, she felt like she could make a difference. Her daily life was defined by military routine, discipline and drill. But she felt it suited her. It brought some semblance of order into the raging whirlwind that had been her life.
Her army boots thumped against the floor as she stepped into the briefing room. "Lieutenant Alcori, reporting for duty, ma'am," she snapped to attention and saluted. She was dressed in her on-duty uniform. In keeping with Firemane regulations, it was olive green. Her red hair had started to regrow.

Lucille Guyenne returned the salute, but did not bother with pleasantries beyond that or even tell her subordinates they could stand at ease. Guyenne's father had, Elpsis recalled, been an Omega Pyre general. Being a soldier was in her blood. The same probably applied to the privilege of being in command."We've received reports of a First Order presence on Varonat," she said without premable. Elpsis stood at ease, nonetheless.

"Humint or sigint?" The Zabrak who had accompanied Elpsis asked. Her name was Lin Brakka, nicknamed Spire. The two had worked together during a raid on a weapons' factory on Ession. Before Tephrike. Before everything. Back then the Sergeant had been Elpsis' superior.
"Bit of both," the Colonel responded simply. "We intercepted some comms chatter. Nothing definite. Mainly concerning supplies. However, a local informant contacted us. Something about villagers in New Horizon being harassed and press-ganged by soldiers clad in white body armour. We lost contact with him. It's to be assumed he was killed."
"Sounds like the fascists, alright," Elpsis remarked. "Any idea on how many jackboots are down there? And is it just bucketheads or do they have some Vader fanboys stalking around, too?"
"Undetermined. So far GRU assumes it's a small cell. Stormtroopers cut off from HQ after the Scales turned Avalonia into a ghost town."
Brakka scoffed. "More often than not, their estimates aren't worth a bag of piss."
"I'll pretend I did not hear that, Sergeant. Regardless, it's our job to determine the nature and extent of their presence planetside, then put a stop to it. Even if it'a small cell, it could provide us with vital intelligence on the First Order remnants in this corner of space."
Elpsis did not need much encouragement to shoot Imperials. "I'm up for it, ma'am. So are my girls. If the intel came from New Horizon, it sounds like a good place to start by questioning the locals and scouting the forests. Get some eyes on the ground and send out a couple probe droids."
"Take a squad from your
platoon with you."
Elpsis raised an eyebrow. "Just one, ma'am?"
"Can't risk tipping 'em off early," Brakka interjected. "Or spook the locals. May be more cooperative if we don't look like we're about to torch the place if we don't like their answers. Besides, we an't rule out that some of the locals are in cahoots with the Imperials. Remember, this planet was under the jackboot for years."
"Yes," Guyenne affirmed. "The rest of your platoon will remain on standbye and be ready to deploy when needed."
"Fair, we can take some no-shows with us," Elpsis shared a look at Brakka, who nodded. "Worked like a charm on Ession."
"Good call," Brakka affirmed. "Make sure they know it's double-blind."
Elpsis nodded and looked at her superior. "Any air cover? If they have some TIEs rusting down there or we have a camp to level?"
Captain Khamasa Jal Nadur cleared his throat. "We have a squadron on patrol. It can rain down fire from the void-ocean if you provide us with coordinates."
"Swell," Elpsis muttered. Any time she talked to the naval officer, she could not feel some unease. It was not even due to army-navy issues. Before Firemane had come to Tygara, Khamasa, like the rest of his clan, had been pirates and slavers. They had reformed and given up this heinous practice...but that was because going legit offered more opportunities for them. People say the same about Diona and Nyssa, the inner voice reminded her. That's different, she insisted. Whatever, focus on the now.

"Remember, Lieutenant, no heroics. Your first objective is search, then destroy. If against all odds you discover a larger force, you will fall back to a defensible position, and wait for the cavalry. If you come across Imperials, don't give them the chance to report back and alert their base that we're on their trail. Understood?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'm not the type to treat Imps with kid's gloves," Elpsis glanced at Brakka. "Sergeant, get the girls assembled. I want the
Champions, Vykaris, Rhea...and Diona."
"The turncoat Jedi," Guyenne remarked.
"She hates Sith and fascists. Tephrike has its own." Not that the Dominion is any better, but Elpsis did not voice that thought.
"On your responsibility, Lieutenant. Keep an eye on her. It will be easy for anyone who wants to make a run for it to disappear in those forests. You're dimissed. Get going," Guyenne concluded the briefing.
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Saeza, wearing her masquer, pulled the ship out of hyperspace quietly, golden eyes scanning the instruments. Since the incident aboard the Dona Carlotta, Laira had showed the vong girl some of the tricks the Jedi Ace had accrued over her career and had become comfortable with Saeza piloting the ship herself from time to time. Previously, the vong would have assumed it was more to do with Laira devoting a great deal of time to caring for Faljin, the toddler that had become the redhead’s ward, but after their ordeal together and their talks about their shared experiences and issues, Saeza was more confident in her own skill. Sure, she was still the timid, shy one of the crew, but she no longer possessed any doubts about their friendships or about their trust in her.

Owwww,” Saeza’s pointed ears perked up, hearing Laira shout out from her room not far down the corridor. “No biting!” the redhead said in a stern voice, though hardly a tone one would call motherly. Boots rang across the deck, the redhead appearing in the cockpit shortly after, strapping a blue-eyed black-haired toddler into the emergency chair in the rear of the cockpit. As the redhead passed Saeza for the pilot’s chair, the vong noticed her rubbing her bosom gingerly. “I’m gonna take a guess and say he’s hungry.

Well,” The vong started, regurgitating a joke she had heard Leo say after similar incidents with Faljin, “You do kind have a buf-

A glare from the redhead cut her off. “Don’t you finish that joke.” The toddler babbled in the back of the cockpit, reaching for anything he could hold. Luckily in the few days they’d had the child, they had learned where to strap him in to prevent him from grabbing anything dangerous or important.

Rebel Outcast to Firemane Outpost: Forge, transmitting message over secure short burst frequency.” Laira said keying in the communication. The burst was a beam of light angled at the looming outpost station in their viewport. Unless a ship darted between them and the outpost, there was no risk of it being overheard. “Chatter picked up messages of First Order stormtroopers near New Horizon. Not surprising, but we were heading to give it a look.” Something in Laira’s stomach churned suddenly as she spoke, like she was about to heave. After a moment the sensation passed. “We were heading that way, wanted to inform Firemane of the situation given your proximity. We can dock and coordinate, meet dirtside, or RESINT will go it alone, up to Outpost command.” The redhead turned off the communication once the lightbeam had transmitted it fully to await a response.

Well now, Faljin, how about some food.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

"These men we are to fight, they are like the slavers who oppressed the sand elves, yes? Your Vaderites," Rhea spoke, while she was likewise equipping herself.
A nod. "Yeah, more First Order arseholes. Their empire's ashes, but they stick around like coackroaches."
"Then they deserve to be burnt alive. I shall gladly send them to Chaos."
"Me too."
"Yet you seem unsettled."
You must get better at hiding that, Elpsis silently chided herself. "Not unsettled," she corrected. "Our intel says it's a small cell just hanging out in the woods and oppressing locals. When some far-away staffer says it's a milk run, I get suspicious. So be prepared if we face some real opposition."
"If we do, good. Weak foes will not advance me further. Mighty ones make me stronger. Readier," Rhea affirmed. It was not rocket science to figure out what she meant.
"For Tephrike," Elpsis finished. She picked up her helmet, but did not put it on yet. She grabbed a no-show and attached her lightsabre to her utility belt. "You've been listening too much to Yagt's speeches," she added, referring to the Bothan squad sergeant. He was tough and competent...but very zealous.
"There is truth to them," Rhea said earnestly. "I must be at my strongest if I am face to what is to come."

"Yes, and not at the cost of burning out because you've been rushing to the finish line," her superior said firmly, turning around to face the Rattataki. "Strength isn't just in your muscles or in what you can do with the Force. It's using your head, knowing when to act and when not. None of us are any use to the cause, our people, or ourselves as a body bag."
"I am not blind. I shall pass through the forge and be the flaming lance," Rhea affirmed. She took a step forward. "I learned from the best, after all."

"That would be me, of course," a deep voice suddenly interjected as Nyssa sauntered into the room. "Isn't that, right?" she smirked.
"Your modesty puts us all to shame, Nyssa," Elpsis responded sardonically.
"You know what happens to the quiet, modest types? They stay quiet and modest and then get frustrated when their accomplishments get claimed by someone with a loud voice and a strong elbow."
Rhea looked at the two of them. "I've learned much from you both."
"You use your brain and know what a fight's about. Not like those whimps I usually get," Nyssa gave the pale, bald alien a comradely slap on the shoulder. "So we killing Ren or not?"
"You may be out of luck. Our intel says it's just a couple Stormtroopers harassing villagers," Elpsis could not see Nyssa's annoyed expression, but she was certain she could feel it.
"It better be more than some squibs who can't hit the broad side of a barn. I'm opening a Ren mask collection," the Pureblood growled, glancing at Rhea. "Did you lot do that back home? Collect Vader masks?"
Rhea shook her head. "No, trophies were forbidden. Once I held on to a Vaderite mask I had taken from a foe I'd slain, and I was punished for it. Pride was of the dark, they said."
Nyssa snorted. "Because when you have posters and statues in your likeness everywhere, you are free of pride. Tell you what, since it seems we'll be stuck with fighting Vader poseurs for the foreseeable future, we'll open..."

At that moment Elpsis' comm beeped. Quickly, she took the call. "Alcori," she said simply.
Guyenne's voice droned out of the comm. "Lieutenant, a Resistance ship has just hailed us. Apparently they're acting on the same intel as we are. They're offering their support. Now Firemane's relationship with that group has been...variable, but they may be of use. I've given them permission to dock."
"What's the name of the ship?"
"The Rebel Outcast. Do you know it's captain"
"Laira's ship," Elpsis muttered, then in a louder, more professional voice. "Jedi Laira Darkhold."
"Hmm. I remember the name from your files," Guyenne said thoughtfully. She did not know the Rebel Jedi personally, but had obviously been briefed about the Tephrike campaign. "Fortress Purity," she paused. "Is this going to create issues, Lieutenant? I'm aware your relationship was complicated. I need your head in the game."
"Ma'am, my only goal is to go down there, find and kill the Imps and get my squad out alive. Everything else comes second to me."
"Good. Exercise your good judgement, Lt."
"Yes, ma'am," Elpsis cut the connection and sighed.
Ere she could say something or gather her thoughts, Nyssa spoke up. "So the girl scout has come to join the party. What does she want to do? Kindly tell us that violence is wrong and we should pray to the Light? Or she show some spine since this time our enemies don't wear Jedi robes?"
"We don't need the Burlap Brigade."
"Who is this Laira?" Rhea interjected.
Nyssa opened her mouth, but Elpsis pre-empted her. "A Jedi I used to work with."
"A Jedi? Why would you work with one? They are vile."
Elpsis raised a hand. "Not like the Dominion. Not a child murderer or a slaver."
"Then the cowardly kind who consorts with Sith?"
"The kind who grew up sheltered thinking war's like an adventure from a story then got a reality check and couldn't handle it."
"Oh, you'll love her, Rhea, she's a Jedi who thinks rainbows and happiness are all you need to solve the galaxy's problems."
"Shut it, Nyssa."
"Maybe she's gotten a backbone, just so long as the First Order doesn't send kids against us I suppose. Hey I know, Red, put Laira and your leashed Jedi together. They can have tea together and discuss the Light and Dio can explain how genocide fits into that."
"That's enough." Elpsis did not yell. It hurt her throat if she raised her voice. But her chilly tone brooked no contradiction. "And what happened at Purity is nothing to snark about, so cut the BS. Clear? We've got a job to do. The trail's fresh, we must go after it before it gets cold. Squad's assembling in the hangar. Move."
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The Rebel Outcast pulled alongside the Forge, extending its boarding tube to connect with the station’s docking tube. The Outcast was a relatively large freighter, bigger than the old YT-1300 models smugglers trying to reenact Han Solo’s legacy preferred. The Forge could have held it in the bay, but it saved space to dock outside and made leaving easier since the ship wouldn’t power all the way down. Laira flicked a few buttons to send the ship into standby mode. “Alright Rowdy, you have the conn.” Her hand patted the metallic dome of the astromech as it whistled a response. “Yes, I’m taking Faljin with me for the meet and greet.” The redhead grinned, but understood the droid’s desire to be free of the responsibility of the child.

Since she had found Faljin, alone and bereft of family or information on who he might be related to, Laira had taken to caring for the child herself. With the assistance of her friends of course. Laira and Saeza looked for a suitable place to leave a Force-Sensitive toddler, but with so many upstart governments, dozens of Jedi Orders who were corrupted, contempted, or worse compliant, along with innumerable Dark Side orders. It wasn’t like the Resistance had a nursery either, and so for the time being, Faljin called the Outcast his home.

The redhead walked through the corridor of her freighter and into her room, stooping when she stood before a small playpen. The human toddler inside sported a mess of dark hair and bright blue eyes, smiling when the redhead stood over him. “Come on little buddy,” she said, extending her arms, the child holding up his hands to be picked up. He could walk already, though Saeza believed that was because of his Force-Sensitivity, manifesting itself in the child as increased learning and equilibrium. “We’re going to see some of my friends, then head to a planet with some bad guys we’re going to beat up. Okay.” The toddler nodded, smiling. He didn’t understand, but he could tell by her playful tone that it was supposed to be happy. He held onto her, bright blue eyes looking about as she carried him towards the boarding hatch where Saeza and Leo were waiting. “Alright, good to go.” She said to the others, letting Saeza go first through the tube to the station.

Leo walked a little ahead of her through the connecting tube. “Little Faljin looks like you a lot, you know. We best be careful lest he starts calling you daddy.” Laira grinned wide, “I guess I’ll have to refrain from calling you that while he’s aboard.

A great loss to be sure, but if he starts calling me daddy and you mommy, he’ll be confused by Saeza.

She’d be his aunt then? He’d be a little confused when she didn’t have her masquer on.

Saeza at the fore didn’t react, though usually she played along. When the doors opened, Saeza appeared as an elven being of diminutive stature with raven black hair and bright-yellow cat’s eyes in traditional Jedi attire. Behind her, Leo a tall human man with a long dark mane and bright blue eyes wearing simple spacers clothes, and then Laira, red locks flowing around her face and form-fitting suit worn with loose trousers. In her hands she clutched a human toddler under a year old with dark hair and bright eyes.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

The trio made their way to the docking bay. Elpsis glanced at Rhea as they walked. "Any news from the
Unchained? How are they settling in?"
"Adjusting. It is strange for them - for all of us - to be, as close as one can be," the Rattataki said after briefly considering her words. "Arkas' climate agrees with them. It is more difficult for the city-dwellers, but enough of us were farmers before. Traders have come...but I believe some are trying to rip us off."
Elpsis snorted. "Figures. Bloodsuckers sensing opportunity. How are things with the locals?"
"Some seem to think we will intrude upon their fishing and farming grounds. There has been arguing."
"Not so long ago they were in the same boat as you. Should show more empathy."
"They are talking, not fighting. I consider that a success. If they shun us...we will persevere. We have come too far for anything else. The Qadiri we aided have been willing to help us."
"That's good. Shazora and her crowd are good people," Elpsis nodded. "Next election isn't that far away, right?"
"Didn't you lot just have one?" Nyssa interjected.

"After liberation, yes. The Advocates are re-elected every year, so there is still some time."
"Just when someone is getting the hang of the job and starting to do something, you boot her out? That's no way to get real leaders, only cowards."
"We escaped a world where no one had any rights. We can only be free when our leaders have to answer to us. By force, if needed. So we all bear arms. And anyone who wants a vote must have served the community first," Rhea opined firmly. "A government powerful enough to ignore the people's voice can silence it."
"And a government enslaved to a fickle electorate will accomplish nothing. Power belongs to the strongest, not whoever makes enough empty promises. But you do you. I hope you won't be counting votes in the middle of a war."
"They're not daft, Nyssa, and rule of whoever has the biggest club hasn't worked out that well, has it?" Elpsis stated. "I suppose you folks will have to find a balance, especially once your group starts growing. Phoebe is likely to be re-elected?"
"Yes, she's strong and stood against the oppressors. And she has not forgotten Tephrike, unlike some who have grown complacent, seduced by the never-ending summer. She should appreciate you more for what you did for us though."
Elpsis shrugged. "I don't think she minds me being 'appreciated'. Just doesn't want anyone to think she and the other prisoners just meekly waited for Firemane and the 'Daughter of Fire' to rescue them. And you know what, that's fine with me. Mother has enough statues, and I don't want any."
"I like her. She's got a functioning brain and charts her own course instead of just begging Firemane to solve her problems for her. Should not be shackled to random votes every couple motnths though," Nyssa remarked. "I do find it amusing that we're debating democracy while working for a group that is not democratic in the slightest. Fortunately. Can you imagine your mother holding a vote, Red?"
"'One woman, one vote'? Oh yes, that's me, the one woman with the vote." Elpsis made a bad impression of Siobhan's voice. Her mother sounded like a highborn lady...which Elpsis failed at.

"I am not here for Firemane. I am grateful to them, but they are not the ones I swore my vow to," Rhea said pointedly, then paused." There has been debate on whether to restart cloning," she continued as the turbolift doors opened.
"But without all the brainwashing...right?" Elpsis asked. "And clones getting all the good jobs because of what their templates did once upon a time."
"Yes, all clones should be free people. The Tankborn say it is part of our culture. Our identity."
"What do you think?" Elpsis pressed.
"I am...uncertain," the Rattataki confessed. "I grew up outside of the creches. I loved my maternal and my paternal. They died for me. When I came to the Temple, the Tankborn looked down on me because I was a 'Random'. They held the power. I do not want to go back to that. But even with treatments, some of us might never have children. For someone like Mara, a clone is a sister."
"And you'll need all the soldiers you can get when you back home to burn down the Jedi and the Vaderites. Best start replenishing th numbers," Nyssa threw in.
"All must contribute, but they must have a choice as to how."
"Way I see it, clones are people. They just look the same and share DNA...but they got their own souls. They come from the Lifeweb and go back to it when they die." Elpsis looked thoughtful. "Just make sure you guys don't create too many of them. It would give your neighbours reason to be nervous. And my mother would get ideas." Her comm beeped. "Our visitors have arrived," she stated, sending a laconic message to her Sergeant. Her squad was assembling in the hangar and would be ready for embarkation when they arrived.
"What fun."
"Nyssa...don't be an arsehole."
"If I don't mock the little Jedi, can make I out with you in front of them? Pick you up, get you all hot and fiery."
"You're incorrigible."
"You like it that way, ma'am."
"I will be watching them."
"They're not the Dominion, Rhea."
Her acolyte's expression was unwavering and her tone serious. "So you say, and I trust your word. Which is why I shall not strike first. But I shall watch them. I shall not expose myself to Jedi anymore than to humanists."

In any event, the trio would reach the docking bay. In contrast to the more casual attire of Laira's party, the Firemane soldiers were kitted out in full plate armour, though they had not put on their helmets yet. Elpsis' red hair had started to regrow, though it far from the mane it had once been.

Her face was viciously scarred as it had been when Laira last met her on Arkas. Some would her call scars blemishes, she bore them like victory matches and did not care what others thought.
Rhea was a thin and wiry Rattataki. Her skin was pale, her head bald and she had tattoos on her cheeks, chin and forehead. Her yellow eyes were predatory and suspicious. They narrowed when she saw the newcomers in Jedi robes, though she looked a bit puzzled when she saw the child in the red-maned human female's hands. Nyssa, meanwhile, looked like the Red Sith of yore, right down to the scarlet skin, cheek tentacles and bony tendrils in place of eyebrows. Her dark hair was close-cropped, and she wore her armour like she had been born in it. She carried herself with self-confidence and more than a little arrogance.

Elpsis' empty eyes fell upon Laira, the ex-Death Trooper and a woman she did not know. The ears seemed vaguely pointy, but Force Sight did not allow Elpsis to discern facial features. There was also a...child? Why was a toddler here? This was not a social call. The Forge was no place for a little child. And since when did Laira have one? Never mind. They had a job to do and her squad was about to move out. "Laira," she said simply. Her tone was not hostile, but not warm either. To her, this was not a happy reunion of friends.
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Hiya Elpsis,” Laira said with a soft smile, stopping before her. While Elpsis may have been neutral in tone, Laira was openly happy to see the other redhead. At least enough to see she wasn't angry at the moment. The redhead was a little surprised Elpsis was stationed in a place this remote, but she knew of her friend’s issues with her mother. Perhaps a punishment? Maybe an escape from being front and center? It could have been both really, but that wasn’t as important as the fact that she and the Firemane people were already gathered. “Say hi Faljin,” she prodded the toddler gently and the baby waved at the new people he had not seen before. His very weak Force senses could really only tell that it wasn’t a happy meeting, as he simply hadn’t developed his very weak connection to the Force.

Leo and Saeza both nodded an acknowledgement to the soldier but remained at Laira's side, letting the redheaded Jedi do the talking. She was the only one with any history, however scratched or marred.

I’m sure you’ve been told, but we picked up chatter about a local First Imperial warlord with some stormtroopers on New Horizon. The team and I are going to give it a look, since the Forge here was nearby we wanted to give y'all a courtesy call, let you know what was going on and see if you wanted in on the op.” Laira twisted at the hips, gesturing towards her two friends. “Tall, dark, and brooding there is Leo; Saeza is the cute one with the gold eyes; and this is Faljin. He comes with a long story, but I won’t bother you with it right now.

The short raven-haired girl bowed at her introduction, speaking up at the mention of her name. “Jedi Knight Bolok’vang, pleased to make your acquaintance.

Yes, yes, you got knighted.” Laira waved a hand in the air, dismissing the formality casually, Faljin copying her movement in her arm, waving his hand with far less precision or practice. “That’s right bubba,” Laira affirmed with a higher pitch than usual.

We haven’t come up with a plan yet, wanted to see if you or your people were interested before deciding on anything. It’s kind of an outback world, not a ton of law out there. Should be easy enough to land, assess the situation with a small infiltration team and then decide how best to proceed.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

Elpsis took in the group, feeling a bit taken aback by how Laira greeted her. Her expression remained serious. So the girl she did not know was a Jedi Knight. Figures. The pyromancer did not really know what Laira's position in the hierarchy of the Resistance's Jedi Order was. For one, she was in the dark as to whether Laira still had a commission or not. But the way the two interacted made her wonder whether the rank was a bit of an issue between them.

Yet it was Laira doing the talking. Granted, she knew the welcoming committee better than this Bolok’vang. If you fade into the background and let others do the talking for you, they will talk over you, Elpsis thought. No doubt she was reflecting on her own experience. She had been considered a Mistress by the Order, but until recently she had just acted as a common trooper. Someone who grumbled about being dismissed and talked down to, but did as she was told.

"This is Corporal Rhea," she indicated the Rattataki. Rhea's expression was guarded, giving little away. Her aura was that of a leashed predator or contained wild fire. "She's from Tephrike. Helped me escape the camp. Wouldn't have made it out without her."
Rhea blushed slightly at that. But her words were fierce. "Elpsis broke my chains. She freed many from the yoke of the Jedi on that day. But many chains still need to be broken."
"And you know Lieutenant Nyssa Vykaris." Elpsis felt the Pureblood brush against her mind. Nyssa was not good at telepathy or able to project it over significant distances, but they were close enough. Bolok girl looks like an elf. Funny name for an Eldorai. They're whiny wet hens, but I don't recall them signing up for the Burlap Brigade.
Mother knows of two. One was her teacher,
Elpsis responded. Kind of goes against their 'we're the mistress race, bow before us, monkeigh' beliefs. But then they're scattered across the stars now, so who knows. 'sides, I don't recall many Purebloods signing up for the OOF, and here we are. Nyssa's retort was swift. And I never renounced myself.

"Now that we've done meet and greet, there's knifework that needs doing," the Pureblood grunted. "For great justice and all that. Not that I care about that part, but it makes Elpsis happy. The goons are waiting."
"Probably wondering whether you and I are banging," Elpsis muttered to herself. "We already know about the Firties," she said bluntly. "My mission's search and destroy. There's a village we're gonna hit up first. It's our best lead. Then we follow the bread crumbs. For now I'm just taking one squad. Rest of the platoon will hop in if we need more boots on the ground. Just to be clear, if you tag along with us, I'm in command, and I don't hold a vote when the shooting starts. Clear?"

Her tone was not unkind, but firm. She did not hold what had happened at Purity against Laira, but she had a responsibility to her squad. Their safety was her primary concern. Her people came first. Moreover, it was no secret that Siobhan disliked both Elpsis and the Jedi Princess. Her eyes fell on Faljin. "I assume he's not going planetside with you. You got someone to look after the kiddo? This ain't a place for it." The Forge did not have day care, after all.


Meanwhile, Elpsis' goon squad was waiting in another hangar. The Champions did so with varying degrees of enthusiasm. The Sergeant had kept them busy by making them haul crates into the shuttle.
"I swear, you're acting like Life Day has come early. It's not like you haven't seen comms," Reverence asked with wry amusement when she saw Nuroch marvelling over an Enlightenment 2 communicator.
Her words could not dampen the Nautolan's enthusiasm. "You guys don't know how good you have it. This little thing here has more processing power than the entire Jedi Temple in Nexus City," he exclaimed enthusiastically.
"You're kidding, right? I mean, you guys did have electricity?"
"Yes, we did. And cogitators. As big as a room. They took ages to load and crashed a lot. Oftentimes, tech-priests of the Order had to be called in when a cogitator was, I quote, sabotaged by Sith sorcery or terrorist viruses."
"Tech-priests, huh? What was their deal? Pull the plug, throw some incense into the air, mutter some fancy sounding nonsense...and restart the cogitator?"
Nuroch gave her a look, then burst out laughing. "Yes, exactly. One time, we simply skipped the ritual and just turned the machine back on again. Ashla, we got into so much trouble."
"No offence, but your planet's crazy."
"None taken. It is. I'm happy to be somewhere else."
"Ever thought about going back?" Sienn asked. "To, you know, help."
"Me? No. I'm staying the hell away from Tephrike. It was always bad, but I've only just started to grasp how messed up it is. I risked life and limb to break free, and I'm not giving the Dominion to take that away from me."

"I don't know, Nuroch," Reverence said thoughtfully. "Dahomey was bad. Slavers runing the show, foreign companies working our people to death for gold. But we turned it around. It was a long struggle, but we're free now. And we had even less toys than you guys had."
"Yes, but you had Kerrigan, Alcori, their guns and their lucre," Nuroch countered. "Firemane pulled out after they got what they wanted because they realised it was too much trouble to fix. I don't hold it against them," he shrugged. "Can't expect someone from outside to come in and solve our problems when we've failed for centuries. Our group is small. My people have only just gotten set up on Arkas, but some would rather throw it away for a pipedream instead of move on."
"Hard to move on from remembering being under the whip your whole life," Sienn said pointedly, with an element of judgement to her tone. "You guys aren't equipped to fight a war, but you could hit camps. Help more people escape. You know, all those poor bastards who didn't have your luck."
"Yeah, we could. Might even join. And you know what? It wouldn't change a thing. The Dominion or the Vaderites or the Guard, which Firemane sells guns to, would just build a new camp. It would be a drop in the ocean, nothing more."

Reverence shrugged. "You gotta decide for yourself, I guess. Hard for someone outside to judge," she checked her chronometre. "Boss lady is tardy. That's a first. What's she up to?"
"Maybe she is sleeping with the Flayed One," Zhaleh said innocently. The Qadiri ice mage had been reassembling her rifle. "They do make a lot of noise," she added when several looked at her.
"The Flayed One?" Sienn asked.
"Vykaris. She does...kind of look like a flayed Qadiri," the ice mage explained a bit defensively.
Despite herself, the Twi'lek laughed. "Make sure you don't call her that when she's around. You'll just get a lecture about how great and superior Purebloods are."
"I do not mean her ill. She is a bit...gruff, but brave and skilled."
"She is a Red Sith. I mean, a friendly neighbourhood one, but still."
"So I have been told. Many Qadiri see all Xio as evil. My tribe encountered our fair share of them in the cold north. Some were vile and came to enslave us. But many just wanted to escape their evil rulers. You cannot change what you are born as, but you can decide your actions." She looked at her rifle. "This weapon has served me well. It merits a name. It should be blessed."

"If 'tis a blessing you desire, I could enchant it with the power of the spirits. That would actually be effective," Shikoba interjected. She was a Vashyada and still looked a bit awkward in the armour, though she carried herself with confidence and no small measure of haughtiness.
"You would do so?"
"I did not say I would, merely that I could," the wood elf corrected haughtily. "Though I might be persuaded."
"Just when the princess stopped being insufferable, you had to take her place," Sienn grumbled.
"I do not boast about my abilities and then fail when they are put to the test."
"Like I said, insufferable. Hey, Princess, someone's trying to take your throne."

The 'Princess' in question, Lady Sano Tahoka, had been busy practicing her swordsmanship by swinging her blade and striking at invisible enemies. She was quite good at it. The Togruta was the daughter of a Firemane bigwig. Hearing her nickname being called out, she continued practicing. "I'm honing my skills, as we all should. We're about to be deployed into combat and need all to be focused," she said primly. '"And we shouldn't speak so poorly of the Lt. No matter how...inappropriate having a Sithling around is."
"Wait, since when are you her fan?" Reverence raised an eyebrow. "'Alcori is mean.' 'Why does she not recognise my awesomeness?' 'I've had the best tutors in the Galaxy. I do not need training!'"
Sano became rather red in the face. "Our initial interactions were rough, but after careful consideration, I've had cause to reevaluate my assessment," she said indignantly.

While this was going on, Diona was sitting in a corner. She had done her part loading up equipment, but was content not to join the back and forth. She sat on a crate, positioned so that she could see the whole group, but be left alone. "It's awkward being one of the only two grownups, isn't it?" she suddenly heard a voice from behind. The Basic was very accented.
"Pardon me?" Diona did not bother turn around.
Celaena, the resident Eldorai of the group, appeared at her side. "We're the odd ones out. The ones not gushing about toys, our 'mistresses' or dreaming about becoming the great hero. The forestling may count, too."
"We each do our part," Diona said neutrally.
"But you don't really believe in any of that drivel the Company tries to force down our throats?"
Diona took a moment to respond. "No," she admitted, "but I am not here for them."
"Preaching to the one-woman choir. They spin a good yarn, but I'm not fooled."
"You do not resent me."
Celaena shrugged dismissively. "You did not hurt me and mine. What happened between you and the Fire Princess, that's not my concern. Besides, I know a few things about growing up under an awful government. Only Firemane backs mine because it says the right platitudes and makes a good puppet."
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Nice to meet you.” Laira said, Saeza eliciting a nod of her head as the introductions were made. Laira could already tell that Saeza was masking her emotions, something much more easily done when wearing an ooglith masquer. While the others didn’t know the girl well, Laira knew that meant she didn’t like what she was seeing. The sith pureblood, the dark auras, the history that she knew of. They could communicate telepathically, but only because Saeza could read and project thoughts so well.

Saeza spoke up, “We can accept your leadership, so long as your directives don’t conflict with our own. Minimizing civilian casualties primarily.” Her voice was level and emotionless, something she’d figured out long ago, but there was a sternness to it that had begun to develop only after their ordeal on the Donna Carlotta. Laira supposed that was a side effect of having to rip a hostile alien out of your own chest so that youc could save people.

Laira chimed in again, “Aye, but I don’t believe that will be a problem.” It would be a good judge to see if Elpsis had fallen further towards darkness or begun the climb back out. Yes, sometimes civilians got in the way and accidents happened, sometimes the enemy used them as meatshields and the enemy couldn't be rewarded for their cruelty, but that was different than using tactics that put them at greater risk than necessary.

And yes, Faljinn will be staying aboard my ship. He’s got a few buddies to look after him until I get back.” A bit awkward having the baby on board, but Laira enjoyed his company. Sometimes. One day she’d figure out where to leave him, but so many governments, rogue Force cults, even Jedi groups liked to abscond with orphaned Force-Sensitives and indoctrinate them. The Remnant was one of the few groups that didn’t, though Laira suspected that was partly because they didn’t have the man-power to oversee a training facility. They didn’t have a reason to discuss whether it was morally questionable to take toddlers and drill dogma into them, so working on a volunteer basis for older teens and adults was more practical. And as a happy accident made them one of the better Jedi groups in Laira’s opinion.

He’s pretty well behaved, but he’s been cramped up for a while so I wanted to let him get some new air and stretch his legs a bit before putting him back in the toddler penitentiary.” She smiled at the babe, touching her forehead to his and then sat him on the deck, holding his hand. His stance was uneasy, barely walking and able to stay upright without the added assistance.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

As Laira's friend was judging them, so was the Firemane group judging them. Elpsis sensed how much restraint it took for Rhea to even be in the same room as Jedi without drawing her blade. Jedi were accustomed to seeing themselves as the heroes of the story. They stood for the Light, their foes for the Dark. Except it was not that simple. The past decades had tarnished their name, and now inertia was the order of the day.

On Tephrike, the resident Jedi Order had become an abomination. This was, of course, not the fault of either of the two. But it was what Rhea knew. Elpsis would not fault her for being guarded, as long as she kept it in check. As for Nyssa, there were many in Firemane who disliked her and called Elpsis mad for keeping her around. The pyromancer could get why. Sometimes she wondered the same. But the Pureblood had never let her down or hid what she was.

She gave Bolok’vang a cold look when the apparent elf went on about how they should not hurt civilians...because obviously she and her people needed to be told that because they did not wear Jedi robes and recite the Code. Her tone left Elpsis unimpressed.Besides, the two Jedi were in no position to claim they occupied a moral high ground that allowed them to judge her when they were pals with a former Death Trooper. Tegaea had told her that the man's dead commander had wanted to virus bomb civilians.

However, it was Rhea who spoke first. "A Jedi who's trying to avoid civilian casualties? What wonders the galaxy brings," she said dourly.
"Where possible we will endeavour to avoid unnecessary non-combatant casualties...if practical," Nyssa chimed in.
Elpsis shot the two a stern look. She did not disagree with the sentiment, but it was her job to say it. Speaking out of tune was undisciplined. "Cut it. We have a job to do," she said sternly. "My people don't need to be told to spare civilians. They're here to kill fascist scum, not murder innocents. Equally, if someone uses civilians as meatshields, I'm not gonna hamstring my people. Their safety and the mission come first." That was directed at the Jedi. Her tone brooked no contradiction. She spared Faljin a glance. "Good thing the babe has someone." Then she was all business again. "Give him to his caretaker. We're moving out." She was being brusque, but they were on the clock.
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Yeah, he’s a handful for sure, but he’ll be alright once we find a good home for him. Until then, he’s my handful.” Laira said with a smile, holding the toddler’s hand as she spoke while his bright eyes took in the hangar.

Saeza furrowed her brow quizzically at the comments made by Rhea and Nyssa, however she didn’t say anything. Mostly because she hadn’t quite gotten the hang of sarcasm, even as Laira and Leo tried their best to teach her. She had gotten to where she understood their mannerisms enough to recognize when they were teasing her, at least enough of the time she could play along with some of their jokes, but with others it was a guessing game.

Yeah, I figured. That should be good with us.” Laira said quietly, not paying much attention to the conversation as she looked down upon the toddler.

Master B’rahk has instructed those under his command not to encourage such tactics by allowing them to succeed.” Saeza mentioned, more directed towards Laira than Firemane. A reminder that she needed to be mindful, especially given her past.

Leo, fetch the gear we’ll need. As far as we can tell, New Horizon doesn’t have a Customs department. While it would be weird to go in full military set up, it’d be just as weird to roll up without weapons. We could pose as a merc group or bounty hunter cadre in street clothes and it wouldn’t be too out of place.” Laira’s silver eyes flicked up to Saeza and then to rest on Nyssa, “Except for our more exotic compatriots. They might still draw attention.

I have a spare masquer if she’d like. Makes you look like a Twi’lek?” Saeza said, turning to take Faljin’s hand and lead him back up the ramp to the ship behind the tall, shaggy-haired man that had already disappeared back into the ship.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

"Based on what we know, there's not much in terms of overarching government down there. Scattered communities, and apparently Firsties, who may have informants embedded among the local population. Firemane had a contact, but he's presumed dead. We're gonna pose as mercs," Elpsis explained. "Allows us to keep some of our gear and basic armour. Just nothing that screams Firemane, so no emblems, insignia, fancy-schmancy gadgets etc. When we run into the enemy, we gotta be able to defend ourselves. And we'll be taking no-shows with us. We have a couple spares if you need any."

Bounty-hunters, mercs and the like tended to wear some form of protection, though it would undoubtedly draw attention if they waltzed in kitted out like Freya Solveig and her squad of power armoured, explosion-happy lunatics. Elpsis was foregoing her Phrik suit for something significantly more basic. She and Nyssa were the only members of the squad who carried lightsabres. The rest often had a Force-Imbued Blade or
Sarix, along with a rifle, sidearm and so on. A Sarix was not exactly common, but looked like a typical bastard sword unless the energy field was activated. And even then it could pass as a bog standard energy sword until you saw it withstand a lightsabre strike.

"What's a Masquer?" Nyssa asked, genuinely ignorant of it, as she lacked familiarity with Yuuzhan Vong or their bio-technology. "Is it an optical illusion of some sort?"
"It is a second skin worn by the Yuuzhan Vong to cloak their true nature. The Guard's Yun Harla's Own use them to get close to Jedi and dispatch them," Rhea explained knowingly.
"Another," Elpsis muttered to herself. It explained the odd name and appearance of the Jedi.
"I am to let that thing cover my skin?" Nyssa snorted, feeling weirded out. "I'll just wear a helmet, ere someone believes they can cop a feel at my nonexistent lekku and their hand returns as a stump."
"Just put on that Mando knockoff the quartermaster has lying around," Elpsis ordered. The armour was not fancy at all, but it would do. "If anyone asks questions, we can say it's against your code to remove your helmet in the presence of others."
"Yes, this is the way," Nyssa said mockingly. "I'll conceal the glowstick."
"Thanks for the offer nonetheless," Elpsis said to Bolok-Vang. It did not hurt to act proper.
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Masquers are Yuuzhan Vong biots. The variations can be space-worthy suits, make you look like a different species, or render the wearer invisible to the eye and most sensors. It’s like second skin being worn over your own.” The Cloak of Nuun was one Saeza particularly avoided, as it made her feel unnatural, dampening her presence in the Force. She shrugged her shoulders, “You’re welcome. They are a little icky when they first go on.” The girl smiled warmly as she re-entered the ship to hand Faljin off to the droids and get changed into her street clothes.

Good choice. While anatomically they hold up, they hurt when you put them on. Plus, the human ones don’t hide her pointy-ears so she looks elfen, I’ve no idea what your facial tentacles would end up looking like.” Laira said to Nyssa, waiting on her friends to return.

We’re good on stealth gear.” Laira said, grinning. Though she was now kept poor and nearly broke, she had once spent copious amounts of her trust fund on her own gear. They had Personal Cloaks, No-Shows, Sensor Jammers, and the less obvious false Identification chits that Leo worked hard to make sure they looked authentic and could hold up to some scrutiny. Mercs on a backwater world wouldn’t be put up to too much to begin with, at least not until they started rocking the boat. For now, they would make do as a small mercenary band and that should draw the eye of any Imperial warlords looking to expand their influence with some extra hands for hire.

Laira tucked her Lightsaber away into a hidden compartment on her belt, and without it visible on her waist she looked like any other spacer, pistol worn on her hip, blast-vest and street clothes with a few utilities. A few moments later Leo returned, toting a bag over his shoulder and an Eradicator disruptor slung across his back, a trio of pistols on his hips and under his armpit, and a datapad in an easy-access set up on his belt. The Eradicator, while rare, was a favorite for those who found themselves wanting to disintegrate everyone in a room or corridor with prejudice, and was an expensive favorite of some mercenary groups. The dark-maned warrior passed Laira a few micro-grenades that she tucked into pockets in her blast vest and an ear piece synced to the comlink on her wrist.

When Saeza returned, she wore a suit much like Laira’s but with some extra armor pieces on her left shoulder and legs, including something coiled around her thigh partially visible when she walked through her trousers. Leo handed her a backpack to wear, but as the girl pulled the straps on she grunted and held her ribs. “Here,” Laira said, taking the pack off her, “I’ll carry it.

Thank you.

No problem hun.” The redhead affixed the bag and nodded to Elpsis, “Ready when you are Elpsis.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

Elpsis' personal finances were in a somewhat strange situation. Technically, she was the daughter of a billionnaire, but the mother who was actually in control disliked her and she returned the sentiment. She had a trust fund, but Siobhan had set strict conditions and Elpsis did not use it much anyway, beyond supporting a couple good causes, such as the Tephriki refugees, nature conservation and a charity for freed slaves. So she mostly lived on her Firemane salary.

Remuneration in Firemane was on a sliding scale based on experience, rank, reward and so on. Since she was a Mistress of the Order, Elpsis received better pay than a standard army lieutenant, but not excessively so. But it suited her just fine. The army took care of her essential needs. Her quarters were Spartan. This was partly deliberate on her part. It contrasted with her parents.

Tangent aside, Nyssa finally returned, sauntering into the bay dressed in knockoff beskar'gam. "Oya!" she declared. "So how do I look? Mando enough? Too Mando?" Because this was Nyssa, she posed her a bit.
"Need to say more random words with too many apostrophes and go on a tangent about how everyone else is dar'manda," Elpsis remarked, frowned. "Don't do that if we run into an actual Mando."
"You resemble a warrior of the Vanguard," Rhea commented.
It took a moment for Nyssa to make the connection. "Those Dominion elites from Purity."
"Yes, only their armour is made of enchanted metal. They are called the Grandmaster's armour."
"Remind me to go back and hammer some of them."
"We're done here. Let's get moving," Elpsis stated, giving Laira a nod. So without further ado, they left the bay, heading towards the hangar where the rest of Elpsis' squad was waiting. On the way out, Rhea shot Laira and Saeza a guarded look. No words left her lips, but she looked wary. In any event, the other hangar was close by.

As the Lieutenant came into sight, the gossip the various squad members had been indulging in to a varying degree died down. Of course, the appearance of three newcomers produced new gossip, though it took place in a more subdued form. "Isn't that the Jedi girl?" Reverence asked quietly. "She's like the Lt's ex or something? That's what my sis said."
"I thought the Lieutenant was mating with the Flayed One," Zhaleh remarked innocently.
"And with Colonel Tempest," Sienn pointed out. "Must be difficult to balance."
"Maybe I should give it a try," Reverence joked, then winced when Sienn elbowed her lightly. "Kidding."
"We shouldn't be speculating about her private life," Sano said primly. The Togruta's eyes fell on Saeza. "She looks like an Eldorai, doesn't she? Celaena, looks like one of your people has come to visit. Maybe she can teach you about mingling with monkeighs."
"Shut up," the Eldorai grunted irritably.
"Jedi," Nuroch muttered. "And to think this assignment was looking fun. One is already enough." He shot Diona a look. She said nothing.
"Cut the chatter, soldiers, and look sharp," the Bothan Sergeant cut through their gossiping in his usual gruff, authoritative voice. Looking at the Nautolen, he added, "your world's got terrible history with Jedi and I can't say I like them either. But those Dominion bastards don't stand for all of them and the Lt. wouldn't bring genocidal murders along, so hold your nexu."
"The fact that she was tortured by them is what keeps me from questioning her sanity, Sarge." Shikoba, who had stayed out of the gossiping, just rolled her eyes and looked dismissive as the group came to order.

Regardless, the mooks approached their boss. Vagt Bwi'kat gave Elpsis a salute. Being a Bothan, he was short, but this did not stop him from looking grizzled or carrying a big gun. While many of the minions had been gossiping about the two Jedi ladies, he eyed Leo and found he approved of his weapon of choice. The Eradicator had remarkable Imperial-killing credentials. "Team assembled and ready, ma'am. They were actually punctual for a change."
"Guess that makes me the tardy one then," Elpsis joked. Vagt never laughed at her jokes. "Right, you know the mission. There's Imperials down there. We're gonna find them and kill them."
"My favourite kind," Celaena said grimly. Any self-respecting Eldorai would agree.
"Intel says it's a small cell. For all we know it could be a lot more. So I don't want to see anyone doing playing hero and ending up in a body bag for being dumb. This is a connect the dots game. We find something big, we call in the cavalry. Our first stop's New Horizon. Far as they know, we're a merc gang."
Sano raised a hand. "What are our rules of engagement, ma'am?"
"Standard for Firsties. Shoot to kill. We need to find their hideout, so if practical we'll be taking prisoners for intel. But make sure any prisoners are properly restrained, and throw in a stun bolt or paddle beamer shot for good measure. We're here to kill the bastards, not ask them nicely to stop being evil. No harm is to come to civilians, unless they shoot at us and then we only fire back at those attacking us, no one else. Seems the Firsties are being dicks to them, but we can't rule out some being informants. And if the Firsties use human shields against us, we won't reward that. The mission comes first. If we run into Ren, they are to be killed as a priority target," she took a breath. All this talking was disagreeable to her throat. "Right, and these are Laira Darkhold, Leo Coburn and Saeza Bolok’vang. They'll be assisting with us." Don't make me regret this, Laira, or I swear you will, she thought.
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Laira and her companions nodded as Elpsis introduced them to her squad, taking stock of who all would be joining them on the ground. Leo was probably committing them to memory, names, faces, primary weapons. He was good with remembering those kinds of things,

While Saeza got settled, Laira glanced through the bag she was carrying, looking over the antibiotics, antiseptics, painkillers, and other first aid equipment. Normally the girl carried the medical pack and acted as the trio’s combat medic in the field, but since her ordeal aboard the Donna Carlotta her ribs and internal organs were not yet fully healed leaving her unable to lift heavy objects without assistance from the Force. Not that it was something she couldn’t manage for a considerable length of time, but with her injuries it made sense for Laira to help her conserve and carry the medipack even if she wasn’t as good as Saeza, she could make do in a pinch.

Sounds good,” Leo grunted, his hands gripping his combat harness loosely.

If they are anything like the Stormies we’ve encountered in the last few months, they aren’t as indoctrinated as they used to be. If so, any captured are going to be more likely to flip on their comrades.” Saeza stated.

Stormtroopers use squad call-ins at regular intervals. I should be able to fake all-clear signs if we get a hold of a trooper, though I’ll need to search them for ID and color of the day.” The tall man said with a short frown crossing his scarred features as he spoke.

Laira grasped the man’s leg, squeezing it , “All that Stormtrooper training coming in handy.” The expatriate Death Trooper was a font of Imperial procedure that had been drilled into him for most of his life, and since Imperial procedure was just a First Order information written by a more corrupt, more self-serving government it was pretty much the same. A Supreme Leader by any other name as it were.

Saeza began looking for a seat, taking a deep breath as she did so, hiding the slight wince of pain that she would usually have allowed to cross her face. At least this mission was just stormtroopers.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

By chance, Celaena had ended up sitting next to Saeza. "I did not expect for one of my sisters to be with the Yedai. Or advocate for mercy for our people's oppressors," she Eldarai, the Eldorai language. After all, Saeza looked like an elf and Celaena had not been there when she inadvertently revealed herself to be a Yuuzhan Vong. Eldarai was an extremely obscure language and the Eldorai were pretty irrelevant on the galactic scale. Presumably Saeza would not understand her.

"You know a lot about our enemy," Zhaleh said a bit suspiciously, looking at Leo. "Did you once fight for them?"
"He was with a different faction, and he helped us on Tephrike," Elpsis interjected, as much as she did not want to. It was her 'this is settled, accept it' voice. Unit cohesion was pivotal. If her people and the Jedi posse were constantly waiting looking over their shoulders, they would fail.
"Imperialists and Jedi," Rhea muttered quietly under her breath. "Our contact is confirmed dead, Lieutenant?" she asked in a louder voice.
"We assume. The final transmission's garbled. Probably got nabbed in the middle of it."
"Do we have a picture of him?"
"Yeah, sec," Elpsis fished an image out of her backpack. "There. Antonius Padua."
"If the enemy got to him, they probably ransacked his hideout. But it could be worth breaking in to see if they missed anything that can help us."
"I could help with that," Sienn spoke up, after a look to Reverence, who nodded. "I'm good at sneaking, and if there are any belongings he left behind, I could gain insights from them." She had minored in psychometry and could slice a bit.
"Worth a try. Firsties may be monitoring the place, so be prepared for that." Elpsis glanced at Leo. "If you can fake that whitehead all-clear signal, that'll be helpful."

Diona, meanwhile, had remained quiet, but alert. Sitting opposite Saeza and Laira, she examined the two 'space' Jedi carefully. The former's sharp intake of breath did not escape her, but she said nothing. The two girls were so young. Not just in terms of what she assumed to be their age, but also in demeanour. She knew that this Darkhold had fought on Tephrike.

Indeed, she had fought the Vanguard, the Windian Jedi Order's elite. A force led by a woman who shared Diona's template. When you return, as you know you must, and face your twin, what will you do, Diona? she thought. If her twin refused to see reason and drew her blade, would Diona fight her? Could she? She pushed the thoughts aside. The two girls had seen battle, but still had an innocence about them.

Diona wondered who their master was. He or she probably did not make them attend inquisitorial trials where they witnessed heretics being condemned and forced to perform self-criticism. Aliura's face flashed before her eyes. Her teacher had been an empty shell after being released from prison...because Diona had not had the strength to resist incriminating her. But if the holovids I have seen are accurate, space Jedi just sit in conclaves and let Sith infiltrate them. They do not know real struggle, she thought.

The shuttle shuddered somewhat as it pierced the planet's atmosphere. Thick forests awaited them. It brought back memories of scouring Tephrike's jungles for Vaderites and Republican Guard terrorists. She doubted Elpsis would be dropping napalm on villages, though it may not be her call. If nothing else, I have my duty, she thought. And it is my duty protect her and those under her care, whatever they think of me. Their thoughts on her did not matter. She was not doing any of this for accolades, though she would not terribly mind if the red woman ended up on the wrong side of a blade.

"We're coming in to land. ETA one minute. Landing zone looks clear of stormies," Sano called over the intercom. The Togruta had actually turned out to be a decent pilot, so she was flying this time.
"Look sharp, people. And not like you're about to blow the place up."
"I'm impersonating a Mandalorian. It is part of their culture to randomly shoot wrist rockets, especially at diplomatic conferences," Nyssa stated, though she carried no wrist rockets. "Fortunately, I'm smarter than a Mandalorian."
"Remember, the Firsties are probably monitoring the place," Vagt grunted. "If you're made, get rid of them before they can report in, but be smart about it. No shootouts in the middle of town."

Without further ado, the shuttle touched down on what amounted to a very improvised landing area. Indeed, it was more of a clearing in the forest outside of town. The hatch was opened and the squad filed out of the transport...and found themselves confronted by a corpse hanging from a tree. The word 'spy' was written on a sign hanging around his neck.
"Antonius, I presume," Nyssa muttered in a low voice as she stepped out of the shuttle with a swagger. Her hand was close to her sword, though she did not draw it. Sano looked disgusted, Diona unsurprised. Rhea and Zhaleh had immediately gone into huntress mode. Warily, they scanned the clearing for potential ambushers. Meanwhile, the birds chirped happily.
"This corpse is fresh," Shikoba stated in a strangely detached tone. "I can talk to him."
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Saeza gave the Eldorai a warm smile of greeting, her features becoming puzzled as the woman spoke. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand that language without the assistance of the Force.” She said, gold eyes recognizing that the woman wasn’t being aggressive, but inquisitive. “I am a polyglot, but I’m afraid that language escapes me.” Saeza, being the bookworm that she was had studied and become fluent in plenty of languages, and could read or converse awkwardly with a few others, but fringe languages like Eldarai wasn’t one the Jedi Temples on Alderaan and the Remnant’s Temple Ships kept tomes on often if at all. That said, she did recognize that the woman was likely one of the elven species that frequented Firemane employ, though not which one Celaena was. “We could meld and communicate through telepathy, or perhaps basic? Sephi? Twi’lek?

Leo nodded in acknowledgement towards Elpsis, “Like I said, I’ll need to either search a trooper or observe to get color of the day. Might be able to set up a short-range comm interceptor if we settle in somewhere for me to get a system set up.

Laira smiled at Nyssa, “I had a friend at the Red Coronation you know.” Though she didn’t seem upset at the implication Nyssa was making, or act like it was a touchy subject. Despite her sensibilities, she had also been raised in part by a Mandalorian, or a Dar’manda, she supposed. She knew Rach hadn’t been upset or sad at his passing. If anything, he was likely in whatever afterlife he ended up in, grumbling about how he should have killed those idiots. “He was the one with the bomb hooked to a life support trigger that made it, you know, red.” Her smile didn’t fade, though many didn’t consider the occasion a happy thing.

The shuttle rocked and touched down in the clearing, leaving the motley squad to march out of the transport into the forested terrain. The corpse was obvious, but Laira found herself scanning the treeline with silver eyes, watching for potential ambushes. Their fights on the Donna Carlotta had shown them how dangerous a well evolved ambush predator could be. Maybe one day she’d tell Elpsis about that species they had encountered. Leo seemed to be doing the same, visor pulled over his eyes and head on a swivel.

Saeza remained stoic, though she had expanded her awareness, much like many others of the squad certainly had. Tuning their danger senses outward for potential threats. Despite this, she remained focused on Shikoba.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
L Laira Darkhold

Celaena looked puzzled. "Do you not know your mother tongue? The language of your people. Did the monkeighs deprive you of that?" she frowned. It was possible that the girl had been abducted at such an early age that she had never learned to speak her people's tongue. But her words suggested that she had no connection to them to begin with. "You are no Eldorai."

Meanwhile, Laira exchanged some history with the group's resident Pureblood. "Oh? Was he? Pity the fools survived. But better to go out with a bang and have your name live on than die old and bed-ridden." That was a curious way of looking at things. Regardless, after all the banter, the shuttle had finally landed. The motley squad exited the transport and stepped into the forest. There they found the aforementioned corpse hanging from a tree. The body was still fresh, so decay had not really set in. It did smell though. Moreover, crows had been picking at the man's face and chest. As a result, one of his eyes and a piece of his nose had been removed.

"You're creepy," Sano muttered when Shikoba expressed a desire to chit-chat with the dead man. Giving the corpse another look, she looked disgusted. It was one thing to kill an enemy in combat; another to display him like some piece of meat. But as her first mission with the squad had showed, the Firsties were evil. The Togruta tried to clamp down on her revulsion and appear stoic. As a paladin should. As Shaak Ti would no doubt have managed to do effortlessly.
"You're a simpleton," the Vashyada retorted. She looked to Elpsis, who nodded.
"Make it quick. There may be more than just animals watching. Rest of you, stay alert." Like Nyssa, Elpsis had hidden her lightsabre. However, she had a sidearm holstered. Her senses expanded as she spread her awareness to the trees and bushes that lay around them.

Without further ado, Shikoba approached of the human male who had been known as Antonius Padua. Whether that was an alias or his true name, she could not say. He had been Firemane's informant and paid the price. Death is not a pit; death is a door, Shikoba thought. Our choices determine where it leads.

This man's soul was in the otherworlds, but just as a person left their scent behind when they leaft a room, something of their souls remained when they left this soul. And it was this something that she would contact. "I am Shikoba. They call me ghosttalker. Antonius of Padua, I summon thee." Her voice was low, almost in a whisper. Rather than Basic, she spoke in a dialect of Prosabia, a language even more obscure than Eldarai.

Nothing happened. She touched his scarred face. "I summon thee," she repeated. "Tell me who did you wrong." Now there was a sudden chill in the air, even though the sun was shining. "And I will deliver him to you." Suddenly there was the gust of a wind, causing fisseling and crackling sounds from the trees.

Then a shade manifested next to the corpse. It was invisible to anyone save Shikoba, though Force-Sensitives might be abe to sense a vague presence. Confusion was written across the spectre's features. "Who...what..."
"I am a friend. We haven't much time," Shikoba cut him off. "What did you see? Who killed?"
"Hard to remember," the spectre flickered. "So much pain...betrayed...used...cold in the void."
"Focus. Who betrayed you?"

"You...bring me back?"
"No, but I can avenge you," her tone of voice softened as the words left her lips. "The void feels cold and lifeless when you enter it, but dig deeper and you'll find that it's not the end, but the door to another world. Another life. Now show me." She felt a cold shiver run down her spine when he grasped her hand.

What she saw was a shadowed haze of vision. Figures moved inside the haze. Noise could be heard - shouts, grunts, the thumping of boots on the ground. A figure clad from head to toe in black, their face obfuscated by a metallic mask, burst into a room, with two figures clad in sealed armour in tow.

She saw Antonius being hauled out into the streets. One goon beat him with the butt of his rifle. "Is this the spy?" the masked figure asked. Its gender was indistinct. The voice sounded mechanical. For just a brief moment, Shikoba saw a brown-haired woman. Her face was partly shrouded by the haze and she was dressed as a civilian. The woman nodded. "That's him!" she declared quickly. "Come along," the leader of the group said. Then the vision grew hazy. She heard Antonius cry out in pain and cough up blood. Then someone wrapped a noose around his neck. Then it all faded away. The Vashyada stumbled, almost toppling over.
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Saeza strode alongside Celaena while Shikoba handled the investigation of the deceased, though the girl gave the interesting events unfolding before her, though it was not as though a grand spectacle had appeared. It was the chilling shifts of the Force, the minute presence that stirred from within the body, as though a fragment of his essence could now be felt. Without taking her eyes off the Vashyada, Saeza leaned towards Celaena, “I know my mother tongue, though it rarely comes into use. No, I’m not Eldorai.” The girl left it at that, not wanting to draw too much attention away from the investigation.

Laira and Leo scanned the woodline, his infrared goggles taking in heat signatures. While some First Order elites could hide from such, Leo doubted very many of those well-equipped outfits still operated much less had the manufacturing capability to supply outer rim worlds for warlords. It was not like Supreme Leader Snoke and the Sith Eternal were still kicking around, making superweapons and mega-dreadnoughts without anyone noticing the resources being moved around. “I’m not reading anything in our immediate vicinity.” He muttered, twisting around towards the settlement they were going to make contact in.

A lot of further off spacedocks and smuggler’s moons sold taxi services for spacers to transit from their ships to nearby settlements, fuel, shipwash, and other simple things found at the spaceport, but because they were small ships landed wherever they wanted, docking fees couldn’t be levied outside, and so they made their money off the services they could sell.

Leo flipped up his visor and wandered near the back of the group, looming around with his hands resting on his belt, never far from his pistols. With the group being majority female consisting of a considerable number of non-humans he suspected that being the only huMan, he would stick out to First Order sympathizers and didn't want the opportunity to be mistaken for a leader.

What’s the scoop?” Laira asked, once Shikoba had broken the connection, though she did show concern for the vashyada’s sudden snap to reality.

Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
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L Laira Darkhold

Zhaleh had been seeing to perimeter security. The young Qadiri had grown up in the icy wastes of the Tygaran arctic. These dense forests were quite a change for her. They reminded her of the stories of Yarkul. But she was here to bring honour to her people. And stalking prey followed a similar logic. It is another hunt, only with different game, she thought. Whales, ice draken, Xioquo, sky people - I only need to know my prey, have the right tools and the blessing of the spirits. Hidden in the thick bushes, she looked through the scope of her rifle. Briefly, she lowered it to see through her macrobionoculars. Her sensitive ears could pick up on noise others might miss, but she heard no movement close to them. She could not see the comings and goings of the far off skyport, but here and there she heard the loud roar of engines that had to be from skyships.

It continued to amaze her how...normal travelling from one world to another was for the sky people. They all seemed to take it for granted and treated it as no differently than travelling to the nearest market to trade their wares. Her tribe had rarely left their homeland. She figured realistically most people in the stars never vetured from their island in the sky-ocean, but still. She could sense Sienn was close by, having taking up position further away. Close enough to allow both soldiers to support each other and cover alternate points of entry.

Celaena gave Saeza a cross look, but said nothing. So you're a facechanger passing herself off as one then. What are you hiding? she wondered. She was, ironically, not that far from the truth. In any event, Shikoba had ended her seance. "I'm alright," she declared haughtily.
"What did you find out? Do you know where the bastards are?" Reverence asked eagerly.
"Give her a moment, Private," Vagt grunted. "And keep your voice down."
"Sorry, Sarge," the Dahomian replied a bit sheepishly. Fortunately, her dark complexion hid her embarrassment.
"I saw who killed him. There were stormtroopers and a figure in black, wearing a mask. They seemed to be the leader."
"Like a Vaderite mask? You mean it was a Sith," Rhea threw in. Her yellow eyes had been sulfuric before. But now they seemed to turn even fiercer, if that were possible. Her face was as hard as stone.
"Looks like I may get one for my collection," Nyssa muttered.
"Mayhaps, you should let me finish," Shikoba cut through the interruptions. She glanced at Rhea. "It looked a bit like the pictures the Order showed us of Sith, Ren or whatever they are called, yes. But there is more. There was a local woman who betrayed our man here."
"Did you see her face?" Elpsis asked.
"Nay, it was shrouded. She had brown hair and...I believe Antonius knew her. It does not look he could have told them much. They seem to have murdered him quickly, but 'tis hard to say."

"We must be on our guard. Informants will still be up and about," Elpsis concluded, frowning. "Right, let's things on track. We gotta preserve our cover, so we're gonna arrange a meeting with a local Firsty honcho to discuss a 'job'. Sienn, Rhea, you two poke around Antonius' place. See if there's anything he was able to hide from the Firsties. Be quiet, be on your guard."
The two nodded. "We'll be in and out before they see us," Sienn said confidently.
"I would like to accompany them." Several eyes suddenly turned towards the hitherto silent Diona. "With your permission, Lieutenant I am...," she paused for a moment, "experienced in locating hidden things." Contraband, hidden weapons, fugitives, grain and all that.
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