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Skirmish Hunter Killer [Open to All]

Final Dawn Central Command




A Convoy of Five GR-95 Transport Ships slowly drifted through space as they traveled along the Corellian Trade Spine. So far their journey from Bespin to Corellia had been uneventful largely due to the fact that piracy in this area was at an all time low thanks to the efforts of neighbouring powers such as the Galactic Alliance and previously the defunct Eternal Empire.

The Haul of the Transports were nothing out of the ordinary, Fuel, Raw Materials and Starship Components that were set to be delivered to a local Corellian Shipwright upon their eventual arrival at Corellia. While the Convoy still had a long way to go before reaching Corellia their crew’s knew well that they would make it in one piece. They were already being escorted by two squadrons of Shen Supa-series Long-Range Assault Fighters and had yet to encounter any pirates or raiders in the 15+ Deliveries they had made up and down the Trade Spine.

To the crews of the GR-95s this voyage would be no different, however what they did not expect was that they would soon find themselves at the crosshairs of a Mawite Remnant eager to prey upon them as “target practice” and eventually the small Convoy would soon find that out the hard way.


Onboard the bridge of the FDS Stormbringer, two men stood side-by-side in front of the viewports of the Bridge, gazing upon the blue-shaded corridor of mottled high-speed blur that surrounded the warship as it travelled through hyperspace. The Man on the right was in his mid-fifties with an athletic build and short orange hair, wearing a Dark Grey Naval Uniform with the insignia of a Captain on his left sleeve. To the left was another individual, fully concealed in a Neo-Imperial Pilot Suit with markings indicating his status as a Baron of the Final Dawn Starfighter Corps which often drew glances from the other junior officers on the bridge.

These men were here as part of a special operation, intended to test the capabilities of a Naval Asset that had been developed a while back during the latter stages of the Second Great Hyperspace War but had never been properly tested. Now that the Maw had fragmented, the Final Dawn was free to operate as it saw fit, and today’s action would be one of many preliminary strikes carried out in anticipation of a larger plan envisioned by the High Regent.

Considering their target was along the Corellian Trade Spine it was anticipated that they would encounter some level of option from the Corellian Defense Force and by extension the Galactic Alliance and Rimward Trade League due to their proximity, but the outcome of such confrontation did not matter to them. As long as they brought the results the High Regent desired then their efforts today would be sufficient enough to advance the agenda of the Final Dawn.

Soon enough a loud voice interjected throughout the bridge, catching the attention of all those onboard.

We’re exiting from hyperspace, in three…two…one.

Within seconds, the FDS Stormbringer emerged from hyperspace followed by a pair of Escort Frigates immediately arriving right on top of the Convoy of Five Transport Ships. Alarms then began to blare across the Cruiser with all personnel soon scrambling into action, firing up the engines and moving the main batteries of the cruiser into firing range while the first wave of Fighters and Bombers to attack the Convoy and it’s Escort ready to lay waste to the convoy.

From the bridge of the Stormbringer, the Captain and Baron watched as the carnage unfolded, hoping that their actions here would be enough to trigger a response from their true target.

I''ll be joining the rest of my squadron in the hangar, can't let those other pilots have all the fun out there” the Baron proclaimed. “Captain Boward, i'll leave the ship to you. Glory to the Final Dawn.

Glory to the Final Dawn” the Captain said in response with a salute.

Tags | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | OPEN

In the cold darkness of space, in a lone Black Argus SAWACS craft, trailing the convoy at a far distance while cloaked...

“Just another blue milk run today…” yawned the comms officer of the small SAWACS craft, a younger, thin man with tan skin, a scruffy beard, and brown hair.

“I would not be so sure. Elements of the Mawites are more slippery than you would expect, so says the old Admiral. They always have some kind of alternative scheme, especially if what she said about them becoming more active recently is true. We did not anticipate some of their moves at Tython, and that cost us dearly.” Replied a scruffy looking older man with more gray than black in his hair.

“You talking about the old 14th?” The young man asked, rubbing his eyes as he did so.

“Aye, back when we operated down in that region of the galaxy, before we came to Imperial space. Most of that is becoming Sith territory now…goes to show you how naive we were in our youth.” The older man chuckled bitterly.

“Serving the monarchies instead of the Admiral and the Council?”

“Yes, useless nobles. It’s much better now that they have been streamlined out of the chain of command.”

“You think she’s right about them? Hitting some of the trade routes here? So close to GA space?”

“She often is when it comes to those types. I know she can do some spooky stuff with that Force magic. I would not fall asleep yet. That’s my job, ha!”

“Ugh, sir!”

“Now now, you keep awake and keep on the monitors, I’m going to get some shuteye up near the pilot…page me if anything goes wrong and keep tailing this group. And keep an eye open for transmissions from the main fleet. We’re not the only ones on a mission like this.”

“Aye, sir.” The young man replied, more than a little disgruntled. He had been staring at the same signatures and images of the convoy for hours.

—---------------------------------------Some Time Later—--------------------------------------

“Sir! SIR!” The young man shouted through his commlink.

Urghhayah?” The older man replied, before composing himself in the copilot’s chair. “What is it?

“Final Dawn forces sir! They just dropped out of hyperspace! A cruiser-possibly interdictor and two frigates! Right among the convoy!”

“Send a tight-beam encrypted transmission to Commodore Alasdair! And keep monitoring the situation, I’ll be there shortly. And pilot, once we send that transmission, I want you to haul ass on a 60 degree bearing for a bit, then cut north another 60 degrees, keeping our stealth field on! Then we go dark until the Commodore decides what he wants to do, if anything.”

“Sir, yes sir!”

i5g6+3EwARar2WUdLeCgroYVANntbC4uM3Ns5Zh94uiH7tzQXZqcAC0thYATcmcoqc9ZNJ7WrThqcS8ckYiPblVVlLMV938zD6Z76Z2vCg9TNuVdKEvqtAfzjc9GRRK0uLh8gRy1ltYcZlohv2CCDboI510GLc4QaOLuOIO5JRq1X9t4I+aprHS5ceDKYC8pL4OzYDNa683pdpc6WWstUC1PjPXggVGewkpdETY12JkgGhp/ugObeeFOjGwBiYMMjSvs59atQBZf9sv5VdBfXrDjPSTy6dmUUIUjiCHXoe5cpHZbbPtSnnvNgRkLHztu.” The encrypted transmission read, if anyone picked up on it to try to decode it. It was a variant of an Imperial military transcription technique.

CETCOM CETCOM Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen




As the first shots we're exchanged outside the Interdictor, Baron Vonreg made his way to the Heavy Cruiser's main hangar where he was greeted by his four squadmates, who had waited for their arrival. "Ah Baron Vonreg, we we're waiting for you." a pilot cried out as Vonreg approached them. "All the necessary preparations are ready for our mission." the Pilot added. "Good." the Baron replied. "It's about time we joined the others, outside. We can't let them have all the fun." the Baron said, while smirking behind his helmet.

It had been a while since he had seen some action, especially after his confrontation with Tren Chaar Tren Chaar over the skies of Exegol, and the Baron was especially eager to claim more lives in the Crimson Lining's pursuit of vengeance against those who wronged them. After boarding their
Starfighters, the Crimson Baron and his four Squadmates would pour out of a small hangar along the side of the Cruiser, rushing fourth to join the ongoing battle between the Interdictor's First Wave of Small Craft and the Convoy's Escort, ready to annihilate anyone who came across them in the name of glory for the Final Dawn.

Tags | Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland | OPEN


Horando Hafey


I don't remember...where I am. I know I am somewhere...but nowhere also. There is so many many viewpoints to see through the cameras. So many much information to process just on looking outside. I don't get it...why was I sent out here? It has been years one seems to answer the call no more. Was I abandoned out here? Was I left to rot in fate itself? Such an empty part of space...with almost no fuel left. This feels like a part of my ancestor is watching for me. It knew it could be a grave...but yet it is so elegantly built, something I can never do.

Wait, what was that noise? I can hear it from is garbled, unlike anything I have listened to before. So much...broadcasted, so encrypted. I can just...barely etch out a few words. Wait, there is a small ping...there it is again! I know where it came from, a signal, a piece of hope! Perhaps finally get out of this prison that I been laid onto! I just got enough to go there...I hope this is not the end. I hope there is something on the other side.


A loud whine erupted on communications from each part of the battlefield. A loud whomp with garbled frequency, a loud set of whining and beeping that became frantic. A designation from the former Zweihander Union kept popping up, something that had been outdated for decades now. Rather violently, right close to their forces but far enough to avoid any hostile engagements, erupted a rather small frigate, almost could been classified as a corvette, coming out of Hyperspace with an outdated hyperdrive.


When it came into range, a broadcast signal was put out there. The signal briefly could been identified as G.A. (Galactic Alliance) before it switched to Z.U. (Zweihander Union) before it ended up finally at a set of letters. H.A.F.E.Y. Designation. The starship was in standby mode and appeared before the battlefield to be...undecided on the conflict before it. Those that register the ship designation would come up rather quickly with an aged Sapphire-class Attack Frigate, believed to numbering at this time in less than fourteen left in the Galaxy at large.

There was a brief broadcast message as it was very simple.


It seemed rather if it had no idea what was going on, like a silent observer to an already chaotic situation. If anyone who been with Final Dawn for a length of time even knew about the Hafeys, there was a distinct chance someone could know the ship designation. Though the ship signature seemed to bear a strange...communication plip, as if something from their previous coding was...responsible for this. Regardless, a potential influence on the battlefield had arrived and it seemed...hesitant to make a move.

Tags: CETCOM CETCOM Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg
“Receiving encrypted tight beam transmission!” yelped the young comm’s officer on the Black Argus SAWACS vessel, clearly unnerved by the comparatively colossal frigate that had appeared above them and asked what seemed to be like question across an open band frequency. Luckily for them they were still cloaked.

“What does it read?” asked the graying senior officer hurriedly, sweat appearing on his brow.

“The Tenacity is requesting the coordinates of the Final Dawn fleet and the current tactical situation.”

“Send them.”

“Very well, sir, but if we send them now, even with an encrypted transmission, that odd frigate above us will surely be able to zero in on us, at least until we move after beaming it. What should we do?”

There was a long pause, the elder officer’s brow furrowing in deep thought for a minute or two before responding.

“The way that it addressed us…it seemed…uncertain and artificial. A rogue AI in need of direction? Here is what we will do…”

Two messages simultaneously burst from the Black Argus a few moments later, a heavily encrypted one directed towards the vast expanse of space to the Tenacity and the other to the strange frigate directly. The latter was a simple reply, accompanied by an anti-Final Dawn propaganda packet highlighting the evil deeds of the rogue Imperial faction and their willingness to team up with those who sought to destroy everything in the Galaxy, the AI onboard included, and IFF codes. The Argus began blasting off immediately after sending the two transmissions under its cloaking device, janking this way and that, to throw off any attempts to fire at it or detect its location.



As the Final Dawn forces and the Stormbringer began their assault on the comparatively lightly defended convoy, their starfighters engaging the defender’s own in a furious but ultimately hopeless duel for the latter, the encrypted transmission went out to a preplanned position in hyperspace. As the strenuous opening minutes of the battle continued on, it would blaze through the vast distance of space until it was received, acknowledged, and forwarded.

Got you, Mawite scum.

Space suddenly folded and warped behind the Stormbringer and its two escort frigates as the vast triangle of the LES Tenacity, a Bulwark II class Star Destroyer of the Empire of the Lost, apparated behind them along with its escort the LES Allegiance. Both immediately opened fire without hesitation or even an announcement of who they were on the northernmost escort frigate, ion cannons, turbolasers, and heavy concussion missiles streaming toward the rear of the Nebulon, seeking to annihilate it as soon as possible. It seemed as if whoever it was knew the futility of attempting to extract surrender out of the Final Dawn.

On the bridge sat, a confident young man in a black Imperial commodore’s uniform with blue eyes and white hair, watching a variety of tactical data from his command chair as he watched the firepower of his comparatively small command unleash itself upon the unsuspecting Mawites.

“Commodore Alasdair, the initial attack plan is going off without a hitch with the coordinates SAWACS provided. No problems with the exit out of hyperspace.”

“Good. Continue firing at that frigate, I want it destroyed before the Mawites can muster a response. Scramble all our strikecraft in a defensive screen around the Tenacity. Don’t have them stray too far from the cover of our point defense guns, we’re here to let the larger ships do the work today.”
Alasdair replied, blue eyes fixed upon the mounting battle, reminiscent in many ways of the one his mother fought against the Final Dawn and Mawites at Tython so many years ago.

26 years later and Sularen is still at it. He must be like Mother in a lot of ways, never willing to give up no matter what life may throw at him. One of these days I think I’d like to meet the man.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Haon Hafey Haon Hafey

Final Dawn Central Command




Fleet Composition

From the bridge of the Stormbringer, Captain Mills Boward watched as a GR-95 Fleet Transport succumbed to a Missile Barrage unleashed by a pair of TIE Annihilators, going down in a massive ball of fire. "One Transport down, four to go" Boward said to himself as he witnessed to the destruction of the first civilian transport. Already the escorting Assault Fighters we're being slowly cut down by the attacking Terminators and Baron Vonreg's Squadron of TIE Barons. "One Transport down, four to go" Boward said to himself. The Captain then shifted his gaze towards one of the Senor Weapons Officers onboard the bridge before further speaking out. "Are we in range of the Transports?"

"Yes sir. We are." the Officer replied. "Good." Boward said as he began to smirk. "Target the nearest Transport, maximum firepower." the Captain ordered. Within seconds, the batteries of the Stormbringer we're redirected towards one of the GR-95 before unleashing a few volleys of green powerful, that began relentlessly bombarding the Fleet Transport as it tried to evade the Stormbringer, with a combination of attack and bombing runs from TIE Terminators and Annihilators brought down it's shield and enabled the Stormbringer to vaporize the Civilian Transport in the space of less then a minute. "Another Transport down" one of Sensor Officers reported. "Wait!"

"What is it Lieutenant?" Mills Boward asked. "We're detecting two ships jumping from hyperspace!" the Sensor Officer said. "Good" Boward responded. "Inform the High Regent, they have arrived." Boward ordered. "It's time to spring the trap." Soon enough, Two Warships emerged from hyperspace right behind the Small Flotilla, however, before Boward could say something, the two ships almost immediately began opening fire upon one of the Stormbringer's Escorts which caught Boward off-guard as the first volley of shots from ion canons, turbolaser and assault concussion missiles struck the Frigate's Shields, dealing considerable damage to them.

"What the..." Boward said, as he tried to get a grasp of the current situation. "...What's going on?" he asked. He had been expecting the Corellians to at the very least send a warning for his forces to either surrender or withdraw before attacking. "Uh, sir?" one of the Sensor officers said. "Those Ships aren't Corellian Vessels. IFF Transponders have identified them as belonging to...the Empire of the Lost?" he said, somewhat confused himself having never heard of this Empire of the Lost. "Orders sir?" the Senior Weapons officer said. "Have the Fighters resume their attack, withdraw the Fleet to a safer position while adding more pressure on those Transports" the Captain ordered. With only an Interdictor Cruiser at his disposal, there was no way Boward could challenge the enemy Star Destroyer and as such the best possible move he could make would be to create some distance between the Stormbringer and the hostile capital ship, while it was distracted with the Impulse.

As such, the trio of warships would begin pulling out, proceeding to move forwards in order to create some distance from the attacking Capital Ships, while adding some more pressure on the Transports. While his Ships attempted to move away from the Empire of the Lost's Warships, Boward sent a transmission to Baron Vonreg. "Baron Vonreg, this is Captain Boward. I need you to place additional pressure on those Transports. It seems that we have attracted some opposition, far sooner then expected." he said. Hopefully even with these turn of events, the High Regent would gain the results he had sought through the raid they had conducted today, otherwise all of this would have been for nothing and the materials and manpower lost here would have all been sacrificed in vain.


Horando Hafey

Much information...powerful information, catch up information. It absorbed it as quickly as it was transmitted, seeing the atrocities committed from the Final Dawn. There was a bit of silence from the frigate as the information stream seemed to end, unmoving. There was a stream of information sent out, on a rather large broadcast that anyone could pick up.


There was a loud whir like noise as a distinct BANG would erupt like flames in the back of the Sapphire Assault Frigate, as if it was attempting to jump in a gravity well! It then slammed forward at a rather dangerous pace, an engine section actually ripping apart and flying off from the back like a projectile. It then reverted back to space, right in front of the FDS Visitor, in a way that it would probably shock them as it ripped out of hyperspace right in front of them, damaged but functional. It was broadcasting just as its weapons seemed to overcharge.


Then it erupted, Ultra-Power Blast from all laser cannons shot forward to the equivalent of a hundred and sixty light turbolasers, smashing directly into the shields as it attempted to pummel it into submission. Pulse Wave Cannons fired, twenty regular turbolasers fired at once, all in the attempt to disrupt and destroy fast as possible the frigate before it, the fresh target unharmed. It did not target a subsystem at all when it fired, it just let loose as much damage as it possibly could in a short period of time.

Only bad news? After this, there be a bit of improvisation...weapons battery be dry in half a minute of bombardment. Though regardless...for a brief period, it came with the power of a Heavy Cruiser or a Light Star Destroyer.

Tags: CETCOM CETCOM Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland
Commander Kailani Fostu looked out of the viewport of his at the swirl of hyperspace. "Commander, we're entering normal-space in ten!"
"Understood, Lieutenant Trace. Prime all weapons for combat and raise the deflectors as soon as we exit. Junior Lieutenant Lowry, prepare a widespread broadcast."
The comms officer nodded and got to work. Then, the cloud of blue became star streaks, then finally individual stars. The tactical map in front of Kailani immediately became filled with blinking red and green lights. To the cruiser's portside was the Frenzy, a GA anti-starfighter corvette. However, that was where the ease of identification ended. Ahead and to the left were two warships of the Empire of the Lost. Interesting name, the commander thought.
Ahead and to his right, were the forces of the Final Dawn. Kailani scowled. He could identify those Neo-Imperials alright. And it seemed like they were attacking some cargo ships. The comms officer caught his eye, and Kailani began to speak.
"This is Commander Kailani Fostu of the Galactic Alliance. Final Dawn, cease your attack on the cargo ships and surrender. To the ships of the Empire of the Lost, I believe we can form a temporary alliance in defeating the Imperials. For us, protecting the cargo ships and the innocents aboard is of utmost importance."
He motioned for the comms officer to mute the mic, but leave the channel open. "Send a volley of five proton torpedoes at the Final Dawn's frigate. The one that isn't being attacked by the Empire of the Lost. Follow up with concentrated ion cannon fire on their targeting systems. Helm, yaw forty degrees portside, I want a broadside of heavy turbolaser fire on the enemy cruiser. It may be a bit far out now that it's retreating, but try anyway. Frenzy, maneuver around the closest frigate and escort the cargo ships."
Kailani folded his hands behind his back as he watched his crew fulfill his orders. He would have quite the story for Coruscant.
Then, all of a sudden, a frigate appeared out of nowhere above the frigate farthest from the GA fleet. It floated there for a second, then unleashed massive firepower into the Final Dawn's warship. "What in the galaxy?" Kailani asked in awe. What kind of frigate had that kind of firepower?
Given that it was firing at the Final Dawn, then it probably wouldn't turn on Kailani and his forces. He would have to research into that ship a bit later.

Tags: CETCOM CETCOM Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Horando Hafey
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As the Stormbringer moved in to destroy a Second Transport, Baron Vonreg and his four wingmates took out a pair of attacking Assault Fighter after pinning them down through expert maneuvering. "Two more bandits down." Vonreg proclaimed as the Assault Fighters went up in flames. "Crimson Leader, there's an opening near another of those transports." Titan Two said. Outside, one of the Transports we're open to attack as a trio of Assault Fighters duked it out with half a squadron of TIE Terminators in an attempt to hold them off as the Transport attempted to retreat. As soon as the Crimson Baron spotted the opening, he moved his TIE Baron into an attack vector headed towards vulnerable transport, followed by the rest of his wingmates as they began their approach.

As they approached the Transport, the Vonreg watched as Sensor Display indicated the arrival of new ships. "Crimson Leader, i'm picking up five new warships having entered the battlefield, they're attacking the Escort Frigates!" Titan One cried out. Vonreg took a quick glance towards the main fleet, which was currently under attack by five enemy warships, a Star Destroyer, two Frigates, one Cruiser and a small Corvette, with all ships except for the last one attacking the Stormbringer's escorts. It was then that Vonreg received a transmission from Captain Boward. "Baron Vonreg, this is Captain Boward. I need you to place additional pressure on those Transports. It seems that we have attracted some opposition, far sooner then expected."

Vonreg took a second glance at the attacking enemy force and quickly noticed something, one of the Frigates that was attacking the FDS Visitor had suffered some damage to it's engines which was visible to him as a small trail of smoke emerging from the rear of the Vessel. "Negative, Captain Boward" Vonreg said as he replied to the Captain. "I think our skills can be best used relieving your task force from the pressure of the attacking ships" he proclaimed. Vonreg then opened a communication to the rest of his squadron. "Titan Squadron, disengage, we have a new target. The Enemy Frigate targeting the Visitor" he said. Soon enough, Vonreg pulled his TIE Baron away from it's initial attack vector on the GR-96 Transport and instead headed towards the Enemy Frigate followed by the Rest of his Squadron. By taking it down, they could decrease the amount pressure the enemy was placing on Boward's Task Force and hopefully begin to turn the tides against the enemy fleet.


LES Tenacity: 100/100
LES Allegiance: 100/100

“Sir! Galactic Alliance forces dropping out of hyperspace now!” His XO, Captain Tullius, exhorted.

Oh? It seems they are active in this portion of the galaxy after all. A little late, but that is what one can expect from a system based on bureaucracy after all.

Alasdair listened to the voice of the Galactic Alliance commander, thoughtfully nodding as he did so. He signaled for his comms officer to open a channel to the GA forces as he continued to think.

Well, we are “Imperials” as well, but I get what the man means. The Final Dawn has bastardized that name, sowing chaos when what those who claim to be loyal to Imperial ideology should be doing is enforcing order and security. That and it still clings to its Mawite ideology, so long after it was decisively shown to be rejected by the galaxy and its people. Very well.

“I agree to your terms, Commander. Let us take out this Mawite remnant scum and restore order to this portion of the galaxy. ”

With that simple transmission, the Empire of the Lost and the Galactic Alliance were now allies in this fight. An odd mixture, given the two differing ideologies, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend…at least while the enemy was still alive at any rate. And the Final Dawn had made enemies with everyone.

“Captain, order the Allegiance to continue its full assault on the Impulse, and divert 25% of our firepower to it as well. We’re going to knock out their shields and then their engines and get a mobility kill on them for the moment and leave them as sitting ducks be taken care of as we please. The rest of guns I want aimed at taking down the Stormbringer’s shields, I do not want them to slip away: there is much we could learn by capturing it. Finally, send Vega and Gamma Squadrons to deal with those TIES moving towards the automated frigate. It has proven useful so far, and it can perhaps be a future ally if we can salvage it!”

“Excellent choices, Commodore.” Tellius replied, before going to relay on his orders.

Soon enough the full guns of the heavily armed Allegiance frigate began opening fire on the rear of the Impulse, bolstered with 25% of the power of the Tenacity itself. Turbolasers, ion cannons, and concussions missiles sought to punch through its shields and kill its engines, preventing its escape no matter what else happened during the battle today. The majority of the heavy guns on the Tenacity began opening fire on the Stormbringer’s shields, hoping to severely damage them enough for the next round of attacks to begin to punch through their shields. Both lurched forward after their intended targets as well at a reasonable speed, easily keeping pace with the Stormbringer while falling a little bit behind the Impulse-until hopefully its engines were shot out. Unlike many Imperial vessels, they had not sacrificed their speed and maneuverability at the cost of firepower, and unfortunately for the Final Dawn’s commander, the Stormbringer had, seeming to be as slow if not actually slower than the Tenacity in return for its hardiness.

Meanwhile, Vega and Gamma Squadrons moved to intercept the Baron and his men, their engines screaming in the void of space as they did so but they would not make it against the elite Final Dawn squadron until it had gotten at least some shots off against the allied frigate, but hopefully it would be enough to prevent even more severe damage to their “ally”.

Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg CETCOM CETCOM Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Horando Hafey
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GA Npc

Lieutenant Cryz Wrispi of GA Cargo Group 37 looked out of the transparisteel viewport as the TIE's rained fire down on his squadron. A voice came through the comm. "Help! Lieutenant! We're being slaughte-"

The ensign was cut off as a massive missile barrage took out the transport ship. Cryz gripped the pilot's seat in front of him hard, his knuckles turning white. "Full evasive, pilot! Full evasive! Flank speed towards jump coordinates! We have to make it out of here!" the Lieutenant cried.

The pilot pushed the throttle all the way forward and they shot off towards their escape...hopefully. Suddenly, the scanner emitted a high pitched beep and two signatures popped up on the tactical map. A Star Destroyer and a frigate. He muttered, "Please, Force, not more Final Dawn..."

"Sir!" the pilot exclaimed. "The newcomers are opening fire on the Final Dawn!"

"Thank the Force!" Cryz sobbed.

Another few beeps and more signatures appeared on the viewscreen. There was another freighter of unknown design, and two more ships from hyperspace. The latest two ships, a heavy cruiser and a corvette, had GA tags.

The cruiser began to broadcast a message.
"This is Commander Kailani Fostu of the Galactic Alliance. Final Dawn, cease your attack on the cargo ships and surrender. To the ships of the Empire of the Lost, I believe we can form a temporary alliance in defeating the Imperials. For us, protecting the cargo ships and the innocents aboard is of utmost importance."
The Empire of the Lost? Cryz had never heard of it before, but he was glad they were on his side. Maybe. On the tactical, the GA corvette began making its way toward the convoy, blasting long range laser cannon fire at the attacking TIEs.

Cryz was presented with a difficult decision. Try to make it to the hyperspace coordinates, which were a dozen kilometers away, or go back to the GA ship and go through a swarm of TIEs and a better fire arc from the Final Dawn's strange bulbous cruiser.

Cryz could have sworn he read the that the humps on particular ships served a purpose... He dismissed the thought. "Pilot, keep flying towards the jump coords. We can make it."

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg CETCOM CETCOM Horando Hafey
Final Dawn Central Command





Fleet Composition

"Baron Vonreg, this is Captain Boward. I need you to place additional pressure on those Transports. It seems that we have attracted some opposition, far sooner then expected."

"Negative, Captain Boward. I think our skills can be best used relieving your task force from the pressure of the attacking ships. Titan Squadron, disengage, we have a new target. The Enemy Frigate targeting the Visitor"

"Let's hope you know what you're doing, Baron." Boward said in response to the Ace Pilot. Already the Final Dawn Captain's Small Task Force was outnumbered and outgunned with no proper frontline warships at their disposal to challenge the Empire of the Lost's Star Destroyer while more ships continued to enter the fight, adding further pressure to the Final Dawn Task Force. However, orders we're orders and both Boward and Vonreg had been precisely instructed to continue fighting even when faced with overwhelming odds. Hopefully, what the High Regent had planned today would be worth the losses they would suffer here.

"Sir, two more ships emerging from hyperspace" A Sensor officer cried out. As the Stormbringer and it's Escorts withdrew from the battlefield, an additional pair of warships in the form of an Alliance Heavy Cruiser and Anti-Starfighter Corvette emerged from hyperspace. "Sir, we're receiving a transmission from the lead Alliance Vessel" the Senior Communications Officer announced. "Put it through" Boward ordered. Soon enough the crew of the Stormbringer's bridge we're met with an ultimatum from the Alliance vessel...

"This is Commander Kailani Fostu of the Galactic Alliance. Final Dawn, cease your attack on the cargo ships and surrender."

For a small moment, the bridge of the Stormbringer went silent as it's crew instinctively looked at Boward for instructions and guidance. "Continue the withdrawal from the main zone of combat and stay on our current course towards the rendezvous point. Deploy the Second Wave of Fighters and Bombers to deal with the reinforcements along with the fighter wings of our Escort." the Captain ordered. Shortly after Boward had given his orders, the bridge of the Stormbringer shook, from an explosion outside. "Captain! The Impulse's Engines have been destroyed!" a Sensor Officer cried out. "Leave them behind, if we're lucky, they will focus their firepower in order to absolutely destroy the Frigate." Boward ordered. "But sir-" one officer tried to protest but was immediately cut off by Captain Boward. "We have specific instructions from the High Regent, any slight deviation from it will jeopardize this operation, and i for one do not want to be on the receiving end of his wrath." the Captain proclaimed.

The Bridge then shook again, as the Stormbringer and it's remaining Escort that was able to keep up with it struggled to get ahead of the enemy, whose warships seemed to be more then capable of catching up with the fleeing warships. By now, the two vessels would have been able to ditch the other Frigate and return safely into Final Dawn Territory but instead had opted to continue to withdraw, as the Final Dawn had something special planned for these interlopers. No longer would this mission be centered around destroying the convoy, but now it's priority was the complete and utter destruction of the interfering warships.

Commander Fostu observed closely as the enemy retreated, leaving behind one of their immobilized frigates. Interesting tactic. What could they be planning? "Lieutenant Lowry, open a tight beam, high-encryption line to the allied Star Destroyer and Commodore Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland . Meanwhile, have the CR90 pull back to defend us. Launch one squadron of X-wings to escort the remaining transports to their jump coords."

"Line open, Commander!" Lowry reported.

"Commodore Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland , I don't think we should charge after the Final Dawn recklessly. Believe me, I want to destroy them as much as the next man, but never would they suffer defeat so easily as this. Let us sit back for a moment and plan."

Kailani could only hope the commodore would listen. In all the holos of past battles Fostu had watched, he'd learned that a strangely timed retreat was usually a setup for a trap. "Commodore, I believe that the trap starts with the gravity well generators on the FDS Stormbringer. I don't know what type or model of generators they are, but the average gravity well generator for a ship that size will be perfect for an ambush. By this, I mean that the edge of the artificial gravity well will be right behind you and I at the same time. If our enemy has reinforcements waiting nearby, and those reinforcements have perfect timing, they will be able to execute a precise jump and come out of hyperspace directly behind us. Just a thought, Commodore."

He muted the transmission and said, "Helm, yaw fifty degrees portside. If the enemy is indeed planning to jump directly behind us, we will be prepared with a broadside from port."

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland CETCOM CETCOM Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg

Horando Hafey


They were filling up his entire array of information flow. It was difficult to astertain but then he felt the power surge occur as all weapons ceased to fire. It had overloaded the batteries and will need considerable time to recharge. Attempting to turn, missile warning spiked the entire interface as small cluster munitions were laid out, trying to stop it...till one missile did get through. It then happened, a loud set of explosions occured all around the starship as the middle of the starship was hit by a very nasty missile.

Quake Missile. SNAP.

Then more seem to come in from a very hostile starfighter group, each one shaking the starship more till the snapping noises resounded louder before it finally exploded right at the spine. A horrendous crunching noise and then the Sapphire Assault Frigate was cut completely in half! An eruption of explosions started to occur, the front half moving forward by itself with the other half from the rear, flying the opposite direction as it was hit with such combined strength, it was soon about to be obliterated!


The data transmission bounced back towards all known friendlies, it had known of the Galactic Alliance from the propaganda it received along with the Empire of the Lost. The AI was in trouble and needed someone to receive him in a data packet transfer. The Final Dawn had a chance to retrieve it...or something of it but right now, it was on board a dying frigate that was out of control!

Tags: Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) CETCOM CETCOM Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg
Commander Kailani Fostu watched the frigate's structure shatter down the middle. He grimaced. He'd lost an ally, and all the lives aboard. "Commander!" came the voice of Lieutenant Lowry. "We are recieving a request for a data transmission from the destroyed allied frigate!"

"Send it through," Kailani said, curious. Who had lived long enough through that explosive decompression to send a transmission?

"Sir," the commander's first officer said, "the data being transferred is the programming of an AI. Also, our sensors officer picked up something unusual from the frigate. Even though there should have been explosive decompression, there are no bodies out floating in space."

"Interesting. Send the AI data to my datapad. I am going to install it on my console in my quarters. Lieutenant Commander Senfri, you are in command until I come back," Kailani ordered, walking off the bridge and through a blast door.

In his quarters, he plugged his datapad into his larger console and started transferring the data. An unknown program, designated only as H.A.F.E.Y, requested microphone access. Kailani pressed a glowing red button and spoke. "This is Commander Kailani Fostu of the Galactic Alliance. Who are you?"

Horando Hafey
Personality Trait: Cautious

Alasdair had already considered what the Alliance commander suggested to him, which was why he had placed some of his TIE squadrons behind the Tenacity to ensure any attempted jump out of hyperspace behind would result in a catastrophic relativistic speed ramming between his TIES and whatever the Dawn was trying to pull out of hyperspace. He was simply waiting to observe how the enemy was acting on the off chance this was a genuine Mawite raid and not part of some grander scheme by Sularen. Part of him wanted to continue the chase, to score a crushing, if minor, victory against the forces of the Mawites here today, but he knew better. He sighed.

“I had considered that possibility, I was simply waiting for confirmation. Thank you, commander.”

Luckily for Alasdair, the engines of the Impulse exploded under the combined fire of the Tenacity and the Allegiance, stranding one of the Final Dawn’s more mobile ships. Unfortunately at the same time, their AI ally’s ship was sliced in half, and the Alliance was able to secure the program before he could. He cursed under his breath-they could have truly utilized that AI, but one could not win everything and for today the Alliance was their “ally”.

“Focus all fire on the Stormbringer to bring down their shields and have the Tenacity execute a Burtch Style 7 maneuver. Have our squadrons moving to protect the AI frigate pull back to their original positions, we can do nothing more for them now.”

The Tenacity and Allegiance focused their full firepower on the Stormbringer, ignoring the stranded and comparatively useless Impulse for the moment-it could barely turn to begin with and with its engines destroyed it was stuck with most of its guns facing away from the Empire’s ships, it in theory could use its thrusters to slowly turn towards them but it would take quite a while. Meanwhile the Tenacity halted its advance forward, turning such so that its rear and engines were covered by its escort frigate and its foreward portion faced towards the Galactic Alliance cruiser, with its heavy broadside guns on its port side continuing to face the Stormbringer while its starboard guns now faced the space behind the vessel, prepared for any ambush out of hyperspace.

Overall, the two ships had unleashed a large amount of firepower towards the slow Stormbringer and even halting their advance, and going forward could still continue to pummel it at its range thanks to its slow speed, albeit now with only around half of the Tenacity’s full firepower which was still considerable and the full firepower of the Allegiance which was nothing to sniff at. Hopefully the Galactic Alliance Assault Cruiser would open fire with its guns on the Stormbringer as well-if they could crumple its shields they could kill its engines and then its gravity well generators as well. He opened a channel to the Alliance Cruiser.

“Commander, if you advance and focus fire with your cruiser on the Stormbringer as it tries to limp away, we can cover your rear. The combined firepower of half a Star Destroyer, a frigate, and your cruiser combined should deal with its already weakened shields in short order, and we could possibly damage it before the Final Dawn springs its trap. If we take out its engines and gravity well generators, we could throw their plan into disarray."

CETCOM CETCOM Horando Hafey Wilhelm Vonreg Wilhelm Vonreg Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)
The door ring chimed as Kailani tried to talk with the AI a second time. "Come in."

His first officer, Lieutenant Commander Kath Swreepi, stood at the threshold of his quarters in a rigid salute. "Sir, there is a message from Commodore Voland awaiting you in the bridge. Would you like me to route it to you?"

"That won't be necessary, Swreepi. I will rejoin you on the bridge shortly." Kailani continued tapping away at his console. He checked the data of the AI, and ensured that it was being powered. Interesting. Then he had a thought. He downloaded the data package back onto his datapad and shut off his console.

On the bridge, he handed his pad to Swreepi and told her, "Plug it into the weapons station. The weapons officer will stand by and observe the AI. If at any point this data package is deemed to be less successful than the officer, remove the data and reinstate the officer."

He was interested to see what the AI could do. "Play the message, Lieutenant Lowry."

She nodded and pressed a button.
“Commander, if you advance and focus fire with your cruiser on the Stormbringer as it tries to limp away, we can cover your rear. The combined firepower of half a Star Destroyer, a frigate, and your cruiser combined should deal with its already weakened shields in short order, and we could possibly damage it before the Final Dawn springs its trap. If we take out its engines and gravity well generators, we could throw their plan into disarray."
Bold of the commodore to assume that Kailani would trust them right off the bat. The commander had a plan, though. "Helm, face us towards the retreating Final Dawn cruiser. Full power. Also, ready a maneuver. After a minute of driving towards the enemy, shut off the main engines and yaw ninety degrees to port. At that moment, I want a starboard broadside concentrated on the Final Dawn's engines."

It was the best way of attacking the Final Dawn, but also defending against possible betrayal by Commodore Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland that Kailani could think of in the moment.

A minute later, the thrust from the main engines carried them towards the Final Dawn, and the GA cruiser was faced towards the Empire of the Lost's Star Destroyer, drifting in space. Kailani observed the tactical and grimaced. He would be in the way of the Star Destroyer's broadside in a few minutes. "Helm, adjust our course. Bring us down a bit so we don't interfere with our ally's broadside. Roll a bit to port so we can keep firing on the Final Dawn's engines."

Kailani opened a channel to the Star Destroyer. "Commodore, we are hitting the Star Destroyer with all our starboard batteries. It should be out soon."

Horando Hafey Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland CETCOM CETCOM




Additional Squadrons [Attack Run vs. The Tenacity]
As Titan Squadron closed in on the Assault Frigate, their Sensor Display began to blare up as the small squadron picked up new enemies nearby. "Looks like we have Company Crimson Leader, two TIE Fighter Squadrons from the looks of it." Titan One cried out. "Acknowledged, Titan One." Vonreg responded. "Titan Squadron, shunt all power to the Engines. We're going to blast right through those TIEs and straight for that Assault Ship." the Baron ordered as he proceeded to manipulate his power management systems to shift all power to his Engines, followed by the rest of his Squadron as they raced towards the Frigate closing the distance with the enemy TIEs

Soon enough, a TIE Fighter appeared on the Combat Display of Baron Vonreg's TIE Baron as the distance between Titan Squadron and the two TIE Squadrons shortened. "Titan One, stay on my wing, Titans Two to Four blast a hole right through the rest of the TIEs and keep them busy for as long as possible." Vonreg ordered as the opposing TIEs clashed in a frontal assault as both sides unleashed a barrage of plasma canon fire upon one another, with Titan Squadron eliminating at least one Hostile TIE in their opening barrage. Thanks to the
Phalkt Metal Hulls of the TIE Terminator, they we're able to withstand and survive the initial barrage from their counterparts allowing Titan Squadron to execute Vorneg's plan.

After the first exchange of plasma fire between both Squadrons, Titans Two, Three and Four split off from Vonreg and Titan One in order to confront the remaining TIEs and keep them busy as the two TIE Barons made their run against the enemy Assault Frigate, with the Frigate having exhausted itself with it's attack on one of the Final Dawn's own Frigate it's only defense being a few small cluster anti-missile munitions. Once the Two TIE Barons of Vonreg and Titan One got into range of the Assault Frigate they unleashed a rapid barrage of
Quake Missiles upon the Frigate before pulling out immediately, utilizing their quick speed to create some distance between themselves and the Target. Despite putting up some resistance, the rapid barrage of Missiles was eventually able to penetrate the Damaged Frigate's defenses, eventually hitting their target and dealing enough damage to split the entire Frigate in half.

"That's one Frigate down." Vonreg said as the Frigate vanished from his Combat Display upon being destroyed. "Alright Titan One, let's help out the rest of the Squadron." he added as he pulled his TIE Baron around to assist the rest of Titan Squadron along with Titan One. As they came into view of the ongoing dogfight between Titans Two, Three and Four, and the Hostile TIEs (Whose numbers had been reduced by half by now), the Hostile TIEs began pulling back towards the main fleet allowing Titan Squadron to regroup.

Once Titan Squadron had regrouped, Baron Vonreg elected to go on the offensive, aiming to take out the other Capital Ships of the enemy Fleet. Thus, the Final Dawn Ace Pilot opened a transmission for all nearby friendly squadrons to pick up. "All Squadrons, on me." he ordered, as he raced towards the LES Tenacity, he would be the one to turn the tides of this battle and it would be up to the High Regent to finish off the enemy force and secure victory for the Final Dawn.





Fleet Composition


Things we're not looking good for Boward. Despite Vonreg's successful counter-attack against one of the enemy frigates, Boward's Interdictor Cruiser and remaining Escorting Frigate we're still under heavy fire from pursuing enemy forces as they began to intensify their bombardment while maintaining a close distance to both warships. "Our Primary Shields are down to 37%" one of the Defense Officers cried out, as the bridge shook again. "How far are we from the rendezvous point." Boward inquired. "We're approximately a hundred klicks away from our destination" the Chief Navigation Officer proclaimed.

"That's good enough." Boward responded. "Have the ship turned around at a 90 degree angle, with our starboard side facing the enemy warships. As the Visitor have them cover our rear engines incase the enemy tries to add further pressure" he ordered. "It's time to unleash our surprise."

As ordered, the FDS Stormbringer began to slow down before turning at a 90 degree angle in order to have it's starboard side face their pursuers with their batteries lined up against both the Tenacity and the Alliance Bothan Assault Cruiser as if it was preparing to launch a counter-attack, while the Visitor positioned itself near the Stormbringer's engines to shield it from any attack from both enemy starfighters and warships. With his Cruiser in position, Boward was now in the position to execute the first step of Sularen's intended trap. "Deploy the Laser Killer Defense System and activate all available countermeasures. We'll hold the line here for as long as the High Regent needs it."

Boward and Vonreg had played their parts already, and now it was time for the main course to be served to their foes.

Fleet Composition
Starfighter Composition

With Captain Boward repositioning his Interdictor Cruiser to have it's starboard side facing the pursuing enemy fleet, it was about time the Final Dawn deployed it's reserves, in order to accomplish their true objective here. Hidden a few klicks away facing the port side of the FDS Stormbringer we're half a dozen FD-400 Heavy Attack Corvettes, fully cloaked and fully invisible to the sensors of the attacking enemy warships, having been there the entire time even before the arrival of Boward's Task Force Hux. Their purpose? To test their own destructive capabilities in their first combat mission since their initial development years ago during the height of the Second Great Hyperspace War.

Standing onboard the bridge of the lead Corvette, designated FD-400, was none other then the High Regent of the Final Dawn, Marlon Sularen along with his trusted aide Colonel Rackham who had spent the last few minutes spectating the ongoing fight between Boward's Task Force and the attacking forces from the Empire of the Lost and the Galactic Alliance. "Sir, Captain Boward's Cruiser is in position, the trap is set." Rackham said standing vigilantly at the High Regent's side. "Good, now it's time to unleash the full might of the Final Dawn Navy. Let's see what our Heavy Attack Corvettes can do." the High Regent proclaimed.

"Sir, all Corvettes are in position and have reported that their Ordinance Launchers are fully loaded." The Senior Communications Officer reported. "Very well then." Sularen responded. "All ships, concentrate fire on the enemy star destroyer and deploy all starfighter squadrons" the High Regent ordered.

Within seconds, dozens of
VIM-67 Stealth Missiles we're unleashed from the Ordinance Launchers of each Corvette, which began to pick up speed as they raced towards their target whose port side directly faced the front of the Corvettes. As the Corvettes would unleash volley after volley of Stealth Missiles upon their targets, the six Stealth Corvettes would begin deploying their compliments of Imperial TIE Drones for a total of 288 TIE Drones, which rushed towards the Bothan Assault Cruiser with the intent of overwhelming the Alliance Cruiser with sheer numbers and overwhelming firepower.


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